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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1900, p. 8

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They combine enormions power _ with a most gratifying economy in the use of coal, and may be simply and easily regulated to suit every varying degree of temperature. Their inproved features promise you absolute indoor eomfort al winter long and very muehsaie fuel bis. Make a point of seeing them in justice to yourself-You'1l flnd them- superior in every detail-the newest .l and best warmn air furnace made. r~~- SOLD BY 400 SRES flason&IlxD)aleý, Bowmanvlle1 ' , The GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Liniited, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver. DO YOY KNOWf THAT WEAKNED NERVES PRO- DUCE DISEASE AND SUFFERINO ? The OnIv True Nerve Medicine And Nerve Food. [T BUILI)S UP AIND KEEFP IN PERIIFfT CONDITION TUI E GREAT NERYOUS SYSTEM. 4. 4 .~.* 4.When the marvellous complexity, delicacy and power of the mysterlous nerv2 systemn is fully reali.zed, we are Sboesby 8 iI fot surprised ut the swoeping assertion Shoesb M aiof Dr. Laning, Professer of Clinicai If you don't live in a town . loge, tliat "ail diseases are due to lesions of the nervous system," or, in otheri -where there is a "'Siater Slioe" words, diseuse results from a Weukened Agcuncy, you dan get your exact . or disturbed nervous system. fit, in shape, size and width, J It was the lite work -of that greut and you can 1clîooae tie recis y physiclun Dr, rhelps to give suffering leater ou antfro "Car-men and women a medicine that would act directiy on the nervous system, Dr. acteristics, " the handsoiest ancld > Plielps sncceeded nobiy and well. He Most complete slioe catalogue . piueed Paine's Coioi'y Compound betore tever publislied in Ainecica. It * somne of the abiest ph ysicians that ever tells ail about "Th-e Slater Slio" ussembied in Dartmnouth Medicai Col- * loge. It met witli their ful upproval, and accurately describes thre differcut leatliers,-tlie kind of wear and tliey ut once prescribed it lu their ¶~they'rc, good for, and liow to care for tliem. practice, arid fonnd it a life saver when ~' Price $350 and $ý.oo, staniped on the sole in a slate framne with 1$ othier means failed. inakers' namne. To-day tons of thousauds sound the1 Write for ono, it's free. ptSdFO5 ot Paines Ceiery Compound. Iu every ity, town and villago of thus ~, ~ ~. ~ continent, people are found -wlo owe ~' ~ their lite te Paiie 's Celery Compound. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. niature's nerve medicine and- nerve DR. J. COLVILLE, BLA4KST- ~K. If yen are sleepiess, irritable, despon- g R A i IATE OF TORONTO UNVERSITY dent, morose, or have flushes, chuls, a n, 'rinty'Uuiversity. Office: Silver St clns fhnsanIet eiin Nigf, e nswered from residence of Mir Mr. H .F.Hunter. Barrister, lias open-cldssehasun letdecet Di,. à Ave. 50-9. cd a Brandi Law Office ln Biackst6ck toue iu the stomacli and intestines, bear ____________________________which lie will personally attend the ~lmn ornrossse ed first Monda ofet cdimenti. Until attention and ropairing. No ether DENTISTRY. other arrangements are made Mr medicine but Paiue's Coierv Compound1 G. (~NNCASLEL. D S. D.D. ., unter will have bis Blackstock Office can do thie good work for you, and make lIe' ~ ~ ~ D S. 1aei etsr fTrnoUi rn aknsHtl 7t you what von should ho, vigorous strong ver FIE-erCoucli. Jobuston & tF rank __________ -nd-ltppl. ____(1 __Stoi_._______________lyr If sick heudache 18 misory, wliut are Deiavs_ are dangorous. The littie1 Carter's Little Liver Pis«if they wiil aches§ and iaîns of te day may to-mor-2 lO LET -The boot and shoa positîveiy cure it? People wlio have row deveiop into agonies au misoriesà s present occuepied by John Reid, used them sp eak frankîs- et their worth. One bottie cf the wonderful compoundI Ki, e anville. E asy Terme. Posses sil once. ApPly on premises. 40-t ,Tbey are small and easy tetake. wiil work a mighty and hao)py change.C Single Cutter, Jas Holmes, 1 and 2, F.nigM, i Jackson, C W Mar- low. S ewng Machine, E Kirkpatrick, a and 2 unip Pulper, C W Marlow. DOME:,-STIC MANUFACTURES. Set Htarness, single, co lbtr and hame and b)reast collar and tu.-s with it, J Naismýih, 1i and 2, Set Bedroom Fur- niture, R, MýeSailvr, and 2. Pair Gent'H Boots: homne-made sewed, S Jeffery, 1 anld 2. Pair L.qdies' Boots, home-mnade sewed.,-S Je;ffery,liand 2. Raq Carpet, flot lesth a ten yards, J-Y McN1Laugh- lin, Mrs M McLean Rag Mat, J Y McLauigh)in, 1 and 2. Pair Woolen Mittens, Mrs N MuLean, 1 and 2. Pair Wooleni Soeks, Mrs N McLean, 1 and 2.» Five Skeins home-spun Stocking Yarn, Mirs N MeLean, 1 and 2. Yarn M#at, Mrs J Y McLaughlin, GRAIN AND SEEDS. One bushe1 Fail Wheat, red, 1900, jEngishi Bros, A Taylor. One bushel Pull Wheat. white, 1900, A Taylor, J Wrighit. One bushel Spring Wheat, liard, 1900, English Bros, J Wright. One bushel Spring WVheat, sott, 1900, J Malcolm, A Taylor. One bushel Peas, Michigan Whites or Canadian Beauties, 1900,i J Jobb. J Parr. One bushel Peas, smiall, J Malcolm. Ore buýhel Oats, white, J R Devitt, J Jobb. One bushel Oats, b)lacýk, A T-Iaylor, J,.11 Devitt. One bushel Barley, 6 rowed, J Jobb, N Mar- !ow One peck White Beans, S Shep- herd,1%R Crawford, VEGETABLES, Hiait bushel Potatoes, white, T Wood, *N Marlow. Hall bushel Potatoes, red, T Wood, S A, Devitt. Hait dozen Turipis, IWlhittield, N Mariow. Hait doz., Carrots, white, R Crawford. Hiait doz Carrots, table, T Swain, 1 and 2. Three heads Cabbage, winter, T Swain, T Woo)d. Two 'lable Squash, W C Ferguson, R Cra'wford, Two Pump. kins, T Wood, S A Devitt. Hait Doz. 1Beets, table, R Crawford, S Sheipherd. Hait Pleck Onions, white, T Swain, R Crawford. Hait Peck Onions, red, T Swaini, R Crawford. Huit. Doz. Man- ~,oT Woods, A Devltt. Hait Dozen oma;toes, S Shepherd, T Swain. Three Water Melons, S Shepherd. Three Citroits, S A Deivitt. T Wood. One lioz. 1,';irsIlna ëorn, Engiisli Bros, J.Abbott. FÉI~UT. Hiait Dozen Winter Apples,J Abbott, T Swain. Hait Dozen F ail Apples, J Campjbei,1l English Bros. Hlaîf Dozen Ruissets, Mrs J B Graham, N Marlow. Haif Dozen Snow Apples, Mrs N Me- Lean, S A Devitt. Hait Dozen North- ern ,Spies, T Swain, A Taylor, Hait Dozen Fal1 Pears, J Abbott, Hlait Dozen .Winter Pears, S Sheppard, J Abbiott. Collection of Pruits-named- wbîch may include diff erent varities of apples and other fruits when'practic- able -haif dozen on plate, J. Abbott, W C Ferguson. LADIES' DEPARTMENT.' Gent's Shirt and Coliar, Mrs James Parr, Mrs, J Y McLaugbiin. Suit Ladies' Underclothing, Mrs E J Wheei- er, Mrs J Abbott. Fanci Pin Cushion, Mrs J Y McLaughiin, Miss M Parr'. Trimmed Basket, Miss M Parr, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. Fancy Stitches on Linen, or Silk, Mrs R McNaiiv, Miss L Parks, Bcaroom Slippers, Mrs J Ab- bott, Idit Parr. Sideboard Scarf White Linen. Mrs J Y McLaughuin, Ida Parr. Sofa Piiiow, Mrs fIockens, Mrs J Y MeLaughiin. Toilet Set, embroidered, Mrs J Y McLau-hlin. Miss L Park. Whisk Holder, Mrs L Parks, Mrs i Y McLauo-h]in Siik Embroidery, Mrs J Y Mcýtaughlin, Mrs Latimer. Set TabLe -Mats.Mrs J. 57 Mè-Lauüghlîn, Ida- Parr Table Doyiies, Ida Parr, 1 and 2.Piliow Shams,' Mrs E J Wbeeler, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. Tea Cosy, Miss Ida Parr, -Mrs J Y McLaugbuin. Table Clothi, embroîdered,- Miss I da Parr, Mrs Miss Hoskin, Toronto, wio lias been Lthe guest of Miss M. Eiibeck, bas re- >turned to Toronto .... Miss Charlotte Robe and Mrs. Carmichae .... Talk of a c >oncert in the fleur future, the proceeds t'ô go towards re-decorating, etc., the Music Hall.Ir. Predenbueg's four chidren were baptized in St. George's churcli last week by 11ev. Canon Farn- comb. ... Miss Eiieen ThoFu is visiting' her aunt. Mrs. Sanfor",. New York.... Mr. T. Bickertoia Edintson lias re- suîned stndy-ut Trinity Medicai Coliege, Toronto. . .. Miss Katerson, Hampton, was recent guest at Mr. Geo. Gray's.. ..Mr.Mitclieli and Miss Beatxice Jollow, Oshauwa, were recent guests of Mr. S. Rickard, ... Miss Mand Fisher who bas been guest of Mis,, D. Dickson bas re- turned to her home lu Toronto, ... Mr. Stanley Ugiow bas returned to Chicago Dental College.. .. Miss Eva Couch bas returned from a pleasant visit at lier borne, Clarke,.'...Miss Minnie Basker- ville is learning the millinery at Bow- manville, ... Messrs Rob and Cleve- land Clemence, Kirby, recentiy visited friends here. OR-IONO. Mr. R. Momlcnt, P.M., attended Port Hope Fair Wednesday .. .. Mr. Fraser ELittle is clerking in NMr. G. Mý Long's store ...Mr Ross Stinson attendced Castieton fair last week. . .. Miss Huttie Williarnson is visiting in Trno Mrs. H.fl. Odeillbas a severly sprained ankie .. .. Mr. Percy Dancaster, Toron- to, is home ...Mr John R. Soles, Pontypool, is in town ...Mrs. R. Hall is visiting friend s around Welcome and Port Hope.... Mr. R. Z Hall und Dr, MeElroy attended Port Hope fairt... . Mr and Mrs. A. Odeli and daughter have returned to their home lu Cobourg .... Mrs. Thos. Keat and grand-daugliter Elma, are visiting lier son, Edson, at Belleville ...Messrs Geo. Davidson, John Davey and Ed. Morton were in Cobourg iast week on the juryv. ... Mr and Mrs. J. W. Martin, Gardenhili, vîsited at Mr. Wes. Thornton's -recently . ..Mrs. Stevenson, Oshawa, is visiting ber brother, Mr. W. W. Truil, and other re!aLiveb ...Mrs. Jeffery. wlio bas been visîting at ber dauzhter's,Mrs Jas. Richards, lias returned to the city ....Mr. Fred Long, Toronto. 16 ln charge of the Drug Store durin'g the absence of tbe proprietor. Mr. J J. Gliilian. .... Mr. John Mayze, Garden- bil, was lu townrecently. . .. Mrs Ford, who lias been visiting ber- brother, Mr. J. W. Gifford, lias returned to ber home at Blackwater.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong have goneb to Wiartoaq, for bis annual supply of flsh spawn, for the Newcastle Hatchery ...Mr. Thomas Chapple is home from Billings, Mon- tana where lie bas been in the hospital uiudergoing- treatment ...The flag tower, purchased by the Township Couacil. lias been erected at the town hall building. It is a neut structure reaching in heiglit 75 feet ... . The large plate glass lu the window of C.G. Arm- strong -'s store was recently cracked by bout from a iiglited lump.... .Mr. Robt. Cowan, coutractor, while breakiug kindling wood, a piece flew up stricking hlm onthe bail ot the eye ..John Karney, a former resident of Orono. recentiy di-t lu Farry Sud.L-- Children Cry fr Cw*ASTOR lA., Sr. IV-O. Cobbiedick, N, Allin, R. Penfound Jr. 1V-PiR Rickard, il. Knight, M.Loyekin. Sr. 111-G Trewin G. Moses, J. Galbruith, N. Trewin. Jr. 111-F Bragg-, A Allia. Sr. Il- WV. Aluin, A Soper, G.Ailin, E.Knielit. 'Pt. IL, 2-B. Allun O.Bragg, KTrewin, G. Galbraith Pt. 11, 1-E. Aluin Book 1, eiass Ilr- I. Blewitt ; class Il-l E. Richard ; class I-M. Giihraith. ED.EA E. J. FIELDING, toucher. Success for sixt.v -earsq. This is the record of Perr-Y Davis' Ptin- Killor. A sure cure for 'diarrhoea, dysentry and ail bowel comýplaints. Avoid substi- tuethere is but one Pain-Killer, PrvDavis'. 125c. and 50c. MT. VERiNON. Visitors: Dr . Margare t Rogers , Chicago, ut home; Miss M. Wulters, Taunton, ut Mr. J. Pascoe's;- Mrs. Sprowle, Cannington, Mrs. L. Bradley, Eafield, ut Maple Corners; Rev. H. Tliomas, Hampton, Mr., W. C. Werry, Solinu, t Mr. H. Abruham's; Mrs. JosephLrfut and dauglitcr, Mary, ýVodsock, at Mr.Jas. Garfat's-; Master James Annis ut borne; Mrs. Job Thompson and son Wilbur, Woodstock, ut Mr. Thos. A. Wiibur's; Mrs E Annis viiigber mother, Mrs. Hoiden, Whltitbx; Miss Katrina Argue ut Rev. E. E. Howurd's, Blackstock; Mrs. Wm.~ Souci visiting lie r sister, Mrs Mninroe, Detroit; Mrs. C. Rogers a nd Miss Mabel have gone to Dakota to visit triends; Mr. and Mrs Geo Argue, Mr. Wm. 'Souci and Miss Eva uttended Orono Pair .... Mr. John Orcliard is'abla to walk ont by the aid of a cane.... Mrs. Eli Puscoe's big suie is next Tuesduy. BARLEY WANTED m 0 500 0 BUSHELS good, heavy, -briglit Barley want- e d immediately a t niy Elevator, N ewcastle. T. H. Everson. Newcastle, Oct. 1, 1900. DR. J. S. SOMERS, DEN'TVsT, G ADUATE 0F THE ROYAL COLLEGE ofIl Dental Surgeons;, Toronto. Crown and BridgEý work a Specialty. OFFIOh:-639 Spdia Ave., Toronto 16 -tf. Ir the Matter of Pt Es at of C( the town o" of manvïille iï Cou nty of Durhamii, labo rer, ceased. Notke is hereby givenl, puirsulant to sec of Chap 129, 4~ . .0., 15,7, that ai perý baving edaimts nr dema1,ds a-Žinsttb1lýe etat the said l CRNEIUS cGRAG ceaseï,mho died 6n or about thefi( 1st cde' August, 1900, are reqired to esdby ipost~ £avIdDur-ke Siiun,ibte execu:(tor of the will anld testament of the said dc1(,easel, oii before the TWENTIETII DAYO Il' OOTOB 19(0, heir christian anid urnameiý,s and afil ses, with full particulars lm writiniz of tl elaims -and statement cf their acco(mis and nature of the securicdes (if ay)hli1by 'h duly veridied by statutory declaration. And take notice that after said twent day .,f October. 1900, sald eeutrw1lpro(, to distribute the assets of thýe suid dee among the parties entitled thereto, biav regard only te the claims of wbielh heshall have notice, and the said çeutrwtll not hiable, for said assets, or iiry part thereof, any person or persons cý lu os e daim nc shall not have been reciived by hlm oi r bis solicitors at the time of snici distribution. SIMPSON & BIAIIC, Solicitors for said exes Dated September 17th, 1900o. 84 Noticen to Creditor In the Matter of WVELLS 014W.FOBD formèerly of i Township of Darlin *qtou n i County of Durhtam,Famr insol vent. NOTICE Is hereby giv-en that th@ aut namned insBolvent bas by deed betaring. date~ nineteentb day of Sejteýnher !1900 made assigament of bis estate to me for the benell bis creditors under R. S O., 18197 Chap. 147 ail other Acis applicable to assingmento conveyances. Th e creditors are notitefi to mneet ut office MeKinnon Building, Toronito, O)NS URDAY THE TWENTY NNUDAY SEPTEMBER, 1900, AT 10.30,) OCLOOR A, for the purpose of receiving-, a statlemlent of affai, s of tbe estais, for the a ppoinimlenut of spectors, giviue directions for thie disposal tbe estate, settlmng fees iand -eunrt tn urderiug tbe affairs of tbe estate gener-ally'. Ait persons claimii,in oranik uponfte est of the said insolvent muei.t fle hJýd proved bIy affidavit wïitbm nio)r' !r date ixedfor said meetinpt er wL'. ý,dat will proceed to distribute tbe est of thee estate baving regard te Chose d uaims lonI: which I shall licu bave recetved( notice, BowmanviIle Septemb 'coth 1900. JAls IEP.14Âeav . Trustee, MKnnnfulde,Trû ---- --- & BLAIR ., -, Barristers at Bowmranvihl,Onti., Soliiter the estate and the said James P i. LuA INSTANT HLi ur MfILBURIÇ,'S STERLI Ni POWDERS, No dep)re3sîï

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