~ÏX~ J TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; TRE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor n rpitr NEw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEII 3, 1900 VOLUME XV o 0 c i t uryderma Have been busy for some days opening out 'New Î aet e ece And, they are at present al ready to show a Superb Stock of Silks, Dress Goods in Black and Colors. Lades'Jackets.. The very latest styles, both in German and Canadian. Big Sock of New CaIrpets, Curtains, Linoleums, and Housei Furnishings. NO BETThR VALUE ANYWHEREO...O C>ouch, Johnston & Cryderman. BoWMANVILLE. At tîmes yo v, an t expatnsion in yon1r dinneritab'e, other tmes y ou don't. Our Tables of which we have a nice-assort- ment are easy to expand and contract. You may extend them with an easy pull, no st. ain- ing. pounding, or jarring and the prices range as 10w as $5.50. * We have other Dining-room Furniture that *we will be pleased to show you. M. 'D. WILLIAMS & SON.S BoWMÂa VILLE. Undertaking recelves prompt and personal attention. TRI PLE MEATER o Wo fflfl V litPractically a SmaII Fumace A Cash Bayer Aýlways reaches the best market and is thus able te place before his cus- tomers the very best goods at prices which many credit mon imust pay for the saine goods. RICKARD, Bowman- ville, pays cash always for ail goods. Remember it and know that on Friday, Sept. 14, Fair Day, you may become the possessor cf an A. 1 Watch, ful[y guaranteed, at a figure which la really astonishing. Also Clocks, Rings, ail kinds cf Jrwelery and Spectacles are to e 'àsld to en.ouil the same inter- esting manner. Sewiii£r Machines, lst iquality, prices low and termns>of pay- iiient the very easiest te responsible persons. Post Graduate Optician in attend- ance to test your eyesight free of charge. Grocers' due bis taken as cash, Jeweler. Watchmaker and Optician, BowmÂNviLLEm. White' Dishes Caased by over- wonk? No, causcd ~ L b y undemneurish.. Ment. Work rarely Causes collapse. it ' bs wery-the outcome cf a iow condition of the nervous system and inadequate nutrition 'wbich geueraiiy causes col- lapse. 'The cellapse seemasu-ddeu, but iu reality Ît 15 a slow process. The stein- ach and ergans of digestion andnutni- tien are diseased, the neurishmneut in the foodi eateu is enly prtially exztracted and imperfectlY assimiluted. The -biood ho- cornes impure; the very fount ciflilfe is Poiscned, and sýme day ail the faculties aud functions go on a strike. Tbhat's cîllapse. Dr. Pierce's Golden ilMedical Discovery cures diseases cf theý organa et digestion and -nutrition, puirifies the blood and huilds up the weak, body with sound healthy flesb. MR. BROWN'S MANITOBA LETTER. DEAR, STATESMAN-O1n the afternoon cf September 22nd we continued cur journey westward from Branýdon. The country as far west as Oa1k Lake is well settied, the land seems to be good and meat cf the way the cro ps are fair, but from bere westward the cýrops mostlv ligbt. Wc stopDcd off at Indian llcaà and were met at the depoiý by Mr. Rich. Stpens, -son of Jonathmn Stephens, Eýs q., Bowmiauvillc. "Dick " as be is more familiarlv knewl,î, escerted us te the Gordon hotel wbcre we were treat- ed most kinily.' Next morning (Sun- day) we attcnded the Methodist church andin afteruoon Mr. Stephiens hitcbed a fine span of spirited drivers to a baud- seme double carniage and( drove us, [accemnpanied by Mr. Johr.nlMeClellan, son cf John MeClellan, Esq. 1, Port Bow- mnanvilleJ out some 9 or il) miles, cali- ing uponP Mr. and Mrs Orchard [Mrs. Orchard i-i a daughter. of Johni Davey, Esq., Leskard] wiîo were pieased te sec us. We aiso called upon .H-i. Burk, wife ami daughter wbheremwe spent a few hours most plcasant1y. Mr. and Airs. Burk wcre former iesidents of Bowmanville and well kniown in this locality. It is a beanitiful ountry around ludian Head and the farmiersi arc mostly weil te-de. Mn, Buirk bas an excellent farm in a g-oori stateocf cultivation, a nice bouse weil f urniished, a cbarmiug wife and dube and ho seems te be one of the hap;pies, mon in the country. On Monday Mr. A~ephens placcd a ilice herse and carniage at our service and we visitcd the1 xprmet ai Fanm wbich is situated benre. The supeninteudent, Mr. McKay is a broth- er cf the late clMc a, f owman- ville, aud thoroughil- unidenstands bis work. The season bas beeti rather un- favorable for carr3 iug on exýperimerital work as meet cf the grain baÏd te be re- sown on account of bigh wiwds biowing the early sowu grain eut cf reet. The tarm centains 10 acrescfcoe land, Somcthing over U,000trees-iare plant. ed anound the euts*de te fo,.mu a wind- break. The tarn la dividcd ijute large flilds with drive-way s betweeni. Trees aie plauted a short distance apaneti along these roadwa3 s whicb gives the farm a beautiful appeanance. The grain on the farm was very heavy bt, late ew- ing te baving been r w.Af ter leaving bere we spent owie.. day at Regina wbich is the seat cf Government and home cf the Lieutenant Gevennor. Several of the Mounted Police are quartered at this peint. The -tewýn bas 2,500 seuls and 15 quite a busineýss centre, After takiug in the sights U Iegina we centinued our jeurney teý Calgary where we rcmained ene day )roceeding te Banff the next day a ditacecf5 miles west. Banff israhd some twenty miles after etrùgthe gap, and fnom bere the Reekies eahe seen te goed advantage. Laiiae al me te describe the beauties"a wu grandeur cf the scene. A. >hent dis- tance east cf Banff we had tUcpleasure cf seeing some buffaloos wbh are kept in captivity. On our returu teCalgary we teck the eveuing train ferth east. Calgary is a nice tewn of some ý4,'500 in- habitants almest surreunded by water [the Bow and Eibew niversj wyhich' is pure, roealthy aud goed. Qite, an ex- extensive business is doue here. The ceuntrv around is chiefiy ttapted te grazing and sonie very extensive ranches are lecated ln this, vicinity, Between Calgary and Medlicine Hat thore seems te be hundrcds bf miles of prairie uuccupicd wbcre mýiillons et cattle migbht bc fecding on the ntutriticus grass wbere new we saw ntigbut the fox, welfe aild antelope reaming at will. Sept. 26, 190j'., L.Baeow. REY. IH. ThO AS' LETTER. 5. We left Glasgow Aug, l7th, and wveni te Ediuburgh. Walking direct fromn th( station wc visited Old St. Giies, this lsa grand old building cf the Estabiisbed Cburch oet ctad the memorial win- dows are sublme rectcd by relatives and friends te pnescnffe the memorv ef noble soldiers and,. citizeus wbe biave livcd aud fought for the citv and, country. Leavinz St, Giles wo walked up Prnce'îs street, by Ian the best buiuess sttreet of Ediuhurgh iand made oui- wày to R'ob- inson s Tempernuce Hotel, ou Lothian Road, wbeneiwe found a cemfertabe home. Thene is a gîcat diff erence bc- tweeu Edinburglb and. Glasgow, EMin- burgh bas the appearance of a holiday city, iu wbich thene ane people who como for wbat eau bc seen aud cnjoyed and hy which te a great extent the business cf the city 15 sustaiued. Glasgow ou the ether baud is a factony town, a busy ,seapont and an euterprisiug trade centre. We visited the Castle, lookcd at tbe shops and teck a trip te Realyn te se00 the noed chupel and castie which draw se many te this remantie spot. Tbe chapel is mcst remankable, beiug ballt early in the fifteuntb century, the stone carving is unique, and the building as ahwole is a sigbt neyer te bc fergetten. We walked fromn the ebapel down the vale te sec the castie. On oun wav we ueticed a well kept grave yard whicb attracted our attention and stirned our thoughts. Wc reached ihe castie throngh wbat was once a bareons cou, t, but the preseut Lord Roslyn speuda meast et bis time abi-oud, cbiefin luLon don. The castie was built betiveen the eleventîr and thinteenth cenituries, two buudred yeans bei 'npet lu Its creet ion. The guide showed us the date 1597 inscnieed on the wali wbich ho deciared was the yean in whicb William St. Clair the first Lord Roshyn was married. We neturucd te Ediuburgh amidst the shaýes of thei evening and leisureiy waiked along its streets te car hotel. The next day wc- stanted for Lincoin- sbire, waited a while in York, arnived lu Hul about five, crossed the Humber and aiter a few littie delays get te Caistor before 9, We fouud cur Lineoln- sbire cousins as bcarty as these cf York- sbire. The Suuday was spent quietiy. I beard twe local preachers and enjoycd the services bctb merning and eveuing. This cbnncb lsaut the bead cf the Caistor circuit, bat la net tee high te bc served by local talent. â1ondav miorning was speut in a most enijoyable wtv, and aitho' car f riends wouid kiep us witb tbcm ail the week, we feit cempellcd te leave by thie nocu train te sec relatives iu likes- ton, Denbs sbire. We had te stop about three heu-rs at L,incoînl and teck thie advuutuge cf the timne la visitig the 0Md Wcsley Chnnçb uýnd Lnonoutedj CuathIeara] 'We aise leoked 1upon tile1 Ncwport Bridge and the Castie. Ai thesc buildinge are noterions. Wesley cburch as the place where seme cf the great revivais cf Methedism have been rreid, Lincoln Caîbedralislaeeoetthe g'randest structures cf the wonid, and N~ewpr>ct Bridge is saud te ho amoug the first things doue hy the Romans aiter their first invasion of GreatBnitain. A&t Jîkeston we feand ail weli and were entertaiued in a prnceiy maunen hy our yong cousin, who was enly a lad wheu wc first saw hlm founteen yeams ago serviag as cierk lu a dry geods store in Lincoln, but lho was fentunate in settlinig in tbe nising tewn cflkes- ton and is ding wellinl a shop of is )wir. I liked this tcwa veny mach f bere is a ceai mine within a quarter of a mi1e cf the business part of thre tewn. 1 wcnt te sec it and standing ut Lie pit's menti I timed the coming ni) of the sinail trains cf ceai, four ut a ria ever v four iminutes The mine is now four bundred feet deep. Anothpr unteresting thing ln likeston is its lace facto"y. Wc were talien tbrougb this by a frîend, the sole manager of the ~stabhminnt, who spent th e mning witb us. 1 sbcuid lîke te have time te explain the proceasscf making lace, 1mu % de se seme day if yen thiuk thut the readers cf 'TEEPSTATESMAX Wenid )e intenested tbercby. In the evcuiing, ho towa was stirred ut.the returu cf[ one cf the citizens wh iras spent nearly' ayear iii South Africa as a mernher of ho Ambulance Corps. What a tiarie! The baud weut te meet hlm uat.a sub1 urban station and eue wndtbink the1 vhole population of twenty five thons-1 ad cîowded the street wbere the1 Young man ivedle waiked in the( centre et the street surreuuded bv the1 band wuving bis kbaki bat, and thei ewd made way for theui as they up1 preached. The procession stopped ln meunt cf bis fatber's bateber shop and1 whou, the baud ceascd piaying the' crowd yeiied the tbree cheers,' the .Yong homo ra te the beuse gneetingk Lis mother and swcetbeant iu the door- vuy, the crcwd cheered again and dis- persed. We started for London thei nextday gettiug there about il a. m.1 .ud dIrove te Wiid's T.mýpera4ce Hotel1 I arn gctting aleag all nigbt new, but for t wo or tirce d;îvs the food and water question was a probicm. MILTON. LATEEi.-A telegram bas beaun mcciv- ed sayiug that Milton bus rmcccvered the bodies and bus taken theni to Dakota for hurili.-EDînea TYRONE. Miss Ida Adams is slowiy gaining- stneiigtb greatlS'ote reli-cef et ber maui'Tfrilctds.-.Mr. A. J Souc i la îîext on the iist te suifer frorn malarial trouble ...lM. Percy C'(euneu;. son cf Reeve Clemei-ns, is attendling I3owrn- ville Rigb ýSeheol .... Owing te rush in the barrel bsnesMr. S ainghbabs tak'en ou t wo extra ceepera .. . .The church chimucys bave beon renevated drng the week and tberotaghiy fitted ton betîer ventilation.... Pustor MeMni. ion bas kindiy decided to ta ke a mis- sicnary service bimseif in Tyrone cbnncb ncxt Sabbuth evcAiag. Hi& people are gratefu ... . Tyrono visitera te Clarke Fuir cenisider the favenitism cf the herse jadgeý very evident. A tihaue te bny somae gooud stock impliînts, etc , is effered by Mr.Jehî L'ollacett's suie Tbnnsduy neaxt week, Oct. 11. Sec larg-eposters. Office and tbneugb theolod tewn the and -et on tbe ethen sida, but net oe saine evcnîng. On Saturliay we weut e e i came-up that-I.could see. te Falmeutb beachi, ln sigbt cf the neted emthaeilgndwntesm dangerous Mancles on wbieb the Mo timle but hIvailnot e wytheysadnd beg-an and Paris were s erceeutlvinethcerne up uuless it was that wben wrecked, bore our son get bîý first bath th ose broketeal osedrm iu the sait sca. Sandayl prcachcd lutb the 1leer, an with the lurch, they were Wesleyan Churcb. Meuday walked th2on bouhthhreie n dl round te see old friand s, Tuesday we dewu by the floor or ficor cf the venanda wcut te tbe Lizard, walked ever te outailde. There was a large man there Lynance Cove, thon te the Ligbthouse ihltwfeadag fmlylewa wbich is oeeof the most important and over six feet, and 1 de net think the best equipped in Great Bitain. Tihera water was over that on tbe floor whcn I la talk cof a railway beinig built te wcnt back, jt was a wouder I did net this interesting summer resort lu the Zet killed wbcu i weut as I just get eut ucar future, Th~e drive fnom bhere te ao-ain asit ail wnt fiat. Ithenstartcd the Lizard, twenty eue miles, ever the to leave by partiy ruuuiug and swimi- reads wbieh were familiar te me lu the inîng from eue lot cf debris te another; leng ago was very enjoyable. Thne the street wasfulI cf teps and sides cf rcmaîning days of the week were sPent bouses, aud the air was full cf fiving lu gcing by bus, beat or on foot te the boards I think I gaiîîed about ableek places cf interest. We have been la ail on the debris iu this waY, aud got in the airections bave looked upen ail kinds of shelter cnf seme buildings, but they were scenerv for wbieh this old ceuntry is f a st i down, and I was afraid cf n o e t d . O n S a b b a t b S e p t 2 w e w o r s ip - g t t ji I g b r e u s b u t e a t t a ped ln the morning lu the Wesleyau 1i was on starleci dewn the street, and I and lu the evcuing I pncacbed lun the stuck my boad and shouiders lu au old l3ible Christian churcb, and fait the Lord tolche9;ta a yn'ntedbÎ lu the midst cf bis people.,This week - est1ha ws bIng ' ru tbe ldebrîs will likely be speut as the last. On down on its sida from being blown Fridav we may start for Liverpool th taia.-a, but tbat us wbat saved my life we may çpend a Sunday there audltest ag-aîn . Weu the watcr weut dewn ut a white ere we sai ou the foleowîng about 3 a. in , I was about five blocks Tnesday, Sept. 11th, on the Lake Super- frein where I started, miy beadl was 1cr for Canada. bruised and legs and hauda eut a littie, H. T. wbicb I 'did net bardly flnd eut until Mendav and thon I could bardiv get MILTON ELFORD'S LETTER. mv bat ou. I saved what I had on, pants, shirt. shees and eue suit under- wear and a five dollar bill. DESCRIBEESTHE GALvESTON STORM, AND As soon as it was ligbt eugh, I went SEAROR FeR RIS PARENTS' BODIS. back te the location cf the bouse, and net a aigu cf it could be fouuid, and net Galestn, , 1 190.a sîgn of any bouse wittsin two blocks, wlîrch befere there was scancelya Mx. Geo, ILford . Laugdon, N. D. vacant lot, 1 then went te tbe city hall Dean Brotbe,-This Is Thursday te sec the chief cf police, te get se five days we bave put in since the storný bclp te recover the eonpses, thinking, I and tidal wave; and thcy have beenau 'ess. that 1 was the only eue in that days cf awful suspense to me. It seems fix. The firemnen and others startedi that I have beeu dazed. I bave net before accui te bring iu cerpses ; they beeu able te colleet my theught., until bncugbt them lun in wagon loads cf to-day. I have net found anv cf the about a dozen at a time, laid them in remains y et, but expeet te find thonm rcws te be identificd, aud the next day tonreow. 1 wiil citben fiud tbem iu thcy wene toc badlv decompo'sed, and about two days or net at ail, fer tbev wcre loaded on boats and taken te sea, will have ail the debnis overturned in cniy te wash back on the beach. They the localitf-, and, if tbey are net there, then stanted te bury theus whercver thon th3y have drifted eut te sea, which thcy were feund, but yesterday [Wed. 1 think la very uniikely. ucsday] crdered tbem burued. Men The <ity is unden martial iaw. and is tad emeîugthey dabpis ad hum- soldiers are patreling cvery street day itî ug it audwn onthe camet crs and nigbt; every man bas got te werkiti atbcnothple it able and eau leave bis ewn business. It la the most awful thinig cf the kind Tbey have erders te hurn ail the dead that bas ever appened lu iiistonv, hua- bodies as fast as thov find tbem but I dreds of families have gone dowun, and have a permit fnem tihe Gen. net te be net a sigu cf anytbiug leftcf them. It unterfered witb, and te bury cr take tbe seemed they were ail cool te the vcry crpses. 1 have an undertaker witb last. Fatther had Dwight lu bhis arms, ruetalie coffins, who wiIl take charge on aud Mother was igbt hy bis side just a minuite'a notice. I have been helino' ready te step eut the windew ; we ail elear away tbe debnis, that is where we went dowu the samne instant. It seemn- are meat 14,keiy te fiud themi, there arc cd tbat tleue 11"feil in an inlstant If huandreds of Moa workig there, but thle had ne bnînbt 0onthe ba by somle- workmove on low.It i se wistd thng-Ilgtne bave got eut cither, and wcdged lu as te be almost imposa- It seemed ai the way threughtbrst they bic te get eut. It la an awfuli siht. were te go, au IJ1 was te be saved. The Every tew minutes, somewbere Withiu iast tew minutes was a terrible time, a block of ns, they fiud dead bodies, and some were ou their knces, others were often whcre there is eue there are more. wiid ith fright. I bad kept tclliug, Yesterday we teck out twelve fron eue Mother that we were sal'e, Und about spot; it was a large bouse and thcy lbad the iast words she said was that God. gathened there fon.safety, and ail died woiild take cane cf us an3 way. Father together wedgcd in between celiing was perfcctly cool, aud se was D)wigbt, and fleer. Hundneds cf houses in eue wbeu wc ail ut once wcut waist deep in heap, and yen eau scarceiy receguize a water. I do net tbink hie said a word,. single picce, fer tbree te five block,, I eau net begin te tell yen what an wide and fer about four miles aolid awfui suspense that was, shat iu anct blocks cf dwelliug-s and hetels, the resi- the wa ter nising, and wene unable te lence part et tho city, there is net a get the door open. But it seem3d wben vestige lait, notý a board, it is ail swept the crash camne it was ail everin lua cean and bauked uip lu a pile neachino' secomi. I arn satisfied they did net ai around from the bay te beach. " fear death in the least, and I do net be-- -1hI y ilve go til .a., ..wor ievete uie d 2, 500 and that is net hait that have been drowned. 1 do net tirink that more tha two bandrcd have been baried lu coffins, buadreds werc tuken te sou and put overboard, and udneds more une beiug- buraed every day and budreds are yet te dig eut et the debnis. The Catholie OncbansHcme collapsed wîtb about twe hudred, ail the chiîdren and severul neighbbrs thut gatbered for safety, The street car wcnks went down with about ferty employees and unudrcds cf bouses went dowu witb front ene te fifty people. A great muny must have hecîri killed af tenrgetting cio nafts, by' flying hourds I came veny very nerir it. I keep thinkiug new how I migbt bave averted it by ucting diffen. ontiy, but I suppose there is ne use et tbiuking about that ncw, we left car flieuse about 4 o'cicck thinking it would ,be safer ln a langer bouse,, net ev'-n dneaming that even that bouse wo.ild hoe Watbed away. We went acresthe street te a flue large bouse hut on a brick foundation higb off the greund. About five it grew worse and bexan te break up the fonce and the wreckage of ether bouses was cemiug against ns. We had arranged that if the, bouse sbowed signa et breaking up, that I wenld take tihe lead, and Father wculd como noxt with Dwigbt and Mother next; la Ibis wav I could muke a safe place te walk as we weuild have te de- pend ou fioating debnis for rafts. 'Ehere wene about fifteen on sixteen !ii tire bouse besides ounseives. Tircy were confident the bouse weald standc anv- thîng; if net fer thut we wouid probabl bave ieft on nafta before the bouse ivent doive. Xe A ailgtheice fle one reým; al ut once tile use went fromi its feunda- c i 1 t e r 1 t p c 9 ti In