j h e DlgSore :BOWVEJ M ANNUÂL MEETING N~otice is hereby givel WB AlîH SELkhi4G . of West Durham that tl vention of the WestI Association will be heo 11,0 Ü,"a v 0u e rHall iBowmanville o 1l4th day of June, 190C AT 10 CEN'TS PER POUND.* sharp. The business t You ask, "ITs ît pure?"' T answer, 'I am tryin will be the election of o to build Upa drag business in owuianville. CouldI afford to e ral arrangementfo m rislead the publie as to the quality or purity of the drugs I Promptness iu attend *soul? Prom a 10e. Baking Powder point of view, this is an ex- desired as the meeting' Spensive ad, but I arn willing to stake my prospeet of obtaining at the conclusion of the1 2 share of your eustom on the worth of this Baking Powder.* to by Tho Hlonorable n m 'tMinister cf Agriculture bk Mr. Franicis F. F, 2 or atof Post Office. Bowmanville. TYRONI Mlillinery! 1.ll inery! MIlinery! ti CJLLI n Ilspeet & qUur uun $1D111111Silinier stocks DanyLeghorn Hats in ail the*i 1ading ' styles and shades for Ladies, Misscýs and * Children. Styles and Prices to Suit Ail. Miss'fledland. BoWMAN VILLE. 41M 'CI -01 4e. l. z '611; -_ I 4k UNE 6p 1900. LIBERALS. GJu>çn 14. a to the Liberal s th Annual Con- Durham Liberal Id in the Town on Thurs day the ), at 1.30, P. M. .0 be transacted ifficers and gen- or organizatiufl. dance is specially will be addressed business referred eSidney Fisher, . at Ottawa, and rot "M .. foir M. A J AMES, Secretary. ZE. Cf.,. D,..! inoiiss u. i. ry Âiî±nome1irom nu- leville .... Miss M. Berta Brout bas been visiting lu Toronto. ... Mrs. J. Sanders is in Bowmanville -uest cf Mrs. J. Brock . . .. Rev. H.. W. Foley, B.A., and Mr. W C. Frank, w iii address the League here Thursday eveniug On the Forward Movemeut. Ail are inivited.. R 1ev. J. H. l3arnett wili preach in Troue uext Sabbath morning aud cvoning .... Our annual Uuionî Picnic 18 ta)keJIý cf for the Civic Holiday as usul une22nd.... Mrs. A.L.Woodley gaveelber hack a severe w rench by tak- in a misstep. Thougli suffring, in tense pain, she is a littie ,botter .... Mr Chas , 'anders lef t Bowmauville for Xinnipeg-, Fridav moruing. We must coinmeîid tli noble spirit of self sac-rifice w ich l.aracterized b-is recen t sad homle COMiDg. When the wire reached hlm ho Lad already writteu ou two subjects of his flnai examinations at Wesley Coleg-e,Wionipeg. Preparation work sor this had been acciplishied between the hours dev(ted te the arducus task cf book keeping. We earnestly hope to congratulate Charles next y-ear ou attainin g his degree which be se well deserves-... Our town ahly sustained its loyal re putation ou the rep-rted surrendedof Pretoria,... "The man with the Hoe" was ahly dealt with at League Iriday evening, hut who shall dare te attack "T'he women with the hoce? Net one !..Our pastors are httending couference. . .. Mr.J.H.Hodg- senuls greatlyîimproving bis up town residence.. .. Mr. Albert MeLaughlin, sou cf Mr. Win. McLaughlin, Clear Grit Hlli, bas secured a position lu a hank in Oshawa, where ho attended High School. Gond boy, Bert. Score another for the boys of Tyrone .. . . ev; R. N. Adams gave us a very flue sermon Sahhath eveniing. At earl 'y dawu on Tuesday May 22, George Brock Sanders. sou of Mr. John Sanders, miller, passed peaceful- ly away at the age cf19 years aud il moutbs. Until some twoyears ago deccased bade fair te attaîn a strong-, vigoreous, manhood: But.the dreaded white plague of Ontario heg-au at that time te work its ravages in bis svstemn and glowly but surely succeeded in ac- coninlishing its work. iNaturallv higlit and Uirmut ~vlotim eDI Nrvous Prostration -Was Restored toa ealth and Streng-ui b>, Dr. Chase& Norve Food. Mns. D. W. Cronsbesrry, 168 Richmondi atreet west, - Toronto,, Ont., states- IlMIy daughter, ,vho , ews ln a white goods nanuffactory, got completely run dewun by the steady confinement and close aLttenition required at her wor- Uer neri es were sa exbausted, and she wa.s se weak and debilitated, that see ad te give up worlc entirely, and was almyost a victim of nervous prostration. IlHe(aring cf Dr. Chase's Nerxre Food, rhe began te use it, and was beuefitted fromn tha very first. It proved an ex- cellent remedy ln restoring ber te health and streitth. .After having used four boxes she is no'ýe at worlc again, healthy and happy, and attri- butes her recovery te the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food." As a blood builder and nerve restora- systemnileaîitY anld vigoiious. 50C a box -ut ail denIerýjs, olr ldmanson, Bata & Co. Toronto. Mr. Thos Creepsr, P. M., Tyrone, was tbrown from bis carniage when coming te ;own Monday moruing with his daughter and ýtbadIv hurt. His face is miuch hruised and both wrists are injured1. Miss Creepen escap ed harm. The herse stamhled. A C ARD131 We, theum)dersigned, do henehy agnee o refund the menev on a twen'y five cent hotle cf Dr. Wills' Enmrlish Pis, if after Usfing three-fourths of contents cf bottle, by do net relieve constipa- tion andhcdahe We aise guarantee,, four bottleswIll permauently cure the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne, pay wheu Wills' Pis are Usedl. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmauville J. IJliginibothain &,Son, chemist, Bow- mantille. 2-4 W. C. Tole, Dnug-gist, Bowmanville. F,rni ontreaL. Freni Quebee. Corinthian(newý) j une 9. 9 a. nm. 6 p. ni. Parimian ...... ....16,9Ca. ni. CP.i Tunisian (ne-,0w'). 30, 4 a. ni. 2 p. ni. Ntimidian ...July 7, 9 a. mi. 6p. ni. Corinthian (new)i 14, 4 a. ini. 2P. ni. Parisian........21,' 9.nm. 6 p. m Tunisian (new) Aug. 4, 9 a. ni. 6 p. ni. Numidian ..........1 15 a. nm. Sdp M. Corinitiian (nec') 18,9 a.ni. 6 p.nm. parîsian.......... 255a ni. 3 p. ni. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabin, -.7250 and upwards. Return $100 and upwards. Second Cabin$5,9.0 and ,40. Liverpool otr London. Steerage $2350. Allan-StateL' ne, New' York te Gasgow. Laurentiani :, ne9 5a. ni. 1 For tickets an1d every iufornultion ap. ply te & AWONDERFULPEITON some, nourishing, hiighly re 'ommendi'a by- le3ading phyvsicians. Rokco is equal to 4<ic, coffee, but Only cosfs ene fourth the price and is used at vour meals ln- s;tesvd of peisoneus teas and coffee. Rokco is sold ln 10c. packages, 15c., or 2 Ibs. for 25c. For sale in Bowmauville by the following grocers, Young & Co., Cawker & Tait, Heal & Co , Mason & Co., John MeMurtry, J. B. Martyn and A, L. Nicholis, Ask for it. 6 lyr SEEDS Murdoch has a f ull assortment of Field and Garden Seeds. Garden Seeds lu bulk-all fresh Field Seeds of ail kinds Stili head.quarters for the GEM FENCE- the cheapest Farm fence known. Varietv Hall, SPRINU RAS COIffE The Sun shines and so does our Palmerston Buggies; they are just, wb.at vou want-new in design and beautiful in finish. Also Agent for Red Bird Bicycles-up to date in every particular ; you are saviug money wheu vou buy a Brantford; and Cossitt Mowers, Ilakes, Corn -Planter and other implernents. Cali and inspect before you buy. Jno. S.Rîundle's flarness and Implement Emporiumn. BOWMANVILLE. Niow is the time for Mfy stock will bo fouud very complete and prices right. Beautiful patterns from 5cents. Wîtdlou Shades West End House BOWMANVILLE. The Busy EVERYTHING NIEWU. Here's a store bigger --- and big- ger by far --- than any other. It keeps -most- everything, that 'Men- and Women want for themselves or their ehlldren. It is enterprisir,.tl and pushing, and there's a reason- why people do- more trading here