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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1900, p. 4

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~OF 011 SU play Sdonc b estE ':give:l gelsm Slinos. beons Brass Bc-,Xe large SBask( SCaleî Fouri onTi é4"IF BOWMANVILIE. JAN. 3, 1900. Supplemnentary meetings of the %Vest Duiamn Farmers' Itistitute are 10 be held next week; the progfýram will ho seen on another page. This district gets credit for holding splendid farmes s' meetings and nowtvhe holiday s are ever we bespeak the usual large attendance The speakers are woll qualitied te discuss intelligently the sujects selected. SUBSCRII'TI1ON RATES. 'ESMAN to end Of 1900 $1 0 CSMAN and Weekly Globe 1 75 TESMINAN, Globe and Premium 2 90 -ATL'SMAN anid \eckly Mail 1 9j ITATIE5MAN and Family Herald 1 90 STArESMAN and Farming (weekly) T 90 STATESMAN anMd FarmersB Adveeate 1 90 STATE SxAN and Guardip 1 2 0 STATE-,smAN and Montreal XXitness 1 75 STATESMAiN and Montreal llerald 1 7,5 STATES31AN and Western Advertiseri 75 STATESMAN and Breedcr's Gazette 2 5 0 1STATESSIAN and Leslie's Weekly 3 50 STATESMýA-N and Toronto -Vorld 3 50 STATESIMAN and Daily GIlobe 4 75 ST.ATrEýSMAN and Toronto Daili' Star 3 o0 STA î, ' ,Sand Evening Globe 3 50 STA E-MA and Dailv Witneý;s 3 0 STATESMAN and Weeklv Sun 1 40 CADMUS, Cadmus Mthodist Church Tea was a good successe Receîpts $55..The old inembers cf the Council were ail returned hy acclamation ..Cases cf dipli'heria are reporelin Blackst cz... N.Mr. James Brown, ded Dec, 16 afler a prolonged illness ... Mr.Perey Edgertoti, teacher, S. S. No. 5, lior the past 'Iîears, was presented with a b'eautiful wstch chain and Fountain pen bithe cilîdren of his school.. The ire of sehool No. 6, presented terteacher, Miss Sophia Parr, with a toilet set,...Miss Annie Philp, Elgin, vlsited friends bore recently,.... Mrs. ýRichard Taylor, Ilarriston, recently visited friend s.. Mi. Jas. Nesbitt, has moved into his new house.... Nestieton Methodists will huild a newchurch next sulnmer. KICKED fIlS PIYSICIAN. I'Neyer Leave Hia lied Alive," Said tbe Doctor *-soutih American Riseumatie Cure Does tise Miracle. Mr. Granville Hlaight,of Sparta,Ont., Rays bis fathier, who is a very old man, was very low froma a severe attack of Theumatissm. Hs phisician assured the farnil v ho would neyer leave his bed alive A friend teck a botte of South Americani Rheumatic Cure to hîm. A few dais lter upon receîving a visit ïrom thle doctor, hie ran across the room, and pla.%1fully administered a heartv kick.IlIe is now up and as well as ever. Sold bv J. Higginbotham & Son. OSHAWA.à Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Clemens, Tyrone, and Yr. Robt. Pollard, have been visit- ing Sir. D. Pallard .... Miss Mabel Dolling- bas eeturned from a three Jmonths' visit with friends in Brockville. and INew York . ,... Me. John Cowan bas donated $600 towards irnproving the library cf BishoD Bthune Cllege Mr. Cowan bas contributed $6,000 te thi institution.... Mlr. J T, Gould sailed lie the ' Teutonie" from New Yorkfor England on business cenneci. ed witb the expert cf catrie trade.. Mr and Mes. J. C. P. de Krofft visited hEw mether, Mrs. W IL. Thomnas, on their way throv.gh te Xahing-ton, D.C. for Christmas..,.. Me. -and Mes. J. R. Din le and son cf New York, and Mr.r Duly Dingle, Winnipeg, are visiting Mrs. W. T. Dingle .. . .Oshawa Lodg Ne. 98 A. 0, U, W. have elected t he following officers: P. M. W., E. San- ders; M W.,,N. Watts; Foreman, G. Harrison, Overseer, R. Smith; Recorder W. Mler; Secretaev, Wm. l)ickie; Rle. celvr Wm. H. Ford; Guide, Wiliant Dinner; 1. W., Ge. Hopper;O0. W., J. ]rnett; Rep te G. L., Wm. H. Ford; Alterniate, Geo. Ric.... Over $60 were dteared at the Medcalf St. chureh tea t and cenccst last week .... Mrs. (Dr.) Clarke was discovered by a neighbor in her houce lying at the foot cf thse stairs ini an insensible condition with. ber hip- b boue badty fractured. Her recevery i. ti dwubtfulý Fer interai or externai nue> HAQ- lr"iy>3 YELIOW OIL cannot b. ex- eflivd ase a paln relleving and soothinaM re.meGy f*r aiu pain. I MAPLE GROVE. 7Mrlî. Fred' R-. F"leX "utî'ctained Ili Sussd't Scool class lest week anîd tî boe, s bcd a jellv'l iee... -Me. and Mi*s Rl-. Sîsosidesi gav'e tlîeir naul diîunei party ti thc cousins Wednesdaî-- Ra'. il1XW.-Fo1es , 13 A , Victu <si;l c I "t'. g't.î oc s'oiy iulupie-si',e clii mes e t the League lest ,"s'l .... R ei' E. X Moe î :rt -le, cii lncied the s-i e navers' acceptable minnier blnda) 1 HF OEDTIIE Suoso.Aldc s tees told Reaicit Hamilton, cf Wesi Jefferson, O., afior suffci'ri- 18 monlhi 1fcom Rectal Fistule, ho w ould die uiesý e costly cîseraticus was o'forniod; but ho, cured lîlînsof svith fivceues cf Bue klesu's Arnica Salve, th. - uresI Fil' cure on earth, and the bi 8,'alvecia th( vu'ceid. 25 -ents c, hox. Soid hy Stoti and Jury, Druggists. M1T. VEIZNON"Ç. Holiday Visitoes: Me. B. Souci at homeW fic sebocf Flai'macy; Miss Lillie Gilbert cI home; Me. J. Lang maid and femity, SeuIls Darlingtoi, Ze Me E. Aneis; Me. audJ MIss Buisor acd Miss K. Kuapp. Brooklii, et Me.J Orchard's; 1Me. ccd Mes CG. Argue s'isit- cd feieîîds in, Toronto; Mr. MIcmaggart s'isited bis parenuts,' Eueter- Miss Flo- rensce Amuni-, is lImisse aflter c pleasaîr s'isil w'ith fcioîîds at Ebeuuezer.... A nunîbos of fî'îecds wece et ithe statior 10 gi-oct Mr. anîd Mî's. J Pasece or Iheir arrisaIl is Dakota ..Congratula- tiens 10 Me. B. F. Souch on bis succos< et the schbol cif harmacv... M r. H. Abraham had a aumber cf laculs hadl, hilttn by dogs....A s'ery pleasant oe.e cing was speat by the ycuag_ people ai the home cf Me. S Souch, progessive gamnes, musse, and abundence cf rt- fresbments.... Mc.i, E. Heddon blas won a gcld wsatclî ced silver service as à preminm for selliiig bolides' preseuls. ,..Mr. and Sîrs. C. W. SoucIs iook part in Me. N. Heatlie's school ecnert, South Darliagton. .... Mr. Jamies Aunis won a turkey attse shsootin.- match, at 14r. C. Rogers'.... 31r., W. Crîdeerna lias beeu indisposed. . .. Me. J. Reatle, Se , is very frai! .... Miss M.E.Abrahare bias 6uccessfully passed hoer first year's exemications aI the hospiiel, Svrccuse. rnakiag fuît marks, ccd standing high- est lu bei' eiass ... . aker's seheol closed wilh a p)rogeem ccd treai cf candies anîd nuls te lise seholees. DOING HIS DUY One Man's Idea of What is Right. Durham Browu,of Keaimorewes Cured cf Rbeucsctisr n d Backache--Says il is lis DnIy te Recommend the Medicine ibat Cneed him-"'Dodd'e. Kidîucy Plls do tveîî more Iban is Claimed for themn." Kenusere, Jeu, S Gentlemen: Fer some lime pesi I bave coctem- plated wriling concerning the monits of the well-known wondeeful medicîne, Biudd's Kidney Pis, but Ibreugis eeg- ieeî bave feiled te accomplisis whai I ncw terni my duty. Durîug tbe lasi win tee 1 was feequentîr hecuhled wiih lame back, se mucli se Ihat I was un- chIe ci limes to stocp with e greal deal cf pain aîîd exorlion. I expeeienced othcr weil -knowu symploms peculiar te Kibcey trouble. I aIse was iaffiicted wilh Rbeumclism lu my rlgîsi le,ý and hip le an citent that 1 waï; consileutly (wbile ai my woek) suffering egeuizlag pains la the parts aff cbed. My work derieg the summer consisîs cf 'cheese- biox makicg cnd Ibis required me te ho seted drivieg esile. Pres-loug te tak- in- Dodd's Kideey FuIs 1 ves foeed te leck te the invention of a machine te ccii coyees on, wtîicb I nauucd jack in a iet. Aflor bakinz ce bei cfr Dodd's Kideey Pilîs 1 found,%n iseprov- emeut ln tny cond'ition and beîore I had flnished six boxas I feîsed unysetf nciling liithe naturel wcy &Bd Jack ln a Findli was discarde.d. J was able le sit up la my chair as of oid and drive five hunudred one-aud a-quaeler-iuch oeils iin 18 minutes. Ms 1'rcIiîer and 1werked togeiher, anJ if nt clslie eau testify le bbe cure I ha% e recetued. bhrough Dodd's Kidney Pisl. Ie conclusion 1 would say tIsat Dodd's Kiduey Puil are ail and aven more b"a s claimed for them. If this la of any benefit te the propebeters lu any way bhey are at liber'ty to maire use of It îasthue may deem advlsable. widng them eontinued saCofsa, I romin, Very sineeeely. DURHAM BROWN. )Iiday Present Different Kind . .- flow -happily the difficulty is solved when yen can hit )mething thal yen have seen nowhere else. You tire g throngh the stores, and whilst the display is -large, îg the same elass cf goods dnplicated everywhere. Il is Liffereet lu Ibis store. We resolved on a Holiday dis- worthy cf the store and the business that is regularly bore, and yen will find we have measured up te the expeetatiols bn the showieg the xvhole immense store, ýn over te holiday stocks cf an altogether different kind rhat is sold by other stores. This doos net mean thal s are different te tlic ex'eent of heing extravagent. Yen ho snrprisedatcthlie rany handsomne ar'ticles yen can aith littie moey. We can only snggest a few special 3.Yen, eau sec the goeds for yons-self. Framed Modal- s and Pietures lnuflie latest designs, Hand Paînited w are, ;s Tînys and Stamp B',xes, Cellnloid Cases. Papier Macho os, Bibles and Hlymn Bocks, full dernenstra tien, very e assertusent of presontation B3ocks, Albumis, Woî K, ce1s, Toys, Games, Doils, Faney Statienery in Boxes, rîdars and Xmas Cards, Leather Goods, Fifîy Cent itain Feus. Sec the special lino cf Bouls ln the Wiudow 'hnrsday aI 5c. 3G 20", BowMi NVILLE. ire, T-6s-M"Cm -i; -ec.Sec., Bre. W. L. Gerey; Fin-Sec.. Bec. Richard Morion; D. cf C., Bec. P. D. Bec. P. D. MeConnachie; Ce muitteemen- Brou. A4ex Lang, D.Hall, C. Walter, Geo.Ja, mieeon Robt. Morion, re; I. S,, Be, Frank Woodward; O.0. -Bre. Frank Morgan. At the ocsoeelwe.tiar Dr. James Rutherford 'was ce elected Treastea fer .nothier thre years. NEW HAVEN. Recent Visitors: Mr. Albert Kni ,ht N. W, T., ai Me. Win. Brittou's; Mr Win. Wilson, Mooreflold, at Mr. E. J, Burk's; Miss Hooy, Long Sauli, arn Me. Howard Xitheridge, Toronto, a, Me. J. Witheridge's; Mrs. F. Buensani children ci Me. S. Woods.... .1ev. J.E iJewell and daughler, Welceme, arn Me. C. W. Siemon, ilcydon, attendec the Clirisîmes Irce entertalamont hiere, ...Me. Clare Laagmnaid, Albert Col lege, Belleville, cnd Me. Edgar W Allia, Trinity Medical Coltege, Toron ite, were homo for Christmas... Mes. A Manu bas bacc visiting ait Coîborno.. -TeChristmas enitertalumient passel ioff successfullv. Proceeds $19.... . Worî was received boere lest Friday cf thE dealh cf Mes. Geo. Johnson (nc Lit% iBarker) et lier homo ia Pickering. Mrs Johnson was a sister te Mes, Ire L Pierce and daughter cf Mr. S. Beekçer iOshawa, acd was well acd favorabi kaown here ccd much regret is foît ai lier demise. IMPURE BLOOD -Miss Ao.nes Farce Athiene, Ont., welles : "About liv. vuars ago 1 was troubled witli impur( Burdock Blood Bitters, wbicb complote. ly and peemauectly curod me. HAM PTON. The folles',ing are the newly clected officers cf Court Archer I. O. F :-C R iR Aver.v; V C R, L T Pascoe; R S, FreË T Allin; F S, F A Cole; Treas, Jas Me. Laughlin; Chiap, S B Brown; S WV, l G iPasce; J W, J Mooire; S B, C H Bur rows;, J B, C WV Hastinîgs; P C R, A I Pascoe; Fisysician, J C Mitchell, M D iCouriýt lepuity, W, R Allin ..Master A. H. Clemens is spending lis Chrismnu and New Yeaes with relatives ini Yorl9 . P...eFicfcltcwing are the offlceu's ccl ed for the onsuing -car cf the S, O. FE I. S; WVP'.Jo, lilwcrtby; W'. P, i Wmu Creeper Jr; W. V.P.W le 11alfacre; W .Cha p-C. Jehns; W. Sec. s- -F. J. Groat; W'. Treas-Thos, Ellict >r 5 r'us-rTillev and Mitchellî lt-tGuile-. JC[alke; 2ad Guîidle Jic. Lordi; 3r1 Guard J. Ashton, 41h ý8 W. 1'î Guaid- XV. Creepor, Sr; 0O Criard A Moiýre The euh-o-rs w iii b, 'e issiclcliihY' XV.1 lA a District ,Y Depai',' on Jan. 13th, cIter which a will lie gis-en. Ail nienmbers roquestet > le hoprosenst.... Cî2'tî'tosI ;t Brow n ont vousr iccu,,s..Mes. I. L> Ss Brcwn is repor-ted imuproving but still s verv eJSi.,. 13. Ilor lefl or it SIiî,d(,av 10ta.e a îosirioni~ n alarge -floue miii la London, Ont .... Mr,. C la Johns lias hoee eelectoti seb il trastee e as u'esollion was oassed edrtngthe t actionî cf romAi " ýi-iip Cocinil ....Mr. W. W. Ibmr, Toronto, lias heen home for a few daYs.. ..SMajor Schoof's lecture Thur,,daveveiitigw'as feirlv well at- tender] ... Mes. Elford, ueil c f ttise laie it lV. Elfoî'd c resident cf the villagi ýs and viciait', foe oser haîf a century passed qunietlv 10 rost Thursdevy evenino 't alter an illness cf a f w welek.s. The a fanlerai Moncy 1tiste West ccd cern J otery was largely attend cd. DR. PITCIIER'S BACKACIHE KIDNEY TABLETS, sFormula cf Zinc Fitpeler, 111. D., laie .professer cf laterla Medica and Geus. 7 ttc Uinary 1ilseases, X'iehtg'an - College cf 14eicinie, Detroit, t Miels., U. S. A. iThe quikest ccd surest relief for backache kidneV troubles, aUf eau' Ishow more evidênce bth lai effect tha -ail ether cdvertised remedies combinod. De. Pitchier admits be cannot formul- -ate e eemedy thal is good for aIl human ilis, but stakes bis'roputation on these tablets for beekacîse aud kiduey troubles, and will net allow them te ho a dvertised as a "jacks cf cli trades" medicice. F. B. Vance, Accountant, Bowmac, ville, gays: "I bave greai pleasure la heing chie te state thnt 1 have used Dr. Pitcber's Beekache Kidccy Tabiets for backacce, with very salisfactory result, ced 1 streugly reeommend aay co suf - fering from Ibis diecase te give, them ea trial. 1 am sure they wiit lnd heneWszi- ai and tcsting resulîs. Dr. Pilcher's Baekache Kidney Tablets are put up la weoden bottins with. green wrcpper bearîug the portrait and sig-nature cf Z. Pitcher, M D.Each botîle centains 50 tablets, price 50 cents per bottle. Mcnufec tured by tise Pitcher Tablet Co,, Toron. te, Oct. ORONO. Recent Visitcrs:-'-Mr. Jas. Halieti, Toronto; Mr. Wmn Jamieson, Deseron- te; Miss Gertie Fisher, Toronto; Me. Percy Doncaster, Toronto; Me. Fred Pope, Toronto; Mes. J. A., Smiih, To- w HAYDON. Visitors: Me. and Mes. F. N. Farrell, Hamilton, aI Mr. T. Bimacembe' s; Miss M . Griffiq, Essex, at lier uncles's, Mr. W. Trewin . .. .Mr. and Mes. Tises. Brimacembe entortained a numuber of their friends Thursday evening ..Miss Anale Creeper entertained about thirty young feiends Friday evecing, NEWCASTLE. Visiters: Mr. Haroid and Miss Floss Martve. Welcomne, at Me. Jas. Richards; Me. C. W. Barreti, Betbany,-et. home; Miss Blanche Parsons home from i1ezina, N. W. T.; Me. David Law bas secured a situation lu Scarbero ..The members cf the Methodist Choir were pleasantly eiitertained by 11ev. and Mes. T, J. Edmison Friday ovening.. .. Miss J essie. Alexander gave a recital ini the Music Hall, Thursday oveing under the auspices cf the ladies cf the Presb, tterian olîurch. The sadnews reacbed bore Saturday cf tihe death cf Miss B. HunIer eldest daugler of Mr.XVm. iHunIer who lbas heen eesiding as Josey eCity N. Y. for somie time. The reemains zweî'e beouzht home and interiedat Bew nia rville Monday aflerncon much sympathy is felt forNMe and Mes. Hunter and familvi in their sadl bereavement. GeOî'îous NisWS -Cornes froin D1. D. P3. Cagule, cf Washila I. T. Hoe ,rites. "Fourbetties cf Electrie Bitters bas cured Mes. ]rewer cf serofula, whicn bad caused lier great suffering for y ears. -Terrible soîres would hbreak ont on h ler head anti face, and thie best dcctors Ycould give no bel p; but lber cure is comn- *pîete ant iehr health is excelIlent. " This shows wlîat thousands bi e po d thaI Electrie Bitters is tle hest blood purifier known. It'sthie silweine ceine- dv for eczenî,tte, acoî, ulcers, *bouls acd rurnisîg sores. h stimulates liver, ide s and howels, expels poi ens, belps digestion and builds up the stre.ngth (SuIs 5M cents. SoltI by Slott -Jury, Druggists. Guaraiiteed. ENF1ELD. Recent visýitois:-M)r. aud MViss Vii' tue, Long Sault, at Me. J. Vistues .... Me. Wilfrecd Reatle, Long Seult, at Mr. J. Ni HIr,'. e -erbert Bradîe, Chicago, atINMe. T. Bcadles's,. MisIý C. Nlaebey and chîldren, Kinsaie .... Miss Edý a Reynolds, Scarboro, at Mr. R. Pa,èc's .. .. Me. Hugli Rpissand Miss E. Gilbert, Eciekilien, were >marriod lait w eek. Iliev spont tîteir 1honoîmrioon at 'oroîsito..Me. Luther Bradley and Miss 1'. Sproule, Canaitcg, ton, were married at ('snninglon last week. hvnepeîîgtelhoy moon aI Rockw'ood and Western Oui tarie. Cengratulations. Hlborne Lodge No. 2,22 have electeea hie follow- in- officers:- Worth-vpr-es., J. Ashten; Pait pros.. W. Gîifiln; Vice proes., S. Hrev; (Chap., B3. Powell; Secy, J. F. Hîtrîhut; 'Freas. F GrifEn; . usside guard, J. Xebher; Outside guard, _V. Aveev. DISZOVEEED BSE A XV'o.SAN.-Anoîbier great discoî'erY bas beeîu made,cuîd that toc, by a lady iii ibis country. "Disease faster'ed ils cîsitchesuroc lier ancd for seven vears sbe witiistgod its severest tests, b;ut lier vital orgaus 3ero unîler- rnitîed and death seemed immcinent,.l'or three monlhs she cougboed iucosscntly, ccd could cotl eep. bb ulietial'y discev- ored a way to recox eev, by purcbasing cf us a bottle cfDrYn' New Discov- os-y for Coasumpftior 'and was,.50 muets rolieved on takinag'i t dose, that she slept ail ntight,and iîth lwo bottles,bias heen absolatel y curcd. 1lier nanie is Mes. Luther LuIz." Tbus welles Wý C. Iianinick & Ce', cf Sheihy, N C. Trial t'ottles free et Stott & Jury's Deug Store. Regular sizo 50c. and $1.00. Every bot- tle guaranteed, SOLINA. Miss Jeccie lludson's Suuday School class on Tuesday evonieg veek pro seeted ber wilh a ledy's companion provieus te bier teavieg Ibis aeighbor- hood. The peeseulatica was made at the home cf Mes. Edilh E VanNest where tbov lied heen ievited te spend the evening. Miss Hudson lias spent iny yoars in Ibis loeatity and lber do- perture willie veey mueb regrotted... .Me. mc, Baker heda surgicci opera- lieu perfci mcd upon bis large 10e and il is progressing aicele. ,... Me. Edward Carswell, Oshawa, detivered an exccl- lent address on the Local Option to good auidience Friday ni,hî... .Mr. John Reynolds was appointed School Trustee aI the meeting Wednesday... Recent visitors:-Miss Edilli Baker aI Newcastle. Miss Lela, Gifford, Oshawa, aI MJr. A. L Pascoe'iï;,Me. Jon. Bray Enfleld wiih bis son in law; Me, aud Mes. Wilson Gerrow, Port Perry, ai Mr. D Moatgomorv"s. .. Me, C. Blanch- ard, Ragflan, ai Mr. lPaul Williamns; Mr. A.1J. eynolds, T5aîfort.h; Mr . J.B Reynolds, BA , Guelph, O.A C.- Rev. C.W. Reynolds, Caiedon.,. .. r. A. ilillis wlio bas had a violent cttack cf poumna is ighibetr. Thpe re- R,. laLNOUTIs, \V. i3iOCK. Cash For Poultry. lise uaclersigacd is isrepared to huv ail lkinds cf Pcuitry dressed iii thie fol Iowiug ianuie; Dry picked, beave ne feathoîs cn body except tlonîg wing foathei"; pull teil feathees cul. The'i lighest cssb prico will be paid ror gcod stock fcsted for 21 houes. Also cash for dressed Hegs, Butter, Eggs, Bried Apples and Beas. Stand- South et Standardi Bank, Tempecance St., for- merly eccupied by the tete Jas. Manu. JAMES MeCONNACHIE, 49 2m. Bowmanvilio. SliigliRobes And Rngs Inuaah the Popular kjnds of fur-i n the different sizes desi ed-i n pl1a in squares, or can be trimmed to the 110W tancy, with long bushy tails. Our Fur Robes auro madeofo select, thiek, full-furred peîtsu dressed to feel as pliable as eloth. DINEENS WestE::ndHouse BQWMANVI LLE., '"A-Fair Outsdc ls a Poorm Substitute For InwardWotV Good ieatth, inwardly, of the fddneys, liver andbowels, isure to corne if IIooJ"s Sap- saparilta is prornptty use J. This secures a faqr outside, and a consequent vidgor in the frame, with tUi; glow of health on the cheek goed appetite, perfect digestion, pure bîood. Losof Appetite - 1'I was in poor health,troubled with dizziness, tired feeling and loss of appetite. 1 was completely run down. I took Hood's Sarsa parilla and after awhile I fet muccibetter. Rood's Segrapa- rilla built me up." Lszzrs ÂA. RussimLL,OÜld Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. ElIouaneS-" I have been troubica with headache and biliougness and was much run down. TrIed Ilood's garsaparllla and it gave me relie! and buit nme np.pf A. Monaîisex, 89 Defoe Street, Torouto, Ont. Ilood's Pille cure lver 111s; the non-irtti HIoliday visitors.- Mrs.. Remmer, Miss Phýlel ps, Pickering; 11ev. David Rogers, at Mr. F, Ro,-eîs; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smnith, Brighton, at Mr H-. Rogers; Mifss Vida Ov e'land, Erin; Miss Sylces, Oïw aua Mr. J. J. Gibson's; Miss Aima Still, Miss Ethiel McCulloch, Mr. A Doiibt, Port Ferry, at Mlrs. Gilbiet and Mr. W. BHiers; Mr. and Mr,3. Nelson 1Darcy, Carlton St , Miss M Powell, College St, Toronto,- Misses Ethel and Ena and Mr. Frank Trebilcock, Mies F. Tilley, Miss N. Hall. Bowmanville, Miss Vincent, Hamnilton S Miss Nellie ami. Josepli Pollard, Ororo; M7iýssE. and Me. C. Bain, Toronto, at Dr. ?IitcheIi',;ý MeI and Mrs. Wmn Ha3 es and son have returned from MNanitoba; Jolin Lee has returned , to Chiea-o ..Sorr v t10hear of Mr -1. Eernmners s of his barns bv tire inhlPiekeliîng whilc Mrs. Hemn mer Nwas xisiting lier imoth'.-r here. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership- '\J OTCF is herebv givon tint the tlie unde,gip oied, iii the business o t eoltractiug imasons, in the Towu of Bowinanvjlle, under île style of Trýenoutlî & Broek, has this day beeu dissolved by mnutuai consent. Ail debts owing to the said partnership, must be pald before .january 15,1900J. G su -l m ua la We take- down our stock the end of this month and find we have a nuinber hunes we will not put in the stock book, hence these genuine bargains. Fan cy I lck rDs oos. Eight elegant desigus, regpula'" $1,00 and $1.25 peryard, during this sale, 75c a, yard. 1Five splendid patteru.,-s, regular price 75e, ahi this month 500. Our full range of 50 cent Black Fancies for 25e perý yard. Our fancy colored Dress Goods which were 5Oc, are sold at' 25c. Ail Plaids, Ohecks, Plain Ladies' Oloths, reg. 25c, to clear at 15c. Plaid Dress Goods, reg. 123'2c, we willclear at 8'4c a yard. Oamel's Wool Plaids, jýist six patterns, left, the regular price is (C, 75o to 85c, this month at 0. Linens. Good Heavy Table Linon, 55 luches wide, our regular' priee 25e a yard, this month foir 18e a yard. A Fine Linon, 62 inches wide, the regulai: price is 35c, while it lasts it ssous at 25e. .10 dozen Linon Towels, good value at 15c a pair, to seli at 10e per pair. Pure Linon 1Roller Towelling, regular pi'ice 7e, we have 400 yards at 5e a yard. Extra Fine Glass Towelling 251, luches wide, regular price is. 16e per yard, this month it goes at,10e a yard. Cotton Eider Flannels, in four patterns, loegular'18e and 20e, to elear at l2je a yard. Ldie'Cas A few Jackets lett in Plain Kerseys, Curîs. and Frieze Tmu W. & D. DiNEicx, Co., LIMiTED. Cloth, this month they will be exaetly hait pîlce. 140-142 Yonge St. ,Toronto, Corner Temperance. Goods.. Galotxe., Stýore full of them, and you wîll have no trouble to get just the thine von want fer your Xmas pre- sent. Special lines in. callendars, X.mjî cards, bocks for ail kinds of reader8â, photo albums, fancy goods, tQyf, &o. Pricees right, and in plain figures. Peloubet's Sunday School lesson notes for 1900, just receiv'ed. Par- tieular attention given te Sunday %blf. llbrarieda snd supplies of &II kiuds. Bury at home and get satis- s'esor adulte when DU. LGIOllWvA QIJalîB4WMANYILLE. amUI IeuleeaL 25,%c. iaira Big Bargains. A tew lleavy Frieze UlIsters left that are $7.50 and $8, to elear at $4.95. Men's fine, ahl wool, double breastedi suits, in brown and gray mixtures, good wight, pî'iee $7.50, to elear $5.50. Men's fine, heavy, wool, double breasted Suits, reg. $9 -and $10, this month at $7.50. A. few Boys' IReelers to elear at eost. Ail this month there will. be remnî-its of Dress Goods, Shaker, Linens, and Shirtings at clearing priccs. Boots and Shoes. Meîî's Knee Boots, hai[ toit leg, feît Iind, pegg ed soles, a strong waterproof winter boot, regular pric--e $2.50 to clear this inonth $1 ý90. Men's i'our i3uekle Knee Boots, haif feit tops, pegged soles, feit linied. regular price 2,this mrith at $1.75. Men'J Oa oeBuckle, puire ,,gîtr s ,îibt'ahp soles, low heel, a good reliable Re.bber, wità a heavy liait wool or feit soek, the eomplete outfit for $1.50, regular price $2. 27 pairs ot Men's Overshoes in uize 6 only, regularly sol at $1 ý50, tii eleared $1,00. Joehn 1McMurtry. J- 1~ A-AN 1Bowmanviiie, Dec 12, 1899<. Surgical Operations as a Cure for'Piles., Are Painfid, Expoitjve and Dangereus -Tihe OMy CerhinCure le Or. Ctiasels Besides thse fcute misery prSýduced by thse ttlgsdbiauing of pâ4es-, *1. îadeniIYt i4e"ae letiemoe edod hemice anaguaeieratiesa la oommal' eseidoeedtlnsenij ~Oume w F uae~ei istakcen idle,. ferpir- edt eDr. Cbas iOintimeieg laatmad of s.p7lpg thse kniiè, aoc ealy beo&use It le leue eponsve and lese r"sy, but aise becauge t le a more effective cure il kfflmnir hiipme tI*t [ i e-r mpepibs ozimred the tealaie of pi4ea fer Yffuewa& &mab- natti ta ee' th iet thcie âs"re r em rt4 Cr )reakas 0On.et, . oa - d AmoLpesns operated ou Ç% plIe.sand eaare4 Z ky R. (Jas.aOtta b W 4 noem«« RerJ. A. ;U.Ioïn .ofAdo»*e ont., H. H. Saiiherland, TrMre, 148.1 4 . N. cbaw't OWMW*t &~~s~ asu l«W MM vd awsthe waaae Su%*of bied. iu*%- Md Pr= 0M %M* a.4 ai or. e mb* . eff e' Qx b &,Mpud t tvnnsA. »a . t ât v m 4 l

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