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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1900, p. 4

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flýT THE 4e.ua Draug Storre WE GIVE VALUE IN QOODS mmmi i Thlcmans NOT BARGAIN DRUGS AT BARGAIN PRICES but.good pure drugs, not at an extortionate price but THE 13EST 0F EVERYTIIING AT A REASONÂBLIE FIGURE. It is worth money to you to know "ht the drugs you use are the best obtainabl.e. TRIS 15 TH E ONLY KIND WE SELL, ONE GRADE THE -BEST AND TELAT ONLY. What we advertise wa mean and we wil try to con- vince you o? this if you but grant us a share of your drug trada. DorsW.C. Tole, Phm. B.e 2DosEast o? Post Office. Bowmanvilla. ONE GRADE ONLY AND THAT THE BEST. ~McLAUGHLIN6R1AE6. BOWMPINVILLE REPRESENTATVE-JOHN PRY 'ist Consigniment now on hatd. Ar*tistic-Up-t o-date- and the Best. Inispect--Comipare- anld you wxill Buy. 1.--Becauise they make only ons. grade and a MeLaughlin Carrnage is exactly as representad. 2.-Beeause they use- the Best Material and employ the Beat Me- chanies ln every department. 3-The almoat phenominal growth of their business,' demonstrates beyond doubt the wisdom of manufacturing one grade oniy and that the ]3est., SPECIAL rFXTURE-S. A. A. Standard Wheels, Compressed Bands, Special Steel Axies made te order; Special Cast Steel Springs, made te order; Rubber and Brass Washers on axies, noiseless; Rubher and Brass Washers on Whif- Iiatraes, noiseless; ail hand forged Steel Braees manufactured in thrir works-not bought; ail hand buffed leathar ln Cushion and Back; Tops mnade ln their own shop and from the hast matenial. 4.-Good' seeond-hand Top Buggies on hand and will ha sold cheap te make room for New Buggies. POWMANVILLE. MT. VERNON. Vstr:Mr- Ed. Milîson, Law Stud- eut, Toronto, at home; Mr. and Mrs. L. BradIey, Enfleld, at Maipla, corners; Mr. Fred Hoatîle home !rem Dental Collage, Cia;Mfiss Goard, Bew- manvilla, at Mr. Johnl Pascoe's; Mr, Fretf and Miý,ss z,ýay Vanstonje, Bow- manivilla, Miss Muniroe, Detroit, at Mr. U. W. Soucis's; Mr. A Abraiham, Scar - bcore, on a fiý ing visit hûme; Mr. Me- Taggart, teachs, la spending bolidays at bis borne, Exeter....- MlNr. Wm. Bram- Weil Abraham left te. visit friands lu tise West eforerturning to bhis home lu Victoria, B. C. lia speaks lu glow- ing ferma of the country in tise fait' west . ..Br'rv niokers a re sie'sin wendino' John Perey,,. KILLED- BY LIGHTNLNG. Masters Leslie and Mebourne Stan. ley, aged tan and tiirteen respectiveiy, sons of Samuel Stanley, Guthria, near Barrie, were ki le"d hy lightning short- ly bpfore 7 o'ciock Tbnr8day moruing. 'l'ie ligitning struck tise hai roof and runnîng down, knocked eut the'sashin i tisa stable boneath. From the position in wWîch thay wera found tisa boys ware avldently looking eut o? the window &I the storm. Leslie was killed instantly and Melbourne ived but a short tima. Mr. Stanley. is la brother of Mr. James Stanley of tua town and MUrs. Stanley is a daugister o? Mr. James Kuigut, Laka Suoe, Bow- manville. What You Pay Tor Medicine le fa Test eofIte Curative Value-,Pro- boriptions Versus Or. Chasre Kidnoy- Lîver Pille Dr. Chase's Kiney-IAver Pilla ure just a&-much a. doctor'a prescription as sny formula your tamnily physician caui cive you. The dii1ference la that Dr. Chace's Kîdnay-nLtver Plla were per- fectad mifter the formula l4ad proyen it- self of Inestimable 'value in seores of hundreds of cases. Dr. Chase won almnost as rnuch popu- larity from hie ability tW vura kidney dfisease. liver complaiflt, and backache, with this formula, zs h. dld from th~e publication of his great recipe book. Tii.idea of one treatment reachlng the kidneys and lîver at the same time waa original with Dr. Chase. ILt ac- counts fer the succesa of Dr. Chase's Kidny.LverPis 'In curing the most compllcated ati.merts of the f1ltering organe, a.nd every form of backache. As a. famlly medicifle Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Puis are unappros.ched. They keep the kidneys, lUver, and bow- el% heaithy, active, and regular, and no prevent and cure nine-tenths of the Ilis to which humar.ity lo subject. One pil a. dose, 25 cents a box, at ail deal- ers, or fflmansoil, Bates & Co., To- ronto. BOWMANVILLE, JULY il, 1900. OJUR MEMBER. We reciuested a writer of recognized abiiitv in Ottawa tO give. us an article for Trne STATESMAN setting forth a true estimate of Robert Beith. M. P., who has represented West Durham for ten years in the flouse of Commons. To- day we give our readers the opinion cf a gentleman who is associate i with oe of the leadiug Conservative journals of the Dominion and bis estimate of "Our Mernber" is to our inaid by ne means over drawn. Robert Beith Mis the bill in ail particulars THOSE NEGLECTED STREETS. Recntly we called attention to the disgracefui condition of semae streets and after a tour of the town the pat week we mnust repeat the dose. The conditionof sevaral streets is a stand- ing disgrace to our citizens. So far as our observation goes, thera is not to- day a dlean, tidy, attractive street ln towýn, axcepting one or two short ones, and some o? the vacant lots are runn- in to seed and are in a vile condition. Even some -occupied properties are littie better. some of them on leading streets too. in the name of al that is respec- table citizens dogive a littie attention to these matters forffhwith, as summer vîsitors are comîng and we don't want them to see such sights. Why are net the streets on which new pavement is laid cleaned up quickly? Lowe street has hardilv bean fit for bicycle trafflo for about a month. They should be clear- ed of ail debris as fast as the workman procead. It takes ne, longer and costs ni) more. Then, look at those rank weeds growinz- on King stroet. W114,T BOlMANVILLE XEEDS. One of the hindrances te the encour- agement of native industries in such towns as Bowmanville is the prevalence of the idea that direct increase of the town's population is the only thing' to be considered in establishing industries. A town that could increase, its popula tion by the inceming of fifty workmen establishmient in matiy of tbem of such industri(as as cheese and butter miaking, pork packing and the carming ofruits and veg-itables. An interesting exam- pie is thii( towni of St. Mlary's, a town about the same size as Bowmnanvilie and situated Ininmuch the sama sort of1 country. St.May' is a littie largeri than Bowmanvlile, and the extent of rich land sur rounding it is greater than the rich lands around Bowman- villa, but the two places are near enoughi alike te ha coxnpared in respect te industries. A few clear-sightad men in St. Mary's, notably Dr. Matheson, a physician, and Mr.* Dick son, a general marchant, noticed that,' in tiha parts surroundling tise town wisere cheese factories existed, tise farmers ware more prosparous than where they did net exiat. The' noticed aise, that these cheasa factories ware -in operation for only a part of tise year, and tbey con- cluded that if tise making of cheese whichi went on for liffla better than haîf tisa)ycar was profitable tisa making of butter tisroughour the. whole 37ear ,would ha m ucis more profitable. A jointstock company was formed with a capital ef soea$310,000, of wisich part was suhscribed by farmers, part hy the people of the town at large, but tha lar- geat part hy Dr. Mathesen and his an- terprising associates. A substantial and neat building of stene and white brick about 80 f t. by 4-) ft. was erected, and a cempiate butter-making plant in- stailed.- This plant includes a 45 horse- powereteaam eagine,separotors, pasteur- izing and refrigarating apparatus, vats for ripeinig tis ecam, churns, butter- workers, e The capacity of the plant la 8,000 11,s o? b)utter a day, but Iarzest day'lsmaoe far bas bean 6270 11)s As far as possible oerythîng in Cthe place is doue on scieutific princi- pi-es. Dame ï Ntume is kindit but she la capricious ilu butter makine,; se, the, tiing is, taken eut of bar hands as far as leprcicbl Tise creamn is pasteur [ized, i. e.. heýatad te about 160 dagrees Fabiranheit, foi the, purpose of dastroy- in- alilgermis prasent lu tise creaam. If la 'then cooled by ltting itflfow o cer refrigeratin 'g pi pes te about 40 degree s Then it goas into ripening vata wbere tise "starter" is applied, as a baker puts veast with is .idou.gîi. Iu tan or tweiva heursit is ready te churn. The refrig erating is doue by a chemnîcal method witisout tise use o? any ica. Thus, everything la uinder contrel fromn start te finish. aind tise butter that is made ranka with tis e hst Danish butter on the Britishnmarkat. A very intaresting featura is tisa method of brin-rinsr the cream te the craamery. The il rom tise patrons in tisa immediata icinit v of St.' Marys is broug-ht lu caris bv teams- stars, and tise cream takcen eut by three separators. But in addition there are tan skimming stations sittiated at dis- tances from tha town varý ing fromn si-- te egiteen miles. Iu each oe of thase stations are a amail steaan gine and two separators. Thse patrons bring lu the milk, if la separated, and they take home tise skim miik with them, whilst their operator at the skimming station iseats the creaam and starta witb it te thse creamery. The beating of tire cream keeps if perfectly sweet until if arrives. It is tisen coeied andý put lu the vats te ripen. As te practical resuits thea published statements of the company giva us soe interesting figures Tbe company ha- zan business in December [897. and from that date te Octobar ist 1898 it made 442, 8SM ibs. of butter, whicis was sold fo 37,1 5, of which tisa patrons receivad 6,8.. From Nov'ember i st 198 teOctbr t 1899 tise patrons sentln 1,.195 l'os of milkand receiv- edthsu of *6f7,82.85, whist thse sum o? U3812.90 wa s pa id te the milk draw ers. The reputatîin of tise butter made bas risan very bigis and now the only difficultv is to gat milk. The amount o? butter made could ha doubled if more cream could hae got. This is a difficulty which will disappear h-waver, as thea cemmunity discovers how profitable it te sarid thair milk te the creamery. It takes time and capital to change. even LIME!I LIME!! LIME!!!1 We have just received a car o.' the very hast White Lime. Least Waste. Best Value. Suitabie for ail classes of work. Cash customers will find it to their advantage to deai with us. Cali and see. JEWELL Baos, Corner Queen and Ontario Sts., 26-3w. i3owmanviiie. BINDER TWI NB. (Deering Manilla.) 2c A POUND Farmers' Hardware, Eavestroughing, Roofing, General Jobbing and low prices., J. E. Hawkins, Oshawa. SPRING lIAS G0MB. The sun shines and so does our Palmerston Buggies; they are just what you want-uew in design and beautiful in finish. Also Agent for Red Bird Bi.les-iup to date. in every particular; you are saving money when vou buy a Brantford; and Cossitt Mowers, Rakes, Corn Pl anter and other impiements. Cal and inspect before you buy. llarness and Implement BoWMANILLE. Emporium. Now is the Urne for ai My stock will ha found vers' compiete and prices right. Beautif ni patterns from 5 cents. L4indotu Shade s - Gwtain oe RoonM oodings New stock of framad Pictures. Frames and Pictura Moldings just recei-ved. A very nice frame for Cabinet Photos for 25c. Seo the Oil Chromo for $1.00. No trouble te show goods, and quota The Spring starts the Base Bail, Foot Bail and othar games, I have them. P.' Trebilcock. BowmANVIIu.ua .west End Hous BOWMANVILLE. Big Mid=-Summ-er Sale ail this Month., See that you get some ofthsePlums. Following are some of the start- ling prices: 15 pieces fine Dress' Ginghams, splendid patterns, are just opened out. We cleared the lot and will seil 17e and 20e Ginghams for 123-ýc a yd. 5 dozenIMen'sý good strong -Mrole- skin Shirts, the 75-e Shirts for 50o eaeh. 40 p ie ce s dark' Flannelette, special at 5e a yard. 5 doz. Men's Flannelette Shirts at 15o each. 4 doz.,Men's fine Gingham S1hirts reg. 5 0e; -during this sale 3 5e. 10 pieces colored Dress Goods in nice mixed fancies. The price is 2,5c. This month for Il 232e a yd. 20 pices Heavy Lochý Lomond Flannelette'in dark cheques an*. stripes. They are .worth 1 3."2*U -a yd.- This month we will sell them at 10o a yd. 100 pirs Men's T weed Pants at $1.O00 a pair. A few odd, lines Men's Fine 8 1 .xm pr---a-Ukn--- . -- ---e ___________ n,'-lu c.*...'-.. buligradlually, from theisa ' of gr- an - fla'ir wayteotise berry pateis. TOW U CL fortunata, wiie the same town ol daiî'ying. But t is a change e? great a d $ .257o ed S ît COURTICE.crease the prosparity o?, five isundred advautage te the farmars. And it ia ReglarmeeingJul 8.Mayor Les- farinlerasurroundýing tisa town altheugh is Bewmianvileo took a step forward a h Visitra: M - J.combe and mambars prasant, axcapt M. it were wall known tisat tise farmers i h direction St. Marys bas gene. W I ea h Vis'itrs : r. J.Walter and Miss Ina Galbraitis. Sevaral communication s wouid spend ail their extea earnings lu oo MoeGrand RDida, Mich , at M.A wera raad. Countias' rate $7 0 the tewn iea a eau a feeling in * * K L5Vd Wyborns ; Miss lleintzman, Miss Ber- Provincial Pubic Scisool Grant $858.- Fora eM.- ,3 1B y sT ee of C land, Toronto and Miss Hall, Bowman- Patitions were grantad for cament te onhaftis esn u far maroT'ee Tn years ago Canadian cheese .isad Cash. 200fo ï3 e i ville, af Mr. S. Brook's; Misa Brima- 'walks on aast ide of Centre st and n ougis squepealtsineossm ut eyajul' ,.,O eaacu stifaco combe, Town, at Mrs J.- F, Broekz's; front of W. J. Jones' residlenca. Mr. c ou l q eaz na s itti a bus nes, to po itidn rnahedBiis a et adthcor Mrs. MleKay and MssEthel McKay, Tait raportad $82 SI expcnded for re- we reetekd ontas coparturs-tepositonineritisis akt a65,d4bta WW en san o Port Hope, at Rev. J'. S. I. Wilsonj's ; 1lie?. Rabate on taxes on farmers' ap- pany extahn, wvr okta vvahnfe old have ,61,68 urdt O U b w,,u ts a .d d rb , re . 2 Mlrs. aRv.) J. H. Oke3, Goodwood, and peal allowed: John 0O>ahorne,7.00; Poole pfarlitv e Wise,iswevae'fr edotac aven ctisaan fecaetrteeprsb Mra. Reid, Wingham, at Mrs. C. W. Estute, $5 40;, J. & F. Fostar, *4.25, ail utia aewear oradt tsap aei at a dac ade ltis xorta, - n s a d d r y Oahone'. -. .ay rosand r. . B GabrafisBrea, $.75 EdardBehmanconclusion that tisa farmars ara tise trua ol aaicese nvlet 1, Oson's.. ai rsan r . .Glrat rs. 4.5;Ewr Blmnmainstay o? tise town. Factory manag- 776,765. H1aving' conquarad a place for and,50e, at 15e eaeh. Trick are hustling out tise applahbls 84.75; A. E. Belîman, $8.40. W. enr-rsadmpoc rewtusfraciseeseadbcn ndi pouese thoe ay ... ryweahe hs, onid so,57 LTabh - RIL Fielding,$8 50; time and disappear, tise eld farms and ara now turning tiseir attention te ri d erably effacted cieesa out put af Danl- N. MeDonaid,8.50;R. Wonnaett,82 50; tiseir occupanits ara a never-faiîing butter, wiih many years ago was 10pa rMe 's H a y P o ingten Union recently but tisa prica S. H. Reynolds, $4.75. Tax rata waa source of inemie. Tise farinera ara lesa exported lu fairiy large quantitias. Tisepar M n s e - keeps good.A very interasting pic-e d t1 mll ikaîy tisan towna people te crowd te trade at that, time slipped tisougis bur Eggs ting e, r nie i l ouer o? Mrs Balfour, Manitou, AccouNTrs PA&ssED tisa cbaap steamers wiic carry business fingars, bacause of tisa unavenns lu Wanted %;j r.noots, bellow s to g, r g. $ 5 Man., and Misses Heintzman and Be r- esee asdfe amnt e? awa rmtsntets aatet~uaity and-tise poor facilities for Cs rf r$12 ar land, Toronto, was hld a t Bluff pitirls esa ase fr ao from tise ty. titey spand flair snpping. Wa are gatting it back wifbth ' rafr2p ir Lake sisore, on Tisursday,' fisiing and Hamilton Soear Pipe Ce ....$152 86 earniugs witis us, and if la wisdom on a rush. Iu 1889 tise butterexpert was a -otn ware tisa chie? amusements....* MeColl Bros gasolina .......... 15 83 ou part te isaîp te increasa tisose earn- valued.at $331,958, wisila iast yaar, if Miss Na6llie Brown, Betisany, lvis ifing ocma psigble 1 Olg-mtsa amybv orsaai as valued at $3,700,873 lu tise fiscalU J reaivslir.______Jne Osborne, teaming .......... 8 25 tbam. Tisera la aise ftils otisar facf f0 Year wiich ended a faw days ago DakiU6 ro'wuf er 'B o s ENIL.Thos Lyle, Il Il... ......, 72 00 h be rne lumd:thisaidustry wisich la anotisar matarial advanca wiil ne doubt ENILB Dillingt labor............ 80 00 net dractly attacisad te tisa farming be siown lu reg-ard te botis bacon and G.ran.ger B o t , r g ReetViïûsýr.adMs a.Nelson ipaer, ....... 29 88 interasta, may, under tisa influence o? butter. At 1.5c. per pouiId?fo $1. 0 Raan vsier :Mr ad rs Js.Jno Clayfon, taaming......... 8 75 effara o? bonusas rom otiser towns or Gr'e n M.WllWinnipeg, Geo Lyla, laor........,.... # 29 38 ftha lîke taka winga and fiy away.- .0 . Man.; Mrs. W. Jardine and, Mr. SuaRs Chas Pendla 'Il........29 88 Cenidarations of titis kind ýara ha- Tisa Globe says thaf fan yaars ago Tapp, Toronto'- Prof.Tisomas Raya Jos Fletcher il................. 29 25 ginuing te bave wight witb tisa inbah- wa wera sf111 depanding for a livelihood and Mrs. Raya, ioronte: Mr. and MrsW Downey Il ........ 5 00 if ants of tis maller tewns e? Ontario largaly upon tha metisoda ofarming ~ 0 p i s L d e 'F n o Tisomas Pasoea, Slina; Mrs. A. Knox, Jue Wonnaeott labor......S ada arsi e rlwtasigtepraa rmtiaaristsf aen ? . '7 p ir ad es F l Oshawa; Mr and Mrs. E. Virtua,Hihgh RWtiaig emn........ 8 550 _______________ _ts o nt and upontsetprecedao eo Point;- Mr. and Mrs. Sturgesa and Mr. Tiss..Dar.,. 12 50 _________________tise fisiseries and tise foreaf weaitis, tise Pato, shw; ra A . owr-WJordod, ...... 5 00 possible ?or-m. Compariug tisis state- Ricad ms and MisoVnna Br llMearsJu Thickson, teaming ........il1 75 ~ 'l ii~ ment of exporta lu -tisa year 1889 witis BOWMAN VILLE MARIKETS. .L.A1 Ricard TsomsandJoh Hll t-W Kilîman, labor ..........., 5 o005'Uc 'IA these of the fis calyear wiic endadsa e ty got $1 p i tendad tise Runter's picuiéli t Lucan W Brock, matariai ............ 60 00 June 80, 11899, we can trace from tisa lasf weak -..Last Sunday M isses J eu- J B Martyn, supplies........... 48 84 FrIfnsadCUr very heginniing tise develepment oCoOrrectedbhy JMMrreah Tuesday p i sBs a v ie iAsiten and Aberta Gilbert ware G T R frieZht on ila ... ....... 24 12 FrIfnsa~ hle industries fisat neow empîoY a very large20p i s «o«o s presentad witb an address and a hand- n,çfn~ nrsnîe----29 w.- ,no o t no inlatin.__'aki!nLÛUVr ý 9'00 lis 20t1,(1~l~ ~-t S- . -- t ---t- t- -. - ~-- - - t- . w -~ f L t jIi~lM,. t eet.. ..Ce- .n.êtt.o-- __... e...- '.....- - ~ ' - -~- ---- ------.- - ---- - - - - -.--- - - - -tow-t- - t-e--jj-t .- -w-ew-,-.~w--t tw-t~~- - ->- - t-s - -t- - t -~~t - - - In 5 os

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