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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1900, p. 5

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There îs nothing that wil give more satisfaction in the home than a goed reliable HlOT WATER BOTT LE. You neyer know wh'tt moment yen inay require an application of hot water te allay inflammation in the chest, back or bewels. ln case of culd foot aise the HlOT WATER BOTTLE is in- valuable. We have them at ail prices and would be glad te show them andc explain the special merits of the linos we handie. We have ne old stock as we buy direct from the fac- tory and give a gnarantee wth every bottle of the best grade. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. McLaughlin Carrnages and cutters at John Percy's. Mrs. Geo. Wilbur is visiting her son at Colling-wood. Miss Fielding-, Toronto, is gUest Of the Misses Fielding. 47 cts. huys a 6)e granite dishpan at Nichiolîs ou Saturda3. Flint-glass lamp chimneys, any size 5c Saturday at Niehiollîs. Furs of ail kinds reduced in prices at Coucb, Jolhuston & Cryderman 's. Mr. Chas. Haggith, Rochester NY., visîted bis father Mr. I. H-agg-ith last week. igh Class Artistie Photos, Latest Styles, Moderato prices. Geo. P. Froc- lands. The best pitorial niewspaper lu the United States is The lllustrated Buffalo Express, Mn, Albert E. Jennings, Lambton county, is visitin.g bis sister Miss Julia Jennings. Some hunes of dress goods selling off very cheap at Coueh, Johnston & Cry- derman's, Miss Annie Ewartt, Waterloo, and Miss 1[ewitt, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Ewar's. SMr. S. E. Bragg, ý1-innipeg, Man,, is visiting bis father Mr. R. Bragg and other relations bore. Bargains lu wrap shawls, just the thing for the cold weather, at Coueh, Johaston & Cryderman's Ladies, now is vour time to secure a coat at a great hargain at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. lV1eelly Aïail and Empire and STATEISMÂS for $i.90;-wîth $1.00 AÉtýa3 of Canada and the Worid for only 9-5 ets,i extra. Rev. Hugh Pedlev, Winnipeg, bias aceepted a caîl to Emumanuel Congrega- tional chuîch, Montreal, H1e is a Co- bourg boy. 1ev. James Pedley of the Western Congregational chunch, Toronto, wil Nicholls always seils cheap, sea his Saturday bargains. Send your work to Jas.Goard,W atch maker and Jeweller. Mý A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses. Get your sehool supplies at Jas.Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Good will soap 7 bars for 25e at Nicholl's on Saturday. Ilandsome Pony for sale. Enqu ire at Ti-E STATESMÂYN office. 17Grarnte Faucepans regular 15e only 10e each on Saturday at Nicholls. Nomination's to 1111 the two vacancies in the Town Council will take place next Tuesday. "Wny, howv cheap Furniture has -ot" is the common tallk after seeing our g-oeds. L. Morris. Dent buy vonr furniture [rom me if you eau buy cheaper at any other place -but you can'v. L. Morris. The latest songs. 10e. Send for cat- alogue.' Instrumentai anjd vocal music always in stock-Jas. Goard. Men's and Boy's suits and Men and Boys over coats selling' off at reduced Prices at Coueh, Johnston & Cryder- .an 'S. Hon. John Drydens last election ln South Ontario lias beenprete ou the usual charges of brieyan corruption. lu accordancewith the wish of Queen Victoria the Evangelical Alliance re- quse hat Sunday last be observed as a dy fnational humiliation and pray- or. 1ev, J J. Rae preached a splendid ser mon in the Nethodist chureh Sundav evening-, bringiang iutc' prominence dif- ferent points touechin.- the war in South Africa. llortlultural Society. The annual meeting of the Bowman- ville Horticultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, January 10, at 7.80 p. m, Reports of officers will be submitted, and the new board for 1900 appointed. B y order J. J. 11AE, President. COUNCILS FOR 1900. OSHAWA. Coucillors--J F Grierson, E S Ed- mondson, C. French, James Ross, Win, Haînan, R. Sugden. EAST WHITBY, Reeve-A Henry Counillors-J. Ross, B. Mothersili. E E Cooper, J. Stocks and E Gny.' CARTWRIGHT. Reeve-Anson Taylor Counillors- G L McLatighlin, R Johb, R Thompson and Jas. Beacock. SCUGOG. Reeve-Peter Rcod.Cçunilors-Geo. Jackson, Wm. Atdred, Neil Sweetman and Wellington Sw'eetman, REACu. Reeve--Thos. Lambe. Councillors Holtby, Jeffrey, Boys and Doble. PORT PERRY. Reeve-E Il Purdy. Counillors- Bateman, Nott, Forman and Mellow, (elected by acclamation.) Sehool Trustees---Messrs. T. C. For- man, Thos. Courtice and T. Widden. (by acclamation.) CANADIÂîN PÂTRLOTIC FUND. V I The Merchant of Venice On Wednesday evening Jan. lotir The Lyceum Co.-who have been play ing return dates in aIl the large cities, and towns-will appear in our Town Hall in the great Shakesperian plav, "The Merchant of Venice.Y It is seldom that our citizens have the opportunity to witness a production such as this by a high-class compan -v, and it has only been b-v mere chance that the manage- ment have been able to secure them, after a guarantee list had been signed The list may he seen at the Big 20 and if you have not already doue so, place your name on it. The price of admis- sion is 50e for reserved seats and the plan of Hall will onen to subserihers on Friday morning next, at 10 o'ciock, and to the general public on Saturday. Remember that all those who have signed the ist can secure their seat on Friday. Nearly 150already subscribed for. The play wiIl be put on in ail its grandeur of costume and beantiful seenie effeet, General admission 35e. We gladlvy direct our readers' atten- tion to the Toronto Daily Star under the new management. It has the most complete and and comnprehensive and promptest news ser vice of any Toronto paper. Its market reports are 15 hours ahead of the morning papers. It is $3 a year but we furnish it 6 mnoiths fre to every present subserîber who wili send ns one new subseriber to our pap- or for 190. This is a great offer. Notices of Birtlhs, )Llarriages andDeaths 50 cents,-when miarriage lilenses are obtained or funerai notices printed at this office, insertion free. GiREÂT ST OCKmTAKINGSAE To reduce our stock for the next ten days we are. offering goods at and below cost. Thanking you one and ail for the liberal pat- roaeextended to us, we wish you a Happy Cash Paîd For- Farni Prodil CAWKE TIT

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