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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1900, p. 6

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1'rovrect -if u".ira 'Àos l"', ,ti tsetiu ty iee, o sise lder 1. sxci eeri a iser t' s ay jeirne n e-ct î. JrW'LIAMS tir. geitYur e . l; e 1 s tu-blt The Wh-oile World is to' Be Won The Rev. Dr. Tainiage Discourse.s on the Gospel-= The Gireat Consolation of the Sinner. A despatch from WýVashiugion..,says: Itiser tise fires of nmartyrdom were toi- lise 1ev. Dr. Talmage prea-ched from arable, in tise, dying moment; wiih bis tise~~~~~ ~~~ folwn ee:- d bnai auds on fire, be lifteld tbem, above uPonthehe- oÛit, thn (ýhat mke is isead and clapped îhem nonce, in upo tie em uiu i,- isn Chat mkegr at joy, clapped tbem twice, and pomegranates, of bina, aud of purple, ciapped themn three times-that tise and of acariet, round' about tisai hem worid might know what a joyful tisereof, and beIls 'ofi gold betweeu tbing il is to die for Jesus. tbeam round abouU "-Exod us xxviii, S3. 1 remark, furtiser, tisat these gospel Wben Mary, Queeu Of, England , as- belis, like tiosa arouud tise higis cended ber tiscone,ontsda fbe pri.est's garmeint, are belîs of invita- ,on he dy afherlion. Whan tise Jews beard tise c .asis coronation se, wora a crown of jeweis of tisose halls in tise hem of tise priest's vo ieavy se ruuld bardly bear qïl n- robe tbey knew vil stas an invitation bo der it. Xýerxes moved arou1sd bts worsbip. '[bat is the meauing of palacýe in a robe embroidered wilus ra- avery cisurcis to'wer froum San Fran- cisco to New York, and from Landan pre ,entations of hawks couîending to St. Petersiaurgis. ît is, "'Coma-. wilb eachbotiser. A ut officiai, incue of came." Aye, tisat is thi most fami-'1 tise catisedraýs tof Paris,. pullq operl a liar word in tise Bible. It sceas to he1 "LU À BELL ALARMO ning your Does tSplitdryaid Giv yurh.eirna chance. Fed it The~ pot r ullota dead thy ar we boeas tedy are staved-thsail.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- --- -'arer tea trst defeat, Se drea- n OIt7eUUul ýn r GoTi -I titý"t' si,- , ~, i-l~ley j u 0t tie egassd says-ancu in jus a,, of ala;u-a S-. . . . .. d f.a r Spent. ,w hat COURc,îtls- alttitttInformtiontt atit ii market te t tar fvee of charge upon appieicatioîî by ltter to GEORIGE SKALLER & CO.. BANKEIS & I3ROKERS, COareOLIDÂranSTOCK EXCHsANGEaBUILDING 60 BRoAiVwÂV, Nbw Yosîe E O.W. 44-4mi. saoùtiou sbhould-ave-r again com, "siual we imot be willing tn die( for it ? J do nat tbink tisat Haw kes, tise mar-j tyr, was foolisis, wben isaving Saliidbao bis friends tisat be would give',them tome signoai in i lasi boue as to whe- lias miade it 0 sucil value ini ail wasting and exbau' ting diseases. 5.c. and -i0,ail druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chimiste, 'loronco. 1 wi îscr agnde-. lie wtuil t ei csois.. ble wluo lets me'x ýgo o'oudosn toward deatis xxihou givi xg tisa warniug- wvlsg tisa xx bhite 1ag rof tafe-.y na ha ougbî co bli e Isake i b' 'rig , of pari 1. 1I1Irai focir e-ïyeaatatoi figure eterîtali puishrIneu out of that È" s sent direct ta lise disease parts by tise Improvedi Blower. Heahs lise olcers, daes tise ait passages, stops drcppi'igs in tise tiscoat and p'emananîly cures feA, li dealers, c Dr. A. W. hase eicine C., T1oronto ad buffal. vvny, wnat'a tna matter, dear? ssk- so, taking in ail four hotu-fes, 1A s a bis xif e. Last Sunday I-.preac-hari from tise resuit I sleep well, have a- good tekt, Be ye Theref ore Steadfiat' as- appetite, my face is frec from pmls swared -tise good man; but tise printer my skin clear and.myhathi i makes it rend, Be ye Tisera fur Break- jevery way perfect." fast. Bible. 1 bave not succeeded. I shahl never try it agtsin. It iv there. If ever you find me standing here phi1osophisi'îg about unimporrant tiigs, or sefogging tise people with nietapbys'e-, or g"vi ig mDral essays, wbeî 1 ougbitlto be. sou.-ding, the)tin- vitations and warni- vga of'che, Gospýel, accost me ou tise spot, and, charge Sne witb betraying my mission. The-re is in Moscow a bell tisai has neyer iseen ru'îg. It cost a great deal. [t is very large., Perhaps it it the largest bell in the wori i.I They neyer could -get ariy machinery large enough io boist it., People corne and 'look lit it, adtmire its suze, and admire the comri po'itioi of the met-al, but no one bas ever heard tise ringing of that bell, It :w as rïever rung, We, are getting into tise Cisurcis ol God met aphysical 4,lls, anvd philosophical b-dis, andI transcan.. Oentai beils, and a great many l ells that are very admirable to look at. They are immenxse; but 1 had racÉher be a smailer bell, and of poorer metal, if God will o îly let me ring out( warn- îag andf invitation to tise pe 1ople. 1 bad ratiser be a door-beil, helpine, fa caul people into tise opening gate of God's m"-rcy and forgiveness; or I hisd ratiser be a di f,.er-be1l, inviting tisec to a ban uet of a Staviour's merc', cryirg, "Eat, 0 frit'ndsl drink, O be. loved!l" Eternal peril bas came dowa upon tisce, 0 unf orgiven sou]. Thse fLames of tise lost veutd have been *k'.ndied, and to'-nighr J ring tise fire-beil of an eternal buurning, crying, 'Escap-e for'tisy lifel Tarry ual in ail tise plain? Look not behin7d tbee, lest thou b8 coiusumed!' 1 remark, furtser, tsartithe be'isz on "S e ries erIat What a ho n I many a n-an or woman if this were Iiterally so-Httw manyspirfis are brelkea because this pariicuflar organ is shackled by diseaso-and yet how many timesha Agnew's Cure ftlite Heart hrusheoi against thse grim reaper and robbed hlm oft his Itm Diseases of the be rt are by far the most treacherous of ail ments which afflict humanity-r uthless ta o'd and yu alike-not isidious bo bt violent, for when thse beart faut tise whole systena suffers violence. Discussing causes here will not console the suffering one. The one great yearn of the heart-sickened patient is how ta get relief and a cure. Dr. Agnew's Cure for tise Heart stands pre- Ç ~ eminently to-day as thse star of hope ta sofferers frora heu-t trouble, and so far past thse experimental perioct 4 - that thousands to-day proclaiminno uncertain sound. V l.be belief that were it not for tisis great remedy they e ist' have ln aopassed K'otegea eod Most eminent doctars, wison heart cases have baffled, have tescd Dr. Agnew's claims, and to-day they prescribe it ini - ieir practice as tise quickest and safest iseart remedy nw ta ioedical science. W'hat are tise symptoms ? Palpitation, flot- tering, shortness of breatis, weak and irregular pulse, swelling of fecet and ankles, pain in the left aide, chilly sensations, fainting spells, uncasiness in sleeping, dropsical tenecyadas many jýïmore indications that the heart is deranged. Dr. Agnew'a <~Cure for thse Hesrt je a heart specific ; and no case toc, acute tafilnd relief from ik inside of thirty minutes-a powerful cure.

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