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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1900, p. 4

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: New rug jStore3 and GOOD Mte lsru2dires DRUG j Orily. V L E . unsatisfactory LITTLE LIVER PILLS flot Carters, we seil them for 20e per Sbox,, but as good a pili as ever was made. We are, selling them : u nder our own Dame and guarantee at 2 BOXES FOR 25c. ?u COMàPOUND IRON TONIO TABLETS for tired, worn u neorves, a general blood and brain builder, Not a Datent medicine but mnade in the finest chemical labratory in Canada and this is the Sonly Bowmanville Drug Store wbere you can buy them for 50 OTS * WN. C. Tole, Phm. B. 2 Doors East of Post Office, Phono 49. Bowmauville. îl BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 15, 1900. A MR. llOAIR98 LETTER Briglit Oltlo ok Farnfiers' Company, Lîmited, BRANTFO RD, Bouglit their raw material rigbt and de'y the world on comptition. Finest lied Star 12e'. Blue Star 11k, Standard 10îc. See our agent at once. Don't put off buying; our quantitv is limited. We, ha- e warned you fairly. SJOSEPII STRATFORD, General Manager. No. 11. Sundav July 15 I went te Alexandra Palace. This Palace in size aud beauty is uext te the Crystal Palace and 18 fDow occupied by the international workers of the Christain Endeavourers who are now holding their yearly gathering. It is really a tremeudeus gatberiug. Fortuuatey thero is three auditoriums lu the palace and one large tout lu the lawu se the speakers are divided up thus allewln the visiters te get a hear- ing. The %Slespmg compartment for male meoebers iu the greve are tents ranged lu evon lino in tue style of au army encampment. Iii another locality is the banquâeting hall where the women werkers sleop on iron cots during the convention and many are lecated else where. There are temporauco bootbs lu every direction, but net a drep of liquid which bringetb warmtb te the seul of the tinregenerated man eau be sold iu- side a certain distance from the palace, The C. E. ià represeuited frem neariy aIl parts of the world., I uoticed Rev. W. F. WIvilson from Canada. On Mon-» day 1 loI t Victoria station and after a run of two fleurs Brighton mor Londou-down- b teseal reacbed. Thi1.s Is a fashion-1 KLONDIKE LETTER. -> The followiug extracts from the second letter of Mr. W. L. Spry wbo is witb a surveying and exp]oring par- ty lu Alaska, te his father Mr. T. H1. Spry of tbis town will iuterest our readers and give them some idea of life in the far Nortb-west: Porcupine City, Alaska, July,12th, 1900. IDEAR FATHE,-1 came up from Van. couver ou the steamer Danube te ýlkag- way. It was a delîglitful trip. I wîsh yen could have been with m,3 as I know yen would have enjoyed the scenery se mucli. We thorouglily eujoyed the scenery iu goiug through the Rookies togother lu 1890, but this to me is far ahead of that. We saw seme whales, a porpoise, shark, aud thousands of ducks. W e stoppod several bours at Wrangel and I went ashore and walked around te the Indian village. They.have those wonderful Totem poles soine of tbem beiug 5-1 ft. bigli aud richly carved al ever. Tboy also make mât beautitul curies and carviugs on ivory and wood sive. Moccasins fiom $3 a pair up. There are dozens of grizzly bear skins at the wharf. You cau catch balibut 100 tbs weight and the salmen were goiug up the river by thousauds. Thore are two cauneries bore, a large tbree story brewery net runniug, dozens of boats tied up te rot, lots of vacant bouses and saloons. The boom bas left Wrangel, we had te wait there for higb tide as our steamer could net get tbrough the Wrangel Narrows, as thoro is ouly 10 ft of water there at the low tide. The steamer draws l7ft. I arrived at Skagway June lSth and at once started for Hlaine's Mission a small village about 30 miles down the coast, from there I walked acress a uarrow neck of land te a baîf breed village where 1 eugaged one of tbem te take me 26 miles up the Chilcat river in a canoo te Daltou's bouse arrivîng thore at 9 o'cleck in the ovening. I at once got a packi horse te ride te camp, 10 milesup the trail but after cressing the Salmon river 1 lost mv way, lucky fer me the herse knew the way back1 again. At 6 next morning I started againand fouid the camp alrigbt but Mr. King bad Zone dowu to Ilaine 's Mission so I at once turnied back and overtoek hlm at the Kickiug Herse river. XVe started for Skagwav te got the baggage, I was neyer ou herse. back beforeaud was se stiff and sore I couid scarcely move. The Dalton trail at ene place rises 2,000 ft ut) thei side of a meuntain and thon dowu again. At places it is only wide enougli for one herse, but I lot the horso go as I thouglit it knew more about that business thaîx I did. It 18 a very poor patb for a timid person as atj some places you could loek down more than a tbousaud foot. After getting the freiglit at Skagway wo started for Murphy's Flats and took pack herses to Camp No. 2 lu cempanyv with a Mr. Maloney Who was goiug up tountrv. Our camp was near the Indian village of Klukwau. Some of that tribe killed A Victimi of4 Piles FOr 20 Ynr$-A Constant Sufferer From Utoodng and Protrudlng Pile"-ured by Or. MUGS'ointniont. In vain diii Mrs. Jas. Brown, of EHin- tenburgh, nee.r Ottawa,. seazch'for a cu re for plie,,- l Europe and America Fbf~ tr!ed evr remedY avallabînbl. but it resunaiud for Dr. Cflase's OntSuent te Ëfee aCure. M.rs.Bow wrltee;:.-" have been 6 cousOtanit Esufferer from nearly every taorf pilies fer the last twenty years, and durimz that tjime both here anud in tbeOe3 C&oe.ntry h ave t.rled most every r.uu.dy. "'I ajn onir dolng justice te Dr. Cha sObztment when 1 uay that 1 buiêsve flt. ,D1. the best remedy ob-. talnable fer, bleedin.g and protruding pileB. I: surOnglY recommend Dr. ChaSe's Ontment te mothers, or inde-ed te auY Person suffering from tbaî dread torment-piles,"l Physlcians andi drugglsts re1 mn paration that wiil neyer failito, cure piles. ItAsl guarauteed te posltlvety eure pllee, whether Itching, bleedlng, or protrnding. 60 cents a box, at ail dealera, or Edmnion, Bates and Ce., Teronto. ican National Anthemn and God Save The Queen, the Union Jack and the Stars and Strip* floating side by side from the city, flag pole, Jack Dalton and wife rode tbrough bore yHeda.le supplies u,; with pack horses f"r our journey'lanto tbe in terior. lie rides 50 to 6) miles a day for a week at a time. Hie is about my size, very fair and bis xife is a very pretty woman and plucky as well ofteu accompanying him on his long rides, swimming the rapid runninu- river on horse back as welI as her bus- baud, and takinz their liyves ln their hands as thoý sayinz goos, when they go among tho, strange Indians. The Americanu Goverument was petitioned a short time ago to sond uip some soldiers from Skagwav wherý they have some colored troops. Dalton supplies the mining camps and Mouuted Police with anytbing uhey ý require. He lias 200 borses and bas 50 men employed. We leave bore to-morrow. Each man is allowed 50 ls of bedding and clotbing one tout bav,ýing to do for the whole party, We Re6going to explore the Alsec and the White rivers going dowu the latter to its confluence with the Yukon, hoping to catch the last boat et the season out from Dawson City. This is the last letter you vil] get for some mouths as the district we are go ing into bas only b-eon traveled by the Judians of the interior. We are aking no meat, trusting to the sbooting of mountain 'ïne,grizzlysand partridges. The latter are very plentiful, W. L. SPRY. FAIRL NOTES. Bowmanville Fair "Sept. 13-11. DO YOU REALIZE That in TEREE MINUTES yen eau do business with Quobee, Mon treal, Toronto, Hamilton, London , Detroit, Buffalo, Chicago, Boston, New York, Philadeiphia and a thousand other places iu Can- ada and the United States by th ogDistance LUnes of the Bell Telephone Com'y, Ail desirous of exporting Apples to <the home markets will ho furuished iwitb reliable iufcrmation by writ- ing to Kfla ~ffis~;7 Tronff Canadian Agent for Messîs. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, establisbed over 50 years; Boyd, Barrow & Co.,Glasgow; M. Isaacs & Sons,Ltd.,Loudon,and firms lu Bris- toi, Hamburg and other ports. 83-4m Hudson Rîvor by Daylight, The Most Charming Inland Water Tnpi on the Amean Continent. THE PALACE IR014 STflAMERS "NEW YORK" and "ALBANY," of the Hudson River Day Line, DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave New York, Desbrosses Street. ..8 40 a. m. 1 West 24nd St., N. R..9.00 a, m. Albany, Ham Iton St.......8.80 a. m. Landing at Yokers, West Point, Newburgh, POUghkeepsie, Kingston Point, Catskill and THIE ATTRACTIVE TouRIST ROUTE To THE Catskill Mountains, Saratoga and the Adirondaeks, Hotel Ch amplain and the North, Niagara Falls and t-he West. Through Tickets sold to Ail Points, Restaurants on Main Deck. Orchestra on each Steamer. Send 6e. in postage for "Sommer Book." F. B. HiBnýARa Genil Passenger Ag't, E. E. OLCOiTT, en'l Manager, 31-tf Desbosses Street Pier, NewYork. J4eal 85t16OS, Cash Grocers. Keep bot h eyes open for best 'goods ai IoW- West End'Hbuse BOWMANVILLE. Bi Mid=u#Mme S~alal this Month., See -éthat yugtsm of these Plums. Following are some of the start- ling prices: 115 'pieces fine, Dress Ginghams, splendid patterns, are just opened out. We eleared the lot and will seil 1 7c and 20o Ginghams for 1 231 a yd. 5 dozen' Men's good strong Mole- skin Shirts, the 75e Shirts for 5o eaeh. 40 0P i e e e s dark Flannelette, speeiallat 5e a yard. 5 doz.",'Men's Flannelette Shirts at 15e each. 4 doz. Men's fine Gingham Shirts reg. 50e; during this sale 35e. 10 pieces eolored Dress Goods in .4-ana, r utr,~aîn.s c, J. Z, Wti W~ a,.d -¼ ,, .- - ~ ~' . m's ,s. spïCr'C1 ndtn as nut WItp.eed for menu v "-' 2' -' tons irroee waiv rate con certa!!u con- 1 testament of William Thomas Locknart. pnd ; - _r atea te mrca aryns -ei eolr ortodiladj eea~det t er to, rinames, asO esn d 1;j- . - ~ v r iiiuiinZ- MVgr Tit>mn'sriireir c . " aur~iptous anu- a iaement outnerpir dmuI ~a, pueMithe1510uias uconar ou uû evo prpe0yvelledan tenaturÉe of the-secunit- nUmber W . (5,1- 0&fO~- mrnm opeîin 77 MM Mr mm

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