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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1900, p. 5

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J JITER- IS WORTH - MORER Weicolored with the ceee 'cd 'Y-f,& G" Btt-er Color. it not oly, brings a. cent or w%o more a; pound. but it seils qui Ck-t 'J & G" Butter Color lis the beapest and' bcst. Wc say this ore actual tests and we will eheer- llly returu the money to anY orson who buys a bottie and cornes dc,- sa,ying it is flot better than t thiey have ever uscd. JLarge botties 25c., srnallcr bot- les 1e For sale by Stotk Jury, Bowemanville j u ry 8&k0r egoÔr y ,- Oshaa K1.d M1 JUR E y. P F -~ I - --- - .-. I i>JX. .1. UULVILIJ5, See the Mason Co's new advt. Some - u - G IRAD'UATE F TORONTO 1UNIVEItUSITY "and Trity IJnive raity. Office: Silver St Nigh ,t calîs anuswered from residence of Mr. Davis, 1Beech Avýe.50 tf. INOTICE Excursion to-Toroitto to-day. High school concert Apri] 10. Mr. E. L. Fort, Lindsay, was la tewn Monday. Nut Taffy at Tod's-Saturday only- loc. p er lb Miss May James, Toronto, spent Sun- day at home. Guelph has been chosen for the next Winter Stock Fair. -M.-A.-James-is Gvrimttissuer o! Marriage Licenses. 0 shiawa lias over 48o appeals against thisya' voteýrs'." F'armers Bind-er wieCo's advt. la another coi. Radil. Hlot X Bans for Good Friday. Leave your erder at TodI's. Mr. Jas. Gale of the News was in Toronto on business Friday. 1Toronto Globe's patriotic 'fund aow hovers aroand the $75,000O mark. Buy your Wedding Ring from. Richi- ard, bcst quality and best price. The large new smoke stack for Mc- Laughlin Carniage f.actory is completcd. MIrs. Geo. Webster and Miss Anale Barrett arcevisitiog relatives in Port Hope. ,Mr. H1. F. lluntcr's card is in this papcr. lis office is ln the Goudwia block. More big boxes of English oeoods just aredat Couch, Johnston & Cryder- Miss Velmia Tyler re turned 10 Phila- delphia, 11oaday la response te a tele- gram. T he pcdd],ling waggons sent out bv Johnigg wil s oon be on the Toads aginm. Scadt. Tait& Co. can faraisli you with fine cray*ont portraits and trames for same. Caîl to gelt their prices. STATESMAN to end of century 75c. Country people, read John Grigg's new advt. Solina fariners unfloaded a car load of sait here last wýek. M. A. James is Government issuer, of Marriage Licenses. Got your school supplies of Jas Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Voteý for the by-law next Saturday and secure local option, ilorse trading bias become. quite a science in Bowmanville. Mr, Grigg wants agood trusty man for peddling. Sec advt. Hot X Bans for Good Friday at Thos. Tod's. Leave your order. The C. P. R. wants to move south of Ridges to avoid tihe. sand. Watcr proof cothing and rubbers chcap at The Mason Co's., Miss Eva Tabb is spending a few wecks with Whitby friends. Our imerchants lsa-ea made amipc epro- vision for a oig sprinaz trade. Better this ycar than ever before- Thc Illustrateà Buffalo Express. The 2nd contingent of hats bas arriv- cd. See them at the Mason Co's., Dentistry-30, days offer-I'Mar. 19 to April 21-SeceDr. Harnden's advt. Bicycles arc bing got ready for the road. Fishleigh makes ail repairs. Local option is in siglt-vote for the by-law ini Darliagton on Saturday. Mr. S. F. li is home after a success- lui tour as organizer for A. 0. U. W. Darlington';electors, rally te the Polis next Saturday and vote for the by-law. Miss BcIll Metcalfe, Ontario Ladies' Collcge,Whitby, spent Sund.ay ia town. West Durham Farine-s' Excursiofl 10 Model Farnm, Guelph, Saturdav, Juac Goet Tour J TeasCoffees, Cocoas special lines in the grocery dept. Mrs. Lewis Quick lias gone te the Sanitarim, Gravenhurst., to accept a responsible position. Mr. and Mrs JnLn and son Leon, Fort Peurry , -ere g-ueýsts of Mr.l Joel McWaln and othier fricnds hcre, this wcek. Be sure and. scec "Who's Who" and "lBetsy Baker" on April 18. Prececds to farnish mausic aI lPort Bowmanville the comîng suammer. 1Spring wight overcoats arc slling frecly-select 110w whidle wc have ,a fall assortment. The Mason Co's dry, goods wvindow for ladies sailor blats. The Peak Sisters wear the gowns they worc tif ty ycars ago, bat arc up-to- date as to son gs, recitations, dances and latest instrumentai masic. Remember April 131h. Misses Allie and Ainale Dingman have gone to Cromartv-, near Mitchell, to attend the wcdding<, of Miss Maud Wright, daugliter- eof Mr. Andrew Wright, Miss Dingman will be brides- maid for her cousin. BORNq.11 VIdUTON-In Darlilgton, on Saturday, March 24, the wife nf Mr. W.H1. Mutton, ni a daugîster. MtýTTON-lu Bowmanv!ile, on Sunday, March 25. the wife of Mr. William Mtion, of a son. SÂzuzissoa-Near Enniskillen, Mar. 28, tisa wife eof Mr. Chalmars Sanderson, of a daugliter, HIJRLMBUT-lTo Euifield, on Star. 31. the wife of Mr. Jsm ýs F, Icurhut, of a daughter. LîcK-In Darlilgton, on Sunday, April 1, the wife of Mr. Luther Lick, ni a daoghter. DIEDi Tassav In Bowmanviiia, Mar. 29, Sarah Terry, heloved wife ni Mr. John 'rerry, aged 8 y cars. *@a o We' eau supply you with tche best prices that will savýý you money. T lEHeinz Piekie Co., of Pittsburg, TPa., having in contemplation the opening of a branch of their business iu Bowmanvilie, the require a guarantee that 200 acres wlll be piue ih Cucumbers the eomning season. Th liela C. gee to furnish the seed free and plecige themaseives to purchase the entire crop. Parties wbo, are wiliing to grow quantities will be furnisl3ed wath ail particulars, as to prc,&c, by calling as soon as possible at the Office of the Tow n Clark, Bolwmanivilie. fly order of the Towsi Councl. JOHN LYLE, Town Clerk. Bowmanville, Xtarch 11h, 1900. il if. Mention -the STATESMAN. Notice to Creditors'. In t/te Malter of the Es-tale of JÂNE BRENT, late of thte, Village of Hlampton, in the Township of Dar- lin gton and Uounty of Durhtam, spuîster, deceased, f'rmerly of the T'owvn of arri ston inthI/e (ounly of Wellington, Notice ls isereby given pursuant 10 'The llevised Siatutas of Ontario" 1897, chlapter 129, section 38, that ail persosis having claims, or de- mnands against the Estate of the sala JANE BRENT, who died on or about the Eighth day February, A. D.. 1900, are required on or bafore 3Saturday, the TWELFTH DAY OF MAY, A. D ,p0,1 send by p ost prepaid or deliver ta JOHN K. GALBIIH TH, of the Town of Bow- manvilie iiitise Couinty of Durham, Solicitor for Leonard i2risbin of the said town of Ha'irris- ton,, marchant. the sole s'xecutor on i talast wil The Popular Gr crs 1 - Phone 65. - RVANT WAN' To Gardeuers and Farmners. 61d Cho-,lates ïf iw

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