'Abe Cohen. 77 Park-street forth, Harnll eon, iiays Electine Kiddney Beaus hav e cm' ýd tue of dlstresslug headache and backache, ad a general rundown condition. Head- liche wonld core ne thse rorning, and tiothlng seemed te relieve ht. For over two ýecars I have had tais trouble; I was so ad tatI wag cornpelled te gîve up rny work; I have been taking Ef ectine KIdney Leans and rny headache and backache ore gone. I am n ow ready l) resume my work. Electine Kidney Ifeans have been May redemption. I arn glad to recornrend them to others. llectiue Kidney Beaws for sale nt ail druggists, 2ae. If you cannot procure thens trons your druggist, seuil $1 for five hoxes te l'le Iflectine' Medicine Co., Linated. 16Adelaidle- treet w est, Tuoiot. 6, CUEA COLO INN3 HOURSI *Al Druggists, or by mail on receipt of 25C.I ï,oe rELCTN E M EDlCNE CO_ U mied. Toronto l1iii. î Kiîuev J3euîfs soid by ST() f & JURY,1 druggisîs, Bownaan- ville. Offie anid resideuiceC'h u o iosite Trinit, eoigregationial church, Bowrnville. 25, 6rn MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is prjred to give lessons ou organ and piano at eri sidence, King St.7 14I8S ETHEL MORRIS, ARCTIST. Instructions gven in PAINTING ln.0i, ater Color and China. Setu ing and pahuting frorn nature. KILN on prernises , 1ir. g a t usual priea, 51.6m.' MISS REGINA I'ECX, Puptl of Prof. A. S. Vogt. T mu(ni. is prepared te give ksyons on Piano or i >,t,. tci rai. her owii îesidenice, Silver St.,, huM naiiville, or ai the hume of lher pupils. 50-3rn* NEW AUVTIONEEII. JAMES s noî', licensed atictjou 'er, will con- dnet sales in WestDiDni mtlh ses atlowest rat(is AîpIy for ternsa, dates, ee,, at Joiua Rxu'NIg'M Hatine58sShop, Kiung St. E., BOWManl villa. OR. J. C. MITCHELL, _N EM RER0F COLTJfGEFFPH YSIOIANS and Surgeohns, Oitarlo,i'oronier, etc, Residence. Emiiiskilhen. 7, A. B. MoLAIJGRLINX, jIsrrstei-, Solicitur aud Coux eyaneer. Office- BlUiak l6y Block' Kinig ni-set, linwmnîvile Money tl an aireasonaller-'te. 48 lyr, D. BURiKE ~1iS B ARRISTER, SOLICITORf, etc. MORRIS' BLIOK, up-stairs, King Street, flowrnan ville. Solieitor for the Ontario Bank. Privettanoneys loaneil St 1ovweïjirates. ROBERT YOUNsG, V. S, fFElCE IN WFEST DUIRHIAM NEWS VJB1ock, where hirnself or hI8 assistant wil ba fciand frus 8 a. m. te 9p. in. Night cails ai ielegraîîh or teleph)one cliiret-ive pronmpt ai ,exit-iofl. i -yr RlAIR W(M1K.-Ladiçs,ý wisling finir ~dnc ovar, cali ai MRseDicicwsîo s,lng .sat and Cor of Otario St Bowmuinvilie. 84-il VA RAGE LICENSES,-M. A. II JAmEs, Issuer of Marriage Liceises. Rsidence: Centre sireei, STO LN ~Ô~JJJ'.J.o.J'kJ o gage ii-iirity atinasderaie ian-s nI Interest, A. E MiLÂUunLsa.SollCitoî-,BOWMan)Vilie,Ont, 16 -6ms Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order T'rf]EDEAF. -rich lady; eured £1,00 i to is Instituite, au ihai eaf peuple unahie to procure thse Esc Drums mav havi, them free. Apply tu 780 Elghth Avenjue, N~ew York. U.S.A. 27-lyr, D-"ENT"I STRZY 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. tiraduate of the Royal College of Dental Soi geos, Ontario OFFICE.-Oppostte Express O11106. VITALIZED AIR Sinle lK luarnel, ome-a1ad, JuLber or nike ri fe. a lso ea gv , gir is beatifalNtZlta- li e O-s Cns Linon. usylis,, i tn er c,me."h. Lities anad pretiasi c sigas- ns two asuse. Wri-t- ard vs wli send itharita, O5x 'lesoeil, Osst.' ( I 1< r e->1 LI beat? They swe1Ier,,'d in the tropirs. ~is ~. À.À. ~ De we gel falifued? They fainted, nons YOU AVEA LON 1 FI HI.to care for theni but cannib ilsc Are wec Pr secîted? They werer anal hematiz- ,Vi t h- ed. And as thet Iloik from their gai- d tl cf the flans, seem to hear Is-aac Watts DA L AA R Rev. Dr. Tainiage Speaks o~f t e- theheald pota lery uni seu se falter lu the presence Il 0 t atcessilig us in bis nid hyrnn, onlyaoremnb fnalyvr aiy Temptations of M en. -~~~~Most yuu buc arriedti îu he skies'S tChtfencgytoiey g Ir 0 w s On flnwery-becis of case, pret fteetr ouaino s iM l e r. Wh<ite tîthers fought ito w.n the prize, I per centinentisfer cooeopuatonof Or sailed lhrongh bitoodly se ibis repulsive and daîîgerous uîala dy. Scene at the Amphtheatre ai Verona--Paul's Fîgh Ih I t keep S 'pkidy shunts in lais o14 hymn: Iuefryu recy f on aized caîaro the Beasts ai Ephesus--Lessons to Be Leari ed Fr0 d- J 'Xour harpa yetresnbliig saints,i omhlngrgcôdwi ak Down f rom the wil-ows 'Lake; ita early stages-donttinde wihh i. ingun t 1il Loîad teo'liepraiso off love Divine, fi is the precursor of,îismto It--The Bad Habits of Men--The D.Preaches a$oicsnmptioadsN Bd vrysrngýi-ae" n dah s \wh:îr Charles Wc,.. ny, the Mc hodi-it, Poefu isors.say, 0W bDld he i 5 i reaks forLh in bis : nurite, wordra, aw' A despatch from Washingtonsanys: sou]. That was aviîh wiid bests from -A fig" uM hrnd lu keep yenbavie, i %a)ralPw e -R-v. Dr. Talmage preaclsed frein. the the jugies; Ibis is with the rnsring Net easy to cure CuG104 u glorify; ilu / Pwde f&cwngtet -' bvafogbl with lion of hall. dbIdes bu A uever-Iying sciai te cave, -. neyer faîls. 1l ha the crnedy of ail Ian bin, whn lay onled Aîl ia i fo liet sy.~ 'Irernedies, endorsed by ti semot ex- beasîs aI Epbsus.'-1 iCor- xv. 32. Mnti/ \\nte cned n iti ortýi k. pericucedand crillent no eaudthroat aSen r opae gainst an evil babi1t, Chat lhay have e1s oltptîe S ook again, ardsd fai- the gallery seilsso h aadhvn "Sengw aecopssdabout's ith lu fhgbc h ail aicue. No!I Ibey to ak ire fiid. ayo su great a cloud of witnesses."-Heb. stndin hecetreo banimmunse t ,easy t o ror±pra ruatMo isecarstof mutite o ay, d icalinea c' hs nthe otheraieri- avamnent cures of chionie cases wbjch MiA. 1. ~~orclingofbe mas 0f ael, a encheck the it sts alii fm i dof; lai b-s w -%F civ-. Oh! laow it.cuecodltsehanfunahy lixiherfaes 1iy.aca r3 ~had bacc declared incurable. Il also Crossing the Alps by the Mouit -Noah, Abraham, Strah, IsacJ ~ I o di ie, tîsaaeaak, t bh f raesclo i the ninfludeans, sor Cenis pas, or llaro'ugh the Mount Gidaun, aasd Barak, aud lb-n saye: b a 1d- Gol iu ciasapauy. Have ib'-x fo '-u-s hroat, tonsilitha, lhniaandailsirnî- rBýn ompaased by au great a c:oud . /sTo 9abasanIm hr 1sau- lac discases. lis -tujgbtful lu use. Coula tunnel, yen, arc iu a few,-heaure floes.'Il "f.C-, ,1sci usun aheranad to Le. racicy I bave baC chronic caiarcb ever tdvwn aVerona, Itly, and in Oit 1W- firar elevatin cf the ancienl m a I e sel ah is eeainoftea c:re1,ts-îas 10 avisa i. beonts cf Ls? Nami ts e, TyrenC.tayoo fcw minutes bhagin examining ont of amgphitbaattre, on abs day cf a taie- 1 i N Cijuton of ever behcg lookcrinriN. I used lb- grandet rinafi of the world-tbe bration, sa i'bIriuse, or A ugustus, or v-h, .heAu - houeochesioan:rdo ah s iuCok un i fi I- ~ uS aoiidindffrisaceas l wbeh-cPowder anC my catarrisias enîirely lefi th egigkn.Si itget-.me."1 Rer. C. E. Wbiîcombe,recîor of Si. *~ ~ ar-nof spaeclalors lb-il watcb our , ,_ _1 aiNaýy: 1 sec thaï- chldiiranning ilu aiesEpsua hnhHritn sasepsnrundyouina rte . u srugia su l 15 liaIdivn' ai ~ l lau ovIiyiebro,,and saylng, Onti was a great suiferer. He nsed Dr. stand in the arOna wbera thUe combat leey, as f shall cail it, sirs our KingaH J - Farber, ilo cor fret;" "Motta r, do1 Agnews Catarrhasl Puwder, and 00w pro- was once fougbt, or the race run, aud Oua, Je 5Us On Ris baad are mn ny nec wcrry." Tbey i emembar the .luuy - daims it a sale, simple and certain cure. crw- h RmneipIo o The Lord Bisbop o! Toronto, Can., ce- ou ail idas the seats ise, fier above crws b oanap-o ge lb'laft us. Tii-y araaomber Van comusends the rernedy avec bis owa bis place by cold-bloorlad "ouquesta; Itstpsf' i , higosiy of ta las; fi wl. b h jis5ua odbydngs or gallaries as 1f -bls11see fil ,te Cali but onurKing balh coma b R is place , O3 aatr g r ubaro lewlkuo ho laa1. inai r. Anesol C u ocih ear tier, unuil you cont forly elevalins, by lhc brokenu barts healeil, and the ,prm est-: rth, vntî 'te a n'eLa srosa ey 1, i relieves heart disease lu 30 iuts tbem, lu bi-h s.i the sustr; b ests wipad awsy, and the sonis ce- j ç~otspnk o,,r ames. Tb-y vatcb Ibi îDr. Agnews Liver Pilla-me, for ýecmed. The Roman emperor sat uot -ail dafidru dosei s1 IeJo knsanth'twenty-fivu lbofuýand wiib foldad arma, indiffarul as to - jfighu for heavan. Oduse-are the e in.aDr.Aew Itca-i, s eto s ,y hbacrars! shaii wedie i h luIa-Onmu evsl a cerna, ex iced spectators. At the ides of w-bth-r the saordaman or the lionrn teiter sud al akin diseases. Cures ' tbe arena, sud under the galleries are bal; but nue KLng's synathi,,s are colo-r to adedor -ça,- arns or rise btecii n r fr1 ndinu bthe- -- iles in 2 to ,5nigbts,3c- 2 tecgsi hhth'inan '-r l thus. Nay, unS ,aed orf cu <auHl c-raledowi-u frouaore Lh galiaryt Th oghbrasa, w Ay omaýý salP, .is c f ore abn roarîacour. A scidi - - - thain ciges in xvhicb tha ions sud tng. r ara kepa witbout fod, until, fr'-nzied the gailLry lu e tha arena tu help ns - a_ýcrl ie. You th a m en ariced"Irl wilb bouger sud thiesat bhey ara etin lu l--figbr, shouling, unul al up sud im-y cic' upon in à ha relis inamats puti d:hac-u oiat upon sanuapcor vi-lim, sabowitb done is vuice ilaboard: "Poernolt !1 criVHis ______and______________he w-lu b-dp thaul 1 will sareugîhen -every xe.hbrI'nes jionbspil stake i wyh -chuted "Hulen!" "Oh! f heaed lube tw p[aces ara3 acting in cocncert îbT T f 1f bis sword and alorte, la îoudamuad tothie by the right baud, cf My Pcwce." hathto the. liair. euh-ral cf biShveu. aud J w-as only toe tWhign.1 IP > fl i a mccl tbem; 1 th nk thut Paul hZm cl Once lu theanacient saphthealen, a -auswering te my name!" f w-culer 1FE VER IN METHIIEN'S CAMP. ale l A g . once stood in sucS a place, and that lion wt'i'lbou psu'caughÉ hIbe cern- $1.ieîl. AUiroa1tIwhelber, aller Ibis battie cf lifet AdslcfruMddrRvrsy il, was netot yfigîsealiveiy, but îî- Salantl's sasord, sud withbiWs oth-r aru-i.urIir\ - -i foeor mcailbnche ue 13,iA est c 2 ca-of oerlRifevot ysi -- a oseio 1ouiy çaut mcaesaglltb bslahi-id.heTTla-um-su 29ookseano 'nteriefever in-ad-te se pç -- pa agt -hed.Temn ok 2ý advanced in years er-îly, that ha bad 'fought wiah beasas bis kril ý,frcm bis girdie aud slow the O"f, 30-h iand-l . --- --- 0 uS jo'y c df ndbuleta bcs, cal Ibore. Amcng Ihe pi- a, E phesus." beast Tihe king, silliug lu the gi yl k1 al a' d 'f-da -t t-jyc u- r ents aresaime of ahe arcopa w-ho ~sfeigrmsk Th-gaa-dy as ore. ro ailey, si: 'hi w s nI -tr; he - .aus Wtr, -t ier 1 oul cs halcey "pRec1 el e iouated agains. the diseuse on iilahLm sk - lion muet b- dsam bv as swcd." Oiberr Mtarch ~1i3. CnoaSthe,. ivoyage iout frona. E.and. - --o- hepolcaeP rn i in eetundonad h ou ----« -argamma cf sports began Mou- -ansd Ksduey Wesk- 10 Veorca. jMn, wo c nau, sd aiS vicln u f rîtl. Xu cry, Sham 1 s sa ml"1 1 el' J o ~ î a t cia- c ri i-ehan o ea A bl i rec, oraunes sud senators, geeamenu1aI sncb m ,anucas. Butlb- Kng, luinfy fîert tbyaii besieri.rotI ax i.v enpsto haricketland agndfshesfseaolas ibis casa, is our brocher, sudfIe w i î su;e~i s ifoortby o gallnaletika su iiýi\W etaches, yeau ul and amail, tbousads upon abonsauds - -eIbat w-a bava fair play. Ha w-miiiraa.te tt otala.m. etaae yep omne, outil tise firsa g îllary is luil, fcrbi a the rnabing ont cf mcre lions------igth duyrgtanteblopr. and, the second, tbe tird, the fnýurth, than w-e eau m-at. 1Ha w-lb uDotsuf[- lgtekicyrtbanIhbodpu. thafith-ltIbi way apau bc1w-n-fer ns te b- temptlciabove Ibal axe -- ---- îm r î îrB ANS Kb Y ?L S fil fith-ll he ay p t thi ten-are abie. Tisants God !Th- RKing la in f N' KI EYPL S ltiia,al 15he w-ny ni te tihe, lb rlil,Lhthe gaileryl -s eyas are ouns us. isin abefeseut the g by frdetersomh artew teG thed. fcrtiuth. E- liv ertla witb us. Ris hanîd w-l (l- ru, bolier andC mightier Iban ai s~ausderetn ailDsodes f h aile uua w-ay up carehalEvtryySean BrilliantBritish Victory rdesadUmr ytm Plcfuailed nmcnsity uofaudîcre pus.lsadaaal bywoMichael, the sechangel. THEs sud UriSary Sysîsua seaig1egctcreISiec Fathl-e rtrust lu Him !,Tleugb ahe accui. abc crow-dcd wlîh 1M.Toa sa l eito swots ngathe sud f sic el Sigence te1plook usiw-easha1 w-lbtbbca-anlallWon ini Northeri H OL 5SRNIG ie Toa sa i eieto 115 lime for the coneal bas cým, A gallay. Thýere thay are: the cherublua belptaisîrbeb-m dnwu u ban-she,stanasut iahrodsH:vcPshel fr,7Ont.,spof ea d bave bee that 5w-nuz th-amaw-urd:natheheigale1c141 cfaélrradod,1and Ieap7ouythairoffallenand have bye roman officiai beaCs forcis the vi t' m thaï n, te sa that teke sav up-!of - - ape ailIand' .aiy oni Choirisfa lienlcî. -troubled for a numberof yeswtpan into th aau. 1e hmg sudssG arase!0baudiug lbroug of br'gblAs navigators kuox, il, 1he, sorid osem t as vey ack.Wb paeu -ustuophte 15e Lotbm hi5 u'î niholdiug tlb- theonu of Go-S, adfeons ageîic ml-esf wasdsuSud tht f cuiC sarand Wiîb firua geip, imb uhsrightban îd. wbhicS f teck aavay, for tlb- ap!eudor lgtisceaootsud1 bail yW itge, A despalcb froin Rensburg, Cape a hrmnkiiig. lu tbe- nuimportunl a-ovpr Igave auzighant cularglte Thc twety-fivethoisýn sit, bfrouah-the Coulerasud scrnggelthof trde 'Coionysanys: Ffonrb bas ccnapelely ter of muaes romains about w-bal it walk. I bave taken manytsinds of medi- loaiy -acbig.f barbuedou a isa uges.Tha ou waîceda pt-arena i udi efostod the Bacýraand occupied Coies-1 bas beau Sbut stenaand railroads have',iines, but got nolbing-lu belp me. Being ris ccb; Ibis onue probecLed s chi Id. p e.alieryi reeommcnded'lu tep Doan's Kidney PIS ah1.ý ida of the aceeu-igale open. OiTaro0ba en a1îigasoln l ok andiiJ' , I sec the alle uerg. The generai crutiîued to eeicausad Il 10 sbriuk untiL t i apat-Igtsbx Alrtkn hc oe plungas he bail caevad ioh,,b<aton-poflruaplaWoh aA ttt-saoar mobon. buseerghy un-s p ycndedosBus-a pfungas the- hal-starved, litue ipropn-tsf-sudrpaposalas.llhth5o arcIhesBne 0ouh"1Pe"m-ovessudtheeeoscdana lyeslw-onty-unetlimasDuamailer thaner t noticeto a greatgr changeaforfoththbelles-r gua albieul for biood, sud witb s rosgara cs f iigbt I Those drove ths St-an-an emiàadDneladIsah titt ru ai tu ilerestoIhi sb Aeucaundsou the rocks. This turu-sdIaotla-dDnfi u Iaalhema loseiy Sau oday aud Snnday, lu 1500. and f eau now gel around as smart as a Cha brng al th, allrie t ChireC Sennracbarib's living be-ta jute a anC Paul, ar i J ter, anC John, anti1 giviu thoranu timie to make a pro-- Magalahouns, ne Magellan, neyer cricket. f eau aplit my ow-n wood anCanm, felt, hierusbas agaiartie sasord Of beapi ,of oua unudred anC eighlp-five James. Gicriîîuas spiits l Ye w-are hean- luaged stand, sudw-bleui day broke bi ea j- aodt heC 15- 1519. i fact, jaast ike a uew man.> ed at - e ý>ýeso e ;y eesi the coubatant. Du pou knw Sow lbouaaud corpsus. Thosa, ycnder, wye w-i-ru t-I nd; yediavare sfpil, recausego aanu o w-Fillna s 1519 'cbautcd tbe Christmans carci uver upon I Tbey h-ave i ecu lu Ibis £ghîta -a tiigdsac ftabtaaa ewa iic yFlpnsnie___ steong a stroka a mac w-ll atrîke Btibu ni h hn aae te Ibuselves, unI diS ey are ail w-th ns. ouemy. Suuday uigbî ail the cavalrp, Manila. w-heu bis ife epaudsuptlon the firat1 shephords. These, at .eaeatîju, sîot I Daniel ku -w-i ail aoul lions. Paul aetlleey anC iufanirp, the latter r d- Drake anC Cayeundis, in 1577 anud - 15maI nof bý,sbiadia! The sild busst, iu thi ,-balcony -of heavasi, aud seaun- fuh -î esaa peu. igi -gas1 ioes h eer- 15816 rcspectivcly, weut round the lame~~~~~I su leig lnabc ddIona-u woh -spdl uthe suri-ut amiphitbeatre, bbc peu- - - - - - sw~~~~~~~~~- addlhage-cioes o ligbl.ApeinC i a Oeclolaa bywc l mobilîty, siartet upon a nigbt woî -l r aiaîliors, th' om warC the nde oftheabe amathon, sa igcohs o ih. A bpl ot froa t'adlerbastl tpywma n arcS w-îa 1 théojacit nf turuiug the or lu about Mngellan's time, 15e lat- rallying bis wanlng streegch, bie cc-mes th~i-" - 1e arena: " AL t again 1" - Forwa cdil'Bors' riýht.-, The ftn praiu er lu a trille over 1w-o yaars. Ti agru lo ies np w-laS tiercer eye sud more tereuble ~~Oue more troke 1I -'Looks cut l I hweescesn. h n lysdfe upgsllery, prophelic udnapostoeiterribyes eri ucessfua eiely m adefieaI William Dampier, pieute, scieutial, always cured by Burdock rose Iban ever, onlly 10 Se driven g actsi"Ry rpetiandcr:i" apooin lbtheI b at esiie"ae aeafit -1 anîbor, snd nautical Snily, tootsBodBkes bat-k aith's fatal wousîd, w-ile 15e canust keep Cheir pi-ate, Daniel cries tara upais the Boe tront, sud w-bue Iwaalve years to saliabocut the wneld. ouI "Ty GC willCaler beafroa tis -aspruceedlug the canalry anC' Ha su abnsed Alexander Selkirkts hat '[sear aaeho cobaau cuss u it seoe f1 t he mout h of the lions!l"fDaviC ex- l - aLler o comîleîeîy arouuid Cho latter w-as fairly williuig to e eop er sceoke, until the monaler ia dead dlaims: "He wil nul suIfer lb y foot igîaaeyg.~uaoud on Juan Fernaudez IslanC, serious a disease Erspla s at jis eelsudthetxveityliv tisn- 0 homovd l fuanb ahi ont "Fsethe enemy's eigbt flint, as arîsugad.i mryîpets is at Lis feetlindothmakingeiBobinson C'ios-aa ios-.Can't rout it out of the system scuut p op-e clap Choir ban ds antiu- e not 1f1amn wilS Ibso Be nul ia-p ITbe programme w-oeked witbout ~sbo shoul ibat makes tIse rity tremble. ed! Paul exclas: " Viclcey tbrongh 1 bac-h. The B-xcrd une ariy surprisedC 13y degrees il grew possible to go IWith ordinary rernedies. onr Lord Jeans Cbrist 1" aiidfn.gCor-tleLtraend bu hewrdi aiigss i Somietimes tise audi-encaet 0IbosgîaCfsec begarey f aCIadbohurtateitteeauo, une th w-rd sudsîsîîng ase but, ke other agru blo a~~~~~~~ rare;soualume In ecngad1aoascItLhdangrousblo a rac; soetime to ec gldiatrs15e martyrs. The great tlbroug of theflied lu disc-rdse 10 ctecesaw-ard, lean-staoutsuneliunrdsu ifcyth Caps, n f,s fgS ctboter utî te udicuce, fmartyrsI Than baC nul leur pounredlig Cclsberg in General Frencb's semreiisig1eeeet0 iess a cornpsssionate for thse ballon, turned C w -Choir Ibrears, horses w-ee fasbcn- banCs - la lifly-txvo Caps. This la the record, cure it every lime. tbeir thuburc dow-n as an appeat Chat cd te Cheir bauds, sud olber herses te the vanquisbed Se spared; sanme Slefotsu-cnalby -ae iale ùAPTURED MANY STORES. ____________Rachel__Patton,_ coba wlS - CReardewhaand Rachel Paereton, times lise coba uws hw-uC spart; thonrb-ad their Irnues puled The Liondon Daily Mails enresposi- lfseAja.wo ' P epan, Cpe hnBue oOt, l' uen b- oanapitîali o o ek od wt ont Sp ced-bhol pincers; lbep w-ee sean- Ce.nctat ensburg, lita adespatelfcon-woa sp aîe Cpe hiBue o.On, Tu oeofte oanaphtear- oyo ak ol i c d up su the akins of animaIs, and iban'flmig chu sucess of Generai 1'eeicb, 1TheOGret Engiu7tflmeI!. usays:- ca adenesn ne sudedlunan very change in the tbeow-u t0 the dcgs; îhey w-ee da.lad sapa chatthb. B.riab îarLiuîorY cp- 'r daudresinComandy l pepl'aul refera w-bn itshosays: "We weather ? Does your tbroat wsih rombnslibles anC set on lire! AnC aithiaie hattio., The;- ýBoors aleidrniat unda. onyre.-Six i ws osaeta sdBr ara compassad about Sp sO great a elrw? A oshr ow- tbey ait pender in the marlyrIs'w-ar-esomiew-bat aktîa Sp surprisel, butp aecages guaraed tecure all dock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas ini clouado iut-lnessea." The direct roer- fe a n osap gallery. For thora, the figes cf per- rap bet s igcorusly. 'PSuart illcry <o-as- meLssof Sexual Weakneas, ail ffects o! abusemyfceadgealrnonste pain dat trouh yur scuton avegon out Th swrdsý 1or excess, mental Worry, Excessive use of To- ouace in the lasI Passage is mad& e ta an attruh or sclo aegneot h wrsssbat (asies to-r 1w-ai ioasa:. T'l1. ri- l bsc, Opium orlSimulants. Maled on recelptof my heaith. I tricd many rem- race; but elsaw- e, baving i-cussed chest ? sheschad, sud the mnob busbed. New- sh guaoners w- r- remarkahly accurs e, of price,one paockage $,six, $5. oaewf!!peeG edies but ail failed 10 cure. I then Ibelt, I take nu' I-au's favorite, ides Don't you know these are they waIrSias witb au sil ubservng in tuait- ii-e. ïooe eaemp'a Houcbk1ss :1îX wlitcure. Pamphlets fretoauyaddress. of the Christian lite as a comsbat. danger signais which point symPatby. Thop tsnrw-alhiIe pan, 1gccn lirit oiaae' andC hoir thLir big ý h Wood C'eupany, Windsor, Ont. tried B. B. B. Two bottles ueaely The fart us that oveep Christian mac all the hardsbip, aIl tire asuish, ail gun w-as s. ienoeýd. bl t hu orbers clsd ýoon's Phios buîiiiiaaohdlti Bowm\iiiiueby1 uemeadfrbtlsc pee bass 'o 10biht Yursisa at to pneumnonie, bronchitîs, or tbe injustce, ail tha privatioa. Tlsyny t e-easc Iirinu rsiî ah-a Baiera gsadu- 1Stutt& Jurîî1giiy St-n i; 01-n b cuced me."dorotlscrnlt lamper. The gales of 15e areaaave cnuption Itseif ? cannoItseep still. Thep crp, " Ccîr- slip feÀu csck. Tho e tikuS as gun lCilftlai: Naîvausîha ha trc Fa,-n--inibe. crdme Seen opoaed, andC Ibis lige bas coule If you are ailing and have sge! The fire w-ih cclt consume. Tbe w-s aaiditiacil.anC the Britisbh i- oul te desteci ur sou]. fa lias lacer- Is ls aey hyae flcods cannot drowu. The lions cannot traiî,lra ieobm -re ivit-h- I AN'D-- SEFRALIi RIGRT made li 1891 Sy the Puîs eanC bar bau bratala u tias su a ai lel l aner signea rTe ar us1"15 ciit-, b wt .i w Je . fsuC. 7auaesiiibsau ce p(cusla Sl r bnî, i- Ihil aesh cf GeC 1n a Ve- queton fryut eîd e bl rcîc nlusugf Tî acu-gu acaEi bat-ipil-a,~i-uiuiiii- irihhiad tanguatue lion, t tas ecausa pou bave fod, because it nourlsbes the redeemed ; anC John Scutider. of fndi'i D.A , HS' moment the coulesî goas ou. The 'lra bo)dy;and a medicîne, be- sav.d; aa Dvi-1;eîta rîl. f Ia AitCAT RH CURE ... 260C aoaiÂetnSocA )AYE ORK. uns -s' loC hlwiaavrM.D the lio sa po DpoTys viporigines cvlsgencî; ar M a. ki ni60BSAD AY N W uatmore makes a present lb alays iCuRD" gaisînles fuugb w-Sre ton lbonsand cautl5C it Corrects diseased ram Jcdsî.n, -whosa priyers for Bui- J ent direct 10 the diaed E O.W. 44-Cm. sisîs of gliaves? sad Miss Goldîhioý10 ,jan ebatons , suh ad eleven thons- conditions. i mah losheaven Sp violence! Ail Iboso parus by the Improveil BIowr. -nHelnt is'onns obea " an C w li beasas w ere s îin, aas not C bri ti n a -celui bu -w-an pi b Mis-pr sea s bbef r , se turrifie a slruggla as Ihat w-icb 5e.and o'neaidnîDi Or sîruggiu is nuc-aigl'ut-aL) cpassagss, stopsdroppings in the Ib wite50Dand Isiursis smpiue.f alyouug w'onisnquit-k s r soni. ~ ~ ýn Thlcmal n a maa SCOTT 0&1BOw-NEChe a amate, weioheIst.f f -mt hoatauprmiaty cure3 mui~'rite n5d obund l. escuaes.Ate? fguesa she nmust- lac, si ecd i aI Ibis moment gousoi ,wi itssufe rmfBiaar adHyF osieS gi-n d ectio ofMMuicahlGein,sentient%,pati. 15 Sdy Ii i fr orl lfacf~cod fThep w-ilicdtlGî-eunî-aua's ira Iras. AÀtîdeaers,or Dr. A.W. Chase PU Miss Caenne. She C oesu'I se th h o eh. mouintains, Do w-o -efler, froua the Medicine Co.,,Toronto aund Biug"alOI osîMS FAxLa,71 yeuse t.Trntou1na. jhave a friendilu-the w-orld. j -à