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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1900, p. 4

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t? Med!i2cie in pîli form is convenient and pleasant to ae t?! KIDNEY PILLS. Dr,. Kings iny I'ills are recomrnended by the med- ? t? --al pr-ofession as being the best for kidney and Bladder Dis-t? esv,, , Lumibago. Ilbeumatism, &c. Dr. King's Pis cleanse hek doeys, and thus allow them to purify the blood. instil- 1n1g 1~ flife anrd vigor into the entire system. Price 35c Fre ýaijple on application, Dr. King's Blood and Nerve-Pils. The Great Blood Builder and Nerve Tonie. A- good eprmg medicine. 25c. Lîttie Liver Pilis.. îý, Th1e Gem Liver Pili for Headache, Biliousness, Ifidigest- 4 ion., Torpid Liver, Constipation-Big sellers. big Nalue, 2 W lxx's2,5c. Reinember No. 301 cures colds. J. HICGINBOTHAM & SIN, W BowmLANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists W 1 r-;r As Go-Cart. As [jý ave iyou seen our Go-carts and l ot eall and see them. Carriage. Carriages; if I u~eut shows combinabion Gocart and Baby Carniage. Itfifus - li urements and le taking fthc place of others. vohave other lines of Carrnages besides Furmure . ,u tre is fulil of ail the newest goods, fogether with flic regular (i d rihe oheaper f0 the btter goads. T Ni ýRTAKUNG complete and every attention given. "~'uubell on!,s'ide of door answered any liaur of fthc niglit. L. M E%'R,33r XEWTONVILLE. Rev, . M-X Wilson iade the followin g reference to the movernent mow under iwav to obtain a lieense for the sale. of intoxicanits in thiis village af ter his scr- monî: 1 am' astounded to hear that a najority of the electorate of this muni- cipal sub-division, ih petitioning for a license tobe granted for the- sale of in- toxicants in this piace. 1 arn inforrned that sorne three veau- ago, -so odious to th cmmntyIa sc atric net ai ~JUiiik~4 t~ ia aheuld ho; lot us have more monoy in sud weattuer permît, wrflx tuil wagon sud the ipo-dcc~ o+~ of the commuuify lu eve-rywvayk\ias be- cernese evdeuf haf ixe mtter bas bee frelycommenfed tîpon. Ve bave n b-ouse aof publl-ieaccnmodation lu veyadequaf c te the ueeds cf' the publie and in ce 1far as n-y knowioedge gees, vory creditabiy conduci cd. I cannot think that unless the eloctorat o bave had influences- of au abnormnal character braughfte bear upon if, that aivnybinl the nature cf a petifion on even a sugg;estion would bave been heard etoskngfor a refumu fto te old staf e etfaffairs. To say thaf anything more ha ie av is a public necessity ia frowm-mv oint of view only a çereen bebind wiceh mercinary greed sud appitite sud wbatever eisc, are endeax'- orng to mislead tbc ciecterafe sud the autheritieg. Can if ho that this commuity wants again lu ifs midsf tue serpent wbese sting meaus misery sud disgrace and damnation? Absolutely Fast. DIAMOND DuYES Can't Be Washed Out With Soapsuds. The Diamond Dves ln ail bbc 110W aud tashionahie colors are made espoiallýv for hiome se They wlldye cotton, slir or woel or mnixed fabries et liea-tTy or lighf weights, sd preduce colors thlaf nover fade or wash ouf, No oth-er dyos ou bbc market eau equal the Diamend Dý es iin sfreugth, briliacdualbilit f Get101. ror sirn- plicfy cf uIse. Lngyeavsts overe Ë>ýtestshave aeDimu Dy~the As seme dealen suinone sdweak dves put uip lu pa-ckages te imitafe Diiamond Deaiwa3 s ius ist u-pon '-t- ing the - aina with' fixe î "Diamoud" which is a'arpotuox te theiborne dver il .11 i. & 1» s"-- .11e THE NEW PIORLE FACJTORY. ("cruMnaxts, AN 1oW TO Guow Turnei. Who le gaing fa catch itf? For the aset week aur town lias beon iu & Stateofetexcitemeut; group-j et peap~le gathere-d- et -Street- corners-and_ un stores discusslng isornethinR wifh such s degree et esrjestuess thaf electien days exciternt-was tot ally eclipsed. New corners kept add ing te ,ho g.oupesud snxiousty inqaired the cause, sud miten every eue tied te speak af once, if only add ta the con. But liffle by little the situation was explaiued, which was tbis:-Mise Bowmanvilie, wbom we all know, wlth .everai sister towus bad gene fiahing, for the report had gene oui that s beantif ai fiah et the hast quality sud finest proportions was knowu te ho haskîng sud sporting lu the sparkling waters et Lake Ontario, Mies B'à outfit foc fiahing was net a camman stick wlth taffy on the end, bat a gaod subtanfiai ouffit-sud as it becarne knawu that Ithore wero uibbios at the baitf, sisa that Mues B. was au expert augler; this with reports that care ne luifat weatben waB favorable fan a gaood baul, the excifemenf kuow ne bourde. Wel), the fadas are theseo Mr. K. J. Haiuz Ca. et Pittaburg, Pa, are ieoknug forsa site te buld as SsltîflBouse, sud they are tavarably, iuclincd te lacate ia our midat if wu wiil givo them sa few privîleges wbich amount ta merely notîng, mnmeiy, s site ta bulld an, a raîlway switch sud exemption tram taxes, if we wili grow eneugh produot ta keep tbem employod wiib the comuplerneènt et hauds-some twenty lu namber- wbichi thpy neqeire ta do tha werk lu the aaltiug bouse.1 They camne up fo us in ftho iret place sud fell us tboy wil psy us goed prices fan bonest foil sud thaf they wauf s guarautee et two bundred acres af cucumbers the iret year. Now, Ibis ma ftho iret diffculty-fwo buudred acres et cucuaibere. Wby, we have nover hourd et sucb s thiag; ail the acreage put together lu the townships 'cf Darliugten sud Clarke will net exceed five acres lu eue season sud we wonder if I111e nef su irnpoeibiliby.- Witb snxiety we ealu ou our law adrisors, our poiical leaders sud aur sBucces f aI agriuuturai experts sud ssk lhom if pays fa grow cucumbers as a farrn crop? Thoy fhrow up tiroir bande lu blsuk deepaîr sud iko the boneel Datchrnan Bay. "Me ne poted." We thon vieil aur neighber sud lho teile us lhealswasegnawu cucumbers, easiesf thlng lu the warld f0 grow 'sud if we comanlu Is gardon we eau soo a paf ch of the genulue article. With soine difficulty ha finshiy lecate if. hI looka liko s mixture et toxtaile sud mneilan laves sud ou aur expnesaiug a f ear thaf perbapse hoias mîsunder- stod us, witb s caretul searcb, a gon- ulue ucnmubr is produced, sanmeSIX inches long of sueh a ahape that the idJesaI of atoiicob pipe ooms aup before uis. Stil!i ho li-,se ere uil nLy sud esb1îiebed bis rersýcity se s trulh 13peakiug citizen suad wbat more0 eau13,Woý wAntl D,)ea fhocrop psy yen I1ake-ïd Aud ho esys, "nixie." 1Liko 2c- man teckIluoa ira nedeal, despair cornes ever us, but. like -the 1widow at the grave of lber- depanbed busaband wheu abe claimed abe ehould cetaluly have died sud fallenlut a the open grave, ouly ebe by' chance -looked up te sec who was eliedding The Most ,tars when bier eyes f l ou the baud- semest young man abo ever sa w sud the earraw sud mist di8appeaied. New, it happons that ihere asýe soine in aur nldst wlio bave grewn cucum, bers in 1. acre patches sud bave donc we camne with aur -questions anuc skl thbem threo questionm, at -ieas-every- tbing bas tbree quetions-sud thon ,6s many moe as we eaau tbik of sud perliapa if passible ýsorne we don'f tbink et. 1 t. Does it psy te graw cucumbarsi 2ncl Can I erow flîem ? 3rd. le the firrn re'iabiel 1sf queston-If le neoucomman yiehd te gel st the rate of 400 buebels te acre on 100 buebles ou s 14 acre; alo thora la by plaufing about lOt h of June Ibis advantege-no danger of . froat; rquas 'bhbugs bave emigrated; oerîng seodfing sud cern la plauted; luruip lime la nef comeansd sa lui the rush is with us. A 100 bush ais te the acre leaa lew standard wifh suitabe ]and ase we haro hundredo af acres in Dailugion sud s favorable seasan we eau ail fan exceod thal. This at prie$ offerd la $501 par acre. 2ud q uestien-Can yoa, (f mean the persan resdiug> grew ccumbere? Can yen grow corn sud potateas; Ccoum- bers are uo mono difficult than theso ? Indaed, I question if lu auy erep tram begluulmug te end le mare simple sud easser te haudie tban this. 'Tia frue', il le a baek schlug job te plaîk them, sud we eau &aura yen thaf after a perzen bas taithly put lu the sunny bonne et a long eummer day gatboriug cucumbers, we may bc ln doub ase te what bis or ber aspirations are, but oua deubt la settled, lb le net lu the direction ef freah cucumbers. But thon, what eau we put 5 acres luto sud realize $250 without sorne effart i As fon the taoplngwa do that wtb strsw- hernies, pofatoee, turnipesud many otber tbinge. There la ne weedîug te do-maf aIl doue by the cutivatar, se Ibat ouf sidaeofthIe eue point, uamely piekiug, there le botter psy ou s ibree or ira acre patcb Ithat ou euo acre. As they turnisha the boat aIrainsetf eed, we bave na nlsk fa rua. We are nef boced fa produce a gliron namben ai bushoba per acre but simply to get the beet resulte we cas suad- theY purchaso the entira crop, New as îboy requîre thern te ho delivered same day as picked the mieego la no furiber with s 20 buahel lot than 5 bushea. Thon, sae ow s 20 busel lot, whlcb would bnlng $10, couts up. Bring lu this tan six weeksefi a tire-acre pstch st.loaul four tîmea per week sud we have aoretblng Ilke $240, This leaa low estirnate, wltb carenti atoluau additienal $100 msy ho adâdd la thie ta psy ail ceefet lahor. Thon Il doas tube land, sud the same acre eau hbo repeafedly planfcd fer yesra sud sf111, by being fertilizid, bo geocd for another tarin, plant on the love, eveýry timlu ron fiye or six feot wide. Il depends 0on the a3trnnth af your iand, fitL damp, scmepwhiat saridy loamr, generaliy pro duesfiahiht res3ultý, 1but good heavy as any iu our township. Thon lu the rows plant at a distance cf two and a haif 10 three feet. It wiil psy 10 take pains in layirîg out so as to cul- tivate both waysý until they atsrt toruu, wheu only work one way.,- Nover water but cultivate shallow, thoroughily preparing theground au for cern. A ce-at oif manr left as near the suzrfaceas ýpossBible is beat, a mix- ture of s3table ma.nure is preferable to horeo, exýcept ou ho,.avy soil; if short et manure then plow a shalaow farrow about the disitance spart yen want the rows sud sPpreïd marnure from the waggou direct, taklng four or fire rows at once. This ia the next hest thlng to broadaset sud harrow in or plow with a gangplw About pclng-it le to our 'Intereît iu this a6 anything aise to ho thoroughý also; there are rnn familles that would bi glad te work and do the pick- lng on ahares sud in this the grower c afford te be liberal. I thlnk a fair cstimate If the grower duos ail the cultivating and dellveriug, fumulali the cratea la te givo the pickerseue quarter et the net resuits. Thon there are mauy1 failles wth children louiging for a new bok or bicycle sud are wil liag te work wlth a little encourage- ment. Tho.,e wth ne chlldren eau do others a- good tura and them8elvos aloo by workiag on the co-operative plan. Look eut for tie twîns-good luck and hard wçor'k. They are always close at baud, Ttorest the oîlîdren aud give themi a chance te help thenxselves. The builk ai the picking cernes last et Augugtaifud dnring September until trost. Patchea do net need gjolng over every day, but on a large patch, Bay threo or five acres-pick onie hall oee day sndoeue hitU ext. There are spolie whon,. every third day lu olten enongbi, bat if lots et moisture cames aud nlghts arehl warmo, cucumbers will lco ni-up before nus like Christmnas laya aud plum puddings .tat Christmnas time. 3rd questln-Is the firm reliable ? Our answer la "Yes" twlce over. They startied businesa Iu Shsrpeburg, Ps., in 1869 wlth anc room lu s emai two-story building sud raised 1 acre et herse radiah; lu 1871 they comimenced the manufacture of sauce, celery and pickles, the latter of wbicb soon be came the ieadlug product ef the busi- nss. In 1872 the business had rio grown and prospered that the firm, con- cluded te move 10 Pittsburg sud oe hundred acruE! ai product waseueed. 1Since then, by perseverance sud industry they are world-wlde known. There are ýbrauch houses lu Tarante suad Montreal sud Liverpool, Ecglaud. 'his prodluet is Amonievu growu snd we bey it, , sudwble we are corteous snd klnd te aur Amtenican cousins, Canada for Canadi&nansd if la ne wonder wo are3 infercoted when tbis limiipLopanes ta5 Mien ýCanad fo be te growiui1er garden, prepcre lu ber kitch . 1 I consumle'by Iberchld the preô-"G 'Ite!leSam bas been "ýîs- ligus. iî what are we golng ta do i ff r, dG1't want îi i idustry lu aur uddat it la nenceesary ta sieud a note etAplg expressing aur re g reta, but im-piy ta stay at heome, taid aur and sd me ather augier willi securo the prize. Ifla V3out (ot the question te doubi tbis firma -i2 iregrety for eue moment. They frns seed tree sud invest $7000 or $8000ilua building here la aurmuidiat- Now cemrades, lot us oe sud feu givo them a beaity welcome; lot usa alpull toRether; lot Us try aud -make--anr fw-n-tw hpwhat tlie our pockefa, ;et unabave aeh the noces- saissdmore luxurlos et lite, lot us belp oee suother and thon at lest, te auur grise su ýd ateiBhmenf we, wil flndà we have ail the-lime baéu belpulg ourselvesý. This 200 acres etcfcum-n bers is oniy a test crep. These bave to e hokopr luisait for a long poiod hefere tbecy araecurod se as ta use wlîb othoýr preducta. Next yesr vve ,eau grow calfiowen, csbbage pickling ou-ý Ions sud arai fruit. Rememben, it lo a rmanket at berne bore, right at aur ewu dons. Their Mtte is-"-Wcrk as tbough yen wonld lire for aven sud lire ai fhough yen mnight die ta.morrow;" now eau We do itI t le one et the faineet proposiais thi-t bas aven cerne this way. Weceau, ail müake meney af this woik, seo corne lu sud bhoeeoe us; lot us Ilrow 300 lnsfead ef 200 acres. Decide at once sud elfher persuually or by poat, uofify Cenuclllors Tait or Jelflory or Tcowu (Jiork, John Lyla. Rer. Mn. Banef , or elther, W. B. cr Alpha Pltuch. Yours truiy, ALPHA PiNcun. P'»ple's Popalar Course. TLEethird et these saies et Enterfain- ments wili La held iu the Town Hall, on Fniday, Apnzil 20%h, wben J. Wiliams M'mcy, New Yun'a Favorite Humeniat sud Buffo Baeo,wîillgive onsetfbis famous humerons RecitaiÈs. Mn. Macy'a pepulaily in the Easstla atested by the tact that ha bas sp- poarod ton conseeutive years on tbe Phila. deiphia, Y. M. 0. A. Course; eigbt' yeare on the Ne vwark, Y. bi. C. A. Course; Six y eurs esaab au 0142,Boston Stan course asud Y. M. C. A. Course. Bis bumoý le infections, hua ýreDiWas ire3 giron lin iimitable style aul eopne by tecial changes whîeh reader tbem sBide.aplitting, wbile lha je the possessar 01 a fiue, large, musical raies, sud bis isangs are goma et be Baffa SohoaL. Plan etf Hall aM Big 20 open ta aubacibers ou Thunnsday, Apil l2tb at 12, Doon, aud te tho e r public on Salcrday. Ticr,- ets-goecral admission 23 tsre seMa 350, in sui 1y oveuiug ne#, lu the Metba- dil he, Be, j.J.JRase will continue bisi seAc otPsemou oonrthe Savon Ages et Lite,,, ie aubjoottcbing "Tho Bibi Siope ef Lite,." The senies swiLI ha coneladod on tbe tohlo'iug usy erig, tje subjeci boiing OLd Age, Cold Facts Are What You Want. 1 f veur toath aches, you s-ec a dentist; shouild outr eyes bother Yen its anoecu- list -with an eczerna, a skin spcceia list; s brokea boue, a surgeon, and se on down the list. Alwasvssa specialist, sud Simpls, becanse thex' iake ifsa special sfudy, sud nsturally forge ahead of the gencral practitionor. This is just the reason in a Dut shoîl whv Dr, Pitcher's Backachc Kid i ýy Tabiot bas swept the field, just beeause if is a special prepar- ation for a special lino of trouble, dis- cases cf the kidnov sud bladder. A mediciue that dees net promise mere than it eau do. Content te handle tharoughlv the discaso if dlaims te handle and lot alone a mascf outside complaints, haviuz ne refereuce to the kidney and ladder. The close attention te as ingle range bas made if possible te give to the people a medicine nex-er before thought of, Que that eau and does do ail it piromises, sud as à, ceusequcuxce is wiu- ning for ifselfa place lu every housohold - J. Saunders,-Cuffer at Couch, John- ston sud Cryderman's. af your own town,,gives ample preofs ef the trufh of tnîs assertion inithe foiiowîug letter;-- "Vermit me te say that I used the bot- tic cf Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney rrabiets procnred frorn Sfott & Jury. sud they did me agreaf deal cf good I find that they are nef overrafed, wor- thy cf confidence, aud 'zerv gonfle thongh sure lu action, 1 find thev set flueix' on the liver as well as the kidney sud boweis, and 1 feel safe lu reeom- mendiug thern fo anvone reqniiring- them. Thex' are a good ail round medl- Price 5J cents per bottle. A F REE SAMPLE cf Dr. Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablots mailed te every appli- cant. If yen doubt the- tesfirnony cf your neighbors y ou eau prove for your- sof-get a sam pic absolut clv free. Send stamp f0 Thc Pitchor Tablet Co,, Toroute, Ont. IWOVE WIE PNCECO Farmners and others requiring gond fencing wil do weli to see the above fence. Will give 37ou a eall. Reserve vour orders j J. H. PHARE, Tyrone, il-tf. Agent and Butilder. To the People of West Durhamn: PIinse accept our beeU tbanks for your liberal patronage the past 20 years. ad iet firtcsc essonabwitlefllgo-a reas ofalle rcs esa e hg a les- cd tonal sdi ou aon eed: Dry oodes, Cu toley Gntalvund inwry, Teas, Groerie, Get.o e ry biwaet uait in the rnsrl,et. Taken in' exehange as usual-Scrap Iron, Metals, etc. JOHN GRIGG, No. 82, Ontario St, Phone 17. Bowmanville, P. S -Man wsnted to run Peddiing Wag-on;ý must be fair scholar and, of good character. Apply in person -J. G. ewuýs Faste 0 0 0 I arn told you want a wagon, buy a Chathami. Yo ur old barrowrs are not doing bbe work properly, get our Diarnd Steel Toafli. That old harnes ie donc sud will fali ta pieces in bhe field when yau are busy. Corne lu and purclxase oeeoe Court- ice, & Jeffery lland-made cak banued sets, bbc besf lu the, province. Remern- ber flic place te gef these aud bundrede etofther thinge you need je aI JOHN S. RUNDLE. Opposite Lutter'eiI s Bakery, Bomrman- mauvýille. Repairing pramptly doue, Brantford Bicy'cle Agenc.y. DRisADING AN OPERATION-Wearv et experîmneutîng wiib salves, suppes itor- ies suointmcuts sud droadiug a sur- gesl oporation, scores sud hundreds have turued te Dr. A. W. Chase's Oint- meut suand nlif ian absoluf e cure for pilies. The tiret application briugs relief f rom the terrible itehing , sud ih l vety seidom that mare than eue box is required te effeet s permansnt cure. .,n.u a a 91 a um ura..........muumm uaummm..mummrmonuJm?-um m m a. *,iu mn..M.umsmmumuum an n~m~mumunu .. nu eu *.. u. a :a a és a a BOWMANVILLE. e au un :àn e,0:10 ,I nu laa *We have received for îhe s eason's trade *mat least 50 dozen pairs of Men's Pants, this ma~ Swill give you sorne idea of'the extent ef our :' um Clohin trde.O ur stock of Spring-Suits is anow aInyiost ail here and intending purchasers n carm dépentd o.our usual werrlyo~r un unquaniLy and oual' L. See our new 'Grey ianu M. - ::: Black Worsteds, c1ay twills) both in sacque : and utawy stles. Se ournewpatter0 s -« fine iniported Tweeds. We buy from the .0 :: best factories in Ca nada and no better goods ~ u.are pro curable, t -mm0 e mu e eor ecn advesad b î a mu ev make .00* h ovl si f or D needs dth at o nenwth thead-' q Sunible rnany n san .:0: venth ping 0cr Srin tcki owhj. ehve: u eor ecents arves aond wie btarke tehe t: en M Im acr fo er iow ies. ore oo spole rand eseelM .x a the o cel.Tie neour Dyt G osdeaen t. Ladies' ar e« 0 vetkin ea. ThSe ne stye atns i iesare <* <e0 to baud. Another lot of "The Mason Co's.Sptcial" Sm e 0: Unlauudried Shirts at 5oc. Just in. We are taking many <e>60 e orders for Spring Suits, principally black. : ae le New Maple Syrup. Redpatb's Sugar, get cur prices 0 -n.~ e :by hie barre]. Heinz Pickles, very superier, try themn. 2le0.D > Photogene water white Oil, at 25c a gallon; Canadian:, pr u rme white OA at 2oc a gallon. Pctatees, very superior n > or seed, 25c and 3oc per bush. jeu Butter and Eggs Wan~ted. : ..V. if YotL Are Looking ÙFor Pure Ça.p1e Byz'up GIV[ US A C4%LL 0,Q Iighest pricýe in Cash or Trcade for Produce Telephen e No. 57. BOWMANVILLE, New Spring Wall Papers. Wall papers give to your rooms that bright, cheerful appeanance, and that touch of reinernent so highly a?)preciated by loyers "of beautiful and artistic home-surroundings. That's why great care shouîd be exercised in seiecting new Wall Pape rs. It is reasonabie,' therefore, to except the best choice where stocks ar e the largest and best assorted. Not gainsaying the tact that at ibis store you find the largest stock aud the greatest number cf patterns. It bas been s-) for rnany years, and will be more so this season than ever before. We cannot say too much about 'our good stock,. and we want you to know all about oui goods. We waut you-to be so 1nter ld in wbat we have that when you think of good Wall Papers, youll thinIA this store. That's why we ask you to cam2 and see Ivhlat w'e can do for yov. As for pnices we'll let thes2 speak for the stock. ROO~I NI)ULDI'LG3 -'Nc havc these in ails s to mar,,-tch the papers and at reasouable pnices. PICTUR~E FRAMVING.-This is the tirne of the year to hiave your Pictures frarazd realy for hjaiz cieaiitg We have choice stck clzC Mouldings. W~ TALLE BOMWANVILLE, A BOON TO HORSEMEN, Euglisb Spavin Liniment rnmoves al bard, soft or calloused Lumps sud Blemishes t ram horsiîs, Bleod Spavin, Curbs, Spluts, Ring Boue, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,- Sere sud Swoleu Thnoat. Cougbs, etc. The use eo eebottlemriay akeyou 850 a Warranted tbc mest wonderfutl Bîemish Cure ever k nown. 1410w. TUE FPHRE t KPuwu'ver> Wrt OLERii& short ïLumma e eof ci j Y/y -- . -p- -t- tc tc -t-

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