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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1900, p. 6

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WORDI A 'Abie Cohen. 77 Parit-str(,et forth, Hlamil- tion, says ElectIne Kidcey fleans have cnrýd gne eof distressing beedache and bachacbe, and a generai rlIndowu condition. Headi v y Rev. Dr. Talmage Discourses on theý Great Salvation. Most Undertal -Four ud linon a Great1 - _Gone fôrilie mother? Alone with her suff er-k There May be a difference of opin- ion about the exwct naLure eft tat suffecing. yeu m.iy, if you -ike, dis- Car-1the old-fashjeued notion oetfire. but the Biblein jeMany places says that the suffer'ng jsle,k re; and if it is likce tire, it is as bevere ai fire; and if iL je as severe as fire, IT MIGH F A WitLL BE FIRE. You say that it is nmencat torture, and net physiual But yon knew that mental torture je werse thau physicai Su the style oui- suerlng taxai yeu be- in lijefar more irtleratde than IN 3 MOURS AUl Dru ggists. or by mai on recipt of 25c. _The ELIE MEICINE CO., t.'mited. Tarante Electine Kiae'v Beani, sold bv 'IOiT & JURY, "drnggists, Bowman- DÛ. L. POTTER. Offlce aid residenceChurcli St. ,opiosite Trinity Congregational ehureb, Bowiosciville. 25, 6m' 31138 EVA LUTTRELL 18 prepareci te give lessons on ergan and piano at h r residence, King St. 7 MISS ETHEL MORiIS, ~aitfrormnatuire. ,,a onpreisece, tir- le a suai pries, 51.6m. ", ', u -1nij uîi ir glr al a I . a;1 riLi g 5/ured j ute-fj(tUy' IhLt wu 1d h a VeblT desires ; ene, te get te heaven myseif; heen a mightier worid. But ne; i thworldotkealtes epe ln-thy se oeG of'sasre ma llt theethr ~ tae al tesepeole lo othe Lnchos ue0fthe smy a itlet wîth me. Wh-u knews but God may W&rld, a prend world, an unclean hear my prayer, and that ail swept worid, a defïant world, a cruel world M by the circle ef these walls shali with- a dyiug world, a dead wurld W as in ene heur be enclesed in the arme of flot thia salvatien great in its humilia- e pardoning Jesus? It is ne tirce for!tion aie was this redemption great argument, fer you mentally accept al lu ite sufferings. It is fertunate j these truthi,. Itisene time ferphilese- that we cannot feresese uT trials. If! :-phy,-foie it ise yeur earts we warit that man who Iast week lest his pro - end- ne-t y-our -headsa.-It -is-- n-0-tire ethat -ho-- we ge4a-ng t-e h-ome- bank-j fer poetry, for tulipe a.nd daffod'ils rnpt, ail thcws ten years would have will net satisfy these whe are famish- eemn ghndowed with trouble. If that1" I ing-fer bread. -The--ft repoated -pray- p L ant who ism eu criotiis idhad er c Poiixd 11h, he ida etknown for ton years previensly that er o Powlad HI, n dhe ids ofhe a ~ iË, for ten years îaa hie sermon, îa my prayer at the be-'iparent xauid have buen everehadewed I Isand here. the audiencea ajh-s~t atia i oea hc mv4- -,j te irdsFor tî'irîv-Lhree years lhavas dvingc .--- -- -- .. ,-... .,- a life. Aays keep- -n hand*a do'llar boule û-' Icures the croup at One.in he fawhen anye clown wt ad~d the Pecora W Ut is no sncb place. Ged le m ercitaui. There wili be no futura sutteringl" e sid, I know rbetter! I feel it new! 1 know ihere Les ucli a plac IA My feet a re slippi ng in to t tibis uom- entd I amrn bel Why didi yets e al me thcre %vas sucit a place? It is the awful, siupendeus, censurning, incen- tvrtbefact ef theunuiverse.r ~Now, ie net a salvaLien that keep.s dewu the hafches, su that these tiames caunnet scai ah us, a"14 that muzcles - theseliensse tat làv et cne S teneh us, xvrthy of being cailed a grear saivaLiun' kvery oeamay scape t.Gol nover pats a man iin perdi- tieL Le ut rbuself there, ,If Von - bhava e great tire con vour farm in Iwhîcb yen are censnming a large amuaîxf oet rubbîsn. sudi ý and ge t b'no.w hri ix toI hlae - y~1f od bas teldus If your heart neyer stepped beiîîing, Ycu weuid caver be sick if yeur heart was aiways able te carry rich, heaithy bieud in sutllcieut quantiîy te every organ and tissue ef your body. Whcc your hcart, tbreugh wcakness or !he strain due te worry acd overworik, is unable te supply the necessary aronofe rich, healihy bLed, e'.ery part et your body bogies te show iges cf weakccs ad disease. R.AIU-%Wr, $ HEA.'_'.1*rTCURE- Stragihna he bartandpurifies-ibe bleod. It-pesiivciy givea- relief i l tirty- minutes sud effects a speedy, permanent cure. ht cures ncrveusncss, sheepiess. flan,ncauraie, headacbe,' despcndency, fcenae discases, and ail oiber ailments thai spring freni diseases ef the heart and biood. If you suifer from palpitatien, -weak- or irregular puise, ibertness cf- hrcatb, faictiig spells -or a lack 0f nrmal"I strengtb and vigor in an)y part of the body, yen ahould secure Dr. AGNiLw's IlFA~îRTCURE. DR. Arc,ýw's CATARRHAL POweEaIDP'S endrrsedhbyCacada's grea test m i- st and eazuaas,. Oif a- I--j",,x-&e' T,,- swuo .rz -~useae-. Reini dia'e-lFI- n,-,fr5 - --mnjesty, ana îovîng aindneesoHs e Lte 5 '-'<". , __ _1-__ D. BIUK SIPSO, uure Hèsetabot te reempionat as-I Pt toswomn nuew net wbar lhey do." COiS and Nuw York are villageý c - f ibeeen1 xl COnand it ne 'aour neart cansea me rancahueig ayu et t e T hces w as death a i thB stake; but p rc(! wiLt it. Th x 4', 'e acc unt La s chance. If I ne er sny another aiso verY ner ro s and my w o e y t m BLO Kupstir, in SretBo ma K r J T S O LA E 0R W ME1C the trre kindlad around iL were the tbc figuratie aï, a heavn God as word te y e, let this go fo th as my as rudwn ad4 blttd A R I S E R S O I I T I b et . O R I ' t h e w rl . o h F e e r e k O b rl ni N P A C o the r s c 'N. fia x n a.a u to f t ih e w u ld 's h a t r e d , e n w r a p - r e a .3 t o -i cu l B u t th a r h e a v e n , l s t a n d d , <; n g u t t p r g n re : 4 1 e ag th a t M i rie oetto e teOtane lws ae a a re n itritafth rncenfr te redern oo-lthemterssti.Tk ith th:, tiercer tires et etern'al fu in the Bible, was heaven he- Cerne te Jesu Cerne now. Nerve Pille -were a sel o hs Pelvte onea ionedat owot raes, a brrendisric etFrane ferepovr brawîay. Th is spectacle xxenld woe-wreathing, feet, hg ods,, yes, fore the ,impruvemenus. It le a grand- ruls_ huh Iwudtyteaý ax bginig h hilinlolabgb1t si icr r hradever sud' rrugh God's uni- Cuhs-etfthe lasi. eghteen bunrediren yfor ROBERT YOUNG, j t abnigrane big (ofnapick- h, kilI Tie. Put onta th ce nd tban el i hewgrbro t i h-nw fu h gea nd- rged d- ea ox dme ateiesDrgtre -~ ~ihei~ i noce theni. The beax eue are ~ ~ uot~i iess Li& OLuïceaLL ~ gtum~i~n~~stuva- affordedme great relief, having ton OLLL,.ootua, - ~ -t ~--'-~ -aa'a .-...aa pa~a. ~J± kaki - . 5 oynpt.anno ~ - .~-..---- mxeaatemn and rames dÀhe 4' se~ g ~..,ilOKwnr mse o e sssan ylCity ot, Strasburg. But here -,va s aeUniilýd darkness-savc as a fiash-t/i q«L.b 1 aabas been nmade up witbin the hC I a bartily racommnend theeandtipll befoundfrom5 a.mn. te 9p. m; igtcalZa iggu1 m rvelsthaeîe f - er .aa' eLi onwas 5,5e great in NtClsa 1.-ýast rhir ty yeares inre env triends- ---tehinfresro hrtrube residçee, dreciy opposite DrillShed. Caitsb highway te haconstrnctad troin e h!1ý1 ue the ey O i,aýd, pee îLet pardon. it takes ail the suais et a hac aeî ong in L9teA,11 FNO sffees frmE. AW11H telaph'or telepfione wilreceeve prompt a et erîh t the t îngthe. gîoom i sec what:haebn og i. lu teARCFID(Sne)M . laIe~~~ equaturor brhtoth eighlts î'yr Oofg i . rsxeiIhioe ite, aîîd ( enIStebeu Off wiLhbOeeuKneoOt 171_-_______________________iris________ ecistroke, se that ail thecries the giat park et the Universe we beaven. Charkson pieaded betore the Son. Mria& the tbrenes et heaven ortane emitdma eu a waîk, sud we shaul want rxtellasve pastis of <Gnd-herIng Con- ~ARWR Lde ihn arEngliih Parliareent, and the Russian- ebive-at h ai. e a beenj &Emaevrc mitdasonaso O.ihgfraleenty _mA deed. lIe liiasktauboetuefîhingsafortii, areternity.ites i. Fhp Upe' F- Isr Valley ~~~L_ t_ dnov, aaiasDoîs',,.-, e odu ririais saivarien, ave r am fiyN-o sichu es wili Paie the check. Ne dis- Coîe5e a sepe sîac, LAY-&LIVEÉ PIaS cr an Cr f nArloS Doc-anIhe 2-tfEper, against the slave trade. But iagxl hee.ie ers1dityjgene, at once, utterly aud for ex er. ý w-iar eth ar1o hdu la 1ilsistaixE.CntpainadSc edee as u-o Otr3 bei" wa, the question oe t xiY-erance Gne nstatye cr--s. W hein W1lbat te ar Nxt? W ii Cnsixxiniii S _ _ o r à b u d r d b o u a n ' h e U m n r l t e t ý u f e r r h e m c n - G e n e . , s e l i te , y o n c a n t o f t h en dg m d a r a u t h e p a t h . s a e u d , r t h e p a l m A d e s p a t c h f r e n i V i c t o r i a , B . C . , a y s : _ _ _ _ _ __-_ _ __---_ _ _ _ ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. frshnrd hnlaOmillions etfche m,à îisn utrser ir e cn- et mne, e at airthe iletthemjnuc- i res, tbrough xvlîîehSo-tte the golden Ilerr K. Lu I&f G.rmna-igeeugi-t,wnhoý MV JAMESIsgner of Marriage Lîcensea. bond mi5ls. Aye 1ilt-was the pouiidirg take Ilis rigbt baud froua liCe naii and Sortey ne: "D di e ove tes.ys 1' lîbt ot 'eternal sureuser. Jesus w'lb h ha um-rlasbe ivnii semaeuee'Deien man t say th ; n althgoo wl b jee Rosideco. Cntre sreot.off et ail -lieu Chain frein the necir bn ,l ïiating try upon fIls cru(,j- I coniri bave that douc for me?" 1lee j i hegu iltctee.snels un-r u enlvn1m fueeor,"YesI a heob" on 1mcdetList, su lov, ad iA iin the Lntx'res te etan associe- eta1pie o .Ithin'a jt was the tes N i oet itn insL, I ,he o! lado igÉ n ovadjy of aNI graee su d. m sr absonuîng tbought ý le Tcugli yen bËailcommittedfitymu- iai whe-a the rcdeemed et the Lord tion et Baltic Russian nohiemen, %who $D .0 .0 on good mort- ry, - '1f,1songe pntei ed dersý thwberc--ouI tailwirI rbreak Aoxvn trem Bîirî hemia cesn bas mad A.h.cLueai, ibilrBwmnvllOtthere was aytbiug in ail the agas ftrugio te wbole caralgu ie under the thonght! I1 cannot expres 15d.the paet, or that thora wiî hLe inal 'crime, I announice full pardon fer ail i. Eye bath net seen, ner -Car a di'eox-eny et great importance,.Iler IALUR hege e te utre a'~your sîns the moment yentae hold h eihe bath t entered into the Lndioff is in camp on Woodpackee ls-i AT NANX'RfTI TO EQIJAL IT. ofIis r'.demrricitl. i great in its final; Prepared forthex-hloeir.leannthFserRvscose- Genleens lohesmae e îdr.The master-place uf teruity 1 These deliverancae. liera is a bhi. Ration- inot a saiverien that opens sncb a gate ai itneaeeQeele, whara ___________________________were 50 in ny dittirulties te ha ecer- ls braruIes il e-n; but iliere it is where idro s uhan nnrbm, and cou- lha bas heen cobiectiug seede eit S-ine if cernes t, ia'gu coma I Thoa wr0c snc infînita ensa- SP ue modemn essayiste an/i the Bible dit - enreinates, sncb a triccdship, e great digeens British Cuýmbia trees for tre Irnigsrso , nigte T0 TREEDEAF.--A rica lady, cure/i nrst b osiee 1Tee efe r. Peopie eay rbere ougbi t tb saiva enati htien I lieds- oeso t Jetofber Deafcess and Noises iu ihe Head hy quca cc u liao i ded I '[b eigwsb ha el, but there ît îc n here inodoren Nc.w, aeyeesi orte1psteeis nelveqa eBrdc lo Dr. Nichosens ArîfliiatRar Draus, bas senît sc ufst rde a nbhîhc~~tai ueadteLt i letion ?Are yen ail ready f lit the cOveeed extensixe deposits et go:d-bcar- £JIOO0 te nsthista sottitCatpeoleseabthao cdlaan peopieensnuabie Cinte tseolgle, asudheLsncbodAi-qurealcaioitieseatiLeis ig c- roera- egntereAo byBitteBitess te procure the Est Druims may have thon froc, pus If Goad /ibeen lasthan omi- SPighty ,ittar, 1 aineue ut thoea ew Ilighl ufthLbs sba ns re sisjîgcnleeaelies aih s Bthe the soeitthBBB- Appiy te 789 Eighîh Avenue, New York, U.S.A. npoet,,e7oidcr aeDeu igitht, di noi-als ip în cit y whotb îors getinis aiiains knr ykse atznciugl/i sud 2h yr srotn enh;or las t have eni-texhi ib.Nîalynu-u e~geat inliLs sacrifices, se grear ic tron pyrites, similar te the oc ýurnenca hfreee h oa riain W fhave everyiig inii'i? Exerythînglire t' consummatiece - the question et geid in the Transvaal. Frum cha.er- Take the B1.B.B.inralyta cient, I do eut ibink Re wenid hava w .1a, ursts, crackias, and thuadere nion _________the_________of beau wise anough ; or lece loving, wonld « w 1letOurevgars;ng \Xha1 chaa________escape___if_____ nehave bac srpebtî nug.w., pabout tbe, serpent îc Eden? snd the ourcar. l w hailwe ceae ivav Thera might bave mecn a Gud strseg Thin, pale, anmmic gi.-Is Ssu anùistîlli-isd tue whaaa egic 21rarslato1- e 4f.wooals phospbndine',whcseatrie C. HARNDEN, L.D.S3. tee weak te do this. le create tt ne at out nc t IiTIN e h a b ecei thor i l jstene, M agdalen lIlne .. as (raduate of the Royal Colege of Dental wSu) soey wrd aa aeeari th L 1', ibelieve ir ail as much al, 1 de in no pcIseibiiitextaserOfcu. e dugi Cna icrda. Oniy ! î ;wt lasr ea efVre hut te de this work reqniro/i more tLb hi. îr usood, v cîr y uaveexistence. "Weil, thea, yen EvcrYtlbiPg xiii iead against hlm.' :f B.abB.me.urin disceveed. in genOtroaword. IL required -mus, 1a baa edie- ther check~s and restore their 7c annes have aead rhs argum-ente on !The wetee nlbise troua the toue- pec/koges çugameed te cure aIl BBBwihcrdm un O5r ayeffort et s Go/i. Lt uequîre/ite tia- he o .Iiue. Ys,1 tern à.is of extial Xekness, ail cfecis et abuse 0omy ieg. 1 consulta/ühc d4r n OlFICE.-OppootitaExpress Offiee. /yn uua tau Oaaiy Soi.Oh! nducersdee"rs.Ihaa;tea- ani'ey WT tl/ bu e te livingMnti ery Ecesvereofamteygae ieslv tmptsh b hidn ing athnregu ila thn dsao igt c.l hofi, u iin tua e hre bLe migbt xxash t'.'Opiumuebîlaniats. 7iaflone.itgo.Fil'y mi' cglecaeao VITÂLLZ91) AIR is net thai. whicb tLoait 'aiethe ,ha glît sai; reSu evexy cciii char Tli "Il bissias away, hum ha -oulai n.om of prfco one package$1, six,$ M. Onae 1pfcd. in fori an/i depth, au/i length, sud iinrencti, sale tc say thaï they nearlyiw Paine, or Thao sore Parker, or Rean om' EscaPe ha mustr net." The:,saziitucuïc.Pamiel eto te asddress, runnîng sure, na. O 0r ot en/i etarnîty ut Hs nature re) achieve <-i.l, vraiet utla subjeruat iibem re' ha xi ii say, -We loi/i him utf al JTeiot imsy îdou cu/ e u uyb etafur ~~Twûihyetbecg1alea agrear siva- ail rejeet fat Witn nerbo. roua mbhetitioe.page u o Iît tnh t uîideom l ich haensi, Iwa /ie/ eu, ... n thylofbiîigtien fod e r i d bncetIW'se. Thrae boulies liealdu a o-ea i' the last jine, ot tht la.at fp age .obtfbiwo/i er ee y j se that 1 have nxe eurr.xic Paul wais ight axhen Lh a ca1ic/i is tuhle1i'k iten uirie ,t aj__ a rut t"l'scIwithi lusince." salvîrion gîasLcance it was tounde/idosi 1ruhhateîyu1Cui î sky aili s-y, "Welihmerh nou agîcar sacrifice. Whan ElLea- ini/ nt kuilt y sul tbîuugfh the -sin r vrîlam ttoGET _________________ Lerli Fry went inte 'Newigaie Priconsu - îs lmu a/ hîzurl foto ih;a/ ecu iu e_ to redeere the î-baoi'îue/i, sha aastolu tenaitoun' btt he,,Ian/i uoscpitis OItetht glc!y. -Lele hnti-ti Ivaismdeykm HmLibth- te Lay uofflier perce 'a/idxarcb lest Glisa ade-wtt, axhere the ieau/s are rna/iih trwl ta Ipit/ To TI'ie Front5~~~i 77yh tobtreuei igta L ER Ou L bt cuals, sxx-p-t by the- smou ilg 1 1,'ieJsi tBtI tt uvsh bssr.ktt ao . ee wIyIOff oSp!Iu.arairisvrru :h a tLbava fouiLa 'spe bu. must urýo.' Te ibl I I l ohb ero a teaturxo h urymn But don'tfofrget that J. S. Rundie CbîcL came itu t mb& i'nofttisji bia tiserarias ccc b- Ils justead oetSay r-"Iatl hituby e thonsaîl l. îg exacitmu nti rne i leads both in price and ouality in w r id'IS sin, liae'.rrughr w'itb him nil !S ex. fl w ai t - o eqtlSA î.thso,>c n ann d' an/i xx-abut d mhbG IesaIwotoauinuea lpsis t Single Haruess, homno-madex yul-ber th' e ,oele ut baxanly affectioîn npoc tSPi a n/iflt isen Ecae o met i v a.,.a kW.0kaaekak'S L et L i -'lofteaob'm ornika tînme. is Tamhim.Re. Murn coul/i uer effet/i to pare ýàntoi ietenth m lve ln thol-ti ~oi sIie emc"lase',ueut aIvay îiiieilCi y cta'he0f-' ,0/ul aixîLakeîeîla rac s- î - regOa, a.a ]EansHerse Blankets, woOI, ker- hul. Ilafb thet aclele t ha/ibac v Youp doîrahimteu aitricsixtmoleà-Oh y hod/y branch 1 bore irit 1ak-1icîdir ut îî t a rao oîel helatin ttha ici Haneshula/iof te etir'oL hm aou/i~ oran eemrt (cod-liver oil) 1ea t ioack Lu the eeogte mgthaef/ibsecr*auîgtt, Lij itlaioi i'lat ýc n-su ltpt ats sîeaou tl sey or jute, ined or unlined; Red net se mrucb bava beon misse/i. -[t ortat elmip enII ailI shwbox un fifty-four p-ces- tînt bele, niud net lud ,if. Es 1m )>i Ca.t fla-id ati'biaaoiatd t i iies ourh ot Fei Gog.T rivr obe, uber utriiedoran axciting fLima,%rounnd an o1/i home- î n a palatable and easily di eî. a h ýI, -1psiiey set-ý îib_à ie '-Ytîd t hi sOîiot ea~ vibt'dso'ra xr rie oerabritrie r ead, the moling the son lbaves home 4Ni nteB ae i pstviyese-Cape lsmuet noü." madenglsut iaoe hstek x i"asîmiltheai bombuasoh îgîbi hat re isesncb ea ptae, an/i Go/,ý' il as, a\afleiat bu buon iilbs .i vId~ii 'ka sedic ailea la'tY lcr istlii without and last but nof least Our te go awey; for they l-ux' net nbat gesied oibtas h hypoý ilsy ite.Amjrt Palmerston Cutters second, te none wihî bappen, or arbthar ha w'll aven r htwihreoau )ntbetiax' tiîti ahan ha talla nie arem/ ne L;brh m sxl-iisraxî'ia 011 ît h hrit. ýarecle..raavi ale ie.T for style and quality. rtratht eeigL me 1'!Be' tia a lnscerta-iaîy f1xiii when 1back inOunr mitaLr. Escape ha must tr iria-uiertose abiaom ofb- 't aea i bava bran in boaxcen xx'Ln Jesne Ieft 1, eevos ~a bs oit L Trieo fuil y tlies. 'Bat îaot' Th-a teola u ju la.mo ,a wiîiey f 1:4îîoîf 5 - i'S aunbi/s trmbra/ vt'r Everybody welcome at - I think ail heaen bnng arouts/i bînie'1 t ilohihm Ilie fortiebun, ae u arieiîu, î uIa 'ik ,-hoe jirt i aalî j is .aat arower te facilitate ope in.'h -l seacshing Lira not te ge, sematie ustally accomnanv an-mîa. P ctainly n ban Hi aI.noaccesa thibg te eLbIl"eutGd ni-L-f ia ssi o'aîil 'aic mure us sumilar tLo thautsrrOn J OH N S, RUNDLES.rpei.teh.fte eisbththattth renso odan , airsuhr W way; soute shadinetinuhlenparus 3' ha- SOT' a teoie hitfotrth tueni hd ht uMs Tjecoers Ee e hmuesa! 5 a" amida0 tue-tri r ethr Wlýea ,a/i spaaking je silint grief et is tecrascelai'if.Peaul saya.. "l 'y eîîa'lAl- ttxrlle ir- alieuîilIg u' I eOIE ia e îhé aearesLptofîcPu/,cî HarnesEmporium, OOea door East ef bis deauture; and xvhen th e vai- Ainatheroies oetuha des(lroyed ila cl ir,-v'îa' a taii igrapýh station. COLdtal ip La. Morris' Furniture Store, Boirman- caeafor Bethlehoedashad Up teth, f atty food that la more easily * e eut brdnih vfîeiig,,smu- speak eut an/i Say, a ViWe ,gaete i t imiiedsa-tutriean p 'un-,iatahleHerL/ofai. ville, golden g-te and the cry was, " Ail Luete onoi sa Liii ee sae tneLod"n e-eta o I-so'aIdhe go ira arcej.eîî w dto-ay as tote ire iuitne i15 si. "bis rorery, as haie sa ge'g-ta-c p nony I terewe a wacm god be' ~ tsnany otîser 5orm ey, Thr'1al9o epigfrac when we Iarc a bupi bad ? Esc ' e siolil--tloaxhieh'eîuxai bc- t ,ad 'l' i .eo t2~as mtl-i -l ren/ a in u1 t earw, ce/i lest axa- ___ ob j seagnashiag et toethxvheîî ye shah me nt" es- wl aL3 a slldsi-aes o il t a rigiir , mi sal ail iii tesorim5ye ith u.ie'ol S and a or/sf batrsA nertain amount ol eeAhaham, anid Issue, as-tJaeeh, hm-usta-a ria.' aasarc K-, a a,', 1-aaal le Aufurtdyiettata a aiuxsuilu sa i ,- nt offt- e ti ro n f i o gI "-ppiaaauleiaihaiaiicaiîiiîsii Oli- ' ba.ataaa ~ ~ aaa o~- aa IaritS of heaven remember now ehi ncsayfo elh though it were but yesterday. In timen eh' ncsaylo eIh of war fle?ýts go away, and none but! bu can get it in thls wa. the kino and the - dmiral know where Y they are bound, Diring our iast war, We have known per~ squa drues went out, and we knew sn oa" nothing of Ihem until they were Te- sost gain - pound iteavy G'Mfor ported off shore, and landing amid l day whiie taking it. i'itaChin5rc,~e tC f ii 0enly endozan I FERY ASSAULT OF BATTLE I ~e]ooDoyiie4 aitee en t, each at?. Ls adpati oe.an 3 ',aldruggista. ino itha Ie.rateihandoe wy.a ndthne owazd do 0.11netwema, rtoaaiw ti aa n 1yc do net think thiat Heaven ldnew f1er4 SCOTT & BOWx , Chemriats, Toronto. SOIS S e5 Uharge xi.Iiis ii Cewa hre Jesus snd His coherts werv joouo n. )und; and when one Christmas nightj andxcail tac prpes in the singe-ont etf Gu/iasel yeu yoursolf thrnst. eut." a Chrisi ', n'uo engli'te okn-w,sys, "An/i these shaîl go aavay ietoeovrlastîng p4iits e.'It iî sret more cortain that there is 'a ciLy e ale/ Constan-j tinü,pie or XLoceo w than that thora isj a great metrojolis et eufferieg; that Satan robes oveýr iL; that thora are iras thatcaotb put out, au/i tear s that sa',c fa]li, and, groans tisat are for ever uttexa/i. Whenut imnugeLa into tatplace, lhenover âîets eut, hack on ail cha'se ouuia' andi hy al '-i"reiat ca1a' a atat rutLakSaaaro."aalte i IFO 1 tla'LLti& C, gentlea n iat ofila, tba wn-iter.sy 13 v\txE-S&BII0i(Lut5, hi' tounîlnative gell/in pyiguasi- DR. A ,CHASE'S-"" CO-ssoLIATI)s.r STCSSEXIaNGescuItI BUxtrIA titios. aRc does net wnttecci ri- x60 BROADWAYE- c Ycxna, RiZ .pertias, bat te ictere-t out sid!e apital ~ssot irctt ie lîasd E 0W. 44-sm. ln thea geeat wealth ot tho Prï?ovin-ce. parts by the Ixepteve/ Bloweon Finals the ulcots, dlears the air passages, stops /roppinileha g itSWaaaaMuu aaii. h drenO yfo ah.-oat and y cui-mth e va m i 5 Laat.t a, D baial-and OT)I'. GMitw. Cataxrh snd Hay Feyer. Elowia ga ~lvciciao ofMecai 0ctm', , sceimal , eau,. free. Ail dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chiase $lm, coiiaic rtilta treavas iofet uawcriiu'spoîi'xac- MloinC., Turoto a nd Du/he i-c.ilce.palaS Medicie C JMNSTON& MCFBL,"Hi71 enge St, rrani, Cffs.s ..,.f .a.~' -.- Il- -P r---] n i .w

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