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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1900, p. 4

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7 &flM ~ i dé- Corne And See Us Before ,j _ _ _ _ _ _Y o u rN e w ~zAs we can guai antee y ou satisfaction and save you money. SBecause, we have the latest sty les, and the highest quaiity, al Eboughit 'before [lie raiae ia miateriai. Wve iaîsdie the Brantford Sand London which is a sufficient gnarantee as to quality. We Shave secured the services of Mr. Geo. Preston as Painter and E can guarantee satisfaction in ail Unes of painting. Good driv- Eing horse taken lu exchange on a deaL t ENNISILLEN.0. L. BYEF{S B0W. ANVILI-E. MARI. 14, 1900 -Just as we go to press 3ve ]cairn We lhave îeemved 'a Papers and have paced them liin stock They in. eclude ail the riewest shades and designs. We will be pleased 4.0 show you what we have. Làadiesé.e. Requiiing Starnping eaii find a good assortrnent patterns at the,'Big 20". W. T. Allen. rYou'll find them aIl through rny stock. Windfaii prices. Ail Fancy Goods marked clown. A beautiful floral -Photo Album $1. Special alue in fine Writing Paper and Envelopes., Good paper at 5e. per quiro and Envelopes at 5 ets, per bundli. It wil 0011 be time to think of Wall Paper and Window Shades. We are ahead of you. Stock is here and prices riglit. BOWMAN VILLE. DENTISTS. Will ho at Blackstocli on the first Monday of oach month, at Orono from 10 a. m. to 2 p m. and at Newcastle fnomn 2.30 to % p. M. on the second Monday of oachi month. OrrîcE-Temperance street , Bow- manville, ear of Higgiubotham's drng store, .DR. J. COLVILLE, J-1RADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVEII- %TSITY, anS Trinity Univesi(y. Office: Silver Stretut. Nîglit calls auawered froîn res- denee of Mr. Davis, Beach, Ave. 50L Children Cry for. CASTOR 1lmAg ti at (Gencrail French anti lis trts Cavalry reacled lioenîfonttiu, the Bloer~ capital cffthe Orange Free State, onu Monday nig-ht anîd occup- les a cemnnding, position. Other wva ailiews 0oninside pige. The suggestion is rmade that the Dominion Parliament shouid iuevy a speciai tax te cover the expend- itii cars thfle rnuhnuv.uuis 0.s - -- South Africa. The United States did this very thilig. Great Britain is now plauinin,,-te do it. Our counîtry lii c an individuai shouid pay as \ve go. How would a tax on bachelors ansîver ? The spirit cf jealousiy inspired the Cobourg Post, uslîally a prctty. decent journal, te say this naughty thing about our success: Bowman- ville bas been piaced in the estim- ates for $3000, wbicb sbeuid bc ample te dlean the mud eut cf thc Harbor at Port Dariingten. Thc Coboýu-g Sentinci once ciaimed that it is a great advantagc te have a representative at Ottawa who is a supporter cf thc Governiment. Sec ? ______ Oshawa is secking te have its desires crystaiiized by legal enact- ment.' Thc Globe savs-: The tewn cf Oshawa, through a bill. intre- duced by eoln. John Dryden, asks power te' bonus Smith -& Go., $5,OOO for a canning factery; te boan $50,Ooo te the McLaughiin Carniage Ce., and aiso power te, issue debentures to sud an ameunt as2 may bc necess-ary te censtruct waterworks and sewers for the tewn. BETTER TRY SOMEI OTHER LINE. Hamilton Spectater: Some years age an importation of German made beet reet sugar was put on the market in Hamilton. Il had a dirty yeilewigh shade, did net smeii nice, and thc ladies who were induced te, buy it, by reason of its cheapness, found te their cest that they could net make jelly with it. As. they expiained it, "it weouidn't jeil". It was in every respect infenior te the Can-i adian refined sugar, and soon be- came a drug eon the market. Can a botter sugarbe made frem beets in Canada than in Germany ? Isi it worth whiic geing in for the chcap and nasty sugar, when the best sugar in the wonid cests eniy 4 or 5 cents a peund, retai? Do any of the premetens of this beet reot sugar boem know where they are ai ? A SkinBeautilitr 01 Inestimable Value, which Positively Cures Pimpjes, Blackheads, Eczema and every forts of Skia Discase, is Dr. Chase's Ontment. As great as may be the difference of opinion as to tle varions types of hcauîy. no one canse beauty ln a face thal is dis- figured by pimples and blackheads or scarrcd by traces of eczenia or oller skin diseases. The low-aseck sociely dress frcquenlly reveals shoulders and back covcred wllli pip= or other skin eruplions repulaive 10 tb 4gs. Why are women eontelt10 use powders and harmnful preparalsons la coven Up sucis blemisises wlen fhey could as well cure tisem and make lies kin clear, heallis and natural by using a preparalion 50 well known as Dr. Chases Ointmenl. Eczema, or Salt Rsenan,mamy be taken as the mnoat severe forma of skln duacases which mar beauty and cause terrible ildhing and bsyrning sensations. Tisat Dr. Cisase's Olalmuent lias cureS tle worst cases of eczema on record-la well krcwn, No preparalson-la of such inestimable value la a. womnan'a toilet, for besides curing tlie pimnples that are usually troublesorne at regular intervals, il gives instat relief to thie ltching te whidh womnen are subject, and absolutely cures piles. Goc. a box at aal dealers. or Ernu.hsoN. Sâtas à Go., Toonte.S ENIF1ELD. Mn. and -Mrs. L. Bradlev visiteS friends at Canniagtoa reeently... .Miss Nelie McCulloch, Manchester, was home over Sunday ...Miss Clara Nichols, Courtice, is visiting friends hoe... ,Mr anS Mrs. R. Pascoe have been vîsiting at Whitby. Mn. anS Alrs. John Hall are botis sick.,... Mr, John S. Ashton, P M., anS Miss Jennie Ashston visiteS Toronto recently.... Miss Ann,.ie Ashton, Hlampton, las been visitiug frieads bore...., Mr, John E. Dyer bas lad 60 tons of hay pressed. CIDER HILL, CLARKE. recent guests of the Misses Colville.... Miss Loule Morgauî bas gone hoime aften visiting at Mr. D. llall's..,.. Mms Mercer recently visited bier daughter, Mrs. Glanville ..Messrs. W. anS IL. Brown are drawinz tise brick for Squire Carvetls's 110w luuse .... Miss Mary Kelly is visiting- her aunt, Miss Lisizie Hooper. n. Wr.ýill Cornisb, Leskard, receutiv visiteS bis sister Nellie... .Mliss Lizzie Wýaddeli and Miss Seott were, guests of Miss Hall eently....Mr. john Carveth as returued te T[*orouto after spending a few weels witli lis son, Mr, A. W. Carveth, J. P. OSHAWA. Mr. Chas. Knees' new residence was Samaged by fine Taesday morning... Bowmnville anS Oshaw'a played an exhibition game at the covered rink home on Wednesday eveniug and it prove o te hooneo f the nougbest match- es even played bei-e, botb teams cross checking, tî'ippissg, slugging and play- ing sbint.y. 'l'ho game eîînded ini a tic 8-8.... Stumo Toronto party bas beon toviug with the council by asking a $300' bonus to stant a daîii'y paper. It woui probably ho a bulletin board .. . . Hli and Public sehools will recoive a grant of $8,600 this year, , .,Chief Hoover's salary bas ceeu increased to $175.... Ou reqlest cf Thos. Nilian of St. Cathariues the council wiIl apply for Gxoverdrnmeîit belp to niake Port Oshawa a barber cf refuge-.-.Mr. Ueo. E' Vluwbray and faînilv are movinz te Kiliarnev, N. 'W. T ... On tender for Iunien for tise tewn was presented- 817.25 ver M ft IP.arcl andS the Lion. Somethiug Bet'r Than the Old Sawv Tihe sat iii-abuît the lion and the lamb iniMac ofteiî proves to be false, but tiîeîe is alother and a botter oie whîch is literally trite. Whî n Narcli coûmes in an(l finds ý ou taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla t,- puriiv, enrich and vital- ize vour blood, %ou may expeet, -wben it goes out, that i 'wl leave yeu free fu'or that tired feeling and with none of the boils, piinpies and eruptions which manifest theroseives because of imDure biood ln the spriuug. Il on have not already begun taking Ioodýs Sarsaparlla for vour spring medicine,we advisevxou to hegin to-day. We assure you it will make you feel botter ail through the couning summer. HAMPTON. Dr. John Il. Brown who is visiting bis brother Mr'. 1. L. Brown fell on the ice Saturday injuring bis sidtu. Miss Ada lastings bas 'returned from a three months' visit wîth hér sister at Southampton.. ..l. C, H.- Burrows is home from a holiday trip, to Toronto., .Messrs WV. R. and F. T. Allia re- turnied from Pickering, Friday with a fine.Durham caif purchased. froin Mr. Ai'thur Jolinston, Greenwood. . .. Mr. Fred Oliver and bride are guests of Mrs. Geo. Oliver.. .The Junior Ep- worth League entertaiement Friday eveiing was a splendid success and very gratifying to Miss A. J. Ashton the superintendent, Mr. A. B.' Cr.vdem- man and Miss Armour whi had charge of the pmogram. Aithough flot intend- ed as a patriotie entertaînment, thse patriotie spirit was plainly visible.- The Union Jack floated everywhere while a picture of the Queen graced the rear of the platform. ... About 30 young people of the village were very pleasantly entertained at Mr. G. Kers- lake's Monday evenîng. LA GRIPPE VICTIMS. WilI in Thousands of Cases Have to Figlit Catarris Unless Dr. Agnew's Catarrhsal Pot - der is Used to Prevent the Sowing of thse Seed. The wife of a promfinent plissician of Toronto was a victim of Catharrh ln its woast form. Slie tried almost everý- treatment known ln the world of med- icine without receiving any lasting benefit. llearîng of the almost mira calous cures made by Dr. Agnew's Catharrhai Powder, she procured it per- sever>ied in its use for eight months' and was ýfflly restored, and ail symptoms of the dreaded disease eradicated from lier system., She says, "'Af ter years of suf-i fering 1 rejoceto ho freed. " Namel given on aplcation. Sold by Stott & Te TYRONE. Tepresentation to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clemens was made by Mr. J. Perey, Bawmanville, foilowed by congratulat i1 orY speeches fromn Messrs. W.R. and A. E. Clemens, Levi Annis, A. W. Annis and A.H,.Breut, Nearlyeverything in thse way of granite and tinware from a dish pan to an infant's rattle was ho- stowed upon the amiable recipients..,..1 A large gathering of family friends meti at the home of Mr. Jas. Byers on Satur. 1 day evening and spent a few social hours ila bave taking of lis son,Robert,j who goes shomtly to thse North West.... Rev. A. McKim Young's sermon last L.ord's day morning was commendably u'ood. Text: '<Walk befome me and ho bhou perfect . "... . Visitors: Mr-and Mrs. Win, McLaughlin visitedl Oshawa friends mecently; Miss Emerson, Bow- inanville, at Mr. B. Moore's; Misses Lily Penfound and E. llyar, town, at Mdr. J. Petifound's; Miss Birdie Pollard, O-hawa, at Reeve Clemens'; Mr. Thos. Newton, Cobourg, at Mr. J. Mutton's.. .Miss Cole, town,at Mr.Peter Wermy'1s. ...Tyrone Patriotie concert is dated Mday 9... .Coasting has taken the place of skating and is decidedly exbiiarating t if a trifle dangerous ... . Mrs. Saunders 0 .s considerably improved .. .. Dr. J. E t and MrsBingham, Des Moines, Iowa, write. "We always hloped and beiieved that Britain would eventually conquer in this great war though the majority in this city are strong sympathizers of the Boers. " This expterience of a form- er Tyrone boy and girl lias its counter- J part in many loyal hearts lover the' lino, D "fleces sé Kno<ws No LaZw.P But a laW of Natur-e bows ta M-e necessity of keeping MAe btood pare so Mat the ent ire system shalt be strong, hea[tKy and vigor ous. To take Ho-lod's Saisiparflla, the great bbood purifir ilemefore a, iaw of bl n i l tis n necessity la neariy evemy lcsbd.Il neyer disappoiouts. eyfeiisufferirng from dizziness and nervon;sne(ss so that I ouldnfot rest at nlght. Tried I ',ood,.'s Sarsaparilla with good resuits, andno recornmend it te, others.," M. CEAmmEjis, Toronto, Ont. Ti iF eeling-" Was al mn down and had no a ppetite. Was -tired all the time. Hood's S-ýarsaparilla ivas suggested, and a trial benet'ifted me so much that now 1 would iiAt be witbout the medicine." Mss. G. P. BranairT, Central Norton, N. B. Hlood's 7lus cure liver il1.s the iion-IrrItating and onyctato ie ake with iUeod's Sarsa arlo Local and Otherwise. A Pounid Social will bh blS et tise Hlome for the Aged and Intri îou Fui- day Marel 23rd. Public cordiatliy iuu'i ted to assist ia tîsis good work. LAXA LIMER,, PILLs-are easy acting, non-inîitating anS pureiy veg-etable. Tley are tise most effective uerndy ltssown for Constipation, Du sperusia, B;liousness anud Sick llendache. 2~5c Children will] go sieighing. Tlîey ettui n covened xith snow. Iciait a tee spoonfiti cf Pain-Kiulem will pieveît hIl elfects. Avoid substitutes, thee's but one Pain Killer, Penny Davis.'2.5e. andS 50c. Far-mers wise went te know ail about tise roquiremntt5 e the new piekle factory sliould attend the meeting in the Town Hall next Tuesday. Sce advt. General Debility nuiS a -ruu dowvu Stete cals for a general toi - o h 'Builds 3you up. incroases voUr Mcio-it, givos lsealth. Made by Davis & L'aw- ronce Co., LtS, M.A.James, Bowma nville, is Govern- ment Issuer cf Marriago Licenses for the Couuty of Durham; during business boums at office, at lis residence Centre- st., at nigist. There isno one article lu tue lineocf medicines that gives s0 lange e rett.iîi for the money as agood porous stroîsgtlî ening plastea sueh as Carter's Sînant Weed and Beliadonna Backache Pias- tors. Immense increase in the sale of the D. & L. Menthol Plaster evidences tise fact that is useful 5-or ail rheumatic pains, lumbago anS lame back, pain lu tise sides, etc. Davis &Lawmenct3Co., LtS. mu nufactunens, Lady's whitewcar in ali tle latest styles just received iPt good yariety anS selliug verv ,reasuuably. See those now cushion tup. Sosie with cable lustre. AIli bbcla«teat in fency goods. Ladies cal] anSdte si y goods i Miss Martins, soutl side, iu'luîrSt. The welllk:ncwn strengtheing pmop. erties cf lION, combineS with otisen tonies anS a most perfect nervine, are found in Cartem's Iron Pilis which strongtlon the nemve and body, anS im- prove tho blocS and complexion., Theme is No Uncemtainty about Pyny- Pectoral. It cures youn cough quickiy. Ali bronchiai affections give way to it 25e cf ali dnuggîsts. ManufactureS by the propnietors of Penny Davis Paini- Killer A Mission ýCincIe in connection with tie Woman's M1issionary Society of tle Methodist Chuncb bas boo-n organized with the follcwing cfficers.-Pmosident, Miss Beracock;. Ist Vice Prosident, Miss Irono Jeweill:2nd Vice 1'mesident, Miss Grace Tmsuwin; Recording Secretary, Miss Jennie A. McLoan, Corkes onding Secmetar * , Miss Velma Jewell; Treasur- on; Miss Vida Haines, No1 RIGHIT Te UGriNEss -The woman wbo is iovely in face, form anS tomper will aiways lave friends, but one who would be attractive must keep hem bealtl. If she is weak, sickly anS ahl run down, she wiii ho nervous and irrit- able. If she bas constipation or kidnoy trouble, lier impure blood wiii cause pimples, blotches, skia eruptions anS a wretcled complexion. Electrie Bittersj is tle best mediciae la the world 10 reg ulate stomach, liven anS kidneys anS to purify the blood. il gives strcng nerves, bniglit eyos, smooth, velvety skia, iel complexion, It will make a good look- îng, charming womaa of a run-Sown invaid. Only 50c. at Stott anS Jury's Dmug Store. TheNorfolk New~s savs: "A citizen of, Norfolk, or ln act of Nebraska, nover passes an opportunity te caîl attention te tise Norfolk beet sugar factony-thet priSe cf tise city anS of the State-tse I tnvy cf ever *y otson community It sh the institution thet means more 10 Nom-1 folk.anS viciuity than any single indus-I try la North Nebraska. Il is tise motherà of pnospenity,' scattering witl a laviuh haSd the moaev whicb throughi its meS- ium is produced by the tillonrs of tise soil from tise fertile ternitory tributary 10 il. c [t is tise one instittution whiel enabledr Nlorfolk 10 pass, thmough the late ena of depressuon, Sîstmust anS calamity witl i scarcoîr a scratch te mar ils financiel stutndifng. The monoy dispenseS by tho sugan factory enabIed Norfolk te0 weather tise cnisis, whea la oIson towns s and States banks wone cnasling. A C A RDi.. We, tle un dersigned, do hereby agree o refuad tise money on a tweaty.-five cent bottie cf Dr. Wills' EaiŽlish Pis, ifaflter using three fourîlis of cntentso of bottle, they do net relieve ronstipa. tioendbeadltè-tu-se. ie aiseguaranteep tur botties will pormanently cure tiseE most ebstinate caPse of constination, Sat-d ifaction or ne pay wlion Wlls' Pilîs are 1fî L5Od.p Stott & Jury, clemist, Bowmanville. J, Higglnbothamn & Son, chemist, Bow. o sanville. 2-4 t( Notice to Creditors. Ine the Matter of the Est ate cf 13AT- RICK< KIYGt, late cf the Township cof Darlingtcn, in the Ccunty cf Durhtam, Far smer, deceased. Notice is iereby glven ýursuant ta "Tise Re- visud satutes of Ontas-io' 1897. ciapter 129, tisaI ail es-uditos-s asud others laaving dlaims againat tise Estate of lise saiS PATRIICK KING, who dileS ou or about tise Figith day of Decemses', 1899, are requis-eS on or liefuure fise FIRST DAY ,OF APIIIL, 1900 10 seud isy post prepaid os- So- lives- to A. E. MaLaugislin, 0f fthe Town of Bow- mantille in tise eooufy of Dus-hum, slcilor for Alexansder Bostis, Pisysiciasa, anS Robes-t Beitb, Getleusuen, bols of the aime place, lise execa- tors of tisai st Wil aud Testamentr of tise saiS audresesuidedrscriptios, tisa'nil particulars o f their dlaimrs, flue stateunesît of their acconuats auS tise nature ofthtie securities, if aLy, field isy tbem. ACIS fusclier taise notice tiat alter tueis lait mentiouset date fie saliS exeuutoru will proceeS bo d;ýstribure tie se sets of tisa deceased amono- tfise f art!es eutitied thereto, isaving ieo-ard ouiy te tluedaias of ,a hidi fley shah fisen bave notice anS tisat the salit executors wili suot be hiable for tise saiS assets, or aiuy part; tiereof, to anru ,rouu or persosus of wiaosc clamais nutice shall not have beu reelvedfuy themntaItli titre of suds distu ibution. P ted aI Bowuuaîville, the T;wenticîis day of Februsarur, accu. A. E. MSCLALGIILlN, Solicitor fou' th c e- e c ilfo'ss uthtie lait wili anS testzaeu t of Paltrick Kirg, deceased. 8 4w. Notice to Creditors. In the Motter of the Est utc cf-ADELIA A. BAILE Yitofe the Tow.usof Botcnïaïville,in t/te Counitys' f Dur. lian, widlot, dece ïwsd. Notice is l.creiuy'gis un rursuant tob',rise Revised Stattutes uofOOntario" 1897, Cap. 129, Ilur aIl crediors aud utisers luaviug claim3 a gain st tise essaIe of tiese aid ADELIA A. BAILlaI ,widow of thse lite Frasncis J. llaiey, wbo died on or about fisc latit day of Febu-- arv. 1900, aie reouised on os- lefore tise 1lfTt DAY OF APIlL, 1900, fa 'euS by post pre- luai'1 or ueliver to Dr. A.S.Tilley, Bowmanvilie, executor for tIie ustafe of Adelua A. Buluey, Se' eeased, tiseir Chitin uu tSsursames,addresses and descriptionus, ube fuil parttcaulars of tufs-r dlaimas, the. stateunesut of Iluir acConias asad tise natur-e of tiseacuuities (Jf auy) laiS isby tina. Anad fus-ubor taise notice tisaI after sncbh ast uneiatiouaeui date the si-id execcaor will proceesi to dist-ibute tihe assts of fis Secca sed amîusg tise parties untitted tues-do, lu uvuug regfard ouaiy toz tise elafuns of w hidi i.ey ssultiseu bave notice, saS tiat tise eueculor wil nul be li-alle for tlisesaid asets, us- any lait tluercof. lu ay pusisous or s- o ous f wiuospdaIms unotice tssul sat uav bu'n -i, -eccuved by lOiin al tise ime ut sucis dustribtunion. A. S. TILLEY, M. D., Executor For tise Estate of Adella A. Failev, Ssuuascd, 9 4W B'Y-LAW NO. 573. OF THE tORPORATION 0F THE! TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGION. A Bq-l1aw to prohibit t he Sale cf Liquor .sy fetail in the lTownshtip of Dar- lin gton, under the provisions of e8.O., 1897, Cap. 245, Seetion 1411. The -Municipal Conneil of tise Townsisip of Darlhuptou hlereby enacts as follows:- 1. .That the sale by retail of s pirituous, fer- mented, dor other manufactured liquors, le and shah be prohilWted ln auy tavern, inn or other house or place of public entertalument 'vitis tise Municipality of the Townsbip-of Dailsngton, and the sale tisereof is prolubited. except by whotcsailaisops and places, otiser tisan bouses of publie entertasomesît., IL TiaI flic vote of lhe electors of the said Municissality of the Township uoflDarlington will be raken on this By law on S4ttnrday, the sevenih day of April, A. D. 1900, commeîîcing at ulue o'clock lu tise forenoon, and coutinuiug ouitil five o'Clock lu the afternoon >at the Siffer. cnt places hereinalter meutionei:- (a) Tise votes of tise eleclurs entitled to vote lu pog suis division No. l in saidMnicfîeality ^il li0e taken ai the sehool bouse in scisool sec - lion No. 5 lu said Munîcipality, and Thomas Smale will be tise depnîy returning officer lu take tise votes of tise said electors. (b) Tise votes of the electors entiled to vote iu poiling sub-division No. 2 in said Municipal- ity wîll be taken aI flhc Son's Hall lu tise village of Tyrone ini saiS Municipalily, and Richard ffawkey will lie tise deputy s etur.sing officer to take tise y.otes of the said electors. (c) The votes of tisc eleetors entilled to vote in poll.ng sub-division No. .3 In said lMunici pahity wil liec taken at tise Sons of Temperance HaillaI Maple Grove bn saiS Munieipality, and Charles Axford will lie .te depufy rsturning oflicer f0 take the votes of the said electors. ,ý (d) Tise votes of thse eleclors entilled to vole Inpli'ng suib division No. 4 lusaid Municipiliîy w iii lie laken at tise Town Hall lu the village of Hampton lu said Mnnicipahity, and Henry Efllott, Jr., will lie the depuly retumning onicer to take flic voles of the said electors. n (e) Thse votes of the electors enfitled te vote u oing subdivision No. 5 lu said Municipalit will lie laken at ltse Hall known asKennedy's Hall in tise village of Enniskillen lu said Muni- cîpality, and Frederick Rogers wlllie beh deputy returning officer 10 take thse votes of tise said eleelors. (f) The votes of the eleclors entitled to vote in ollrr su-diiso o.6 in said Munclpality on lot No. 31i in tise second concession of tise said >lunicipalily, and W. R. Courtice will lie tise deputy returuing officer 10 fakte tihe voles of thse said electors. (g) Tise voles of tise electors entitled to vote Iu polling sali division No. 7 in said Muni- Cloality will be taken at tise scisool bouse iu sehool section No. 14 lu saiS Muuicipality, anS Samuel Souci wshl lie tise Seputy returu- lng officer fo taite the votes of tise saiS electors. Ill. TisaI on tise lhirty-first day of Mardh, A. D. 1900 aI the Town Hall iu tise village of Hampton lu said Municipality et the bour of tbirty minutes pasttwo o'clocin luthe aflernoon Mdr. Albert E. Olemens, Reeve of tise said Muni- cipabity, shahl appoint lu writing signed by lsimself two pensons to attend aItishe final sum- ming up of tîhe votes bv flic Clerir and one person to attend aI caeh pnlling place above des- criseS ou bebaif of'tise persons intercaleS lu anS desmous of promotiug thse passlug of Ibis By-law, and a like number ou bebaîf of tise persons interesîct in and Sesirous of opposing lie passinif of fis By-law. IV. Tisat Mr. H-enry Elliott, Jr., tise Clerir of tise Municipal Council of fisc said lise Muniel- pality of tise Townsisip of Darlington, shahl attend at lits office in fie village of Hampton iu saiS Municipality at tseisour of cheveu o'clock nu tise forenoosi on Wednesday, the elevents day of April, A. D. 1900 to suri up tise sumber of votes gîvdn for and against Ibis By-law. V. TisaItisis By la* sisall corne lito opera- tion anSdlie of foul force ou anS after fisc first day of May A. 0. 1900, being tise lirst day of Mlay next af 1er tise final passing tisereof. NTIC* %E, Take notice ihat the above is a truc copy of a proposed By-law wbîcs lias been taken ito cons!derationbly the Municipal Council of tise T'ownship of Darîsugton ansd wiici will lic finaliy passeS by tise satd Colincul IJu tise event of the asseut of tise electors lisg oiîained- obtained thereto) after one monts fromtise first Pli Cati011 in tise CÂNÂDIÂsi STAÂrzSMÂunews saper. The first publication of saiS proposed Sy-law was made on Wednesday tise fourteents las of Mardis .P. 1900 lu suaid newspaper At the heur, day and places in saîd proposeS By- aw ixed for taking tise voies of the electors tise poils wil le iseld. Hampton, Marcis 121h, 1900. H. ELLIOTT, Jr., Clerir of lise Coun ll of the Municipalily of tise Township of Darllng. on z~y W st EndHouse BOWMANVI LLE. 1 M T M ýPola dS nrinr cr 1 Do You Want A Nice New Sjpring Dress ? We have jufst what you want in New Dress Goods in leading shades of Grey, Brown, Blue, Plum, Castor, and Black. New Plaids for Waists and Shirts. New Tweeds and Homespuns for skirts and sits. New Prints and Dress Ginghams. New Lawns;, Muslins, and Em- broideries. New Skirtings, and Table Linens.. - -~ w w w 1 ti1eme n!! vv u~v iuuuy ii - ciyie~s in- Hats, Caps, Shirts and Neckwear. We will be pleased to show you our stock. The Needs 0f Me..,.. Our -new Cloth- ing is neariy al in andwe promif you some very ~'- ~~\ ~ choice Suiits'*at close prices. We make a specialty of our $6.50 Suits.- Oui, $8 suits are very strong and'good fitters. I-f you want a choice suit look at our new $10,00 and $ 12.00 Suits. boots and Shoes. . Men's Long Boots for Spring, Heavy Cowhide Tops, hand peggedI soles, worth $2.50 for $2.25. Men's Cowhide Grangers, pegged soles, solid leather counters, water tight tongue, for$15 Men's Two Buckle, Bellows Tongue, grain leather, plow boots, heavy pegged soles, for $1.25. Boys' Strong Granger Boots, pegged soles, good strong, boots for boys spring wear, for $1.15. Girls' Glove Grain Lace Boots, strong pe-gecl soles solid leather insole and countet', for $.0 3r Sa ps in uGrocze rieS.F L.-We will seli you a 4 pound bar of Laundry Soap and a Xash Dish for 20c. IL.-We will sell you 3 eaï,s of Tomiatoes, Corn, or Peas, ail first-class goods, for III.-For 19c, we will seli you -a set of 4 Rockinghami .,3owls, the s ame as advertised by our competitors for 25e. We have just opened up- some veryy fine Marmalade and Sweet Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, Dates, 'Figs, &o., &o., &c. We pay the highest price foiS ail Farm Produce. John llMcU-Murtry T 1 F mir- l>, -1-- --L- this 27th Februarv, --Ulr- -i -IL- -L -L 1 - - 'V'r'v, 1 25e 1

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