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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1900, p. 4

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Take the z3est,, eguOI' G'ýives, prompt r e0lif. in Bronchitis, Âsthma, Coughs and Colds, and cures in a re- BANISII ALL SAD TROUGIITSI Despondency and Melancholîa Resuits from Kidney and Liver Troub!es. PAINE'SCERYOPUN Is the Unifaili ng- Con- queror of Ail Physical, mi lias hiad la grippe, ceoeigfrom la d Irou PUis 50 déoses ,rd, is visiiting Mr. H. M,,oulton. Mr. Thos. Quinn, Parry Sou in towu receuitly. M.J. T. Morrison, Woodst( ed here recentlv. John Carveth, bEsq., Tornt towul Iast week. M.Thos. Hlooper, Little Yo ed bis brother Mr. . 11 Uoper- MIr.JohniiMePhLersoi, XW visiýedI his sisters Sn'ywe Mr. Wili J. ickaby, wasrec of bis cousin,ý, My. John i Rickab Mr, anid M.Il J. Werry, len, visited ber father, MIr.A.' ~1.. -~ LJ ~ i lVl~-.~ '0- .~-'0 ~ ~ i.! ~ -~ le-i. ~.CuÉm-". - -v.- - '- ...- t- -t. ossing- to thie1 Homles of Canlada, No invention of the century now und, ascomling to a close lias doue so much for the homes 'of Canada as the Diamond Ock, visit- Dyes, These reliable and never-failing dyes have saved m r oney for our Canadian familles thian ail othier com- 0, WaS ill bined agencies u)iamond Dyesý, with their magical re- rk, visit- creating powers, give to faded and dingy 'looking dresses, skirts, waists, Voodville, blouses shawls,, capes, jtickcts, coats, vests, pants. and all fabries, light or à. heavy, a second lifg--a condition of ntgstrichness and beauty, in the majority of >. cases far a head of the origuai. colors and Enn21iskil- shades. It simply means thiat a new raimblyni. dress, coat. jacket or other article of THE BOWMýJANVI LLE. New Goods1 Arrîvîng. 3 large shipments of new, Clothing, 20 cases of Boots and Shoes, 10 cases of . Dry G-oods, Also assor lots~ of Men's Fiirnishino 'cj~ Wh t-r r .x'F Cemof Witcýh Hazcl foi,the skin and complexion, preparE J, HccINÎBOTHA M& ed by in~~~-~~ e fiafh othIers ý,iri g1~~ I Makes ~~~~~~ A "here is nio little encmy." Little Von should try whiat Diamond Dyes can r niu omk omfrtenwg Criptin lake the ld an mùpurities, in the blood are sources do on,,vour faded aud cast off clotbing. Beitg ver Xiutonaeoo frheewno0 crp ~ ~ ~ lU great cdanger -inud should be expelled As there are imitation dyes sold in we are clearing out odd lines ail through the store a SONi V 11+- by lloods Sarsaparilla. some stores for the sake of extra p-rofit, every departruent lias special inducements to offer. Y~ -iOllll eaillhy and Hapýys OrouoA. 1OU W. bas a healthvl avoïd those colors, as tbey are rainons -.. . ,- * * * * Wý7'e have several lines especially n i~d at this Season and which w À are now showing at very low prc~sincluding: Baby Carniages and Go-Carts. Window!.Shdes and Curtain Poles. Spring andi Stuffed Mat iLresses. Couches, Bed roomn, Dining rooni and Parlor Suites. ailand see any of these goods and get our pîe Every attention given to UIndertaking day or iit. Niglit bell on side of store door. L, ýMORýRIS, P ~)Ut'~ 10. 8OWMANVILLE. E'aster. wil 1e stili* a Pa.w univei- glt~ st-d ilwassta.ylng in tha filuRtLi ogo f the Tyrol ncar luloti ian i l eeply ln love wlth luI 1cng peasant girl. Hie -'.',;F. ber his wlfe, and in ciu or'H ta arriage ,hould not -t t, t ,t.lIr beloved mountaine 'JT',ro1. The, parents th ,L~ple poasaut folk, ob- t t -eve, totheir child, who b urougýht up a devout Cath- te k.lTeitg nrried to a Prussian fi x \N w,> asa aProteulsat to boo In heromýance, -vh1oh hreaýt- :eud eI L) ý,, a q !iimarick for Prussi, rznltta n cu4ldn t-d, and tlb. bero -~ tretuettita hs amam.tor at 3~r,1k: To , ~ii t Ulathal tht-rn is i t .~-~ -~a picturk oflBi- uetllai cinormcf l-luyeýInger - ~~ tI le of the romance, gg,,~can~ ~i. '. go asI the wel-to.. o ,a f i;, Astrfian landed pro-. -Iir Wilh Uareec's %Wrelu tale-. e. 4exp8rlmieiits. by which I L la ~uuoîcdil baz been possible to hrnu daincîy a series of tape ued .t the sepriaciple, liau cauriec &veT tu, iteireat, Wstht- ciactrical world an as e.ai uade the subjece ef a ýtetz*wet by Dr. Peter Stienu, wio hé- ,been hareir . work for yeara on~ ~ ytmof rireless telephony. Iiu aVIs tuterview with a. repreeta- Uiv. of T1,0 London central Newa Dr. ýsIÀcîIsaaid: 7-. % t'&t-t soma accomit of s William Pavî ec'wireless telepilos 1-elrwtebt 1 may say' that 1 ela not workling on lTerzian wavea at ail Mt g.i' Ilela that ofasg u'ly Ua. iI eanýs of conduction- uamely, tIi erth. I airnply aend e! rot!; ti.gh the earth from t-c u' o another in sym- p q by wih t. No bigle poles or bal- Ir - - 'g of that kiud is re- ~My a~>a ias san-al andiport- t~ .&ttr~eI anutfor ob- 'I.>.........u, ut t preseut tl - - honstruction and me- taod o! use. I"bve not had an op- portl~niy ,,t~aiing Sir William saau.but I e that la titt w~ptnsraccounet ail thlat l I ..-t 5that the. usera asa L.ucc ' - t , when used asea ta ho utllized ia the - - - iis'it w-,ould appear thttý"';üh aito luse bis inventicol çue m e-sthoiz tcigraph operator or ftbei' oa, unuderstandiag the More. codc f corzus I don't know w,ýhat ~îr Wiili basin imincifor the fn- ure, but f iim ýt bt y my lavent- tion. no cly ttpbut the aoe Iordj.-thc týkwunI 0' f tChe huinan voiee, cîui o islert-t tl iht ut greaýt dis.- I hoe t h.In : ostin give a ecrclexprt.' Furniture Dealer. BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 21, 1900. SOLINA Beceut visitors: Mr. sud Mrs. James Martin, Alton, Miss Clarke, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawkcr and Mvr. sud Mrs. M. A James. Bowmàauville, at Mfr. W, Wcrry's; Nr. aud Mrs. L. Bradley, Eic(ld, at 'Mr, Jno'. VsnINest; MNr. Geo. W. Cowle, Otarlo Arcl tarai Colloge, Guelph at Graudmia Wryswbio c lert i er 95'th birth- dayPc. 1,: Mr. Juoe. Wcstlake, Bew- mnaunviIe(, at bis mtans. M.sd Ma-s. B. J. Prsey have remiovcd from our burgý; we arc sorry to los(se uch ood negbr.... Division is stiiil grcwîng nineteca izvitiatious last meting.... Loyai CCrusadiers muiet FridIay aternooni uext .. . . Bey."W.J. Wethera'll presch,!ed ,very acceptably bere Sundiay last.... Bey. B. L. Edwsrds, Poutypoot, wilt preach uext Sunday ut 12 10 p. <m. Special collection.... We wclcomfe Mrs. Silas Williams (nec Mi-s Berta Lane) Cisares. liearticst conigratulations to Mr. sud Mrs. Williams. Sec marriage notice... Mr. Wrn. Wcrry is stil con fiued te the bouse as a iesuit cf bis accident of last samrncr, Hie still uses four legs to navigate. COUIITICE. the liver and kîinevs become heaIthY and perform their several functions with ease ud regularity. Your sad thougbts, depression of spirits, melancholia and bours of dark- ness proceed directty froma a diseased condition of your livea and kidncys. The best physicians ln the world have openly indorsed Paine's Cetery Com- pound as tha sA fest aud surest *rcmedy for yonr troubles. Thousands iu th7e past have found solid health aud happi uess from the use of tue great medicine. gret lfe ire Inîstupon having "Paine's" the kind that cures. KIRBI. The familles of Mr. J. Walsb and Mr. T. Henderson, are al improving .... Mr. Il L Powers celebrated receutly bis 81tb birthdav, lHe is hale aud heartv sud bis intellect bright lu bis 85th year. May he live long to enjoy the good of this life. One 0f Thoua1.ands. Mliss Lily Cox, 2 GlkdstonleA ve., Tor - onto, contracted acute- catarrlî tbro-ugh taking a severe cotd somte erago lier su e was very distress!xý.a times. She tried many rernedies, but none gave ber auy real relief, Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder was recemmen- dent to ter-one aplcation gave ber instant relief, and when she had used four bottles she says she was eutirely cured. Sold by Stqtt& Jury. ANTIOCH. Mr, Hardwick w-as in the section re- centlv.. .. Mrs. Bcltarny, is somcwhat improved in health...'. Mr. .Wrightson Poster lost a valuable.herse. Messrs. T. Sommerville and Thos. Little laid ini a supply cf ice. . .. Miss Haines visit- ed at her home, Bewmanville, Suuday wcck .. .. Mr. Thos. Moffataud family, Lake Shore, were recent guests of Mr David Moffatt.. .. Mr. Sampson Yeo, is borne from Manitoba..Miss Beatrice Foster was gnest of Mliss 'Bertha Joncs recetly ... Mr. John Hall sud family were guests of Mrs. McLeod Sundav week .... Mrs. Fairbairn, Oshawa, visit cdber motherlYrs, Vvm. Gamsby. Eczemna elpdaOneaniCrdenu ally by its U9e Not a skin blemisb cause-d 1by eczema, tetter ringworm, sait rheu'm, scald bead sud other skin diseases that wîll uot, vanish anud by magic ou the applicationý of Dr. Agnew's Ointmcut One appli- cation will gIve quick comfort aud re- lief, sud lu a few days the skiu heals up sud is as soft as a baby's. It will cure piles lu froin tbree to five nights- no matter what nature or bow long standing. 85 cents. Sold by Stott & Jury. Miss BickIe, teacher, spent Sundar ENF1ELD. at ber borne lu Canton .. ..Mr. R. Miller of Suowflake,,Man., is renewing oid ac- Beent Visitoas;-Rev. George McCul- q9aintances bere .. . .Priday eveniing. loch, Newmaa-ket; Ber. Robert MýcCal- 1 eb. 9th, the teachers sud officers with loch, Marmora; Ma-. Prank Ruse,,Tor- s fcw friends. met at the homý of Ma-. ente; Ma-. sud Ma-s. Jas. Martin, Orange- Bert. Gay previons 10 bis lcaving for ville.... .Ma-. James Gilbert is iti. ... . Ma-. Toronto sud prcseatcd hlm wîth s copy John Camapbell sccompraied bis sistea-, cf' Ca-den's Complete Concordance, a Ma-s. G. Mitîson, to Toronto Iast week bible dictioaary sud a volume cf on lier wsy to Gravenhurst Sanitaa-ium Sbakespeaa-e'sj works. Mauy regrets .. .. The frienidsansd acquaintances of were expresscd ai losing sncb a valu Mr. John Webber sud:Ma-. William able worker la cennection with the S. Gilbert wca-e sadty surpaised to bear of S. sud League sud the besi wishes cf their deaths aflta- se short an ilness- al were given tor bis future paosperity. botb baving had pacumenia about a iMr. Gay bas entered on bis ne-w duties week. The Sens of Eagiaad atteuded ai Torouto . . . Recent visitors: Ma- P. lu a body ai the funea-al cof-Ma-. Wcbber, sud Miss 'Batty, Ply Miss Squir-es, he bsviug been a member cf Hoîboru Oshawa, at Ma-. Jas. Courticeds; Miss Lodge.... ,The C. 1P. B. will sua-vey a Smith, Oshawa, witb Miss Tva Wordeu. uew aailroad wbicbi will pàss withiu a Orchard Lcdze; Ma-. David Anuis sund haîf mile cf Enfield it is said. The far- danghter, Woodvillc, at Ma-. Leva mers are gettinir their gailinga mbt Anuis'; Ma-. Ithel Wea-ay, Crystal City, shape sud no tresspassiug is te be al- Man., ut Mr. John Worden's; 'Ma-s.R. lowed. Brimacombe, towu, at Ma-s. J. P. Brooks'.... Paofssor Wallace, Vic-t oi-a Itheumatism's Agonies. Universit , couducted missieuary ser- The Relentiess, tTnrespecting Pain Giant le' vices boa-e Sundsv. The Da's legical Shoru of Ris Strength hy tht- Aid of Sonîhii- sud malter of fset wsycf paese ting Amner.eau I»heumatic, Cure-It Nover es "Il, sbect çaptured bis hoa-crs ai once Ma-. Druncan M1cîîîyre, ofMat Subs rîI1iptiens were gocd'. . .. League at Porest, sa.ý s:' T was sorely affiicted it Ebenozer will bereaftea- meet ou Wed- aheuatism for over a rosa-. T was al- nesdav evenings... . Aftea- a few months' mosi totalty dissbled sud at limes suf- iltucas Ma-s. G. P. Courtice qaietly passa fea-ed agonies cf pain. I ta-led nanv led ,awav Satua-day moaning. The fuxi- remedies sud dectors withonit avail unitil o'ral teck place Taesday at Ebenezer I began 1usin etî o ica iReui- w-ba- srvcewass eldl inte cbîrcb matic Cure. Tdri dgreat bonit by bier p!astea-, Bev. J. S. I. Wilson. from one bottle suiva so ploased wl fler genial disposition won for her the. resutts T centnued us fg il uîm imanRy frienýýds wbio uow unite lu expros- advice te day to amil -feaesfromlieu 'clone cf si îrnpatby Vto bbchea-av matîsm l5 10 uise tii ra aeey tamil,, M~.A! ulgisba euufeel satisfled ilus the ýgreste-st cf a-heu- -( adf-ma'ot GadPrs ',kota matc icureýS. " Sc0d1b, Stoi0t & Jury. -t '11/ Laxa.Liver PilI. It wilI work wbile you sleep wvithout gripe or pain, curing Constipation, Biliousness' sud make you feel beýtter ilu the morniug. Miss Tuckzer, who ha% been resiJing at ber_ grandmotheýr's, Mrs. John Kiveli, bas gonle to Toronto on a visit. Irs a niice thiug to use--llaygard's Yellow Oi1. The skiu it wout stain and th elothing' ivout soit. It timbers Stîff, Joints, gives relief from ail pain. If you use it but once, you wiil use it again. Mr, Wm. Joues is in Newtonvilte waitiug- on ber brother, Mr. Simon Porteous, wbo is iii witb inflammation. From aIl over Canada corne letters teltiug us of the great benefits derived fromt the use of The D. & L. Menthol Plasters lu cases of ucuralgia, rbeuma- tism, lame back, etc. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., manufacturers. M'r. Jonathan Salisbury, who is visit- ing bis daughter, Mrq. C. J. Thompson bas been presented witb a Fenian Raid Medal. Tb'le action of Ca-rter's Little Liver P'ilîs is pleasant, ild andc natural. Tbev gnt tmlt the tirer and regu-Ltate the bowels, do flot purge. They are lure to please. Ty tbem. Misses ?t"annv sund EvyIII Houie ven- tertaiuedi a larg"e iuiibie7 of friends to avaeinpatWeeda evig week. Wby don't you try Carter's "Little Liver Pil, Tbe' Y are a positive cure for sick hjeadache, and aIl the ilts -pro- duced by disordered liver. Outy one piti a dose. Mr. A. R. Gamsby writes from Los Angeles, Cal.. ihat Ile neyer enjoycd better bealtb, lie expects to returu home about the middle of April. DeraIhgement of the liver, with con- stipation, injures the complexion, induce pimples. sallow slkin. Remove the caus;e b 'v using Carter's Little Liver Pilis, One'a dose. Try them. Lieut. Anguis Staîker was lu Port Hope on invitation from Major Wood to-appear lnu uiform ou the occasion of preseuting the medals awarded to Veterauis of 186suiad 1870, at the Opera Blouse lu that on ROBED HEGRAvL. A startling lu- ciident, cf w'hichb Mr. John Oliver of Pblaelhiw sthe subjeci, is uarra 'ted by bim ans flow "I was ila aMost dreadful codiio, yskýia was atmost sellow, eyes suLnkýen, teugue coated, pain contiuually in back sud sides, no appetite- gradualtY growing weakcr day by day. Tbree physicians bad givn me up. Fortunately a frieud ad- vised trying' 'Electric Bit ters' sud to my great joy sud surprise, the first bottie mnade a decided improvement. I contiti- ued their use for tbree weeks, and arn now av well man. I kuow they savedimy life, sud robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try tbem. Only 50c., guaranteed, at Stott sud Jury's Drug Store. The funeral of the late Mary Scott, beloved wife cf Mr. Sarnuel Itaàlliday, took place from ber late resideuce lot 29, con. 4, Clarke, Feb. 9tb. A very impressive service was conducted at the bouse by Bey. T. W. Legg-ottý. De- ceased was taken 111 wheu pneum cula set lu sud the best medical skill proved cf no avail. She was 50 years of age. fie(r last moments werc peaceful. Mrs, Halliday was a native cf Carke sud was-uuivcrsally esteemed and respect cd, as was eloqucntlY attested bv the large numnber lu atteudauce at the faneraI. Ttc remains were iuterred la the O-ro)no Cemetry.- nd'Eve, niForm of T 0 î ing Ilumos Curd by SPEEY CItE TREME-ÇT.-I. Tbhi- tealet wI ffod ilistant, relief permit 17est'an-1 I eoieeîî,and point 10 a peedy, perma- fiet, nC coaia-cre when ail else faits. sou bas been sick . ... M'r. GfIbert Deck- er is 11.... Mr. and Miss Henry, New- castle, were gnests here recently.. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Smith and farnily have goue to Carroll, Manitoba. SINGERS AND SPEAKERS--Throat irri- tation is most annoyiug to platform people' and to preverit this as well as hoarseness and sore tbroat most, sing- ers and speakers carry with them a bot tie of Dr. Chases Syrup of Linseed aud Turpeutine. It promptly sud pos- itively relieves sud cures afitdruness, t-o ~.m : 'aee-a12.in L: n tizhtuess lu the chcst, brouchitis, astbrna snd alh kinds of coughs sud coîds. 25 cents a bottle. Famitl i'ize 60 cents. CLARKE UNION. Mrs. John Parker is visitiug frierýds at Balimrore.. .. Mr, Robert Allu bas purcbased a promising driver from Mr. Albert Staples.. .. Mr. sud Mrs. Walter Cobbledick cntertained a number of neighbors receutty __. Miss Sophia AlIlia bas returned from visiting ber sister, Mrs. David Stevens, Lindsay, accompanied by brniece. . .. lecent v.isitors: Mr. sud M àrs. Artbiur Parle? sud famnilyV, Mr. a11lnI rs. Samnuc Con- lini sud fritBowimnvillc Mr, sud Mrs. James Soucch, Tyrone. Mrs. Samu- ci SocMrs. WcsIeV Soach suad son, Bowmanilteat Mr. L'has, Suhs A CA-RD) We, tbeudersigned, do bereby agree to refnnd the money on a- twcuy fi e cent bottie cf Dr. Wills' EnLîlish Pis, if after usiug three-fourtbs cf contents of bottle, ýhby do not relieve constipa- tion andheadacbe. We aise guarane four bottles wilt permancntly cure the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or no ps-y wheu Wills' Pilîs are used. Stott & Jury, chemiat, Bowrnvit le, J, Bi-ionbotham & Son, cbemist, Bow- NE WTON VILLE. Mr. sud Mrs, Sharpe were At Homne te a uuinber of, friends ou Ttiesday ev- eniîîg tast. A very enjovable time was st .... Colni. n luL,,-*'hesnrp'intnri 75c. a yd. we are now off ering at 25c. per REMNANTS 0F yard. Dress Goods, Prints, Cretonnes, Skirtingo, Wrap[ ettes, Carpet, etc, at about' haif price. Althoti 7h manufacturers prices of ail kinds of Cotton Goods hý greatly advanced we are stili selling at old prices. We are sending ont samples of Cottoný Goods by nD +1l.Tf -- ---i--- - --..t-1- - -X u 0 0tni.. ) U eîi to tu uU'l'2 II.2LLiu. store and see them.' These include Factory Cottoms, Shirtings, White Cot tons, Sh~aker Flannels, Tickýring, t tona.des, Drills, etc. Men's Extra Fine Fleeced Jlnderwear Shirts, regular $1.00 now only 75c. Men's Heavy Mitts,wool and. leather faced to clear 25c. pair. Al Fur Uaps to clear at and below cost. Men's lleavy Flannellette Ngi htt only 50C. Ou evýery "Sia ter So ,put ti-ere by thie M22P makers as 'a gaateof 1ervle rtc tion against extortioniate profits. Many mnen Would reddily .pay miore for a "Siater Shoe"- were flot thRe prïce staim,-e(d on the sole - this stamip gives thRe actulal mair-et j- I value of the slioe determinied by the matrnfac- .~foot-model silapes, ail sizes, widths, leathers, U!colors and st-'yles. £verv Pair Good- year welted. ~ ad$.e JOHN HULLYAR, Sole LclAgent. the Fenian Raid mnedals at Milbrook DISTRICT DIVISION. Frank G. Carpenter, the fa Pridav evenin'-'.. .. Mr. Alf. Mitchell,- orsodnl 9Owl a sud Mr.Simon Porteous bave been very The Durham District Division beld crepnet i 9i 'l nl lit but are imaproviug.. .. Mr. liancock mpoouS greatest jounfey cf bis life and tl, and daagbter visited lu Bowmauvillc at liampo nStua-day wss a buge saying a great deal for lie bas bee recntl. -. .Mis M Ilncok sd Msssuccess. The offleers for current year, mos countries cf the globe,-and has rCnl Jon.cis w Mre appointed dMatssteinstalled lby G W P Burgoyne with aMunthewaI wc.Ti e C.ides pwort Lagueoin e n egttinaiSister N Peters, G S j P W., acting as goes toalHawaii, the Philippines, Pth Hpoeh eS. oetinatd grand coadactor. are, D W P., C Johns Straits Settlementsud- Dutch seort-aHope... mlebeS 0.tE. ta.a- Hampton; D W A Miss Stevens, Maple ladies, Australia, Nem, Zea1snt, shverlon etic babeus lbt y .. n-r'Grave; D Scribe, Silas Wcrry, Solinia; South Africa. l lsas trejnendous Shedon Pehic bs ben ligtl n-D Treas., John Alliai, Newcastle; ney, sud every poiiuý,Qn it is fi disposed'ý.. Mr. sud Ma-s. W.. D Chap., James Binghamn, Tyrone; D the keeucst sort-of 3'hsent-day1 Trenoutb spelît Sunday witb faiends in Con.,MAiss L Paa-ks, Blackstock; D est. Ma- Carpcer's,- letters- Sphert Bowmauvitle. . .. Miss Adella Dancaster Sent., E G Pascoe, Solina; D P W P illustrated wiIl appear as usual bu visited in the village Sanday .. . .The A L fascae, Sellna.Ia tho evenîng a îîîustrated Buffalo Express. Tepa-acal stsudagon e public meeting was held with D W P TEiE OPININio0F or VmE,--Womer reais.aséchairrnuwben the foilowing Pro- h ave testcd the inerits - ôf Dr.A THAT Ta-RoBuîNG HEADAOIi,-WîýouId gr-am wss rendered.:-Cborus by SonInaCass ie-Le-Plset. quickly leave vout,,if you used Dr. King's Olce Club; Solo Ma-. Norman Allin. vhe ict that f llrba e u New Life Pulis. Thoasands cf safferers Becitation Miss Ethel Van, Nest, Duet, dsodestr i 3peaaioî, have proved their mnatcbless menit for and chorus Mr John VanNest sud isorersa t theign rea t ion ty Sick sud Nervous- Headaches. rliey family, Duet, Messrs Midd.1eton sud A 'e.quas 0e mrc' gredsove make pure bloed sud stron g nea-ves suad Allun; Becîtatien, Edith Van Ncst; Iu- s Wa. Chs eAmerias neand build np "Oua- bealth. Easy to take. Try staurntal, Miss M J Ellott; Re'citasian Tisretkdcsu tbcm, Outy 25c. Mouey back if net te retPlr e.Ms v lt cure is sold by aIl dealers ai 125 ce cured. Sold byStotaud Juay,Druggists. worthv: A Trio Messrs Middlcton sud ox, sdbasoroed menyis tat Allin Bros. Address Mr W B, Burzný neaedyfrtem yihst OSHAWA. G W P.; mouthergan duet, Messri womau is sabjcct. lieddoa. Becitation Miss Eva Poley. Mouthorgan duet Messrs Scotsud 0 ll n' m Mrs. W J. C Stoie. .rnt, BimacombtinBarrett; National, Antbem. M-s. .J. opç To. ront, la isiacoC OE O N sud daughter bave been -sitiug bler, A THOUSAND ToNGus-Coutdnot ex brother, Mr. Fred Pope, Newcastle..press the rapture of Annle E. Spa-unger, Miss Aruot, Tatnuton, is visiting Mrs. of 1125 Hioward st., Philadeiphia, Psa Lander . ... Ma-. sud Mrs, Go. Miller wheni she feund that Dr. King'sNe are visitiing la New York city .... Mr Discovery for Cousumption bad conta W.D. Thompson,teiler lu the Dominion plcîely cared ber cf a hacking cou.-h Bank bere, bas becu removed to Bramp- that for msny years- had made if e ia James McTaggart, is lu the Sick ccuhd give ber no beip, but she sasc Childaen's Hospital, Toronto, where ho this Royal Cure --it soon rernoved the uudea-wen tan operation for appen d icites, pain lanithe chest sud I can uow sleep Commeueing Monday e .. Mr. Isgase Thomas had'oeeof bis soandîr, sometbing T eau scarcely a-e- shall offer the balance of herse, kIýlIed on the Osbsaail a t membor doing before. I feel like sound- cf liorse Blankets, A 1-< Re~t the Ontarie Malleabte Trout Ce s works ing its prasises throughciît the Uni-,BesWelar susigi wheu hoe was cressing the track..lho verse-" So will evcrNono who triesD Dr. -nyCué quartta-iy officiai board cf MedcalfSt. Kiug's New Diseevoa-y for auy troubleoeonyY mrsc Cu Method ist cburch bhave exteuded s un- cf the Tbaoat, Ctuest or Lungs. Price othea-goods toonma)0 ~ animons invitation ta Ber. J. J. Liddy 50C. sud $1060. Trial bottes free at-I ion at greatly pèdýt -,i 'for tbecocmiog year .. .. Miss S. Conlin, Stott sud Jurv's Dru- Store; every bot ali od PeLea-horcn hi. iisited lier inoîher ro- tle guaranateed. ceutly.. .. Miss Aunie Conlia bias a-e-- A timneiy article in the Maî'ch Doline- Comie earIvy a d el turned from visitingI friends lu Lindsav s tar is devoted totbe details ofgrwn sud Petea-boro . . ..Ontario Malleable Seeds, Plants aud Bulbs. The D'etine- la-ou Company are meltin)g -5 tons cf 51er la deroted solely ta the iutea-ests of ~ ployees. wbo bave to m8ke their own clothes, M0 r --à Da "M., en" fe re ii- 1 -C--- - 1 m 1%j%.1-.elloq. in 4-1. A +! !thi q wee4 - il xr"ii ria nat. hnnnPn t," (Y--.! thp.ra en -t vt ?;, èy k 7 ý 2-,77 -ýu b, - -,-ý ý>ý', VA, Inr 1 lin, -?m on, lin, Irir

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