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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1900, p. 6

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WAP. A ï-U U R Y Net ,~ te Iîdugctun WIthOlt Goial ;ýe'i.y ne interestieg data have beupblS-ýheA regarding the trans- potaion out troops, horses and mu- teial -e South Africa, based on of- fiiireport. Ba' Ust ct. 2U nand junie 9, 234 tracot.seit E indfor the seat IL4NfLIIWBEU JR OF ~ 8 SEASON OF SlHOOTING ACCIDENTS NOW AT HANU. ,k Fe IV uggestIons te Follow Witht Gaaod 1iaults-Great Care sikouId ba Talïin te Clibing Fajces and Eter- Ing or Leaving 110oins With the game soason, the newýspa- sic simple as tb ho hardly worth ex- pression, but in practice they are an- tireiy disregarded by a great many men Nho ought te know better. One need only read the reports of accidents which are certain to ho published in thŽe newspapers every day from now to the end ot the hunting soason to be convinced oit this. When the whirr of a partridge is heard almost udor cees f<ret, or when a deer breaks Uric Acid ieoft inthblo b c isordered kid-nevs THEY FEAST TUiRTLES. To Fat or kilt Oue M'outl Meaik Beath to the Gulty One. At a place called Riotron, on the Frenohi Ivoxy Coast, the nativez bc- lieve that to eat or dest'roy a tertio would mean death to the guiity one or sickness among the family. The fetish men, of which thore are plenty, daclare that years ago, a man wveut It's never too late--to learn the good points e' -EX, 2i rt.*u. Many peopie have aiready Ica1n3- whataýo- earal e Yeu rnay do 8o, also if Yeu give it a fair triai. In L8ad Packete, 2à, 3o, 40, 50, i6e. - - IIr4~ ~4aa>5~Y~ ~lL-'-~ ~tra~I ""- 4a445' k Y~cttXt ~iO-4 LU. 4'4JLU = ta L r~t5 ~ r - -, 4 ~aV k 4,a,,,a,~ .5,5 .0 5n,(a~r,,<,., t,-,, an Q .5 t --e ~-5e,, Y 4 ,~ r ta4c t- ~ 55~ 7 ~5r, ~ a r ,si Us$1, $1 s .5 au v. a t t.., .4- 4a - r~, es for ward bhe gun la lîkely to he fired Mg tmSS igtn ,o e ments, etc., it cun bchomade in uny it i oy he ycretwymiss the train., PEAT ISA POPULAR FUEL. t. jîxvparo, Por ý1, N. U. t'olson & Ca.i shd eie.I-i eakbyd nof holding the ordinary gun in cliu-- t- -hie Ceyl'n Observer.> teegli, strong, practically non-iutlarm- .Ih Eng . l' Wl Fld i Ch TO, V HA ECNOMTINCOA MENS. "Ca~9,l C'* mabie, niot as easily injured by heat 1u a fence la with the w capon WlE OCFNTEH inîir.24 itnr If the Amnerican housouife, knew Coîombo, Aug. 15ý j19(X). as hard rubber, and 7 a1ec(ted by arss tha shoulder, stock foremost -If tha t'eeth axe to get but one Peat heat ea.Inoa frplcspolitical economy, as ideed many do To vIeEir.u"h C~:o be the varins soive pataci al-nsd hammer turned down. In this thlorougb cleansing during the day, wharo a st, ady heat and nut a crack- a nd ail should, she wouid be conscience p~'; !hv' jul Jv luleîd, rubber cpsuaitutes.;,S4'euy litLSO iiUfiOO t juat h fore a!cti ing.ýis tbebest lime, ling baet atdthe old-fasindsrce u elrohretamar n ated th SivsalLaaTuefi Itis-~i~iid< x Ç .--~glyfo ~ ~ r'Lie1Yrt ashoeYbltrickV houdýrare ei f c-ay miser- dr aniaýf saHi 1d~a? -71 1 je_1j l 1 s Il j - 1 e a r '-t i, i ' ~eV~tel- - d~bde~t~a - ihr~ '3 __ n~r~r3èvÇ.a -~.-b7E-- Ktebtu.~ ~~4ui 4Y~bLuca oe1 SHORTHAND UL~~ 1. 0. 0. F. BulhiIng, Toronto. Qi es a mosbt thorough course of indi vidnai instruction in ail Businese and vl Srvo Subjeote, Shorthand, Typowriting, Etu. Expert exparlanced teachere, aquipmenr--tuad adat~suneurpassed. opea anktire year. "'rcuSrL ý K, E FIl rcsw ,themnltte =the ftire; -if one--o'f ï%bom it la etamed la nct sincorely af- foctienate; but if Iteis reduced to ashes- amwarm feeling- la sbeokenýëd,- saya the Home Cempanion. Porpiex- kty cornes-te the poor-maiden whose- two nets botb burn to ashes, unlýesa ber feplings holp honi o give the pro- STEAM LENGINES. 1 t,&b formation of a single loco-1 te stai angine no fewer than p)ý-es 'have- to be put together, Ji-dsth e roqire tri he asaccurateîy adjuated as tise worke of a wabch. -, Wheue a 3rty t mon-ar-e- huntwig together in a wooded country special care sbouid be laken to ltnow the -w ereabouts of thre other merubers of the party betore discharging a weapon lu any-direction, lu walking tký-ough a torest trail the gun sbouid ho held with the muzzie pois ing up and the h jO,.valusssçsIine,,L en4MAr44vea, there is ne likelibeod of its catchnlg on projectiug bwigs or branches. Fln- ally sud mest important of ail is tho mile which every experienced hunter indorsea :-Never iubentionuily or ýun- inteutionally, ýpont the muzzle of a gun at any par-son. In the reading these directions seem HERE ANtI)THERE. Ail La not beer that la hitter. Overîalk tires more people than overwork. HocspItai bulletins contain -the news et the weak. A vain wmn slia str.pt 4 a - shelai8f ull et airs. Every man who izn't prominent im- agines lie will h o se day. A spinster ean't lea'rn te play the vielin unless she lias a beau. Talk is rather clieap, but soeapao- pieý have a mania for trying to mono- poha.e lb. Autumu ti, already- haro,--andl -noD &xtra -sapplies havabeeir- prepzare. The few (peat merchanta are alra-ady finding tiiemnselves floeded witb or- ders which tirey will souu not--knou- - )hOW to exec«ute. A cnsieruleamnronn- ý et at--ie- already burnied in London, especially in the West End. iPeople afttr tours in Ireiand or Scotland, gel to lova meIss and Lakecure to secure supplies. Seme doclers; are fond of ordoring lb in plae et coul, especiaily le the casa et patients wh,,ere quiotiosa laan es- sentai.Yencun mak-e up your poat tire ariy lu t ho morning or isat thing at bgth arr auging haif a dezen bileck, and ba go uway, knowiug Chatit wili ke burning fer eigb or teu heurs te corne. meor euitan savE liopr-husband'amno-y, have- a- mali -anount -of a hot 1il -h _Shle is conscrving-for all humanity-a [ho.use o iaig h ni'-ofbo- nec-essa 'ry o1f life, on which, in the tles. 0f course, chopped piecos of po- first instance, the bread and butter ntand future, genorations de' tate are gond, but eggshel]s are bei- Pend. -j-Ler.' -10l George -Cooclerham. lst Xic-President sand TrnoSi. Ohairinan of Execudra TORNT Conmi' tee- J . Herbert Mason. c~<îOsc- W. 'H. Beatty. WrisMt. Walter 8. Lee. S.d i .B Savingre Departmcqnt, DE PSIT reeived. Interest ?aid ,- b EBENTURES idnolfvetr payable SL , -,,y ASSITS e830000 'e.,, n, -dd4r7u

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