Blood Bït-o3p 1- LAbout thec buSC. APPLE TARTLETS. Line some patty pans with good puff paste; bake, When cold fi with stewed apples, nicely sweetened, and flavor with lemcrn. Beat up a lit- aud wenyou sish to apply the p)a- Sdampen te wall -wiýtbthn pse an -ue hick paste ou;t: pap in l'bd ortsv wy. If wall paper is snioked and gimy, ï-t c-ai 0&af ed to look alImost like uew by making a very tbîck dough cf 1lqt. fleur sud five cents' worth cýf ammonia, adffing a little colti water if needed. Work aud kuead the dougb tilli smootb sud free from stickinèss, then cut off a piece sud rub tbe paper, turing the tiougb so a dlean surface is preseuteti wÎth everv ali-rokeand takina' a fresb LITE~ARV NOT S. wIi-kownFrench artiatsý as March- _____________et, LePe(-r e,-Ste;n'Len asud Jeanniot;, sucbEugli sb artisýt ask Partridg'e, Elle op)elxbg article ii, Tlb,4 Living Lucas, Shiepesojn, sud Frank Craîg; Age Cfr A'pri)l 7 wl aanafcionate sdsc Ameican artists as Henry S&cimutu cpnsideratiou of McCaýr ter,Water Appleton, lrk, Y-fr. Ru2s"In ou bis ersoak ide by Seton. Tbompson sudji Yohn. Mr. H. J uhiaWegwod hwo Lknew bi wehl. J. Whigbam, who la following the i Motdxm River cluu for Scribner's Rudyaýrd Kpigsn w animai !Magazine, contributes to this number story, TbeElhns Child, is wafea-1 an accounit cf the Britisb defeat at ture ofi the ArlLadies Hlome Jour- Magemsfontein. The tide of travellers ual. It is tihe first of a seories cf Jusi w bich bas already tumned toward tprun e wieeth u igofi n piece When that gets to iirty to use. aUucunsWilJTY ÎtwiltlW mijdh toinere-fth each trtletwith the ce nde If the walls are painted and need a 'ng s inimitaýble drof;lery, how the lin Miss Tarhell's article on The Chanrm mU, pace smal lup inthorougli washing,, they may be lehngo strk.RCyu of Paris which con-eys with singular Et i u l utoe h cemauiepwee made o loo fine by us of the foîlow Toa.jýsend Bnrady, begins an interest- isuccess the characteristics of Paris, sugar colored wLth cochineal. ing mixture. Shave fine 4 oz. castile ing series ef arice , crhis experi-' which make those who knowit wel lBedaoveo %l poisons and imnpurities from. - i soap and dissolve in 1 qt. boiling. wa- ences as A Misoayin t1ee Greatý love it. Governor Roosevelt continues Givs trngh ndvitliy iiplce<~NUTRITIVE VALUE 0FCBA . ter; when cold add 4 oz. ammna Chi West, and J ngian RailIý wrtesawa--tha of the hi oorp nO Iris andwl Gh e s yst e ng a d vt lt n p a e oF A B G OZ. eachi of alcohol and glycerin, and C oi Bost- cf1ý vEnglau . T o f The it n d c un f t e rs n weakness and languor. While the nutritive yalue of cab- 1 gallon cold water. Use one cupful ifosi fogote ystre of the Cen- Scotch Wars. aresgra eil The mnost wonderful blood purifier, bage is lees than--almost any other of this liquid to a pail of warm wa- tUy brhb heý entre of the Tommy and Grizel deepens in inter- restorative and etrengthener known to vegetable, its digestibility wheu eat- ter-.ot,'3 i hidy r rp etI eel om soeo h Mr.Geo Heiot Balieboo, nt. sas:en raw makes ît a valuable addition If the kitchen floor is badly soiled hî1cally recae,tý, anid Siuging The Mes- Imost complex characters i oe Mr.ien. Ieit alibrOtsy:it can be made beautifually Plean, by 98bo h lin ie i~ view !fiction. Mrs. Wharton'is short novel, ~Tw yers go wa vey porl luthet the semi-invalid's limited bill of uprug had no, aptîe ey wearl en ae v d vrinee' thrown ito fnaking a paste of equai quantties f Of the lif e )f aî miusic-lovinag Swedish The Touchtone t's concluded. W. C. neirvo, h dno a e i te work muc and a cold water until crisped, drained and ule s eat an ar sh mi d iO m u iy t e W st Ed wrd Bok, BrOwnell, the em inet art criti, gives seredwih reuh resig, t an~'ith boiling, water. It should bes in decryîng Tiie E ase With Whicb We la brief estimate of John Ruskin as tired~~srv 1h th dm.spedonIe o sudlf ve lry s-~et som esricting, Sturgis touches ou the samne sùbject tel saw Burdock Blood Bit1r ihl -sal obrsiiltdwtbu n night, then be wasbed off and the Iuniform le,-ltoad paspan Sturgist Ouches on the same subject recommended,~~~ sogtabti.peasant afer-resuits. o£1 scrubbed witli sand; after this [y, on divorcb,. Ian Maclaren pays bis 1,teFel fAt I started taking it. a.nd inside of two is riused off, be sure to wiple the f loor respects to The Genteel Tramps in1 monhs wa aswel aseve Iwasin y lfe.THESEE FLT.dry as possible. Il the floor ils soiled Our Churc, and An Amerîcan Moth- 1 The April A tlantic opens-very ap- 11I cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a in spots, then treat tbem as above or wri!tes of Theý American Woiman in.rpîaeyt hesao wiith ani splendid blood purifier and spring medi. An excellent box in wbièh the seeds Iandi it will be much less arduous than Mark-e L-Plac e. Through Pî turesque Acadian Easter, a series of striking aine." for early flowers can be sown is about going over the entire f loor. Amrcni~eu nteArlJu-lro yFacsSena, cm 18 luchas long, 15 inches wjde and 3 1-2 For bousekeepers who prefer to wal , op e being devoted toviews roemorative of the fate of, castle La 'inhesdée. Tis ox an e pace inhave the kitchen floor painteti, a (if the --Atu! beauties of ýour country. lTour and its faim commander on Easter i sde.Ti o eub lcdi glue paint ïs god amnd î ea be re- A ucesf ountry House in New iSunday 1250 yesrs ago. Wý. J. Stili- A~ QUICK cux ~the wind'ow heside the cuttiug box. A neivet spring sud fail or whenever nlnla, else Girls fu the man in - bis Auto)biQgraphy describ. FOR COUGHS gooti soil for seed boxc is matie uf three- 'needeti. It is prepared as folos Pîay ar îî he, other notable bis art studies anid bis experiere-5 ait andm COLDS Ë)fourthe soddy loam sund oue-fourth Atid 1 tu 2 lbs dry white. lead tuo 3 pîctoria fetrs oieey bsc ParîIs, wbile atngfor a ytengarian lbs. spruce yeilow, anti mix well t0-, of aciiyWibcnen bhome- cal] to arms wbich.! neyevr oame, follow- sd. This mxregives a sou! that gether;, dissolve 2 oz. of glue lu ilq. mae h~A IJo>inal br-iiugs belp- l by b1is aitcan,,- campinig lifa' iu drains, well sud does not run togetber water, stirrinig tili amnooth and nearly' fu gsîn raiie y the Adirondacs t'i i return ta fi er it b-as been w atered a few times. oln;te bckntegu ae Cutr Puhdsbin Co a yPia mc. The erextsofaCl legsng Presid .,,k31 thy glne cf tb ul In ibiis box can ba sown pansy, ver- asCowudmk uhuiili ildlba olm any te ensa aua'sd trtig xosto ibein, petunia, euapdragon, -sweet spreaid smootbly upo .n tbe floor. Ap- 8 oy vaiiculan ties n un e shitb The Cnda Rcemedy for i aIlyssum, Salvia spleudens, or seeds of 1 hl o îha riaypito b otuter similar lnt îuen h-' -ý cf Mnost of our collegis'te insti.. THROA AND , LN L U stadFECTIONSgan are dsird of ueh. stndtanpluin at Fluors tbat bave been stained and lia viet labrc-tton or. JTohn Muirdsrie Lrearly bloomiug. Enougb plants have -iO -t~ h ad to surpalss 3,h1 Frr>o h YsmiePrk i Lag ute,2 etcan be grown iu a box of this size to e v rw ulcr emd t ok o pi.eLe h m o t fte oeiePir l forS4 ,WRNEC. imtd rs gwn duI can ha maed to oo Cluure's() Ma1 zin for Api e!hia mi-. unknown to foreigners, thlere ex_ DAI &LWENEC.~Lmte.O supply a gooti-sizeti flower garden. frs gi ybigrbe ho-cut0 neir~Ci a s Pî4 ý ez-,y Davi'PaLu Y-Iller. -ughly with bccswax antid mctn.pual l reie- .0e to Uta ricb lists luSpahi a, modemn lîteraturo wbicb New York montrea! -- epea t this wbenever neetieti. It is prmse arket for Amerîc.mnk ih h ee rdue y te _______THE WONDERFUL HYDRA. probabie that no two carpets iu the %vritt,,n hy W B. Parsoýns, -'i£nations. One cf the cbief contrihu. _________________ Nowç these are the pleasant wyofbouse will requime .iust the samneE goer ',-lria (1t, D--nd-o sA- _____________________________ was cfamount or just tbe samne kinti oflvel ýlloPainy, from observa- 1lnd Pa-ct Valtias, dan auithor of I I Castoria Is for Infants and Chlfdren. Castoria is a ha-rmiess substitute for Castor 0119, Paregorie, Dropi and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, "1ý-- M~orphine nor other Narcotic substance, It is Picasant. tsguarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.- Castorla destroys Worms and ailays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relie-ies Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiatut-lency. Castoria assimilates the Poregulates the Stomach ami BP-weis of Infants and CiiildrenD, giving healthy and esaturai slccp. Castoria Is the, Chilidren'u Panacea---The Mother's Friend, Castoria. Castoria. "4Castoî-la is an excellent rmediciieflor IlCastorle 15 So well adaptsd toebeildrmi chcii. Mothers have, repeýaiedly1 told me ýthiat 1 recouuaend it as superior tea «ay pr*. of its good effeet Upon their Cil J eu." script'iou kuown to me.", Da. G. C. OsGconý,Lo A, ass. H. A'. ARcixx, 'M..fP. Brooâi>'n, N THE 'FAC-SIMILE SI1GNATURE 0F APPEARS ON EV,,ERY WRAPPER. J o anLu are muostl îi some plain mater- petwtbiungalrepne d lal w'h aplatrn c- ta bocae.going over ouîy a smalî portion at a McCall's miargazine for May opens ýPanne in light. bl1ue, mingled witbc -i,, oloeupit, sîs pin roes issexiisga goddeal for from dean, 'bot water, then Zwipiug t r!a ing an corigy h*nsm 'hnu desud t,,Thlace oedia- iwlth a dry clotb. jwalking oum.Bachb.montb's is- 1 - -.- - Th. lace edin- I f oV :n e f Rtsin i..'. .-r.' 1 - i.--- '- -- - --' Otthe worl..Be 8sors sâ ud k BLSS,,athlng Sfu> AN N UNCONVENTIONAL Tifirst century begar CENTURY Il a witb the U,~T DAIS foR 4 t £3'>"' çý,YÀYlL W--1iý MAI Vd h