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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1900, p. 7

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ESCAPED FIIOM JAIL. THEi CLEVER SCHEME THAT WAS WORKED BV ONE CROOK. ne Wanted a Certans Book, anid He Got It, "haankai te a flensevolent La- dIy, and Its Titie f'roveg te Be F. euiwyAppropriate. "Tise recent, escape frein tise parish Prison,." raid a secondliaud bookseller on thée fid side 'wio bas almoat as »iany raminiscences as ha bas vol- uimes, "raminds me of a very curlous ease 0if juil delivary iu wiib I was Ili - ".,-sory bafore tise fact. 1 was jae<ý-a'rrested for If,' but don't oi-' ject to telling yutise Story. "O0nej day in tise summer of 1895 a 0, 1e looking, weL,.l dressed man stroiied lito tisa sbo--p and said, le wunted to C et sometilg tisat would' lnterest bis ild moter, wisom ha depcribed as vary rlîglous and fond of antique books. "W'e picked] ouit a dozen or so togets-1 er, Fox's 'Book of M1artyrs,' 'Pilgrlmt's ~rog-es,' Mthe's ermons of -Occa- stiî.i' laeaey's 'Daniel tise Propiset' and amnong otisers a qualut, massively bouüd volume called 'Tise Friand lu Âlcltlou.' Tisey were ail luterestlng oid copiles, but my cailer told me ise wouid 115e to sulimit tisei to bismotis- *i'<baf6î' cIoSig tise purcliasa aud of- tered te leange a $50 bill as Sacurity. - Tsa t - was agreuble te mer, and lie tarried ravav tise lotNxt 4,ay b- re- tumrued and brouglit bacS tsrea or fu or the booka, axnMongtien'seran In Aletion', wbici 12e reakdlau'gi- lugi>' had gianu is motiver tise blues. 'lli othEse ise pidfor, andS4 1 have nev.: etseat- agaîn froiq tisat day te PAmî week affer bIls vîsît, isow- O ver, a tin, primi precise, aiderly lady, atypical spinster fro ,m isead f0 toe, urne lu one aftarnoon and began look- Ig ovar tie sisalves. Presantiy she rau acrosaý tise sarne oid 'Friand In Af- ffictIon' tiat baid fared se badiy lu tise etiser trad1e, anti, mucis to my gratiii- catlin, aie pnrcisased it on tise spot 4t iyas exactly tise tbing, ase said, te give consolation te -an unfertunate par- son of ber acquaintance wiso was tisen, lu greivt troubla. 1 was giad te get rid et tisa book and lot ber bave It for a bottom lining lost; flua will tisen ia1ý over on tise aide enugbis to soid it ~ from sippinýg up wile packing. Où te Fam Tise cover, shouid not lie ncglected _____________azy moret than tise tubs but sliou-Id * ~I ~ ~8 Il ~be wasised wali on bothsaides. THOIOUGNESSIN PRAYNG. Tubs are now ready for packig, TIIROUHNES I SPAYIG. wbf ch fano tes impçortant. Iu tis I do notf believe tisat sprayiug alolie lies, to 'Some extent, thoe seoret of ai- will mike ns successf ai fruit grow- ways liaving tisa btter score perfecti erwrîtes Mr. Van Alatyne. Spray- ou body. lb fas true tisat butter whicli ara, before packing lias a poort body canuoti ing wou't fertilize or oultivate tise be perfect by tiseinoat- caratfu pack- sili or pruine tise trees Tise- first iug, but it is just as sure tiat butter year's spraytnge ta often disappoiut- witlt a good grain before packing will, fng. Thse chances are tise man did not iloarelessly ficked. score off on body haif do'tise job. We oaunot expeot ta Place tuba near tise worker wisere get tise hast results tise firat ycar, for xnost convenieut, tase tise butter witis we baveasuci a board cûf insects and ladies, not over tan paunda for eacli dlseseaairady stauxsied.Fortwopackinýg,,and- place it in center of tub, d "ssesalradyýestblihed.ForLwobeing careful tisat it doeas not corne in years back we bave isad a greai- pest contact witli aide lining wiue putting of, -tise teut caterpillar, and umany it lu; now,, witis tise packer, firmiy orcliards in aur neigliisorisood -have packi i down and lie sure tiat nueiolas bee copleely defliaed.In uyare lef t, any place. Tise fnisirg of beencomietey dfolsted lu tise package müst lia neatly donc, so as Largeorchards 1 bav e not been oblig- W givý if an attractive, appea'rance. ed te take out a aingie nest in fîve Break tise lining tisat projectsout of years, Tise tant. caterpillars are on theS tuitiZsevaral ýpace4s and tam Lit tis paceonwIl cerr tees bt tsedown over edge of tub, tisen withi-a theplae o wîd cerr tresbutthestick about two feet long cut off tise orcubard liasbeen. tlorougisly sprayed top. Tisera siouid nol lie more than annuaiiy and tisera, are no egg clustera two ortisree pounds to -out. Cut it tisera. Don't spray nînleas you are aven Witb, edga of tu!b and do not fýulycovicedthtyor ree nedit make too many strokes, Now, turn fuiy onvncd tsa yor rac ned tbacis tise, ining and fold it nicely aud 'tisen bave some definite objeot in ovar on' top of butter, place' ou a vlew -iu sprayiag. lfeI1isad to cisoose clotis cirole, and sprinkla ovar tisis a betweeu peoson and fungicide, 1 would littie water, then sift a fine eoa.t of sait tais tb> brdeux txtre.ît iîîahl over, tiis aend put outise cover; tlebodeýx ýtue.I wl fasten tisis wvitis foy.ur tins piaced tise prtvectishe trea and keep it lieaitisy Same distance apart and you<r tub la aud Je- scaronger ter it ise ut- ready for slteî taiaof inseets. A greaU deýal of thie vealue- of bordeauýmx mtxtare depouda ouiti tis wa i whcdaitta ada Tse woNARROW STREETS. stolimixurs hould lbe weli dilutad feerpieaettsaced ttty et fise Sprriîng s a aatyjob), ine fact ie Inau, Wors jo i~e tie Iam. spry wale Julian Ralph eays tisat Benares, tis boürdeia ux mix&ture and paris greani sacred city of tise Hindus, ils like a comlbiued, just as tise flage ta comaillgiliplendid mask over a illebaar face. If out, wlhenuIenu geL at both trunk andi isblidaln iao aae n leaves et1 tise samne time. - Are noti le eln .ln ieo aae n trounied with thse bud motis and otisar temples; thasa, foliowing tise Ganges, isects tisgt, naad au earliar applica- are wonderfui sud glorious, but they- Lion. Tis firat application Sis 96' pet' cannot compeusate for tiese qualor cent of tise inseot aud fungoas trou- tiseyaem nto ocl.Oef- bles. Atter t1ie biosactynshave fallil y-x eu o oca.Oafa spray, for tise codilu moth, .wliîcli t tre alone would maka tise uity un- tise. worst lusect we loave. Then mato bearabie f0 auy straugar tased to air a tiîrd api'tcatiosn abolît twu weeks, spacesanad liglit; tise streeta are liSe latr. isu wtl gve e aout9 . er oracksa between two rowa of bouses. cent of fruit f ree fromu diseaise aend lu-i jury. We ge-ai tlle hst reauits from Says the traveiier: ASK YOUR GROGER FOR CEYLON GIREEN TEA lit la of tke saine flavor sedapan onIV more dglloloul RECOMPENSE. What le the price of snanhooi!? Wbat saier does bonor big Voes pure, untarnished charecýter Count naught ln lifetimne'h rng? Do baubie scions rule uLs Does rlot, ruin reign, The pureet soul tu trampie dovvn, To crush, destroy, rend twaln? la there n truth or bonor To cause manklod to stay 'I'e ail consuining thirst for lusé Thar lures them far awayi' hioes honest labor cheapen The moid whereln wre're cast? la liack, corrqt imparlty The flag flung froîvii, s' a u? Forget not ()ne la wtchbing Our actions day hy (day, And riches galned at auch a cosi H1e eurely iii repay; For thougli mankind la judgiîng Appearances, ponr art, The God, the just, the riglitcoi-ý judge, Inspecte our inmost heart. Oondemn not, then, 1 prayte, For tou, thyseli, soeme day May seek for mercy from thy Judge, Whose Verdict nons cen away, And temper ail thy judgmnetg With love sud coinion aie Thae nd ceimerita ai!'twihrng Il serves full r coi 'l]ena. LEd In . Abbottlu pittahurg ipatch. WILES 0F THE FOX. Som*e Cle-er lTrtekm, by Wbth eb nar'd BaleNHS 11 uaes A foilaent tetoalil tiat lasalî,ýd for its wisdomj and sagaclity. Notjloig ago the Washington bunt of VaIley Forge started a Young fox In thse Norths valley bis, and thse ioundà were run- ning it across thse open field when tise bunters were surprised to se a muei larger fox corne frorntise Woods and run diagonally across the track of thse Young fox ahead of thse hounds, and when tiscy struck tlîe stronger traec ,of the bigger fox tisey took itL up, Young Reynard tisereby belng savedý froim be- ikg run dlown and killed'by thse iounds.1 HOW TO CATCH A COLD. The Varions Ways In a ihteIt XMrY De Âeconayhished. Tise various ways lu wisicis a cold may be brouglit on are tisus descrlb- ed by Dr. J. H. Kellogg: "A lîttie knlf e blade of air blowing lu tlirougli a crack iu a wiudow upoliBorne part of thse body will chlii!tisat part, and thse blood vessels 0f tisat region will be- corne contracted, affecting somewhere' in tise interior of tise body an area, lu reflex relation witl tis portion of tise, surface of thse body. "For instanc.e, tise blood vessels of tise skia of tise top of tise shouiders'and tise cst are associated witb the blood vessais of thse lunge, sotisat wisatevar isappeus to tise blood vessels of tise -skin of tise sisoulders and chest llap- pans also to tise biood vessels of tise lungs. If there ls a contraction of thse blood vessais of tise back of tise neck, tisere will be a contraction of tise blood vessels of tise nose and throat, and If there is a contraction of the blood ves- sels of thse top of thse sisoulders and tise shoulder blades tisere will also lie a contraction of the biood vessels of tise lungs. Wheil tise Influence of tise cold - is continued, tiss contraction la, followed by congestion. - 1 "Wisen one putssbi isands f nto cold water for a few mi nutas, tiscy are first pale and then red. This le reaction. Tise longer tise application and tise more intense tise degrea of coid tise greater will lie tise contraction and tise coneston.oeIf tebac k of tise neck la exzposed for a long tîme to tise lnAu- encqe of cold one IN likely tc, ba-ve i& cnld lu tise nose nd tbroaýt. if tise asoulder la4es and thbe topsrift . *SI10ulders ýarq xpsroeXPle ý 1-lý iof take cold lin tbe 1iugs and iffer fVow. cog~i~of the hîngs, U Ifte old le long eontinued, It may cause not only a cogsInhut an Inflammation of tise nosa or tise lungs.1, *"So If tise bottoans of tise feet becorne wet or ciillad a weakness of tise blad- [der may result If tisere bas ever been a trouble tisere or a weakness of tise stomacis If tisera bas been a catarris of tisat organ."-Good Healtis. Curioins Facta About Goal. Australlan soft or bîturninous coal produces twice as mucis gas as Euro- A DELICIOUS CUP OF TE A- LUDELLA C EYL N. Pt Upfromnotling but the rnQst tous obtainable, Yonem.'thelikî n d 80 There's a tefined AITU O F elegance aboitt our paints, asso- ma~ciated with gentie uplifting sr REFINMENT@roundings and quiet good taste. RE~ Ram say's Pal nts, are ready for use and just about a grade higher than the, best. TÂMONREL ON T-ILBJWCHýAtlantle O ,New J~ î 4mdAi bty&eaw eih &A lqflei

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