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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1900, p. 2

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on the Farm. CONTROLLING -NITE R tINSYRUIY ThLe nliter 'or malnts cof lime nuisan, le wltih us ite stay, but it le now well relt vaorto j sawd, By having the evapor'atiug pan 4conetreoted wit'h partitions extanding lengthwise lu- stead of crosswsee aud with a syrup faticet on both aides at the bauk end, breeding plece and winter barbor on 'the treas. Bruises from n ny causeý that dead- eus theý bark make an ideoal spot' for the pro-pagation of the borear- LuItle dead bYark Le wlisrethaegge,9 depsit ed aud by natuIre,1s law Lis bruught intijr life and bis Nwer!kof etutO is oc-menceýdan~id due. Carry a roil of graftîng wa ud a roil of old t 0- ton and twAinLa tO doûap -any bru'ise or break ý>f bark as soon as; doue, be-fore, tlle wo.od or bairk beromes dried, and it wil!~ grow~ fast again, but il 15 t unltil the sýap ia the wood sud Ibark becomes drieýd yau will have ai ecar that will take two or thrae years te grow over and if the borer gats a Ldgment there it may be a- iasting Notes and Comments. The Militia Baýlltlaw, te which it is rspurtsd that Enigifnd miay ha- £crced te resýort is an old-timne Mea-. sýure of conscrilptleu The operatilon of the~ ~ ~ ~~~j sttt â upne n18229,su wlien the zilitia-was reorgaiiized lu, 18,52 racruitinant by voluntaering was, subsitutdbt t ùe original statute - reallpians and it may again ha, enfo,-rcsd. Under it ail mulc per-Sons between 18 aud 30 yaars of agei are madeï hable to tue service, and wheu militia are -Ili- Maesis U.nus11ai1Y sgti a rm' emiwa!! beginninga, by thrt aud by eu- terpýrise, this man ai-uatssd a large for- fun-Ue H had a family whicliha kept ilu coofort Ibut withà no oste3ntation of w a ntl.sd it is thie future of his fariiiiy raiier titau the isosiof bsmoe.y tt ha i seems to haveý had, tnOS(t et heart. The, distribution o! thlat is Put off to a tim-e whýen those LI'p carDd for jll ehaer bea dador ima- turP -1 aen sd i ,with their lhab;- its aîready formed. The testator s '11; týent seeme to hv bean te w1rd oIff frein lis people as long se possible tlie SEB T"'HAT THE AC-SIMILE everyby owbuAyUU n7.VVtIU"iabyti- not getting the original Kidney Pill, which bas cured so many severe cases of kidney complaint in the United States, Australia Vd England, as well as here in Canaa. he Doan Kidney Pi!! Co., Toronto. DZBXUITV, Sthe benelitq Gr thisartielo ure Most manifeot. Dy the MId of The D. & L. Roeulsion, I bave gotten rid of a hacking cougli whichhad troubied m~e for over a year, and have gained consider- ably in wvight. . T. H. WINGI-AM, C.B., Montreal. 80c. B.ad $1 per Bettio DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.. Lmlted, T he Best Remioves ail poisons and imnpurities from Mhe Bystemn. Gives 2trenth and viality in place of weaknass and languor. The nmost vwonderful blood purifier, L-etora*lveo and strengthener known te seience. Mr. Geo. Heriotb, Baillieboro, Ont., bays: 4Two years ago 1 was very poorly in the %pring, lied no appetite, feit weak and Isarvous, not able to work miucli and was ~drd ilth lMe. I saw Burdook Blood Bitters highly recommended, se gol a bottUs. l'I1 tarted taking il. and baide of two meonthe I was as Weilsas ever I was in My hf.. 111 cheerfully reoommend B. B. B. as a 00l1ndid blooa purifier and opring medi- CURIE JALL Voua PAmNSWiTiN a Medicine Chest 1I tagif. Simple, 8sf. and Qulck cure fer CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COCUGS,1, 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BLEWARE OF IMITATIONS. QUY ONt-V THe ENINEN can't1 .ýwvu u Um ýVvL. - r.vsrgraen trees are amoflg the feit filter. Thé filtering mus~t ha lest for planting ou the farm, for or- doua whfile tIc, syrup is hoiliîg hot sud miment or sheltar. A. windhreak on in order taCo have ail the nitar form theýwcst adge of the farni, ornar the inaPeiiae it is. neefflsaY - t. farm buildings slhould be of mîxed brin th, srupto 219 dagreas F fi Is filtered bef ore that dagrae je raach- avergrean aud daciduoüus trees, rath- ea much of the niter wilji etili ha lin er than a solid avergreen hedge. solution sud appear in the syrup if We want te break the force 'of the boilead aftrw%ýard te standard weight andiluthie sugar if sugared off. if wtetr winds and yet no>t kaap out the -syrup le boied te) il lbs. weight snd summer breezes. My sheitar helt t hen 'satlted" mitbout filtering, it was tarted 10 years ago and ie eight usual1 ly bias- a cloudy 'aplpearanca, and or 10 rode west of buildings. The ever- if ut up for market in caus or bot- tie,;;w-%iii deposit a sediment lu the bot-. green trees araeflow 10 te 15 f t. htgh tom aft-ar a wilae. and oller trees 10 'te 20 ft. Lt le Wû now have a greater nuisance coonposad of Scotch sud white pine-s, than a,%lis ver struck the mapîs sugar sn owympe industry, pr-avious te îwo years ugo, Norway spruce, em owympe sud oue that noevay of cotre!ling bas mulberiries of- two or tbrea rarieties, yet been found, sud that la the forest basawood sud oak, catalpa sud worm. Sevsral efthie finest sugar a few otlier kinds. It takes up a orclards lu the state, ware completeiy stripped of their foilage and wa araesPale 10 tek 15 1t, wid.Amoug the told b hleutomaologist that 'two trees and east of thenj are planted or at most three sudh complets strip- ebrubs of many kinde, also herbaca- pluga w-Il! kil! the trees." Nothing but natural causes caa be -expected, u floweririg plants sud soeana- to dastroy these destroyers. nuals. These trees were ýli email wben MONEY IN GOOSE FARIHING. planted and ware set thick. so that mauiy bave been taken up and set The breediug and growiug of g.es. slsewhere, and nnw this windbrsak is on a large scaie for msrket aud egg really au oruameucal border as will purposas could undoubt-adly ha made ase nursery for sinaîl trees and shruts. profitable if haudla.d lu a practical The evergreeus are the main manar. [t would ha necessary to feature and as yet nothiug has beau hav a armrane wtliPluyoI allowed te. erowd tlisi, the shrubesud havea, armrane wth ent oftrees heiug reuaoved or trimmed se ce pasturoe aud sufficient w-a 1er for thenet te toucha the avsrgreeus long at' a birds. t would not ho uereseary te turne. Two or thres yaara ago 1 set have a sinaîl lake, as spriug ixater or 25 svergreens, bought tf a uursery, pend watar is sufficieut. Gese amaong théea larger Crees. These were ouly 8 te 12 in. high, but are uo-w a. rul do net ralluire uuligrain, as 2 to 3ft. hîgli and wilile graduuily the youivg feed almaost entî'rely OUi removed sud soins used for Chriat- pasture-, mas trees. Thiis shltar baît sud ber- Our lest 1goalUings-are grewn tei der is interesting the whuis Y eair,aad i about fivemnh of aga wlt'h leesiWa do not fei l te wintar winds uround house sund barn- ueairlyseo t.han oue peck or grain each. Afier, muchi a five ysars nge. EFver-greens tll agai, ,if g(-otd aihsare deqira, aealcnest patarudedges furlal thn \iLh gradin oo. Tbe< oh lawn, siugly or lui roua, ut tee mat ure or breeding stock should be' mauy sb'ould net le usad near tle fed very lightly duringthe srxgsdhus u ls hould no e t aIn- I~~~~~~~ 1u mmrmn aa vrflcs"me up froin the groun d, -but ashow- epecimene are usuafly sntinely wrth-1a. 5 ata.y ies as. breedars. The iesdiug varltx-. lias for boîh market sud mpuroe1 are the Toulouse, Emîden, AfIa, u rnigwatr o fefr whie ndbrwnChusese. inish the lugredients whlch -are te As agennral purpisse goose the Ton- predisposiug cause of disease.. TIese bouse lea ds i all ter varieties ;tte tgrediants may ha ather, minerai, or Eînaara, about the stieaie e rgale 'substances. Minerai miatteçe, Toulouse, lut.,piuch peerer Ii7 I- The Chusese ara a emaîler gooe,- _f lýin tha forin of aikaline saita, or the the lest layera of any variary. We chlorine, ail, if sufficiently abundant hava produced large numbeis of yeung have au irritating k3ff ot -whiol, la Toulouse at six menthe 10of agei tie, preducas symptome of poison-' w'ighing on the averagaeof thirty- ing, as is manihested by celie, indîgas- lwo le thirty-five pouads ,par pair, tien, 'beadacles, diarrîsa, eto. These sud Chinase averagiu g ai. six menthe ests oftan accumulate sud lring of age, when ia go0d fledli, tweuty- about premature oli age. -la coe four te twenty-eiglt pouuds per pair, districts in whicb the water le heavi- Ifû obolain t-h-a lest resuits lu latcli- ly citacged witb lima ca1ta a remark- iug il is necassary te, use common haens able shosteuing ohlilfe le noted -f ew te laid sund cure for tle yeuug gos- people living to a real old ae. This lings. After the geslilgs are eiglit is believed, on goed grouuds, te hae weeks old tbey may le safeiy turntedi due te salundauce oif the minerai in the fields with the oid geese. The elemaute u intae watar. As crganir youbitg guslunge after s waak eld l ter we have decayiug vc-getables would hava freeac adsse le plenty of ,matesu otaegaemaerf frecLi, groeen grass, wleune grain atrndoh rgicmte f food will le required., The yeuug many k nde. arever raildgrwer, adil' u cities the courses ef -contamine- goste aavyrpdgroessdbiou are on avery sida, sud lunet a aIaia waeks old wîll bc ovar eue- baîf grownu if preperly ecad for. fsýw instances is Ibis trua upon the- Cuidi(erable rnemay hbe oh- fari. tained frein the -feathers by picking, Our farin wahs-so ottan- situated the matLure specimeus some four or in t he stable or arnyard, near out- five limes duriug the spring sund suin-, ouses, or in the viiniîff of places mer montihs. sud early geosiurs may. wiere slops are thrown freinte bac-k ujp ly volunteering nil ballot shah b4d band's bouse. Hie widow's rernarri- used. If, howsver, the possibîlilies of aga is a conîingency tiiat mnany a hua- aecurin.g sufficient volunteers arasex- hsulsd, the enforcemaut ef the cern pulsory Service o.f the stalute la witb- in the powar of the Goverumeul. 0f course it would ..ab only bIs graveet emergeucy whiah oould cen-, pal tihe revival of this Militia"Ballot law, sud thstý thera lias beau aveu a suggestion that ils enfoncement ia now likoly tebelaraquisite ile striklng teslimoiny tu the alarin prevoked lu Eugland by the, disatersefloheiaSouth Afnîcan war. That il could ha put in openation afla r having beau us peuded for twenty-oue years without provokiug popular nesentinent,- which might ha csnried le isextrame of Violeuce, seeme hardly possible, more aspeciaily as ite clase exceptions, toi- anatad la the old days, would now ex- cite bitter reellion. If the Southt Afniosu war siiciuld briug Euglaud la.. te straits whidb, wou-ld compei s form of couscriiption, so utteriy fereigu lie ail prasant Eu'glisb ideas sudcuto , it xnay lie assumed that the eud, of the oounfliet xveuid than be in siglit. The commneroceof the United States continues te go aheud ly leaps aadi beunde, wile 4ast of Gre,,t Britaîn ia- creaffsse r'lwl From cmaa tAve figures ýjuvipuliihe luthe Cof-1 ficii reort, it app)eane that the de- masti exprte roniGrea Bniain lu 189 wee ~,27,91,0Owhiie thosa, frein 1be UniedStaLtes wers $1,253,-1 f86;,G09, 1aki nzg a di Uffernece in fax-or cf île Unted- iugdo-ua lu the year's exportatii o f.dmutcproducis of $34,C0J08h)odUýý1d. Errui1875 te 1899 Greast lslrtains__ csLs.ige, pnri- inc,ras ad f rom $1,OJ87,497,G0 lo e Ï,287,971,OCO, or usarly 19 percý,ent, wIsilè these frein the United Sttea ýiucreased frein $497,- 26,',737 te 12348,Ol an increase of 1529 odd pren. Adding le tle do- mastic oexpo)rte oif each country thos Irought lu f eçoin other parts eoflte worl nidsdr-td , il is found lIat tise total expets 03ý f île United King- dom, iucluding, "domestio, colonial sud fonign," w'are, in 1875, $1,370,465,W00, sud lu 1899, #1,640,288,674, su incroase1 eftnuaaly '20 perc(ent, sud blos froan ftbe,, Uitied Saaiuoluding "domes- tic sumd foriel-gu," were, in 1875, $510,- 947,4122, an u 899 81,275,486,1641, aun in- onease et uearly 15t)percent. G'eusid- ering tle vasal ýppuation sud ual unal resourcas of t cI Uiled States, sud the progressivaees andi Issu rivahny o-filma fatrn su mraias lb is ýgi alýifylng 1bacediscover Ilat Great Bitaiin wst;ll inar-l'y $36N,000D,OO0 ahiead (Yt te (ttalofethîe ya' x perts. Abdýl sunica ud Wiama ra, it seeme, abouftot tare adrautage of' Y Griast Biai b eing lusy alsewhere baud dwells upon wtl displeusure, but the ganeral solution- is tu place itindrances in the wife's way wleu cha, is net laf t absolutely free. The daugbîars ara apparantiy' to etay witî thea motlier tii! they msrry, wben they raoeiva modarata inoomes, enougli te -support, thein respectabiy, but net Suioaut te attraot suitors wbo cane for m-ouey asie. a frîler safe- guar d a daughtar's hband is cut off froin ail expectatiow s slould lie wife die befoehlm witlioul chlldrau. fTe seun's a3ducation le planuad for, tl-e susainu behapaid hum are carafully pro- portioned tu his needs at differeut ages and wJlaaaha reacla si twen- ty-iiglitl yean le wiil raceira a suin isufloient tu stan hlm la business or aise a modarats income. Lu forty ye.ars the capital sud accumulations will ha divided equally arnong the chlidran, more, it also looks, beasuse. seadilepesal muet ha made of it, than froin tha w1sh tu bava the fortune grow. The ptunpoff ste.ms c!e.arly te ha tu bold the f mily togethan sud la the station in lhf, it iteld duriug tle f s- tlier's ife, to preteot its membens froin waut, but at the,-saina time not te ai- la w thse fs.miiy wealth 1 praveut thein 'f reinworhing or tryug tb m-aiea their o1wn wray. WIe- tbay hlave neachad middle lifa, wbetha.r tliey baye f ailed orsucoeaded in t hei nw efforts. their fatlier's fortune wàll coa te blair re- lief or te that of- their diide.Beiug lia-liane, amaong whou..'h oiod Roman i d -a ofaa a rjLiîpols ts" are euhl Atrong-, it is likaly tait the lestater's intentions Nvill receive a. fair trial. Thflere nasemae dd ethnographaie pa- culianities lu tua baquests. The daugh- ters lecaiva 50 much pin inoney a5 iy, sud a breller, tee, is pnevided.hon ly a &aily ailowsuce. That. le a bloiougli- ly Itahiaxi way of reckouiu-g. To"most ltiaun a Igiven sumn s year on menth, is meaningliess bIh hey have figured eut wl-at lbinake8a sday, sud than, !whethýen tb aeue ir& or lwsuty or a îundned, lbey bry ele '-ia on itiîsud scave a litIle froin day te day. A sister l( e ta la-va net auly an income for life, ,but alse a fîrst-class funeral 'afiar M dath, a quaial lit of thouglitfuluase, Th, a gvaeyy leau Italien chuncI for a repast ot specLied viande for tle prisis on a givin date cannies oe ladk sevaral ceaturies. lThe will is au [us tructive document forhe sludy of ItaIan cisaracter. There was s lot of lard s"use lu Il-e muna wbo made ILb Fou1 OVElI ri-yyYHFARS. iui'sSeotblngSyrup lhas beau esesi ly as ef mottbers for titelrdhidren wlle g. if dlsturbed At nligt sud broken of est lýe b aalIhlld suifan nsdcrlî 4ettie of Mrs. Wlnslews' ýS..ti Syrup ~A1erfed remedy for Conistipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrxho -a' NEW YOPRIL gT COPY OF WRAPP1L. WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTLE O Oastozla l.<pul uLp ln e-Bise baItlles r4 la set soltI iu buik. Dou't allew ayone le soit yousanythig else on the pies or proetaiil ln 5jusl as goodel aad "!Ul answer every pu: ose.i '*Q Bt at-yen gl04p t -O3 ~ sinile j ~ ,/ ~ ~ ~ lf ----ue The Beaver - Block Sale We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-elass goods at very smail rtrea, SOui carry a goodassortment of Ladies' Oxfordcoiored and black at $1.00. Men's Jaîf and Cordo#an Blms, sewed and rlvitted, from $1.40 to 82.50, worth 82.00 to $3.*50. Children's Button anld Blms 25c, 50z, 75c, wortb 50c, 75,c, and $1.00. Misses',,Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prieb.' We7 will tell you what the stock is ln each and pvery pair. Th4Jý î reasou we do, that le because we know, Latest Spriug styles now' à stock in every lune. The 'public is invited to inspeet our stock-, n trouble to show good-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchelai t~.ov.... 'y a, *ctamu x - 1 ~L~LÂ,~ ~yuuuaai t~uU* bouglit. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it le appli. ed to, Repairing done la ahl its branches-ila first-class style. Fin" work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thauking my customerr for p'ast favors and hopiag for a continuance of the Lame. D. DAViS. Beaver Block. Bowmanville. H'ampton General Store, We "Hold a vaster stock than lias been," -%nd are as usual preparel to igive bargains la Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. (lents' -Clothing. Good Tweedt Suits to order $8.00. God Srge Suits to ordler $8.00. We have at very large and Weil assorted stock. to select f romu, iiiSerges. W'orsteds and TweedIs, both Foreign and Domestic manufa,ýcture, W. are bo-und 10 oSU IT ý ou. Groceries- and Hardware. In our( you will find the uesrest ires or talagrapi pois, round whici Lhey twist il lu sucli a 'w«Y thist ýt je abeolutaly impossible te use it agaIn, fer railway purpbses3. Ohildren Ory for onciard je truiting w ell, lan seeed t 1 jy p se, aadouble duty cîOk .dIe aLa F e.ih~ ~;extra aigu and easy spring oack, epring cusuien, deep quartrs, carpetiniiib clover. 1 hromeia seau ahsoluta cuesforezemna, -ey.. K p ,!C. itho,,t oe fa.Sure M. yo.a, ..a~sdalrudpiaslcd;teral adon ik' ltdanris Spray with kerosene em lisien jusi sît rbEalm, baby eczemsa, scahd lead, aid - -ns---------ho hest Lini'e me ynt f lor betate mrket. a heay; run, d bas fii ! p t le; saftsofuinicelathea sud ilsr, beavoontati-It sb. d baiss fit plated; safts full aatherad ae silrer t beLons the huds open, on epply white- people's Icash, chafing, soesfeat, pimplea, T l lleoie vh u{iatsa hotey,5015E BROWN. 1slhver ends on whiffietrses. wsel with 1tae ~" ~ ~ A li-an brusî to the body. A so- hlackhesds, and every torm cf ilciing skin Ovr e ieefforts rmea make' te havaeo sa- 'i; .1 î r$5. s l e aedcie agan n2n adCat n Bgis lutlon madea im antd straine a edsaesdsi rpin ecnsabx hi da ned u at0det îe:for faut y 4teete oega.Âslcyour drngit and inspeet, and also m ake your àtlections - ' 1ý I ttseand kin euhtinb* 6kcensra ,xore 0Idrea appliad wlth a ýpray pumnp cethe tops. rieatal 5 nta eedathte for inNaÀtt'5 SPAVIN SUR alto îU 'Cea-ilon the This wil dest ro-Y mauy oh 1 ieis semies a I ldealers, or Edmanson, Dates & Ce., ce aob it iewcl keela- S.5.j.theNbook li, dFNOsRII0I --'S, N. BWMANLLL of fruit -nd ht-uit mess that ficd-_aý Tomonte. Y5 ian calamar oh aîxYorik C-ty' Penpeo ba eueeeseoe000a000eu 0 0,0esaae.eae - ( Y PA fn ernxx, nnfiirnliv- ý i .ý Il .. - --»-»---ý-ýl; - . i.- . ýý . .- , 1 -1-1-- --- - - -, ý -, -- - - , ý4 -1- i

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