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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1900, p. 2

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0F USE CUTCUA SOAP TO? ~ ~ ~ ~ O pOdfil ieim o h T H~~îE oa !ntii, eriftnnganwitnigyorh or o Wses fr a fbeeýrat 11.e1,aknesiesfo tnsn s~nt2,eautiept e Irpo , i orni, O pu ses o be tllet, bath, and nursery, It ib isclonalChemisa. POTzi Cen!', Babe "Ail Dunlop Tires ini igno" Yo Ur guaranty of good- ness in a Dunlop tire is the guarantee from the makers. "The Dunlop detachable tire is guaranteed against ail defeets of workmanship, materials or design, for one yearfrom date ofpurchase. " No other tire is guaran- teed thus. Dunlop tires on ail good wheels without extra charge. "Thse only tools.» Tise Duniap Tire C,, LIated, STroato. 1 9 31ontaea1 Wl nîipe. St John. Curbs, and Ail Forme of Lameness YleId to Worke thousatndi of cr,, annuaiiy. Tudersea ib tise ýistbrrosan hgrsenen ,-svry"eree. i'e., $T; .1. ai i sa UimlentiL'or fannfly use iti asn eeuai. West Lome, entarlm, can., Deo. 14,18985. t t. a. . KENDALL Ce. Osai- Sirso A Tsar go 1 hati a valuable hei-se wlstoh altisough hca applîea harpbllster. hi@tînatiemsatt anti veRUaiethe horse bs-ans sOlameMnegt 1 oti wsai te a selgistor an toi him aout e case. Sle gare nu ae oOf your books audi I aindiet.i t caefulty nl a.. &na resnlved ta do the utuin luInforeor of sybeast, went ta the uearest tiirstore andgot&abttîsof yo U-prtei Cure antiappliedif st-ictiy aqceýding to directions. aDe- foi-e thse fret hotus was ieeti1t naticed an impros-enent, anti wothe is sesanti botte was about hait used. my heorse vas tmeesssp oysuvoîta iwttîu o rt M a le lo n bisa. Ater c lMg teunt i gave tho orses ondtara and1 90taIlssiiitwor 1wit h w is iotg insee 11& hade e saurs.1t ten tartetd towos- isCorsaes au atiho ntiSesatisaction ho nover boe iany ore lanoanesi tersagthe is umnor. t can eOnen tsaal'sSpa ln re net MIlyas a excellent, butaia srs rosnel, te any one tisaiitma conceru. Tonrstruly, sAMJ Tt1TTEti Asic yeur druggtst for Kendati'. ipavln (lare ao 6A Tromie ona tise iorme," tise book fres, or adtiree DR .J. KENDALL COMPANY, EMOSIBRG FALLS, VT. snJames cary, IOURESIUm&faville H4ast- FSCR FULAI l~yiitIeboy, two t: f FOREIGNES'1LASISTAND Terrible Scenes Being J3nacted in the Pekin Capital. A despatell f rom Leonclon,, sanys:- & runners who had been -sent out Six 17ober't Iart's runner, 1w<hio was were killed by the Chinese. This mes- interv~emwed by the correspondent of aenger succeeded ia getting, threugh the Express at Shanghiai, says the by smearing hie face and clothes with foreligeers wvere making a last stand bleod and joinhng in ithe entories in Plie buildings and encfoêsures o0f again.st the " devila." thie Britisha Legatton. They ha le passed the remains of fereigners niany dead and wounded. AMIong of Admirai Seymour's force who had theqn was soute women and chludren. been kilied bstween Lang-Fang and Ail wne short 'of food, eveo! of te ho-P. Their bodies had been cut te txlelimonest flecessaries' pieces and their heads wore carried at The emuen were starving, as they the encis of bambees. gave5 apart of their smailiaiiowance A large army of Mantchu Chinese to the Cbjîdren. The l'ereigners -were Imperia] troops, with seventy gens, is holding out under a terrific fre Up- reported te be advwancing in the 'iaald by the, huuriy expoctatien ef rec direction of Tien.-Tsin. te.They kneav they w culd flot 1e Reliance is piaced la Shanghai oa abandoned, and that the armias of meost cf the statements made 13v the Lheir Governments were advancing. massenger, as hie is kncxvn to be faith- Sometimes they tbcoght they couid fuI te the foreigners. hear artillery in action beyond a The Consularl body at Shanghiai is of wali- TheY were unaçole 10 retitrn the opinion that the food and ammu- the f ire of the Ohînese except at mlie.- nitien et the besieged Legation ferces mants when an w *ssault seemed ion- at Pekin have become- exhausted, minent. Tlien the machine guns and they must be dead or imprisened, and regpaÉîng rifles tore the sterming that it would 1e futile te make a de 1s- Parties to.pieces. The messenger ex-- perate effort for their relief with an Pressed thle belle! that it would lia inadequate force. It is regarded at, impossible for the foreigners te re- Shanghiai as appalling that nothing sisti mccl longar, as the Chînese were la being doue for the relief o! the bce- praparîng to batter duwn the' walls sieged foraîgners, and that they of thie court-yard and their aimti- sliould be abandoned te a horrible tion was running i0w. fate. The inability of 1,600 men- Orders were given hy Prince Tuan, itheaetetmte ftenme the measengersanys, that since soute1 landed -te advanc, l explained by Lad beeni kilied, not onae ther !oein the statenaent thatthe Chinese, army er shouid lie ieft alive. The C is between Tien-Taie and Pekin lias been soldiera were exherted te sacrifice liheavily reinforced, that it lias abund- theirlive withuv i ant artillery and aunrerous cavalry, theï lies i ih esîlimtation, ifhy segiving it large advantages over the deing they could heip exterminate the alies, Rteocnnirîng parties mun a Wang-Kuei-Te-e." Extreme precau- g'-eat hazard of being surrounded, tiens had been taken 'te prevent the captnred, and probably executed by torture. A long delay seemas certain foreig'sers frout communicating xith btr an effective advance and lie anyone oroltade the oity, and a number made. ALLI dDFICES FF ATED Retreat FProm Tien=Tsin to Taku Has Now Been Cut Off. A des5patch freut Berlin, sayý.:-The Dautscle Tage Zitung prints a Chef ce despatuli that snys Ibat the Chinase trooM, se-izad on Monday niglit the, Pei-Ho liridge,- secùring the lina cof re- treat cf lie international leeops te cverwhlislm!ng numaber o! Chînese, w-ho' aire Itryi)ng to cul the communications o! 'the international forces, whose plositiOn ta very dangerýous. The aI- lied troops, nunmliemnLng 12,COL> men,* haeve aùceeded 'witli dffftcuCty itepro- T.?airu af tl;r5Iepeated fiaree elltacirs, in 1vaiting by streteglîc mensur es an which lhe Chinese loat hundreds. Tiey lassanît by lie Cbînese, aihose artif- e ext drova o!ff the,Russians frem Ibeir lery gretlIy out-num2lires tle Enro- station cutaide Tien-Tain aftar e twe pean gens.' days' dasperate resistance and en-. DEAD THICK ABOUT THE GUNS. circled tle Cobossion, whicl their A daspatcb frout London Says ;-Ac- Iartillary la -new dominating. oerding te reports frout Shanghiai, tha The Chinesa Minlter la stili hera., Ohinese army on a marci aonthward Ha tld a reporter cf tia Asocialed 'froin Faim lias reacied Lofa. This is r ess tint ha did not know çresumaly Gen. Niahi-Si-Chanýg's wýhee lie Empreas, lie Emparer, and force an route -te allacir Tien-Tain. Tsung-Li-Yiaman. are. He. Ibinirs it Another force o! 30,000 Chinese frout iukely tinat Prince Tuan hmas eizod the ua a paae ot-nto tironie, and aispecialiy as the Prince Tieon-Tain. Tire ne:tiva city wlen Cap- mýs lagitimtie dalimils thareto, lis fa- î'tred was a horrible spectacle. Cli- lier liavung hi-en apponled Emper, nanese hed ies lay thicir arounnd the guns. Bîs~p nse, bifre envng erlnThe situation ie Kwang-Tung or East- declsred il prîbabia tiant the powers arn Province grows woraa. hi-Hua- woi1e'd ma(ster île preseat revoIt, if Chang la snid tb lie tryiag te raiseae they nati hamloniously tbrougieut force of 200,000 militia. O brwia bbaieve th reisi aiuid Anarciy la widaspread la lie Pro- 1Spreed tha-oglieut China, and then thl ince ofqhanj-Tine n -t - tae air wc&tid preva te be an impossible'efforts e! Yuan-Shikai, lia Gevemr," e, te control the revoit. Happily, a b«n CHINESE-HAVE-BETTE- RT rL- , uiI-ieAurcnadc-e u-ay r anstne iesreachadTin-Tansaa!elyi OUTTINO RICHI. Ever since lie world began =en have beau tryng te g et mci. AnUyhea l'i Êan shkouid ha abla te gel money. Auy liealthy man-wiil gel, molley. i l a simple malter. A malter et iealhtybiain tisane, aeitiy muscle tissue. Illure bim -"possible to tire =an whosa e every bra3in ccli, nerve and -'muscle tiligies wlth lhe-inspiration, tht energy, te andaeity and tle grf ilicbalth, and whoîe avery ar tety hbounds with rici, pure, iavig- eratistg blood. - Vou have te go ta lhe bollt oo things in tbf s world if yeou wisli le tcamplisi mnuch. 1h dees net pay J te merely akint ever lie surface. Titis la true et disease as well as-et evrtig aise. 1h la tia popular ha e! tat heedaclie and sleapless- nase are due ta somte trouble con- finiedtole a rain. Nething çould be furtier fro thlie truti. These troutles are meraîy signais liat lie digestive organe are diserdered aid tire blood impure. Il does ne permanent good ta treel liant with sedatives. Iu order te pro- - duce a cure a medicine muet ha e s liat goeses1 lhe bottenoth iags, liaI ---- -r.ýcorrects lie "fIrst cause" o! lie trouble. Docior Plerce's Golden Medicai j_ ,ý':ý Discavery do as axactly tueIl la is te greal- est et ail known1 hlIood - inak e rs and purifiers. Il is tle hast flash- luilder. Il fils lie ariere -iiti rici, red, tise- bldng blod ivierles the nres, timulas detin, rings ack the len-ltiy ep tte and restoers '«N ature's seft nursec'see. Tieusanlds lave "i 1 was ea ufférer for sil, y ars front indi- gestion , soya stomaaci, and constant liaad- ache," 1writos B. F. Holmnes, P. O. Bex 173, Gaffney, 'Sa-C. "1 tu-ted sevoral eor hast ý hysicas and fouad ne permantent relief. comutencailthie use cf Dr. Piarce's Golden Medical Liscevery and ' Pleàast Poilais '- wiich gavýe ime prompt relia!. When 1 cormmencad uaiîsg the medîcines I could not sieop, mad a real'ees, itnea-ty feeling tii tic lime, sud my skia wns yeliow and dry. I weighed only 14g poeuids. I now weigl 170 Posunde. I-ave n gocd celer, rosi wali et nîghi, lave a geod e p etite, and cen cnt almnost esaythirsg 1 wish. Por twe eaers I aie notiintg but grehaut bread." " I wri te tinferin Yeu liat 1arnnow enijeylîtg naginificeut healti, eflar iavieg suffored fo-r years witl chronic catarri," writes RautnnSancliez, eaq, of Penasco, Taos Ce., Naý-w Mexico. 'I' By constant sem of 4yaur 'Golden MedicaI Discovery'1 I have recovered my hbealti, and ar nwnw bath t 7cltyIca. nd ntaally a csond na t- aending tefo my busintesand cci eyinig lifa. 1 tairegrea pleanra in cordially recout- nmevditig your treelment te tiosa wlia are Psuiflring mwilb theiaseainaîdîone and "I ýd heon suelrlng for about eleven yasil a pain ia tht hacir ef my ioad1 liy RhutHbbard, of Taner, ino, Ce., Ar,. The pain was as thougir soute oewaholding a hot iron at the bacir of LIy head ; 1I lied ch a feyer. I eufféred that way for even, yeai'e and s p nt a great deal of i-neney with -different doctors and' for mielcie, b-ut dld flot go t an y>relief: Oaa &ay a frtentd came te me lantte Ie1dý (u~eaI was trying te work) and told me tkù~t he lad heard of !Dr. Pierce, and lie thouglit ke conl d qare me. I tried four bot- titi of the 'GOlden Medical Dlscevery' and feit botter. Thon I sent for five more, and now t Êarn glad te tell every one that by trusting la Qiodted thet lo f tht World'u Diseeusar>' Meelloal Assottaîlon, I ams in goodheailth"l Dr. Pitcyce'e Comman Senne Medicai Âdvisor i3 a lbookr of r,o&8 pages and aver three h-andred illuatratieus, ema of theut colored, al. faily exý liiel rlàiti No-vr yosu ray hav'e it la ail l't8 nsefulnese and in stroue paper covere, for 31 eue-cent stin'ps, Mwhith pa8lte coet ef custaoms &L'à enâiling OIPgy r inlc1-th bindlng for So stainpiIt le a veitable medical llbn rylit a single volume. Âddqss WoI'aDLIspasary Medial CAPTURED 40 GUNS., Tise A~hau1t Stellot Seerprîtas tise1 BROER SUPPLIES CAPTURED. r'oreigners ,-ctinig Susplciously Or- clered to ?roeeed te the C oast. A deHpntch front Pratorieanys:- liera wnas soe firing liayond Penear- apoort on Tuesday, but naillor lie Brilli nor the Boers appear te saek n genaral engagement. Eleven Boer waggens, inden wilI meal end mealies, wera seized, aIflic front. Ihos---e i cargae!fthe waggons dcciarad tînt tiey wara couting te lie Freloria markals, but it la contandad thal tle suppslies they were cnrryiag mira intended fer Coutoiandant-Gen- oral, Botha. Aboult if ly foraigners wio ware made burgiers by the Transvaal Gov- cramant during thc war, hiave, bpen givan passas, and advised te gel te tle ceast ns quickly ns possible. ,Il is slated liaI atar lnyîng down their TWO EJMCTS ISSUBB. Reeonoiliation With the Christians is Now Impossible. A Canton desPatci cf Tuesday's date enYs the 0Cinese papera pisbiish two edicts erout the Blovageýr Emapress, Iwhioh reacherd Lt-Hung-C bang soraeý days ago. T>hy state that recon- ciltion wîtthe Christians, against whcl,m the whle lènation, încfuding nie mîlitary and nie noies and princea ta n'nited, ta irder tet- mptheut, Out, La c-enipletely out 0f the ques- tio.n. The: edicts aay the foreigiiers begin the figlit agaat China with thea a- tack utpon Taira., The bitter feeling agates t foreigners had consequent- lincreesed, an& any actempt to pet down the peuple wonld be dangerc-ua, fIene- for th1e present il seemad ex- pedientl to mikeî use 0f the anti- fer- armai they acted lu suci a maoner as eîgnutoGveaneni. The E mpress 8h38 to arouse the suspicions e! the Britishi, r he ta wi ling Lo protoct t1h L g tices. and it was conaidered that it would lia 1 t remîteirs to1be sean, sic s-iys, better for them tot leave the country.witr the foreigners or tha Ch.Lnýe Tia railway la new the leading fac- I are 1beý stronger. Ie anpy case Govecr- tor in the settlement here. The Neth- nors of provin'ces should immiedia tes- erianila Company las been surprisedily enrof troopo for- the defence o! liy the amouet o! traffiec carrieýd byl their districts, as th.ey wouild lie beld the lina witiin a montI after the esponsible for anj bus ef territery. British occupation. Tiarelaugn need fer the cem4pietion cf La qua ntîltyiR IS cf.unfinilaiad engineering -wor jkin) lhi I T H E S IEG RAS D ýhops here, and 'in order te, have this dene the British engineers offerel1 to lMost of' the Kurnassi Gýarrîsoan Sue-ii re-employ n number e! the company's ceeds i saig werkmen wlio had bFen laid off when A despîtch frem London, ass General Reberts aeized the lina. IThe Col. Wiilcocýzs, eýmmasding the 1 offer waa accepted, and the men ra- Kuniarei reIief expedition, telegrapis sUmed work fer a faw days, wlen a the- Colontial Office under date of Tues- deputalion said Ilat 1hey weuld bce day that natives report that Govamner litter protecled if tliey were coon- Iodgson and the airEs8 and famille.s man.deered. This was doue, but a few tevrioieshaa1t uas, days Inter there were soe detections, jlea tiy wre leigd i caused by a Boer pelitical agent. wi tIa rebellions natives, and arrived ut Persuaded a number cf the workmeïn Ekwaîita, 20 miles south-west cf that il was uninwtul te comutandeer Kumassi, labor. Ieuastgr de that many werc 1,ile l n eaking eut of Ku- WILL NOT DISCUSS PEACE. massai. The rumeur .ppears to e 13ewell Kruger Says War Will Continue Un- founded, nllicugli Col1. Wilcocks taila til Noe urgherS Ar'e Lei t. to undarstnnd why lie lias non receiv'ed A daspatel f roui Londen, Friday, news freut. the Geverner. The colonel aays;-The cordon areund Gan De Wet1 intends toe proceed te Kojný sai and me-r appears stili te lia wida; nI lena-t ha taka the, place if it la avaouatedL lias nol yet been ceornerad. Despatchea froin the frent, excapt. officiai eues, FIGIITING iNCESSAliTLY. deal with trifles or vague prebablii- IDlut Wr u Keig U The3 Daily Tlegraph's Lorenzo Mar- Communications. ques correspondant attempted onl A despatch frout London, Theraday,1 Wadnesday te interview President ay--hc,1omndroftelisi KryugerIhe commanera o! the allie Kruga nI atarvlondî. H r oiTien-Tasin inforut the cerrespond- i Kruger was ti,ýre, Jbut h l dputedj ts, h i b,,i eida1orac ýStafe Secretary Raitz rle alir. Th' n1 ta t oi i ucia eral I Paiiewith the troopa nov availabie Sacruary sid :- -,il the face of th'e forces o! Impaeriali "We do flot need ta disouss peace, trnssi]Bxr scsnlîrlu - areiueni. arruger wtsnes, tnrougn me, beenle-siadPkn.e te repent what lehaa saeid ever and rbewnTi-snadPkn.S farfou taking lthe offensive the 1, over again. The Seti African Repuli- 0ineatoltro tTenan lie wiil figlit for .Independance as long as 500 burgiars ramain aliva, and and the 8,000 otherra at Taku and ila- ave tin wll ontnuete igî. Scbtermediata points oan liaraiy keep up is ou dhecisieln tiu." ih . uh com unications, fighting incesaanly Dr. Conan Doyle, writing te lievitc ewelîgnoiruag Brill MeicalJoural, sys a fr more numerous artiliery places thinkîs tînt tharre were 10,000 te 12,000 than lihe allies. cases cf antaric foyer et oea tme. Six iundrad patients died at Bieem- COMMANDER CAPTURED. foatein in one mcnth. Dr. Doyle de- clames tint the physicianis did ail tbey Gjen. Methuen Takes Prisoner De could. -- . 35 KILLED, 18 INJURED. Loaeted Trolley Goeg Ovar a Precipice at Wets Headi Scout. A despatdli froni London, says:-Tie fellewing de4spalci was reCeivad jonl Tuesday a! teimnoon aI lia War Office Tacomsa. jfreut LordBbet A daspaitch frout Tacoute, WesI., 'Genarai Hunjtar reaclià.d Frankfort sayis ;-Thiirty-fîvea men, woman, and July 1, witiîout opjpo,5ition, andmac' ,blidren ware irilaed and aigîtean ware donald jcined hlm tiareystra.H ixnjured, niue !atdIly, lanPlie wrering found two s ean cf lie SenferthJs und o! a trolley on the outskirtà of lace- elgiteen O! the Derby militiaý in the me cia Wednesday. ioispital. They lad been wall trealt- Happy exc'ursionits-104 of-t-hau- 6d liy lie Boers. burb ait 8.30- ~ ~ on ieHeîibron-Kroonstad rend, that BEIIE-ADING THE GUARDS. Prinee Tuan Publiely Executing Captured Foreigners. A despatch from Shanghai, says,- Prince Tuan la said te lie publicly bel heading ill the Legation, guarda cap-e tured by the chineese. Hese ad Cattie bave coira and cap.Pain-Killer will cure them eveýry Cima. RHaîf a bottie in hot a ter rape),ated a few times. Ave-id stub. aittis, there ia but oaaý Pain-Riflx'1 Ferry Davis'. 25c. and 50c. LOSING GROUNDL. T~he French LaingaagafIs Not So ffvra. iy Studlc'd as Faeorl>. lm Frevcli loaing grond labroad,that la te say, la it lieiag lod-s spokan iand read liy aduc-ated people on the on-z tinent cf Europe and eb3ewhiera than was formerly the case ? This is a quea- tion which has froon timu e t ima giv- anl rîse te înterîssting discussïion aand certain lamentations lataly uttered by a Parlalian raeviaw have brouight it once more rather preminently te tire Thae la qne, doulit that duiring re- cent years it has met with formidable rivala. The tongue of unîted Ger- many la more studied than it was in the olId days, and variouns enterpris.. k ng nationalities of the smaller kmnd are bestowing more attention on thei.r owýn langorage and literature than tliey lad had the cppertunity o! de- ing for centuriea. Ail thîs may bue readily admitted, and nothiag coild lie more natural. The imm,,ase fâc1îli-q now given te traveling, the enor-moua exasinA international trade ani the impulse which the natioriality- movemnt has received wüeaaibuid te lead te this resuIt. WORTH REMEMB'RING. To ba gind o!fl! a, liecause itgives yen tire chancete love anl te worir, and b play and te lçroi Up aI lie stars;- to e le alsi -th yeur pos- sessions, but net conlanted witl yeour- self until yen hiave made the, best of lieu t 1deasi"noth!nin lu11e world except falseioo>d and meannese, and te fear aething exctept ewrdc; te lie govamned by, yonr admiraions ' ra- tier than by your neighboýr's, except is indness o! heart, and gentianes, cf mennersï; to lhink seldoni of yeur enemieslm, often o! yonr friands... tiese ,?are 11111e guida-peste on the footpati e! penme. WHOÜLESALE RREVENGE BE ORtE- Tway-fvedellars for tint lat, Maria 4 That'ýq a frigîf i prica for sucb a litile ig It's ne-arly al prof itL. The millinier 1 bougit il fromt utey lave uMade a 11111e aietling on11it but 1 toi ,up-tie li-ma o!fIlrea otier nailiner fo lia! e ayhiliaI1 was iouking aruud tuwsa foi ià. 'E ere ýA Autrlen - -rt. -l.- -- tMm.. . ish aer, riresîton, Ont.,an etrivobaal.1 usrla elot.Twopencre per tateguqi"eto aanreomee iatrs o! Dr. Clues3'a Resuedies head la paid for tie rost aI tie locai Cuia-'a RldnBy-Llver Pille for Conîti- Ido 'not dare te reproduce b-la portrait town ba, and snmert boyswih1 i pazi'on. 1 was troubled for about aines and signature, whiLo are t-o lie ounid years, and have spent hundradi ! ofl- oaeve ýr, o ! i eniereei aid o!f fox terriers, are taiig 4s. or jars WIth doctors and for remed'ies I At ail deniers, or Edutenaion, Bat"' e0 day ut lie busaleese. Jheard of, but thoy felled te aven Cive ICo., Toronito, corresponldent sRys htinthliegenerai 'box-,oeueroeîeg ,eeb~.N.Sadro. hyls n iied, and e, W ... M j N, of staff o! th Rnsîenarmy eail- 8a p The Cook Cornpanyxi;-11dsor, ont, oeaoff icer utsLmngý IORsALLO, matas i Chinee anay leneulai1, Bnse Drggyaini Tis. e Boesîra, pru-'liaby lminakîngF lù 'le nehiDtboute a itde 75200 mn- Haati any about1,-tient, roda te wýthiu fi! ty yards of Mc 00000 Ma-s s ie. eenirupote "Noaned C olît le Bewmaeviiie by i,(, utsN tVenen ' uilem eaf BTA & SON, SrOTr & JURY; Orene by J. Gîl withialie la 1at four years. I LLAN; Newcasîie by DR. WPARcetsae. tiveiy use Iis revolver. CURE $IO1çK MLADjAý PROM PRISONi TO BATTLE. Releasecl at Pretoria to be Killed in a Few Days. A despatch from Loindon says :-Tb* Preteria prisoners are evidently ex- periencing an early renewal of war atter their liberation. lm the lateet ILit of éýsua!Lies there is evidence of thio. The atack on the smal Bit ahforce ýat fHoningspruit entailed l e death of Majo)r 1H.T. de C. Hu.bba, of the 2nld West Yýorks, who wa.s taken prisoner, owing to bis atay- ing beihind to assi t a wounded mau aLt WVIllow Grange, in Natal, on Nu-~ vemnber 23. SecndLiet.H. H. Smith, reported severel-y woRnde.d in the sama fight, belonga t the 1-st G1oucesrd-» and wazs tairen prise-ner at Nicholàon'à 1 -r ' ý-1

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