Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1900, p. 8

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Tai'ke the test Gives prompt relief in Bronchi*ti*s', Asthma, Cou ghs and Colds, and cures in a re- markably hot ime. If you sufer with eorns or callused skin use ffigginbotham's Corn Cure. Itwill give you immediate relief and remove the trouble without paring or cutting. Cream of Witcli Hazel for the skin and complexion, prepared by Do wmAN viLLE, Fancey Ai ~ingCabi SFancy Ti Carpet S vbkCases an<« Smâny- oth SAN-LD -SE] iF'urnitu J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SONe Chemists and Druggists. ~i'I7k?~'/à~' "4~* ~ *J*b~~#A~~ IAftS~~I'................. rhat when look(ing for your Holiday Gifts, you take a 4, e ook -at our uines, includi ng, rm Chairs and Rockers. Ladies' Writ -__4ýç înets. Rattan Rockers and Tables. ît ablesand Jardinere Stands. Bisseli weepers. Writing Desks and Book~f d a large lune of Children's Chairs, and ier articles suitable for gifts. CALL ~ E TIIEM. um MORRIS, LiDealer. BOWMANVILLE. To vn>h: oDarling ce'shipof iJarIina c -1. W41iia198 $1 Sa~îiu. e.X... S99 ........20 ilE lernleus, Bmer and.. 'IVwtehle(t'l "74' ,work.. Bazrce!of .-ad' 1898.. ~îrtaxe-, -397 .... Pullýavd' ( 898 ... 1 toý'ruKntx IUeuse fuud rant ..... 5 i t iom w o Leac ïPoIPard, taxes. 1898... Onqtarie Bank, intcrest ... Aishton, ýrefund. Pascoe,plauk te J ùurlbut .owuship cf Carke, work,. SPol d. taxls ........ F, Fà aMacaltan, taxes. T Baker, rent cf road, 1899.:2 S Polarcit ............ 1Total ....... ..3 JftI. PAYMENTS. M A James, printing .... J Ross Robertson, Hosptal.. municipal Worid.......... JGae printing.......... Il? LElli, 'sd.t........ Mrs MLaughin, aages taxe.sere.. o sa..o...,I~utti'98 y oJARY -c-' 'exo-o o.. a '- ' I Viiit5slî. ctdocî~ "-c a aît~- (Il i 5. s'Oint >a'e c i5-ro jsit"l. F N W Goodman, gravel.. M4n J 1Hocken, lumber. ........ D Taylor, repairs of bridge., 90.L Potter, gravel J. . '.. -F Rogers, nails........... rt W S Bag he aae -Sawyer Massey Co, gràder.. J Hocýker, lumber......... ts an1d T 1\ou-ntjoy, gravel ......... ligton,9 J Il Byers, posfs and work. er 4319 A Trimm. gravel.......... L Potter, gravel ...... ... H Argue, .... 22 1H Eiiiott, treasurer,half jear 02 i9 l Eliiott, jr, clerk, salry ..,ý 0-17 16 T Scott, cedar............. I6-12 J Martin, gravel and stone. 2 25' Murdoch, fenciug con. 9-. 3 25 JULY. 4 0 J YCole, gravel._........ 8 91 J Thompson ...."a 145-88 E Moore, ...... 75 00 S Alun, ....... 280C)J Oke,...... il7 25 F Martin, . ....... 127 0T Snowdcu ....." 12 60 Stainton, .- ... 3 85 J Cowiig, timber ........ 8 25 J Staluton, gravel ......... 10 50 J Stainton, ..... 4 80 F G Bym nails..... 83 80 ilEiiott, jr, 1 00 McCleliau & Co, l mbe r. 40 J Hurlbut, fixug scraper.... 2 00 R Suowden, slniceway. 212 26 J Morton, opeiug rond..., 4 00 D Graham, makiug road.,. 68 7A Samis, gravel .......... --T Snowde, " ,..... 47 7 B Courtice, " ...... E J Burk, '........ 14 75 ýMilîson. && -..... 5 00 J Goode, sheep damages 5 00 L Potter, 1 00 A EClemens, 7 00 J Hocken, lumber........ 1 00 D Brunt, lumber apd posts.. 7 00 J Grigg, iron for bridges. '. 6600 J Percy, spikev ............ 12 60ü M A James, printiug. ... 50 SEPTEMBER. 1 23 T Brima combe, plankT... 4 67 G Allun, cedar............ 1050 - 7 90 100 0 2 0 1()2 40 "0) 3 25 5 78 18 0 40 0 00 0 ~25 04 Io1 3 50 25 3 8) 7 60 42 50 100 0 25 80 6 76 il40 88 1 42 1 30 7 50 4 65 2 64 15 80 3 85 15 02 6 50 6 85 53 5 13 17 M7 50 1 (JO 7 0 30 0 3 25 3880 12 70 il 10 46 72 6 0 22 34 17 34 6'40 -70 1,85 4 89 75 90 30 66 1 50 I 4 1f 10:IURASOA, tb dezs cm Rp p mttu, e al îMe ik t 10cool thie f11SA sont i ure le o omtra~ 1 36ihg, and î aunwitÉu Ioss of 1 * rvo )j~ t bat DYiCJiLeand ailotiicr rcmdc 1PT P.DEUG ANDuCLEsA. ORF., Sle opi3at, R Martyn, ced.ar ......... N Smith, ..... T[ J Clarke, spikes and boîts. A S Toolev' il and lumber Hl G Argue, gravel........ J Balsoni, 240 loads gravel ... A Peters, 24 loads of gravel. W H Cowliig, land for road. J Rauton, sheep damages G Allan, l G Cochrane, 1 D Burke Simpson, soicitor. OCTOBER. J Morrow, sheep damages. *1 Reattoire, * Greenlees, W G Ormiston, T Smale, F Gritlin, G WSoper, J Lander, J3 Suiley, graïvel J Webber, .1 Curtis, Selectors of jurors, services.. R J Mallory,cour of revision Hl Elliott, jr, services lu court W Broad, nails ........... J Frasier, work........... C Powers, cedar. .......... R McCullough, scrapers .. J Aldsworth, opeiug diteh W Snowdeu, .4 NovEMnEa. Hart & Ridd le, register.. MeClellan & Co, lumber ... R Davey, cedar........... G A Staples, plank. ....... A L Brunt, gravel ... . ... . J Oke, 139 loads gravel. J Potter, use Kennedy Hall. F M CrYderman, serap)er .... J Snowden, work ........ R A Ashton, use of roadway, R HHlamiev, tile.......... J J Ormiston, sbeep damages DECEMBER. F L Squair,roadway crossiug W J Osborne, cedar....... R B Mitchell, ý .... J Hocken, lumber......... E Moore, stone .... ...... J Gaud, gravel. ......... J Coates , I .. ..... Beman & Lovekin, gravel... S Allun & Sous *TSnowdon A S Tooley, J Worien, J Oke, F T AIIiu,dra%%ing M A James-, printiug I L Browu,timo aud expeuses R Poster, L M Courtice A E Ciemens T Pascoe,, 1 L Brown, council, mileage RFPoster, L M Courtice,' A:E Clemens R Pascoe, 1 L Browu, services com'r., R Foste r,, .... L M Courtice, ..... A E Ciemeus, ..... R Pascoe, *l Eiiiott, salary as treasûrer il Elilt: jr, saiary as clerk il Elliott, postage, stationery C 1-ooper, cedar... J M J oness, il ... 1... T Woodley, cedar......... R Davey, t . " .. . G Ilaryev, ... .... B Courtice, ....... E Milîson, ....... T Eliiott, gravel.......... F1 Dell, t . . . . .. J Curtis, et .. .. .. J J Smith, refund of, dog tax Hart & Riddeli, statioaery.... 1 L Brown, council, mileage, R Fostor-, L M Courtice A E Clemeus R Pascoe M A James, printig ... W Creepe'r, services....... Expeaditure in Division No 1 , 5 " Board ofilealtli Support, Indg1s. Goverameut grant te sehools Scbool rates............ Balance............... .. 1 25 1 0 6 0 1 20 4 10 120 1 20 2 0 20 100 200 109 60 8 0 3 31 40 5 34 6 66 6 67 10 00 120 50 170 18 55 70 830 5 10 26 09 36 10 60 1 25 180 15 75 1 08 21 46 6 15 25 41 2 55 6 95 20 70 4 10 20 2 40 5 34 5 0 20 75 4 40 50 5 50 3 40, 14 50 4 10 12 25 3 05 1 50 8 20 12 0 35 89 20 2 0 2 0 2 0 7,50 31 50 37 80 36 40 84 80 39 20 160 160 16 ()0 160 80 42 50 1000 15 23 20 3 0 6 63 7 10 80 1 10 1 76 2 40 3 20 9 45 10 18 26 2 25 2 70 2 60 2 115 2 80- .63 27 25 0 U26 38 86(7 16; 421 16 554 45 89-1 64 133 95 853 511 527 00 88240 527d 13 Total ............ $20477 77 I L BROWN, Comamissioner. J Ward, work on road...$S 1 6) * Cherry, shoveing suow.. 7 0 E J Carke, work............. 1 50 W. Creeper, "....... 1 50 J Cowing, "......... 1 0 A L Brunt,................ 200 j P%.e, 8 75 F Dell, building 8 ~ 350 B Moore work doue lot 19- 1 25 H Wilcox, building culvert 4 50 W. Hli. work doue........ 6 ()0 W Short, work doue cou. 4.. 2 50 D Cherry,,work doue.. ...... 64 75 J Pye, work................. 14 00 W Cowling, work doue .... 9 0 WJ Clemeus building .... 120 W H Wood, work doue.... 15 50 J Hillar, building culvert, 10 0 J. Mutto, work.............. 450 A. W. Allia, work gradig 7 75 * Potter, work ........... 2 50 T dgerton. wrk -oue30 30 J Ok, idng culvert.... 20 J T Cole, Il " ......., 350 J Martin, repairing bridge 5 0 W Creeper work ou road . 13 74 A 1'eters I " ".... 6 56 M Robbias building culvert,, 7 50 E J Clark, work gradîg .. 7 50 F TAlliu, I" Il."... 5 00 J Ashton, building culvert ... 80 W Barrie, work grdig . 1 87 W Moore " "1 25 B àoore " "10 00 J muttou " 6 75 T Beckett, gr avelliug ....:: 13 24 j J V irtue 1 ." .... 200 W Rlail building culvert ... 40 J Stanton, gravel pit......... 2 0 J Cowliug building bridge, 5 21 J Xard. work...... ......... 5 86 C Stouhouse, work on road. 35 40 J T Cole, ... 40 00 J1 Pye, " . ... 66 75 Ailculolian & Ce work......... 1i6 50 E. J Clark, grading....... ... 10 70 T Edgertou, building cuivert 2 0 J RuIler, repairing gutes etc, 1 0 B Moore, work.............. 20 J C Clatworthl; work......... 10 0 W Foley, Work............. 28 85 E' DtLîls, wvtlz................ 501 J Pve, work doue........... 10 75 W Short,Il" "....... 8 43 E J Clark teamin ............. 20 0 A Burgess, gravelliîg........ 28 87 J Ward, work on bridge... 4 0 J Clatworthy balance work., 7 85 C Power, building- culvert.. 1830 E J Clark, work on bridge. 25 17 J Stanley, work on road 88130 A L Brunt, building bridge- 1 25 E J Clark drawing gravel. 100 W Creeper piliug lumber... 75 E J Clark, drawiug gravel-. 80 W Gilbert, breakiug stoe 6 50 T Snowdon., work........... 80 W Creeper work done..50 Total ...... ........$726388 DivisioN No. 2. R FosTEII, Commissioner. A Trimm, gravelling ........ . 2850 A Wilkins, ..... 5 44 WIII-Ioar, ...... 4 49 G Cornish. " il 62 G (Collacutt, " 6 75 P Elford, " .... 15 91 J Wight, ..... 70 A Crago " . ., 20 75 W D Bragg, .... 12 60o B Wilkins,...... 6 87 F Hoar, " ....... 260 A W Allin. graveiliug.... 17 83 E Prout work on the road...., 2 0 J Darch, grading .......... 10 B Wilkins, drawing stone- 10 0 J Scott, repairing culvert. .. 20 W Wilcox, repairing bridge. 2 00 J Gand. work on bridge.. 8 0 F Parker I I .." . 5.0 T Jewell work on bridge.......5 0 A W Aluin, repairing culvert 10 0 W Barrie, work gradiug...., 8 75 John Mutton, work grading. 6 0 A Trimm, gnardiug culvert, 1 0 A W Allin. work............ 12 0 A T1rimm, stone_............. 6 50 T Jeweil work on bridge, 8.. 0 A WAlliu work on con.32 .. 4 50 A W Allin, work doue ... 9 15 F Park er, drawing eedar .. 1 0 A W Allia, work doue .... 5 0 J Riekard, gravelling road 10 0 A W Allin, gravelling... 17 25 ..... ..... 22 8j WKniglht, tinbe--830 J b Har. work doue ..... 50 A W Alin, drawing gravei 9 0 T J Cole, building bridge 9 59 B Wilkins, drawing stone.. 950 J M Joness, work doue .... 7'00 Total............... -$866 D1V1sîoN No. 3. L M COURTICE, Comrüisioner. T Welsh repairing bridge., 2 0 C Snowden, II ... 40 W Coledge building culvert 2 0 J Gibson repairing........... 1 0 L Hancock, gravelliug ... 61 14 W Morrow, breakiug stone 1 50 J Welsh, repairiug bridge 15 0 W White, breakiug stone..., 5 0 W Stace y I" Il... 4 0 J Gibson, repairinaJ culvert.,. 4 2 5 T Newsome, work on garder 10 87 W Barrie,."I, "... 100 J Mutton, work on zrader.. 6 0 J Flintoif, repairiug bridge 10 25 W Lymer, 11" '... 180 D Clarke, gravelling ...... 375 T Newsome. ..... ....... - 25 0 W Ellins, gravelling.......... 29 41 B Moore, team working ... 12 50 J Mutton team working . 7 50 G Revnold's repairing ... 6 50 W McDonald, breakiug stone 5 0 W Stacey, breaking stone. 7 0 W Whïte " 6 0 G Cok1, " "1800 W Morrow breaking stone., 1830 W Ellins, repairiug culvert. 3 0 G Cook, breaking sto....... 6 50 R B Mitchell, work doue,.. 7 26 WV White, breakzing stone 10.. 60o WV Morrow repairiug bridge. 75 AÀ Tooley covrmg beride. 2 20 'W White, îeparing 5 00 J B'alson. "1 "...1 3 50 G Reynolds, building culvrt. 8 60 A' Wyborne,. repairs ..... 650 J' Armoir work doue 6 75 E Bex ý.nolds repairing culvert 50 J1 Fouud, diggiu,.r drain ... 20 G Cook Breaking stone.., 8 0 B Courtice drawing grael 2 50 A Huggins, " 6 25 T Newsome ' " 5 0 W Morrow work doue.. 8 50 W Lymer graveliug......... 25600 S Evcrson I *i* » " 250 W Morrow cleaning ich. 25 W Lymer rc»airing culvert 1 0 W Stacey, breaking scone.., 3 75 T Johns, work donc..... 1 0 R B Mitchell, )-ork doue .. 2 25 W Flutoif work donc.e.. 1 50 Total ..... ...... .... $124 16 DiVISION No. 4. A E CLEMENS, Commissioner, R Reynolds, work ... ........10 B Moore, fixing cuivert..., 6 0 A L Brunt Il I ..., 2 50 J Hl Byers work doue .... 50 W Farrel work done.......... 4 25 B Moore, I" I ....... 18 50 F Hockaday gravelling ..... 17 50 J Byers work atrig 9 25 W 'Vit tue, work doe..,.,5 0 S Polard.............12 50 J Mutton I" Il..... 120 B Moore work ou gradr,. 41 50 J Mouxitjoy graveling ..8.. 325 R Reynolds work doue .... 100 W J S Rundle graveling .... 10,00 j Chanuon work on bridge., 80 t), B Moore gravelling.......... i14 65 A L Brunt repairiug bridge. 1 2.) A Brown work doue .... 5 50 J Cote building bridge,... 9 50 J -B, e' gravclliug road ... 4 8 W Farrell work, doue..... .... 12 7.5 Total ............... $551 45 IT'S so pleasant Io take that children cry for it; but it's death to worms of'al kinds. DR. LOW'S WORM MYRU1'. Price 25c. Ail dealers, 1 SUPPROu0F Poon. Jauuary as per lis t February March April May June J uly Aug-,ust September October November December GOVERNMENT GRAbiT. No. 1 School Section 4 5 6 7 .8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 DIVISION No. 5. R PAscQE,, Commissioner. D Knapp work done .... * Staeev work done,... J Hlobbs work on road ....,. * -Argue opeuinig gravel pit. L Potter work in'gravel pit. W Ashton graveling' con S.. A L Pascoe Il .... llHeddon cleauiug ditch .... R B Mitchell gravelig .. J Hall grading hli......... 'r Newsome work grading.. F Smith work on hlîl... J Mutton work grading .. W Mountjoy work grading. . J Orchard " " J Qrmiston A Hogarth .. B Moore J Mutton " S Grier grading con. 10 J Orchard graveling con. 6.. S Souch Il ... J Scott grading on con. 10... G Cochrane graveling.. J Hub bard grading...... J i-lobbs graveling........ B Powell -raveling con, 9 ... T Becket grading . ........ 3 E Dyer graveling....... E Millsoii work at gravel pit. R Stacey graveling con 9 .... R Stacey ... E J Clarko W Ashton fixing culvert .. G Cochrane gradiug con. 9,. F Mountjoy leaning ditcb.. S Bush work done......... S Souch drawing stone.. C Wilbur fixing sluceways ... J Hobbs grading.......... J Barton cleaniug ditches... W Flintoif graveling con 6... BOARD 0F HEALTH Municipal World for placards P Hl Bryce Vaccine Viu..... Park Davis & Co. Dr. Mitchell vaccination .., Jl Gale advertising........ MAJames" ...... Drs. Beith & iMeLaughlin.., L M Courtice services mems.. * Elliott Jr. " . J Ptter inspector..... Total................... $527 0 School Rates, No 1 School "Section $183 83, 167, 300 33 2 20000, 25, 22500 3 ' 200 00, 270, 4700 4 " 200060, 150, 3500 5 200 00, 120, 3200 6 200 00, 135, 3350 7 200 00, 75, 27500 8 " 200 00, 212, 4120 9 " 2Û0 00, 250, 450 600 10 " 20000,250, 45000 il " 333 34: 400, 733 34 12 " 200 00, 300, 5000 13 " 20000,200, 4000 14 " 20000, -20000 15 " 20000, 509' 2500 16 " 200 00, .9,0, 5000 17 " 200060, 180, 3300 18 " 33383, 500, 83333 19 " 206060, 150, 3500 2J " 200 00, 815, 5150 21 200 OC), 250, 4500 22 " 8000, 25, 10500 23 4000, 80, 7000 Total,......... ABSTRACT DR Balance on hand 1898.. Arrears cf taxes 1897.... Arreurs cf taxes j898.... Percentage on arreurs 1898 Taxes collectod for 1899... License fund .......... .- Reuts ........ . .. .. Interest Savings Banik... Refuud from road work.. SuIes of timber ........... Refund from municipalities.. Absen tee land taxes....... Goverument school grant .... Salaries,Allow unces etc,..... Printiug, poscage, etc... Bataillon Grant .......... Grader................... Roads and Bridges........ Board cf Heulth ........... Support cf poor etc........ Sehool Bourds Gev. Grant... "l lSchcol rates.. Sbeep damages ............ Solicitor's focs............ Reîît et land for rod ... Otlier expenses .... Balance Dec. 8lst, 1899.. $8 8240 $10 2297 3 91 2 85046 16 46 15 899583 7780 800 3380 100 2805S 5 25 3 54 5270v0 20, 477 77 860 92 249 65 4000 200 00 3, 650 00 183 95 853 50 527 00 8. 824 00 171'2) 1G9 60 9 00 7-272 5, 276 23 Total.. . ........... $20,.477 77 ASSETS. Ontario Bank $53,5554 Choques unpresented 88 37 $ 5, 267 17 Balanîce on haud............. 542 ,Choque for absentco tax .... 35-1 THI-AE MASO N COU BOWMANVI LLE. 2 Io0 2 60l 17 88 10 0 3 25 10 0 10 00 2 50 6 87 6 00 10 00 10 37 6 0 5 i60 3 50 2 50 2 50 11 50 6 75 8 0 4 50 13 37 6 30 2o 00 20 07 23 20 3 19 15 78 24 00 il 00 12 85 22 75 19 00 1 50 8 80 2 0 3 0 2 00 S0 8 35 10 00 24 16 $394 04 1 70 3 50 82 50 16 25 8 00 il 0 7 00 30 00 C) 0 18 00 $133 95 $33 00 29 00 29 00 35 50 27 00 27 00 28 00 27 00 28 00 27 0 31 00 200 $353 50 12 00 5 65 23 45 228 0 27 50 21 95 26 30 3290 2985 1950 51 70 27 5u 1885 .14 45 2085 38 10 12 35 35 45 9 15 4020 2725 6 50 2 75 BOOTS AND SHIOES .. Odds and ends here also, some great snaps too. Boots are advanc- ing; bnyfno w and save money. GROGERIES. . Now is the time to buy your stock of Tea and Sugar for summer. We dlaim to take first place in values andl request buyers to get samples and carefully compare our values and judge for yaurselves. Adlvances are likely in these also, in fact are almost certain. We have not yet ad- vanced Coal Oil but look for an advance any day. THE MAS o. Asi '1' ce Wcis. Wlien the hum -ni foot w3is first introduced to shoes it was exaeîly as nature ia-d made it, It lias been revolutionized . _ 0 from wliat it wvas to the foo t of to-day by sixteen centuries of distorting tiglitness and freakish styles. /§ "SIater Shoes" are made to ft fect as tlicy are to day, conifort first, but good appearance iiever forgotten. Trweive, shapes, six widths, all szes leathers at-d colors. Goodyear weltcd, nianic aud prîco -amed on the soles, f ~ ~$3.5oand $5.co. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. Taxes iiet te colleet ..... .... 10 S8886 Rents due ................... 2000 Town Hall, and furnituro .. 4300 Road Grader................ 17500 Total.... $ 6, 98999 LiABILI-rîR S. Couuty and special rate .. ..-$ 3 6C80 Janitor's suiary............. 250 Collector's saiari............ 1000 $ 2, 730 It will be noticed t hat the uuiollected, taxes for 1898 was $3028 56 whil.t the sumn collected as per accounts is $2850.- 46, the differeuce cf $178 10 is shown as follows: $151 10 refunded at time cf col- Iecting te Sehool section No 19 the amount of errer in trustees' application- te council and the balance $27 00 te re- mission cf dog tax and errors cf assess- meut. We here certify that we bave exam- ined the treasurer's books and accounts, comparod vouchers with entries and found them correct. The balance lu hand cf the troasurer is $5 42 in cash, choque for $3 54 and thc balance lu the Ontario Bank utter providiug for the paý ment cf choques given tby the treas- urer and unpresented on Dec. 31st is $5267 17 making thc total of $5276 13 te tihe credit cf the muaicîpulity., F L ELLIS Adtr W J BRAGG ý udior BRAVE MEN FALL-VîctiMq to stomach liver and kidnev troubles as well as wormen, and ail tel the results lu loss of sippetite, poisons lu the blood, back- ache. nier'>usness, headache and tired, listless, rutî-dowu feeling. But there's no îîeed te teel like tlîat. Listea te J. W. Gardner, Idaville, mnd. He sa.is: "Electric Bitters are just the thing foi a manu when le is adl run-dowu, and do' aewhether hoe lives or dies. it di ore te give mie new strengtl and good appetite than unytiuDg I could take 1 eau now eut unythiîîg and have a new lease ou life." Onu-v 50 cents at Stott & Jur3 's Drug Store. Every bottie guaranteed. I i MAPLE GROVE. Entertatument will he givon b * the puplsf Maplc, Grove --public sehool ou Friay ebraryl6t ut8 p. m. in thes Sons' Hall. A splendiid program of re- citation and song- wiil be giveli by the scholors and dialogues by the yong people cf the neighlborhood. Admis- sien 15c, A. good time is promîied tos ail who attend. 5 2W- A new church organ is wauted. Visit- ors. Mrs. J. and, Miss Ethel Steveuson, Oshuwa, ut Mr. John Suo aceus; Misses Gortie and Alice Lyme,ýr, Hr' mony, ut Mr. W.Lrs,.. Mrs. W. Snowdea was iii but is convalesciug-.. .RPev. W. Young, Tyrono, preaches here next Suuday. - CI I * qsM :WORTK g A BOTTLEs _ $1510 oThis Ma,, fn ny b, nvoirfh alk I a oreen ,ore f0 yot ..i F-.raBRa-eeGo., I.N ., lotaci 19, 1898. ci ~~~~~~~". tt'7-t odLoinu. Ihv oe ebs>.n ybe o bof.,.. 1 oiII lb.plea ,dt.oh.-a y-,rbook aad reçipt. for a e thLn iaal.aad t.-p, n.t rn-M onthe cartoon. CR Tffly *y..,, FRANKR SMITLH. P Heliaton, P. O., Getarie, 11e..t, 'i9. * B. . . RnatCo. Dý.r 1- fid . -cent tea% for » * soînei Houe Bo.. t 1bcd .ne balilt% test. IY avey~ t esesasd naae ob.ock nmyen ad-tior itonliettefao tscn à e GEORGE BROiWN. *t l o an abeoiotînty ,niabie teonedy for "Fa-*Bsnq SpIibaseee, R.sgo.,ee e m aneoves the l-, Ïxs-'à q Sfor IENDÀILe'S N UifCURE, aiso 'S TraHe ethe à He,"the bo frcee, or adatreso ., IlDR. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURGO FALLS, VT. ~. 'bt' 1 Wo eAre DeligliEd hy Because cf roceiving several cases of clothing bouglit at an unpre- cedently low rate on the 8 from the R. Greene Estate, cf London; now lu liquidation. This factory has otten had our orders and we know their geods te be second te none in Canada. We have the samne goods now in many linos we lad1 before only ut greatly reduiced prices. We are thie only firm in tlîis town wîo lhave these goods and who can seli you clothing like this: Best $10 Blue Beaver Overcoat, extra finish, new $7,50 Whipcord, spring and faîl 6.75 Men's hoavy elaretUlsiers, a few onîy lu this lot 3.90o Youth's " " " " "2'90 Boy's C C C2,49 Men's brown, invisible check tweed, ail wool Suits, formerly $6.50, now 5.00 Men's solid tweed Suits, noat brown doeck at only 4.50 Mien's black Venetian twill worsted Coat and Vest, striped Pants (black suit.) 9.00 Youth's 32 te 35 inch Tweed Suits in strong grey and brown twills 3.50 Boy's Fauuîleoy Suits, fancy now design 21.00 i3oy's fancy braided drill Suits (stroug washing suits) 1.00 Quotations from B. Greene Ce. special purchase. Mention this adlv, when wautiug these libes. Extra values in cerduroy Veats, brown and drab, at $1.00 and $1.25. A goed strong heavy tweed Vest, any size, only 67c,. oaci. A lot cf other equally as geed bargains are in this lot. Nearly ail of this lot is being sold at less than the present rogular wholesale prices and that toc, right in the face cf an advanciug market. You eauL save at least 25% lu buying here just now. Corne and see. DRY G-OODS-REMNANTS, REMNANTS. Stocktaking las brouglit out a lot cf ends. Thoy are -notwal measured and markod fer quiek sale. Ends lu Carpets, Olelotfis, lres Goods, Tweeds, C.ttonades, Drills, Towelling3, Ribbons, Laces, Shirtings, Shaker Flanuels, &o., &c. One et the best timos lu the yeur to buy is now, ospeciully wheu we remember tînt prices are going up, up. Do not lorget that our Ladies' Coats are beîifg eleared out at one-half price. -%Ip- -%?P- Mp- ýk1p- ý%tpý ýNVP, Jk, Jte. q,,, %le 4l. -A& 4"f swk, --kyf-- e2o -

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