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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1900, p. 6

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II lese naturai ta iaugh aI the 'b poets aud sciexibifi moen 'Wear, Turopean vicitor svas cert ain cf a cor- c1ee4rWadsPohdn These pilles are a specifle for al CO-OIM strange imagining eofbhlidren, and te' long bai r. Me dt hti diai roceplion aI the British Legalion, Rme.Idese arig frm iodre lsee aesSaily sed moiusl bLadie akProfessor-Ah.MisEfh atm and Lady Macdouald pr-ided herseîf On î, Sdan eom cheGat n smmedby si nerves, iweak heart or walcry blood. IIsnOOOLdes.Saulyee enaxithybyoes skridicule their t-rcfIedal;b t ideed a dîscoea'y.WyiSldugitlacadaOnyr. ' c yonn drusggst for Goets Ceilsu Rosi Com- mteseal elz btIi ea dt-Il -cuexe avetbeiig chiele ogive Ibrec yeanly ball' - m isaiedieine dsscovcred. Six ne urpaptiodznes iimd. Taesne etien as ail itrspl and wîanjm aiesare dangernua. Priçe, o. , iper malte r needixig serious censideration. auY sess cf humer, smackiug et true %westèi:cciviiiz:îtion. ~~ t packaes gwareoteca tO care ahi smnothering, faint and weak spelîs, bocr N. 2 0 reeslpi tpueaad iw ox. No. Thons is a great difforence li eblidren E OW- SUE SAW TUE EMPR.ES aS. o xex etl worakness, i eete f seshorînesscf breath, swelling of foot 1 orac r Opiud n or Stg o puhantsd. Mailadt ofeeii adakis nreucs, lepes Bjiamp e C o ompay Windsor, Ont. ot course ; sema are naîuraily norvous I'ain-Kiiler cures ail sorts e? ruts, , Since gcîng tb China' Lady Mac- bcnc, enmrs huage is, M$5- don ept nd5e,' .vusessleles respcmisbl Druggusîs lxi Caniada. and tîmid, while others show very lit- bru ses, luras and stsaa bla i- oadbaiexfudomtrl set î.aalraa-. cuetrasc ios5 ny addrse eeaiei hysberia, SI. Vîtus' ~Nog i ad 2 olS.aed ecocmendd bycli ernal[l, itrssdiarrboea and dy- ijg utbshdtansg esfeWOdComPanY, Windsor,OnQU dan.e, partial paralysis, braie fag, Nos o.0Ai ci siasîin 1a3hh t île hesitancy about gcixig tc bed alune santery. Avoid subsîlsues, Ihera teWnndsPhotahoiecboutiibas3-sm-iixill by ranae geeraidebiily CiLA; ascati ~&'a; roa y Gilni a dark room if îhey bave bad slse ibut ue a>!nT ý1- 'err i '. 5.'isl 0 " c hw r nconviont 1 J 6453a; : Ncwraîiam & Sfvially.Prce o a oy PILLA'N: ýcasLle býr D~~~it. FARNcOMBE. training from babyhoad. But with the accd 5)c. iuatter h neru g ricnein .Gliui ecsl yD aaob, adlcbvtlt- rc5ca)x ýmajority of children the getbg jfJj~~11l 11IINÏjourfley hier busband undertakes, she bear ini thecir lives la thim fear of the 'E PRESS I OF LY±U I invariabiy lisista on accompanying Q T LiteiolsasbrveauIJSSe ""'De isictono lions when the sun shines, become ar CHINESE EIVPES D--OWÂGER FOOLS having been the f irst European lady to rant oowards when rooms grow shad- THE CHiN.1AMVEN. travel ina train fromn Tien Tsin ta j iyadstrange fartas Ioomn up inwasdninn !warm,. FEEDJNG TiER BABY. ds onr. A h years go on "'e wonial i mo III, iels(bn Fn open truck. It wa8 due to lier initia-. i~ecuse~~ dE tshav coittes. lks ashe rave as -- iûand ipisIla te distinction c Then, why 510P takingMaina W eiraytb baba Lis fear keeps pace with their growth -f1.~7~U tive that the deputatiori of "diplomatie sOOTT'S ùMULSION Ithat sipoalfe is likelytahv and even when matur'ty is recei tladies" were received by the Chinese Aipy bcuei' umr bard time, whether the food be good, they stili dread unlighted apartments rItSiashtju bfe Kec tûngit.ItW11 hel ourjbad or indifferent. She asks how witb an overpowerirug fear, the secret Ensou-si, he aewof thaelChinse ofwihte cno vutell to sponsiblefo th rsn eaen Prussia asked Lady Macdonaid if eadmk te tog o ogthe aduli could bfdwbic te cnnIevn o te rset a tem ere vas anything lbe could do for lber anothtr wjnter. A as is the average baby-have food put t hemselves.trulinobeflin eutee-xibefridncy.Nwbrla- V .ad e.00o; ail druggsts. La 1 bis mouth every half boum or sa, This ter r that le actually a spe-, ya brvain mogten-i h obde iy ole ay ~~~~ day and night. The majority of cases oies of real misery can often bie traced a mn h i-sbip badl always been consumed witb ~wu erou disinctons njoyed by the cf indigestion and gastrites in chil- a sher directly or indirectly to the mru itntosacroiyt altwt IoIss h ______________________extraordinary lady is thbat of possese- acurisiy te talk withe sou-Hsi, e b dren. criginatas in jarst this way. Do weird tales told by nurs-ss te their in temunegty oenelature ofacrdgy updttbopruny Castoria is Dr. Samuel -lit( netasum taeevey im, hebay s:al hage, r te hrat o d n u uatlngh f aving lber desire reaiized. Thean hdr .Itc tas flt ssmetajevrylmeth bbyeai care, r hethstscfda-any Chinese woman, as bier true namne Dowager Enipress' bîrtbday -,vas ap- te aetesbtne cries lie is hungry eveu if ha takes gers that lurk 1n dark recois if a runs no îess thanfourteen iyllables.otr aci ubane CIJR ALLVOU PLU~S WTII food eagerly. Doese t a dyspeptiecbild is naughty or disobedient. "The, Whe, Shle signaist in full, as she deleskoig atmprncwsatcbfrPre ri, rpSo i - I Il r crave food ?An infant fed irrsgulariy ibig dark," becomnes an ogre ready ta on ecpinl ocsos xraae otedtakdPic er oI sPesn, Isga A and overf cd is neither etsidtimuadtiih em Tsou-Hsiy u-k'ang yi-chao yu-chuang- A Mdiin ChatleItsif l xourished by bis food and erie long tbe etealtby, foui flend, skulking li tbeir'enso.k gcigbin~c'u request lber Majesty's permission tea Milions of Mothers, Cf SIispIs, afe and QkkcCuee -shreceiv thecdipuationecf adies wb aean ueCuefr stomach gives eut from overwork. wake, with ail sorts of mysterieus de-, usi. 'Oas cf the Emopress' pet bobbies weciheth e pet an oades toe.lay eeihîs Ca ~CRAPSIARHOEACCUHS, Mrs. Wheeler says: "rmtet vices with which te frigbten and te is inventing namneantinis Prinýe Henry succeeded, and thisCud rsDiroean GOLDA, RHEUMATISId, two and à alha hurs is required by pns bm oecrant î meilfvu unique recepticn wa.s acerded the Teetlaing troubles, cures NERLI.a bealizhy infant te digest a meal. . Many grown persons cannet slesp li than a rsciue.st fromn parents te naime ladies. By bier second marriage Lady Castorla assiilates the1 25 and 50 Cent DOttIGOa . A young baby sbould bc f ed eV- aro nseadmlgcl unn.tenwbbTbe cbild as often Macdonald bas two cbarming luttle 7>.E O F IMITATIONS. ery two heurs3; after the firsl four 'd donet Iat il15 iancne Sntelhea.rlThethlahtmer BUY ONLY THE SENUINE. or f lys weeks every two and a baîf fear of the dark Ihat makres the faint ridiculous appellation imaginable, but f swigtxia ddsteml.is the Children's Panaeea- î 'ERY DVIShours, after two menthsesvsry tbrse glimmer s necessary adjunot of bho gels a certaia amount cf royal pro- heurs. peaceful repose, yel sncb is the case, tection by il, a gold ring and a curi- WA LN AS Castoria. strength hie takes more food and con-and if tbey wsre toa tel the occasion ou.sly carved coffer. Se a"si non h istbtne Castorîa is aa excellent miedichiE. j seuell desne rqureteho f r such a tsar il coulîl bc sifted clcwio a si nwIb ie oai. children. Mothers have repeatedly toid m SoidGod.. ,$.8 s equenly. doe n teigh heet h ro f h ter and he bug- Tbugh se Streng-minded and intel- ai experiment ever performed was con- of its good effeet upon their chiidren. teteli fte atradteb genTo-Hsi is alrnost cbildlsbhlid d by a Dutcbmnan. He placed in a fl OG C coLwf BesI Gold Pibi 1. 50 i feedings are sufficient for, the very bear stories of childhood held respon- bier craving for flattery and ostenla- pot two bundred peunds cf driod eartb, SyrsGo]dFill 1.00 young child, later, twe; and by -the Lil.ienUs display. Skie adores bightness and li il ho pdantad a wiliow. brancb, THE FAC-SIMIL IBet Glasses... 100 lm erahsbsfut ot Strange as il may appear, il is the and codeur, and alxvays savta itliber- bibwgedfvpud.Hokp Wegarantee perfect Satisfaction. feeding at 10 o'cleck will bc found suf, coblîdren themselves who actually re- self on fele nights that the fireworks the wbole covered op, and daily water- OLOB]E OPTIGAL GO., ficient ountil 6 or 7 the nexl morning. vel in the tales cf gbostly visitations, were up te the mark. Hier birîhday ed the earlbh witb rain water. After 93 Ylonge Street. Toronto. This division will afford the stomacb lanking chaînes, fiery syes and similar celebratione have aiways been cbarac- five years' grewth the willow was _______the proper rest. Babies thus fed with attractions Ibat make them ehudder, terized hy unheard'cf extravagance. again weighed, and was found te have precision and regularily seldom suffer yet wbich bave sncb a weird fascin-! Wbon the war wilb Japan broke ouI gained oes undred and sixty-four from indigestion. Sound digestion alleon for them thal the person pas-ithe Chinese nation were being taxed peund. The IIrt was dried and means health and a healthy baby is sesseil cf a stock of sucb legends je la just $20,000,000 te keep the Empress' weighed, and bad lest enly two ounces. a ccnxÉentedl one and a good seper at most demand. Neitwitbstanding Ibis natal day in a heooming fashion. She The experimentafist, therofore, look- APPEARS ON E nih.morbid laste,, parente ehould look ta afterwardc utilized a part cf Ibis sum od upon Ibis experiment as supporting f-E0,,aRCmAV 7 If the necessaries for feeding the il thal the mental appelite cf their i defraying the expenses of the war, the Ibeory that plants required ne 7,17 ~ ~ aby are not kept absointely dean, children is 'net pandered te by atories and thoen badib is generosity and self- food but water. But hos was wrong. tha food will become tainted and ne that, while Ibey are fascinating, leavo! abniegation witten Up aI lengtb in ail Later it was discevered Ibat much cf amouint cf system li any other direc- impressions on the heart and mind the lsading Chinese organs, and eula- the increae i welght cf plants was tien will cause a baby te digest aun- thial tend te weaken the mural chiar- gized. N'umerous as bave bisonlber derived frum o arbonicacaid gasinlx the dlean or seur food. Af 1er each feeding, acier, as well as cauaing Ihem an heur demande and extravagant ber ldeag, air. art ae accordiaf to the ferre- wbeîb r aI the breast, or by the bol- cf actual misery i days ta came. 1 bhe bas always- contrivied te bave ____________________ riliand r. .S.t Rgrs raoh: H hen a cbild begins ta exhibit an ploenty cf money on band. Sheba Pai oous idney Specialisin of Lon- ed ilk le likely tu remain ln the unacceuntable fear of the dark, try' few scruples, hoxvever, as ta thIe re- v r don. £liq., who have used this r forinula ins their nIosticafssful mouîh, and te sour and cause Ihrnsh. iScothing il te sieep xith a sang lin iining cf hber pocket book. lI 1887 rcle, relvieg and cureg a l akndroadtehbtmy3,0,0 ae,$93000 e baauehr of Parsons .ufforint As the child groI stsronger, hel i aknesom ndtehbt 000 fros..................able te swallowi the saliva as il ac- be formed freim early habyhiood cf acide for building, a navy. But the 1 RpesDwgrwsbn nr-r We have sold piles of Boots the KIDNEY cumulates; the moulh wili thon ne- ipottiog the child ta hed li the dark-jmP 1 aagr aibno r-r-t quiro waehing nîght and morning if everything le in readiness before tbe1 ranging n fbrgros ewe îps fyt n eycep DIS ASE ony. baby is laken to the recrm, and tucked the five battlochipe bad been crdered Dominion Inspeotor of Steamboats Cured Oui carry a good assortiment of _u le scié!hi the blood, etc. WlierIebbee oîesd o o e nth n h a h Ieor Dr. Ciwserited thinimoofnth "If the eIaby is$otooete de uodeetinto bdintedark, sandcthely apprepriater.Ibe rosI cf tho b $1.00. iAlen's Caîf and Cordovan Bl lt hecret heuSr cit, c ltthuotintadanhurader icf course remains ta eing the 1111e oe jmcosy- Sée did the'came Ibing net o$.0wrt$20t $5. Ch hofareget tse apeialci, we ae lttebttnsada hu eaise modeety and fear eOf the sur- 1 25,wrh$.O1 i. . C offecfcrefoir î.abl boii a i bb a iihd aeiîyli te sleep without rocking. But if, a 75gafervad-Wwn 0,0000 tle5h0c, '75e, and $1.00. Miss your daoggi or by mail. wabr isrnei odwîrchili is rucked tae lesia each night li was again veted fer raiîway censîrno gonskefspivnt ee eolefam7 e em wethr.Fist rn3 i cldwaer appealing te their plyiacians for a cure i rcs Ibooohl, cIstndfile iit clda ligbted roem until il grows eut cf lion a part of it - as expended for this for piles. We will tell yon what the sto' ELECTiNaizMEoDIîNe o. wtr ni e r ed aeud~ bahyhoôd and le then expected te purpoce, but 'b.,5ar tbe larger portion xnpepesie onea alr reason w do that is because we kn IL ne.a. r.tihen pour'li the warmi watsr gradu- form entirely, new habita, itl wuc otlsraîgaohrc ber ysar, reîeed of thelr rosI and sleep by stock in evcry lune. The public iç TOOT .. actual cruelty ta expeol it ta go bold- gard-ena the terrt'ble ltching, wben Ibey couid trouble to show goods-we do it wit TORONTO.. e ally, ietting ils heat increaso slowly - Ib ni~yeîdb à1ly înuzc the carix raom alone eccxi nghît F OND 0Us- 1) A.c-.. b nt- ycre ya single box ofDr. Snawl btmaps, îancy andplain:I te the scalding point ta prevent break- i aîep U mdlc efu Shb aaybena tokrfr Chases Ointment. s andMr. O. P. St.inohne Dominion înepfal bought. Cheap trash dressinge is de ag.ge. r ah hAouhyterh ainng ta aeshr onrthorecalughtply r wngSwbeitbofstabot- lvngcd24.Ste.d o Iai; Çdne'y leans sold by sîrong aoap-suds, nsing a bottle-brush I imefinins tha Ibe mrs cotrastofficii redtapeAfbor wang-u ho-tar 0fatsanbnaîa livin ai 26 Sha STOTI' & JURdugs, Bowniais ad. s ntw-sadn-waesi1from light te darkness is sure ta form came Empaerras eixsisîed an evory fer nine yinrz frem- itching piles, at ville. wbich there is a teaspoonful cf borax even wthout the assistance of ghost- scrap cf state business paesixig undor timels being unable te iset on ace3inn made te order, sure fit or ne sale, or bicarbhonats of soda, then leave te i tales. Suoh training and patience i s sye, but ne person hall any doubts of the annoyance caused by the-. favors and hopmng for a continnance drai lu niplesare are fcrle elp the timîd cbildraxi te evercomeo eli reality settled maltera5 A vain 1 eegayiteUe0 r hs ~Piîe 'Iis childiah fear, wbicb mignn other- imaîl paper called King-Pae la publisb- Olelment, ,Ivh entirely cured ie. 1 much the. saine menues. Tiret cars- .cno pa e lhvc tIhv W hnn raveiiin g fuIly rince, inside and out, in cold wa- wise develop into actual cowardlce ed regulary at Pekin, and serves as r ldft eakta i hy frL 1dshailBevr lok4Bwmn"i tebeing crfln rcso ikltri ie or hoil.Weee fwo aebe ue ylsuse." Always take wlth you -a hottie of Dr. aebt hnsad, dpaeliaperier wishes te cemmunicale witb bis Dr. Chases Ointmnîtlis recogniz.e Fower' Etrat o Wldare sltn cf bor an lacen acf USEFIIL PRESCRIPTIONS. subjects ho does se by Ibis medium. by physicianz, drugglsts, and thse euh. Fower' Exrac ofWil Staw-soltio ofborx o biarbnat oflicelI generail as theo oily absoIut" 'rr berry. soda. Nipples cared for li Ibis way Nervous dyspepsia.-A goed remedy Some cf these insertions have oben for piles; fA cents sa box, aI ail dealeso Iwill aliviye be sweet and dleani, and do fer this 's the fllewing . FIve draps cfj both amnusing and ridiculeus. Wbiexi or Bdnanzan, Batea and Co., Tenante. The chnge o f ted ecome S0ur. Beiling is net ne- tincture eftflux vomica li water be- 1 -Emparer Tung-tcbib died and, it was __________________ The chang of EoodHampton Gu and watr f iihcsay n l amu etenplsore each meal, a powdsr cempaeed cf' generaliy suppaod had been bhelped those whe travel are ;as il soflens the rubber and gives two grains cf pure pepein, and five »u o'le cldbyth abliusEm. eujaiofenpr-them an uxpleasant baste and aller. graine of siibniîrate cf bismuth aI- poete atr a1a ficaàntc san attack cf isr n h n ined b I__ I/'r'smwiblaa rAnxtcagei eirbe ippeter eating, and one leespoonful cf isro x h ii-a n i uxplasra ad as- hudnt cbasge is dtesren.-pueslhaao odrapiude f h rsetEproI acîde t We "Hld a vaster stock than i - foriing as my ' h usinc od emn-l- aLwraotas eutbfo e ree t Enrd honang-Su's of Il is flot fccsr e an1 egn agis nCohnDy( comfrtigasit ay he uesionof ond isman-si- ,uL ate iaoutoneese ex..r mccl with an accident to become be dangerousI. bekat vr on I l ati rm n eatedn orwa h 'i A battis c f Dr. -ed. Nature provided but eue -fcd rrfeoaî vr onng i t r emea eareo Tutnding sardowa Ielame or otherwise physicallv im- il eaÈin- deceasetioftTu gLoe food"iandGstaîed - Wild Sirassherry le When Ibis cannot hc had, the nexî leo be avoided. jpirdFrndGe t < lyer'proofmorig uteon of Mr. Samuel Good Tweed Suits te order $8.(ý ycr rp ea ura-resort is cow's mîlk, but tbis muerb Falling OuI of the Hai.-The fol-' ar' oniodcl-erigdFrhron,- tee ef safeiy. wbn m Ou he lre hii- iven with inbelligence, and must hoio lotion is usually beneficial: Tinc-1îninn h uea rag.Dnl oW aeavr ag n elas On th firt ind- 'gi monts, il rsad: "If bis Majesty Soies fit P i t l S b u r g, Wosîeds and Tweeds, 1ooth Foreign cattiofn ranpofdiubd taeh lpsag'an dIesiontuc o cnthriestpniletrosmar o thanddeo ionhowil ntaated, osn-jstr a ae bSUITeSUTouou Colic, DiarrhceaOror f the, cbild. It is rare Ibat ccîv's glycerine and bay naîm, te bc applied; ulwllroan I oe iibs ur. Df er t I senîery, a few bt- - ery." bre n i mrs dss ilprmiy-milk, properly preparcd wil] na( prove once a day, and rubbad very thor- ; I ý tcheck the furiber ad-- a suitable food; duc attenstion muet eughîly bbbtheScalp. Remembering the pluck and doter- - ý1' vante cf thsse dis- hc paid to dillion, quaiaity, and n- arhcteSom h-A mka mination whiob Lady Macdonald bas wncc o x u rcr n lrwr eas0s. 'gutanrity of f - ding. With bobîle-fed diet, sither plain. hoiied milk or pep- fr uniybencaîe po ý,dipîy some lime what well asrtad, bought in the best ma, As Dr. Fowier's Extract of Wild Straw- hhtoeoeain1cag o ilî anised milk or sulphate cf sodla cI nÏybe en ld waestrprisodî cud beîc' eslda hergî c.ioep ber sbcbg widely and ehaineiessly ia 7heuîld hc take.u i a 1lum ier c f bet nons fhe red a upie acud b h b oda b ih rc.Sm e iaitted, yoursafety lies inî seaing iîartihe 1cevay.Ido nol moian an entlîs- naIbafcre hre-kfasî every mn- bear lImaI she hadl retused te leave ; malter ~i1 ceupes oh fui! came lje ou every bottle you buy. ly differeut food, but Ihat a- the. child ing. Pennddladebwuistd M.S.DNLO.hiadwhnHgeîpcepdinahfo gronsandheelatrdngthwocf sthne foo.S. shoulaONCrackedd Lipn Hi-Tincturec pcidmn rrshfor p EVERY WRAPPER. mUmnAv s5REET. NEw voRK cDiTv LeIast five or six weeks and have lots first-elass gooàs at very small rnrices. )fLadies' Oxford,colored and black at lms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 hilciren's Btttton and Blms 25c, 50e, sses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond )k is in each and every pair, The mow. Latest Spring styles now in is invited to inspect onr stock; no,~ ih pleasure. Trunks, Bags, SPtchtý_u&; Dresý5ing, the very best that ci<be lar, it wilI muin the boots it is appli. ýches in first-class style. Fine work Thanking my enstomerc for past ýof the tame. ~neraIà Store has been," and are as usu.al prepared oods, Groceries and Hardware- 00. Good Serge Suits to order1 $8.00. orted stock. to select f rom, in Serges. -n and Domestic manuifacture, We id Hardware. Departments you wîIl find our stock arkets at the closest prices, anxI wl eopie want quantity others quiitîy, produee. Give us a cail. Curbs, and AH! Forms of 1Larneneos Yield to Weeis ilscesandn cf ceres nuniallty. iitdi-sEd bY Ch. ha-at hi eder, anl 1c aasee, a'î-e 1'", , 1; ils f.r $5. Asa t.reci , fa, i,e A;-' lias rn.,eqaal. -wa ÙLime, Oî _.U., an, n 8a su DR. 1. 3. KENALL5thCIO. tie,-c Crs:- A yrce o a lel.t-I avaambîers, a-bhi gt i aie, 1 tac im r~te the Veriisy ,hoonas pr,anas,Ced it ileesîli eSpa1 sýi ,-,-eg.a Il t pop, uaha ngs is eappliD-d eanOus-a huit e-.. rauds mattens enay naras and tOheaisos bacsna so lamea t etasccclii .ea Staunaup. Af~t-yer- a i ig ana y jawe'- t warcite aunelgihancdaer Sc aot utu[as, i eu-e in g nesetred t o de t a t, a r avriiisbestie te tisenearestdiaig, -lea ndgeeatiyarSsi 'crene ppîladitictlaeyrc intteeilni- filsiheOî-îibstleissei e-is rtsra ai aidwise thes et enali Os Il e S alot.,,, as. house wat .aenpins-iy e,,reild dllmttriaa llenishone hao. A Itelr ceasinatracriioc i hersa gen ar seansid I-S aime lîgt[s-ai i,, ;-iai matis ang tases if St cd ffected accr. li'asatdt ot thie harsisard and snyS,,1 ti fc -v e ee .housed uny -lm atisiassa'atie'io iaanr excellent us abut-."criDdtae-nsaast a eocrn, . -!o --u'b, S'.sjl crai Asa pour drgset tfor aal' Ssyedae pA 're se o.a tiet'ihe Ona ier ar L-1so OR. I.J. KENDALL OM?Alt, EOS 'R AI,! i :eher's prescription for Infants Lneither Opium, Morphine nor It is a blaaa'less substitute )thiflg Syrups and Castor 011. *antee is thirty years' use by Jastoria destroys Worms and toria prevents voiuiting Sour d. Wind Colie. Castoria relleveg Constipation and Flatdency. Food, regulates the Stomacirî liy and natural sleep. Castorîza. t-the Mothçr's Frieiîd. 1 Castoria. for IlCastortis anwehl adapied to chidas nie tisai I recomiend it as superior to auy pro. scripios kaown te iis.,, nss M. A. Apcui, M. D. Be-aklyyu, N.Il -E SIGNATURE 0F i at is

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