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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1900, p. 2

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ar ** vt~ ~esting Glaerai Buller7 pass- en. nytMon's brigade~ ws sn gofthe lugela. Llowitzers were hold the position. HEAVY BOMBARUMENT.. fu ie usd fPeoiadl fl~~~~~~~f~~~~J(~~~~~ a ~~~the immnediate vicinity of the cernent___________________________________ evidentiy busy, as the firing is de- The whoie B3ritish force, with the ex- A despatch front Natal, say s.-Gen. wrs hr ecile rnvs ot scrbedas he eavestyethead i cetio ofa frceto arrsonat ulesO Lyttieton's brigade, with a liowitzer land cernent was very badiy made. lie Natal." advanced without delay. battery, crossed the Tugela river atpwe atr mst jaosy The ime puuises te flloing Gen.111dyad'scomand snWa Potgio-ýer's drift on Tuesday, Jan. 16 guarded from intruders, and eventh fromn Pietermiaritzburg, dated Tues- Springfieid. To'ae oeaoetewit fIaln rmfi yaiefcoy day ~~~~~~~The South Afritan Liglit Hlorse de- the meni. The Boers tired tw chI ain ri h, yaiefco A g-reeab lr h ircinc ttesuhsdflervral5i rnhsflepssg en nter. hoJt t neraeooryJ "'Very heavy artillexy f iring was sired tto bring the pont, or ferry boat, and then recalled their forces to the o tn ils raway, nowy nottn _________________ Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going to Springfield." rupted. crsyata i aywehBiihNwHv ayAcs oLds ibBesAa stop baking altogeflier. We A BOERS ROUIED.the river and brouglit the boat over, Tlie fritish'advanced in skirmithing liere, or whether, as in the cg se ofdy o CleoFrtStil ito Pre-W te ey stpbkn loehr e Adespatch from .Renslierg, Cape under Lieut. Carlyle. odr n h ml ojso h aiewrs Maslai vo can get at LUTTRELL'S, Cooy cs:TeBcsti ir- A ~ ato or days flic Br'- summits were occupied liy 6.&i P n. nf-mte ofarkn Stoffen," i lic doni, A ci eCna inst Wantto n lit Bowmanville,such good Bread ing attempted to rush a bll held by fieslavane asrumdGn.Lt Durinig flic niglif it rained iieaiy. teimredngeinsacjtpu yttosbrgd crsngogier5 Yesterday, Wednesday, the Boer teipre aain att and Buns, and Pies, and a company of tlie Yorkshîrcs andi the d biaecosn ogee' nu ncrrde nteso.s st ieppear te carry ouf flic requirements ~Adkspatohl froni Londnsy prtdb notwadCons Caks, ndat flic point of the bayonet. olejkpc uti rts ilt rn fMutAic,~hl lcBîil f the exclusive concession. u elyx X.-A1 right, Sarahi, don't tell Boers lied 21 men kilied and aliout 50 Gen. Varrenls division made a left rcmained in possession of fthe kopjes THE AMMUNTION Bennet Buleili. fthe Daiy Tl-ls ilt ev obriel flank 'itta'k on thie cnemy. and plain. Hseavy snisfs envcioped rplcoesndta Samn'es mean or. Itwll10 ondd wsa ain.pee f A pac foi odo ay litflc usbt lc aalgnsad 5tae aaye daocfigtongap' cresodetetSpemo'ntred iaig ondden f u -dthe te anyway wpa or 01i e-m rp pfi u nTge's e il ifeopstn a li-roh -erhtgfi enle. forts erount Pretoria, and e portion morning, seys fiat Lord DundoneltiS3 "ITlIimvewsafntocvrc th itraya.face cf tlie fire of the Yorkshires, Who uine of Io-,, ritiges a mile fromi Potgie- O i the B3oer right a lircacli wa is ofttn sent over te the Johiannesburg success gliv hei Brihisli contrai cf an tensiv oe't i lea"Kf were lichinti a wali. ter's drift. matie in a saindbag empliacementi, fort, but nef iy- rail, as flic joîîing firs o rissd ffi neabv A lex. Luttrel 1. The Boers useti cvcry bit cf possible Howlîzers were carrieti across lcwir fi ipoe urgn aiXfgi i agru uti aec h easyrrentrance mb toeiLadysmtanienwrdb the Biis e ev Bakeerarid Confectio ner,Bowmanville cevrwîiterclaracterisfic the wli rive iioin flicse nigot. glaeis piaed vrygtb caeout inther xl-itrut lccin' omnc-terka ,a lcfgi vi en Tbey nearly reacliet the wall, but The caval guns anti howitzers effec- 'The calnnons de was licavy and con- 1ie neeutc riir ie in lbtaEa tt.TeBi. mencelcty' Telephonle à7 wl tliey ruslied forward the York- fivcly 'shelled flic Boer position froni fi. uoes, anti the Boers were dliserved j wiflith fli 'vgâns anti reports flic due ish glats confinu.- 'w bonîlard theýBoer lian1-Tengiwaunron sliires, wlio wcra oniy one company cf Mount Alice near Swartzkop. leaviig flic trenclies in sînali parties 1dcixery cf thc ammunition. lines, and flic enerny aro replying sa-va o Altn1 aeue'le flbaffalion, and a liandfui cf flic Gen, War tro ec river six Thie bli faci ag the 13ri ish position. tecs cfs foeg-mofd a T$E FAI/IOUS ~Ncw Zeaienders, leapeti over flic Wall ileis further West, -cear W aggon aliellet i ext. mlunitfion-Lee-Mcford, Mauser sud1.feebIy. (encral Warî'.n is advancing twcceueslwic edontig anti chargeti thec Boers witli their drift, ini thc fice cf a lot andi heavy Gen. Warren lias forced a passage cf licnvy gun ehes-t ommes by Ger-. steediîy. At iyrai lceey a oac 0 bayonets, fire froin flic Boer cennon anti rifles,.lcTglsxnmlsf l et man, Fr-endch or Dutel steamer f0 De- a se befr.ieldn bouifac- Desulfory firiug continueti for soins Ha lis effecteti a nîcat satisfacfory MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. ig5Beudlfhr nhppltr-TO CHECK WARRJEN.;gagnars h ieb rn I time, but flic atack was an lutter feu-ict çgiget two miles furtler, towards cdfralne rcira eît n Adspfi rmL n , says.-Ai rîia fSaf oebteyat uare, andtihli Boers netreatedti thli Sproe, koi3. A de,,patch from Cape Town, eays: li thetle Londnieenficwir d hfe B il halt f ciegnopntonc sb liciter of flic small kopjes et the base ATh ilme soff the thetato Tiînc wrcmSpcar fi.iceso h hrfdsac ro enLBrIîhcte tien e -n -TIctc came thf thee deputtionfro which doc duty for bontict warcliouscs, Daily Telcgni.ph, deteti Tliurstay, de- :ii oiatmn a ioal f flic iii. m Vs far, fi c at tIcsanie icurha Cape irregulars meeting Gein.anitnwenilfccxrriay ~ ~~S ~~Caç,v. Matidocks wes in commnandi f the, Dily Telcgrapli's desaicli, says Kifnice wce a aey ralint Portuguese formalities, anc complète», scribes flic dîfficulîLes f the mard lc os frgani vrwtnse ilie NewZealandes. fIat onard Waren isiaw 05cm $robucker, Frost, 'ant Fra. if is forwartied by train,ý via Komafi owiîîg to tIc unwicldly leggage, no- lad.'qunl ielc aa The bll commantis a frack cf cou- flic river witliut Oppo-sition, fliough TcCpPrlaetialenfu-Poterloawerifetknuran, includin-; ailflic tente ishp g, unbiasiutnoslie a fry east of flic main position cf flic flic ]Bers arc holding e position five tlier proroguati te ac .aane li et fugffo flic ebage nfcnhen I le Boers. miles fron flic river. Governor Srx Alfredi Milner lias pro- rala tto oeeo I otover bati roads în wet weatr,'lcBESLSHAIY The eemy uraci ent flei, flliu A de îati f0the Echaue îce.. laîmei matiallaw bthe ricaa ani or tatficnGoerunonnemgaziehou conrs1i'nden iliorgosponnedeatA tispafli foni Lnoonscys:-Tl over eue anoflier lu their liurry te gef gn: ilCmaysy la I if. Hopetcen di.stricfs. on flic veldit, bayondtheli racecourse. "Some 10,000i Boers arriveti in flct -WrOfhelaeai ubi isace - e~~~way. The Britishi openeti fire On culties ini cressing the swollen river The Onlsianti continuas ifs nefavoun- Ncw anti ag<iiu, as indaied, lipecicinit y cf Potgieter's dirift on Tliuîsday froniFct aca or eins a. tlicm et close range, ccmplefing their werc great, île waggons leiung ale teductionis, laseti on eLie, absence jusf before flic present war, liroke ouf, at ek nibgnti dt-arerin lesotu neut. quite covereci. cf ne-ws froni Ladysmifli anti Kimhcr- thîe Porfuguese officiais et Lorauzo an riday, cf lest weadbgntee Most idel .Attnded The, Boers wenc compelladti oah-i cd- ý0PS~ OCS ley. It sncens et flic assistance flic ManquesDlgaBy o oena rcinc xesv nifrial oeet nCp ooy aidn on flicir kilicti andi wounded. colonies arc Icnding flic Empire, de- scns basf known fo flemacelaes, refuse he ffedisfrmm pstos muhn ffi utain ini whnca 3w cf sle latte Britis ttilîct sudv i hntonw n Am ra,3s Yer TIBriltroew rey steai Thc fonces nui culer -,ide mey e dianing that if te leseti ntef ie on busc- to pase i ammunition, anti flicuiaetl oidOl b un 4w anti cool, thongli many oftlmen hi, roughiy sttatid as fclloxvs, flougli from i neae than patrîofîsm. It, 'also pubi- fliere ie an angny anti heafeti exclange hhdl Apaeîycut uyl unt 4wr eott isu.leeii - ne-ver been lu action eferi (lic neture cf thing.3 tIc figures for lialies a lette- reterniag f0' tlie rm- cf lettars lu a qucen mixture of Pentu- froi tlic West by assailing île higli- erdsafrsee ltfi GenralFnncl's axair al bre'flc Bcraea li uilenioe lia eour4 cf flic muntier cf, wounded der- guasa, Dutch anti Englieli, anti Ifar iiges cf thec Sproeu kops. Fenmysfce svciveatckg SN FO CAAOU. anfiiiary have recoulnoitreti as fer as gues:- vihe b y Bn i ; !i roopsa th Souan a long dcîay flic gootis may arrive et "A Frcnali'st ativancet renort, taan Sève ADDRESS~~ hae Boers' position ou flic border of Genriet Bulier, anti l,ks cf similar deetis will occur thair destination, or tîcy may nef. Abloae 0dyrpnaife eet er r tl neuît,~ ADRlSýe Orange Free State. 22,000i infanfry. hare. Ai i >c tormenuîs arc skiifully In ai least ona instance an emrtsîng no guns wcrc isible, in the eueniy's for." nnïuanll ICANADIANS AT IT. 3,ffl) cavalry. calculaccîl i 'ic rca- e flic unrcst of thlic ontretemps Occurrati. A large ict works, but flat there ves e large B'oer CND-N Filt IU1 A despateli froni Moduer Hiver says. i0gns inbrc aaas n. gtn 51' -Bab-i Iv fnet ouît Germerai Joubert. eOR TOGY EIECEata tfi port anti coulti nef lie a brown nmd1g'. four m.ics from 1-Om4ie A epnuceiaoibv m vdlea UU1:U Lton's force of neearly 90-mutd 18,500 moucte'i fautry. A. tiC.p pni _riu Seaamau s farnai founti. The port auflorifias weecure drf xe mn, whicli matie eue of firea conjunc- laoaîîrynn describai the Boa)ýr position as reveal-f'fte a enlnitbtfi aedi~at aeofrifiL ev ' e Iluuu~oui à' 0 1,5N arthiuryes . ftlchsroîlenrndidnsr th ey hnarf:wîîi lapse o at bautsui ile r ~thei scwic~ dyfan r B ~ ~ ~ ? tion raids into flic Jacobstiale Ie-11 us.ic y aoinitnc The eneiny railw-iy officiais couiti net acceunt for "Boers arniveti in large numbar o.Iscfxgpri' i~lcv at 8; rý $Râ de-tailsof thèse aperatieus, anti 1shali Bnitis'h lave an ativantege in numlirs exlnigt adyLammtî. ificlir sec- moufle, if fUrueti ouf that hy sonie un- Mai e flic7,i'O o oeta n-týd'Btacunal,ýro h whle lot lad wey frorn Motiden pruit aronutii fount ili confine myscif ta comment anti tics- cfd maino onn mor flann ou-f ht rhe But O u iptthefli mob1lify cf flic enemy quile cou- beuBulwana. Nearly', ail flic IEoersý have "If thc imnieiiete resuts of flic ne- tarants flic ati -ufago, and puatse flic tia o an flong e pi a'ot il EHPE)T -ER, g aattemp, ivhcI che Gnrl a- Y GIRATEFUL COMFORTING connaissance sern maggnc-es wc sawl two, aides up'on an Houat footing. for.lpifietiantia mlukt poito aa anf ya lui th g RE IPD t e BEIR wA o te atanipè,bt fa c de, Gnainal Vue- 4es, P ph n, noBors ad dstoydbu tre OES HELD OMN funther stmengtlencd ly the sinucus anti was comforfabiy repesing iu ftahe Dlstînguished everywhere liouses, fthc residenas cf Lublie, com-l LAAGEIZ. course cf fhe Tuge-a river, whidli aft- magazines of tlie Clantareti Company 3 ~ sistmcmcdt y! for deicacy f lavr 5Up rlt esfli t ora distrit le hcivt A Desrmafdl train Londion seys:-A er flowiung heneath tIa precipitous cf British Soufli Afniia. Tlic Boers in- BOR EXA1-UATE COLENSO. bamtbietccvnu efftve TIcs icl manri cen la gency despatdi froni Mafek ng clope cf tlic Tiabamyerna mounitain, dignantiy nlimet f a mnmunition, A despa toI froni Londoney~ ccgsgmrceî ecr i erior quality and nu- te, le velny effetve nee sc aid eiet fe abuseoaebsMr hdssofcai ad eywl TeSadr' Orepodn to beautiful country wîldî tva iuvatieti accuses fli Bewl arlsieg- wintis about unfil if formas a 'sort cf e, M n.Rode' ficiais satia "Vey all e Sadm' er.paene rxeî etlWm~,Ecsiemc tritive properties. Spec- wes nef uew te oun troope. Thc won- ing f bat f ewn, of shlliug flic wcmen'e peniusula, c-ver vbicli tlio Ladysmifli Coin niftl f;bt s îpn Sperc rceeeeae$,sx,$.Oemiip iallygratful ad cofor- dcrfuily active Canadiens ant istral- leager wif h caeming deilitenafion. roati passes fa flic plateau. f0 wanf cornie ef'flu particuie 'r brat Spaman's camp, iu a de.epeîc datid bo Opiumo tmlnsMieic eep mensy ha-vafu andati treverect evy foot Six anti nine-pounder shela fell ie A tiespafeli fa fIe Telegrapli daeet ounsaives, yen lied better let us pay Jeu. 18, 'sentis a, report flac, thei Boers sixwiier aplesiataj adc. tla'g to the nervous and of if tima anti agein, ceusing ail anm- the, leager, killung a liffba girl anti in- Spearien's fanm, Jan. 18, ,ays:-"A for.1 if at ay e moene ou t f iul opposite Coleno set firae te ail thcecWo 'maay don dyspepic. - old ony 1 e Boers fa abandon flair positions. juring Éwe efliar chiltimen. hotu z ýr batfery bombardedtihîe Bce wat. This acuallyu liapati, but mif_ hose ind' thepiois villati iot eé îalc dysepie.' ol ony n Noxv our incursian lias cent flic nst ------i Iînurs'eccasionaîîy tinng thé angIt w naeye fîcu d en u ie hon fie mci- Th tndr vlae,-Th Boer Jury iglhohm& liliolî j1b. tins, labelled JAMES of flic inhabifanfe te f oiiow flic armeti ROMITZERS, CREAT'NG HAVOC. Thefxn wae rasumedti his morniug, tient,ý opposite Coleuso, on fintiing mîeat teu. EPP & O., Lt., om- mca, et flic cost cf thie alantoumeuf Aii's wcll." On flic whole, if les beaun founti that h3uiler lied cutman,cuvned hmiin, ire ýs- ~Y~'D-SVIA IIU cPS&C. LdH m f au extensive regien. A despatcli froni London, cays:- A de&at-cli, froni Londion, saye:- fha Frenchi animunitionl ie more rai- cd te flic soufl of the, TugoIai oa win ' nihca ce'stirpecm Na oeopathic Chemists, Lon- "Or. Baingfoa'c mercI alone wc TIc officiais cf thc War Office liera Thc artillery reinforceniants fan Scutli able flan fiat matie lu Garmalny, anti day, aiA siet tira te, ail fIae bonses iu Mamageeiiii nicoe ýCcfe.taa. don, England. saw six on ecvcn empty bouses, mepre-, are se isiLiedthaï fIef fcttid lias î urneti Africa, wlicli if was annouunceti a tIare lime aico beau lacs palm cil, lae fli village. scacraîiepuee fagf ilaii setiîga o, t te rpuilmiaqai1lanti that news ofa moehopaful wkegwotileanviibegin bnubery anti corruption iu ifs purcliaca "Asý île foIc fri Cile ad- ne umre m e-islr.Poiccpaia1i BREAKFAST SUPPER flic camne . unber of enonnieus fermes e hrcefo tis mon if seiling on Jeu. 2L. sliipmenf anti telivary. Iu flic caca cf vanmadthe flc Bocs reftie hofanre "hem OcMi'îic'vtklaaî oiife whinl arc panuliar te fiat country' laein rn aBiil cn f Sccuîty-w gaas 3,710 men, anti eue" panficuler lot of Gamman cerf flic annce 0111l~iiewr Tugetbi lf __ ~~~"O-ma place whicl wc visiteil, known x'iew, will liereefter hafc tlie e in- 2,210 herses xviii sait bai am,,en Januery ritiges, if was remikoneti that the enigin- Ceo. a oiîa oîay tnpdevlp LIL. k'as I Ramdatm, lied for inatls cent e stca1 of flic exception. FIat the 21 anti Jauuamy 27, which if is bciiev- ai ceet wae quatimupieti by fIa finie ole 4m. ~~rr~~o U U ~~commandoi of 701 te 8i Boers froi flic Bnitishi advenue in e nortl-easfcnly etd wlii lie a record performance. thay rae Pretoria, owing fe, flctuheanr tvnet afi t __________ _____ uîgîutooi x e oglf setBl--direction ilm ho fcarcely resîste is ashn re, olvdb motif anti Graspan, or Enslin. ilion1 fully enticill e d. TIe Bcer force is PIS FOL, THE CANADIANS.the number cfo offcugiciis thyt su. rskian mcsg re, fOlio cd hy POUARSN inviteti flici la aprobe ,ly cupenion toe fli IitisI, anti A tiesfletcl froin London saye -TIc pass-i' l li ubrc ofcaswi sport ate rigcose ouri ce -e, I j keii 'tieSi lie Nonîliamptons inie one int bmcfî -u nSule "m oeor thy o Staudarti'c specii caresponentt et lad te aisatc"bfr îywr1sotîn lcrg coeusf I m oiîinfMsC cs -L call une, Tley wil eyeriigautfe destiufolhes slow fhe buaglies oc- :Modtien River saysftoday:-«'O,îz la, pasceti Nof ouly fIat, but wlan thèe rf-ver. Theliclr fonces ai Comense etiC C-Oo,vriieOo yfS R_ netr tIamdanimc o njoy their cuPy stoni- Peemiion. rrn lir. beauficimi wi-m snace and îetrb iei cosderey ___ ûcenrý io cepeciez vous," "Say, there, bnn ircnntgsnn nakt nidsnl-must havebeucsifaiywaj rnîass,1 ao50 home~s or veork flii ferma tiii tle anti crlsiicth Genc a Varier',s e forer s ovr"at lu omid nic-ueia.mcng the farmers if wac founti eieti by flic daspafo, of largo, reia- ______ cf flic war, .r igfeTgl ie h on hortafione lu Engiauti anti Canadien fliaf fhcy wcra fauify anti tangerous, fercements, weisi anti te meaf dan. Fro Petlad non Helia sOP ENDNO rioo~. ocu eda tlicklY-wooicd plantation French grecteti my cars af Orange s0 tI.t whîle transaction was &min- Buller's aivainca, andti hey now Inn j f F mi eotad FmHlfxl mile noni cf. flic icver, anti seat:E isainxluaeai,. nl ecuifccvH anisan.Jimî Javer stai Office lisaia ecc~tnat train wa e, etl nstifctr froni evcry point nîercîy evacuaeathfli river fraudhes piM A doespatcI frei Lo-adon, say s: .ThIc svala -vo IcYs into the ativauce gurd beendeti hy flic Gondons wîo werc go- i cf view. Thèse wcrc Mauser cent- jandtihli kopcès oppOEai oh flic ilage1 tirmidian ....... "I'to Liverpool direct 1lefo fheBiiîrpe nifi arii f0 flic front. Tlie Ca naduaus lad I itliges. anti scattaieti hefora our shrapnel. U Kainîn..Fl 20 FJbn. cd the deorurI Afrina ccimna of a î -un opancti ou a naiglbeuring kopje. As atnixadth îe day befor' freni De Aar, 1Thc qnanfify cf ammunifion eforeti By cx'uing ue Of flic. euemy was aucaie . SteLiverpoci direct cf offinars wbo werc prevîously om' or- îhe Britishi pusIieti acrees flic river ainoudyhdliI c emlte lufeT'nvalebsueycloeEfliorelenetaile ^ee i nn RATES 0F PASSAGE. Tli ~ ~ te Boery Cîrumii' tocst.an aiei ptein lRemi. e mile anti e quarter ef rîilway anti1 anti wOulti uffice for a feu Yeane' wer, icy." I1111 Firi ehim, te ntiupand. Iemmnn~o la pon thie, anti upen o' Ian riens reliât-. me i c'ey affer flic ponfuon bltanw ifon. Raia-ae e lcpeca aac nie HT 1 CIE10.l lll 2ls ai,$0adnrad.Rtr 1.00ecd to if, sys :- - a Oi oc I li nre making untien a South Afnican sun ln ant upad.Scn ai 1,Seng TIare are sortie cunizitîs reporte in miesl ntsifreDecember is ne play, andtihli sight cf WI-1 WAS SHIOT? ,A desipatcli frai Londen,ý, sys by Nomidian $22-50. cosd lTeDH a[pbîhs fle Lecmnnton earies fist cabin ol cireal]etiou-appareniLly saidb sotne au- 'lui- Bfii sî transfîctt extendeti 5ev- tsepors an tiheleiiî flich grateet.9 Al duely Mail puncela fcieh fow But m5 orge fliatch J.te S. Rundie-B litat of Nebraska, heom New Yok te Glas- toniy lahluti tlieni-wlil Point fe anal mi es, andi lu lia ladumncihhy f s lies con ofil fli nnl hnin Am- tuai t wan Non foll b twoac ng i eptl dae lrdy rn ed i epiaam nlf i gow. Dec 21st, 9 a m, Jeu 25th noon, Mar ist tle stoppage of ilie de),tic f furtn- fîousand va'15 3Ai dese.atc anti enflusisn, .akn ae na, ltat o~ si a c Sp.'armaa's camp:- cocu, deneils.Al upicicus ",,cr avor in Soufl baffer nii csi lti uordta he oish i Fo i-ticket@ and cvery Information eap. flan reip foncemenîs wlicn ,b. wrascufr ufrasMutAicëa ie mesn ebjeet essein fo lc ~ l hî la ct hr vcaiClnout in enie t n rnce ecntd loTa lily ~~ ccxv mnobilizeti shah lis-va cmbaked oen for~ll the!irei be-nil ne bc hooý cevy gu reeHreBlues wekr 'X. A. JJAXES, 1The i cýw ce" amy brigade isý mit te si a c f li.nm Iled beau fou-1. re1iee0 ui niptifs a mmfa Nofweafcetm li roehie ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __Du_ -Seem u- -rm-a-a i-e- a1firian arln, lAIte-il21)ýf 11c chl lao t, -silo i ot --,ý _TZWh W_ ,'fIa-"-' ..... tét 'ý ontr nîgf Al tIc- reguIer' are now,, merift hli- thy Wh iýrp"i.. 111g C' -4e - Rsbw. *hei- neThd h'umnea- ar--iate e ,h P'ofg-teni 't îh-bppossîble fhat tie- me elct-I 'iefeec iewtotadJs u e es u I!A~~I~~UI4WÂII~~kA~~ u t lc counfryf excepîi fournfeen cd. TIcy h id lad e large teint on flic s dc Sliott sliot chot Sîatt himsef, Jiceoi huti' a ou d amrinC ir eod enu iufanfry batlosanti eleven cavairy J opposite bllis, but fIs camp was wýntewoe&fi ol ea tamz.I lo ntut àmt eap eattalians. TheîaVr Office lad (piac-! quicly sfnuok. A bt.ggy wctl an es- fimet, anti Shoft, woultib ha ot anti cf feise bugle cls. CNB C R eL c an ar-ten for 32,000,0011 carrdges icent, prcsumably-fIa Ben comment- N-oti woulti lie- tnt,---«Ve2 filin-ow- HlEARD BUTLLER'S OUNS.Eehoy elm a iný saes. iani's aquipage, wee seau leviuag fli aven, fIat fIe ehot Pl-'oif shot shtnt A fepte rmi aymi i r.~~~ hI' fa ias eccaptati 3,000 ont f )flice 10,- I ea uinfo ures al For Infýa1t ntnd Chidren, Sîott, but Nefiz acy wey, if is liardl fo Sp-oarnmîi's Camp, says :-Exeryfhlug neu at (II wldl lwmbe:c aze;mimlcih f rm, ult. er took qu imtmo ,, Ltell who, was shot. e-tnfTIi" pai l inclaangei, JH.RU D ES a- acOm epsaim oic xmici Pretonmus, wlo lsd dîsappearoti. '5re AD iOoiiri 'clucbce imn DeiyCirnii esat taffic A otieplosion wes heard on fieu. SOIL. colin wcc cm0 sonpmiercguec li il itte Ra gode it Ahi fstt wlil cueaso 7 c relief cotmumans was hleard yasicrday1 men b te eprt1 lif Iae asthat fhe encmy lied desîroyeti a bridge cent of sent is caileti scndy. If e rn ooei niSnufcd - Will Cure eny Porni ne hope of geffîng flic full nimrni. that wac in course et construction noit necessiybuorlapetfo, Flic ieut lai ieine, but clrcîen of Rheumiatisrn FOR KRTJGEH'S ESCAPE. se-van miles eliova, Pofgicter'e 'drift. ---.--- but usueiiy is, auit in eadditicn is in- increasa of siokuese. FORý PONT MN HALS FAOR AW daptlf o ctousy:nBJLHTORSMN HIS SIJDDEN RELIEF, capable cf abso-rbiug and ti aiuing TUE BOER ACCOUNTý FOU.RL IS.ALNTSI T AO W espth-fomLno a :YCBLE OHS. E-N osu I 4

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