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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1900, p. 4

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A Taiotof Ton"icsI The niedicin.al property of eac h of this list of herbs and barks is a specific for some particular disorder in. the human -system. The combination of ail these curative properties ini one tablet pro- duces a remedy for ail diseases of -the Liver, BURDOCK- POPLAR MAGNOLIA SIR WILFRID 0ON HUTTON The Hutton controversy, as it is called,- wasý advanced another stage in the 1-busle Monday week ,wh en Col. Prior the- somnewhat 11n- discreet friend of the ex-G. O. C.., flot content with havinig precipi- tated a discussion last week whichi did his ,client very littie good, re- ported' the blunder by calling attention to further indiscretions on the part of the ex-Major-Gen- eral, and asked the Government for an expression of opinion there on. Sir Wilfrid Laurier quickly gratifled the curiosity of the gallant member from Victoria, B.,C., by a concise but plain, statement which includcd the following words - eerlHutton, lhas inisinuiated thiat hiis d1iffe-rences withz improper politicýa1 influence in the iiia- organizations of the country. 1 desire on the pari of the Govern- ment to say that, there is absolutely no founciation for such a statement. The cause of difference between the Government and General Hutton were not over any broad questions of general policy; the causes of difference were. that General Hutton was insubordinate and indiscreet, and deliberately ignorcd the authority of the, Min- ister in the administration of the Department. The Goverument desires to. state that while it xviii "14nt et ofW7 tchfaIness M h kes a n7def." Many cases of poor bicath. corne frQmn want of <watêh- ftttness. Bat If you keep yout- blood pare no tiief can 1 steat your be 41 b. The one~ effective natural blood puari-1 fier fis Hoo)(d's Sarsaparilla. It never Impure Blood-,,My wife suffered With pain ind distress from an affection of the throat causeti by impure blood. She was ablmost in despair when she tumned to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Six bottles of this medici'ne comnpletely cured ber." JoHN Wiecx,aiGt, Ont. SorOfUla - "H-ood's Sarsaparfila -as eured mne of scrouLa. I was iveak and de- biiitated but it, mad,ýieme trong_ and wef.11 Aftter atsevere ol11A.-CataIrrhL lI ever. Z.gain resorted to this niiedic-itfe anit eu cred- me'W" SARAH 1- ev Anaoh)NjS Hoed's Pulls eilver ils; she non-Irritating and oaly Cathart C te take wth' Hoodî sarsap)arifla AUCTION SALE. FRIDAY MXRCH 9-Mr, John Stainton, lot 17, con. 8, Darlington, (Enniskil- ]en',, will seil his valuable faim stock, machicryimplernonts, househiold cf Cts t. a elemvg to Mani- toba. Sleat 1ii. m.Sec, bils. TH S WAN, auctioneer. BABIES IHAVE CîîOUP.-No (1i.e a se cornes so su-ddenl.v and treaclierously, uPon its vcetim as Croup., Happy is the A CARD. w%~ the undersIgned, do hereby agr*e to refund the mionêy on a twven-y five cent bottle of Dr. WiIlls' Enz'lish Pis, if after using three-fourths of contents of bottie, they do flot relive constipa- tion andheadache. We also guarantee four botties will permanently cure the miost obstinate case of constipuation. Sat-, isfaction or no pay when WilIs' Pis are used. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bo'wmanville. J Iligginbotham & Son, chemist, Bow- manv ille. 2-4 Notice--to Creditors.. Sin tule ter oJt te Estate Of PAT 'lin ton [nftheConyf the .sitte of the saiUxjAJxlJ1 KING, whu dieti on or about the IFighth day- of December,_ 1899, are required onor before the FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 1900 to send by post prepaid or de- liver to A. E. M'ýLaughlin, of the Town of Bow- manville in the county of Durhamn, solicitor for Alexander Beih, Physiciani, and Robert Beith, Gentlemen, botb of the saine place, the execu- tors of the i ýst Vi1 and Testament of the said deceascd, tiseir Christian and surnames addresses and descriptions, the 1ull particulars of their claimas, the statement of their accouis and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And furiher take notice that after sncb last mentioneti date the said executors will proceed to dstribute the assets of the deceased among tlïeparties enîled thereto, haviug regard only to the daims of -Mýhiçch they shah then bave notice and that the s aid execntors wjll not be lubile for the said assete, or aiiy part thereof, to any person or persons of whose. claims notice shai l ot have been reeeived by thein ai the lime of. uncb distiibution. Dateti ai Boiwmgnvïlle, -the Twentieih day of February, 1900. West IndHouse BOWMANVI LLE. Great 25 D4'ess <,~ z ? oods ,4. %; 1 c. s0 a e0 * Of 131rn rIew Sptting GoodIs 1000 yards New, Spring Dress Goods, at 1 5c per, yard. 25 pieces Dress Goods ail new bright patterns, have j ust arrived. These goods were made tGo soul at

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