= f 2 Doors East of Post Office. * Ladies! 127, 129 and 778 Yonge St.,Toronto, Is Comiîng and Will Be at the * BENNETHOUSE, BOWMANVILLE. sFiday, t lay 4, ID With a large stock cf Hair Goods cf the latest styles sud ~ ice uNtrlWv n tagi.I o lhfinest quality Bangs, ý Waves, Wigs, Head Coverings and Switch yen can dress inu an artlstic coiffure in one minute. *Buy a natural wavy -one, we show you how te, dress it. *Corne early andi have your hair tnimmed,singed and dressed *by an expert. Ladies, our goods and' prices will Suit yen. * Corne if it is only te see. Wax figure s for millinery pur- poses, etc., etc., etc. Globe ilotel, Picton, Monday, April,3Q.- O. Central Hotel,' Brigliton, Tuesday, May 1. Dunharn Bouse, Cobourg, Wednesday, May 2. St, Lawrence Hotel, Port Hope, Tjsursday, May .3. Bennett Bouse, Bowmanville, Friday, May 4, Queen's Hotel, Oshawa, Saturday, May 5. MISS ME.DLAN-D wishes to thank lier numerous customers for the f is very liberal patronage extended ber at lier Millinery Opening, last week, and an- nounces that she has a fulll une of <. 4TSIB0NNETS, SAILORS, FLOWERS9 WINGS, OSPREYS, CfflFFONS ANI) G4UZES. A large stock of Goods suitable for Children, J J~consisting of Bonnets. Hats and Sailors, which is J 4~offered at lower prices than usual Cail'and see Sfor yourselves. 1 miss MEDLAND.*~ Sater Shoe Catalogue Send ycur name 'and address on a postali, or caUl and get te ew -Page cataogue "characteristics." Gi'res the latest shapes and styles in ,/~/~, S1ater Shoes, " illustrates thezn in ail their ~ - ~ vaflrieac; tells of the leathiers in their mnaie- UP, ftuli of wholesome advice on shoes and feet. fly its uleans you can order shocm by 7;_ "Mail and get the exact size, width, shape, color and leatlier you wanit. haif sizes, reliable leatiiers and fasliionable colors. Evey pir oodyegr w elted, bearing etremanae TOHN,,,ELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. Mr. Laurier 's Go,7erument is becom- ing very popular. Last week's issue cf the Canada Gazette contains an inter- esting supplemeut to the budget speecb- of the Minister of Finance, lu the shape of a statement of the revenues sud ex- penditures of the Dominion for the psst nine months. Hon. Mr, Fielding :was not exaggeratiug, wheu be-, cstimated bis record surplus at '$7,500,C03. For March alone the gain lu rw'enue is $797,8e5, sud decrease in expenditure, $490,517 For the nine monthis' periocl the revenue totalled $36,85),072, a gain of $3.791, 231 over the same period of 1899. For the same peniod the expen- diture was 826,051,550. an increase of $930,639, over 1899, leaving a net im- provement over last 'year on nine mouths' transactions of S$2,860,591. lu capital account aisa the expenditure shows a large decrease, amounting for the moutb of March alone to $817.024. The revenue ineceases occur lu every departmeut with but one exception. The revenu- froi, the Customs bas in- creased nearly $3,000,000 ; the Excise, S360,000; public works, $140,000 ; mis- cellaneous, $240,01,0 ; the only decrease1 heiug in the postoffice, where the greati neduction lu postage rates bas caused a slight falliug off cf $126,cQO lu the revenue. BORN. DAvis-Iu Osbawa, April 12, the wlfe of Rev. J. F Davis, of a son. BENNETT-Ili Oshawa, AprIl 12, tbe iwife af J. Bennett, of a son. NOIiTHCTE-At Oshawa Harbor, April 19, the wife of Henry Northcote, of a son. LYLE-At 256 Meflonel street, Peterboro, Arl17, the wife of Mr. M. W. Lyle, of a =aater. HAVERSÛ,N-In OshaaApril 21, tbe wif e of Mr. D. Haverson, of a daugbter. 130waaN-In Clarke, April 9,to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W, Boweu, a daughter. BODDY-)ïin Oshawa, April 26, the ilfe of Mr. Jas, Boddy, 0of twin daughters. . IRWMu-At the parsonage, Dalrympie, >on Eaàser morn, the wife of litv. A. anse»l Irwin, B,* A., ofa son. CazzPER-Iil Bowmanville, April 24, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Creeper, a so11. CLÂTWOsRTn-Iî, Hamnpton, April 26, the wlf e of MËr. Joseph Clatworthy, of a daughter. BUNNER-At tbe Methodist parsonage, Ami>. !asburg, April 19, to Hev. and Mns. W. A. Ban- ner, a daugbter. 111 1 DIEDi HA5KELL-At Port Hope, April 16, aged 39 years, Charles HasIreli.. DýCKIzSoz-LIn the towneblp of Hope, April 25, Rebecea B., daughter of Mr. à ob. Dickinson. DICKINSCIN-In Bowmanville, Sunday, April 29, Thomas;Dickjnaon , aged 19 years, 7 mon ts. QUINLAN-In St. Michael'i Hospital, Toronto, James C.li^ns on of Thomas and Catharine Quiialan, Newcasle PARNHAM-n Coldwater, -April 29, the infant child of Mr. John Parnham, MCOv-On Monday, March 26, at Los Angel- es, Cal., Mrs. McCoy. widow of the latte Samuel MCCOY, formerly of Newcastle, in ber 78th year. BuT'oN-In Whitevale, April 22, Thomas Burton,. ageds85 years. KINc> In Bowmanville, ApriI 30, Bridget King, beloved wlfe of Mr. James Botterell,aged 70 years. Funeral priYate at 2.30p. m.to-day. Dnawny-At Burbank, Caifornia, April il' of erysipelas, Hardy Drewr, aged 75 ears, formerly of Bowmanville, Jnt. Hia enï was peace CaztNcn-Suddenly et Honolulu Hawalian Islands, of apoplexy, Mar. 14, William Carrol Clencb, formerly of Cobourg, in bis 73rd year, BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.McMurtry each Tuesday FL'OUR , e 100 lbs ........81 80 to $2 10 WHEAT, FPsu, bush .... 0 0')fO 063 I ,Spring......... û CO 't 0 65 R ed Fife.ý...... 000 0 70 " Goose ....0 00 0 67 BARLEY, P bush, No 1 ... 0 O89 et 0 50 Il I i2 _.0 26 il0 35 il fiTwo rowed 0 25 e0 43 OÂ's, white fi............024 f0 30 BY, Il...... 000" 050 BucKwHEAT fi.......0 00 0 O48 PEAàs, Biackeye, VI bush.. O 69 il O 75 il-ýCanadian Beauties O 74 il O 75 9 Mumime'y "t O0 0 il O60 il Smaill te -O000i O,60 tg Blueil 0 60 il0 65 BUTTE R, best table, e lb., O 0O00 0O13 EGGs P doz ý.............O0O00 0 10 PorAToEs, e bush......000" O 0) HAY, Pton ............ 500 le7 00 A- CARD. We, the undersigned, do bereby agree to refund the money ou a twenty five cent boule of Dr. Wills' Enelis Pis, if after using three-fourths of contents of bottie,ý they do flot relieve constipa-' 'ion anïdliadacheý. We also guarautee four 1bottles wiIl permanently cure the miost obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isf act 'ion or no psy wben Wills' Pis are used. W. C. Tole, Druggist, Bowmanville. Stott & Jury, chemnist, Bowmanville J. Higginbotham &.Son, chemiat, Bow- Manville.2- We shouldlike our lady readers to see the Woinen's Home Companion. While extensively known ln. United States we dou.bt if our Canadian ladies know much of the menit of this excellent magazine Its departments, devoted to ever*y part o-f household economv, is weIl edited and replete with suggestion and, information, whiüli will interest e-erv mother and daughter. in >the [and. The Mlav number bas a great variety, of reading 'matter including some excellent stories. Partim~lar atten- tion i4 -!gie to themes of a practical, doine,,tie natu.re. and contains articles discussing "Childl-Life ini a Home," "Schooîs for Domestie Science, "Beauty and Bad Temper," "The Re- modeling and Decoration of, Booms." "Cleaning Fanxïcv-Work," " The Visit- iî*g-Card andf What It Means," "Suit- able Gifts for the Traveiler" and "The Proper care oif Lineus. " Published by The Crowell & Kirk patrick Co., Sprin- field, Obloj ; el-.00 a vear ; 10 cents a copy ; samplé copy free. St. John's WiIllng Workers. The entertaintment by the Willing Workers ofSt. John's church Tuesday evening in the Town Hall was very successful and fairly well attended. The tableaux, "The Queen and bier Empire," "Liles of Easter," and ',Tent ing on the ûoId camp ground " weire very nicely presented by a number of the voung ldies,. The patriotic drill by the Workers inithe costume of red., white and.bine with Miss M. Worth as leader, was well given, wbile the military drill by 10 girls under cominand of Mr-H. Regineer vas pronounced well done. Miss McDowvell recited "A Sisterly Sebeme" with good expression and Dr. W. T. F. Tamnblyn; Whitby, gave an animal story by Kipling _-The Ele phsnt's Cid in a pleasing manner. Miss Glover contributed a solo and re sponded to Vil-e encore. A very amus- ing conctu, n to the programn was 'Mrs arl6 's ax Works," in whicb Mr A Mitýelji personated tbe renown- ed Mr 's. Janleyý to perfection. He was ably assisted boy Mn. Frank J. Garrett, (Erastus) ini "winding Up" the wax? tigures and presenting to the public the merits of each. Miss Luttreli made an efficient aczompanist. The audience expressed their appreciation frequently wbile the programn was beixfg present- ed. Tbe .Willing Workers bave always succeeded in preparing something wortby of a good attendance and' this program, we beflieve, wss quite equal to any former effort. 'The Great Prescriptions of Dr. A. W. Chase. br. Çhase'.>Çicney-UÀver PIS, 2w0. a box. 8r Cht ~nmn or Piles, 6ok a b=x Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 300, a box. Dr. ÇQhsse's Catarrh Cure, 25C. abox, blowerfree. Dr Chase s Liver Cure, 500. a bortie, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for coughs and colds, a2.- a boule.s A WONDERFTJL PREPARATION. 'IRokco" cereal coffee. Pure, whole- some, nourishing, highly reoýommdhdeci by leading phvsicisns. Bokco is equal to 40c. coffee, but only, costs oue fourtb the price sud is used at your mneais in- stestd 0f poisonous, teas and coffee. Bokco is sold in l'le. packages. 15c, "or 2 lbs. for- 25c.' For sale lu Bowmanville by the following zrocers, Younz &, Co., Cawker & Tait, Heal & Co , Mason & Co., John McMurtry, J. B. Martyn, sud A. L. Nicholîs. Ask for it. 6 lyr A BOON TO HORSEM1EN, Euglish Spavin Liniment removes al bard, sof t or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from borsos, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Boue, Sýweenev, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat. Coughs, etc. The use of one bottle mav make youl $50 Warranted -the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, .1w 1hideë hOr y for CAESTO RlA Children' Cry for CASTOR IA Now i's the time for My sokwiiI be found verv compiete and prices right. Beautiful patternls from 5 cents. LL4incoo uShades GUrrtain Poles 1îoorn molditqs New stoek of framed Pictures. Frames and Picture Moldings just received. A very nice framne for Cabinet Photos for 25c. See theýOil Chromao for $1.00. No trouble to show goods, and quote prices. The Spring starts the Base Ball, Foot Bail and other games, 1 have themn. P. -Trebilcock. BOWMANVILLE. J-Ust For the Fearm an's B. Bacon. Fearman's Roll Bacon. Fearman's Smoked Ham. Fearman4s L. -C. Bacon. Fresh Maple Syrup. I[ RINB SEL. RICES RIGHI. WOOL WANTED. j4eal 13ros, Phone 57. EASTER IERM From APRIL 17 merges in the Summer Term from JULY 3, lu the TORONTO. A strong, reliable school, with splen- did equipment including sixty first-classs tpwiing machines- There are no vctos, and members are admitted at any time. Write (or particulars. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Lake 0Ontario sud Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, (Limited.) Str, "'North King' SOUTTH BOIND. Lv. Coourg.............p. Por Hpe.......... 2.30 p. M. Ar. Charlotte, N.Y..... ý.... 7.15 p. m R ochester, N-.......... 7.50 p.;m NORTH BOUNUD. Lv. Rochester, N. Y-......25 a M. Ir Charlotte,- N. Y,........50a. M. Ar. Cobourg.......1.20 P. M. t'Port IHope............ 2.00 P. M. iýTirîe subject te change with or without notice. J. H.,I.uRy, H.H&.GiLDRSLEEVE, Agent, Bowmanville. Manager. Z7 L. & Àl ii ie to our House Furnishing Depart- ment this year. A Fine Big Range of Lace- Curtains, new designs and extra good value at per pair 25e, 50e, 75c, $1, and $1,25 Anextra good choie, of very fine double- threadIed Curtainis, in -splendid desig-ns,.at per pair $1,50, $,'2, $2,25, $2,50 and $3.00. ArtMuslin. A good choiee of Art Xuslins at popular p i ices1 le, 8. > 10e, 12, 15c. Blinds., Mir Blinds al have guaranteed springs attached, special prices 40e, 45c and 65e each, elirtain iPeoles. Wood Curtain Poles in four colors, complete with tr.mmings and Curtain tins, 30e each. earpsets and Matfings. We are showing some striking values in Hemp, Union, and Pure Wool-filled Carpets this season. A gooci assort- ment of llemp C arpets 1a. 15e a yard. A fuil. range of pat- terns in Union Carpets at these close pr ices, 25c, 35e, 40e, and -50c a yard. A choice of W ool-Fil1ed' Cýarpets,> good heavy quality, and splendi d patterns at 60e per yard. We experieneed a big -sale of Japanese Mattings last season and this spring we are. showing a mucli larger e.hoice of patterns and the best, values to be had. Ful 36 inehes wide at 20e, 25e, 30c, 35e, and -40c per yard. eilcloths and Linoleums. If you want apiece of Oileloth or Linoleum it will pay you to have a look at our stock. NOwLtFORIGPJ4 ULRICH'S Improved Le*a'ming c Sel. Yel. Horsetooth Q RedCob R White Cap N 'Ail strictly First- N Class Seed CorL~ vetry Eaiily, Seed Potatoes. The following varieties: Rose of the North, Burpee's Extra Early, Crown Jewell,, Ea rly Thorobred, Early Market. Mammoth Saàw Log Mangel. Yellow Leviathan Mangel.' Royal Giant Sugar Beet., Danish- Improved Sugar --Beet, NwMaple Sugar VyIIII New Maple 'Syrups - r ie WOOL.--We are open tobuy any- quantity of Wool at th&~ highest market price CASH. j ohn McMurtrv, BowmANviLLE. 1