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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1900, p. 4

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4 Nature's greatest remi-edial agents concentrated în tablet forni. A remedy wliose- efficacy is marvelous for ail complaints arising froni a disordered Stomacli, Liver, Blood and Kidneys. Every box is registered':by -number and con- tains a guarantee., If you are not cured the pturchase prîce is refunded. Sold by, ail druggists or sent by mail. 2oo days' treatment $i.oo. Pre- vents disease as well as cures îl. l OUR NATIVE HERB$ is seesol in powdered forni.' AL.ONZO o. eLleS c00, 232 et. Paul et., Montreal, cane GOQD IVorey and GOOD eyunded Suntves DRUG I I Only. V LUES Iunsatisfactory LITTLE LIVER PILýLS not Carters, we seil them for 203 per ~ obut as good a pilI as ever was made. We are sellîng thoem undor our ow name and guarantee at 2 BOXES FOR 25e. COMOUID IONTON [C TABLETS 'for tired, worn'ont nerves, a general blood and brein'builder. Not a atent medicne but mâde in tbe finest chemical labratory in Canada and this la tho onlv Bwrnuville Dru.- Store where you ce~ buy tbem for Ul CTS W. C. Tole,Ph vM . 2 Doors East of Post Office, Phone 49. Bowmanville. Yon can't Realbz WHAT A DIFFE11UENCE THE Oxford W-%g ill 1make in your k çitcen-until you seo its patent imIprovemOFits. If you're a housekeeper eall et our nearost a.gont's and examine its 110w features and devices for saving time, trouble axd fuel-the fir st eost o! the range is a small mattor when you consider the ye ars of economy, eomfort, and convenienoe it will give. FOR SALE BY Mason & Dale. The Gurnoy Foundry Co., -Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver.4 DENTISTRY. G.C. B3ONNYCASTLE, L. D. S, D. D. S., Honor raduate ta Dentstry of Toronto Uni- versity. OmmcE-Over Coach, Johnston and -crydenman's store. Bowmaaville. 18 lyr. DR. J. COLVILLE, G RADUATE 0F TORtONTO UNIVERSITY &aud Trnity Untvensty. Offce: Silven St ]îttght cails aniswered froci residence of 1Mr Davis, Beeoh Ave. 50-«. - DR. J. S. SOMERB, DENTThST, -R A DUATE 0F TRE ROYAL COL-LEGE e"to Dental Sungeons, Toronto. Crown ansd Bride wonk a spoialty. OFFicIt-639 Spadina Ave., Toneo. 16-tf. SIMIPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLAIR. Barnisters, Solictons, Notantes, etc., Morris' £ilock, up-stairs, King Street, Howmaaville. Solicitors for the Ontario Bank. Private mîoneys loaned ai lcwest rates H. F. HUNTER. B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0 T A R Y Public Conveyancer. Money, Private and Compny fnds to tend ai iowest current rates. OIFCS: ing St., opposite Dr, Harnden's Den'al Roomns, Bowmanville. 13_6m> DENTISTS. Will be et Blackstock en the first Monday of eech month, et Orono f iom 10 a. mx. to 2 p. mx. and at Newcastle from 2.80 to 5,80 p. m. on the second Monday cf oach month. OrFic:-Teomperance St., Bowman- ille,rear of Higginbotham's drug store. BOWMANVILLE-,, SEPT. 5, 1900 Sir Wilfrid Laurier is good onough for Canecia. The policy being advoca tod by Sir Charles Tuppen is one calcula ted 'to breed iii feelings between Canada and the mother country. The present Liberal Governmont has, placed Canada in the forefront among the colonies e! the -British em- pire. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and follow- ors be tbenked. Whatever lias beon done te improve the relations between Canada- and the empire during the pest ten years bas been done by tbe government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. John R1oss Rober'tson, M, P., for East Toronto will retire from polities. No doubt bie fools that hoe bas been doing violence te bis conscience by having te defeud. a party which is led by Sir Chas, Tuppor. Editors have very tender consciences No wonder the rank and file of Con- servetives are dissatisfiod with their political leaders Just'now tbey are in a sorry pligbt with eloctions comiug on an ne policy except abuse and mis- repnosoentetioii. If tbey have a policy, what is it? Censervative leaders are issuing double barreled campaigu literature, In the English-speakiug provinces the Tories preteud te be ardent imponial- ists, while lu tbe province o! Quebec tbey are abus iug Sir Wilfrid Laurier~ because they say boeis an imperialist, Hi, there, W/est Durham fermons, do yeu noquire te consult Goverument. bine bocks te decide if times are botter than wben the Conservatives were in power prier te 1896? Evers man cf yen feols the improvemeul lu yeur pockots. Tbeuk the Liberal Goveru- ment. Greaeor New 'York stands et the head o! the cities cf the United States with a population o! 3,437,000 pensons. This makes il the second city of the world in point of population, being a little more than oue-half the size o! Greeter London, wbich bas about 6,500.000 people. Sir Charles Tupper's saine old speech is doing duty egain. Ho shouild get it stereotypefi and printed. Theseoeld, very old charges ageinst the Liberal Government are new beld heded and very decrepid, consisting of about equel parts cf abuse and misreprosonta. tien. Electors now regard bis utterance as political buncombe. Suger boots must pey hendsomely. A report in an American. paper seys- an acre will produco from 16 te 24 tons or an average of 20 tons, which et $4 per ton is $80. The cost cf production is reckonod 'et $27 an acre, thus uetting $58 profit. The New England Beet Suger Ce., Boston, Mass., are meking large contracts in Indiana for the man- ufacture cf beet-sugar. W/bat bas bc- come of the Bowmanville industry o! this chanacter which an Ottawa man was promting a few montha ago? This tewn missed the mark bedly when they lot the Smith canning fac- tory locate et Oshawa. The Reformer says : Tho Canning Factcry shipped their frst car-ond o! goods-peas on Tuosdey lest. They were forwarded te the Eby, Blaine C., of Torontor, who bave purchased the entire output cf the seeson. They are now canning apples, peas, cern, boots and tomatees, for which thoy have largo orders. Bow. menvîlle gardons are hauling their to- matoos up there. mîtteavedonc wion 0o ere nominîation et Whitby the other day for South Ontario lu the Commons was to politely but firmly deciined the offer which was undoubtedly offered te hlm lu that expectation and by way cf a soother for bis iacerated feelings. Electors in South Ontario surely have tee much respect for themseivos te condono bispelitical offenses and set hlm up as a ýperpetual target for the, jeers and taunts cf the Liberals and Liberel press every tne lhoa ppeared lu the House or la public, The great- est possible kindness they could have doue hlm under the unfertunate ci r- cumstances was te nover mention bis naine lu any politicel gathening again. Mn. Smith's wonds et Whitby the other day showed' how keeniy hofieîet the disgrace : "Nearly nino months ago certain thiugs h4ppened lu this tewn which le! t me in matny ways discredit- ed-discreditod beo r0 the Conseryat- ive perty., discredited bof ore Soutb Ontario and discnedited beo re this country." Amoricens are taking -a strong stand against imitation butter., We -want the nemes cf ail visitors. Use the letton box in STATESMAN Office door. Eczema on Woul Iteh and Burn until the ChiId Screameod wth Agony-A Woncerful Cure Eff ected by Or. Chasëe Ointment. Tne catse recorded herg Ie one of the worst e-ver brought to the attention (if Toronto'-- best physicians, and when doctor, gave up all hope of recovery, Dr. Chase's Ontment wças euccessfuI ln producing a. perfect cure. 1Mr. James Scott, 136 Wright avenue, Toronto, stats:-" My boy, Toi, aged ten, 'wasý for niearly three years affliit- ed wlt-h a bad form of Eczernia of the scalp, wvb1ch was very unsightly and resisted ail kinds of remedies and doc- tor's trea tment. Ris head was ln a ferrible state, . e had to keep him fromn school, pd &t times his head would bieed, and the cbild would screamn with agony. For two and a haif years we battled with it ln vain, but at last found a cure in «Dr. Chase's: Ointment. About fixe -boxes were used. The original sores dried up, leavIng the skin liL Its normal condition. To say it ie a pleasure to testify to the wonderful' mierits of Dr. Chase's Ointmeênt is put- ting it very mnildly." Dr. Chase's Ointment, at ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Conservetives lu this part of Ontario seem vel& indifferent to the character of the candidates they choose te follew tbrough thick and thin te Parliament -lu oee iding tbey coudono the con- duct of Smith, a discrodited pelitician, and in aniother they decide te adept Jouas, a disgruntled Git-Ptron- an5thinig te-got-te parliement. if tbere is eute man more than anethen who is unt)worthv cf the respect cf bis fellow mon, irrospective cf pelitical or religions bias, it is the mac'w ho will, desert bis friends, heceme a traiter te bis panty and tako up the enem ys weapons and figbt ag-aînst bis friands and bis party simpiy fer pensonal preferment. Houer tbere eau be noue for s uch auneue. SOLINA .Mr. Chas. Sbortridgo has gonc to Man- itoba. ... Master Roy Werry bas rorurn- cd home te Montreal .... Miss Mianie Ashton accompanicd Mrs. Horace Ash- ton home to Toronto for a couple of îveoks' visit.. .,.Recont visitors: Miss Bertha Taylor, Hampton, at Mr H. Ar- gusMrs . R. J. Luko aad.family at Mr. W.Wry's; Mr. W. M. Joncss, Bow- mauvillo. at Mr. C Rogers'; Mr. Geo. Awde, Winghaax and Miss Awde, Dray- reu, at Mr. H. G. Pascoees; Miss Ida Moore, Hayden, at Mrs E, G. Pascoc's. . Probabily- nothing that bias bappened in this neîghberbood bas cast such a glooni over tbeý entire commuaity as the almost sudden death cf Mr. Elî G. Pascoe ou Tuosday morniug last, Ho had oaly heen iii two or thrcc days, bad net been confineci te bis bcd and did uot consider tbe discaise dangerous, bis end tberefore w-as vecry unexpocted. The aows sproad throughp'ut the section in a feîv heurs and everytody sccmcdto bave lost a dear friend. Hc w vas an ardent tomporauce worker baý;viug been one of the charter mobr.fthe Division bero organizcd over z22 ycars ago. e bas cicr been a most tiglar atnant , being there on the 1? ia nigbht proceding bis dcath, He b, eca Deputy Grand 'Wortby Patriar(c f tbe Division hero for about 15 ycars an id bis advice was always ne- spectcd ,by the young members. Ho eai- wast P ctive part on the pregram, gving o!f recitations, taking part in dia- log ue, tc. Ho will bc missed in the District Division whicbho nearly alxvays attondod -and was oneocf the forcmost workers assisting la the organization cf the Distric't Diyision cf Durham Ceunty. At the ime of the building of the Sons Hall la thoc village hoe assistcd matenîally and was icaeocf the foemost workens lu that connectiox. He was County Deputy Grand WVorthy Patriarcb, a distinction placed on bii for the organization cf sub ordinale Divisi*ons in Ibis District. H1e took an active part in chunch work and was long an e dbereat of the Methodist chuircl. During the revival mecetingsl bold boraic ,t ,iiater, lho dociced te cas, bis lo)t ina wlth God's people thiakiag thaýt a gýýood morailifeý was not sufficiont'L Siace tt te hc bas been very zealous, iuhnc and Suinday Scbeel work. ïHo was a Liboral ia politics and ixas prosi- dont o!ý tho Young Men's Liboral Club at Hamptea. Ho always took an activo intorest i the political wolf are cf the couatry, boing a caroful roader bie had a g ocd 11kuowýledgo of the political issues. Ho' wiîi be rmissed byl ovorybody as bhis geniial good-natured smile won mauy many frieuds. Ho was fond of sports cften taking part lu base-ball and foot- ba1ll.:matches. Possibly no othen man lu thi s part cof the couutry bas ý'nef erced" old f riend, condueteil the f uneral service Tbuirsday on the lawn et the old home- stead where deceascd had alweys lived, His reýmerks were vory appropniato speeking lu glowing tormsofo! is many sterling qualities. Ho beaves a widow and daughter te mouru bis demîse. The funoral te Bowmenville cemetorv was i le largest ever seen bore abouts. Divisýion attended lu e body, over a hundred memtbers leading the proces- sion The huril service was read by Bre. H1, Argue and tho membens filed pasî tho grave- depcsiting the omble- Matie evengreen wbile all joined lu Singing "Shaîl we gethor et the river" led b-y Mr. A. B. Crydernan.- The sorrowing friends hav e thse heenîfoît sympethy cf the entine cornmuuity lu this sad b1erýeevemont. Deccased was 45,yeans cf age. children COry efor CIhildren Cry for Children Ory for %ASTO.Ra A Labor Day Visitors :-Mr. H. T n ,Mr. H1arold WVelch, Mr B F. Gardiner. Cobourg; Mrs. IGeo. MLuglnand ebjîdren, Oshawa; Miss Emmierson, Bowmian vçille The Harmonv Quartette more thatn delighted the audience Mondav evening with their selections. Corne again gentlemen! Revs. J olliffe andLeggott gave interesting addresses as did also the.chairman, 11ev. McMullet.. .. Master John Howard Saunders,,whose brilliant record as a graduate of Tyrone vcý,hool was published a short time ago. is attending Bowmanville E H ihbool. We are ail ambitions for 1is success. ...Mrs. Wallace Staples is enjoving the beautiful atmnospbere of B4.crut River, Ont..The întensely bot, dr-y weather bas caused considerable sicknýess. Miss Jda E, Adams and Mr,. R1ichard flawkey are among the victims,. . ..Harvest Homie Festival and church re opening was a decided succoss. Sermons were preach- ed on Sabbatb by Rev. John Harris, Brooklin, 11ev. j. F. Mears, Myrtie, being unable to MIl bis engagement throughI sickness Tvrone choir u id excellently iu the musical part. On Menday, owing to frequent grateful showers, the attendance was flot quite what was expecte d, stili nearly, t90 was realized. The expense of repairs, some $375 will ho met by subscription. Tyrone cburch is, now a credit te its congregation and a torm of -reat spiritual success is auticîpat d evith our enthusiastic, whole souled pastors .. Mrs. (Rev) MeMullen, Baby MeMullen and Miss May, Orillia, arrived on Fni- day at the parsonage. Tyrone circuit heartily wlcomed the pastor's sweot faced wifo and the tiny but powerf ci bond of affection stio bring-s witb ber ini the image of ber firstborn.. . Mr. Joseph Pouf ound who bas rented bis brother's farm, Courtico, intends inoving right away witb bis fainily. They will be greatly missed as a family united in the temperance cause, and noted fer and wide for neighborly kindniess and hosý pitality. ... The infant child of Mr. and ,Mrs. Arthur Aunis is reovering from a dangerous illnesq,..Mrs. W. R1. Clemens and Master Bruce Ilon6vwell errived home Fryday morning from Hunter River,' P. E. 1.0cOr citizens are takîug ln tho Industriel. Soed grain sbould be secured from other localities overv year. Mutton market shows a preference for young animais same as beef, Ail desirous of exportiug Apples to the home markets will be furuisbed with reliabie infcrmatiou by writ- ing to Ebon James BuidingadeToronto Canadian Agent for Messrs. WOODALL & CJO., Liverpool,5 establisbod over 50 years ; Boyd, Barrow & Co.,Glesgow; M. Isaacs & lSons,Ltd.,London,and firms in Bris- tol, llamburg and other ports. 33-4m Cash Grocer s. Keep bot h eyes open for best 'goods at est prices. iow- We ean aiways save y o u money. Cali and sec. Butter wanted, TRADE. and Eggs CASH, OR TELEPHONE 571 BowmanvilI I. and Girls, Pity ltis, ltis true that holidays are ended but cheer up , buy your School BooKs and all you need at Pu TRE-BILCOCK'S Special uine of SCRIBBLERS and EXEROISE BOOKS. West End oi B OWMAN VILLE.' v I i M CIothiog! We neyer were as fully pared, to meet the wants of, customers in Clothing as for the eoming fail season. we ar A man's good strong woçd,, Suit in a ,grey mixture, well macle and a good fitter at special price,$4.95. Black Niger-head Seorge Suit, double breasted Coat, good neat work and sure to fit you at $8.OO. Sixteen different patterns to choose from in our $10 Suit., Al new, ehoice patterns and work eq.ual to tailor-made go-ods at twie the prie1 ~ Boys'- CIothling we.ý give very careful, attention to. -A se~ Sehool Suiît, in two pieces,-9is our $2.50, Suit, mËade of good, strong, all-wool cloth and-. seven different patterns to ehoose from. CARPETS--Nearly. every lady wants a new Carpet for some room in. the house Ithis fali. .We are, showing a big ehoice of Union and Wool Carpets in a large variety of. colorings and prices. We can sel you Carpets at 25e, 30c, 35e, 40e, 50e, 60e and 65e a yard. Before' buying, a Carpet we wo uld be pleased to show you our stock. Oý(ddLs and Ends-- 'oes., About 35 pairs of Ladies' Shoes left of oddlhues. They were$1 .35, $1.40 and $1.50 Shoes. If you ean get a fit, they are, yours at 75o a pair. We want to get your produce.--Oasb or Trade. John7 McM lurt"y,, I 4' t4' i Mpim )-,, i n- b

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