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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 7

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DANIEL XVL3STER'S PAPER CUT.. WORKING A SI'ALL TE R. Joseph M. Terry of Pecoaic, L. I., bas CANABIAN FARM. V ese ît'ýd a valuable rd-ic of Daniel - ebster te tbe Suffok Cou ty Ilis- What caube Produced on Fifty Acres torical Society. IL ta an ivory paper When Well Worked and Well cutter which McI. Webster used for Mngd a - umber of yeurs in is library t a .-d MVarbfield, VMass. WXebster gave iC 10 Cbarlhýs Taylor, thea a boy, whoýýe fath"c %vas at the lime niauager of Mr. \Vc(bsterS farn. Yeu 3g Taylor preseîved tbe relie and several years ago wbilea residi- g near Mr. Terry's housa ggave it to im. Cook's Cotton Root Comvoundl le succesullyused monthiyby-oer 1l.OLadies. Safe, effetuai. La.dieýs askJ your druggist for Coki Cotton Root Ce-' oe.Take no other as ail mixtures, pis and Mei jtoneare dangerous, Priee, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2 iodegrees strongr,$Spcr box. No. 1 or 2. maii'ed an reeeipt of price and two -ent 0 tap Tho Cook Compsnày Windsor, Ont. W ~Nos. 1 and 2 soid anarecoinmended by ail respoasible Druggste in Canada. Nos. 1 and 2 sold in Bowmanvila by HrGG1 BOTflAM & SON. ý;r0rr & Juay: Orono b y J. G'I FILL. xx; Newcastle by iat. FAÙNOomBE. 16 ) REUIABLE G ond eat menin cvery locaiy, ocalor travell.. Ig, ta ltroduce antd advertiàe our gonds a tikugt ithoý-cardi en fencera along public roads an ril conspicuetta places. 4o experiree nertiful Salas or eommlUloa $60 par month and expe>taes S2.50 pet day. Wrte et *net for fll prartlruias. lut EMPIRE MEDICINE Co.. London. Ot. FREEva!hg')ut' JOHN MCLEOD IN "FARMIING." My tarin consists of 49 1-2 acres bae and 11 1-?, et UOw land lying fiva miles eas. It was only brekesa up lest seasor, s0 that 1 wlll ba getting the' hr-nefit t rom t frein tiis on. My principal cop fer tceaing being cern, enablas me te wintar quite a large stock on a amai place. i grow f rom tit Lean toeigutean acres et coca anc ltusk frein 7.0te 1,"s busheis accord- tng te the yield.. Last year's corn diO nosc ar as well as usual uwing te thee droutit, and thte rock being very ciose o te asurfaca *m semca parts 01 my farin it aftectad my cern cro~p coasiderably; but we ttlled what 1 cai a 10-ton sile or 14xl4x28 feet dep 3f concrate and .busked over 70 busbals Lante aar besïdes. My bey crep vwas vary ltlb last yeac, but 1 was tortunete ini naving a lit ef eld bey laft over that wa bava net baen able to faed up for the past faw yee'rs, and 1 bettiee at 1 oi bava a nuimbeýr ef tons lef t over this ,spryng again, after wnterîng an faeieg my stock, and titey will Le well wintaired. . 1 bava novv tweity-ni.ne bead, ef cat- tie oeir oe year old and five youfl- ger, or a total of thirty-feur itend. 1 havaeifou~ir ea.d et workklng ber. h kapt Up thte year arouind, andi n .ually ispei che cattle anti ta ltternpatta silo, and witb good-judgmrnt in buy- Notes and Conimentg. the pbýantem fcS wbich the word ing cattle, and the ve'ry saime in their stands la werth mucb pity. He cara and faeding. I arn sorry te say it is neGantoteim- will net tae full's a tisfact ion in tho possible te buy any wii bred stocki Mad.rid gossip, if founded on fact, woe:1 oeruu o iecm in this section. You maigbt as welI wouid appear tu show that Spain Maypatvacnnt bchrutsfm tal godreas e liei s ellbrd on bave a monar cb wbe woui'd re-'the eni1joyniant of beatti; and a houa- stock. It wou~d ceat fifty!cents more cal] the tb:rd and the fourtb Philip.i u rdta i akr.I ede to breed te a registered sire, The i'leoia i akr.I i ,e .Jersey grade is tbe ruiniation of ex- This would net oi,]y ha a nisfortuna l, ot obtain an intenity ef bappiness port cattie, and the man tbat feeds and a bumiliation for Spain, but would b el hth a endfaddo lt now Lt an I rn nainfrtu-'Le a source ef regret te the worid. bis iirthrigLtt. These xxbo advlse; h M ately. I bave a fe'w grade Jerseys, but Spain bas, since tbe close efthte war1 tbink it seeves me riglit. 1 kne w b a pois dan enr e ha. apines Lanet of this worid better, but I go't them with otbers. It of'",xcd ta said tbe.y make geed butc.hers' cat- sanity, coupled witîî a recuperative 1 pt fur thef 1esever meongalte- tle,. Ye8, 1 know it, but wb tt butch- p,,war, whicb bave been a surprise and andfrtoao retdmna e airs pay forn them, wa't pay us. They, gratification te the werid. It weuld velopeirnent, are scorni ully regarded by w-m't tring us witbin oae to oena and ýmacyisBtftehu nb- a bal cents p3jr peund what Short- beae calamty for that country sbould hma yia ui b ua a bocrns or some cuber good breeds would tbe tonies about tbe mental incapacity iig growvs in clearneas of tbougbt brictg, and won't have tbe' weight 0cr of its future ruier lia trua. If tbey and atca and mere tban ail, in quafity. I tbink it a grnt mistake I o abould be true, the laws of heradity ry'MPathy, Le sPe>d!1y discerna that cross the Jerseys witb our other .eh.r aetomn rns n lod.Thay sbould bc kep't in tbeir inl tlis particular instance would seem elesbv o ayweg n Qwn c.lass, as it affects euxr trade witb Le ha strangely violated, Alfonso XII., to muranh rnLsery li this worlM, to Po exportera, ad that la the trade that the, taLLer of thte incoming King, wa8happy hmef no matter howl for- has the monay in it. 1 only keep about 5 a dcidadly creditable monarcb. HIl, une May bave saniled [in. milcb cows, and 1 started hy breeding U, from the beat cow we avec owaed. She was tbe ablest man wbo has heen on---- * was good celer aad a well-bred Sbçrt- Lbe Spanisb tbrone jonc the deeth oflIASL1RSKT horn and Ayrshira grade. I kett Charles III., over' a century age, un- ASLIRSKT breeding to registered steck, the od cow te Sbortborrrs and lier heters to less an exception hae made in the case Ve"v MueI Inîiroved Bttt-làg tce Last the Ayrshire, and they are beauties, Of the unfortunate Amadaus, the F0w Vear.,, and the steersara fit for any market brother of the present King cf Italy, Ia recent yeara every item in the -goe i J eo and good color;, se you sea wbo abdicated after a brief reign. His soldier's kit bias been made the subject th Iare aruk ucueraswel Other, too, tbe pr6sent Regent, lsa of au immense ameunt of tbeught and woman of b'gh mental and meral char- experimental inganuity diracted tu WINTER EGGS. acter, wbo, in the paculiar]y delicate 1iescrn iauma osbeue The great desira of most people who situation in which hebas bean placcd, fuilescobnd itth mnmu kaep only a few f owls for egg produc- in recent yaars, bas parformed iter Part o ukadwiitadsrnlt tien la te get titair baens te lay in the w1tb rare dignity and intelligence. There La te "mess tin," for instance,' wtnter, wvban t la almoat impessible More than at any other period sinca that used te weigit a geod deal more te buv a reallv neaw laýd egg. But T_ _____- Vll_ ,T1-_.z_. .. What is Castoria is for Infants and Childiren. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU1, Paregorie, Drops and Soothiug Syrnps. It contaIns neither Opium, Morphine noir other Narcotic substance. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is1 thirty years' use by Millions of Mothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castorla cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relieves Teethuasg Troubles, cures Constipation 'and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, rcgulatea the Stomacliand Bowcls of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural slecp. Castoria Io the Childron Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castoria. ICastoria. "Castoria is an excelent inedîcine for -1Caterla la ao weil adapted to eblidrei chiidren. Mothera have repeatediy tbld me that I recommend it as superior to any pre- of its good effect upon their cilîdren." ascription known to mi." ais. G. C. OsGooD, LowelZ, Mass. H. A. ARcaHER, M. D. rook»»,.. XY PIî YT= 17-A lN AP"TY 1%aW

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