Goctgh SyrrPo S3ewing machine supplies atRickard's. Ail work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. MeLaughlin Carniages and cutters at John Percy 's. -Great red uctions in fine Dentistrv for 30 days. Sec advt. Blackstoek's patriotic concert is to- night (Wednesday.> Whitby Masonic Order cleared $21150 by their patriotie bail. Get y our school supplies at J as Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. TmuE STATEISMuA reaches nearly every (arm house in oarington roneillor 'rait, naid out nnlv $25.75 Nicholls selis tinware eheap. Rings made over at Riekard's Nicho ls bas a choice lot of toilet soaps cheap., Sewing machine needies cf ail kinds at Rickard's. Sec Tod'swindow of homem ade can- dy on Saturday. Mr. D. D. MeDonald, Audley spent Sunday at home- Miss Hoar, Bethesda, bas been guest at Mr. J. D. Hoar's. Molasses Taffy-9c per lb. box Satur- day only-at Tod's. Send vour work to Jas.Goard, Wateh Nichoîls seils envelopes cheap. Nicholis selis writing paper cheap. Nichoils has some barg-ains in g-ranite ware cheap. llighest trade price paid! for old gold at Rkkard's, Mrs. W.G, llyland, Toronto, is g-uest cf, Mrs. W. B.' Couch. Mo'asses Taffy-Saturday only at Tod's-9c per lb. box. Miss Belle Prower is guest cf IMiss Campbell, Port Hlope. Apprentice wanted te learn millinery. Apply te Mrs. Dingman. Ask M. A. James for bis price for any Notices of Bipths,mlarriagfes and )eaths 50 cents; when marrIa.ge licenses are obtained or funerai notices printed at this office, insertion free. BORN. GiiEsoN-In Ororio, March 7, the wife of Mr. John Gibson, of a son. BELLssN-In Bowmanville, Mar, 9, to Mr. and Mrs . A. E. Belman, a Son. COURTicE-At Ebenezer, Darlington, MarCh 7,' the wife of Mr. Arthiur J. Uourtice, of a daugnter, DIED. ALLIN-Il Kingston,March 5SHannali 'variah Allin, aged 32 years, caughter of Daniel B. Allin, Clarke. Teas, 0Ooffees, Oocoas, and' Ohocolates,.