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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1900, p. 4

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I New Drag Stores bI~SII IVoney and ~GOOD geftunded sué ies1DRUG Onty. ~vunsatisfactory ___ _ VALUES, LITTLE LIVER PILLS not Carters, we solft-hema for 20e pe box, but as good a pill as over was maSo. We are selling them under our own name and gusrantee at 2 BOXES FOR 25c. COMPOUND IRON TONIO TABLETS for tireS, worn out nerves, a general blood anS brain builder. Not a, Datent modicîne but- made la t-be finest chemical labmatory ini Canada anS t-is ie t-hoe only Bowmanville Drug Store wbere you can bay them for 50 CTS FER HUNDRED. 3W. C. T ole, Phm. BM 2 Doors East- of Post Office, Phono 49. Bowmanville, The select-ion of a sehool for young mon and women who shall receive a business triicg is a question too important t-o be decided carelessly. The fort-y years' retord of t-is colego, with it-s important im- provements and growth, suggosts a sehool where noit-her parents, guardianis or students will be isappointed. Fali term opens Sept. 4. New Prospectus for the asking. Brtisli Aierican Business Gollege, Y. M. C. A. Building, cor. onge and MCGill Sts., Toronto. DAVID HOSKINS, Chartered Accountant, Pr incipal. ended but ci b,-y your S~1---iKs and aig you need at PTREBILCOCK'S Special uine of, SCRIBBLERS and- EXEROISE BOOKSî Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. Special Rates to Toronto. The magnificent steel steamers "Hamilton" anS "Algerian" leave Port Bowmanville for Toronto on Saturdays anSd neIV y respectively at 5 80 p. m, ret-unig bave Toronto, Youge St. dock, east side, Mcndayesud Thurs- dsys at- 7 D. m., amiving at- Port Bow- nianville at- 10 P. M. Tickets good on oit-er boat-. This is a splendid oppcrtunit-y t-o enjoy a sailiou these supembly equipped steamers and at-t-be saine time psy a visit-t-o cit-y f riends. Leaving Port Bowmanville Monda"s anS Thuredays at- 10 p. m. these boats make t-be tri p eastward via Bay cf Quinte anS St. Lawrence River, passiag through t-ho Thousand Islands anS ruuniag t-be Rapide la Saylight- anS connecting at Montrosi wit-h steamers for Quebec, Murray Bay anS ct-ber east-ern ports. Special freigit- rat-os on Fruit- For Ticket-s, Staterccms, etc., apply t-< THos. HIENRY, JOHN MOCLELLAN, Traffic Manager. Agent-, Port Bowmanville. ~îxhut Uuz~~f~ BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 29, 1900. flou. Dr. Borden, Minister cf Milit-la, anS Mme. Bordon have gene te Engiand te recuperate fmcm t-ho severe sheck enstained b y t-ho Seat-h cf t-hein son lu t-ho war iu South Africa. At t-ho Conservative mass-meeting bolS at Whit-bv on Wednesday Wm. Smith, ex-M. P., wss ncminat o - cent-est t-he riding in t-ho int-erests cf bis party. T1he Lttendance was email, Coi. Sam. Hughes le new in London ccmplotiug a book, which ho bas nder- taken for a Londcn publisbing firm, Sealii)g wttt-at portion eft-h-e Senth African war cf whicb lhe wae persciauly cogaizant The colonel wiii retumu te Canada within tl-e xt fertniglit. A Lindsay. Evemv farme; iwho cwns hie land a.- - Inde pendent. Banks maybreaï, , licatos go t-e t-hoeeail, markets may ai lie in t-be bande af-t-he bears sud yet the t-ar- mer may sit on t-be fonce sud whist-le a merry t-une for hoe bas t-be assurance t-bat ceeS lime and barveet willnot fail, t-bat mon muet est sud ho must 1holp t-o feed them anS when panice come hoe is ont cf range aud under choit-or. Messrs. Davis & Lawrence Co., Lt-S., Mentreal, have cent us s few copies cf t-hein publication "Nursing ,lho SiMc." This bookiet boing writ-teu by s prefes- sional nurse bas net eniy t-ho apprcval o f t-ho medicai profession, but le cousiS- oreS an invaluabie acquisition t-c evemy boutseheld, boiag iitemaliy a Omest aid t-c t-be wonded cm a simple medical sud surgi1al andbcok. lt-le published lu Fmenchsud Euglîsb sud may liech- t-aineS by oncicemng a 2c. et-amp t-o t-ho firm. CHEAP RATES TO BOWMANVILLE FAIR. The Grand Trunk Railway t-bis year bas conf erred a SecidoS faver on West Durham Agniculturai Society by grant- ing t-be beet mates we have over baS for Bowmanviill Faim, M. A. James, Socmetary, was lu Toronto te 500 t-be District Passouger Agent ist week sud dit-aineS the t-oliowing lu responso t-e t-ho recuest mado: Round t-rip tickets wiil lie issueS t-c Bcwmanville at iowest ONE WAY rTRST-GLACC PARE t-rom ail stations where t-be lowest eue-way fimst- s euss fane Sces net exceed $2.50. This arrangement will permit people t-h come t-romn Limehouse ou t-ho wes t anS j -romn Belleville on the'east sud ail inter- modiste stat-ions at single fane for t-le round t-rip. This wiil aiso apply te the Whltby,, Port Ferry anS Liudsay aud MidiauS branches, se t-bat Lindsay or Pet-orboro people may cerne at t-be single fame. Tickete are good for 4 days lu t-hie way: Tickets ame good t-o come by any t-main t-bat reachos Bcw- manvill e on Wednoeday at-ternoon Sept. 121h, and sîl t-ains on Thursda'y 13tb VERY SU]kDEN DEATHI. Mr. Eh G. Pscce, ieS at-hie ho , t-ho Pasce Homestead_, noar EldaS churcli, on Tuesdsy mormng very un1- expectediy. A few day' ago ho was stricken with erysipelas, but- not-ing serions was apprebendod, tli a few minutes before hoe dieS - It Fs promiseS t-ho iseass reached t-ho brain when Seat-h came snddenly. 'l'le funeral takes place Thursday aft-ernoen at t-wo o 'dock t-c Bowmanville cemetemy. MORE SCHOOL HONORS, ý3t t-ho recent- Sthoiarship Examina- tion at Toment-o Universitv, Bcwmau- ville 111gb Sehoci was reprosentoS by twc candidates Miss Bestrico Tamblyn anS Miss Nellie B. Hall bot-b cf whom net onl y passeS but- alec diS honor t-o themselves anS our iligli Sehool. 'Miss Tambl 'yn mado a splendid record winningZ first- cases honore in Classies, Frenchi, Germsn, Englisb anS Physie anS second ciassehonore lu Matbems tics, But for t-be fact t-bat she was taken 111 lu t-be midet cf t-be examinatien anS missed eue subject, sho would bave been awarded a scholarship. Miss Hall maSe a remarkably kood pase, tee, wiaaing firt-clase honore lu Lattnansd Cbemistry aud second-cases honore in Frenchi, German, Hist-ory, Mat-hemat-ics aud Physice. Bowmauvilie Iligli Schooi tesching staff have good reason t-o feol proud cf t-ho record made by their pupîls at t-be Siferont examînstions t-hie year. THE BOER-BRITISH WAR. At close cf eight-eeu uinot-y-niao, The Britishi forces etanS Upon t-be shores cf Africa A brave anS Saing baud. Sir Redvers Baler led t-hein on Against a throngiug t-ce AnS f orward at t-blat-le cry 1The sons cf Britain go. Canada's son who offemod fist (As we received t-be news,) Te help wage wam lu Africa. Was Col. Samuel Hughes. There many cf our lioys went Sown, Befere t-ho asful ain 0f bullets from t-be Boom guns, beeking their ground t-o gain. Yet others figlit-t-o win t-be point OlS England bolds Has ight, Whicb she intendSet-o t-bore enforce Wbeu ende this tuggling figit-. Thee manv ct-hem sons have gene Prom Canada t-le faim, Te figlit for Queen anS country, Their khaki suit-s te we.îr. AnS Col. Otter leçtds t-be brave Contingent- number co, Arnug t-eho het cf Britiesh Boys, Beneat-l a blazing sua. Hector MacDonald new commande The groat- Highland Brigade, Ia place cf Gen. Waucbope, Who now le iowly laid. AnS Ladyemith was bolS lu check Until it wae made free, By onue whes,3 namne we give yen hoe Sir George S. White, V. C. AnS Coi. Baden-Powell, t-cc, We mnust not here t-rgot, Dot-en'oS Mafe a-king se well, Hecs juet the stuff yen bot. General J. F. Breckieburst, A noble Euglîsb son. Received gureat- houer f- Of capturing s gun. But- ncw Lord Roberts t-i 0f British forces thétg Accepting as o f c Farnous ,Lord Kit-cheniet There,ýmrny cf our beys do J'ailgood olS Unlim Jack, Oh won't wo raiso s jeyful cuy, Wb en "Tommy" doos como, back. Befere t-ho Union Jack mv beys, The Afrie Boom muet- stand, Suliject t-e Britishi ule sud law, At lit-le Bob's command. Then baste t-be day when war wîll lie, A long forgetton wcrd, Wheu nations la their haste wiii take The peu befeme t-be sword. MCKENZIE PENýFoUND. Courtico Aug. 25th, 1900., Boyqond a DJollbt Thonsands Gîve Testiniony. Lot-t-or upon lot-tom peurs lantrom every point lu Canada testifving t-ct-be marvelîcue power of Dm. Pît-cher's Bsck- ache Kidaev Tablets t-o cure kidaoy Norvous and Mlmot a Vlotim of' Nervous Prostration -veau Rostreci ta Healana strongtli by Br. chae' Nerve Feod. Di~t. W, Cronisbeýrry, 168 Richmond gtreet weaýt-, Toronto, Ont., etates:-. IlMy daughter, wbo sews In a White gooda aufeorgot completely mun <own by t-b e teady confinement and oe attention i-equred at her work. Her rnerv,'es were sa -exhausted, andi she was Sc, Weali: and debilitated, t-bat see ad tco give up work entirely, and was alm-rost a. victlm of nervoua prostration. Il earing c:_ 'Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food, she began to use lt, andi was benefitted frai t-be ver-Y first. It proved an ex- cellent reniedly la restoring ber ta health and arirb After bavlng used fuur boxecs she îs now at- work agaln, bea1th-y and happy, and attri- butes her recovery t-o the use of Dr. Cbase's NrvPIood." As a blood builder and nerve restora.. tive, Dr. Cha-,;e's Nerve Food is of in- ctstimable value. It -aires the blood red, tlhe nerves strong, and t-ha whole system healthY and vigorous. 60o a. box -at aIl dealers, or Edm£aneon. Bat-es &Co.. Toronto. FAIR NOTES. Bowmanvi1ll, Fair Sept. 13-141 A splendid lilt of Special Prizes le being offered. Recuced railway fare will be given t-o Bowmanville Fair. A Good extra prizes are boing offered for Butter t-is year. We are lookinoe for a big fall fair. Get your ont-ries ready. Get- a Prize List and prepare animais or articles for t-be Fair. Three Bands have been engaged t-o furnish, music at t-be Fair. Entries mav, now be made wit-h the Secretary-up t-o 10 ont-ries are fre-e. If you want- a Prize List, write t-o t-le secretary, M. Aý. James, Bowmanvillo. G. T. R. carnies stock t-o fail exhibi. tions for one way rate ou certain con- ditions, Members sectre one admission only on a membersbip ticket- wbich must- be gîvon up on en tening t-ho grouide - It- is t-ho intention t-bis yoar t-o nrrest- any pcrson takïing fruit- or vegetables from t-be tables or stands where exbibit- ed. Every lady in Wcst- Durham should make an effort t-o secure a prize ln t-le Dairy or Domestie Sciepcê Depart- ment-s Silver Grey .Dorkinge and chieke were accidenitally omitted from t-is year's prize lirc,. Prizes will ho givon under discrotion,.ary. Ladies, t-he Dom)aiestie Science depart-- ment is yours --n d wo want t-o see 300 West Durhamn ladies (voung and old) competing for îthose excellent- pizes. Hon 53 dneyý Fisheor, Dominion Min- ister of Agriculture. Ottawa, lias vory kmn dly consent-od t-o open West- Durham Fair, Haon. Dr. Bordon baving zone t-o England.' Short Hom rý-!eoders will approve cf t-be action ef t-ht. Manazing Commit-tee in offernng$3 o; st prizo and $2 for fnfpiz for 'et Durham bull c aif inder ono.e, r"ai best Durbgm% -f aer f U i er one yevar. M is Ber.veroRoinson wbo le recog- 'lid as t-ho leaSýingCanadian soprano be t-he(rinia artist at t-be Exhi- .-cîon Concert t-o be givon ou Friday evoning Septemnber 14th. This wvill be t-be fmet appeamance of Miss Beverlev Robinson ù;Bwanil and t-ho exhi bitinn Commnit-te are. to lie con graIn bited on securîng -so distinguished an art-ist for t-be benofit- of t-ho public bore. After asnccossftil musical career ln London and Great Britain, Miss Robinson ro- t-urned t-o Canada a few .Sears ago and bas since t-heu appoared on tour among t-be principal cittes with t-he most dis' tinguished artiste t-bat- have visiteS thbe country. She was one of t-be leaSing members of the Albani Company oit t-be occasion cf t-ho great- Diva's Iast visit t-o Canada t-wo soatsons ago. She was on tour wit-b Plunkoet Greene t-ho eminent- English bamtone anS bas albo appearod wit-b Piancon, Bon Davies anS ail t-le groat- artiste of theý day. The program that wiil bo peseýnted wit-b Miss Bever- loy Bobinson wilbe one cf a variod> interesting and cf a musical chaacter Mr. Owen A. Siiv,- Eloutioniet, Mr. T. E. Kyle, B3arit-one anS Comedian, anS Mr. Michael Murphy, Irishi Comed- ian, will also take part la t-be program,. ReaS t-ho Tomonito WorlS. During thbe past few years t-be Toronto Wcld bas been building up a remarkable rep- utatiosi as a relialble authomity on finan- BOARDING SOHOOL FOR BOYS (UdrTwelve Vears ofAÂge.) MIOUNT ST. ANHOYRDEAU T ERRACE, OTTAWA, ONT. This institution ie easily reached f rom Duffer- in avenhle, 10 which electrie cars lead fromn any part ofthe city. The program comprises: Christian Doctrine, Sacred Ristory, French and E&glish Reading, Grammar, Orthography, Letter-writing, Com- position, Arithmetice Hlstory, Geography, Map Drawing, Peninanship, Llnear Drawing, Object Lessons, Calesthenies and Singing, Clams Hours: From 8 t-o 9 a.m.-Study. From 9 to 10.15 a. m.-French Class and Recreatjon. From 10.30 t-o 11.30 a. m.-Engiish Class. From 1 bo 2 p. i.-Study and Recreation. From 2.15 to 4 p. m.-English Class. From 6 tb 7 p. m.- lams Reritation. Terms easy. Address: Sister Superior, Rideau Terrace. Ottawa, Ont Apples Ahl desimous cf expcrt-ing Apples t-c t-ho home mankuets will lie furnished witb eliahie infcrinat-icn ly writ- ing te Eben James Board of Trade Toronto Canadian Agent for Messrs. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, established over 50 yoams ; BoyS, Barrow& Co.,Glasgow; M. Isaase& Sons,LtS. ,London,and firme lun Bris- toi, Hamburg sud ct-ber port-s' 33-4m Hudson River by Dayigbt. The Most Gharming Inland Water Trip on the American Continent, TIEF PALACE IaoN STEAMERS "NEW YORK" and "ALBANY," of the Hudson River Day Line, DAILY, EXGEPT SUNDAY. Leave New York, Desbrosses Street... .840 a. m. -. West 2zind St., N. 1R-9'00 a. m -. Albany, Hiamilton St .5....10 a .:m. Landing at Yonkers, Wcst Point, Newburgh, Pougliki-epsie, Kingston Point, Gatskili and Hodelon. TH1E ATTRACTIVE TouaIS r ROUTE TO THE GatsishliRMountains, Saratoga ani t-he Adirondaclis, Hotel Ch ampiain and t-he North,1 Niaga FRals and t-le est-. Through Tickets solS to Ail Points, Restaurants on Main Peck, Orchestra on each Steamer. SenS 6e. lu postage for "Summer Book" F. B3. HIaRARD, Gen'l Passenger AgIt, E. E. OLCOTT, Genil Manager, 31-tf Desbrosses Street Fier. New York. Cash Grocers. Keep both eyes open for best goods at Iow- est prices.' We can always save 'spo u money. Cal and see. Butter wanted, TRADE. and Eggs CASH OR TELEPHONE 571 BowmanvilIle. 'W.p t ,1" ' 7 CrU,,S. 2ý-b 0 o r a d bor, 8 i' "t t~~ A' ters a necw ind heretoffroes del f chumnrr read ai md and enini cd among 7o'tr fri'ends. Gontalus "The Bow-legged Chost," ' Whpr Ezra Sang First Bats, "The Man Wc Pcý-ltV Lpr.gh' "' Pnrs.hle TitIc of Futr Boos" sus," Sli;iag ocks of Rair.L"1",o W omen, N -(I., "ocety Adtreses,"1 etc., etc. This Os ýditon bomiinu cloth, printed on extra fine 'as s. arc ausmn.tely the Seat humorrsus book pub- ýzT SC $2M5, maieS posîpaid for IlO0. o*, ' ý'rct. Send foror nev rr-ciai s&C îgr r,ai!--d free, GO e ycn tht 1 w- 1l ^ '. - ilgocuJ b' oks. Afdress aIh arders te TUll -:WEF(NEIR COMPANY, :and ira-nlacturers. Akron, ciao. I 'se Wer-erConsp.y h t'oneidyrab.-Edit4w. A cup cf bot watEýr in which a tes- spoonful cf sait bias been put takon befome breakfast wiil aid digestion. West End 1iou-. BOWMANVILLE. It iI IC t Itig! We neyer were as fully pre- pared to meet the wants of our customers in Clothing as we are for the coming fali season., A man's good strong wooï Suit in a grey mixture, well made and a, good fitter at special price,$4.95. Black Niger-head Serge Suit, double breasted Coat, good neat work and sure to fit you at $8.0O. Sixteen different patterns to choose from in our $10 Suit. Ail new, ehoice patterns, and work equal to tailor-made goods-at twice the price. Boys' Clothing we give very, care'ul attention to.' A special Sohool Suit, in- two pieces, is our $2.50 Suit, made of - good, strong, all-wool eloth and seven different patterns to ehoosefrom. OARPETS--Nearly every lady wants a new Carpet for some room in the house this fali. We are showing a big choice of Union and Wool Carpets in a large variety of eolorings and prices. We can seIl you Carpets at 25c, 30e, 35e', 40e, 5Oc, 60o and 65o a yard.* Before buying a Carpet we would be pleased to show you our stock. Odds and Ends in Shoites. About 35 pairs of Ladies' Shoos left of odd lines. They were $ 1.35, $1.40 and $1.50 Shdoès. If you can get a fit, they are yours at 75e a pair. - V-rn-- 1

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