Ëik leHedachoCLndrol'Iovoal te troubles footi- denlt tba L ius e of etjte systol, . ucli as Dizzinesr , Ni.a, owsiiuess, fistress ater eating, 'iu n l l1el, &o. Wýhile their mosft oemaxitable icce -j asbeerailhown !alugx ~eacsoh, yt Cator Ll1 ivoi, Pillea a" Yenting thiSauoiocmlà, 1î.wuiîe they aise Lorreci sildisodî fi' eah.stimulato the iver anti r le15e vona Ieif they OUlI ziately theirgoodneodoeaunoteudhere,ausîsoss Wio once try ieniw i d uitheoe 1111e puisvalu- able ln se many w a~sat ithey win infot be wl- ~In t dowitul em Butattor&aackbuoA tsthf6lbans of s0 Imany iive s btohre le iwh4er8 %remake our great boast. Or pinlscure it wilie ethers do lont. Carters Litle iver liiiarevery %mani and veryay to. One or two pnls iaakea dose. othy ar strictiy s'gotable and do flt gripe or pogbut by their geublo faction ploase ail inhe tis" ee r iviiiat25ce.otso; fivefor$l. boi4 k Jileg,usus eavcrywhere, or sent by ma" CARTLR ÎkEDICINE CO, New Yo*. QM-11 î1 A powerful lung healiug rsmedly that eures the worst kiîîds uf cuugha and coluls1 et youg or uldi mre prarnptiy and offet- uabzOly Ilion any othen nueducine. Price 25c.1 Lax's<i-Llver Pîl5 ciii'. Coniai1 tienadLysaLuuaaDo flot gz'bpex TINY TiI.I iclous hoiu- wlth Diekens' li Me 1 "Tiny Tin," Ile.pleascd us because he was for ever helping, or ready to help %Ooeunfortunaie. Dr. ttope's TINY TABLETS are ding exactly the sanie thlng. They are helpirig thousantis of unfortunate nervous, bnoken"down people to get Strong. 1One little TINV TABLET eftéss 3Aboutlhdu oc OYSTE11S. Perhaps thore, is nu dish that can be served iu so mauy differeut ways as this sheil f ish. Soup la prubably the îvay lu whicn it is most often derved, and with crisp crackers and a ceiery stalk it makes a most royal stew, Oyster Soup.-To a quarfi of oysters Use three pints ut riik. Drain your oysters, add the juice with a teaspoon.- fui ut sait to the milk, wheu it cornes to a hoil, skim, add yuur uysters that have beau picked uver and washed, and let corne tu a boll again, thon a table- sPoonful of butter and a vouple of shakes ut peppor. Escalupeu Oysters.-Drain and wash your uysters Butter your baking dish, thon add a iaying of cracker crumb3, theu. a laying ut oysters, with a littie sait and pepper andl butter, un- tii yuur disn le muet full, leaving the tui) layer o£ crumbs, Theu add a wecii-beaten egg wufl the uyster Juice, and rmi. letu aeariy cuver them, and bake cor hait an hour, or three-quart- ors if necessary. Cuver the disn wbile in the oveu, su the flavor wiil nut os- cape. Creamed ùysters.-Take a hoaping tablespounful of butter and two uf fLOur and malt tugether; then add a quart uf mik with a toaspuonful of sait and a coupleofu dashos uf peppor, and stil costantiy until ilthikes Couk your Gocstra iteir Juiceo ,rwith a ile sait added, for about tive juin- Utes. iin auilan and sur the oye- sLers in the ýravy, theu add the juice 0t hall a lemon and a teacup of ehue,- ped ceîry. ±'uur uver bqiatred 'Oust and serve. Fried 0yster.-Drain carefuily, r6-, imove ail bits uf shahl, aad eprink'ýq with pepper and sait, aud set in a coul place tur ten or tif ceeu minutes. Ilhun, if uysters are smail, pour them ino a p.an ut crackers roiled fine, add tce liquor, mix weii, and let stand fiva miînutes, add a ;ittle sait and peppor, muid into smali cakes with two or îhree uystars in each, roll in dry crack- crs uniil weil incrusted, and fry in L ot lard and butter, or beef-un-ippings. Serve but in a covered dish. Or, dip the aysters in the yoik of eggs, weà seasoned and beaCen, then in corn meal with a little haking powder mix- cd wich it, and fry in liat lard îike douglînuta, or if you have a frying basket, place them on that, and drap i. in the hotI lard. Test the heat as for doughtiuts. Fcaw Gysters.-Wash the shelas, open, detaching the tLat saboli, iosen froma the deep sheil, but beave theax ia it, and.serve hait duzaxi on a plate, with a quarter uf Jamon in center. Eat w i h sait, pepper and lemun juice or vinegar. TO KEEP LIENS SMOOTH. L:uen center picces, doilies, and avenI tableclotlxa are nul things ut reai; round pece ut woodcuvereti with flan- nel, or a roll et papor, arounti wboh, Lise places may ba caretuily rousti, wiii bc touni uvaluable as a means utf keeePing linen in good uurer. lu tact a Èablecloîh iranet i wîh unîy lwu 'engthwse tolda,,andt lin roloti, will îuak far better uni tha table than uns wî1b criss-cross linos tram two muais oldiUng, A deapatali tram Washington aaya: -The Transvaal Goverument s5h11 ne. 'fuses lu aliow Iha Uniîtd States Con- sul at Preor ts u st 'for the Britishi. The officiais hors are greatly anuuy. eti, but ana doulttul abou-t'tisa proper course lu pursue, GUNS IF ROM ITALY. lise Rame correspondenî t flte Lau- don Daiby Mail soya :-"It is report- 1 1 - 1 ý ltait thie b,ervance ut whicli wouud ait, lu -your dairS' inc,-nr, REMOVING RUBýlISH FIIOM ORCH. ARDS During the summer salot ofmbý bisbi apt ta acouimulate> in urcliard, trûm the breakiixg duw'n ut limbs ol Irees tram uvor oad ng9 or tram atcrms, id s- t- it 3qiNi MUýLý 4919-oued flore un gauiauthonity fia t Inu scb cases tiOse limbs iying la the gea you nd lote reouti t iol URlAANST DROUGHr. Greai Bifain bas orderetia o nm- grnmnd preveal fie snGw trom lyial . VeYeu ew ife Il eu fel trcd "UAR AGA IT bar o guns fI te Terni touadry, sud on lise surface anti otter the mctcloea ý1 "NERVES. A correspondent iormnoaing on tise Ihat Senator Bradia, manager ut tha enetlabosfrmc Ilia ao Cifticuîiy ut gnowing t bowora bn a dry fouutny, lias promised tuybom ihthe aet7rbsfomiI sagcd TAKZ stO Ssuocebrsthll ae i une xpedition." plan litore iseavy anow comues lu ne, ;seson delars tat a mke he tmomove ail tle ruhbisli tram arcunt f'ruit 4, IYgrounti midi, even what righl lie eau- 25,000 TIPOOPS AND 72 GUJNS. Irees, ant i aso tle grass that otxion A despotol. tram Landau aays: - grncwa near tise le trunk while tii î - :3ETetcdunduiy icli tan tbowora, la one ut Englanti la prepariug freali arma- tmee ila amaîl. Ï,FRthe groatoat anvantagos la regard fa menusat2 rnsoanllion- N EVFshablity t(. -Ilisuaii droufli.Ilo usodth Ie way ta South Atrica turing lie OATS GPcOWN AVIlIR CO'SXPlAS. wbut woufio ucgardad as a ich, pot- çrescnt monts. Acaondiag ta tise pro- Oporsuil u inshw la gramme, 25,000 atiditianal troupe anti n orsi asb-nsonta Ail lragglats. By ,Mail Irons Dr. Hope ting soi(, nul nichedi ly stalle man,' 72 guns ivili soion lie afluat. Tise 00v- where cnwpaas wone gnown sud fiai Meiin o., LimiteS, ITorono., tune in crutia turr, but uropaneti in a oraiment lias onderedth ie Maxima lu vines tunneti unuler tle yieiti ut nats compost lieap. Ibis lie managoti as' manuifact ure as rnany 4.7-nci snd 6- was 10 bu par acre grealen tissu wiere foliauve: "I matie s compost houp lu inch qubck-tirens os can lie lurneti outJ Ibis cios> foibowed German millot O~A fo~ ne corner ut my garciea, tise baste â.ut ntil otberwise naîtieti. piuowoti usder us a tenlulizor. Tise h bing f armoti tram stable manuna aa.mone serie ut lestai was matie aI tise e-Alai uta anti shoîvet'chat cats on cow- iwheled ut nd ied jst fterhay- fs pa tubli e produceti bigler yîeltie ing, ta whitb was atideti, during the alisan w h rte vines woro lurnex uxn- _______ hall, ail nulibiali troun the gardon, auch der. Ibis lise station tliinks was prol- as potatu tapa, beauL anti pou vines, a aly due fa li- act that the vines ivre ngwoxnen are eoni- ont properly bunieti sud consequnnly J ngta unatertand etc,, as fat aasIliose vogelohles wero NEW NAVAL GUJN. the stulibie aftortied as.botter oued lied, v, îthe Brekaches, use", refuse tram the kitchen, tiecay-. Idaches, Iinod ing applesansd vogetabîas andti flt IleBiibAmrayhaetcdei- ~uFelugeani ~ clasi uf 5cuff Ihal eccutnunates about lu ariauthe navy wirh o ncw pattorna IRE RESI FARUM M[URES. Feelingsfand Which the pruies wLicb wilil readuly mot 1twevii ci steel ant i wre gun at on te ueraede in lathe compost îcap. Tlis w,, enditu-reofut£41ü0AGO. Tise gua auota irssIr aSo lliy sife un du trledo aven occairuaiy ati whenever weghs 50 tuns, ie41 fbal long anti worth twice osas icl .;as l f roua - 1 u ' n y q o îa u y n o i h1 a -,,3le a is s a u 8 5 0p o u n d ae il o v e r tw e n lY c w s a nti o g s , sa y s F . S . XX i l' tiGri Tle poisons liaI ooti îcatîng uf gartien ail -as miesthe hbasoz-mep'liiîy of ual slrsw ua nd t\ouglit ta le aniedti tra-a aveu' il, ta prevoa theso tntoin- ~laI Ibis hecone foîly siîui'aLaJ xiih ~ areseulbackinatio i lisf te ait by IUoneuploasani off 'r sn adoatsn ub liex'e ai utAC A hlcir arum, btdora hrowîîig ouf.Tis [sto lhe blootilehng ith them a malu,_ su lII la is ati itn-asfaagoa 1tit, d tut ipana enanti as les.l makea the býýsît, fahi ma, Ui' f il of ain 'ls.matie up 'utthis enrî -cbof sali." -xpssu_ýî DOA~~~ usc pufpst lu los a unii nl 1iOiav coAtilues: sien ainflue sainbe iur Weak, Lame, Aciing Backs, the Resull of euil lis-and bouilainpiles, Manuio drie way pains anti aches, makie wotnen lan-or Lsd, I irnç,iy ivertedth îe cati Slulgih, Itacîhe Kidoys. ut lesvalue, sncb as co nsd bugrnýant- beally anSdlhappy-able lu eujoy lite, ln a part outheîleawuî, tur'ning,il nia -tirun, wn-catisils, darayeti vegeluies, lira. C, H. Gilspie, 204 Bitain Street, rie spade ta lhede dpîl iabiolut. six 1Backutcb lim nrealîîy kidney acie.[[le jsavunga, lbaves out rees, ta tact any St. John, N.B., aye: inches or s itie mure, ant il atop out id'neys becorne cloggeti, asti taker lu their 1rubbi-l îlot wli rut oa le ix-i iii SSome ltime ugo 1I1ba,É1a&Violent thtack 1tîls nvenletisud atdoti several incises uork of ilturisg thebo bod., lackadleio asi h sremuue I bl ot La Grippe. From Ibis, 8evono kidney taure of the sali I have, scriled, antizatures waruuîng tîntthîe klddoeys are ou trouble arase, for irieis 1doctoroti pitiýrnanqplauxted fnrn tIh e ed hoes,tin hr eat ltteFioii ou îog i~ okt vrsseal rimest aon, butreutevet Ille rei. a'ingSt1i'h isy n--ned gnon-nhgouti strung île systeru a~~~~~~~ saInu i ee lyiin l tpa ich annuale pIlownan-od t ysru, I thecsys laden seil foui poisons, which I gel oel mixeti. Il la geaerally be-I Jon, butldney idlirlaibye.oke tI v 'pannsfanti isuphuos u ,ee antsu il cueBrigît'e disease, dropsy, diabeles, ila sprcani mou,,nulra in thotaîlun, plus- loga thir use andtinla ashort lime bud Japanoso pinks. A portion af tle r xiîrnatsm o llr qulin.itu sd oarser maisurae au tItn b- ov cd t em lutale a porteet curs. Betone taht:ng Led 'as planleti n-us mixd vaeielajfta osliaithon if cdo syeti astil -,n Vh tIsas rpille I suferet snob torture th-lt 1 uteac'lofuthIe above flan-ors, oac b le- Puec al vnaesfeignli aurteebusiau p' ma ot ur naoven ln bot wihout asss- img masseS by ficruseives; and ti ilas buiekache ta set thein kidneys rugît, Theie g for graýi,c,. dsi ace. Doa'a itnsy Pilla bave nescuet beenau alazeofutbeauty tram the fimie experieoce outenCs o! bboasantis ut people bA b eis15 adaber ta suruutoi; me tram tIbis terrible condition, sud bave il liegon ta bloom Parti' in ,iune uop tella tbeun liai lu accrnplish tIbis thare il al, as 1h att rds po-r1-cl~ denoetevemr ain anti ache,.ltalise proseut date, Tle aneet alys- no useans su oocccsnl as the oua cf Dr. ineus fs th- l' tats s urn las leea oua abeel t f-lite dur- Citai Kidney-lscor Pill-île world's iNov, îotma'ilf- ux su a- nall ihi bs long parioa nifnoi nd L'a tkx'uoy curtue,'unas5lit>syi i t 'la succacian tis pIler n-s s ruses Dr. Chase's Klcd'ey-Liven Pilla care jalr bleilanr utuSof of salidiblhoomu, wn-le bat f . vr'enas permnaoentlyisy 'naleng le lidesieailuby, lcgi o stuih guida-i by ant iplas liave done s eten tison ver active anS vigai on'. Tiey aepni l a l crsomîlair No1'onae -e ihave lad tisea Sao hfetn. vegetaîîe, sot natiirahîse andi uirectiîy on the nf uih u- a' atrsl ua,'dutjuni, "During thfie teaf ather inlu 10ie csat r ocebhyetecos re-rs u niniiry ail rases the earl pat utîleseasn tsa bc uas-s a promît andS positive cure ton kiney mnnosalil rt -hmte useS occasioasly suri tiselied Ilium-diseuso ercipat ndl heoml - ln1 - -kitwiile yonulep uliont n gipe oughiy soketi; but blaet on u, rviii- le cuxpail'ni.i îecmpi aiinf-os -i u f ul't>il wseedîa caosflhese filter'sg organs, thoy are u-Sut'-l -ladyboinlr- or pain, rDg Dypepsia, Sick leatuxehe spe n-sIen suppiy lie'aaing su neariy sprc t yatyionnseenlicveei.lonmaun'mul liitevlsssaurn îsd Coslaitau aleyou foai botter! odsustedtu flt tiere seemdotir a ýsis ýýýih ioa t1le anng, Pnice 250. saime danger ot a tailure, tise use ut! One pill a dose;' 25c. a box at al dealer% li eones as. bs',al llogilib tisabuse n-as reatricfet sud nno - On EDNOÂNs, 'A'rLS & Cou., Torouta. 2 île vaine, xhougl if mi.cdeqaaill' n-th -m ..,.. ' o e aîuing, tisatie aw as gui-ng la do al!ihe ,ouiti lut( keep 1us trom màrrÉàng. Cook', Cotton Soot aompon 193 ânccessfàllY useS rnonthiy iuy uver M10 ltiOLadles. Suifs, effectuai. Ladies ask -tyour druggist for Cosits Cetion Reet Ce,- s.Take nu other as ail Mixtures, plus and mx uitlttns are dangerous, Prise, No, 1, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 degrees strunger, $3 per box. No, 1 or 2, maled on receipt of prie anS tira 8-cent Stams Tih- ('o, k Couuîpany Wundsor, Ont. LýV-Nos. x sd 2sod ano reeammeuxded by ail responslble Drnggls te la Canada, Nos. iarfd2soid iiB owmanviie lIiGaux FIuANa; NowcaSule by [La .FAnsjcsiuua 17, 17 71RELIABLE MEN Gee ieft met in evety iocaiiîy, local or treil- unle, te uairodce and aderise our gods tscking tp ah.ew-&rd% On f.nces Along public roaSe snS ail Cspesplaces. lo Cxperirne ntiedfuti Salar> $r60iloes11 per mnth and e.pen.es $2.50 pet iff MPIRE ME[DCNE C.. Lsedsn. Ont ton was givon the tbuwers axcepli whal lhey received trorn a nalurai source." Yet the plants kept on blossoming, holped ta do s--liy the richuosa ut the FOR. BEDBUJGS. Hlere la a remedy that lsabasolulely intallible. Purohaso 15 cents' worth ut merdury or quiaksilver, heat te a atiftf froîh theoÀrhitp-s ut 2 oggs, and then use sorne aid iran fork or utensil that tho qu.cksilver canut injure, anti beat tlie twu ingredients tugother un- tii thoruughiy incorporated sund will flot separate. Have your hedsleads lhoroughly washed and acalded, thon appiy wLth a stitt teather the mix- ture bo every part sund crack uftIhe bied and every place that tho bug bas inhabiled. If thoroughly done you ivili nover se any more hugs. FOI Ti G AP E AT THE WtAROFFICE. A deapa cti trom London,sys -.-The cowýd at the War Otticaý on Munday was larger andi mura axciied than auy siace the time ut Goa. Buioer'sreverse. Irhe lobbies were packed with! inquir- ors, sud the atreet outsida waa throag- ed with peopla. A rumour which iwas starteti that Ladysmith had talion oreatod paintui exciuiemat. When aLout 4 o'ciook Gen. White's otîlciai despa Lob ias received the re- iet waa iinteîse. The atternoon pap- ers col'i -ng the dssaýach su.d rapiýi_ ly. A sente-ce in ton. White-' nos- p-atcli: "Thes Eroopsaaesu ii ut the services tliey hirenered f0 the Q-1-e- " kipîc s pupular graifiatiou, ana ,om,3 outhe papors eomplasi;se il liy usýxug hdavy type. Thi- ge-nera1 elation which il azi-n ni- g wid acarteti a rumour lin the city that Gen. -dubar hati crussol the lugala river. This report eau eafely hi ignore'], ira ba hibury was aut rhes Foreign Outîce i tiseafaternoon and conforred with AtorLeýy-L;onerai Sir Itclhara Web foer anti Sliscitor-General Sur Robert Finlay. ILu leunderstoati that Ide matter di cussed at the confeen5ce was the seîsure ut vesseis canryxng gaus de lgoo lu be contraband ut war. The Central iNews statos uhat Gen. White Lai~ taken 40Oj pnisoners iii th~e lightiug ut LadyýmiLh. -IAitASSED BY CANADlMNS. A de-patoi tram. Modder River says: -News tram Bolmont shows that 'uho Queensland andi Canadian tontingonts have been auo nergotc, in tisu ueigh- bourhaud that ýa largo boit acroassthe border ot the Orange Free State lias beau deserteti by tisa Ruera.« [[his makes ît ail tise more surpris- xng that colounial nobeis shoulti hava daned luo stablîish a camp wlcîf'Lna ne- latively short distance ot General Methuen's army. Col. Pil 'ber's.troopa completely sack- ed the Baer Iaer. Ihey detnuyodi nothxng, but romoved overyching un1 wagguns, xucludiug the records ut: the1 ýruleticammando, wh ich us almostsuI-i 1iîýijtly complete to betray the polii-a tak aauding ut eveny adu.lt un s mile wide di ýtrLt. e Beaver Block, Bowmanville. Harn We "Ibul lu gîve bargai Good Twe We have a vei fo aWreds nd FREE va beonalc x budt 10 cents e sc Fie Be y Wateh tir seiixag 2 doz, iiesi c CeS ore t desiget .1uaisutîight ,redte e d, o'nsIpntsi. u ur Jrc su1 them, ret,,rn 'ne andoi,' Osiera. ss. nsoidxuoYxiex well soùd 'i LINab,NDY ho e sold t thîei Dmli S flhi $2.5 Uiglest Pl I e~'~i.l~ su, vrCuitFilb 10 ~lklb,' IR B0oGissa 00 IHAMPTON. j ~ ~~ ~~ a, ta'u's îrcfstisatia. e - î et, Tcronlo. "1The Bow-legge'db~ost ànd0f er Stories',t "Onie grec WtI an lutta. "'r epresepatitx' dusction Sy ~'ltubi l IeAmeter e ieighsforthe lu.res c glu n x camb tiley. Au ' sol 1 over 2,200] Illtustrated vol.evricîesn hiieMufualtise foî'elock a ketches, vese, a facetious pana- Ivn]l arrive this fraphs anti cul- ' OD R M u e rS b o k a u d p l g g D , U .ht erili nuladpleýed e diîapuint - -"Beains: benit enuc sotder U a vh ingetid dat hbrai a d lueta fil O N W OJdK Il nove pia r ed i'n projectiiug fid ut huaimoiaiî.br A oktou e ih ub r nedou asind ti ,PAINTING.- eu0oyed emolug sotnoliy etnipetial yeuI tniilâ.OCntine "The Bain iegged Ç,, s"panel of Saisl ur "ýwisnEu Brsang Final auIlsMouWExu TIM NfING. ConSSn't Langh," "PosÈsble'Tilies ut Future B&oka," "Seling Locke ut Heur," "Ne Woimaubuextra lîgh anti eî toi Soit drsa,"scetc. TPls ,,".etanti al round pi; odtin boun nuS l ot, ruinteti on extra fine heavy; seneen, au uPand absuîuuîoîvthe e Souhumorous Sbouk pub. ivreui n' 1Q . ol- $2-40, mailed potpaicl for $!.0O. a i nd nw Order et once. lionS fo ra'-noirspoulai lues. We have di traled catalogue malleS free. CuvesniS eu l oir est prceus uor-l! good boons. ÀSS"em s! 5juo ers te snd unspeot, an( TRE WERNER COMPANY,i psbilisers si1andY&Ucaturco. Akron Ohio (T5e-e e', er - is bt>â-osg5yhalOo-uuîr owvxixr d a vaster stock than lias been," and are as usual prepared ns lu Ciothing, Dry Goods, G-roceries and Hardware. (lents' Clothing. ?ed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits tô order 9,8.00, ýry large axid veil assorted stock to selýect froin, in Serges. Tweeds, boîli Fore'i;,n and Domestie manufacture, We SUIT ý ou. iroçeries and Hrdwa",vire. roeerv and ilardivare Departments you w1l find o'ir S bouo-iht in the iuesrnma rkets at the ciosest prices, au, wii:v riglit price. Sanie people want quantity others quàlity, both. rice pttid in cash for produce. Gilve us a caill de only andti ttPhtBest." 'c r~bei pciîdsole for abox'eeorpuneo Bwavi ebg to inforin ýwe have boUnht, h'î eariy our suppy otf( utters and Coîn,1g se-gg -eaî'oi. ÈAs the MLagul CO hbave 0of 2600 bunnd A. cutters they are uu:akirug to meet tbeir g deniand th-at exists for tlueïr gooQ, --e tt'ok tirne iy id, madie our tlrtinsorix anti cui st teiusignment sw ecb. A few special tujutures utft: i i ýý K. i>auîlure ;itlaxuti clin pel iateu ll ced rut Seoucb Grot wtbî l-ii o-ry ie;io iia.u lc i iers rnort-isecl o r to lu t sand b racot in s rid. J Q u weeî- shafîs extr a =XX\ hîiory. AIl tJ1 raees, T's, cfn. teel niand ;fi,,, C lin oýr îîtaor stecu ;hune; clxxi1tixs' l': U tî (righit Cor jet ) utre nait witiu01 -Pieh warnu colonsî, or dark, witli j eaîng tlu a i,.i nd, und fiîîlslied; Carvxus ou sies are sollul- uira ti rs ixsîd trI walnut or rosewood. ý-Criîmson. olive or gold Mohair plueli or g-rena or X tli uniels inside: tue rail; buaudsoine nlC1t i piateul auto rails, extra oliç brhass full plateti; shaftefull les hereti and IL~ ipped, hiffletrees. denideti bargains in 2nd lland Carts and Buggies. Cail1 id also inalte your selections JOHN FE{Y -e i j 0O1 the Far' ROUTINE DAIRY WORK. Routine came ut dairy stock la wniulor t essoatial ta sucpeas, n-rites Geo. E. Non-eh. A sloteS laur foam footing, anofler ton mi kin g a ilbird for cbantng the stable 'boulbelaobsev- eS punctually. Noi other dsiry syalom- eau ha madtila py. Cuwa ooun adJust lseinseives fa conrditions; if tisa con5- dtlions are nrang, ti"y go n-rang, lau. If lie cows are5 milketi aI 7 o'ciock on n-oek Soya anti 9l clock un Sundays, ted anti -toý_reS inreguiarly, lhe stable cleaneti nhenever tioso permits rlsiry luck wili tly ouut flte n-indun. Whene uther tarin mpruduots are disap, flene tsa't a fariner wio dos neît neeti la keep hie dairy iuck aI borne, On wnunIomrniagu dan-s nceS aLtanlon eariy. [[bairnmaturalinmclination is lu go fa footing saunaafler Soybreak. Sot the miliug tima su tisaI it nul diviSde- lise 24-boum day equaliy, as 6 in tle mroning, 6 at mîglit or 7 a.m,, andi 7 p.m., rospBcliveiy. By nul varyîug tram tisis plan, the bacteal eonoomy ut lise 00w wn-l bu etcaiedti lureguharity lu rnilk secretion ande t'umjuîatian, andthie cow n-l yiaiti more miik n-len mitkot reguiarly. As cioanung île sîtabe betouls fu, ,,nme exteur île afruosi loe, in 555 better bo donc aller ma,'kin'g noliser Ilium bcfane. If doue immediately le- tome, s deodumant caÎrl ha usetan tise fluor pnior ta b.-ginning milking. Miik flavur tasu tidelucale anti fragile a thing lIaI in iintor especiaî!y tise great- est cure xa mcessany ta proserve it, The ntiur tram cuws sud tlir sur- MI. q" q6 Wood ashea villi ako a splendid top- drossing for carrant andi goa'sebe.rry lands, ospecialiy if the landtisl a stift clay suil. With many ativautages possessd by f'hc western tarmers for impruviug and keepiug up their lande lu the higli- est stateofu cuitivation, tliîr're is nu ex- cuse for pour or thin lands non any reason, why we shud nul grow good1 crupe fanrgou.eratiuns to corna. But thti tim' lias camne wliau we muat bc- gin toluokbah ter these maltera, for tt is much cheapor lu improve gauti landti han bud up a pour woru-auî soil. [[hero lenu eau, nu malter liow Jnîcli, thal ivili staad repeateti cultiva- lion wu-liout becomiug exliau.5ted. We aanot lake tfram the sou ail the lime A Great Conqucror. Napoleon waa a great couquerur of nations, but Dr. Hall's Rheunsatic Cure la as greal s conquenor ofthe liuxan fainly's direct exîcrny -lxeuinatisru. Mr. John HUnhir, 321 Brook St., King- ton, ont., suffereti intense agony for six Sweeks with Sciatie Rheunatism. Two made a complote cure iu bis case. le bas nulhad atwiage o!pain sice. Tîxis proparatxun xc uscd intornaliy. One botle con laine Ion tisys' trealmeul price S0 conta. For sale aI ail drug stores. HORRORS 0F INDIAN FAMVINE Sale of Clalidre,, by St rv1nmg Prenîs 1 A despatch frrnm Ncw York says: Latesl mail advices tram India aven thal the situation Iliere graws danker every w8ek. Three million peuple are warking, on Gavernment rabiot works. The sale ut chidren by slarviug par- ents la hecoming commua. Familles are lireakiug up, escli momben for buiselt lireakiung up, eoa memberfor hWmselt in searcl ot food. Aliaudoneti children are mel wiIh frequenîly. If Ls a ta- mine ut ugIon as well as food. CaIlle rouaingein cmmarlimei nl ut are dynuwoff hy Ihountis, sudnu tensive tu evea theie ost fastidic-us,ransnwexatiunxJn. but in winlor il lakes a roucina sys- FOR ovîtu Fie-t'y YEARS. tIofutcars ta preserve Ibis oleaunli- Mrs.Win8lows SoothingSyru haboalenu ueedbý, millons ut m"îlurs for thelr etildren whli xi055. teething. If ituirbed ai iglut and broken ou Feed regîilary,, I urge fluaDnul your rest by' a sick cluild suuterignd crying stbthe paof u t ng teeth se u t once and soiely bacauso the cows approciaxa il, get a bQttle Of MrEt.Wlnsio>w8' Southing Syrur but bacauso tlicy dernand ti When for Oidrent Teoîhiuug.Itill relieve the pour i lit1e suifons' r u niee fepeîîd upoîî it,notrs, a caîva atomach us ornpty, her miik1 thers is nuousistako aboutit. Ilcures Diarrboea bag, becornes ompty, iao. While I La-1 regulates the stomnaeh anud boweis. cures Wlîîd ileve i eavy irooding et a -maiîolestt m tegirsreduces inuflammation xu g, y ad gives toue aînd eiergy to the inhole systemn quaDtity utftfood given r'ýguiarly will Mn,. W insdows' Soatbing Syrup ton cliidreu pruoduce mare mLk Ihan lieavy nattons teethlug t, pleasant tothe toste and Is the pre ufth s ame cliaracter ted innoegulin- soriptoet Z of the Wlest andtibest female 1 puyiians aînd nurses lu the Unîited 8tates ]y. Whîil digestion anti rumînat ion pries 25e a hottie. Sold by ail druggisti throu gh are goîug un there chould bu pionty ootthsworld ne surs andaak fer Mrs. W iii uf water lu the oow's atomiadli. Tise Lwsl8o.uthiug Svrnt, anLmai s own desino wili decide _hu linge a quantity. Il Lu ncoasary bo b QUEE14 IN PERSON. for Ithe assimi'aîbon ut tood anti lu urnakeo up tise 87 1-2 par cent ut water e jetWIîHrif5,Prlann coutained in ftheinilk. It mu3t ho ne- tal.ur* eust irxamb-.red that cuwa are dumis,and 1 tSlatrysROee that, cunfined la ulau'hions, thcy A despalch tromni London, says:-At cannot maniteat tiseýir thirst by auy lie urgent nequost of Lord Salisbury aigu.. [[hein neeidun Ibis direction tle Queen will open -Pariamant on rnu4 ho bauticipatet,nul spasmatiuai- ]y, but as routiie oractic-e. If several Feubr-u.ary 14 un persun, the tîrs ti lie. lionnse eapse w .-ut graîtiication, ahe lias dune so since January 212,1188iC tle preseur neeýd lias liassoti. 1hey wliea Mr. Giadtisîne's, InialiHomie may drink, but Uh1 umilk flouwlias licon u le bill.mas iatroiuced. elinunkon, Dx ii, fiais winter ofut-- ail othene you can.-I afford Ibis. You George, ftlion las faileti, That's juel Castoria is for Infants and Chlfdren. Castoria Is a liarmless substitute for Castor 011, Par.2goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine for other Narcotic substance. Lt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mvotliers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuieney. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates te Stomacli and Bo-%els of Infants and Chidren, givlng liealthy and natural s1cep. Castoria is the Clùldren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria, "Cestorta ilana excellent rnedicine for IlCastoria lasos weil adapteti te clixtdren cbjîdren. Halliers bave repeatedly told me that t recommend it as superior tlu auy pre. of its gooti effect upon their childrei.' acription knowu ta ire." DR . G C OsGoue, Lowell, Mass. H. A. Auncuxax, M. 1). Brooklxrn, NI. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very smalI Drices. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîured and black at $1 00. Men's Calf and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rivitted, fromn $1.40 to $2.5(0, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chîldren's Button and lms 25c, 50e, 75c, wortl' 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths'ý to correspond inl prices. We wlll tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is beeause we know, Lateat Spring styles now in stock in every line. The, public is invited to inspeet, our stock ; 1no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchte Stiawl- Straps, fancx and plain;- Dresýing, the very best that ean be' hou ght. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wiil ruin the boots it is appi. Repairing done ln ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers.for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the came. 1 Beaver Block, Bowmanville. PPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER.