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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1900, p. 3

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USE OF' BACTERIA IN FOOD. FWER8D ECI1'IUI e t Itakes not the slightest dît- ONE TASTE OF SOMEBODY'S SAWbTILL. yuhv fere'nce whe.ra the man may b. at b11711Inbevera Posibe Vlu Tey eyFoses l ~that moment, wheother ln New York î-Aý Complote Abandolnea Lumi>eï-]Plant sl~la Ilgetln.A HINDOSTANEE-FRENCH THEO- vor la Constantinople. By more mon- FouetS la1Site flSds eof Alaska. 'TIà1iinc be as paseed wben baoterla SOPHIST ON HIS WAY TO PARIS, tai Power 1 eau picture tixat man to Rhe steamer Boee tz the last te ele ýÀLookd upon as uumixed evii5.- mysaîf and ca earn his inmost _4, arrione ot 'the n0WZ, big ea Twe i, Vttle plants owe thehr sanie- Tele--p4tlhy v.wîé. î< < res ee«aPhY - thougst rivfrntenrtrngdtal ghtsut wll.of oe ofthestrangest mysteries Tosbl t aof stan( e - Weaerll Gnea otIs aRta h a 'SO RBNTAoonnected with the exploration and G~. dare oth ac ha he ire et- deelepinet et Alaeka. Foieevbr *iaeoto thaeract inteteca'rut- Developfmaents lit 0r,îîtlsM. tOeted the Doetor'e powers and is am- will captivate tbe taste of amy japan mente thme n faka..ovor sme as fcmmn ouetd I&aeal nteestbecuzeOlf Exceptionaily interesting was, an azod et th.."-I shoed him," he tea drinker, otsteCndinGvrmn a tbair pe«Wer ef prediioLng diseusee. exhibiticrt of mird reading, or rather aye, «"a picture etÊ a relative of mine _________________ had laberers et work surveying and of "oube vsio," wichwasgivn Wh lîes t Srat»a, ndthaýghPutting ln a telagraph fine frein Thwret-udev e t rece!vnt moear, dul vsouhctwsg-n h ie t aaba ad hu wililgîve publie dermonstrations ef the Vncuver to Dawson. tentje t iissee f acarolgialto a rapresentativEi of the press a few hoe has never sean lier and hus nover ao bonten û paqus ofbacerLlogcaldays age by Dr. Aiberto, de Sarali. beeu in Saratoga,, ho told me ail about truth of bis statement that it la pos- A faw <laye ago while wor king near Ifewihaeutcnetdwt i-sibie te learn by mare ental powertholJuaaraiinadnef- Mewâsaentcnetdwtdi-jCounde de Dus said to bea distiuguish- lier and assUrad me that sho xvas i r3i h l ueutal in adnefr ansea. These studios hava disclosed te ed occultist, anid one ut the boat known a certain hotal ut the' moment when the tho4ights et a pereon at a dis- est, about one hundred miles trom the % t&eoiiire pae re , heinearions physicians in Urguay. The Dsotor i3 [ -b swed him lher photograph. 1 wroto tanc-.coast, whero it was thought white4 owobi a oPrs ieeha te Saratoga to find duat if this wereý Morn lid nover been before, the sur- of direot advantaga to munkind. wiîî a ct as -a represantativa cf Iru, truc and I discovered that it wae."1 BITS 0F GENEIRAL INFORMATION. veying Party that was several <laya o n IAmu oal ther aets we hava beau guay et a aciantifiecengress whicb The teats performed by Dr. Sarak Ariwywtawoinris hasaoad ef the poie and wire men, made 4ocwly iearning that in the prapara- lm scion to bc heldt in that city. At %vilt ha repaated by hlm at the scion- Abe lan nsrutd ea oe r he asastrange and ghastly discovery. As LdWa n tics t hetod hih oms po 01 th's cengrasselho intendi to givo some; tific cenmgreslu Paris, and, lu addi- Iteweewrking thoir way through IMoo aenud lu ite, digestion, the bacilli transport of Persons and liîght goods. teeettiycm eahaiytm aie ncosidsrabe prt.novai tests of hie powers as a mmnd tien.he ill parform soveral other toats Tarisarthmpewotoliai eed nr8s heyamde oa ho enlta e s~~isicu they1reuder, hie spacial hope beiug that ho of a more diftîi<uît and more techuical aot hry es ogradth u- h marsh, thyndonlyth cmte uof irnl âticaoia-Iwill ho able te coonvince, thoso pres- order. Ha deliights la drawîng a aîng is smuoth.ycameupo ~' aim~te boctiri ow thir n t ut the cengrase et the poeeîbility. charactar po)rtrait of any oue who as- I Venea tract ot sevaral -acres on which ail How ifluenoe la nature tei thair weaderful' Ientna telephone eall-boxes, or me a euct ere.wI et apudutin. sngl of reaiug a pereons thounts et any sists hlm during a seanca, and lie did," th"aapovddwt akusse tts laribenout.s esawmonel distance. not tail to dlsplay hie ability i oinngthth*ee, Wpooif'o si thu edcseat et as aratmion.Iok dvissl ay l tacors e tluy- e ork doue by Doctor Sarak was direction in the case et tho gentleman' pîease.in Tho ciotha ara frequeatly lookTf ius erpeun ri a o deddy novel and interesting. Hao vh( gava lm the word" velocipede" chngd adtepac e1Te machîuery hae vîdently net beau ~Weitymilio otspiug Tie 1x-asked for a glass o aec e f In biastst. u h vchnge, a.d te actce ot wipsng disturbed since theso pramises were bjmeyrdinary power et reproduction the mouth-piaceo f the transmitter la domioes a ewshots e pperandSPaishtonue ie rewa vvidskech!vacated. by theoeperators. With the Iveluvese thecoensuimptiou of a vast' ademio, aew h le e o paper andoSpanish tersngue h drexvanv setch a sanitary procaution. exception etf a littia rust ou somaet0 £oiad atertios ae podued n stif sinlua chair lha preduced anme heavy, ,strunger te hlm, and thougli the por- ý broaght te a succeasufinshbh e baroay o g r u d th ni art ut a (ce a t-iebaceiia ae upn t. Thatick liandkarchiefs and a kew relis; trayal was somewbut vague it was, mriblfetotrdng10ml h oa autotie.Tïble n trt wal foc ae bsoe aita du t. T he.po-fecotton, with which ho requeeted inevartheless, true enougl atami oe a on er Sau e-go ondtin,.aTdelu itereut as eue flte bstaderstotlintei hl.epentsodn, l viadettherat:r luded. Ris read lias mainthrough the et the iii lwere cross-eut saws, cant tabi o e tk tetedinie fThis beiug doua, the Doctnr, who le '. Ieirdl conditions under which it was MilandsStiad, ad the Wtan thefr bodies, but they live in the mdst! a 1ow sizad, lart, swarthy aud very! made, it was certuiuly et exeeptional ' ona o a adhoks, axas, beetles, wadges, i black- .of their tood iand digogt it outside!a i f uggentHelotlemance e t i rin ntrs.smnith's forge, with ail its appurn- -ot theimselves. Th.isTresaits in certain suv enlmn trp t i rin,1noet was 32,496 miles Goencrai Moscoso, who accomapanied Thut the Doctors psycliological work 1 anfcu ahn o eg ances, a kit of carpanter'e tools, and ~aaeialchnge i ta atue t hehimi, and announced that hie was ready tei a Bavera strain on bis narvous sys- god1udîyuea h other implameuts usad areund a com- ing gli alyueu h BankI j mtyutotebegin. Frafwm Itsteetmi vdn.e Plotely equippad sawmill. The lumber fe e d.T h r e r c h h e ar or a a w m n ù s h re to i vi a n . D ff c u t to ts l h a c n - 'et E ng a n d is s e se n sitiv e , th ut a I~st chaaaetr wich thechaietwasdea silence, and General Mcscoso' net parfnrm uniase in a fitting moed Of e the miii itseaifbaid ovidantly beaun CAL butv.1Postuge-stamp dropped oun~ u uteso, u hr e 5v caisde rctve aplaiuad that the Doctor wae going iuud lu good physioal condition. and ho wD'utturutthesindexaod the dm1 a <lis- "Lucoasderngth ue e bctrainte the naceeeury trance. dees ot care te do any work lu a tan on O ral thousand fest et lumbar, which 1 1ed ~myntc aapsil Suddanly the dark little man with' Place xvhere ho wili be dieturbed by' Au electrical horsawhip givas the vialue they '\ýmay pousseslu asaistingl the thick white bandage over bis aye noise, Hie collupse afttr t ha seancaaia hol ate10 act tjse proCefsmee e digestion. The d'- hait rosa froin the chair and said lu le evOr is stertling and. le apt toehaemaliatr eabda ntecl st o n tî h ad it etaiae ss lae lu eua Spanieli that ho woud likeonoa etthe'regrdd with ndue seriousuaess by' uoid hande, and this in co trolled atemoh ad itestnes onssta u ngentlemen present te, place bis band' thOlsa who are unaware et the Doctor'sb ul-utn oêe~lalchageluthefcd. Now on a sheat et paper, whicli lay lu peculiuriy nervoas tamperament and Meny 'native princes lu Indla hava thstcmacli and cteâttes are crowd- front of hlm. Hie desira was grati- et the 'tact that bis seemingiy inani-ethiaiclyvuterdfr5- etiwit batela u lceueiabl no- ied, whoreupon ha asked that the mute condition is net an mach the re- vice iu China. Amoug the most dis- bore Asthahacerlcioist haa 1baud ho raised from the paper and, suit et physicai pain as off bis en-! tinguishednmearth Mhrjh atudied theaction et these intestinalwrtontsmeoeod.Teod deavoir tn racoer hie temporarily lost oBik nmesrPerthbeSMahaja t ea-ur ta es ,citedas w thak te ii veocip e " 'lwas thonu rittan, attr' pronlity. Fortunately thie torpor j w, princes of the boue et Jodhpur. te osir tomacli, tbey tnsi tha the ic h paper was feîdad aud pîac- neyer laste long and etter it lias pues- I u eu eeti1 ta u19 bacotrîa preduce chemicul changes in ed on the Doctors head. ad away the Doctor le saamingly lu bis'Ciabuh nircl 000Vt tueý 0 fcodna ny respt imila tahis simple aet excitadj the leeper sual condition. As a rul, hi8 wife tril riflas frein Switzri'td for £39,~ tisosa e erdnarydigetion. - strangely. Ho inoved uuaasily lu bis ile presaut wheaever ha igives an ex-'00 hywr ueae yeLno Thse value et bacteria in onr f ood pro- chair, but seon recoverad bimsoif, hibition of hie powars, and sho is the t0r. hrougb agents uned bth ondfor- diatele biflytiom heflaer wbcband, triuruphautly seizing a pancil tiret te coma te bis aid wheu the wrdad toChina. ciely epoule t-o wngheich bataia and anether shoot et papar, ha nerv- 1 strain o(t bis xvOrk la, aver aud the Japun lias dispatched a largo body oa oponl t hchbc e n Osly but raplidly wrote on it the word cataleptic fit seluas hlm, Of Police to the town of Wiiu, o h g-ta ~ioi, her ar may hlc hae veleOipeda," and beneuitisah word Tt hue bean said more t-han once that (1ansous Yalu River, where thaeJuî>an- yor'y utrng tuatas, mîluch strenger a rengli drawiug of an od-tushionadI Dr. Sarak servad lu soe respects as ose sttiers trom the Lioa-Tung ber- t*iaia the teste et the materieal eut Of bicycle. The succesa with which ha i the Prototypaet Svangali, in "frilby." 1 der have heen f.ercod by the Chinese whieh they aire made. Wheu these pertermed thîs difficuit faut wae theo Generel Moso)oso was asked if thiSsugtsetaeaprrysae. are red'ce u tod prduce. they more merked since ho doenot apeaki were true sud ho roplied that bei bad Teeplc r elyodslir b giv t the atuuir Tetghohin. nglish, and henca the word «,veloci- elten hoard the statoment made and hava taken part la soea-,,f Japau's 1,4is Ra.d phYsiolegists 'tel us that the jpede" lhud at tirai ne meeuiug for hlm,' saw ne reason to detibt its accaracy, Provieus military undertakîný1gs. Dur- of fooettod lias net-ing te do with yet thut hlinlatima cemprobaundad its Iu conclusion, it may ha said that' lug timas oit poace, however, they act LU4 qssli unality, thera eine"0siguiticauce was'made cleur trom the waee ia oteetito a nteepct tpicma a r î'ueetaa it cthb lae.i vr tact thuit lienot oniy wrote i ut aitare et Dr. Sarake powere ha is car- usually culled upen iu timo cf war. --------aise gave its pictorial meaning' taiuly medestetug ngbl speaking et A Boer Priaeaer dascribiug the ter- Tisa Doctor noxt playad a gameofet tharo " 1 ask ne one to helievo Me," rible affects e arsei ttsta %OE. LA domînoas, sud marvelous wus the ma- ho says, "on my harü word, as 1 am et Uitpeert nine harghers tooli ahei- - udtoBlief er la whlcb, thoagli hllndfolded, hoalways raady tei prove that wliat Iý ter behidate buoae u &eeed k iaue' AreaDing.Ameutais @t seected tie right domino a yi sl true. If 1 cn ut perforin the! in guns ired a shahl which pirced Tt ffled te ha that boys arid mon with whicb te mak6 eech utove. Hae tests 1 am a charlatan, but if I deo the trunli, and axploded a few yards wIIeý worlked had shorter workLng did ner orm theoanbti n eyProu hm, I am entitled te re- hayond, blowing four of the Boeers te ~Uure and les woilk te de lu the douhtful if ha coald bave pluyad botter cognition, and the reason wby I bave! pieces and wouuding tho others. eaIne lime then. do the mon and boys a ven witb the aid df bis two oyaa. perf'ormed a few simple feats le ha- Altbugh FieId-Marsbal Coant von et-ay. CnqaîtytelidAf ter each move hie tingers wne-cue1k wta a ldesci *n r tîssiywanor- aus-I kow hat en ill sciheWalderseeha heen selected as com- battuef PPocrtunities and greater lu- rslsy for a moment or two oer faitbf<illy and uccur'teîy w'hat 1 bave! mander oe, the alliad forctha- etiffltl oi or rrecroation of the heal- the dominos in front of hlm, and thea dene." punmnoa e ie entre ut- tL~es kin, he tituba e is Itbey grasped .the proer one, and, Dr. Sarak 1 will remea fosen.itc t a nerou nd.enie te- În; lb8moinln eýrlyelLughforwith a lîttie chaucleo cf satisfaction, tima la Paris, and on hie retura oe Lral McArthur wms put torwerd by ,gynmnas«tie,their wark the day be- the Lictor laid it iunits fittjng place. ___________________ithe Amaricaus, whil8 others consider- CuIre Ut heing sni rksomne as te1 Whan thxe gamae was ovar a ourions ed that us Japan was contributing uake thzei teed they, noedîad evary scene occtirrad. With a cry of pain ~ E A F IU ~ drnsaJpne omne nxtouwent et sleap poasill, as is of ten or bewiiderment the sicaper rose from U4'1I..lU be chosen. Fiald-Marsbal Wal- tue, D-%m naivuday.s, aud in th3 lata bis chair and eluggered tiewurd C'en- deze rvoul ffrdDi erie fersousand eveninge tliey conid oral Meoscoso, wbo caugbt hlm and laid LPJURL D I3GRAC[ s oader rvosyoffh ard bi serices eînjey an athýIeti gua. The girls, hlmu on two chairs, whera ha reclinad _____gant, but tIsa Kaiser cousidared the ave aurlsugo 'exertad theinseivias in a state et torpor. General Mosco- post tee smal tfor a soldier of the enb1hlldy and pbiystraily muel - se g explainod that it was a catalaptie A Sad Letter rroni a Lady Whost, eCbuut's capacity and higb mli? r '1-- _ âbilties nusoana Was Dwsslpated. Ilow She Cured Him With a Secrei Remedy. ettiîdy muily being msud lu ômparl- soit to1 he a verage et to-,lay, anit taw et he(in Were in busiLness onu the pro- tseîu. Theratore thair uea5i was lo o i >r streigthanlng axereisos. tl2e hte xmetal uni physiýcal wctrtk f,ài hamien and womeu et tbàlî generutian do bas graatiy lu- cêriased thbey àdo ot seas te hava rea- ltzeid yet thaît a ezîounteracting force- îà aubsotutejy nlecesaary, for tue numi- ber la grc'wing larger overy day- wie canot belp oheervlîcg it on the seel2tsauniteverywisýere-cbf mernitn w ram wh als. ' wih droop- amv figure und draggiug st eps, the pLcI ure Ciîunitevelop cIphy&'ica m'an- hboffdàand womanbooit. Thiea lanething more peasaut to lookopn than a troug, grucef ni, happy yonng ma or womau, andt tise lest tw o qui lities depani on. the 1tiras nd ailthrea on ipisysical exor-' tises uad devea pmant. Thavfooe, baysanmud girls, you' kncsw wbat yen m ruet do t e, ha hppy asLd attraeïtivu,, and it la your duty te h ail tlree. You ean, et ceurse, tiv'îrylng degrea, anti yen eught te add iuais te tIse eauty cf this old woiid, wbose fineienoanîd womeu are its mxoM t plendid lectures. J3RIGIHT REPARTEE. fit frera wnîcn nie fien. wuauffer- iung and thut it avieuld pues away lu e tew rolupites. He was riglit. For * tew ininptes the Doctor iay rigit us a côrpse, bat thon the power ef motion and of speech came bacli te lim, cnd, romoviug bis bandages, h. said that ho ft as weli as ever. Dector Serak le of Frencb-Hindos- tance descent and lie bas beau study- ing occultisin for the last twanty years. Ha was a delaýgate te the Ceunciliof Mahatmas, which was held seme tino ago. in Thibet, and on his retaru te this country ha foandait an esoleric ceuter, lu Lima, Para, undt aise sterted e magazine devoted to occultismn. Mach of hie time receutiy bas beau spent lu givlug lectures and seauces. For Mme. Blevatsky, Judge sud other modern occulists lie bas higli wcrds of pruiseanad anme of hie lectures arae deoted to thern sud their werk. The Doctor's attuluments as a physician aad a psychologist have been receguized hy several icaruait so- cieties, betb lu this cohQntry and lu Europe, and he le deservadly proud of the itip1omas whicis ho bas raecoived frein them. 1About bis work lu the field et occul- hin Doctor'Sarak speelis with groat enthiosiesin. "1I daim," ha asys, - te hava made in this lina lise saine iscv- ery that Mumcdýt lias made lu the S.~rset'. vit, radig-Aot irfieldcsf science. Iru ether words, as myaeri~,susiide-uuknown mucu bis discoîvery oauhes bim to saut liassiaq IL'-Af roma cltf.massages aietnt ires, so my discov- Huislbwnd, thoughtlcio-,iy.-j3et î,js amy xii nabla then te transmit ibeir .lwLft x'asfit the frttor oft h. - theuglits aithoot uy visible med- "«I lid tes. vears patleutiy borne thie dis gce, su-erin miaery sud p rivetions duc te say luaana drinkiug habits. Heur lng et your maurveleosremnoiy for the cur. I of druakeuns, whidli1I muid give m,, liusband aocmtly, I decided to try id. 1 Y rouredta package enit mixadit In lahi .Manti ceffee, andi, nstde remedjy waý odorlessaunit tateless, ha did net knev vhat id was that no qulckly roliîved hi crevlng r liquer. Ho soon begen tapill uptleali, hie appedîte fer solld food raturai oit, ho stuck do hMa work regularly, uný W- -10W hava a happy home. Âfter hý wva cnplotely curait 1 toit hlm wbsd had doua, wisea ha acknowledged tliat i had beau lis savlng, as le hait net tb resolution te break off of hie owu accort I bcartily udvse. aIl women aumie aus wn5 te give yoar remedy a trial." 8S9yT FizTuvo Aa.-A sample packag' et TuetelcsSamanie Prescription Sm i' t 5Ewl.h f 111 perticninra in plain scalecî A WORLD-TIME WATOH. Au nanlnous Australian waehmak- er bas gene to the trouble et iuventiug a watcbM wbîeh, hy an arrangement of a radiant- with twveuty-tour pint- ars, working lunonjonction witlî a 24- hour diai, enablea any person readily te, tind the tise ut varions parts of tlie worlit. The zone radiant tatorm- edoit otrosted silver, and, althiougb the wateli, performne the speciai tfunctiou described,, 1V does net lu a ny way deo- gîte;frein its usetuinesa as an critin- ury wvatoli. It wiii be ebvivus thut te a marcheubet euig telegrains to varieua coautries it wouid ha useful te aseertaiu, as this ýwatais enabias hlm tui do, wlietber tise cable wil reuch ltes destination hefora or atter bcnking heurs 'Dr telegraph heures It will aise h. usetul la countries wiîere thse rail- way systein covere severaI zones, as in Canada aud Russie. THIE APOLOGY. Tisa Little Mau-I beard yeusauid I was usualiy idiotie. You'va got to take lt bacd. !I1é3 Btg Ma-l'il de se, my boy wîth pleasura,. Yoa are uuusualiy idiotie. HESADGIIA1tOR -EDUCIATION. She is 50 interestedin luhigiser ada- cation P" "Ye," anssoarai Mina Cayenne, A mortar bqard le vary becoming te ber style oet heauty, anitase knws il. One of the most danger- oa and repulsive forma of FKidney Disease ia for which Docid's Eidney Pilla are the oniy certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neya are actualiy dammed uand the water, mwhicb huid be expeiled in the form of urine, flows back and iodges in the celis of the fiesh and puifs ont the skin. Remove the filth which 1 aupthe drain. Resaoe the.lneys to heaith. There is oniy one Kidney Medicine PILLS to ail appearances, had been cut about three years. ~Near the sawmili was a shed that haýd evidently been used for horses, and at intervals of a few feet around t'ho shed were the Skeiatons of twelve horses, most of them, judging from the bones, beiug large animais. The bues were entireiy frea from flesh. indicating that tl'ey had been there at least two summiers. They were ly- ing in such positions as toe.show that they had never been disturbed by man. Lying beside the skeletons were wea- therbeaten ropes and straps, the re- mains «~ the pack biankets, and a quantity csf hait decayed' fleur and other provisons that had roiied from the backs of the horses. Near the miii we're three smaillcab- ins constructed of logs and sawed lum- ber, and carefuliy atored away was a quantity osf provisions, canned goods, bacon and flo,ýur. The bunk n hi walis contained a amail quantity of beddiug, and a grindstone and sever- it any time expertenced any dlfielenty ia gettîng a dé&tiiat muito Four ryway. xou may overcome this at once by uslng 4rMT ite i«i qualty wheh rvais bas becone asubjeet among tsrglrcnue. InLaPote2,04, an fl rortsCryi ChVild long fresh ? THE SAVAGE BACHELOR. ,l Prasume, said the Swaat Young Thing that you would call thai man who waited 30 years te got te marry the woman ho 'ioved. foolisb Me? No. 0f course, ho would hava sbsswn more senso If ho hiad wuitad anthar 30 years, seid the Savage Baclieler. Hay.Feyer Vary prevalent. Tbonimands new suffer troin Fis, lever. Science now knows that it ilj a germ disese-destro-y the gar ni and yoa destray the diseaso, OintJ mants canat do this, neithor cau' douches or powdors snuffed ap. Thare is mast oue remedy thet wiii cure Hay' Paver andi cure it quiekly. Lt Le car4 ried by the air te the reotest air! passages et the nasal passages an4 longs. Lt ila egerm kller-it la 1 eaeling agent. It cures Hay Faver, Asthina, Brenchitis, and Catarrh. Otarrbezu-ae la aguarautae te cure;! your money isack if yau are not1 jbenefied. Druggistaeau îl t aery-! w hare. Wo will send a regular 231 cent trial i aze teay address ln Can-; ada or U.S., on receipt et 10 cents, or tise tull treatint, poMu paid, foi: $ 1.00. N. C. Pelason & Co., Mfg., cheous-! lats, Kiagston, Ont. NO POLITIcS FORm MRy. "'It's ail right, Mary," ha said peaus- auntly. "GO intO Politics if Yen want ta. But remamber oua thing-tb5' cartoUists'Ili hafuter you us sooa' as yon'lra a candidate."1 "I -dce't cure 1" "And tbayil Put your piûture lu tIse piper wiith your ba.ir out of curl anid your hat on cronicai."1 "oyou tihijak they wîll do that?- sise lnquired aPprebensively. "0f cus.And t tby'li mae your Paris gewni i 1looli lilce calico, an.cJ Say tbat ycour ~s~ko coat ls imitation." "Willam," ie a Kïd afte-r a tiisoghtful Pause, 'I tiuik lIl stgy leaand maka home happy," <Cepy o(f a latter which appeared ixi the Ceyion Observer.) "COR-RESt'ONlENCE." ro tihe Editer «s the " CeyinObserv. or.", Dear Sir,-I have carafully exumin- ëd anditastait thýe sasisanspie etTee al paire et overalis avare toaundiluone beylon Gî'ean Teac," you sent me last, cerner of- eue ofthtici. ight eut findit i is us stateit. Searci wes 'uade, but ne buman jThe tea bas exceptiinal lEst tfrug- slialeteus were founit. Tisa discovery rance andt draws a hboice, flaveury, oowslip water, &mehat îeemisling Was maite about tise ftoy miles off ae hat gradeJapan.! the eut Juneau Indian tri. cudt ah As Gaspecimen of wlýhut Green. Tee conditions point te tise cunelusion that 11oidein a utbei cap ut avould ho aiý the clearing wus mate three yeurs cge imust 'impomsible te Improve on il. If Ce.ylou planteirs aili only be cars. sud thse herses perisheit the latter part PUi to shtip Greens ap to this stan-' ut the seme seasen. Tise trees avora dard oft excellence, the capture of the! blazed en four sites, indicating that âmerican sud Canadien markiets ln Icertain asdaieseurait.' tise party lu semaa mystomions way hait Youts a titbfully. separated, unit avre unable tem get; te- jsigneit F. F. STREET." gainer agatu. The inembers et tle survaying perty think that if the fr est wera searched the skeletens et the former owaers et -the camp shoulit h. tounui. The tiscory cf monder by the Indiens is net entertained, for in that case the provisions and toois would snrely bave beau taken. Il la estin- ated that tIse engiue, boiler, circuler saw and thIe reat oet the Mill] outtit whoa aaw, mu/t have ceet at leant $3.000. 1 A SIGN. Landlord-Yeu' nover sexy the new guest's deugbtai', yet you insist thelt she le a pretty girl. Cierli-I do. Landlord-How do you know I ,Clerk-Her mothar tooli me into ber ren to-day to measure the windows for nex',' urtaina, unit 1 coanteit aine mimrora acattemeit arounit. p ab<~oc<A, ~ That's one question you stioutý ask wheu you buy paint. It wi4 pay to buy good paint-paini that has beoix tested for yearâm, RAMAYS 'AI1N TS retain their glossy newnes. an4 look fresh and bright, Iongeà than any others, because thee> are made right. They are purd paints. They are the best, A. RAMSAY & SON, MONTREAL, Paint Makerg, .LACK 0F RECIPItOCITY, Ho0w do yen lika your new neighharo, Mr8. Way 11' Not ut mil. SUIe'à awtaliy stingy4 Why sbe burrowed our teck hammer and, a not-ag early last wack, but whaen I weu't ever yesterday te ask lier toi loud me $8 to pay u the rant sho sait s§hà didn't have it te spare. Wasn't thlat ril' 'Thia signature la on every box ef the emenatLnO Laxative BromoaQuinineT 'tabet te reuaedy tbat es'epa-colal tu que.Clay We are in, rccaipt ot tise toilowtug iuquiry; Dear editor-our eow bas geone dry, do you thinli wa couid sal ber for drieti bufetiif w.), whear? FOR OVEiR PIFTY YHARS MiU-.WINISLOW'S SOOTHINQ 5YIIUP hua b.., noeud bp moiSi-rs foi- tir i-hidi-en toething. lset> Se the. chlld, soita,,. thoeus, alas sPain, cures wind Cotle. andoi thi-ai remedy for diarrhoea. 2Sia battls. Sold by ail drugus t rouebout the wortd. Siq sur@ *Pd %&k for" 'Mrs. Wlnsew's oothing Syrup", Suariay-low did Jingso gar' ru uver « Yow-He Sos t0eoplng to pick Up a horsesoe for lucl. There la moaeCatarrh ln this mction ofthe country than aill ther diseases put togetho.,' end until the last f ew years waa supposed te be Incurable. For agreat many years docters pro. nouneed it a local dîseàse and ?resoribed locAý remedles,and by ca.estanily tsiling ta cuare with local treatmeal,, pronounced às Incurable. scl- ence bas preveu catarrli to be a constiîntionaut diseaa.o and therefare requires constttuIanae treatinent. H1all's Catarrh Cure manufaoturei by F. J. Cheaey & Cy., Toledo, ôhio, 18 itheon1ir ccustitutiona1 cure on the mnarket. lé l taken inaternaUin ludosez tram 10 drops te a toaspoun- fuL It sots diractiy on the bloo i and mucoea purfece of ithe system. Ttiey offer one hundi red, do lare for aziy case h f dls ta cure. Sonct for circulars and testininaas. Address, F. J. CH-ENEY &CO.. Toledo, 0 Sold by Draggit-. To. HaIit' FaMîly Plla are the beau. An ocean steamer of the first-catss, going et fýuil speed, cannot be brought to a hait lu less than three mijnutes. In the meantime sho will have travers-. ed a distance of about hait a mile. The IlB1almeoal," Frsa Bus A--Plt, AVENUE HGULSE-MoG l-Oollege Avenu» pa er .. CAL VERT'S Cam'bollc Disl nt'ctanmts, Soape, Oint enTooth Powdo,-.*e., have been =wrtd I100l'iodais andi di plouas for superlot excellence. Their rogular use pravoent infecti- ons diseeses. Asic Your deaier ta obtain s suppiy. Liste inaileit fraecan application. Fa C- CALVERT &*CO.,' MANCHESTER . NGILAND, Instruments, Drmsm,unifomiaa tc. Every Towin can have a Sand tratiana usiled frai- avrils ut fer siilai music or Musical Intrument8, Wha:'ey Royas&Ca,, t ftusaga Gastnga Ni-w importationsi Ouest .5U5lb 8 heep, and Aini-ri'iu Hi-g (eing-riabl@e-d. st r <it Pl ici- .PARK, BLACIJ CO ., Toi-onto. MILLS, MILLS & HALESa Blarriîe',ite. RemoveS 50 wi-ileyulin, liiebutS . w., Toi-auto. POULTRYo BUTTER, ECC8o APPLESe aud other PRODUCIt, te enaufs Si-at result conoiga te T'ho Dawson Commission CO., Lilited, Gem-. West-Markcet & colbore .st, Toirento, CaýtholBo Prayer 11-ls, 'osario%, cru. SteligiOus PiQtUiie, Statuai-Y, aud ChuS hOrnamentae. Ednatitual Watts. Msil orders recel-a prompt au-an, J.a . SAOLIER & Co., Monireai.

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