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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1900, p. 6

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14.FÂLL~~~Th Mif Notice toCedtrs iJ s Ed jo s Za a ",m West Durham, Bowmanville,, Sept. 13 Notice Wate Tfzat'sPa.st 14Ontario and Durh 1am, Whitby, Sep)t We s tIs &s wAtafge ulsteMle fteEtt o 17-19. it Î atafge ouIth at th saecPAT Industrial Exhibition, T 1oronto, Au,-. 1 ;., RW IG ate of the Town.ship 27Sp 8.d tevu LtttL, womt. 2a0-22. of Darlington in the County of BOW M AN VII Linsa Cntal Set.2022 ('ipi Durhtam, Far merj deceased. Central Canada, Ottawa. Sept. 14-22. tel _g fier cares and 'weak- Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The lie- Cobourg Central, Oct. 2-3. Miîronesses. Herfriendencouraged vised situtes ofnaro 1897 cal1e 129, th-t Ost Duha- ad5a. by tetng of a retative w/ho thé Estate of the said PATRICKfKING who Oca 4-.r______ dled on orabout the Fighth day ofDecember, f, ~ ~ trnpibles and'was 189), are required enr eore h IS A p 11 0 1D EN 0E, O F APRIL, 1900 [o senti by post prepaid or de- cured by Hooci s Sarsaparitta. liver to A. E. M',Lattgh1mi, of the Town of Bow-G i~ e t Mro The Ditwsoe woma now has tears o man ville in théecouunty of Durham, solloitor foi - f ôS - Mri Ed.lt Dowson nowsa recoering Alexander Beith, Physician, and Robert Beitb, r dislocating hie shoulder 'while working for sh took Ilo' hc u e Gentlemen, bothi of the saine pilace, the execo a-~Y at Mr. G. A. Stephen' muiii during the tors of the 1 ýst Will and Testament of th said fiood onTurdyF b....r.dt ini prime order, and lhe lie o îîecea5ed, their Christian and surrames Blackburn, has been sc.... Miss Nel- te strength of the present instead of addresses and desc~riptions, the luit partieulars worring boutthatof te pat. f their daims, [he statement of their aecomtls lie Dowson is vîsiting hier aunt Mrs. anrigaottato h at d [lie nature 0f the seenirities, if any, field by Ilobm's,~~~~~ foot....r.IihSuc . Hmr-When I need a blood purifier them. makiu~~~~~- prpItosfr h rcino taire Ilood's Sarsaparilla. It cured my And further take notice tbat aliter sueh last riaiin prpaatins or heeretio ohumer and it is excellent asa nerve tonic."ý mentioned date the said executors will proceed < large barn,.., Saturday evening Mr. Joc AOSafr pigCn. to distribute the assets of the deceased arnon, A C Aluin w-hile working at ice, w-s Eyiea oe-Atrsa t hévr , parties eistitled thereto, havirig rezard only crused etwen te lad nd t ' ryspels SoeS-,Aier sarlt fverto the daims of which they shali thon bave ciube beweu he oa an te Ce a running sore was left ou my nose. Took noic anbhttesi xdtr ilntle bonse. Timely assistance preventedl llood, s Sarsaparlla and it cured me. My liable for the sait assefs, or any part thereof, to serions injury..N Wcdding belis are brother was aiso relieved by it of erysipelas ,ny)er.eon or persous of wbose dlaims notice ringiuoe~~i tedy.l is face." ELtA COURaSER, Burden .~ shù~ not have been reeeived by thema t the CroupCuh n od r i Dated at Bowmanvïlle, tbe Twcntieth day Jquickly cured by Pyny -Pectoral. It of FLbruary, i900. lessens the cough almost instantly, and A. Shctr o h E. MCLAUGIILIN, cures readily thie most obstinate cold. -x"foî of tp i 'twîh Manufactured by the proprietors of 8ed 4%Vcr ie îi;tenniriaigat . 2 Perry Davis' Pain-Killer. nl abtIîe !I tak e oi oaSrati l 1 D ~~f n r ~ J ~ . Mr. Willard Caldwell's horses have yardsHAKS Noie LN eelor,1 0 nthdglanders as stated last weekt.ya d ew pr g Dr s No disease has been among them.. .. A Tthrny ndredsadnumer- Go dÀ-I a d quiet bouse w-edlng took place on ous acquirîtances ofthe late Mre. Edick In the Mïa tter of the L'state of JAMES Goo.1 dpe "4erWeduesdlay eveiing, Feb. 14, at thewowil hitliesii otiue GRANT II1EATLIE 1/ite of thte residence of Mr. J. H, Hick S,17 Unioni dd -so f a [tbf ullv te ber nieeds w hile sh fwsu fDrlntnî u St.. Toronto Juniction, when Miss Jeu naieatnebradho onqo u/yoad- 25 pieces D«re'ss o d iie ni aidube fMsT lriwbich service of love the life of a devot- ea)d brg tp te n ,ha ej s Drv 4 Tyrone,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C w-sMie m'ig -il !t -fe, and m-othen w-ere roat Notice is hereby gîven pursuttorh Naturels greatest remnedial -agents concentrated Mn.oe Mitchev.Ll.ei ceof W-as 101ng6A te bier family, and mucb jev and ail Creditors sud others having dlaims against« perfrmd yl-e.. W il nf eclpleai-ureý( added toeir 0w-n lite even te the estate of the sasd JAMEiS GRANT HEFAT- goo s w r ini tablet form. A remedy whose efficacy, is green tahernacle, Toronto. After a itlos 1 wisb te express -ar LIE, who died on or abouat'the 9tis day of Jtnu- sit-tou eat albensre tem ary, 1900, are required on or before tise TENT2{O , a d 3 e ad. T marvelous for ail complaints arising from a happytuoupl eat lsad bhoeen sa£~ est tales aîd most sinicene graiue DAYY 0FMARCH, 1900, te seîsd by post pre 2 c93 ad hast wisnes for their new home at Du G. Il. EDICK. maill sorliir oi-r WilliampDavis of their bappyere coupleh Lif t amdsoesOîeps rdlv r toija DraDv. i s ocf thé h ota d a ese lû h n diodrdSoalLver, Blood and Kidneys., 50 Argt le St., Toronto Junction. The Toniepoman suRast "i u Hethe Cr of there theloîdd, Evr o srgsee ynme n o-prescrits te the tsride w-are nulmarous 4fllE.'T MUSICAL EVENT. Townshi 0f 'ahigos y"'ahe eoosa En boxto isliitl yegosmare the nu be a5d C Per yard. ver aîd u-fu.of the iat a ii sud testament of the said de- tains a guarantee. If yout are not cured1 the >q A Plivsicîstn is net alw-ats at hand. ceased, their Christian and surn ames.addtesses (3 nrd y enreif against sudden ccughs REAL TnEAT eOR BOWMANVILLE atdtecstotts ulpriuas,0 hi . cdaims, the at tent; of their accoont, sud the4 p e es i w ra c aw purchase price is refunded. Sold andi colcis hy keeping a bottle cf Pain-îîEs aue tts eoiisifay edb bm y l rgitorsn ymi.Killer iti the flouse. Aveid substittite, And further take notice that after sucb atDG o s 5nni1 + i ahQi' byai rugit o en b ai.there is but esePain-Killen, Penny Misses Luttreli and Tîlley hiava met todistrisîte the assets of théedeceîsedPamong9 CLS spe 200 days' treatment $i.oo. Pre- Davis'. 25c. and"50c. wtth greac enceuragem onit w-lUs tise the psarties entitied thereto, h îvsng regard onil ventsutrata lies swl scrsi.ist for the pao ectl t t the claims of wbieh they shali tion have vents iseas as wll ascuresit. iotice and that tihe exocuto s will not lie hable ~/ESTLTON.bh given undiS their managemienst by for the said assets, or assy part tbereof. to auy thein distinguislîed teacher, Mi-. J. D. persoîser persons of w-bote elaims ntotice shahl Ml i OUR ATIn M BS i alo sld ver ffeasn- ocia evnt ooknet have be'n receî-ved hy them at the tinme ef OUR NA IVE H RBS isalso old Avenv neasin socia aven tookA. Tripp, on Tuasday Fab. 27. ,V snbdsrbuen V decicnnJh Lanere wb. bis - sisa va venv bigb expactations fnemn the Aate atnwavilui b eray ALONZ dence of Mr. Johu Laue when his sister vary alogiitic press notices recaîv- 1900.Dtda o'alil.ti L ray 232 et. Paul St., Montreal, Can isSpsaAiet aewa ,uitda a faw of whichi are here given: .nSISNSicor lu miariiega wltb Mn Sulas \Villiams of DB IPOSlctr Se ina. 11ev E E Hloward, Blackstock, Ïftsical America, New York: At the For Wiliam Divis as ae otlee panfnme th caemeu lutbepra îîw and prattv Kuabe Hall tisera teek ters ef the last cviii of James Granît llile brdfora a 'e er ecomving the r- DA.'ipaCadn iit, snce of itty relatives a id frinds. The place the interesting racital f Mn j. 6-3aw. a ke s crorncasmeesuiaby timda nde has naceîîtlv bean *iuî* semae geld- ~~~~~~~~~~THE hTE MIlS. HAN. carried a chiîe bouquet of fiow-ens She e pnosfo vntems eeeN tc o C e ios %vas attenided hy M .ss Proutt cf CaIsaraa srslua Euaîe i ica tcenresan One of the hast known settlers- lu as bride.smaid. Mn. Win Clarke, Soli e mun us'Outh St. Vintcent passedl away on Sun- na, ably supported the groom. Afterui(!- tha Mr. dm ip fo -a In t/te Motter of the Estate of~ WL- th î " day, ini the penson ef Mrs. Wm. Ilani. congiatulation thal bridai patypr-u LIAM ALLIN, /ofut the Town- a/ Hrilesdatas backabout halfaà var, toke ayrmtu adnidi sai w-iail Coip ier: s/tip of Dar/inyq/on ilthe Ouyf but il did neot taeàserions tununtil b h andsemeily decùrated bri e t Y/cMsalUuer-T he Durtam, yeoman, deceased. b~~J U l~ BE. bout a ctoeuth âgo Mrs. Ilam trade cake being -reatlv admired. Tha e- 11 st bMilliatpnitbfe a Am N otc Re is hb Jave A$sn 5o Ja ktToh2e0 a $ %'J îJ ý, L lierlast visit taMeaferd on Satunday, maindr ofthse eveingi- w-as pleasaily eause pîThlic.i ; io s7 Cp 29 ht ,-cke o dan..6, dnning the foliowiug w-eek Sfi spaîtt. The brida recaijvad a very flîhne allces a other a i l 9ÀI M gaL Inst ek t ~ . - becaîna soew-bat patralv sad and on collection ef useful rîresants. theWHAEN de oit ofb the ýýfnd dIAM AIf h January1900 for a .- a.e~ Suda dat u a ed a hestugare cequired essor before the '1'ENTHR DAY 0F ~ ~ Sundy daathpuanedttbsru -A FRIGIHTFU BLInoDEu,,,-Will eflan; M AR2H, 1900, to send lsypolrpadrdev _7 le. Deceased. w-as hem lu' sentie cf causa a horrible Buru, Scald, Cnt or he'nita Endeavor social TVhur~ hrorD Hipoefomnileshc t i Now is thei3Tm Enl ,w-here she grew te w-eman- Bruise. Bucklau's Arnica Saîva.thbe st d-jv en:inlg pî4eved-quite a Suces S or f or A Ibert Aluin Tf fh aTwsil et D i e e Englain th oid wl kl tepanan, farmer, te executor of the last wsl ai, Q e I~ de'F . a k t bood ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - afid w-smridt n.Ia.l h -nlwilkLts pi n ast ed "The faast et the laniterns' and testamont aud cedicti of the said decesedJ c ---. On a %Veca supply you with Tisey came te Canada and fLrst settled premptIv beal îl. Cures Old:Sores,Favar the scboo1 remi being pretilv decerated their Christian sud surnames, addrese andl any maain )r news- ea Bw-avla AottntSes. Ijîcens, Boils. Felens, Conîts, ailt fia -n Cîofs tatmi h sacurihefs cua (i an ac.K terrc.a ,r gu ri 4 paerpblshdattu ans agotbee- came te- St. Vincent, Skiîî Eruptiens. Bast Pila cure en aarth. chair w-as occupiad hv Rav. J S I Wil-tetmn of hosunte i ay) bldtsy n thé tur powest raties. t h puî-cbasing the farm on 7th lice ew-ued Only 25ets. a box, Cura guarantaed. Sen, lion. Pre, cftaC .Tepo n îrhrt oieta fter s a. tt i a u Q V owet ate. oldbyStott and Jury. Dnuggists. gram ceusisted et music by tha Basa ntientd date the said execetor whill proceed hava since~ lived. Mrs. Ram w-as an 25 cents. BauretessrsTo ewa R b distribute tbe assets,0f the deceased smong We also have extra axcaadingly anargatic business w-oman. Lineartte essTo.Pwr istýanties outiteS tbereto, havini- rrgard enly She helonged te thee Metbedist citurcis, MAPLE GIIOVE. Poer B Gede and N Alliti, accomn to he elaims of wbicb lie sha i thon have copies of, ail the daily et whicb she w-as lin active w-orker. She .paniel by Miss W Power. Vielin solos notice, sud that the saiS executor wiil not b f l evsbs bv Mr. Norman Rleatia accompanied any persen or perseus of wbose daims noticehiiaefotesiSaesrsuprttrof-C l h n Sn p newspaipe, with f l evsbsdes bier hushand, a famiiv ef Misses Pearl McGill and Editt irbb Miss Littiajobus, by Messrs Osboriie shail net have beeu receivedl hy hlm ai the tinme utccount of the war. eight, foun sons aDd four daugieters. Oshawa, have been visiting friends and Pickle on mente ergan and auto of inuch distribution. Trhe funai-al teck place on Tnesday at- hare ..Rev. Dr. Wallace, Victoria barp;_Soles by Misses M Withenidge DateS at Bowmauviiie tbis 6th February, >The 5 P. dition of ternen te Meaferd camatary and was Unîiversity, Pýreached a missionary dis- 1,l ri.rcttin yMse ed 90)o. D~SMSNsîctr , , .,W r la i the. Str ad New vrylargey attended, scnîe fifty rigs cenrse Sundav wbich w-as bigbly appre- JSning Foull eytain Ryiharsan o r AD. B. AMPSON, exeltoccf toras . thSa n'_hT ekn ie procession. Services w-are ciatad . . .. The Pie and Cream secial deiage b Frleyd âCha C alnd C.a dcdcle ila ln ecae.ii i u ieB a e reaches~m her atlou '7.1 condcte Chpln C1v Mn. Fodrn utrR teeIN giveo of the Epastt Leagu W1tRcad adMh Tul.Rfeh téa he Iatest ne oeuse. Mucie synmpathy is fait for the Friday evanicg is to ha the treat ef thea ihrsadMblTul ers-1 odcelb e.1r adn ttegie yteEwrhLau etadcdclo ila lidcae.I l thd . All things that we lov e and chanish, rendered by secale talent frmw- ha ecn visitons: PiodMiss tie Casl U Vr o t e a d th a.Like o urselvas, must fade and perise. manvilla, Salem and Ebenezer. Ad- at Mr. S Bruroes; Mrs C. Steart iAI A NI .. Sncb is eur rude mortai lot- uisio i5 N~b~~cnetgv~ e s o o t u Lv evli ucid dtUy ïét. tn au ai 3OIh r _iatve"g Meaford Onetre of the hast entartaiumants zivei Wm. Quinn, N W T witb old acquaint- Deceused is mother of Mrs. Wm.- permit us to make any specification as returnad homËe from London. .... Mrs. A Fro.. Potan renHaia Edef this town and w-i bc ramem- if w-onld involvie tise w-Ce pmognam of Maun s viitin.u..C..oma. Ndi. 1 te Liverpool direct U st~ers tO clear at bered by ma7'tv friands around Pmcvi music, raditations and dialogues. The Californlan .... Il 24 Feh. 2, '- sa d ' e danca w-hare t e ferma, ly lived. pmogrumn w-as chiefly patmiotîc and fthe CLARKE COUNCIL PuIaîsisu..... d8Iee 'E BOWMÂNVILLE. FEB. 21, 1900. loat fteadec a hw yCalifornian .... Si April ________________ te ptriti Parisian ...Âpr. 7 IlI below the cost price. M nsB o "Tuam BETTER. PRIT-Of valor is dis- num bars w-ena mecaived. Reunds et ap- eglrmtigFb5.M brslTusa ....I212 cretion,'"and fiee beffer part et the freat- plause w-eut up w-han tba chaimman an- presant. Reave Lovekin pmcsiding. $200, State of Nebiraska,, frein New York f0 Glas- BRAVE DJURHAM BOYS, ment et diseuse is pravanfien. Diseuse nonced fthe relief et Kimherly. Miss was votcd te Orono Police Trustees. T. gow' m ix u sn l r a, rl ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ e singleý breste Suits fin seTnesRTE FPSAE - ~originufes lu impuritias la the -bleod. Ilancock is te ha ,congratulated on fiee Smt -sapoue seso edr ATS0 A S G At The Durham Old Boys' gufbering Rood's Sarsapumilla purifies tiee bleed. succs ffe nctimn.Peed for cedan w-arc accepted fnom W. Carson, Fis ai,55aSnw Res i o ls is rc 7 5 , ~ r uat Port Ilope Dr W. L. ilemniman et People w-ho fake if ut ibis season Say over $1f5.... .Mr Fred. R. Foley w-us %V Lunu, jj., lue. Hall, A. A. Gumshy and upwards. Second Cahin $35, Steerage $2350W Lindsav refarrad ta the valor efthfie thev are kePt haalthy fiee year round. pleasantly spised Suuduy momning and R. G Ratciff. i50 copias auditors by-Numidian $22.50. this sa1e$,FJd'I M ej.ii',kiL Oroo Bys n ffeingte ak Uparm ~fisbacansa this medicine axpels im.i w-ban Maste Su rdoyo hh repent w-ena ordercd pninted and 88 cach For tlekets and every information ap. ~U U .Je ra af the fine of fthe Fenian Raid lu 1866. puritias and make fiee bleod ricie and of bis S. S. class meud an address ex- voted for auditing. $19 wvas grantad te, PIY to S d S is n y 8 l f We -believe if w-as Rohf Fialding ef this heaitb-giving. -rtu(efrhstiize indigents. Usa of town hall w-as grunted M. A. JAMES ,deiightful cure-60 fabiatsn a o or Fund Concart te ha bald? We cnt Dr. Chase's ierre, Food! instil al enrg rkuinif i gem ets In t' s n al aa n ino hd 35 cents. afferd te ha eut dene by Enniskiîien [nie the bodly. stops the wasting processt andfaautititheeughfsBIGu iels w-ay fie _________and Tyrone.... .Mr. F A Cola is ulready gradnalhy but sureîy builds up [the sytm eye of fiee radar migef ha arrested We are uhead et you. Stock la hare Xvesoe i 5110e 6N P.1 ais~Me Two soldiars' careers ara skefcbad- in gtiug in uis new spriug goeds. Sea creates new nerve force and permanently cures and fie ecause profited andChrist's king- and pricas right. O esosiusz only, reg. prie$15,c ain th(jFubrtiyail nerr.us disorders and weaknesses of ment- demi cdvanced. Att ai a taw w-onde cf RevieW; fiee long armny'service efthfie PERFieCT WORM MasICNacas-"I have giv- diesi ,te-loigrslto a lute anaaiLuwto ar rvieedbyan r.Low'sWor Sruptetu iid- As a restoratvo is efficacy la usrilid hy passeds Pasolved thaf fiee thanks ofthfie inI sizes, e'lrnîe..2 laio t$ hi8 old commander, Qen. 0, 0. HIoward, ran wifie excellant resuits in ndi a rprto nw es iene t restOreg WX. C. Vr. U., et this f ewu are due f0 fhe' et Fied Marbaîl Lrd fie mostperfet wormunedi in asyo colon [o the cheek&. r.undness te thce fores and local publishiers for sie kindiy and freelv T8liO KJhl MM ani fie life stof Filasalrydtems pretwr edcna O eiasticity ta every Inoierent ef the body. iving us space in thain papars in fiee ,o-barfs, eomniaid6r-iiiiiet ofthfie you are nef requirad to give any Catie- S'a cents a box. at aia dealers, or EmuwNs, pu nenaef n t Brifishforces in South Afrîca, la toId kt artia wif h it Mrs. Daniel Smifh, P. O. BÂTES & Ce,, Torosto. Book free. Z et miar ora ionei t andMÂitems or. uneigmed article, Box'56, Lùneuburg, N. S.ofiùr".Jh nM

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