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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1900, p. 5

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Do Not Negleet Your Eyes,. Our ex Ëerience as opticians, costs you nothing. We test your eyesight free of ail charge and when its done at our store you know it'5 well donc, Another new invention has been added to our set of scien- tific instruments and no matter how complicated the case we g'ý'rwantee to give you perfect /i,,'faction if glasses will do it. liemember our stock is al bought direct from the manua- facturers and is sold at mucli less than city prices. 81011T & JURY, Druggîsts and Opticians. Pq WO-RD COUG REMDIES Whien you use a Cough S remiedy why not get the best ? For over 20 years our Excel- sior (Jougli Syrup has been the mpost popular remedy in West D' urham. Hundreds of prudent motli- ers consider it a household necessity. It's easy to' take and costs only 2fl r a liarge bottie. It's healing. Tt'.s soothing to ) the infiamed parts. It allays the tickling sensation. It's guaranteeci. toV &The Druggists. G rA R HINK RAILWAY. BOWMAS VILLE STATIoII, GOI<G EAST. GOING WEST. Erpress ...8 Si ar. . 1 Express... 5 1,5 a. mi *Express.. 10 17 a. ni,1 Loeal ýý..8 15u Elusenger. .. 3 48 p.an. 1 Pas8enger... 1 4o p. m, Local.... 655 p.In. 1Express... 78 "elxpress.. i 125 I t DaIly except Sunday. STOTT & Juny. Town Agents The Canadian Statesinan, -BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 24, 1900 Order ail papers and mag azines from M. A. James. Skunk, tail f ound. Enquire at TnE $STATESMA N ofice, Ms3 L. Ou.tram, Port Hope, bas been vlisiting tho Misses Mason. Miss Burke has returned from a pIceasant visit with lier sister, Mrs. (Col.) Mlen*s and Boy's readi'.made Suits, Iatest styles received this week at Couch, -Jolinston &; Cryderman's, Ontarlo County Plowing Match will. be held Friday next on Mr.. Stewart Bruee's farmi, Port, Pery. Mr. J amnes Goard writing from Maple Creek, N. \V, T., says : "We are ai -weil and lie.lecountry very mach." on the Monday following the Anni- versary services in St. Paul's on the Iast Suinday of Ný,,ovember there wvill be ~an evenîng entertainment. The Mason Co., iaS been re"ýognized as one of the leading Staple Dry Goods Fitores for. mauy years. Theï stock was roever better assorted witb stylish up to date zoods than uow. Lt wîl1 pay you Chilî'dren Cry for CiASE'TO0RU1AS e Stev3 Biacking Sels at I'ýieholls'. Quickshine sets a box at Nicholîs'. Steve brushes frein ets np aI Nicliolis' Scmub bmashes f rom Sets up ah Nichoils' Dr. Julia Thomas, Toronto, visiued frionds bore on -Menday. 1Needies, oil and oul cans fer Sewing Machines fer sale at Rickard's. New subseribers eau get THSE STATES MAN loened of 1900 for 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Pctorkin, Toronto, bave been guests of Mr. Hugli Mellba. Mrs. [11ev.] C. Parker, Coîhomne, lias been visiting fieuds lu Napae. Messrs. Frank Downey and A. L. Darci were lu Port Hope Thanksgiving Day.. Wauled- a ragged dimty Dollar Bill, for a twe dollar AlarmnCiock at Rick- ards. Ci's liatchiug plenlifallv at Tait& Co's. photo gallery every eune in a dozen good. Wlnter wiil seen be here and 110W is the lime te ordor yeur furs. M Mayer, furrior. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. lianes, Toronto, spent Thankgiying Day aI Mr. John Babcek's. A feurteen dollar-Watch for sale aI Riekards for $8.00, only a few lefI, cerne quick. Bring lu yeur fars, 110w is the lime le have Ihem altered and mepaimed., M. Mayer, farrier. Don't lot a goed pictume gel spoilod fer waut of a frame, Frediand makes ail kinds of trames. Mr. Thos. Daucaster, Orlhia. visited bis brother, Mr. Charles Dancaster, Tbsuksgiving Day. Yen caunot purchase Spectacles frein Riekard if yen do net ueed them. He oniy fils Ibese wlio requime.thein. Immense choice of Pioecedl lined sud other seasonabie hues of uudcmwesr 110w beiug shown aI The Masen Co's. Tait & Ce. have a fine lino of frames suitabie, for photograpis etc, at vers' iow prices. Cali and sec their frames. Subacriptiens are taken aI TH E STATESMAN office for ovar 3000 different papers and mag-azines aI lowest mates. No need te sel a hieu te gel Chic's, go te Tait & Ce. for tbem-they are fine. Tbey have pîctume francs for sale tee., Wauted-A purchsaser for a Sewing Machine liat is weil coustrueted, ruîîs easy and is guarantcod for ton years at Richards. The naine Tait & Ce. on a photo vouches for ils quality , as for ils dur- absility, ask your ucigibors. Our nopa talion is lie boat. Thc Masen Ce., have recently open- ed eut some prime values iu fieeced and woel biaukets manging iu price frein $1 te $5 a pair. JusI wbat yen want ! Littlo Gold Photo Francs. Jast thetbing te sol off a dresser, centertable or nantlepieco. Preeland bas juat meceived a beautifuily assomted stopk. AUl prices. Call sud sce thon. Ticeune ef Mr. S. A. DevilI, Cad- nus, was omitted frein thc list of cor- rections te the pnize list at Bowmauville Faim. Mm. DevitI slioald bave been credited wlth first prize ou Heavy, Drauglit Mare aud Foal. Sunday Scioois and otiers thinkiug of ordering holps for the coming year sheuld sec lie "Illustrator." If yenare net acquaiutcd with Ibis ie]p seud for a samplo copy te Fleming Reveil Con- pauy, Tomonto. Price 60e a yesr. Tic second meeting of the Womeu's Institute will beho ld lu lie Royal Tempiars' Hall on Salurday, Oct. 271i. aI 3p. .m rs . .Sitliwii again be p asnsd deliver an address Let cvery wonan in West Durhiam attend. ? Ladies' f ur liued Capes lu aIl qualities first c]ass Astrat!ian Coats, Caponines of ail kiuds; Raiffs lu Sable, Oppessuin, -Grey Lamb, Thuhet; aise Muffs lu Op possun, Thibet, sud Sable. Ne fluer )fans ho ho fouud auywiere. Couci, .Joinston & Cryderman. Res'. Dr. Jos. Wiid liaving compieted 1fifty ycars lu tic3 ministry cf tie Cen- gregational citirci la stAugust mesiguedi is charge lu Les Angeles, Cal., and is uew living on is farm at Broute, Ont. 1Ho intends geing le Eugiand ti the spring te se hIle the estate of his brother 11ev. Reuben Wild. L Mr. W. 1-1. Keuner of British Cohîn )bia, second sou of 11ev. J . Kenuer of Mitchell, !S home te spcud a week or twe ,wili hus parents. Mm. W, Hl. Kenner >went 10 thc Pacifie Coat province nino yeams age, sud luis is bis first visit back le t Ontario since liaI lino Mm. Kenner 'is a brother of Mr. J. H. Konner of Ibis cîly.-Stratford Beacon, i Ensigu Richard Pugi leaves this weeok with his wife sud daugiten for Picton 'te take chargo as Divisional Officer cf .tho Belleville district. Mr. Pugb was lu charge cf tic corps bere seme years ago sud iaviug spoul Ibis samner lu curhealt-h-g-iving town new reinnes froenton a Iew days age, anîd 'ue are pro pared te supply auy grade oI geods inanufacturcd by Ihen iah short -notice sud at reasouahie pneusl Painted sud gnaiped ceiiuga specially,headquarters aise for sbingles-Brîlish Colmmia No. 1 Red Codar sud ail grades of Pine sud native Cedar; Salt, Piasher sud Port land Cement always lu stock. Cal sud !nsýpee(t car stock and prices before iang yonî eoreselsowliere. -MOCieliu & Co, Bowmauyille Mrs. W. H. Pearcespent Thanksgiv- ing with friends in Oshawa, Mrs, A. Davis, Woodstock, lias been visiting lier sîster Mrs. M. Mayer. Miss Mabel Welsh, stenograplier, Toronto, spent Tbanksgiving Day at hiome$ Mrs. Ira F. Pearce and baby Jolinston are visiting friends at Silver Hill, Simcoe Co. Messrs. Chas. Keith, John Roacli and John Hemn, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving Day at home. Mis-, Eva Hellyar visited lier brother, Mr. W. H. Heilyar, Cobourg, durîng Thanksgiving liolida ys. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker, visited bis brother Mr. S. T. Cawker, Port Perry, Thauksgiviug Day. Ladies, you are invited to caîl at Miss Medland's Millinery pamior and see the latest novelties in liead wear. 40 dozen 50e fine ribbed Cashmere Stockings to be sold this week at the 'West End House at 35e a pair. Balance of 1900 froc to new subscrib- ers to Chiristian Guardian for 1901. M. A. James, agent for this district. STATEsmAN free balance of 19JO to new subscribers for 1901-only $1.00. Compare it witli other local papers. The West End House are gîving people a great opportunity thîs week to huy a Oc Cashmere Stocking for 35e a pair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shirley Denison, and Miss Brock, Toronto, weme guests of Mr. J. B. Fairbairn,P.M., over Tlianks- giving. Mr' Robt. Beith, M. P., and Mr. Duncan Beîth attended the Laurier demonstration in Toronto Tuesday evening last. Miss Berthia Farewell, Lexington, Midi , is visiting lier sister, Mrs. Walter H. Foley at Spruco Lodge, Base Lino, Darlington. 11ev. Dm. and Mrs. W. J.,HunterTor onto, were guests of ber sister, Mrs. W, J. Jolliffe at the Parsonage during their stay in town. Wo give Weekly Globe, Weekiy Mail and Empire, 'Weekly Sun or Par- mers' Advocate to new sabscrihers to end of 1901 for $1.00. A fine wintem Boot is a man's heavy welted, double-sole, leather lined, box- caif boot, tie West End leuse are sliowing at $4.50 a pair. Owing to the great increase in price of paper -we must insist on pavinent of subscmiptions iu advance at the $1.00 rate or the $1.50 rate must be paid. Magnificent assortinent of double hroasted saits meceived at The Mason Co. They are showing some choice hunes that cannot be procured else- wliere. Mr. Mamwood Barrett, Collector of Custoins, Anihemstburg, wio lias heen visiting bis father Mr. Richard Barrett, Tyrone, gave us a fiendly cali on Fr1- day. Master Leon Damas gave a pleasant birthday party to a number of bis young frieuds on Wednesday last, it heing bis -sixth birtliday. Tliey liad a mierry jtime, 11eov. J, W. Lent who lias been Yisiting b is brother, Mr. C. W. Lent, P. M., Courtice, lef t âonday to attend the M. E. Conference:at Oklahoma, Oklahoma ,Territory. 3 Mr. Geo. McCleilan, formerly of this Ltowp, bas heen promoted from the -Standard Bank, Brussels, te tbe Brandi at Forest, Ont. 3 Whule exercising 01r. Soathey's hiorse 1on Saturday, M r. Bo. Bickeil was .throwni off at Turuci 's corner and re- c eiveci a bad gash lu bis head necessit. tating s50nb stitches . Mr'. Harry Hanter, formerlv of Mil- sbrook, dýed lu Louisville, Kentucky, frecently. His brother, Mr. Samuel 1Hanter, Toronto, brouglit the body to 1Millbrook for interment. r Miss Lousie Siceman, Port Granby, 2who bas been visiting ber sisters in Chicago, Ill., and cousins in Lodo, Ill., libas returned homne laviug had a most -enjoyable tume-Port Hope Guide. 1 Inside pages this week are very in- 3temesting. Besides Dr. Talmage's ser- nimon on the Autama of Life, the Farm, 3Household and Editoral columns are of timeiy itavor; the war news alqo. Miss Martin lias a ne w stock of ladies' ready-made wrappers, the latest designs fand pretty. Pull line of fancy gcods )always on band. Ladies are iuvîted rto caîl. One door east of Nichois'. 48. We have received a copy of the song r .Tho Kliaki Heroes' Welcome Home" Swritten by Mr. R. L. Werry, of the Witness office, Montreal. This song 1and music wa«y be obtained from ail 1music dealers at 40e per copy. Ladies and Misses Coats--Hundreds 30f thein, the very iatest styles both 3Gemman and American and everyone 1new. Beyond question tic finest stock 3shown by any bouse la these Counties, ;just to band at Couch. Johnston & Cmy-1 For Infants and Children. signatu ouo à fI eb71 - Iapr Steve Pipe3 Varnisi lOdýs a eau at Niciells'. Mrs. Chas. Hill, George -St., died suddenly Sunday. Mrs. WV. R Knigbt spent A 'hanks giving lu Lindsay. Watch tbedate of Liheral meeting lu yeum section and attend. Miss May James, Toronto Normal was home for Tbanksgivîng. Mr. Milteu Liutbert. Toronto, spent Suuday at Mr. John Osbomne's. Messrs. Nommai' and Edgar W. Allun, Toronto, weme home ever the holidays, Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, Toronto, was, guest of Mr. Neil Yellowlees Tianks- giving Day. Mm. Sidney Jý,Merris spent Thauks- giving in Toronto guest ef Mr. T. J. Hesken, Strachan Ave. "The Men we waul for Parliament" is tic sabject of 11ev. WV. J.,Jolliffe's ser- mon Sanday nigbht noext. Mrs. Wm. llenley, 281 Bathurst St., and Miss Ella Nîmmo, Toronto, were rodent guests ef Mrs. John Reid. Miss Philp, Toronto, and 11ev. A. J, G. Carscadden,, Maple, were recent guests of Mrs. Camscadden, Beecli Ave, A voung man named George Seiaway fell frein au apple tree Menday break- ing bis spine. Ho died the same night. Parmer's Advecate of October iSti conlains a fine photo of Mr. R. Beith's Hackneys "Mona's Qucen" and ",Tit- ania." Excursion-The Ladies' Aid ef St. Paul's church, will run their aunuai ex- cursion te Toronto ou Fmiday, Nov. 9th. Parliculars later, Mm. and Mrs. John James, jr. and daugliler Loule, Columbus, were guests of bis father Mr. John Jamnes, Ontario St. over Suuday. Mm, J.ý G. Gaiioway, Miss Dawkin and Miss Barrett, Port Hope, were Tlianksgiving guests of tic Misses Knigbt, Lake shore. 11ev. Dr. Huutcm's lecture Menday nigbt on the Ideal Man was very mach enjoyed.by a large audience. Proceeds eyer $30 for the Ladies' Aid, Subscrihers must ne longer send money ou account of THE STATESMAN, te the National Publisiers' Associatien. Sec "Au Explanation" lu last week's paper. This 18 the best timo te order the WTEEIILY GLOBE Or Mail and Empire, Farmer's Advocate and any ether papers wiich give balance of Ibis year froc te subscribers for 1901. The Preshyterial Convention of Young Peopies' Societiles lu the Prmby- tory "f Whilby wilbc ield lu Oshawa, F r iday week, 11ev. J. A. McDonald of the Westminster wiil give the evouing address. Mr. J. S. Rougi wili speak Monday, Oct. 29 lu the Mclhedist Sunday School moon. Ho is on furlougli frein China and belongs te tic China Iniaud Mis- sion, Toronto. Silver collection at the deer. The D. & L., Enusion of1 Ced Liver Oul will buiid yen up, will nake yen fat and liealthy. Especiaiiy beneficiai te those who are "'ail rau dowu." Man ufactured b y the Davis & Lawrence Ce., Ltd. 11ev, J. H1. Turubuil, M. A., lu St. Paul 's churci will nake some, re-ference te the Ciniese situation ncox.t Sunday morniug, preparatery te tie specia week of prayer for Missionamies 10 begin Oct, 251h. A sudden chili 0f ton means suddeu il!ness. Pain-Killer is ail that is need- cd te 'u-ard it off. Unequailed for cmamps and diarmboea. Avoid substi- tutes., there is but ene Pain-Killer, 'erry Davis'. 25c. aîîd 5Oc. About 150 persous atleuded the Thauksgiving service lu Methodist churchs. 1ev. B. H. Hayden dlivered au excellent address from "Rigliteous- ness exaltelli a nation" holding the close attention of bis audience for 55 minutes. The other ministers assisted in the devolional exercises. The col- lection for Homo for Aged and Infirm was $13. WEDINU BIELLS' GRAY-LORtD, The resîdence of lIr. Geo. Grey, Newcastle, was beaatîfully decorated witli autn leaves, crinsen aund white fiowers and mcd bernies, Tinrsday in houer 0f the narriage of bis daugliter Miss Margaret Gray, te Mr. John Lord of Hope. The ceremony was performd bv 11ev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Orono. The hrîde's gowu was cf liglit grey poplin, with white satin and rose ap- plique, aud 8"' camried a bouquet of ,hil,,,carnations, Hem hridesmaid was Miss Nellie Grey, wlio woro a gown of dark groy and white satini and riben volvet and carried white dahlias. The groomsman was Mr. Fred Fligg. f Tho bride was the redip)ient of many band- er-s -re lu ueed of rcady-made Clotbing or f Clothiug made-to-oïder, they can ahi% ays depcnd upon gettiug the utmapst, satisfi'chien and full value for their monu3V at Couch, Johuston & Cryder- man 's.- Do net despair cf curing- your sick headachewhen von dan se easilv ebtain Cartem's Little Liver Puils. They will effeet a prompt and permaunent cure. Theilr action is mild and natural. Nerves, 80 W11k ab Ch oulda't sloop or Wrc- Ilands Tromibled-Could scarcIy WaIk -Restored by Dr. Chas'a Nerva Food Mmi. Margaret Trou, Tower Hi111, N. B., writes:.--" Dm. Chase's Nerve Food han douc me a womld of good. 1 was no 'weak that I couid net walk twlce tihe leugth et the house. My bsand» trembled no that 1 could flot carry a Plut cf water. I1iras, too nervous to sleep, and unable te do woa-k of s.ny kiud. .. SInce uslag Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Ihave been compietely mestomed. 1 can waeiJc a mille wltho-at any luconvenleuce. 'Though 76 years Cid, and qulte fleshy, 1 do My ewn hosewomk, and conSIder- able aewing, knittiug, and readlng be- aides. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food han proved of Inestimable value to me." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food la the werld'un greatest restoratIve fer pale. weak, ner- Yous mnen. women, and chlldren. lix pili fomm, 50 cents a box, at afl dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co.. Torouto. Don't cough. use Dr. Chase's Syrup of LUnseed and Turpentine,.26 cents a bottie. BORN. VÂNNE8T-In Selina, on Tnesday, Oct. 16, to Mr. and Airs, John VanNest, a son. 1-OLMAN-lu Oshawa,Oct. 12, the wife cf Win. Holman, Jr., of a daugliter. %~ PICEELE-In Darlingion, Oct. 14, the wife of Air. Auson Pickel, of a son. HlurcaiNsoN-In ESast Whitby, Oct. 15, the wife of Alfred George Hetchinson, of a sou. REbu-In Clarke, Oct. 11, the wife of Mr. Robert Rfeid, of a son. HALNAN-lu Oshawa, Oct. 12, the wife cf W. A. liahian, of a daughter. MARRIED. JowÂAN-Da'Isoq--Ou Oct. 18, at Weston. by 11ev. C.,1H. Rich, 13eJjamin Arnolci Cowan, Oshawa, auj. Mary Louisa, ouiy daughier cf Charles Denison, Weston. LORD-GRAÂY-In Newcastle, Oct. 17, by Rev. J. A. MeIKeen, John J. Lord cf fHope and Mag- gie E., daughter et Mr. Gee Gray, Clarke. MEADOWS -LoRniAt bride's residenee, by 11ev, J. A. Jewell, B. A., Oct. 10, Mr. Ernest A. Meadows, Wesleyville, and Mis$ Ada G. Lord, Zion, Hope. FFTCER-IlI Port Perry, Oct. 14, Ernest, youngest soni of 1ev. Joseph Fletcher, aged 18 years, fermerly cf Traders' Bank, Newcastle. JO IINSTos-Inl ScnFog, at the ludian Reserve, Oct. 15, John Johuston, ex Chief of the missis- ss.gua Baud cf Indians, Scugog, agefi 103 years. HASTINus-In Toronto, Oct. 16, Albert Hast- lngs, acd 88 yeais. Beaici-In East Whitby, Oct. 17, Elizabeth Stauton, beloved wife cf Wm, Brent, aged 36 years. MVAN WANTED-A steady reliable Ltman te care for herse. ccv and de general work. APPIY te STATESMAX OFFICE. 421f S ERVANT GIRL WANTED.-A geod general servant at once lu famlly cf live. Apply toM. A. JAmEB, Bownanville. 38 tf. TT1OME TO REN r.-A goo d eight- XL..roomed bouse on Pi-oapet St. liard and soft water. Appiy to 11KM. Bics.. Bowman- vil. 39 if c OTTAG-E FOR SALE-Confortable.- brýick cottage with large fi-uit garden ou ChurcilSt. Bowmanville. Apply te A. E. MCLAUsIILmIN Barrister, Bcwmanville. 42-8w In- OSELANOVALE STOCK FARM.i, -" Solina-U. 0. 2. 0. Wm. Werry's Yershire stock Ilog-he's a geod eue. Another bas heen ordered from Mr. Brethour's famous pens fer future service. Thanks for past patronage. 43-4w -VARMV TO RENT-Fine Laite Shore -.L arm-225 acres-lots 1 and 2, B. F., Picker- ing, for a terni cf years. Favorable ternis fer a good man. Possession te plow ai on ce. Appiy te WV. J. H. RicsiAPnsosi, bookseller, Whitby. 42-3w AGSuWATED ,eMatuai the Ontario Mutual (Established 30 yeans; lowest rates aud bigbest profits) want a live Local Agen t for Bowmanville and vicinity. W. IKELEY HALL, General Agent. Peterbore. Ont. 42-4w1' I OR SALE-Eleven acres of land, luI lot !3, con. 3, Darlîugton, on whlch are a goodf rame bouse. centaining 5 roonis, woed. shed, arr. snd 25 bearing apple trees. Ifard water. Wililiha s ld cheap for cash. Apply te HER BuacEss, Oshawa, or te Tua S rArEs- %AN office, Bowmauville. 41-3Iw' D, B. SIMPSON, Q. 0., CIHAS. P. BLAIRI, Barriste&-'t SOlictors, Notarles, etc., Morris'1 Block, P-stdY'-Klug -Street, lîowraanville. Solitâors for-tlle OntariQ Bank. Privaisl moeys loaned ai lowest raieà- Dit- J. COLVILLE, GRADUATE 0F TORIONTO UNVERSITY and Trinity University. Offi ce- Silver St Night 'calîs auswered froni residence of Mr Davis, Beech Ave. 5-ff. DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S., Houer Graduate in Deutistry cf Toronto Uni- versity. Os'Fic:-Over tCouch, Johuiston and Crydenmau's store. Bewmauville. 18 lyr. Judiciai NVotice to Credif ors of AiSA IIOLLOWAY WA4LBJIDGEP,, de- ceased, The creditors cf ASA HOLLOWAY \VAL- I RIDGE, ylate cf the village cf Newcastle lu t e CMouycf Durham, Postmaster, who diefi in or about the mouth of November, A. D., 1884, are on or before the 3sut day cf October. 1900, te sendl by post prepaid te Messrs. Arnold! & Johuston, Solicilors ic3 Bay St., Torouto, Ont., their Cbristian and1 suruames, addresses andi description, the full partiielars of thir caims, a statement cf their aceounts and the nature of the securities (if aniy) belld by theni. Every erediter holding any security is te produce the same before me, the uudersigued, at Chambers in, Olgoede Hall iu the city cf Toronto on the Third Day of Nevember,1900,at Eleven' O'Cloek A.ý M., bein,- the tinie appeintedl for adjudication on thee daims. Dated the 191h day cf Octeber, A. D., 1900. 1JAMES S. CAURTWRIGHIT, 43-1w- Officiai Iteferee. BOWMAN VILLiE MARKETS. Cogreetod by J.McMartry each Tuesday FLOTTE, P 100 fns ........ $1 80 te $2 50 Whîir,TPali, onîli.... 0O O 0 O65 i: Spring ...... a00 O 65 n Red ife.......0 L 0 75 il Goose .. O. 0631" O 61 BARLE, P bushi, No. 1 ... 0 391', 0 40 o2 ...0 39" 040 3 8... 025" 030 -fiTwe rowed O 39 "0O40 OATS, WhiteIl.......O0 0 0 O 2B 11YEu* ,il...... 000 0 51 BUCKWHFAT I"....O 00 0O42 PIfAs, Blackeye, e~ bush.. O 69 0 70 iCanadian Beauties O 69 10 O70 Il Mummey 'il O 0 0 lO060 Il Sinait n 0O00 i O58 il Blue 0 60 0 65 BUTTER, best table, Plb.. O 0 "O 20 EGS, PdOZ ............ 000" 016 Por-TToEs, P bush.. .....O0 0 O20 HÂ,Y, &ton............. 700 9 00- ~High CGlass.. Ul*N roceries. CAWKER & TAIT invite all to make the store their home when in town. E Our stock is first class, b ought in the best Emarkets for spot cash, therefore enabling us to Esell at prices that defy competition. Don't overlook the fact that we sellCrockery luI that department, (Second Storey,) you wil Sfind the most complete and up-to-date stock in West Durham, di.-a M-Mý Oash paîd for Butter and Eggs. CAWKYER '& TAIT M.- BWNI.MAO &SOtl Invite you to cail and inspeet i ~*their grand display of Select, Stylish SCoats for Ladies' and Children's wear. .Al new this season. SDon't fail to see our window dis-î Nextdoo toStandard Bank, Bowmanville. OIW G1U[D IK U~S a 0 0e 3 TH-IS Q.UESTION. 18 OFTEN II8KED: "WHY 18 THE HIPPY THOUGHT ALWAYS PREFERED TO ANY 0111FR RANGE ?j~ Because it is made cfthie best maheriai and by the mest skilful wenkmou, sud because il posseases features whici ne othen ange eau possoss. Tieeadjust- able damper regulales the draft as perfoctly as a valve dees s steam englue. The eorrugated ventiiated aveu insanes perfect bsking sudthie transparent'even door shlows an inspection cf bakiug, witiont loss.ol beat te lie oven. Lt lias a deep augular fine sud tic original duplex grate, which separates theo sles fron thie fine withouh dust or wa ste, Ali these peints account fer lie snperiority of thie HAPPY THOUGHT. DUSTAN & HOAR. 1BeWsiÂNVILaz. Nlow Openg Fait Term lu tht: CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1TORONTO terg auyte Tee Teachers, Sixty Tyve- riig macies, Unexeelled Facihuties for esîsig rduates te positions. Write for Caleadar. W. H. SHiAW, Principal. Yonge'&7,Gerrard Sts., Toronto. MusI be seld to make îoem fer wi.uter goods. One Chatham Xag- L-On, 1 Palmerston Buggy, 1 Set Of àspîke tootiH -arrows. 2 Cern Shel- lers, 1 second baud light Wag',gen* 2 secend-hand Buggies, aise Lin- ton's.'No. 13 Plows. Jno. S. Rundie, One door eas;t of -L. M0RRýIISii Firniture store, Bowmanvilie, We have la few lines of Papers we are selling, at REDUCTED PRICES t o make room for New Stock, samples of which w e r e, shown at the Fair. If you want something good at reduced prica corne early. W. T. A-llen, "BIG 2O.e BOWANAVILL?

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