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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1900, p. 6

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stop naIiflg itthuer. vi can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bo wmanville,sueh good[Bread and I3uns, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-A]l right, Sarah, don't tell me any more., It will no doubt be the best plan for' the summer ailyway. ALex. Luttreli, Bakýerand 1Conf tinrB mavl Wvýrite for oar interesting Looks "Invent.. Or'A HEP"- and," Now yen are awlndled.11 Send us a rougit sketch or model of youir in- vention orimiprovenient and we wiiI tell you frce our opinion as to whther it is probably gatentabie. Rejeted appications have oftenl ee successfu iy prosecuted by us. wel co)duct fIly equipped offices in Montreal andWý1as ington; this qulifies usto promnpt- *ly dîspatch ork ilquick1 secure Patents si 'el te intion. Hghest references IPatents~ procured throngh Marion & Ma- ïrlon receive spectid notice withont charge in over 1)0 newspapers distributed throughoüt thi Domtinion. SpeClaty :-Patent business of Manufac- tnrers anfi Enginieers. MARON & MARION Prtont Expert& and Solicitors. SNew York Lite B'id'g, rlontreal Atantic Oldg.,Wnshlngton D.C. e ory m tnitnI; , n, unwic ne t 1 V0La e engoiiig aee»i on mini- doasa vot take ou, gaying, ' 'i muatstrain c eryS>iat4ed against dhave tiium ; I wiil f111 hua-ven itb, Sthese ; for every ouedar that I plant in heaven I wilii bave fitty white Mies. 'r7 lie tht' heur wheu I was a poor man lu Judos t.iey were net ashamud oS rme, snd now that I have corne te a throile CI do net de.spi.su them. Hbid it your hair neot bilok, oh wup-ping' mother; lay it 'plit at ui mY warn iéhert. OS sncb is the ýee,' -ige Sheaven."-y JPueuswas weuiderfu i i te oppo)- sites sud seeLm.ing atgnssoS his (ature. YPu ivant ithiiug, logical aîxj cositnt nd yen say, "HcI cold Chitbu God sud munaihî thsanme nr, imu John says,- Christ was thse cru- fi n g er s hrough itl atr:. "Al thinga swure nmade by bum, floes it seem dury andà end wlthesut hm wss net anythiug lfles made." Mat'tbew says bue wss omni- Gv orhi present- " Where two or tbruu are mut tetgether in my naine, theru -am il ini the midst oS them." Chisthe roots are neot clares his ewu eternity: "'l am Alpha dead; they are weak a'nd, Oniagsa.' How eauhoebc a lion, nun- because they are der Ilis,,footi crnsbing kingdoms, yot sare-h 's il a -samb h-in hir aud that sItysTh butC At what paiu«î does the tbrone aud'the manger toudch ? If Christ b e st was Geid, why flue intoe Jgypt? Why hair not stand bis groundi' Why, instead f oo fd right hand sud crush bis assassins? s - right hand sud crush bis assassins? É WHY STAND AND BE SPIT UPON t Why sluep on the mountain, xvhen bu, owne-d the palaces of eternity ? Wby catch fish for bis breakfast on thue If you Àdon't wantï, beacb in the chili nsrnîfg, wheu ai1 your hair to die use V the poergranates are bis, and ail the' Ayer's H a ir Vig or vineyards are bie, snd ail the cattie' nea a.hrae bis, and aahi the partridges bis ? h walk when weary, and bis faut stonu- hehrgow sos bruiseit. when haenigbt bave taken' falling, and curés dani- the splendursoS the sunset for druif.F is uquipagu, sud movud with herses , It al1ways restares- sud chariots of ire ? Why bug n color to gray or faded drink rom -the wayside, when eut cf h'I eyrfis the crystal chalicu:s oS eternity b iO'abtie i rugss hae pourod the Euphrates, thea Misels- "u0abottlof A er's aiErylgor sippi, sud the Amazon, and dippiug bis i tppf m' -r rrn ;n et band in the fountains oS b.eavenu sud sarking that baud over thse worid MarAhU8,18. ais,.Dk from the tip5s of bis ingera drippedi . red aIXIn the great hakes sud thuecua)enstWhy myhasiKe,.iîs ie liegr30otho lut the Roman ruigiment put hlm te tIungwonde !l." deatb, wben bs' might bave ridden April t3,18590,NwYrN down the sky Soleowed by aIl the , Il 7yo u nt bqnil . r cavslry oS beaven, mountud on white ~gu, Z11 5 5ý0. r a s 1. heorses oS terfal victoryt You connot undE5rstand. Who cau?!i beigun. 'This world is bhis, and ho maust J,.,e Atlantic s« 4readabIe and at- thave it. There never will he a per,- tractive. Arthubr Reed Kimbail de- nianent peace in tbiýýJ land until Christ scribes Ibe Invasion of Journalianm jrulbesit. This land was discovered for upoin stablieliad ways of speaking, Chriat, and until our cities shai]hl rilg adeobtikngeer evangelize'd, and fortLh, south, east, A., Clapp ruviuWs Dr., Furness's Vari- and wet sahal acLkno(wled ge Christ orum Edition of Shakespeare. Edith as Kellogg Buton treats jnuntily The RING AND REDE)EMER, Rascal as Hero, f rom Ulysses down we rannot bave permaý!nentt prosperity. t ut hrpsdDvdHrm When goverruments not only theore-'Amotug the shorter sfories are A. tically, --but patcalacknowledg h -phrd f--thu -Sierras, a quaint- the Saviour of the ordthere W'11 Arradian skeîtch hbyMary Austin, he peace evetywhlerýe. lu th1at day thle Annie Eloit Trumbull's Araby the Psea xvii] have sm ore sh1ips 1than111 now, 1~s, ~ . K. Friedmians'sÉlie Ma- but thÈre- wJAlnetbeunoie -"maýn-of_ ine ofMoss ueosyttuh war." he fouudriasof Ith orld ig stor y, a pîeture uf lif-e in taGhl will jar with mightivr indsre,but .Tuptriseecalnti- ther wil h nornoldig c bulet. al[e, and the tMntributsrs Club is Printing-proessis iiJ' f ly thuir cylin- unuscuillywitty sudi enteoetaining. ders with greater zlped, but there shall go forth iio iniquitous trash. In iI N1 HEE law8, in constitutions, on exebunge, iu scientif je laboratory, on earthi as r pies or Intereat Yjonî Ail OVer lth" in hoaven, Christ shah buG called Won- ierld. dorful., Let tiiit worklý of theworld',s The French miltiary authorities, regeneration hegin in your heart, 0 h ýare recruiting from among railway liearer I A' Jesus &D kiiad, a Jeaus sofl employees. good, -a Je-us au loving-how u The value of the imnports of pots- youi help but love him e tousinto Engiand yeariy is estimated i is a b-baaiiful moment when tub at about £600,000. pur soos Who hatve ple-dgad each other, Austria bad 255 strikes in 1898, iu- huart and hano., stand in churcb and voiving 885 establishments, with 89, have the ban.nacf marriage proclaim.. 000) labourers. ed. Father andmohr brýothers sud Korea is a keg of powxdur, upon sisters Rto-ad around the sitar. 'The which Russia and Japan sit smoking innster of. Jusus givus the counsel; ~"ieo ec. thec ring is set; (.arth and 1heaven Originaily, a town or a ýwarship wvitneis3s it; \the a rgaýn soumds, and fired off their guns on the approach of amîidmany congraitulation3 they start friendiy strangers, to show that they out on th,& path of hf togethur. bad such faitb in the' visitors' peacu- Oh' that thiîs migbt be your marriage, fui intentions, they didn't tbink it day I Stand up, immortal soul. TbY necussary to keup their guns ioaded. Belovud comaes to gel bis betrothed,ý Surprise rifle practice 0'onsists of Jeýsus stre-tches forth bis hand and disappearing targets the sizu of a says, "I wriil love thoc, with an ever-. man's bead and shouiders springing lasting love," and ynu re-sipond, "My out of the ground like a jack-ia-Lbe- 13e1oved I-s mine, and 1I'a Bis." 1 box at distances varying fromt 200 to, pýut your hlitii ii, hi,,: henc-,forzh he 800 yards from the firing point, w-here toue.ý No trouble shah pa,ýrt you - no it rumains for about ten seconids. sud timie cool yo:kr love. S'd8 byiside oný then bobs dow 1n again. 50 that the learh-sie b aid in eavn i ow firer bas to judge bis distance, and lot the blissomns of beavenly gardens fire high or Jow accordingiv. fi tue bouse witb thuir redoience, A nosu exactiyin the Middle of the alid ail tise uitgal.- ut God ptai forth face isabahormai.' As a rule, noses the wodding înaurcb of eternity. incline towards the right. Hark! "Tio voice ofS my beloved! ------a - eBèold, lie comieth leaping upon the SURE ENOUGE. mountains, skipiping upon thie hills."1 Shu-I'rn awfulîy tired of our par- lor furnituru and old bric-a-brac. There is ro kifing tue sospîcion that decait bas oince b gottun.- _Huý-So am 1; iut's1 bave, a rummage George Elot. .sale. THEY BURIED THE CHEESE. A Des acrs D te A Kilndly (Giflte oa lillary Iless Vhieh- Was Tee Sti-ong for tie Griserai. Mr. Bennett1 Burleigh, the war Are Such as to Cause Baekaehe correspondent of the London Dail ofnoDýsm1rhs on Telegrapb, sends this amusing. story APoonitve resand Gladly Teila trom Bloemfontein Pstv uaout it. y eU A weil known Geýneral wvas inspeet., Thosewhofoîîow ing the quarters of somuo of thu recgi- the arduous oecu.. mut tached te bis, thu -- bri- Patton of dre- gade. Like Burnham, the sot and 's. nknoreig hava troublso M-,of the A.S.C., bu is migbty par-thr w ticular about smells, and certain Rnnning sewing edible articles affect bis wbole fier- m-achinee all day ,vous systemn. Inspection was; over lnbnigover -ind tbe Generai was visiting the '-stegetst~ae mess tent to partake of the regimun- l teaesathethhingi tal bospitality. Suddenly he sniffed that haves ni adÉ most audibly, and added, "You've got ma~ nny a womamî a dead mule about hure; why don't , j eiallever y tU you take àt away and bury it ?" Heu witb xny needle it was assured that there was ne snc b earms as thougli arn pieroing My own thi.ng buried witbin a miileý of the baok." rBut those who, suifer -from backache, camp.- "Nonsense, I say ; l'Il show headache, pain in àho aide or any derange- you. you're, mistakun. It's horrible, ment of the kidneys will be glad te knew~ and you must have it rumoved, or that thora ta a remedy that nover faits aven yourmenall illget ll. The hein thse werst cases. yourmen il wll gt ih.~' hun I hta Doan5s Kidney Pille. snifud rapidly around,. and pointud Mrs. P. Coyler, th. well-known è1res. triumphantly to a big grave of fresh- maker, 224 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont., ly overturned earth. "There, Iknuw gave the following statement cf ber expert- it,"bu cied "Itis briu iiithatr sce with it: it,"be cied It i bured i tha IlFor some timeas sffered a good dleal grave. That will neyer do, sir,- bu from weak back, a tired feeling, and pain.i said to the Colonel. "The matter ta and aches in varions parts of my body. too serious te bu overlookud, and theu Since 1 baye txsed Doan's Kidney Pilla lb. case shall bu noticed. Have the car- ý painshave lef m e, my back basgot atronger cass removed aud ru-buried 'Onu mile , nd tiekidney troubles ave ben correced. eut f ro,ail camps, upon tihe veldt J Thattired, duli, drowsy feeling tbit used' Hu was preparing te walk away ifý to coma onmehbasnow gone, and 1 am happy, higb dudgeon xithout his luncheon'i t say 1Ihave nci fait se wull in years as et and ike when the Colonel teok it j present.1" upon bimsehcf te explain that se too iDoain'a Kldney Pulla cure ba-okache, lame guero-,us donouar bad sent the rugi- or -weak back, Brigbt.'s disuaLse, diabetes, ment 100 ofud e cheesu and it was dro ut beforetbeeyes, lossofmemory, that oderous3 present'the officurs and rbeuinaètim, gravel and urînary troubles of meùtn had by consent buricd, aud wer0 yaoe r ciiiTihe Duan iiducy Pil! Go., sorry. that tbuy were unablu te getj Toronto, Out. it pianted deuper thau 6 feer exsing1 to having reached bed rock. THE NYWST SOES. 71wose. yJF of wearing extremely TU'Get rRquis .scmehatcounteracted by the vury 4 Sold and recon'1mundudi by eýfeinne]eking stippers that ara bu- aiblu medicine diseovured). ý 'itotteiae he !)ackaeges gueraïed tecureaiar gradai orwing more pointud !ernisoP eacal Wealsness, ai] uffects of abulse isud iinvàriabiy have the tall Trench or excuss,, Mental Worry, Excessive use etT--hel. The Louis Quinze bau] au1,d bigb bac, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed ou recel ipt vt uclsadr,_,r1gg idxteilcure. Pamphlets fre -to nny addreFF. bows are the favorite. The prut ty The Wood <ompauy, W5indsor, 0U.t. ntion oS havîung the beela su id vuvet Wooi bcîbeiousod e fwsivll b bows ini colors te matci hIh dinnuàtr Stot&Jury, Iligginbotbjam & Sa. 0, -cO,_ie byi gownss rceý,ived the stamip oS guis, J. Glillian; Neweasttu bv Dr, Faroco, mbe. : erai folilowinig.

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