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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1900, p. 3

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ba:sed upona the war in the Transvaal, EGOTISM. PARISIAN DOGS th armoured train beÀlåg attacked by O H the Boers, and defendedi by th clo o, madeed, declaried the Independent ofw They Are Peited and Cared for by nist andi1 Brts sodeN h axiu Young Thing, I wouldn't marry the Î asIlrM Indes gunds, ts o-iLF îhMxa best man on earth. You nýeedn't be afraid, replied theIm Dog-tailors have a good time in The members of the French pýro-Boer Conceited Cad; Pmn not,, going to pro- Paris. Under the impression that nl"- 1 committee after three weeks' untir- pose to youl ture has not provided the right kindà ing work, succeeded in raising -the .. iic lvrofIaoi he ae ofcoat for a dog, the dog-lovers - or maniicn sumr ofe th CEthusan francs. or two hnnred. and forty fashi,- ý1overs-of Paris have fostered H aty hpy grs otn bcm ons a new ,industry, the providing of anudad epnetofo Oaprn uensladnwppe ec e cltigfr ais es.Sm eyMr. Kruger's appearance in the pub.col interesting and suggestive facts about cause, mn the early days of their womlan' iPit. It seems tbat over'his discourse Durham Brown's Letter Published ot thbis industry are collectedi by Good hod hyda ln.avy ienvrtervrn eomngt eye- Last Week Cause of Comment. ,ýrasoetn. Words. hungry, breathless and with palpitating u""""2r " ow i wtes- "Ou clet1eog otevr ed checks." One or, Maiy Such Cse lu Kenmore- mnyhns n ,, heart after shh1xrie s htt ee The reports concerning the health nOwan ms n o. ee highest classes of society," said one of Ïn Qlauti- orbtttof eh thes Paiia ogtior. "w e up stairs is exhausting. Some of the Boer gan "Long Tom," are tow" ","" count" °it'twllgtti upr cently had a very remunerative order ties a short, dry cough leads to the fear remarkably variable, remarks th® Kenmore, Jan. i5 -No littie commentEATR IRBU GC ,rom the daughter of a diplomat in a th ar gon ino nsm iolLondon Globe. One day he is coin- haA been caused here, by' the publica- ta ise for aon seto of alaclohesforhe pletey hor de comlbat and never ex- tion of n letter signed by Durham ii, or aset f, gla cothe forlieDoctors tell them they are anæm-ic-which pecied to get botter: the next he nrown, in the piapers, last week. Mr. oýg to match the liveries of hier fathi- means tha thein hav too, lite bodtE "" "° op oi a eigh- Brown is, one of the mose expert box- ers akes.Se a aou o ehaoum eueneace;.nea is agaun ois- makers in the country, hits cheese mnarried, and as she entered the resi.. A re you like that ? ablmed, an again make a Inarvells boxes, whne models of good workmam.r dence after the óeremony hier threce More pale and anSmic people have been made bright, active re°vry In he matr of vaibl h beig undotnre rkby the, top of the grand staircase. They adstrong by Dr. Williams'Pink Pills than any other medicine. of the Poil; an the Pope, thogh not being able to drive, encend-a) quart er- dogs were to be waliting for hier at a canon, is, nevertheless, a very "big inch nails at the rate of five hundred, were to be dressedt in their liveries, Mrs. M. N. Joncas, Berthier. Que., writes :-"My daughter aged fifteen has gu, n bv nEies-in eighteen minutes. and keep it u and each was to have a bouquet of been restored to good health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She On threle occasions a |-re schman has stea d ly, erng-losmsatahe o1t was very feebleher blood was poor and watery,and she was troubled with head- been commander-in-chief of the -Eri., Mr. Brown is an enthusiast about -ooar"-lsos atahd t t aches, poor appetite, dizziness, and always felt tired. After using four boxes of |tish army. The firsr. was Armand Dodd's Kidney Piils. He cannotsay coller." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills she is enjoying as good health as any girl of lher age, I, .. enough in their favor. AndheameansA otefce Even this was exceeded. by another and we are glad to give the credit to your grand medicine. Mothers will make ý eeto e.ue fShmeg vr od fi.H7bohras bride, who ordered for each of hier no mistake iftheyinsist upon theiryoungdaughters taking Dr.Williams' Pink Pills. Who feul at the Battle of the Boyne; t-hoioughtybelieves4 in, Dodd's KidnieyCO h'alf'-do en dogs a regular bridesmaid's the second, the Marquis de Rudigny, Pi , havig seen how they cotm fwieDo not take anythmng that does nothear the full name "Dr. Williams' who waaosn,-ncie fieafce ura.Dra rw wth, ace and garlade wih ora- ýged Pnk Pills for Pale People." It is an experiment and a hazardous one to efteSa hscesoadte r as blis ber an v i k h isv cor-c U blossoms. White satin shippdra were use a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 5o cents a box or six third, Field Ma rshai Jean Louis -Lig- know bim. also made to measure for each four- boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville onewoi abcm ooander- Ma ny other people in Kenmore know o h ramn e urhIhv teelvrso- in-chief in the Austrian lutherlands. tram peroal exerienc the vaue of fashio al nmkn +hei Sur Evelya W ood, notwithstanding on onen m in ei dgs n 3 T ) CpeTown in which Uitlanders may °two formerly incurable and f, tal1 mala- .excuse for fresh display, Sots o fn rgsecamsgistheTnvalthat ha is well on the waiy towaras dies, Bright's Disease and; Liabetes, or n fo ayt lhnen must now be provided for the and Frees State. They will amount to !seveti uangsi ys for any of the other formç- of Kidney secety dog. No self-respecting ani- -a big bill when complete. Lord Woiseiy is a nlon-smoker and Disease-Rheumnatism, Heart Disease, iù otego a; would think of possessing less ITEMS THAT WILL INTEREST YOU Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roohtort Maguire re.. almost a teetotaller. He makes it a Drec>,y, Urinary and Bladder Com- an alfa dzenundrgamens f A TH PRSEN TIE. . ruie never to sit up after 11 o'clock plinßts, Female Troubles, Bliood Dis- ne wni, if ha is in health, and of ma1a ibre efre nom at night. orde.rs-Dudd's Kidrey Pills are :on- ý 1 ,.,-,rah if ha is subject to colds. what a local paper calla the siege de ;- - ierdinaibeDddsKiny .l d& mriee omrehnkr The Boys on the Ratileileld and These onlx Quartermaster Harry Studley, of idrthein!valdlie oh-1si eveil red oti haldùa chifsmut e dd:dtodogie's equips hi a ote aeA rti Trooper Jofnes, of the Natal Mount- Berwick, las obtained f rom the ranks B rght's Di sease or Diabetes, a nti peo m'nti he is troubled with watery * uks to Deeds or Bravery, idRfe a cue uhaue the honorary -rank of lieutenant In pie here ]java a wonderful faith in ys.Last year the Transvaal exported !the Royal HigZnianders, the Black them A_ further trial awaits him in the 4,555,015 ounces of gold and nearly 40,- ment by dyeing his white horse brown iWatch. Young Sudley began life as -- .-A ge C elclC .tr 'Ihapeý of boots of leather or rubber,, as 000 tons of coal. with permanganate of potash, so as., a draper's assistant in Berwicak. .dsa hfo h iir n t[ý r -f um e Bfrac esoaps her ArbadHno rders in the not to b sho an, who has arrivedl Pt, Th rbadHido rr. George Farrer, a mining mag- nounices the denth of Manlie Garibaldi, !obsand brushles make up th 1o' Transvaal, are repoerted to have been P'etermarizbr fromn the Trans.. nate, has given £50) toiteNlas the thoaeGnral Garibaldi- OLR toiîet necessaries, ptedgs hamefully ill-used by the Boers, e itbr Irregulars to provide medical and i h ol.Sudr.adohrP Surely if a fashionable Parisian do Mese rk u i hrBe a vaal, states that the Boer force ,on othýer comfoarts. Gan Catarrh Ge Cured? ?h w ntpld spieak, he would explain that his at- Donkerpoort, seventy men being the Rhodsa oter scranl The War Office has givent instrue.. Sheph3rd G. Frost, Chatham, N. B. folih rins ea hm h lfeofadown with the complaint.n oela tions to the military authoritiesl in wrte: Fo a wumbe of years 1 log in thle worse sense. ,,The Ca.pe Mounted Poliee who were have b e -. tre LLY wOOh aoonotarrd AET.Sus Natvesontheweter fonterat blgedtoretreat from Colesberg,i are ladia that ali time-expired, men of, ad headache, and have tried many THE ED IBBN O HOOR. cuse the Boers of outraginigi their wo- toiis joins then NeiothWln acr that counr remedies during that time, but wit h- Among the honors which can be won The Town Council of Cape Town has horrtdeibabenecvdbyuntil further orders. eiae air te-mntanid Procue t rve.Baly by citizens of France is the righlt to passedl a resolution suspending the The armoured train was introduced >Te e. .J ndrodolt fa uroneo bi un wear a tiny bow of red ribbon in the meBal duties. I Pretoria, who spent ten years among ty-four hours my h _adache disappear- buttonhole. The Legion of Honor-was The authorities ait Pietermaritzburg ait a theatre in London in the Amn- the Boers, says somne very unkind ed and has not since returned, and in founded bY the first Napoleon as the attach no significance to the newsthat Otohera hedand, Mr;Stn Va K ntu 's. things about Boer mnorality in gen- ly curp d ofVE ' C01 er I rePommen read fditngihd evie t h Bes r riiglad unigpay, bearing the patriotic title "Sendi eral, and President-Kruger in par-. Catarrhozont , a-: th 3 safest a ,d chap.mn roi oces t. aebe France in civil and military life. The NrhnZuuadHer Victorious," not only boasts an ticular. For instance, he says that: est cure for Catarrh. One boule did &addlomdh n ilmsfrspio order of the red ribbon, which carries An off Ica has already been -opened in armoured train, but also is directly the President lives in a house that th tric fori me"Ctra--oei sold by all druggists.'Trial outfit sent upyLîtmaldfeonpO-ti. with it the right to a Pension, in cases -was a present frora, an, adventurer for ten cents in stamps. N.C. PolsoncBu!.T of poverty and old age, is not for men . .....ta wnom le had, granted. a certain I& Co., King,ý,ton, Ont., Proprietors, NL-. alone.monopýoly. This man wsafterwardse convicted of a crimmr L offeonce, and The first woman who wore it was _'5sentenced to eightese months' im.. He that sips of ma ny arts drinks of 7 esn o u a V-irginia Glusquiere, who served as prisonmient. President:, Kruger open- nlone.-Fuller.E Cdj,ý tr ,3antonniere under Marshal Junot in ed the prison doors fo,, 'is friend, and âadSEILRT Doanfi1gaL. Many others have been like- sacrificed the jadgeý -auice Brand, La Toscana R F 0.UT.W onoedbutony oe wmanha wno resigned because ,i this scandal, eyes ýworn both the ribbon of the Le- It is also stated that a few years T HRrCnd gion and the military medal of the ago a mÉrmber desired to obtain fromn Eahoese ht ecrisi i s-ame order, the Parliament a concession, and in heart.-Goethe. Juliette Dodu is still alive. When order to convince thern of its utilit --,or the Franco-German War broke out in ho gave to each, of his co-members a TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 1870 she was employed as a telegraph ca rriage worth over £10. Whera Mr. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AI)TROT. ONlI operator at a ofieiafrnerKruger was asked-about it, hie said, druggistrefundthe money if it fails to enre.kfo town An invading army corps spýeed- "Why shoulin't a man be, allowed, ta M5c. e W.9 1ro-1 CUR lgotur isre in aac box. PM ily took possession of the place, and gine araraet i finsi e- as the German staff wished to send the wishedî" '---- ý _jshe oprntrospe Ta r of Rolane mol warms withýomi. ,d3 Crown Prince Frederick immediate in- ----- otopruiis-alr formation of the advance, a despatch A QUEER LITTLE FELLOW. ....-PulSret onra was given to Juliette to transmit. A queer little fellow indeed was a raf&h 1 O."Pïa auatrr She was scarcely twenty years old Tom Dis. hy h aaldgie .lgcuptue Saayan at the timte, but she wvas shrewd and Tomy Dick \\s hybl he wod ive ...... frsit r ole as.Cuc Onret Intelligent and perceiving the import- awytels ail h ai o aof reJit areIE golden days. ance of the telegram, she transmitted wanted it. lHe wouldï run on errands -Souh other words, and secretly destroyed all day long and never grumble. Uie""" the dispatch. P dawy ieth etpaet OR OVER FIPTY YEARS The poor girl's stratagem was soon MRS wouldCW alwaysIN gvthbstpaeo i.wsiw sors synUP bas been discovered, for no answering message some body else, no mat ter who, and usad br mothere for their chniarn tee tmg. It oohels came from the prince. She was arrest- feel so honestLly glad in seeing other colan ste etr ý:yfo irhS 5,a o-T eand sentenced to be shot. folks having a good time that he real- Sodb a" ! dr' Cý1rv"s hr -Bttentda beoetedrums [l,t sue aun si fo, ms ýnsiw' Sun thin yu.raoal But~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tenx abfrthly forgoL all about hîmself. on t. beat for the execution, the prince him- you see hie was a very queer little fe!- To hear is to conquer our fate.c self arrived. He heard the story, and low ? But, somehow, everybody likedCapel struck with admiration, ordered Juli-tohete"qerlteflow etesinstant release. and with chival- around. Grandma al ways smiled al]lio b ue rouscouresy comlimetedher ponover hier face when she saw Tommy hAn incidernt so honorable to both 0b voa se, se poto o t ea . thenre o oe sides irr the midst of a fierce and - ou've come just in time, Tom bloodý(y war deserves long to be re-............... wen ta .,i ,odto 'f thelema s nem o ca banf ofn.a n har-Run and- \\hen 'Jommy wn ofmdcniina h uoslnn fh membered. S ~~~spnd the day withi grandma or Aunt tustachia Tue hn hs ue sinim - e....Lois, the fo|ks at borne a11 missed him. .d y ou have a rumrblirg qou ad or inæerfec A BIACHELOR GIRL'S RESOLVE, on, 'iu sa-howiaom e ring, and when It la entirely îiw deafnwm -~~n P -m • ' y. à,h eu n uoeteidmao in ånain hecar 67th peson ad carateistc o te mn, ndto which cessful year in its history, its busi-ý -/4. one cannot be too particular as re- his position in the world of finance is ness in force stands at over $76,000,000, using - Dr rol' ngihToi4 Ep gards one's appearance in that respect. to-day largely due. Discouragement or tweenty-two times gre ater tharn inm led1 P.S There is much truth in the Spanish and fatigues which would have daunt- 1861 *odrul mrvd elcni provert that no woman is ugly if she ed a less courageous spirit only served It will be a matter of ,congratula.. 1" s8 'well dressed.' There is more in, as an incentive io greater effort whlen tion to those interested in, the com.. .et4e il uem, n h Pi fact that the slovenly girl, no mat- there was a prospect of securing busi.. pany's weifare to learu th'at Semdlor *aero ets elfryasa r.o ra e euti ee nns Personal convenience was not Cox will arrange to give a large qharebaesç Ieg ui yrpla attractive object, and, as one grows considered-it was the welfare of the, of his personal attention to the con-H.LWS older, one's inclination is to fall off in company that was at stake, and ,as a duct of its affairs, and that he will e -'AnO EDP thoe ttle scrupulous niceties.tIhat result ,of hisý faithful, eLlergetic ser- bave the active assistance and co-op- r redgEgihTxnPls h nyMdcn glorify e-ven a plain woman. Whole- vice the business grew and· prospered. eration of his son.- Mr. E. W. Cox, theonerhta u3diasbykligtegra ht soeadswe ecan ail be. even As time went by the company, recog-l Assistant 'Genieral Manager, who hast o thoughý natu re, has nio, given us a Gre- nzghdvoi NI r. Cox to its already had sixteen years' experience Anl hrïa o,ïuàtd aaaLf ulig nizng he evoioOpp.(A e r bo r eS. --ian ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gv themib oriý evýso eu, efrgauly nrae i er nthe chaVn' evie igSretWTrnceaneprt.

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