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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1900, p. 1

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100l.t5Jn 8:$i~OPR Aiooi. OUR~ TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor n rpitr NEw SERiEs, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANITJARY 10, 1900. VOLUMEXV.N.2 Il Colldli Johinston & -: - Ladies a 0 0 Coats 1Cryderffan1 I And more especiil ly in Ladies' and Misses' Coatswhich from this date, will be sold at greatly reduced prices, as they must be sold before we take stock next month, and some lines of Dress Goods will be sold at very low prices-some of them at about haif price. The balance of our Furs will also be sold at clearing prices. *400 ~vmun. a ~ TOWNSHIP AGRICULTURAL SOCIE.TY. ANNu.AL MEETING, Tic aunnal meeting cf the Town- ship cf Darlingten Agrienîtural Society wilil take place in tic Council Boom on Wednesday Junuary 10, 1900 ut oe o'clock. A- full attendance cf members is desired.' M A. JAmEs, Secretary. flOUNTY AGItICULTURAL SOCIETY. ANNIJAL MEETING. The annual meeting of West Durham County Agricultural Society' will be held in the Council Boom on Wednes- day, January 17, at 1 o'clock. A- full attendance of members is desired. M. A. JAMES, secretary. FAIIMERS INSTITUTE MEETINGS. Blackstock meeting Tue3dav Jan 9th 1.30 p.m. MIr. T. G. BaN for, B. S. A., Rosehail: Subjects: lst "Composition of Peods", lllustrated. 2nd "The Common Disca ses of Domestie Animais and their Care. Mr, H. R. Ross, B. S. A., Gil eadl, sub jects: Ist "The Relative Value of Rolling Land net Rolling and Harrowing after Rolling". 2nd '"Insect Foes an their Remedies". Solina. Wednesday JaniOth.1.80p.m , Mr. T. G. Ravnor's: "Water in Relat- ion te Farm Crops" Mr.H. R. Ross's subjeet: 'Influence cf Breed Types". Tyrone, Wednesdav 7.30 p. m., à1r, Raynor s subjeet: "Progressive Agri- culture". Mr. Ross's suhject; "Inseet Foes and their Remedies"., AFTERNOON MEETING. Orono Thursday Jan lIth 1.30 p. m., Mr. Boss' subject: "The Relative value of iRolling Land not Rolling and Bar- rowing after rolling". Mr. Raynor's subjeet: Improvin.o' an -pvrse Farm". " Ipvrse EVENING MEETING. Kendal Thursday 7,30 p, m , Mr. Boss' subject:, "Balanced Rations". Mr. Raynor's subjeet: "Tillage". Free discussion is desîred -t ail the meetings. J. M. Joness, , C. Hoar, President. Secretary. SC RIJB NE1,S FOR 19oo :«éINCLUDJUi,:01l Bowmanville, i WTe begin the New Year by makin'Y big i eductions ia the price of ail winter goods_ especially in ail kinds of made-up gar- men'ts, boy's suits and cvercoats; also men's suits and overcoats. (eA. l(9uchMI Jfluio & 1 white roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss 1 1>-?e SUBSCRIPTION RATE S. OSHAWA. LEADS THEM ALL. STATESMAN te end of 1900 $1 001 Mr. Fred Joblin leaves this week for STATESMAN an ekyGoe~7Bruce Mines.,.. .Mr. Will Lukle, Mont- We are this week sending this andWekl Gob 175real, spent holi.iays in town. Miss paper te 100 persons whom we STATESMAN. Globe and Premium 2 00 Lillie Miunter, London, is here visiting wish te enreIl a; subscribers for STATESMAN and Weckly Mail 1 90 friends. Miss M. Cawker, Detroit, 190û, THE STATESMAN iS POSit- STATESMAN and Family llerald 1i9 sen hlida with bier parents.. .. Miss ' ely werth any twe other papers STAT.ESMAN, and Farîing (weekly) 1 90 sp n e a s STAESAN udFarer3 Avoate ~Stella Curtis,Belleville, s visiting ier fr news of Durham county. STATESMAN and Garmer., n 2 te1 00cousin Miss Conant .. .. M. and Mrs. V % Cmpare it thns week for local STATEMAN nd Gardin 2 0 G amer and family, and Miss Ethel newvs with the other l)aper. It is only STATESMAN, and Montreal Witniess 1 75 I hare, Toronto, spent thoc holidavs at $1,00 a y ear in adx ance. Cheaper lu STATESMAN and Montreal 1-eralt3 1 75 home.. Mis. R. Lf Williams, *Bay clubs, Try it fer oe e 'ear. It is the STATESMAN and Breeer's azvettser250 Ci ty, and Mis. James WarnsleV, Dav is best home paper and the bost is net tee STATESMVAN and Lresee's Gaee 2 50 ville, visited their sister, Mrs J. Caw- geod for yen. \Vu want you on our STATSMANand esli's Wekly 3 50ker. Mr. and Mis. 1H. B. Mev ors, ef list or we should v et send you this paper. STATESMAN and Toronto ý,VorId1 3 50 Barrie, and Dr. and Mrs. Brethour, Read the circular--yeu should accept STATESMAN andTot Daily Star 3 00v Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. T. oui liberal offer. Aise see our club STAESMN ad Trono DîlySta 8 0 onant,....Mr, Fred \Vickett, Garden offers. STATESMAN and Eveningc Globe 3 50 Island, is visitimg friends here.... Miss Chden itsalwsnrqur STATESMAN and Dailv Witness 3 0 M, Procter, Whitbv, visited her parents hlrnwtsao ki reue STATESMAN and Weekly Sun 1 40 ...Mr. W. H. McGill attended the fun- Miller.'s Worm Powdeis. erai cf Ihis brother in law, S W. Dear YULETIDE WEDDINGS. born, at Pontiac, Midi,...Misses Jane TOWN COUNCIL. and Maud Martin, Yale,. Midi., are the guests cf thoir uncle Mr. Chas. Law The inaugural mneeting of the Town OSBORNE-JAMIES. ronce .... Mi, and Mrs. Tics. W. Bone, Couiicil was held Monday foreneon, Grand Rapids, Mich., spent the holi Mayor Loscombe took thc declaration Ail nature seeînod te exert itself te da.% s with Mr. John Boe .... Mvr. Ly - of office and cf qualification frein Couin- give goodly cheer te a happy companv man Laughland has resnmed stud,ýing cill ors Mitchll Galbraith, Tait and assembled at tie residence of Mlr. and at Me3laster University, Toronte..Manining. Mr 1. J. Manning afteî- Mrs. James, Zion, Maripesa, on Dec Miss Nellie K ester, Oshawa, wi] teaci waîds resigned and his resignation 27th te o n the marriage cf thii ITbn ~ners Sehool for 1900..was accepted' Tcmnts ttels daughter Crolin6. 1ý _Norman W. Os-. Codai Lodze, No. 270, two meetings were read and ceonfirmed. borne, sou cf Mr. Jotin GCborne eof. W M , B S. Me A companv with headquarters at Ot- Pleasant Point, Mariposa. The cere-,. L C Smith; J. W., E tawa wants te be assisted lu starting a monywas erfrmedby ev. , EP., J. F. Willox; Sec., beet reet sugar r, finery in~ Bowmun - Roneson cf Little Britain. Mr. G, eas., U cLanghin; S. ville, as the soil and climate are favor- Clemmons assisted Mr. Oiorne ln th , D , G W MeLaýizhlin; able; 5000 acres are wanted, A re, trving ordeal, while Miss Gertrude nos; I G , E 1 Bowse, sentative cf the cempany will be h, Mitchell ubly peîformed the duties of 8-, Jltoskelly; S., W Langmuid; L., W. Thursda--ý On motion cf'Coun. Mitc. bîidosmaid. Tie bride was neatîv al- A Ford,. ...Big h School hockey club $10 was voted te the Sick Childrin tîred lu pale blue cashmere, tiirnmed efficeis elected are lien. Pres., Dr. iospital, Toronto. Mis. Jnc. Tpîî with white satin and a sasi ernamened Kaiser; Pies., E T Slemon; Capt., B. was allowed a rebate cf $2.20 on iic with orange blossems, and presented a F. Nett; Ser, Treas., H. King; Cern , taxes Supt. Bug-naîl reperted fin beautiful appearance as she enteîed the W Salter, F z,îmith, H Avison, E Tho- interments ln the cemeteîy in Decer- room leaning on lier faticr's arm. Tic mas,. . Mrs'. Aldsworth and daug hter ber. The elerk was voted $25rfor p,, wedding march was artistically per Myna, B3 'wmanville, are visiting Mr, relief advanees. The council appoint- f ermed by Miss Jennie Willis. A'sump- Frank Aldsworth, Harmonly. ed the ticus dinner wus seîx-ed te soute eîgýhty STANDINGl COMMITTEES FoR 1900: persens. Sel dom bas it been oui lot te A PO.Fntc-Mthl[himnGl witness a botter and more usefal assoit- Hbraith Kingce-Mice caranG ment cf gifts, numerous lu quantity, These particulars about the cheese Roads and Streets-- -, Galbraith'. exquisite lu qualitv, and just wiat will factery have been dela3 ed at THE King be serviceuble te beginners, givinig 0v- STATESMAN office, but are cf sufficient Publie Property-King, Tait. ideuce cf the higli esteein lu wiich the interest yet te warrant publication. bride is held. The newly married Rate per lOlbs milk paid the patrons5 is Fire--Miïitchel, Galbraith, Kin., couple remained with their friends and the igetpifo ayersMlk Cmey- iGabith alospn and rospberositne.-inds received was 619,818 ibs, from which Printing--King, Tait, Galbrait. tbem eln adpopeosfle Ln heese te the amount cf 57,807 ibs vas Po-at ig say Watchman. made, wbich sold for $5,753.GSof which Po-at ig $18351C8 was paid tori manufacturing Police -Mitchel, King. OSBORNE- PEARSON. milk, drawing and ether expenses, and Manufacturers-Mitchel, Tait,,Kîag-e $1,399 te patrons. Muci credit !S due Loscembe. A very pretty wedding teck place and was fîeely gi'e.n Mr. I. L Brown Revision-Galbra 1ith, King, Mitchel, Dec.27t atthehom cfMi.andMisPresident, for his success as salesman Loscombe Dec 27h a th hme f M. ad Ms.in this and previeus seasens. Officers When two men are elected te the va- Tics. IVeir cf Scarbore when Mis. fer 1900 are: Messrs. R. Burns. I. L cancies they will ho give-n position ou Weir's sister, Mîrian Ida Pearson, was Brown and C Stonihouise, ilampton; tilese cemmittees. married te Mr. Lorenzo D. Osborne cf Messrs, D. Montgomery, T. Baker, and Wýinnipeg. Tic ceiemonv performed Sý J. Williams, Solina; and Mr. Jas. Tice council resolved itself lu a Cein- bv 11ev. C 0, Johisen, Toronto, teck StaintonEns-le h c cr mittoe cf tC,, Wioie to pass certain by-, place lu the drawing room whîeh wascfDrtosecedM.iL Bow laws throu-li thLîr s.averal r~'igi prettily decorated with feins, roses and president and Mr. F L. Ellis continues John S. Moorciait was appeintcd smilax. Tic bride was gix en away iy secretary. This cempany is delco its auditor by tic Mayor and S. S Edsall liei brether-in-law Mr. Thos. \Voir. utmost in the fax-or cf the dairy ing iu- bx the Council ut a salaix' of $2î) oaci. The bride leoked extremely well in a terest cf tic township. They have re- Mr. D. B, Simpson was re elected Hiigli ver7 handsome gewn of white silii ci- duced the charges for manufucturing School Trustec. Mi. G. D. Fletcher gandie ever white silk. The bedice te the loest point for tic pust two was a ppoituted on tic Board cf Heulti, was trimmed witi spangled net and vears and have put lu a butter plant Chief RB. Jarvis. Sanitaix Inspeeter, and ribbon daintily cauglit on- the shoulders this fail and arc making mter. Tieir Jas.Cov'ille, M D., Medicul IBealth, witi an ernament cf pearîs and epuls. separator has a capadity cf 3,000 1b c Officer. Tic clerk was instîucted toý Tic bride woro roui orange blossoins m e eradeeyhu sc h arrange for holding flic elections te fil und arred aceatifu boquetcf atest improvement. We houe their cf i the two vacaucies ut tne Boaid. Coun- ~ur oe.uruîemî.iis

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