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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1900, p. 6

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C uregaiorai ehjnch, B1 wroanvil!e. ')n,ý MISS EEL MORRIS, AItTIST.linstriuctions gîvenin PAINTING ii) 011, Wateri Color and China. Sketching anmi atigfromi nature. KILN on promises, tir fi'ug-1at usual prires,5.m DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEROF COLbEGEOFPRYSICIANS aCD Surgeons, Ontarto,Coroner, etc, Itesidence. Enniskillen. 74 A, E. MoLAUG fiLIN, rrstroiclorand Conveyancer. Offce- lèrakiey BLoek, Klng Street, Bus manyils a0ney fo loan at reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. É(-FF1CEB IN WEST DURiHAM NEWS 3Boek, whershtmseif or is assitant wilI ~efuudros8a m.to p.m. Ntght catis ai r sdon ce, diirectiy opposite Drill Shed. Catis ly tie graph or telephone wili reosive prompt at- tenlon. 171 - yr. ILTAIR WORK.-Ladies wishinç hair A.dons over, cati ai Masý Dicaussos s,Klng Muat and Cor of Ontario St Bowma nvilie. 84-if MIARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. 4LJAmBe, Issuer of Marriage Licenaes, lkefflode: Centre Street. 0 00 hTO LN 00 e o n good mort- F. . MrAnL55oleîrBÔ wmavll5,Ont. 16 (am. R PEATE, TAILOR ~en1emn'aClothes made to Order. D DENT I STR "Y O. HARNDEN, L.D.k3. ï- e r SoD ave hair end duil. It won t ~«r o w h a t' he reason? Ha-ir nee ds help just as anything else does at times. The roots re- quire feeding. When hair stops growin'.g it 1 se s its lus- ter. It dead. acts almost instantly on such hair, Ht awakens new 111e in the hair bulbs. The ' effeet is astonishing. 'V .. LI , I. i our naît grows, be- cornes thtcker, and al J dandruiff s removed. And the orignal color of early f11eis restored to faded orI rO Iý11 (J ~L LE TheRev. Dr. Talm-ageGives Reasonîs for Disp5en1Sig With a'Commion Sin. iA despateh frokn, Waslington says: sed tin-t wo adil et cranametunt -Rev. Dr. TFIlmage preachedfatfmmtbbcoaItmichie, anti anha ap poritions t for' iolioning 'taat:-"Sufficient unto the al ite days anti yoar.a ai a ur iiie. I day is t-htecvii thereof.'-Matt vi. 34. na-ei Lookn-tiy umemu-rtajdum-book Tht lii e of every man, wonian, andti o cea what engagýiýements anti dub.ies chitd, is as cinesely under the divine -are fanr ahiead. Let every xveek beari care as thiougb ucli parson were the ite awn hi 'r. nnly mian, uoman, or chiLt., Thora are- Go to-mur-row antv! i ite on your day n-a aecidentis. As tiare is a iawî bok, or oniyur aiger, or yoar oi sborns i. the natitiral world, 50 n-ey--a-bie. Sfli-ntunto bbcday tht-ira aua iaw nf trouble, a law nI dis- Jta ,ho avilthrn. Do n-atn art-y aubte-r, a law of sisi-orbune ; but thie about ntes that are far ircim due. meajo-iriy of tha troublesi flifo areEDo n-at pila np on yan-r cnunting-desk imaginary, anti the moisit aIthose bbheIlinnciai uxetof nIthe nexb anticipabeti naveT come. 'At any rate, txx-nty 3-ara.-ThaLGoi who bas tak- bhero is ne, cause of nompiaint againat on came ef ynuirr wr occuipation, Ccid. Sea how much ha bath tine to cf tLe indL3iry ant he koy nf the. make tise happy: hie snnsbtne fiiing iturgian or tlie mcd a rm i tie revalu- tha aarth witli glary, înaking nainhow tbina wuilha faithý-al to 'bbcat. for blie sborm anti hilo for the moun-J Sot-hire are porsona bore in, feeble tain, greanne_ o for the minas, salIr-on haatli, anti thay araexvc-ri-eti about for ltae clout, --n-i crystal for tb b- ibbcï futurea. Thay maie e-ut very weli lowx, antid reu ofniannereti no-t, baÈt tiy an, btliering tiem- fliama tireugli the opaning gateis cf salves abo-ut future _ýpieurises, anti the orn-mrarnng, ehafftnclie te sing, renmatism,anti ceairal7gias, anti 1ev- rivera ta glitter, seas te chant,, an t is. Their cyesgit is, feeble antithey springs ta biosstnn, anti overponening are wcrrieti les, t bbeyvenbureiy lace it. ail other sountis niti its scng, ianti Tli'ia- lieurfiaglaindic, anti they c-eramolhing al othenr spiendour avibli ire alarmai lest th ehcame ontirely ils txiumiph, ocvenîng up ýail obi-ar deaf. They fait cidiy ta-day. ant iara beauty l.xith its gras anti eut- expacetlng an attack-i of typhoiti. Tliey flashing al othar throaos n ithilis bave be. n bhei for xxeeka nilti dnminicn--Iehivearne for a stxx-orid1 titraugi the Great Redeamaer. 'orne perplannm alti [iy, anti dreati ha- I dîsoarsei tiis mining cf tht. sin dm ing lufe-long invalides. Take cane of "- l"k in If -t I'W y W nu VI HA2NG TuHS UP IN T11HE LAUNDRY. Dry tea stains oen table linen may ha remocved ly applying eqilal quart- titiee of the yoik of egg and glycerin. When dry wash in the usual way. Appiy glycerin to coffee stains, wash the spots in lukewarm water and !rom until dry. Spotis produced by acid xiii disap- p2ar if toqched with spirits of harts- borin, and those produced- by aika li xxiii disappear if vinegar îs used. Pour clear boiiing water through berry-s tained goods. Blood stains should bc washed in luieewarm, flot hot or cold, euds. Let thera stand a few minutes before wa.hing theni. Machine oil stains shouid bc treated ta a bath of coiýd water and soap, if applied îmmediateily after the oil is spiiied on thie garment. Light iron rust, tnk or miidew, may ha renaaved hy washing the spots with lemaýn juice and sait and expoffîng to trigtit suneshine. If one application doaes fnot prove effective repeat the oparation untii stains disappear.' If they are very deep use citric acid in- stead of the lenin juice, and rinse two or three times to prevent injury to, the fabric. Wagon grease or tar spots shoid ho rubbed weli with lard or kerosene while the greasýe t f resh. Let the Lard rem.aIn awhile, then wash (>ut in cold, soft water, usiog fn soaP. Ask Vour Friend about King Quality Shoes. Ten to one she'l say ,Ithere are none better." They are favorites with good dressers, because they are comfortable a nd ye t styih-sty1ish and yet eco- nomical. Asic an expert their price, an'd he11 say îî$5"-~hed be wrong,~for while they are wortli it, our price is 3 OFFICE-Opposite Express 0 feeo. VITALIZED AIR ONrTAlRIO BANK Lonýtiinues tedo aGenerai Banling Business at eowmanvIlle Agency. DEPOSITS ecle nSaviugs Batik Deparimeni and itAeset allowed at crrect raes. hlouasçof e tthdrawai tnt neccssany. Ail daposits payable sidemnand EXCHANGE .dought-anti seldiantiDrafts issuati upon Enrope, iei, States and Canada aiso Goiti, StIver and Wnite States Geenbaeks 'boughi anti soit I - COLLECTIONS Pi-nm,,plynmatieateuirreriraeas upotiail parts 'x Grealt Britaje, the Usxted States anti the Do- inh nan cf Canada. Telegprapli Transfers C',ase FOr larg e or smalt stîtus on ail parts ef ariada. miisspateiallytivar-tagenusto per- :13ea ht.fods avaiabis at once ai the place For other Daticulars cail aithe batik. A. J MOLELLIt, GE0. MeGILL,- AceontantManager Mis. X.-I say, John, I arn goîing to stop baking altogether. We can get ah LUTTRELL'S, Bowmanviie,such good i3read and Pulls, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X-All right, Sarah, don't tel mne any more.- It -wiÏll -no- dou)Lbt be the best plan for the summer anyway. Alex. Luttreil. DO YOU FUEL TIREJI IN THE 1MORNING1? Doýes Sl1cep flot bring Refresliment ? Do yen feelt wretcbed, nîcan anti miser- aîbieï. i -be mrning-as t-ad as wlien y,)uen wentrho bd ? its a serions condition -moo sercions ho nagient, anti unless you have ibe ear anti net-vous systani srngtbencýd and the blond enricheti by i t z----- 11 i1 'Awaya%,Iîu %,slbeart is xxrong,heeause it puats oEneuiJe ~nr(ý r uItY ni.me ias- keroene; anotner la 10 pour malIe $i.Oabtti. Il rugist. otaa dspcdecy ha ii fts lm phIOIY of askilng him atn take cure of taIlion on the spots and wash out the -si have uaed Àyer's Hair Vigor, frduyyuwhlyo ie with your win tlo-y h ic the taiiow is and alti reaiiy aftonished at the do-ffs ight doaxn, or eti chick-saiad gonIB the to-k wili be gene, ton; stili soidit has donseia keeptng my Hacw poorly prepared for religliu harfrom comnig out. It Je the teeens'lc t ihosi onaohrlt olfhetîedg - l'est tonie 1 have tried, and I duty is a man, wh:os aits dcwn underateeeoclkatritrsidwna.hrisosaktetiedg- shall continue tn recommend It te hjio o xetl ifrtn on a cake of ire to cool off. Be prudent, nment in i 0r miik. If the ink ils on My friends." and thean he confident, white goods it may be rubbed with MÂTTPI IHLa, I liepray,hb' aays, -JE dü ott hink 1 Sept. 24 188 Burtington, N. C. sà-il ha aflaweraýd" If ie ve ie AginU; The habit eif borrowing mis ripe tonmatoes. For nid stains snak If eu t btan il h.be itdo ' sas I exp3icxtbey xiii steal the fcir tune is wrcing,,because it unfits usi a xxeak solution of chinride of lime in ythederonortioaiofaole Ounce to t A-exectesd froni theunie of tLin Har mny"f or là xvhen it actually doas came. We 4ltepooto foeonet i o . . Awr R, oet tbaâ.calnnot always havesmoiooth saîling. qato ae. Wlhon lime isused DaJOÂEnetMs.YGu will hava, nothing but misfor- L,*Le's path will often tumbie among the fabric should ha wahed in sev- tun L ti'futreifyJU sdnouiydeclivities, and mount asteep , and be oral different waters as soiln as the warc forlit. Howsihal. amanthia'-piertcid. Judus wiii kiss -aur sttucis removad, thât noue nf the catch thýe! ri.,ht, kind of fish if he, ar- nih ,a'nd thon all -us foir tbirty lirilb may ha iaft to injure the fabric. ranges is lice, and b aik, and hait ta atc Pzrd an xvt'--srpets p7i o f silver. ]ni nsiornwili try FreLb ie stains on carpats, should j Hunt for bats and haw ka, and bats to cir.rifynbtwento hiv.hatoce ovrd ibcrnma and han ks yau ill find. IHunt for Wa mi i urtha îiron gate of the wi enî t, y and b tue for sea t- There hav e heen piaced upon the market eucicrai l grnastshs several oheap reprints of an obsolete édition robin-redhreasts, and yeu wiii find spihacekadgii si bt îette a erhe ihalt of 1Webstrs Dtctionry." 'hey are baing rahibn-redbreua' tas. One nigbt an lu aur kindreid. But wa cannot get tie lemon juice. nffered under vanaus cmnes at a how price a'a e t, ready for these îhîlngs by fnrebsodings. Appiy very strong sodla water tn IBy agets, tc. and gs an lgoit natolerre bat- Tbey wh-o fuh -mgn woes wiîî paint spoýts, Spread soda on grease 1 ie; t e agla, unlus,.ai the rii spots on kitcihein fionrs and pour over dry oosdealas, rcsantfsnetcp. nd as mO Match for an 0wl, xvhich is came oct of brîeut.h àinto confliet with re iInstas gas re, Lfr usri: t hoiiing water. The grease wil tions tapapers. meuoit at home in the darljcess, and uh rmad di cter f the future. son~ disappear. Stains or marks on Afinouineets of these comparativeiy ~i-ko ftaarfUbii;Thil aummn îi 1,n wil bave ýbeen painteifuriciturse ttinntbe ne- W 'orthless1 buit he, moiningro ,anti with i oewasted lonig h i~r ney cameunader mvx yodnr ehd vi on 'eOfff treateilt a luttin powdered reünsaexr iiaig o ntne hýe aag le; andi the awls, and tent the gurro arul ifrtn.Pumica atone, rnhhed on with a cioth fielaent fadvgertie oleth usat a , ly iýhhý4fbro"In rngotO.htsa eqivlet f htha-priced book, when in hwa an-d lb' bita came a sec3nd Fin ly Thehbtoiornn r.goto-btsa us rliy, so fan as weknow andi beiteve, they tim' lta the combat ; non the eagîe, trouble te roa,itçbecause itae uth- ApplY pipeé day imixe-i wt ae are aitsulgh, frh:i srom , hA to odhi p Zi to the canisstency nI thick creïu b lin he unlght wih astrk~ f bs lef.Got ba prmisd t tae creoil stains on wIl ,piir, let stannd R%,eprint Di.ctiol.naries, tln and al grat cry, clearad the Of us. Tibi hî bloo with) as- four heurs, remove, sud the spots willl photot'ype copies of a book oI over fifty air-, and bis eauewitb tOm l1ea- ýjsurancos. Ynu hagar2 will ho fld; come too. yarago, whtch in lits da yue ot o bu 31.00, s Cdwhtcb was mchsuperiortu pper, toaam pehdwt lo~tum-. ursckes iii ha ,alieviatied; your pit, andl'tnding tethese imitations, hecgtshihces ear b omn5wl obaed h n mrCR FLM3 th awork of some m~xinseaLI00 , il inttl.thiii,.' ear h oroswÀb TosrmrCAEOI-s dihudî --n a,1liht.lu the night -of de- iclouds that sewthunder-chargeti The cause aI explosion bas usuaill Long rc soee spnlny e.wl hv cnce I ýre-ally ca ry in their hosom harvestesi hynatiue balx-n h i Tesup tierent of 10,000 so-cailed '11w sporiinyyou neies hatino chanceI1-fwheat, anti ;hocks (of corn, a ea to gaibow into amp, nthévacuu wcl ,oih some ofthese books areadver- agast yu of ht lcku l0togtlwi h lmtévcu tsed te contain, was compied bly a gentle- frram henulathb, but, trust igi Gdvneyarde pnrpliig, for the wiae-1 man who dieti oves, forty years ago, antid-ias nGdvf illing xith gas. Another cause as- publishedibefore bis death. Other micon ai standing in thé sunahine of the press.- signi ie that explosions s ometimes additions are prol'abiyof more or lesa xvlue. promises, yau shall "rino your youth Let Planeuro, qbant bar syren song, taka place thr-oiugh neglecting te out The Genuine Edition of Webster's lUn& 'Tis not the sang for me; bridged DIctionary,whi'-h le the only melIiet.h- eagie." 1T epn týjUtinci og f h hre oto ftewo tontons one femiitar to this generation, doni Aga in : Thé habit ef horrowtn owofgn iitr ng, whien the lamp la fillad. tains oves, 2M0 pages, with ilustratiocseon For thtsis il es decree.Obrvto wilswthti a naariy every page, and bears oun Imprint on trouble is xrong, bec-anse it bus aBttaesasn ansmei ifg ei rysionuse ho w beame ike- the titileapage. It le protected bly copyright ja -y-t na usoernnrpros- E ÉT esu hrxled- Kil r ng, cacal ng fcompositus- h -ionconbecsierabiy- Valuabln as this ""'-k Li, we have aitv est es tiîl'ls oJsslt ig hra ncmoiincnieal expensetuhuished a tlorongbly revised suc- ihjyu1sîran toge cessr,Cbe name oI which is WEBt5TEIi5otbaoigs ihjyu eatat age belon' the top nf the tube, and aftar Ilutrttipmplt rc To '-lake man's thirat, the rocklis Oh, that's the, song for me!l" -Itelm a undasottm C. ~.MER IA ~ iei, aticoo waerslep ito is Courage, my lbrothier! The latber baated tuba fires ali of the charreti Magg. U. rie.ilds cp Ta fond bei imagrocs not give to !bis son at schlml-pOrtion of the wick ineide, andi that whoî,ani te utle om dwnenongli money tilasihfm iiseverai sets tho coii on lie baow. This îay nîit ful teanithadcoylen pas- years, but, as fie bille for tuition, hae praventeti ly cutting off a suffi- anti board, ani clotbfnýg, and boioks client portion of the chanreti wick eacb turs a iv b mlkani heenh-coma in, pays (hami So, God willnt day alter using the lamp. adis yeolbow ant i npens, casting their juiy fruits into hua Lmp. Alas1 that gîve you gracie ail at once for th eli Tis it appears that alI bon>sewives future, 'but xiii meet ait ynur exi- have' to do bo maka the use ni coal ami suah oxuhara-nrea ai bleasing,- gencies aïs bîey coule. Put every- OU lampsa s sale as the other is to manohuligrîwiasthogiho er -thing in Gnd's hanti anti bave it keep tbam full,, lI bbem by dayligbt a sidir o hll atins ora sil r ere. Large intLeneet money toi anti bave the ývicks weii trimmai. It c-n short allouvan-ce; that a man pay wiîî soon eat 1 up a îarm,, a store, i ls clainieti aliso that a tablesponful - Euldli stand nec.k-tieep in haor-e an estate, ant i haý interest on hor.A of sait in thé oil lamp wixviidr c enuine taek i thearnar t-pssoffaine tat on rowed troubles %wýil! swamp anybody.- __ ahoul lol he sron puses i haibi fi t nt rîo the day is the evil marnhing -it, ih'regular treadt tbonghthrn. ail the- avenues -A Ifhe, anti yet tram- I hibe at the expeted ass_ýault af sick-- - - - nées; that a man ahouiti sit in bis FOR OVER FWTY VEARS. O O~~~I plaisent bonie, fearful that uth- MsWnlwsSnhrgSnpla euueib L itti 1V P 11 S i eswtwl ori a ate imillions of imothens fi tei childrec whilts * els antwil sea dy rtt e eteethlng. If dlstunbed itniight anti broken .of brakenw indow- ts xitb temnpasjyunns 'M lk hi ufelgand ay Must Bear4SiEnature ~ ~ pia uogrit i raita- ihis~1 ofcotniei'sdt once and -gsi spobettueigfSiit- -theibrea&wra Suih- Srn led y Iim ho wnsail for Chldren Tcethlng, ht will reileve ihe pool bu-m t a mari ae4 yHi , ws lt suf enernatones. Dépendi upon iters, the, harvaîstisi shoibd expeait ta starve; ther fis nn mistekq uaboutit.Lhi cures Dlarl'oa thu+anaxvb-m o-i nva ani s r duates the stomachi and bnwls, cures Wind thatone whniýGo-d loésandsuiCelle, s,,ftans the ne, reduces inflammation, ad g1v-es tons anTsungyto the wtxoie systera. SellePac-Slmlle Wrapper ttelow. rud ih bndcin nia-Mns. Wlnsiows' Soothlug Syrup for ehiidrsn tén-isuili' angeiic esconrt, anti hovers teethlng is iasant 1ti the taste andi te the prl - sorinlon o f oldei ani lest female v nesuaz aass, ah-oi-i ha looiing for a haitage FOUHEAACofaitealrs I Hue Goti baen hart wth C T RS OR lUn7- tia, that thou shouldst be foýrebod- Miburni's Hyeant and Nerve Pis, colapse FI ORIOLIER bceoveirned- thee wibhrageIRas lie ize imitcertaite oensure. Mn. Fred. I * H.3 nidTO. 5-rai rp frtuyle , nl ab Gaasa wa sknown young manonft w. OA At(sFU th ampta, anfti r- iet yamiantid Ba rrie, Ont., says s-" 1 have bai a great sej deal of trouble awis my heart for leur !BTEOPEI~aiekt ie lisa-i n iat yea re. I1xvas easily agitated aoi my ex. GIIf stotfs au.. z wes&upontýhe w1hxxxi a hluinI cftesnerstctausedrnyhearttothrobviolentl),. cam-yflbibgiimye.bga s iotnarase in the morninge feeling as N CURE 080K FtIEADACHE. tO biai Got loir Prmsont blessings. t t-d a wban I vent to eda. I was Thian En! f-or yur cbildre.n, happy, I'iee 25ea bottle. SoIl' y 41ilruglstiiirol,,h. ontiths vonît. Be sure auid ask fon Mrs, W us- LSLOWSl Soning Syrap BairetiApple0 POJI.-Roll biscxut atrust oui ve.ry 'iu; on this epreasi appies caiouute tbiuanti fine ; raill the deugi sc. 1that it willI on na smnoobli roliln place in a narrow,, dieep tin, atti a Wtle vaien, augar anti buttoir anti baike. Serve in suices anti aprout with ,buitter and sugar or Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited Toronto LAK' E) VOSDI EA LMX LTo Mgoace aeutly in rouit, oven57-olomo ni nyide et r$bi iahti eoanune tiodiatywrçugt ireidsudabdy 4fùtnn nhs e f .0= an g2 1ec; he $m3de4 aitablsou Imo 0 xv f"olhîenvasesand i drifçit way ac al xsec.he ril a~oa n ni nel Cod n cauefortt "Il the rat-2adZih pr asons R x' e .TR o TO A H OOB Rr .&K W=*, A. WALKKR. Wia. A. WAL1tEB. MES. CHA.II&rBBY. CHAZ. FERBY. BFIP'tZ2EÂTMEET AFTSsi rTUiTIENft Dirorcet but anitet again -NO NAMES O8 TESTIMONIAL$ USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT .ý Wm, A. ?7'!Kenrnof10th Street ?a>-so--"I lie-rfeî nt! oit a gsfor w ., m1"Bu bd'1 )iilrtW EM SIN îesnt te ?1rteiess aulcers inthe moýui4 bnd i nabo .pains, heir leose, !1e STR CTU R ~ae, t-~~rnaemis~sbsc b-ilna, CURE[) Pote, etc., be 4el M3bnt C cu79me ___________l_ lffl a ta.d nitiK. tr s.et Capi. Chas. Ferry Say.-I wemyl theDs.K9c K i14 I leurnet a bat habit. At i l ?l 1 ha h. sym.ne IM TE f Iemninal Visalneessanti ipcnrnatorrhc04, Missions v-ere drininfanti weakeming rmY vîtalnity. 1married et VARICOCELE -,4udrRvice of My faîniiy teolor, b 1 awus- n,ad e xpanisuce. In eighemu menthe we vene tivoret. M SIN ollien cnnsulhed Dra. e. & K., wbn restoret me to manion a ý,,býytheir Nsîs lesAd Treatnent. Ifelia ne-wlite thriilthrough OU RED ynsrYes. W. vers unileti again andiarehappr- Tht. vas ___________ six yeane ago. Dra. K. &kK. are scientif o .pocia ia and I hoartily renommeont theni." * We frea ' an d cu re Yarlcocese, Em isùasz, Nervo us Dcbillty, Sem ù-, SWeakness, G/agi, Strcue Syp 1 gs, Unnatural iscliarges i bn eKidney and Bladder Diseases._____ 17 VEARS 1N DETROIT, 200.000 CURED. NO RISK K Rii aa nlest hopo2 Aroyen c bapaigMWr READ - ER1I ïag y 11 'oyo r BlRq1 bee[% diseyse f Have on ny alçesOu New Mothot Trealanflivilcnre von. fr the ili dq for fu CONSULTATION FAEE. No matherwshghlas treaied 01 rite fort-anhnotpionrs of Chage.Chargea reesonable. BOOKS FREE- Ti ten Monia tor", ( 1. tt),o Dut-aiS et M nmons. postage. I cents, Seleti - @'NO NAMES USED W!TH OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- VATE. NO svîedlinO sent C. 0- D. No namnes on boxes or savel- ops.,eythng coffid-ntia._QuestOn liS-t and lcost 0 qou e AN,TROTIMICK it nonexplostve. To prevent nil sweeai miii, ana cup soun miik, ena- lampe f nom smoking taie any quan- hall bcaspoonfl ofn soda, a pinci e - City eof cînions, bruise tbam, put ali: a--lt, e-ne andt e-bail fdupe nf cor-I te a ratont anti sistili; pouraltte nimet i. Steam twom anti a hall te tiree tuis liquor into bthe bot tom nofI bbc bous. Seýrve witb a sauce matie hy lampa frm- smoking taie a quni Iusing ana cup of niapla, sugar andi ona- g'raat danger in thbe use of cciii nil balfoui> afmiii hoib ogabliar anti lampa lias in thac breakages Chat ire- twO le>vai tableaspconfiils ni butter quently 0-caur mcom dmopping on np- atitet juet hain>re- sarviîîg. Fruit setiLng theum_--Vie ia Chblat _ c r nay ha uiddet tathe pudding il liiei, rie-i about the lieuse by servante anti ahiceidswevacupples or raisins baicg, ebhilran shoýuit ha filiat w ith cot- agreabla additijons. ton. Layer Gake Filling-.-Boil eacnp Afte it s siffe figtly t iofgrauaedtisugar anti ane-quarmea' Aiberofil is stuffeti si-ghtiy Lbnxxllil receive oniy balf the quanbity of ou cP anwsaw itbeutatining utld tr - - - . - stiulens when droppati in cou na ber, J / the CoMplexion. Softens and put in. Il any accident happ -ns the ai anti ebappati raisins andtihbb, white whitens the Hands. Preserves o41 cunnot spill or nove about, but, and beautifles the Skin 01 In- bcing ýabsorbai in the cotton, it l'urne e-i nenagg whipped tio a fmoti. Spread liue a fagot, but aIl in one place. on-nhe, cake ut once. The cake siculti fants and Children. Vie wici enibatdat in the cabtton bea wurm. eo-AbSlutly pure, deiIeolly osSdicated, er~oi wiil absorb tbe oil as, neadiy as if White, Gar-n MeaI Muffins, - One- OffeCUev, TIeIRc SaoAa ioeiostt-thse ostr - -- et skia purifiera ond Igoutiflers, but ithe put-est ansd lyin5g i tii dean flii-. hl ito buoab ipnt no saelot of toiles, bathi, .andbaby ooop. -fpn ffouo,,hl Soid bey ai Colonilae bmuo ersDn si AOIDRcIE.wýhite cern meal, a gocercus balpint ___________Sponge Gingerbreaat.-One cou f ci e-f iii, o-na agg, o.eaibieaspeonful molassff, ooumip augat, onte-quaitaie-IofSali, ibrea loyal ieaspaonfuis ni Defos'. A»ms wooae u.odne ap ai butter, two teaspoonînîs of haling powtder, two tahioppeocfuie ci 77Wolt B.glishmdba1lginger, ana taaspaoniul ni cianamon, amatotbepoil ibte Sold and "- .nhhlz 'me reroAieal -pe 4 mlte-i anti four tblhespoontals ni e -,c.te..oaat I tm .2fl5 .?fl~,iai I neatag W Tbecy have restorati my lisant to regular lieaimhy action, giving me baci souci ra-îlot uIslacp, anti making my net-vous sys- tocs sitrng ant i vgoreus.", M «'iburn's Heint anti Net-va PuIs are 50c. a blOxr 3 ffor 1O- 25 ai-al -druggists -or - maiil. T'le T. Milburn Co., Limiteti, To- recnto, Ont, I 'wm"m"?u~-w~w~wwE', - -. . ... - - p MU$ry auj., amin ut> tsiiu.iig, t IUiS5> CATARRH CURE ILUO Os sent direct 10 the diteasdi ~ nsh sImproveti Blos-er. frsîs Si. nîtIlecers, deanithe ~l pasiages, stops droppiug inleht ihroat and pernansîsily etes Catarri anti Ha y ever. lovea free. At] deaie-s, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine CoGootonsd Suifais, aIsngandi laughytew. Adora Hlm Pain-Killar is the l'est, saleet sait oir mo-rnîng igltaiadi vening sae sures-t remety for crampe, celle anti ,donw. diarnboca. As a liniment for wounds -Again: Te liahiti61ou bnruowing trou- andi spraing it is uinequaii-ed. Av-id'ilnb- bite is wxong, becee the presaisl stibuies, tiers leý but oins ]?s-n-iler. mSZwI=tIy tiansiti w#h triai, God Pesry Diavial. 25c. ant 50o. ZýïI& 1 eaknssall offets ef abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of Te. bacon, Opium or Stimulante. IMaileti on receipt nI price, one package $1 six, 33. Omsesel»kf-06s oiaisUl tre. PampblZt I res toany atdrees. The 'Wood Compapey, Windsor, Ont.e W d1, Ph sh dis, soit in Bowmatîville by 3 t& ury ignlotham &pýon ; Ot-otî l'y (Jl llan, k.ewcastle bY Dr.F arneosabe. flInur. Put thia irt t ive ingredientsý in a granite hawi anti wamm tbe-m un- bib the butter maltis. Thoni beat un- tii iigii-cotioai. Att tie miii. soda slalloxv pans. Boiied laian Puidtiing.-One cup leven it. Set o-n the b ck part cf ts gtovo. Sift tie dry iîtgraieanti. B t bbcý egýg, aid tic miii, andtiiu-n ;Lo bbcB- dry ingredienïtc; antd I bi 11-m1t'At butter anti water. Baie insml muffini pan lhalt an houn. .1 Tr U-ý -Fi -- ri FEE Ray Pever like CATARRH, is a germ discase. If you have been ui3able t o vard it 0f wih RU edicines, it is because such preparations do NOT KILL the gcrm*s Hay Fever is far beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time ,nA permit the disease to gain headway. POWLEY'S LIQUIFIED OZONE- cures the most obstinate forrn of HAY FEVER, because it is a powerful Geri. - ~ide. It destroys tuegerrn, buildi up the stemn. makes the blood rich and healthy, 4o e, stirnulates and put$ eew life into the slug- gish organs and clears the systom of ag poisonous secretions, ALL DRUGOISTS-50C. & $1.00

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