le Ago ny 'â1th paile in the Back-SIeep lmposaible-MedIolnsetfno Avai Un- tiil He got Br. Chase's Kidney-Llver Pille. Mr. Patrick J. MeLaughlan, Beau- harnois, Que., state:-" 1 was troubled wlth Iidney Disease and Dyspepria for A HOIJSTIWMIFE'S POIEM, 'For the love of meroy sake 1 Sally Anbas burnt the cake; Folks are coini' from the town, And the hotise is upside down. Ail the supper will be lte- 'Tis tao bad to make,'em wat-' But what can a >oman do r y r thèse of the physical world, and you have the advantagei of being able to separate yourself entirely in the child's mmnd from the punishment. It le no longer mother whô punishes, but it le that the laws of the heaveniy Father have been broken. Mother can show the child every sympathy, can sorrow with it in its ,uffering, but she wjll not let it off, for she knows in the long run that in teaching it euffering alwaye follows wrongdoing ebe je best arming the 111E WOMAN AND VIE SPIINX 'Tl mystery of womanhood i., Ml of dm:p unanswerablée eniginas. Why should wosnen, be cmeùdto siffer sinxpl' because they are wvOmCn? W11y is it that the source cf rtheir kighest j Ys Îs at the same ',ne he cause of kir greaet rtcenes The very attrib- utes whickh make it oeIble for womien 10 l'oe happy wivec Notes and Comments. In the Speech made by Lord Salis- bftiry at a meeting of the City, of Lon- don Conservative Aaeocia [ion we have an authoritatjve annourncement of the treatment that may be >expýeoted by the Transvaa 1 and the Orange Free State. The woro<s of the Prime Min- jeter, however, shcgýuld bh examined caref>iily, for much stress býas been laid upon the declaration that "flot