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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1900, p. 7

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Sworn Testîmony Dcouiofa orC3 ,,,% nthe matt»r of eure co to i -r, i PatrE T PÀ&TRICK JAMES WILLIAM8,of helnT o»-nt cf enlrwo -rth, shoe- ma-ker, do *eleflny de- wlre and swaar that iho -1 atemejt Ilba.ve nmade j'- ti, . day le (rue and *or- P'. J. WILLIAMS --ý Boat andSi h,-e MaiaÏ&- rer. ÂgeftM ears. I lh-.v5 ha toublesi with kd»Py a! il bladster 1*31eg.for flyt, yeari ~ gru~eg *rs, medi- * f ~~ane feilng o relievo / megvingnb 'lecre- ofbatmas 51 J wa% e n infu tLc In1dematnir b ent,b.j reivedl -l uft Iba farl ui- e t mry lor aradi.paie lu rMy ha k L i IPcu il altmecearelyture v.'r in leod 1 b 1101t finfl x ho !i dil -Beant [roim tho Isie- de. rugCumauymn ~wfeel ibai I1.am r rosius I ekacpene s*whoi I ul nme. chaf 7 IVre1e ne 9 16-e 9 i ýol ý su o al afleie. f kidDney aui Wdqc r ldza4Oe wwei r wv !5 am n ef My age. Y.uwr ïtomedy la16 a quir1e qaud great cure. Ve les efevre me t the T iudas, tg l' cýý' 0fulWcn!tw ',h ,t iz ,,i day, q Nu;v,A Dý. 5. A. 'lù . WAR1) SL. e"Eecilne Kd~yB asfnr sale ai ail dru«. *Ae , I.rli Y ii. ku t iasa t g I Viemleso, eee ofe.lrleadre, Lord Roberts' Bloemf( Thtie fcllowing la tbe text of Lord Puoberts' dospaicli te the War O-f*ce anouncing lais occupation eof.Bloûm- £<ontein: "Bloe.m2ontein, Tuestlay, Marcir 13, 8 P. t.-D IL tse elp oc? Gqcd and by' the bravery of Rer Majesty's soldionrs, the Îrcops 'under siny command bave taken possession aI Bloemfontein. "Tire Britisir lg now f liôs ever tue Presidoncy, evacuated lasi evening, by Mr. Steyn, Lato President oý the Or- anige Frou State. "-Mr. IFraser, member efthtie laie Ex- ecuý,ive G &veramunt, thse Mayor, the Secrtary co;' the laie Governiment. the LtnIddroýst (treasurer>, and other oýfi ciÏals met me two miles irom the town ,.zid presenu ed me with the keys ot the pubLîco.o fces. 'Thse eàemy have witbdrawn f rom the ste gâbcýrhood, and ail seents quiet.' "The inhabitants aofBisemfentein gave thre troops a cordial reception."1 Tise London lDidly Cbremicle's cerne- spsa>denit at Bioern eonten, in a do- spatLi eldated Mardis 13, sende the fol- HENCE THE REJOICING. J"E CAP ITALO Transvaalers B ad Tbreateneci to Bombard Free State capital. À despatch frons Bloemfonte'in says: I nt1 I tO When the Britishbrosetrdti cîty on Tueday the-y found that it presented a regular Sundayappoar- ance. The sirops were ail closed, and onteinthe ladies oni tha streets were wearing their Sunday attire., Many of the and Capt. Fawcett were the first to residents declared tiret they expected enter tise town. 1Thre correbpondent that the place would be bombarded. says:- A correspondent Lad a conversation -Gen. Roberts madeastate entrY WULh Counoillor Daly, who described an into thrs captured city at noon. Hoe was givun a tremendoos ovation. ombittored meeting of the Execu(tive ,.lie virited the public buidingcs andl Council tint was held the day prier went to thie ofliil residence efthie to the surrender. sUtorthie meeting Preoident, foýlüwed by a clieering Presi dent Steyn boarded a train and crowd, wiso waved the BitiLb Lag andi sang thse National Anthem. 'Tise eo proceeded ta KÇroonstad, where ho hais Pie were ln a state ot frenized excite- establ'shed iris guvernment. nient.The Transvaal Boers sou.ght te comî- "On Monday afttrnoon previous to pel the Frea Staters to r8siîst the Brit-. theu surrender there had been a littie isir a l'outrance, but tiser e.forts were snuiping and sheAing, but the enensy orno ava'il. A inessenger was sent to .the Boer camp on the Moddor river tisen retirud. Gem. Roberts lias lits irth te in-ormation tbat the Fre headquarters in the Preident a boues. State Boens would net attempt te liold "Tfhle raivway is unnnjured. Blostmontein. which bas no fortifica- "Mr. Fraser and te opposition tiensq against Gen. Roebertis, tbey leaders lieaded the deputa tien that knowing that te at'tempt to make a went out te muet Gen. Robertb." do once would result in the practical Notising furilier ef anY cOnsequenc8 destruction efthtie town. bias been re'oived. Gea. Robertis, last Thb.8 message excLetod tbe indignation de'.patch occupied 12 he(urs in getting oftHie Transvaalers, who tbreatened to te London. blew .Bîoem'iontoin te pioces. The rosi- Tire Daily Telegrapb, in a second dents wore, tbere'ore, uncertain wbo- edition, publisisus a despatch freUI thon tbe EngLhb or their own allies of Bennet Burleiglirai Bloemfonteini, the Traosvaal would bambard the staimg that President, Sieyn, accoin- town. panied by ether prominent officiais, is Therefore, whoen the Britishi entered tleeing te Kroonstad. wbere ho trans- ibero was considerable reissicinoe. as BETWEEN TWO PIRES. SNOWSLIDES1 Al lC. P. M. Tralas Boers Betreatlng Eef'ore Gatacre sInce May Be Entrapped'. A despiatch fror A deo-.patch fromn London, Friday, No overland tra eays:-At the opening of the new siËce Saturday, a' chapter of the war i.mmediate interest being temporaril3 centres in the fate of the B3oer forces, mud and snowoli which are in retreat northward from districts, wèhIch1 Cape Colony, where they have leen usually serions cl defending the lino of thei Orange row Hlead yard a river. The courageous expoits of Capt. reported, Ninet Grant' and- Lient. i Popham, which No- . eoat el G. saved the fleLhuiie bridge, enabling stroy&d by a enc Gen. atace tosncw plough gar Gen. Gatac e rowuthe rkver, coin- is misising', and b cided, forcunately for the, Brittîsit, buried; beTiemtI wirLh an equajy daring feat norh- snow. ward of flsoeautontein. There Major Heavy snow-SILt tramn the Selkirk Weston. of thje Engizieers, attachr-d down tai! treos to Gen. ]?runch sd brigade, pasaed the sweepl . ng away Boer îîne.s on the evening of JYareh bridge, 15o test1 12, with ton men and euit hu telegraPi creek amd Six MV aud tuiew up ie raile ay, Èhereby pru- The deIayed ove venting thse removai et the onginos go tbrougis on W and cars in lBloemfontein. Twelve loc- ring at the brea]i motives were captured. Gen. Roberts clearin.g the sides was thus enabisîd to promptly dus.- large cut bank pateli a force to intercept the Boers, wih liai enorgy b whom Gen. Gatacre holds in front. Division Superin That this force reached ]3thany, 35iiand Generai Sup miles distant, in a day, is regard ýd peronally direc bere as smart work, in viowôorthie' the meantîma p nocessjty for constant recennoissance east are being sen oJf the track, and the position. "a 55te McLeod It la bardly ex.pected tisaiGen. .,oe- lakes t.m~uos Carew's advance will not be epposed. hui ogr If theo burghers at Norval's pont and oualne. 4ethulie are rolying on retreat by means of the rai way, and are unawaro WROTE "<A? of the occupation of Bloermfontein, a colli n LetW On tbem and the Guards] uae o IN THE ROCKIES. kgHave 110CR Biockesi Saturday. )n Vancouver saya:- -an has arrived ber. all traff le movomonts ly suspond8d. by the ldes in the interior have beon o« an un- Liaracter. Froin Ar- -large gravel silde la ty feet of snow-shed, 'lIac7ter, bave been do- iw-slide; oneofetthse ng, Edward Galiagiser ct us feared tisathla1 àtise ,availa.jQb OoL Lies are also reported k meuntaina, carrying and imsmense rocks, the eut ba'nk truss long, betwoon Bear lile creuk. erland passengers xviii Tednesday, transfer- k, whore the work of ýs and rebuilding the u s being prosecuted by a large force with stendent Dneliesnay perintondent Marpole eting the work. In passengers -fromthie it by the Crow's Nest 1and up the Arrow stoke, a roundabout thre oVerland trip 30 LNNIE LAURIE." pula! Itaglîsh Song ][ dent to a bilions ett eof ttise msiuch au' Dizzlneau. 7iNausea, Doeues istrees adter atg.Pain in th tio.&.Wbi heir moej veningihlanoyi~cenpainc.,whuitethey aise eorrect afldiSerer f ,Ima tiznuiate the livr asi eauatatheowee V ea il soin1ul latgy ther oodcsdoasosnhr.adb lae bn e ofany wray lthattha hem ab.wtt veinaka.our great bout. Our pills cure It whls ethers do not. , Carter's Little LIver Pilla are very grmall and very eay totaLse.Onortoilaiaadc. They are strlotly vegetabie anddo netgripe on purge. but by their gentle action ploea l use thm.T ialsai 25 cents; gvtiror$S. by drnggists everywho or sent by nmaiL. CARTER MEDICINE CA, New Yomfc.

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