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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.5 PER ANNUM.oCX TOWN AND COUNTY PIRST; TE WORLD ÂWTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NE SRIS.BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WFEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1900. VLM __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ V LMsLV .N .G il, Couchi Jolinston & Cryderinan. <We begin the New Yearby makin7 rtig jeductions iii th( pric of ail winter goods especially in ail kinds of made-up gar ments, boy's suits and uvercoats; aiso men' s suits and overcoats s I i i i 'J e I And more especi" I1y in Ladies' and Misses' Coats,which from this date, will be sold at greatly reduced prioes, as they must be sold before we take stock next montli, and some lines of Dress Goods wilI be sold. at very 10w prices-Elome -of them at about haif price. Tfhe balance of our Furs wiii also bc soid at clearing prices. J I F. El. FROST, First Tenor, w i I1JRES GOARO. Second Tenor, ~ q 3 HJ. KNIGiHT, First Bass. j VdrePJIL l GOrResponeneto JAmES GOA61 Business Manager, Lock Box A lw aA course in CUr College will be one of the most enjoyabie experiences of your __ fe; and the important and valuable 1, owledge gained w iii fit you for mucr- tive employment and give y u the means of enjoy îng the beiýt things of life. ' W Wte for particulars. Youmay enter Few homes are as comfortably furnished as they might aan ie ovctos bc. Too many people lnegleet buying the comfort giving ~ Clia Ries Clee artcle offurnmture whîch add se much to life. * ta uies ciee We are clearing out our lhne of Rockers and comfortable Yonge and Gerrard Streets. chairs at prices that will surprise you. You cannot afford- T R NT - to maiss the opprtunity of getting a comfortable piece ofTO N O furniture at your OWfl PI ice j W. H. SHIAW, Principal. JAS,,GO ARD, W at h ma ke r, Stationer&,Musie Dealer BOWMANVILLE. A splendid assortment of Violins, Autoliarps, Etc. -I REPAIRING A SPIECIALTY. For yonr liberal patronage dnring the holiday season. 000- Wishing you a Happy New Year I again assure you that we shall make it more interesting than ever for you to deai with us through, 1900. Read Our ad vt S through the weeks that follow and you wil1 find out how it can be doue. T. N. RICKARD, Watcbimaker, Jeweller and Optician, BOWMANVILLE. The consequences ef a diseased condi- tion et the stomach and digestive and nutritive systemn are meust disas trous te the wiole body. One by eueevm organ înay become iuvolved. ThAe mis cmy lu maddening. 11ic most exirme cases eftIlstomaci trouble"i and the evils resulting froni il have been cured by Dr. Pjcmce'u Golden Medical Discovery. Il streugtheus lie stemach, purifies lie blood and builds np tie body w-îli souud iealthy fiesi. «i was taken with severe lieadache,8 -writes Thomas A. Swarts, Box io,3, Sub-Statiotn C, Co- lumbusq Ohio then cramps in the stomacli, and my fooâ wouÏd not digest. then kidney and liver trouble, aud my back got weak se I mouid scarceiy get around. 1 just gave mouey- te the doctors wheuever 1 thouglit they -wouid do une auy good, but the more I doctored the worse 1 got uti six years passed. I had be-omne 80 pooriy 1 couid oniy walin luthe bouse b, the aid of chair, aud I got so thin I had gîven gp Io die, thinking that 1 muid flot lie cured. TIen 1 saw une of my neiglibor boys and lie said, "tTake my advice and take Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and make a new mue out o f yourseif."1 The Oirst bottle heiped me s0 I thought I wouid get another, aud ater I1 hsd laken cuglit bottles in about six weeks I vvas weighed sud found I had gained tweuty-seveu (27f pouuds. I.have (,oue more hard work iu the past eleveu moollis tlu I did in two years before, sud I sun as atout and iieui. iy to-day, I thiuk. as I ever wVas." Dr. Piumce's Picasaut Pelleta cure biliousies. HAYDON. R Washington lîad a successful weod be.... David Graham liad ahomsebadIy cut with a saw lu th.3 woeds... Miss Avery, Cambora.v and Miss McCaulder, Mariposa, are guesis at Mr. Geo. Avery's .... .Mr. Jnue Siemon visited at Oshawa recentli-.... .1ev , J. S. I. Xil - son preaches home next Suuday. BIcYCLrSTs-Should keep on liand a bottle of Hagyamd's Yeliew Dii. It is dlean te use and will net soit the ciothes Cures cuts and bmuses, takes ont pain and' limbers up stiff, sone joints and muscles. ANTIOC II. axe NEWCJASTLE. Mr. C; Mc]lntosh of the North West was here recentlý, on business,... Messrs Samuel Chiidq and Geo Cowling, Cowanvilie, recently visiteci friends here ..*Mr, Matthew Blackierý and son James are cutting wcod at Mr. Joseph fleard's woods . .. Mr. Wmn. Jones, Newtonville, is learning the tonsorial business with Mr. Otton ..A. Freden- burg-, the stone drawer, liaslost one of his bi, horses fromr inflammation .... Mr. IL, Eiswortli formerl-y of Newcastle is now a police sargeant at Manilla, in the 30tli 1U. S. Infantry volunteers..., Reeve Lovekiu's son is dangerously il], and Mns Movekin is aiso sick .... *Mrs. John Cowling lias returned home froin Oniotte, Midi. visiting~ lier sonts accom- pauied by lier grandsou, Burami Cowl- liîngo.. .. Mr. Jas. Lycett's prernisiis were broken inito Mouiday and a quantity of fleur. oats, corn e',c stoien., , . 1ev. T. J. Edmison's littie daugliter lias scarlet foyer.. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davidsou were summoned to Troronto last week to tire bedside of Miss Menzies, who had undem-went an operation in St. Michael's liospital. She is împrving.. ..Rceve Lovekin's son, Fred, who lias b8een very iii is rocovoring...Persons yfh9ie stock of the "Staff of Life" was âmicd, broke into Ceunicillor Lycett's flou- and f ced establishment recently and appropriated a few bags of flour... Mis, Ethiel and Mr. Walter, Rýickard w ,rocent visitors ai Wefrom.... Another very sudden death occdarred in our xvillag-e Saturday. Mr. Thos. Ingram, who for many ) ears lias been a resp2cted citizen of Newca,-tio!, was discovered doad in lied by his daugliter. Funeral on Tuesday at Boudhoad ccmetory.. .. Mr. C. W. Barretit, Beth- any, is visiting lis parents here ..Our popular tonsorial artist, Mr. Asa Otton. bas anr assistant, Mr. .joues. Business is rushing. ... ev. WVin Joiliffe,,Bow- manville, preachod in the 1Methodisti churci mornng- and evening Sun1iiday and adminittert-d the sacramnent. Rev. T. J. Edînison didflot proadli on ac- count of the sick,.ess of lis &Tughter, Helen .. .. Drover Foster shipped a car1 ioad of liogs from liere Thursdav- tarmoirs realizing a goodpic...rs WNm. Jackson, who lias beon iii, is con- valescent.... .Dairying in Clarke lias re ceived a tresi impetus, Messrs A. Lake and Trelevyn are pa3 ing lhe top price for butter which the'v sel lu Tor,,nlo... .Division Court held here lasi Tuesday the principal case was eue, AlUIn vs. 1-il TIhe plaintiff Allun sued the. de- fondant for wages Verdict was given for the deteudant. ... Miss Marx Al'in officiated as org-anist lu the Methýodist churcli, bunday, owing- to the, skkiness ef.Miss MayRindi. Miss Allin's piay. in.- alwa3s pleases ..he pz :,;,-tic concert iii Newtoenxil}e jMonday .iigiî was enjoý ed byainumber bf yen» ýe frein our village, ... An event , àe was tlie source ef genuine pleas i-t ail participating ivas the celebri, - et the 68th birthday of Mr. Jno, lnine a s'ery large numter oethle rclati of e Mr. and Mrs. Clemence surprised ýthemý[ at their home, and, accompanieà by a verv nice speech whici velced th- sert- timents et ail present in cougratulatiug- hlm, aud lheartily wishing Iilm manvy happy returns of tlie day whici was tirir being -se pleasantly celebrated, presented Mm, Clemenco witi n<-vciry liand somtelv upiolstered Arm Chair, and liii loving and failiful panner in lite for se many ý cars, with a Faîr of Gold Spectacles. Thle lest and hostess, wlio are adepts in the art etetf tig made ail present enjoy themselvcs,, and thev departed feelingl the joy whici tomes from the fact tliat they hdd flot euh' boon experiending pleasureý, i uit giving it. ,. ..Ice iarvest 18 in prnogmess now, Mr. Jos. Tewn is deing a land- oiffi:elbusiress at Wilmots'ponid. Among- tiiose who lasi vveek got their 1 upplv lu were : Messrs. Geo. aud Sam Riek- ard. W. ilutdhinson, Butcliers Joiliand Warmingten and Mrs. Glendenni9g. Mm. Jas. Alexander has had a large abcess ou lis îieck. . .. Mr. Geo Scott, 6th Lino, la laid up wif i pnoumonia... Mr. Myrom Seper rocenlly received a severe scalp wound tmom a binder polo while daingleg,;.... 11ev. J. B. Mc- Laren, Columbus,- preaciîed in lie Presbyterian clîurci Sundav on tie Century FuuJ ... A new bell will bc placed upon lie Methediat cdurcihomee. ...Anoher Claiko Pioneer -passed awav Tlursday lu lie-penson et Mr. Robert Sharpe, Starkvilie, at lie ripe aoet 89 'oais. Deceased was a laid. ,lem and liveâ alone tom many yeara. PIMPIES ON THE FAcE,-C,. n a Il 1te rer manently romovedý by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr. E. P. BamnabY, Mrciant Taller, Slielburue, N. S., sa.Ns: "Atten paying eut meneY 10 deciors3 and net getting cured, I tr ied B B. B. Atter using it ton a time the pimptds vanisied and hai e neyer toubled me since." NEWTON VILLÊ. 11ev. J. EL. Bamnett. Bowmanvifle, visifed the 11ev. M. E. Wilsonî, B. A., recentl y. . .. Mn. Elmc-n Petiick i. a s gine te Toronto wliere lie las secu.ed a situation.... .Mr. Stark, Starkvllle, lias been visiting ai Mr. Haucock's.. Tic aîîuual meeting et the Ora ugeunen 15 t» o bbld lere on Tuesday. ..Mr. G. W. Joues bas licou reitovating the Tempenance House.... Hecent visitons: Mr. and Mrs Jas.StaintiuEniniskiilen, Mr. Jas. Devmin, Mr. I. Trenouti, Bowmanville. . ..Heport et S. S No. 4, Clarke, for Jauuary: Schoel days 21; average attondanco, 57; Eamlyv every day: Mlaggio Owens, Jean McKenzie, A. Nesbitt. J. Nesbif t, F. Hughes, G. Coudh, F. Nesbitt, 1R. Rici, E. idi, H. Tiompson, S, Tiompson, J. Couci. W . J. TRENOIJYH, T ea cher ....,Mr. Whittaker was lu Osliawa during lie week. .. Glad te blear the memnY jingle et sigi bouis again. Fieegine. TESTTHliE URINE If YOU lia%-o bac cache and thome are brick duat deposits feund ini tic urine atter it stands far 21 e-ours .ý u can ho sure tie kiduoes are de- ranged. To effect a prompt and posi- tive- cure and prevent Bright's disease, sufferingand deati, use Dr. A.W Chases Kidney Lîver-Pills; lie world's great- est kidney cure. ORONO. Miss Emima Kirk las returued home te Toronto .. . .Miss Beamisi. Port Hope visifed relatives hoee ... Mr. James Halleti, Toronto, spent Suuday week under fie parental rooft.... Mm. and Mrs. F. WV. Williamsou lave eturned le Toronto trom Michigan...,. Mr. R, Wiutem lias been conflned te lis house wif I a severe cold,,.... Miss Ettie Balten la in Hampton with lier slalom Mrs. Joen Joli, wlose husband lias licou soniously ilu witi orysîpelas.. ,. Mm. Robent Gar- don bas beon seriousiy iII witb inflama- tien efthîe lunga. . .. Mm J osephi Marti- neli las had la grippe .... Rev. W. H. Adamq, Claremont, gave us a brief call Tuesday week ... . Mr. John Miller lu now busv cutling ice ou John Waddoll's ponîd and reports il lu flue condition, a good tikuessanad as pure a qualily as lie las secumed lu a number et s3easons .... Mn. 1 Walfter wili ceuuduci lie Prn,e et Wales btl as a Temperance lieuse.... ,Mr. E Davy bas fie machi- nemy et is îew steam pump factory piaced in.... Mr . Tios. Vinson his secured a situation iiti lie Rogers empany, Toronto .... Mr. W. P. Kuight, the relurned Missiouarv fremn China gave an intereating address Tuesday week ai lie League meeting ...A meeting of lie Wemans' Missien ary Societ y will lie ield lu the Molli odist churcli Foi 5th.Addmesses ivililibe givenby Mrs. (1ev) J. Jewell, Wo- icome, and Mma. (Roi' M. E. Wilson, Newtonviile. BxoNdnvnîS-MnI. William Davidseu, Si. Andirewo, Que , states; "Di'. Chase's Syrnp et Linseed and Turpontine has me et brnaiciifs. I have wîhhoui sur- dosa tried man ' vemedies tom tho past 6 years. Last wintem lViii I ad a acore attack and was unable te work I pr~- cured a botule- et Dm. Chase's Syrnp of Linseed and Tunpentiuîe and am happy to-stato liaI lihe Ihird hottle madJe me a well man. 25 cents a boutle. Family size 60 cen15. I4ESKARD. JTYRONE. The attendance was small at tlie Visitors. 'Mn, and Mrs. W. J. Davey, lecture lasi îveek given by Mr. E. Daw- Whitby; Mrs. B. F. Gardiner and so.. .. Mr. Hugli Simpson eccupied the children, Cobourg.... Mrs. Jas. Storie pulpit liere Sundzy iuorning wcek ..is patiently sufferrino' andMs .Sn AIm, Wm Patton inteuîds leavino. nexi dors is much h aie..Mr. J. Ean Mardi for the_ N. W. T. liaving taken Ilawes lias taken a situation in Toron- a farm nean Carievale_...Mrs. Edmond t6, Temperauce andl social circles will Bail is now recoveritng frntm ler serious miss hiiu.. Quarterly services were illniess. fainl v well attended. Rtev. R N Adams RED HOT FROM TisE Gus-Was tlie preached with assurance and power. bail that bit G.B. Steadman eof Newark, Very sweet audpatbetic was tlie duet Miel , in the Civil War. IL eaused hor by Miss McLaughlin and Mn. Caldwell, rible Ulcers tbat no treaiment he]ped making as real music alwaws dees a for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica deep impression.. IL is a roal pleasure Salve cured hlm Cures Cuts, Bruises, te see Mrs. W. R, Clemens eut, driving Burns. Bouls, Felons, Corna, Skin Erup- again tiens. Best Pile cure on eartli. 25 cts. a DiSSOLUTION OF PARTNRsnp-Notice box. Cure guarantced, Sold bY Stol'isl hereby given tiat Watts and Hawes, and Jury, duggists. blacksmitis, Tyrone, have dissoivod. partnership. Business wIll be stili car- .NEW HAVENX. nied on by the senior partr-er, G. A 1Watts ai the West End shop. Report et S. S. No. 3, Darlingion, fer Jan.: names ln order ùft ment: Class V Bertha 'Y ancamp ; Sr. IV Irene Lang- m aid, Howard Foley, Elsie Grills, Ida J ennings; Jr IV Diavid Cinrlze; Sm. III Roýy Vancamp. Jolin Clarke, Mav Guiv, WIll Clamke; Jr. 111 Noble Mleteait,, Gordon VanCamp, Mabel Curfis,Wiibu 1 Britton, Ethel Rundie, Samuel Clarke Sm. Il Frank Rundle; Jr- Il Nellie Towns ; Pt. Il Clara' Nichois, do un CuSr. 5 I Bruce Medeait, Kennv CCa=e George Ilt; Jr. I Herbert Niciols, Iluby Rundle. SYBIL L. JEWELL, teacier. "DEEDs ARnuFîîUIS.-Words are but leaves." Il la net wlat wo say, but wîat Hood's Sarsaparilla deoes tiai tolas the sfemv. The manv wonderful cures effected' v this modicine are lie fruits by which'it sheuld be jadgod These prove il te bo the great, uuequalled remeGy fer dyspepsia, rlieumatîsm, scrof nia, sait rheumatism, cafarri. and ail other ailments duo te impure or im- poverishefi blood. Hood's Pilla are uon-iriatiug, miid, effective. COURTICE. Visitera: Mm. aud Mrs L M Courtice in Cartwright; Misses C B Littlejohns EBENEZER,- At the business quarter meeting ef South Darlington Circuit on Mlonday last the fellowing resolution wvas unan- imously passed, as eported to us by Mm. Win. Foley,, Recording1 Steward: Bo it resoî',ed liai we, the mombers et the Quamterly Boari of the Senti Darlington Circuit, assembed lu this tie tird quarteIrly meeting eft tus con- ference year. desire te express our ap- preciatien oethfe labor et our pastor since lis cemiug among us. That tle public services have been iuteresting and helpf ni is evidenced by tie largo and regular attend ance flore- ai and tie number liat have shown a dosiro te lead a botter lite We have aise noticed wîtl pleasure and approval the interest talon in, and the labor pnrtermed lu advancing the interesis et tomporance.. As the two years' lalior, now draw- ing te a close, have, been se pleasaut anD satisfactomy, we trust te pastor as weii as people. wo new exteud a unan- imeus invitation te Rev. J. S. 1. Wil- sou, B. D., te romain our pastor a third Sear. ______ COUNTIES' COUNCIL NorEs. ani unllaT7otoàssBxui Mm. S. J. Williamns, Solin, la one et Richards in Pickering; J L Courtice Iwo counnues' auditers at $80 a yeam. and F Gay in Toronto; Mr. Sharsel and Mr'. P. Trebilcock la Comunissioner fer dauglitor lu Brock .... Mrs. Geo. 1Rey- West Durham Registery office. Çoun.- nolds was ai home te tnieuds Menday ciliors Ba's or, Trebilcock, Rickard and eveuing.. .. Mr. B J Gay will go te TO mi aeauie li gis rente te engage ini insurance wok.... grant et $200 for opeuing a mad in Cra- Mr. Fred W Brlooks loti for England mahe iewnsiuip-voe camnried 12 te 11. Friday sailing froun New York Satur- Mr. Tmebilcock was appoinled for ad- day en the White Stan Liner -Ton- ministration et Criminal Jusice ac- tcnic" Mis E A Ceurtice accompaniied cuiMW .Cul vsaplf him, booked liv M A. JaInes, steamship cd HigiMr. W.BolTmuuc ton apoimn- ticket agent, Bowmanviloe. ville and Dm. Meintoali fou Newcastle. WoRKiNG DAY AND NîGIur The busi- O)ui motion et Messrsý Trcbîlcock andi est i.fIle thuuîg tIbat ever ivas made is Smale sm>lin.- is prohiiited frem tie Dr. Kiug's New Lite Pilla. Every pillislaCeuncîl Chamaber. Westou Andrus, a sugar coatoid globule et boalti, that Omono, and Heuhen Wer were grant- chanzes weakness into strcuigtl.listless- cd 'mcc pedlar's licenses- The motion neas iuto euer.gy, brain-fag into meuntal t,) grant $100()to IHope Agnicultumal power. TbO3 ý're woudertul lu building Seciety te assis'. lu eecfing 'now exhi- up the health. Only 25c. a box. Sold by biion bu.ildings was lest, Ex Warden Stott and Juryý. J. H. Devitti was cordialiv thanked for ___________presenting a greup pidture efthfe ceun- MdT. VER-NON. cil lu eacli iluiîiber. Mr. Deviti was aise asppointcd ou tfhecLegisiation Coin. Visitors: Misa N. Kenned -y, Enulakil mlie Ion, ai Mnr. G. Milaoui's; Miss L. Dan- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY, castor, Bowmauville, and Mu'. and Miss Tàke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabiets. AI 1 Bain, East WbitbJ- , ai 'Mr, G Argue's; druggisïs refuind money if <t faits to cure. 25c Mr, and Mrs Stacev, Enniakillen, MnS. E, . .G3rove&s tgniture is on each box. C. J. Nouîtjey, Ha\ don, Mr. H. 11ev nolda, Quebec. ai Nim. C. W. Souciýs; HAMPTON. Mm. \V. Annis and.Mrs. dos Laugmaid, Elienezer, aI Mr E. Auînis'; Mr. Walter Visiter-z: Mr. Normanî Cyderman, XVashiuîgtou, Mariposa, ai Mi,.J. Gar- Elîlioru, Man.. ai Mr. Jas Crydermman's9 tat's.,.. r .Bto- a agip.,-~.. ...Miss J 1-luIs, Seafomil, witi lier Mr. Ed. Aunis la mcovoing frein lis s isten Mns. F A Cole's Mm Harineil E. recet iliness....MrW. 0(>kî,'s.),oungers chud i dagerusy ll wti canetColo, Misa Edith Colo and MisasIlerma foyver: ha older child is recering from WLeeHrnGe nt oMm Jese Chae' leMm fie samne .....A livelv intereat la taken 11III HoMisE te-esn , aiSI. halaa sion tie coutesi thatis now Ilmus isES1enoohwa lu tuissection ..2. M. E Treouti's.. ..Sick eues couvaI- lu progressat tie Solina Division. esing: Mrs Jas. Cryderman; Mrs. Oli- YouR DocToa's AD)vd-IHaa not ai- ver, Mrs S J Clarke, Mn. J. L JoIns' ways boen accordiug fo hus conscuence ciiden. Ail wore deliglîted le ueo Mms. liecauso for ýears be's been sckooled luniIL Brown ai clîumcli Sunday alter:lier predjudices wbich dub every proprietamy severe ilînes... Hastings and son are remedv as "quackemy"-uo-dav ho utîing lu a -asoline eng-iuc lu their kuows-botter and practices botter, an(! FI'mp-Werks.. .. Mr. Jas. '17homnpsonal snci wemihî' remedies as Dm. Ven Stan's jr ,,wearsafatierly smiîe now ..Tre- Pîuîeapple Tabiets are among lie cen- neuti and son report a busv season lu stant prescriptions lu ils da ily practuce prospect ...Rev. H. Tieïmas gave an Ilecause ho hias proved them se potont eloquent sermon le a good audience Inustomadli troublos-6Co lu a box, 85 eis. Sunday nigit. ButCcer Colo was lie iraite store a suppiy et ice-.. ..Court I. O. F, At Homo Wodnesday night EN ISILENwas an enjoyable function Bro.' A. L Pascee gave the addreset welcome, Receut visitons: MisaEthel McCulltli, Misa I Ellia sang a sole, Mm. XW H Aluin8 Mnr. Poerce y MdCullodIî, Manchester. spoke tor lie Higi Court. an-d instailed gueula et Mms. S. Gilbiert; Mesura Tami- the officers, assisied by Bro. L.- El!is of blyn bref hema, Orono, gucats et-Mm. ll.J Court plum Creek, Souris, Man., as Werry; Mm. and Mms W., John Davey, Hi1gi Marabal, On the piattorm were Pickering, giests et Dr. Miel.'l; Mr. ihesegue-Is. officers la sistàr ordema: and Mmrs. A. Hannua, Peterboro, visiting Messrs S J WiIi-àms, XV II Creeper, T. a t M r. E. Hanuîa's.. - - Rl e v Il - Ni. J Clarke, F J Groaf, and C Joins, al Pialeiu's lecture on tle Boer wan was made brief speeches. Music was reu- extmeînelv intemeting and 'ep]ete witlï dore-J lv Misses Maggie Pasece, and useful intormatio.... Smnal!atteuîdanc" M J Elliott and MeLaug.-ilin Bros. and at Qnaricrly service owing f0 incýemeuît about sixty <.njeyed tue o\ ster supper weathem .... Wiiliam's Dramnatic Ce afterwards. Mm.ýI. and 'Mrs. John have leased Byer'a Hall for a wcek's Xestaîvay lav-e gente te Bîookliiut» eiitemfainmenfs. . essrs- John11Hock- ,penud the winter with their sou-lu iaw lus, Tues, Evans and H. Rogers et eue Mr. C. iledman, wlois lavcry 1-11 wiilî villag*e got thoîr silver medals tremthie pueumeonia, Dominioeni uveriuouln onasta pri'.atos in Fenian Raid et 186-3. lu lu a vere landsome moedal and looks w el on île militariy forms oethîe -allant recipientu - 'rIIEIR BUSINESS BoomiNcI,.-Prol ,abiy ne onue tiiîu hascauaed suci a go-oeral revu-ai etftu'ade at Steti and J nv'a Dru-- Store as their giviîlg au-...- 10 ilîcir mauy customena ef se man3 'ree 3trial botulesetf Dr.17iug'sNew Disco veney for Ceusumptioui. Thein t"îade is siinply enormeus iii ibis very x'aluable remedy, tmem lie fa-tf ual h always cures and nover disappointa. Conglis, Celda, Asili- ma, Bronchitis, Croup, and ail tinoat and lung disoases anc quicklyv cumed. Yen can test il befome bu-viug liv gctfing a triai bottle troc, large size 50c. aud $1.00. Evor-v bottie warranted. A CARD. W e, the unidoî-signod, do iemehy agnee te refund the meney on a f wen'y five sent bultle of Dr. Wiils' Euîilidli Pilla8 if atter using timee-fourtis et cenitenità of liottie, iley do nol relieve constipa-, tien audicadacie.* Ve also guar.antee feur boutles will permaiieutly cure fie mesi obatilato case et conîstipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay wboîî XVilIs' Pilla are used. Stoît & Jury, cliemiat, Bewmanville5 J Ili -Zinbotham'&,Son, ciemist, Bow- manîlle. 2-4 Baowmanvile 'K -:- Ladies uCoats Miss Cassie Colvilie, Bowrmanville, visited lier sister Mirs. 1. Underwood. . .Mr. Norman Heurv , Millbrook, visit. ed Mn. T. Sommervillo ..Miss Scott, Port Hlope, la -,'îSiting lier cousins.... Mm Jas. Waddell is visiting Mm. Sam Halliday . , The case et Allun vs. Hill, dispute ever wages, was heard ai Division Court ai Newcastle. Judge- ment was given ln fai-or of the dcfeud ant, plaintiff beinz obiiged 'te pay al cot.... Mr. T. Sommerville lias sold lis pacer ',Cloutaîmf," 10 Mn. Pearson, Montreal. Mr. Swatts, Toronto, lias been calling on old friends, Dr. Low's PLEASANT WOux SYRUP--iS the safeat and most effectuai remedy te give children for womms of ail ki-nds. No need et Castor Oul afterwards as il contains is own Cathartie. HENDAL. I ww 1 "' AMI v 1 à u m à %P

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