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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1900, p. 2

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Ai lmentî, Women are 'om- ing to understandl that the Backaches, Headaches, Tired îI Feelings and Weak \) Spelle from which nJ tbey sufer are due -. to wrong action of -.-4' the kidneys. ere the mnosb reliable rexnedy for any formn fkieycowplaint. Tbey drive away pains andc aches, inake women bealtby and ha)ppY-IDeto enjoy life to the fulleet. 1-1 . . Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, st. bJohin, NBBay$: 1 1I had bsevere kidney trouble for which 1 doctored with a number of the best physi. ciane in St. John, but received littie relief. Hlearing, of Doan's Kfdney PilIbea their use. Before taking tbemIcodno stoop to tie my ehoes, and at times sufered! snob. torture that I could flot turn over in bsd without assistance. Doan's Kidney Pille 'ave rescned me from this terrible condi- tion, and removed every pain and ache." A Mill Kico7î- Lady of Thornbul, Man., Got Almost Instant"Relief Froin JHeart Trouble by the Use of Jilburn's Heart J and Nepve Pills. ItIo le impiy wouderful the number of western women who are com2iug farward t,-) ell ni tIse curative powers of Miibtrn'e Jfeaýrt aud Nerve Pille. This tme lb le Mrs. Geo. Traill, a highiy r(eztpecbed lady cf Thornhili, Man., wbo gi ves iin tLe following words the bistory af lier case: "1 obt"ained front Mr. J. A. Robbs, drng. giet ai Morden, Man., a box ai Milburn's Heairt anid Nerve Pil, as 1 wae vary bad wib».lh heitIrouble et the time. "Iusdthe oue box and got aimost nsatrelief. l then bonght antber box, bu ny 1baýd b o Sa tfe W-i the- pille, as 1 hae n -beautîoubied witb palittion ~jeusiuig tim. "Ia- very thankful that 1 goi the Pille, Bedil Ibis wiii be of anyufse to otlsers eufrn sIdid yon may publishlit lin -the g, t 1haes menn eeryloeaily, lclor trae,il. In g asebeoduca ea da'euise ou,- gods tackis1 u> show.carcia on fencea along public roada a»u il espicaam» places. io exverfruâce needful. Sala,- or commiUbloe$60 lier mont b and expena., 82.80 pal da'Y.Wlite t once -for full iisetkuls,-s. tut EMPIRE BMEDICINE C., Leedor. OÏL. 'ALWAYS !KEP ON lIAIS mHRE i L N~ ID OF PAINO &CaE, INTeRNAI OR EXTrERNîL, THAT PACIM4IILLER WILL lMOT NEj. 100K OuT FoR imrrATIONO AND euS- STITUTEFS. THE GENUÎNE BOTTLE I- l TE N A ME, yP25RilAViS7A. S) Yon seem aIl choked np and tnfed np wlitb the cold-:find it liard to breatlse, onugh thiat raspesud tears yon-but little Nw's thtimetatak.eDr. Wood's Norwoy Piine yrup befr igegttoeius Lhe brestug Qees3, Ioofeeuiig îléeËurleg INotes and Commecýnt-. Man is the only animal that war upun Ibis ownspeciesl. The tact ha long been used as a reproach, buti really indicetes the essentiel dilfer ence bebween man and brute. Th, physical life wbich man has in cor mon wiLh the brute he xiii sacrifie, for an ides, whiereas the brute simpl obeys bis individuel appetite and fi.gbts for its satisfaction. Tehe dis Liition -hows tbat in bis normal am inteilectual nature man is of anothe order of ey-bitence tbtan tbe brute. De 7spite --ail the mîserjes wbich attem war, it really seema to be a part, of, thl moral discipline of the buman race, fo ai! pbilosophie inquirers agree tha civilization is to a large exteut a pmil itary produot., There le no instan<q in istory ni a people rîing in tL scele tbrougb the arts of peace alone Mr. Herbert Spencer, while holdine the evolution of a paci'ic and indusCri aI type of civilization is the true goa. of progress, admiLs that warfare orîgý inally developed the habits ni disci] uine an d order witbout wbîcb the ex. istence ni civilized communities wou]c b h impossible. But if character hm j been formed sud hernie virtues devel oped tbrnugb wsrfare, the same mey ha, said of theB general confliot betweei gond and evil in wbich man's wbole ex. E2-tenc-' plays P a p -rt; and even tbou-i evil abouncle ae graemey murè abound, yet evilisl none the less evil to be tcondemned, and tbe sentiment that abhors war and labors against it le: weil founded. 'The British public as Is usuai iith publice and individuels, wben they scciii danger, le iùoking *angrily round for someone on wbom to vent ils dissppointmaent that affaire bae not been brought to a more spaedy and happy termination. The British mind bas long had reason to bold that il La virtuaily impossible for Britis arms3 to fait and now that immediate and complete succ2se has flot feliai to our lot the public je inciined to maka3 scapegoats of ail the heads of The British Gane-ais have heet compalled 1taltempt t alOvexvbaÏ the naturai defeuses ni the Boer Be. pullic, and defendersni sncb eamon. tai sud moral quality ase the 1300r, h ava sbcwu themsalves ta ho, wit] their excellent armesud merkseman. sh*i0,. bave muade au apparantly insolu- blhe problem; but there is flot tbe si ightest reason bt tink for a mcm ýn that- thcy bave nI sa fer beau un- succaessful in the lessi cnstIysud leasi J umlia-ing manner possible. We art, now ail suxiousiy awaitug the an- nouncensant of blierelief of Ladysmith wbicble isc5rtain 1a ha an early aut- demie ef tise nausi0od ni "getting round" the prohidm, W-hicb seeme il'O have beau adopted.. Ouae of tise chiai difficutties witb the present miitaîy7* system lu Great Bribsin le tise fact bLet thora <bias ai- ways beau e teck oi rocruits ilu tues oi peace. Thse remady for ibis le 10 masSe tLe British army mura popuier. Tt is quite truc, wamxnst iLdmit, blinI U..itîod, States an'my enjoys a greater papularily than thie British, prohably hacause tLe psy is btter. Neverthe- lese bbe tact, bLet a British recuit ra- dai-ees Ln pay, aicns, lndging, and clothing, the value of fifteen shillings a waek, et tLe lowsest astimate, shows that a wcli-canducted yaung anîdier lie-es batber aud lias more pocket moneyf. ban the average clark nf is age. But the fact romaine bLet the uupopuarily existesud saýmebhiug ebholi licdonc in limais af pea-e ta era- dicate this dofeet sud taieed tei great- er preparediness lu war lime. The Art regarding soase for samp- girls xvhich camae Inofonce lu Eug- land Ion New Yfear's Day lias airaady beau mnucl compiied -of b hebcBSi- tiaI shop-ginls. lb sca to bhaonue more proi tisat naturaliy inhuman cmpioycîs -canuot have a bumane foi- 10w-feeling îegisîetad inta their Lcanls. Ib le saidi that bbc onc saab for every blirea ener, clled for by- la-w, bas, in most instances, been pxovided, luI that bbc girls arc ainsid ni their arn- pioyc'scoenne -if tLay use -theuL.- -They muetns ce peefu~ ao 1 oopadof one loyal nlation in crie7ererW îpJj7î Lug terr tory wiheerli u lb reand comp)ra as continens rs 't The wonderful ninateenth century Gen Fencl Wlih Ris FIying Column, Raises the Sieg%- tr- will. without a doubt, end in as great ai ~ 4 ~.. ie a burst of glory as any of its prede- andDipese te remy. a- cessors; but it seemse4eually certain A ep fc roan London says:- hack to Arundel ba been decided upon. ce tba' ii will keep up the record of The fUwn despatcohes frone Lord Our gunis from Colas kop bave been 1Y otber centuries for dying in the midst Roberts raspeoctimg the relief of Kim.- saly removed, one Maxim beiug de- id of trouble. There are alreedy some berley haee en puüblished by the War as(ro t peenmy.t-Iig no h s- awful possibilitias in view. Iu eveîry Oflice:-. bs ftIheTe ACIBSDAL id sroftheeatbthee redificl- "JacobsdaI;t, Fab. 16.-Frencli, witb a A despaîcli ircm outs'de Jacobscdal, er lie,> and problemni a danger unpar- force -îilery, uavalry, and mount- Orange Fliree State,_Tbursday, says;-- e- alleled in bistory. -Tb.e-South-African-cd infýa.ntry, rencbead Kfimbcrlay lasI Jeco S ailas now in possessio r h id war, whaever its oulcome, will dis- even.iug, British. Yesterday a emal cavalry ie tr more or less severely the roli- Th, ;Àclisrradt rom patrol eutered tlia4 place and found il or tical condiion of theinget rations ofench tull of wnundcd, inciuding several r tiacnlno tt tnainsn was rýe.aJived thS lornin-g:-British fromn Reusberg.i The place was d Ibeworld. Added to this serionus -Ibave compleiy d.i pexsed the occupied by a sn-eil force, whicb fell ile coesilu the erlEtet, sbiteof a cncay fro-,thle southern eide of K;m- back before tbe pat -rol. ce pantand iusse;fr s howtiswoudd a-bcriey, fram aaeacrouei Aiter a series ni small ekirmishes bc prt nd ussa; ad hw tis oul Olihansif-atinand ra ow.goigeabettery of artillery sbelled the en- te. reOliphantand uîatnitend am nnw, golngtvirons and drove out. the iset of, the e. i impouiad bt irtwold nvlv, lto Gccupy their grcunid. Boers. g i imossbl-tofortal. caPtui-ed te euemys'sla- Wban the B-oere evacuated Jarobs- gar and store depot supplies and sp-da!, hywroblg t passoea al rA,; if these two stupendous problemn e î, nf aznmunÉ u ridge, wbiere lhey aiforded a splendid w-c' fot noulito ivethetreeu "Cînatie, aou 211 a ai rn3cs mark for the Britishi guns, wbicli 9- w rý, no en u.ý to giv th prsen "Cýýultis, b'uit » o ai ra showered shrapnel upon the retreat- P- century a royal seud off, there areiwo'unded. iug euemy. t- ofierqetosIihvr erqetos1ihvr serions 5;.8- ïabalecheerfal and weii.' The road betweeu Modder river and Id pect. Thera are insurrections '-ad "j iave good rea1 n. to blcieve the Jacobsdal is now open. The distance s reellonsin South Amarica wbicb Mageraî,ojbu ~IrEýnchea a i en el ny fine miles. The road is aveul- 1-~~~~~~~ wi4spaaîypoid oeta b aanoa n ia h oard J enable for sendtng reinforcemeuts and y1 usuat bloodshad suovdexme tan t e! iba is ýd htthB,-rartt en- eluppiles. e seal lokeiy hadete eiin. I -' o:ii.g toO CpOe. I STRENGTH -0F BOERS. ýn extrmely lkely rat a dri-ion wll 13 cout ng tbe T-liaBri A b Intelligence depertmeut bc reacliad as to whetber a canal wilîl ecou ,,y à-,îùr:i , (- ~ne ut estimates tbe numbar of Boers hiable h e bc ul through Central AmericeaI ota service in the Treanevaa et 831,314; ePanaira or et Nicarauga. The AI-l ~- KuryIn thaaao ifnr 5 uîe 0range Free State, 22,314; dis- ilaskait boundery ile euh a matter oi j*n' pur,ýuit or a large Boarcoouvoy, mov- loyal Cape Duteb, 4,003, and forcigners tdsp.ue batween Canada sud thc Unit- In& towards BEloemrÈontei." loikLted, 4,000, ntîaking a toýtal ni 61,- it e Staes. anad andGrea B * A Ce paîcli t_-om Jacc.Lsdal, Feb. l8K'13from whlch 1,8J3 mruen are deduotcd ~~~~~~~i 17Sae. CaaaadGra I- , 7.4à p. m., -,ays:-',Muelh gratkiid for the police. tain have not in tbis case got et al cn a-tIrai h La i nd1 aumîral~e Ùos- The Bjars, lb is aaid, have ighte wliaîtbchy want; and it is exbremely p-irei arnemnsmade, Uy the Ger- ni-d gans nf ail kindo, 19 captnred nomi nnthtkely that, when the question il man ambuLlance corps under Dis. îLe British, and 73 nqwî guns, ciassi- again takon np, Great Britain will re- _Kaeýnra ed HAldebrand, wvio, winb ede ilui:-C'rcnsot t5 C. gans, 16; bLar saff, hve licvu ic reaesi3 7-incb, 21; 7.5-i nch, 32; and 4.7-înch cede f rom lber demande in the siightest kincîneý ui'unrwounided, ast tbay b izr,4 gînttee h rt [y degree. The E xposzition et Paris will, have to the Boar wonîded. Some iof l sntdnt outi guns, ý1;bore it ixs s ii, ba a glorînus effort, ferounr wounded bave beau baie s-nce De-J artillery 54; fie,d riLr 21 ie [y surpassiug as I that bave precedled sud <ember. Somne verfl brou gLt ~i nch-ýtr-l buwiici.z, 33;ava-!,gu ran, mns- hwi i1I ba- cumm-rc ai and in, udr ai dsy Yele-33~ .7 ic,3;bîv i ri us triumiili for the, end ni the century. 'er el oistrgs, sdto-,gitrid enbbc1jThe Bn iýsh forces prior ta the w-ar LThals y- f he9t et r uelu the irli oserdestc-ilghats tecnnis ed of 9,690 men, 7,(03 unmnunied Th eatya fte1t etr as nteerirds-uce- nd 2,600 nituntcd. On the date nf the ' also witnessed au exemple ni expan-. A dcespatcl1 irom Jdda ie ss li.tm c.9 byLdicee soj 10, wbcn the United States assumed -"Thae ixUi division lefî Waberfal to'12600 unmonnted sud 3,400 nanunot- n~imperial sway, tbe r ni wbofvvich drif, sudmam e Lre, going ou hîLe oalo 6,fo O auay7 ras0t samne vening to RouderaI drift, to ed;attlo 600 uJney7 are more extensive sud serions Iban, bold the rosi, nio fl _ic oddcrre were 83,003 nnmouuîoed aud 19,00 was i fiet uppood.monntcd. On Febrisry 28, tbuey wil ifwsftfrtspoe.river, sud leava Ganeral FrenGh free cosst Ë 3,0 mut.dofsu 4, ------- to a~10 ct. ois, '3,flioae e n 4, FOR OVER FLeTY YEAR8. 'Shortly suter srriving bore the,80acutd in ieWnlweSahngyu a enueb iMuuntcd Iuiautry vi.sited. Jacobedal,ý NAVY RESERVE CALL. t-millions of mothere o their chidren whilt anifound i fuil aifxvoman sud chl- A dc.spatcb frona Londan, ssys:-A -teething. If diaturbed at night and broken of dren, witli four of our wounded mn eegaafotPrýý,uhsy h your ret by a sick child su ering snd oryhu doing weîî. ,mn aermtrmPr at ss t -with tue pain of eutting teethsend et onîe ana Ân'Onlt enuhna e î-,naal ort get abottle of Mr@. WînjsIowe Sothiug Syrup Outewy back th 1eMounteilu-: have ner ulted in the assurance' thet for Chulcren Teething. t wlli relieve te puer fantny were attackod, and ninasnien 1tortyýsec additicnuai battlesbfp-s, 81 h Uitile sufferer et onice. Depend upon it motiters t,-,re wonnded. Col. Henry sud Major; eru1lîcre, and lorpedo-boat destroyers there len mîstake aboutit. t cures uNartua Hatclilisud taninien weie missing. conîd fortliwith boistthebapannant, t 1- reguietes te sioaan d boitIs', cures Wtid iBo h officrys wara cubseqenntîy fnuund TaAlmrly nFsdyWdee - ol ath ie gams, reduces inflammnation, h diat nFia ree sud grives toue and energy tathe whoiaeyeSter.a a Jacu;)"da1, slig-ltly waunuded. ! the chips in the fleet reserve et Ports- in lirs. Wale'Soothititg Syrup forur ejien "TfL.a caale-y division la RmOring mou t1 beifully crcwed snd raady for t ctliig 1 ofca'ne othe este sd 1theUMre- e no]noibasanan lina, sud bas apparcnitly ees. This il regarded in soute quai re- h siityso nud nuraes lu tIse United n tt- j t5O i t: ed the pressure 0ou Kimi, se prcfiminary ta pubtiug the, wholer Ice 25ea botte. Sold byall druggîi.,rg.Ibriy sKairtieli sîsgiials tbce ee- reoýerve in readîjnasfor comsîo-stl t ui the world. Be sure sud &ssk - ieWsmy bss~~iudAexandersfou tepfu eLW 'nttngSrnand that iha bais occnpied it. ii~t "Ersch1-s dvanicad as fer as si"' SHORT PEUNOT PLASANT. Ans i ibsuigb loss, and ilFdrn ry for bc pots bis rosir beinge An aminent ruateorologiet w55 oncttBh,isly icxaî Infantry." Ie asked w3lat lie .nsidered bbe mosi- TL- îtGtda oints Ount bisetthe iI trustwortby weatber report. -me-) "a"e n tbe a-bave desputch 'Ethnder, ha replied. nRi ,soma po,ýint On tbbc Moddeur riv- Captain thb Hou. Hedxvorth Lamb- ta, --------- er in bhc Oron)ge Frac Sttate, 'and'not ton, ofa H. M. S. Powerfui, who, with riven rryfr bis naval brigade, reudered sncb sig- AUSTRA-.LIANS- ANNIHIL ATED ual servie taoSir George White*i A A corespndet n îL Lndo aaI, may daim t10hobe garded as Il-> M-~~a ail et lNaanwpuurt, teliegraphini g-ounibcmx ftnae fiial Theedior .1 ednasdyandesthe nntheya. . He servod as commander tionof Ëenber: sas-in theOsborno at thoe ga ni twenity- re ixandbeceme acptain aetbhuty- Th dtrwas siltiug in bis office Regiment, in withdasaeving itýem Koýof i .-Sne hnh a1he ig nsnp Io.st their wvay, sud are niissing. cepîsîn on theaT'acifie station, sud one day wban a man whose brow wa8Tars çelcusbwrei rtypntvat£ sacrorary t10 tho Firet Lord of olothed witb thunder antered. Fierce- waiIku v ansd thay. wiiiîprobibïy bhe A dmiat. H isabthra ly seizing a chair, isesîammed bis bat Jblierelieved to-niglit., flicBoer însses theEaUa, iovDurbami. n s a on tbe table, bunled bis uimbrella on axround Culesburg on Mouday ai-c ne- In1Fr egoe eeX na e thbc loor and sat dawu. porbcd extreinely Leavy." bsek as thbefagth century, for lu bbce The T1iiisb as thse fo1lleaing tdes- iyoar 790 Charlemagna granted au un- t Are ycî t tua di ter ? ha asked. patch fru a ýrund.,,-daîted Wednes-I limited right 10 the abliots aud monks Cen o ra.riigday ni Sithin 10 make gloves sud girdles Canyo r-adwrtigý"Twu of thee nibbcWiibehlncs f rom the skins of bise dae- they kill- 0f course. tho b u n outposb duty, failed 10 ed. .,. Raid that, fLan, lic said, tbmusting join tîLe force before bhc neinemeiit - -.0 et bbc- editor an envelopa with an in- from nsbrandi thair absencenot sciption nn it. haing noie n the palrade, tbey B-, gaid tlb aditor, tryiug tb spell_- wa-ceva11nJly cul off." il. A e3xeibbcLno aiiy Mail flt' o t e B , It'd a u S- sa d th e f, rouA d- v po t le od ona T b red y: e Soyes; 1 sec. WelI, il looks like shros "Sait for dinner" ar "Snuls of sin-- Tk,3 D-i iy Tclegrapbliase the fol- fiers," înxing des-pabelifvom Neanw,çpoort,j No, sir, replîad tLe man, nobhing ni d-atcd Fcruey 13,sud de ayed in w bbc, klnd, That's my name-Samuel H. înmeinew Cmni ieb sokeyou bau lat poeai "Vcry eyre iighting occnrred',an'ý e Caldt e o bu htpe fbollioui flenuks nean Renserg. The : .? e' eW mine you prnted the allier day on the enemy grsly onînumbcred oui se t-,e Sureaseni onnw,"tr&oc:ss, baýing, about 4,100 in nunber. Dcn't rememl-er it. Tbcy aibac-e1 thor Worcstensbire R-: 0f course ynu dont, becausa il wau imn n î'i u, u itb desper- 1ntdý the piper undon bthe infamions i glet etermýýir'tio"nngd w t ony Hlampton Gener.,al Stor'e, We "Hold a vaster stock'than has been," and are as usual prepared ogive bargains iu Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries antd Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00, Vehave a veî'y large and well assorted stock to select froxu, in Serges.4 rorsteds and Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestic manufacture, We xe bouiid to SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocerv and.Hardware Departments you will find our stc,<i vell assorL-d, bouglit in the best markets at the closestprices, and wifl ýsold at the right price. Some people want quantity others quality, ve can please both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give ns a ccii. v-t HÂMPTON. Me[uuqWin GurFi~es, Gulters ond SIeiqhs -"ne-gxade&oxly ansi. ha t iie Besi" lan preerbatvefor- above--com pa tny li, Rowmanv le putblic tlrat-eina-v-e-augt b irrIy -r been appr.intcd soe ewe1 beg 10 ifori ùiWdWo utters and ngetrta tell,,Ca Norway Pin. hîave lbu[tcrlbugdsuiyc pipy. ie-[- fr Ibis indiction-cf-hn',Frat, t - 1 S-ciluded y lce au f itutuai pemil and suiferuug hv ny dsoduy s i i uns 41l ith li t iti g a l ee l s ho o s ; i i g s a h r g s r l ctb } o r n e utr e - d ra f t w iL l i o r 01 tue P e ' n tu]e uîay no. e stuctnd, c itwucu will endure whîlo tLe cm-1 ratn. pemcetage ai iron axide. Wln T A GE rîu~wuîtRE EIu e fslW this ir, abundant the clay existel. It is at leassi certain Dr. Chase's Nenve Food, the great restai- akrleOt Ibi l aunautîL dy-il hmb a i ut LeBilsbEa tîve, lu pil <orni, 5o cents a box, at bine, almuet bIack; wban absent it will -al dealiens, or Eduiason, Bates & Co., ______________________________________ b r n w1lite. 1Pire is as nane a uni y as :if i l w re 1 Toronto. Book f ee.U W e have Udeci bargains in 2nd lland Carts and Buggies. Cil and inspect, and aise nuake your selections. BowmANviLLB. JOHN PDEFCY. '77,77 11J, Nos Castoria --is for -Infants and Ch-idren. Cast orlaia ta- harmiess substitutO for Castor OH1, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups, lIt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotié substance., ls Pleasant. its guarantee is thîrty ycars' use by Millions of., Mothers. . Castoria destroys Wornis and allays Feverish-. ness, Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wirad Colle. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatzulency. Castorla assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Boweis of Infants and Children, gi'ving healthy and natural slccp. Castoria tas the Children'gý Panacea-The Mother's Friend, Castoria. Castoria. 61 Catoîla le an excellent mnediciue for - Cantçsrla le so welI adapted to chlMdren dsiidren. Methere have repeatediy tbld me thet t recommend ih as superior ho aniy prd. of is good efecet upon their childreu" ecription knowu ta tie."1 Da. G. C. Oscoon, Lowel',, Mais. H. A. ARCHER., M. D. Brooklyae, Y. Y THE -FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F dz s 11: i r-ts t Beaver Block, Bowmanville. HAMPTON. APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPE'ýýýý. THE CEWrAUR cow C 7 URRAY WrRETNEW V-KA 017. We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or six weeks and have lot@ o dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small xnrieB. Oui carry a good assortmnent of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to 82.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25e, 50a, 7.e, wortb SbOc, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond In priceb. We will tell you what the stock is ln eaeh and every pair. -The~ rason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now ta toek in every lune. The publie is invited to inspeet our stock; 'no ýroub]eè to show goods-we do ht with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, SatcheIa; hawl Straps, faney and plain . Dresbing, the very best that can b oughlt. Cheap tr- sh dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is apPit.' d to. liepairing clone in ail its branches in flrst-class style. Mne work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my custornerc for paat 'vors and hoping for a continuance of the uime. De DPîý"'>ý,ýýuýT-IS"e>"

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