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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1900, p. 8

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M? ed1icine in pili forni is convenieut and 'pleasant to take.tt KIDNEY PILLS, tt Dr. Kinig's Kidn ey Pis are reeommended by the med- t jeal profession as bein g the best for kidney and hladder Dis-t? eases, Lumbago. iRheuffiatism, &c. -Dr. King's Pis e leanso e the kidnieys, and thus allow them to purify the blood. instil- ling new life and vigor into the entire system. Frice 35e. l Free sample on application. Dr. King's Blood and Nerve Pis. The Great Blood Builder and Nerve Ifonie.A good Sspringmnedicine. 25e. T ' GmLittle Liver Pis. Th enLiver Pull for ileadache, Biliousness, Indigest- BOWMANVILLE, MAY 2, 1900e AUCTION SALE. THCRSDAY, MAY 3-Mrs. T, W. David, lot 7 con. , Cartwright, will seli al of ber valuable farm steck, impie- ments, etc. Sale at i p m. See bis at pest offices. L. A. W. TOLE, auc- tioneer. OJIONO. MNrs John Cuttie is 111. Mr.s. Thos. Viekeris is impreving in health. Mrs. A. A. Gamsby visited the city recent iv- Mr. Wes, Tlheritea was ln Buffalo last week. Miss Lizzie Watson, Teronto, was borne recently. Miss Mary Litti e is recovering after a severe ilînosî. Mrs. J.G.Hen ,ry ilavisiiang at -Mr HP. Gould's, Torento. Thousands lof People Complain of Persistalit Baokaohe in the Spring IVothsi Someti mes it's a paid,. Often extendod to the shimldersaccrpaid by-head- ache and constipation. Somotiines it's just a dulli ache or weffl; feeling; you caa't sit easy, canuot reat, Backaite time callingý, for support. These are sorne of nature's kidaey danger ign -als that the track of health is net clear. These syrnptoms are the forerunne(rs of serions Kidney trouble. qnd yen need the "G'reatKidaev Mcd- icine'," Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablet,-,berause it deals directlv witb and rornoîes the cause, faulty. kidaoy action, and its resuitLs., Ba wma nville evidence la the kind yon can believe because se c-asy te prove, and among the many who spoak of Dr. Pitcbier's Bachache KHîny Tahiets EN FIELD. Anyone who desîres a good chance to purchase farmn stock, limplements, etc , shouid attend the large sale of Mrs. T. W. David, lot 7 con. 3, Cartwright, on Thursday May 3. A goed opportunity for bargains as she la giving ui) farm- ing and eyerytbing must ho sold. Vîsitors: Mr, D. Dyer, Ilort Perry, at Mr. J. D)yersl MNrs. Wm Jardine and farnil-y, Toronto, at Mr. J. Orriston's; Mrs Smnith, Michigan, at Mr. W. Tor- diff's; Mr. C. Niebels, Courtice; Miss Lilly Reynolds at Toronto; Miss Mary *Barker at Prospect .Mr. G Gibson. Oshawa, is engaged with Mr. T. Hll.. . . Mr. C. Thompsen bas genie on a three monrhs' visit te England ... . Our band is praetising regularly and is ready for engagements.... .Quarterly meeting for Enniski)len Circuit wilI be held bore next Sunday .... Mrs. G. Ormiston wbo has had a disabled hand l3,irnpreVing. A Kingstonian's flistresa. But it was Short Lived WLen he Began So'uth American Ksdney Cure Treatment. "I arn tee disbeartned to try another remedy" was the almost ferlera. reirnairký of a well knewn Kingston citizen wlben T-lHE MASON Co. BOWMANVI LLE. Moîâere Nxew elothing We have reeeived some. of the most stylish new Worsted Suits tha we have ever placed into stock including Frs-nch faney WorstýüjISuits English faney Worsted Suits, English Black Venetian and Cla TwL Suits. These in addition to what we had previonsly reeeived makecou stock of fine Worsted Suits more than twice that of any former season in fact.our stock of Clothing is 110W larger 'than ever before, and' wv consider fully as good value on average 'as former seasons. New Carpets, Cllrtaîns anld Table Couers.~ We have other liues'of Carniages besides Furniture *. Our store is fulil of ail the newest goods, together with tihe regular Ues froin the cheaper to the better goods. UNDERTAKING coruplete aud every attention given.. Nighit bell on ide of door answeredi any hour of the uight. L. Iï YOU Will aceompliali this end by purchasing a Scwing Machine fromRIOCAID, Bowmanville. Yoit will1 "save" mouey, tinie, streugtli and your temper, You wvil1 " gain" money by savirig al four aud that is what you labor for. Ee has five different makes. Hie is a 'Imechanlie" aud eau and will explaia to you the wearilig qualities of each oee SConsult your own interests eall and investigate for yourself. SNo old style or repossessed machines to pan, off on yeu, but new, modemn, durable and almost noiseIess maichiines for sale, and so simple a. ehild eau operate, thern and for h11aîf the price _ usually sold at. The important part to bear iu mind is this, the manufacturer's price is goiug Up and if you wish to secure one at the present prices, you must not delay. T~NRMonR* Dave Henrv~, lNillbrook, and' Miss, Gladys Smith, Toronto, recentlyvste at Mr. J. L. Rowe's. yviie __Mrm. Wm. Armstrong, manager of tbe Newcastlo Hatchery, has takcn supplv of Salmoa Trout Fry te, Consecen, Prince Edward County, te deposit la the Bav. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gamsby and Mr. W. W.Trulwere'called last week te the ï>edside of thoir sister, Mrs. Steven- son, Oshawa, who was i ery iii but, is new improving. The officers of Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M.: W. M ,, Bre G. H. Linton; S. %V., Bre. R C. McCulieugb; J.W., Bro T. W. iJnderwood; -S. D., Bro. R Z. Hlall, atteaded District Lodge of Ia structien la Lind say. Orone Methodists were delighted with the sermrnas by Rev. J. WV. Rae, Toronto Janction, afthoiràiniversar',ý Sundar week. Good audiences at a Il services and aise at the lecture Monday ovening. Pruceeds $1 7. The new Epwrth-Laague efficers lire: President-M1iss M. Davy - ist Vice Pres. Miss M. M. Moment; 2nd Vice Pres.-)Mi0s A.Walsh 3rd Vice Pres - Miss M. E Themtor; 4th Vice Prpes~- Miss Tina Beers ; 5tlî Vice Pres.-Mýiýs Fan Honey ; Cor. Sec -Mr "Srnsn Roc -Sec.-Miss Ida Jaynes ; Treas, Mr. Ed. Souch. BETTEÉ WITHOUT ASTOllmAcII-Tbaln1 with coethat's net a cons"tthr" te it ospeciall 'y when 'yeui've etesorne of the best tlhings that Poidnebas1 provided te th ethealte"Dr. Von Stan's Pinieapple Talets stirnulate1 the digestiv e organs. Lot coe enjey the good thrngs ef life and leave ne bad effects-carry ,thern îitb yeu i ,yeur vest pocket.-G60 la a box, 35 cent, At the Easter vestry etigOf St. reporî shoed receipts of 822712, and a balance cf $26(3 S. The,.Recto)r appoint- ed Mr. T. Coatbam as Warden, and the Vestry electcd Mr. T. jMeCornb as people,,' 'AWarden. Messrs, G Jamnieszon, G. Hall, R. MlcGrath and W. Mortoni iwere appointed Sidesimen. Mr, E.Mr.i ENNISKILLEN. Visitera:- M-. A. Tamblyn, Miss N. Tamblyn, Orono,' guestsi. ofMr .J Worry...Anniversary services of Meth- odist Sunday Schoel will he held Sun- day May 20 an~d Tbursday May 24... W e wisb aOur voung townsrnan Mr. B. Stevens abun dlant success as store keep er and 1'ost Mýaster'.at Solina. àUISSEn iBULLETS TO 1WEET A WOBSE FPATE. Better ,Taike Life's Chances on a Battlefield Thaýn With a 'Diseased Reart-Dr. Agneiv's Co i for the Rert Gies Relief in, 30Min, Uti", A i:i in may pass tbrongh ail the dangers ef(Awar and corne tbrougli with- eut a sea,,r, only te ffind that disease bas laid boýid on hirn and ho bas an onerny more rtsthless tefilght. It was'tbis wayý with a uîell-lnown Arnerican officer in the rocent war. Heart disease devel- eped, aid lho says la writing; "My ail- ments-yexo palpitation, flatteiing and pain anbout the beart. I used two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the lleart. 1 feel like a noew man and wouldjiet fliricli at facing anether cam- paigo.: It's a wonderful heait specific," HAM1PTON. M'rs, . Creeper dees net irnpreve la bealth . . . Quarterl.v meeting Sunday morning and a baptismal service. Business meeting Monday evening at 7.30... .'Nest of. young birds partially feathereýId was foünd 'near the village April 23 .. . .Sore farmners bave alinest fluished seeding. NOT SKINNY FJROM CHO1ÇýE. But Shattercd Nerves and Pont' Digestion Pulled her Dýowcu South Ameican Nervine Cure, the uierves and iv iýes Perfect Diges- A lady dlownEast, ilai writing of South ý American jNervine aad what il did for ber says: "I arn naturally fleshr-, but la grippe upset car nerves and mfv di- gestion, and I lest 40 pounds la about that nany days. Friends said i was going i nte a decline, but I used_ two bottles--of South American Nervino and b.egan using Senti Arerican. Rheurna. tic Cure on the recommendation of a f riend who badl beeii cured hy it and I rereicte to stify tbat I get relief, almeat immediately, and that to-day m.) trouble la past anid free frorn the au fui sufer ing." Soid by Stott &Jury. NEWCASTLE, Visitors: Misses- Dingnuan and Miss Gertie Pearce, BowmaLnx uil, et Mr. W. H. Pearce's" Mfr. Seymnour Wvlsot, Torooto, wich relative" here; Mr' R' Strowger, travelier, for S. 13. hnuIeýrSon & Co., 'oronto, visired lus roncle,- Mc.Bü gos Douglas, Wednesday; Mr. J. Mason, Oroo, ues atMi'.W. Masoli'e; Mr. E. Rincis and Miss Mary Allun in Bowrnxnville; Mr. A. x. SkilI,Cobotnrg ....Mt. Arthsur Simmons INill nce cuipy Mr. W. Parneli's house; Mr. Richard Col- wil i s slowly recovering..*Epworth League snoiversary Sonday May Isli. ,Rey. n. n. Reiny. Canton, ivill prcaeh.Box'-,. J. A. Mc-je Ke,', Oronio, and Rev. G. B. MlcLeod exehang. ed pulpits Snnday. (Crowtded out last fveek.) Visiters: Miss Ethel Loclchart, St. Margacot's college, Toronto, ansd friend Miss Mabel Hay, et home; Miss Ida Eilbeck and Mr. Waliter Douglas. 'lo- m onte; Mrs. W. T. Jackson Lxnest of M rs GT. Mitchell, Newtonville. Miss L. Wai- ton, Dunarton. guest of her sister Mrs R. ColW'ill; Misses Annie Allia, Leia, Clarl;e. Winnie Barrett. Ernrna Bernîin, Maud Rickard, Leah Hlutchiason, Mca. (Dr.)McNa ughtc n and 5d1essrs.Treleven and Norman Allia recentlv visited To- rente; Mr. Bick'erton Edmisai. Toi-ente,' at home; Mr. Bredle.v, Newtonville, vis- ited his son bore; Miss Bea _Mclntosh, Toronto, at homeý ..Mr. Thomnas Qainlaa's son agod 7 died in St. Mich- ol's Hospital, Toronto, Seturday. In- terred at Port Ilope. Mr. Thos. Mar- tin's son iras kicked lanfthe head hy a colt on Sunday. . . Miss Minie Bashier- ville as zone te Toronto te aeside.... Messsa.-IR. Allen an E. H. icLean at- tonded the Bachelors',bail at Oshawra.. - .ev. T. J. Edmison- preached at Clàrke-cburch Sunda.v afterrîoon. SHAMDriAFACE? Aud \vhy? - Bilecause niona Iîpuriltles Rave -Made it "Piniply"-Dr. Anew's Olntment la a Sure Cure. How- distressinglv -commen -is __the 4(irr v f.,ae nd nat....1..i 1llaving bougltitnl such large, quantities- in -the ant icipation o f the adivance luines, which has raken place, we are stili selling most of our Cotton Staples at the oid price. Ilowever it will oniy be a short time before we will have to fail into line with other stores who have already put on the new prices. In the meantime it will pay you to buy ail you will need for sonie time. MTH - -ýf Ail the leading and correct styles in Atsi SMillinery rnay be had at Mus.,Dingman's MiJlin- Sery PRtrlors. come n l andi examine the latest.styles and newest novelties for' this season's',wear. Plae Syour order early. Mrse Dingmnan^ BOWMAN VILLE. A . Larieson, -sawa; l. li Adaca, Toronto, ai-d Mr. MervinI ý1 erth, Boirmanville, , et -'%I. Lo-is 0 amsby' ;Mi-s. L. B. Daxiso, Noi-% YABDSYELOWevtcrnl ue 1AG:castie, Mliss lohTosotgosac 'b iC.sntxsesicil hllca Miss F. M Cha-; s,4tu at'lt ~se D. .O'SWOLUEe-X a li eexigadsoothlng Linton cf the Central Busiats Colege,' VYRUP lig'lsed. 25C. Ail dcu1irs, remoedy' 'for aCIl Pmî Toronto, at Home. pam nsm painfulLmUger cctels one niglt ir'efrt lawoaidcrtu. Sîlithe, ghuste wL , 'oTaaa D. ANDC. Oz-.., auu AUi ic ta ptetispece My 'Ason01 was aise a xvictilm cf thiq n a'adv for tbroo i ocra and suffered a great deccl. DoCtir, C.oll cotcru Iiili'ï, bcutise applicatof Dr, Agnew's Catcrrhal J orer gave bics greet relief, and it cu.red hi-inol an încredihly short tirnm Sold by Stoît & J-ury. orde. Scoa-hcd rgs taken ad tirne te suit custerner. 1 aise handie the fernous Frost Fonce, Sprîghfr Wagon, D-eeminL Machinesi-3-, ansd crcs f ingsoa re for eut door use. TX. ri IlleN J- t, 1' f 1, I ~,. i J 'I

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