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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1900, p. 6

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The D.,& L. EMULSliO.N 12 the bast and Most pltble prep,-aratiton ,f Cod Ifier 011, agr*eingiwz11ithtSa moat e, lcata- stommbs. - The D. & L. E.MULIOlN Ia sprescribed by the leadiag p> 0iean f Canada. TheO D. & L. EMULSION 13 a inarvellous fleait producer and will give you an appetite. SOC. d $1 per Bottle. B3e aura you getl DAVIS & LAWIIENCE sired to ooeto Europe "for bis heal b" heDutchl ook tie s "'ecau- One of the suggestions made for the tion of akrinr, Ynln f h ol future protection of Galeson recent- have any o1bj-oÈion to Mr. Kruger's ly appeared in The New York Sun. Thei travtîing in a Dutch warship. Notl Bethune's F1-orce Kilis 6o, Wounds 35 and Cap= Another Ediet Sent to the M andarins swrétr uiigget rithLa tO leswifl En land o r 1ýi iitsnet the tures the Rest of the -Cormmando Near Vryheid. b~~ Prince T~uan now divide the cty into four apris, ex-president., Nor La the expulsion_______________ by Prin e Tuan.bc raised up lui thie form of a solid of thie employees of the Neth erlanda tA. iesp ateli rrom LondIon says: A ma Il their own similar ds2ster cdur- A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~embankinent, twelve or fitteen feet Ra.3,lway froÏà Transvaal territory, or dsac ots eta ea~û n eea alrs~vnenrh Adespach froua London says ;- Peiho là ffrozen the col aili decimate hiighi and the full width of tite streets, tÙ3 reported imprisoinmen-t of mem- dsac o[eCnrlNw -cmigG-.irlBle' dac oE- A despateli to Dalziel's News Ageocy the allies, while the falling Of the i'ýO and 150 feet respectively. This. bers of th Netherlands Red Cross'de- edurban tryate tha ethauBer M n l- waPdfrRUMitdysmiBOES froua Shanghai, of yesterday's date, Yang-tse-Kiang, wil on1Y admit Of would cost 'about $140,000. The object lachmient goi , ýng to caws, the Hol-edIatramucddaor r- CA'U aD dFY OES says Prince Tuan lias sent a despatch the use of snili gunboats. of thLs plan i nlot to. keep Ont thte landers to,)fly off the handie. The mundo near Vryheid, killing 60, A despatuli froua Cape Town s, ys to the mandarins aud heads of guilds fIe urges tht the arsenals, be kept waters.hbut to keep them froua carry- miails _ror ï Foreign affairs of chs - Iig35 n cpuigter heBiiheetrd lehf-,er main ler, uumberng 65. BethuncsKrt-eOob 1,uiposd ad in Shanghiai, announcing that the constantly at work, and thLtt evemy- ing everything before them. Water 1ji tle, kiagdo l/IM. de Beaufort, sta5 Kini tueley59 Boer1~ pos court is now safe, and exbort'ng them oua be in readiness wheu the momenlt risi comparatively rapidly would do tL'hat any Las thet rcapuri ightrs to have patience. a rrives for the massacre of ail for- littia damage if it were without a of expulsiun. Ail tha.t i leads to la____ The despatch says that waheu the eiguers. current, and titis calfeant thte embank- a question of con penasi,don, and com- several days hid in the8 mountains. l.j ~ rn~i _________ unts would irevent. These streats pensation -arohuli b' asleed for'if there Finaî]y thiey determined tu return to uUESTION L11AH AS EVA GRA ATER FIANHISS JJJ~j fl~~ll IE IT woldbe reached froua the cross wacre ground for it. Ila.ding tite the mission. They were arrested and - Ulifl.lflUfl streets whBEh' wo nld begrddep oRed Ci ,-,s ma ter, hie woull notý pro- senit to the local capital. They wevre SETTLEMENT OF CHINESE TROUBLE Bis o llaktsatIWae Wrs BIII¶-thetu, and would titus f on a place of phesy maýil he had hýýard fully troua chained and haudcuýffecd, and ircul cou- bOT NEAR AT HA1N-D. Bis orMrktsan atr orsBRTIHKILLED FORTY AN D HUN- refuge for citizems fleeing froua the South At dca. Tiis c a gratifyiug lars wera placed anouud their necks, in Johannesburg. DREDS WERE WOUNDED. storna. Besidles this, he avould ereot state of attfairs because, for almia- and during the terrible mnarci thtby Eti l sîîei to Gale int ît1eV A despateah from Pretoria, says;- iruasloa60fe i imt n s, paac a 1ndgOod reeling betaveen suffered excruciatiugly. ThfM were la en aiel li iiie lnaaiieta h Vie Cocassions Commission to-day Revoit la Soth Spreadlu5 Tear Thoua- also fihteen feet bigi builît up solidlY England and 1Hollandis laucma to behnot permitted to purah:ase food,< A eprcifou ano.Weus heard requests for varions ights, 1 sand Wes'e Atlvaeclita oui Satii'iEn of sa id and earth. Titis w ould ha roof- desired. Nat that iloIland le likely during the entire mardi avare practi- Adsyae riLuonWde- particlulariy for the Johaouasbnrgl Wflien Ettntlïh 'ar 5Feaa Iopseleài ed aititsteel and would afford a shel- to dpcîar, avar on ïý,iladfor i y>' . aytig oet.O a-1day, tys ;-Iha cenîrinued Stand- market anad titisJohaýnesbrxg vater l. ter for thte ctizaus driven out of titeur fcQel exists byluywtotayhngoet. O ar still in connectlo s with Chinese af- Womks. Thes Iuperàaa1 municipal uaHi-. A despatch, froua London says :-!buesl sat o i cU.ris"soii of teriving at the capital ttey were plac- lfaire înducps uta e nesp,,per co res- cef igr'eyopoe h ruigHong Kong deespatches tell of th ss n t he laz. in adtion of hecttc rietnof Larger tates, and bas ed aseparate roome, and suIt'red poldents sud ouhlers te lecture st ates- cfr siome m of tah se on eonpatic- coutinned spvead of the southemun e- T li adto oteno býtter friand titan Britain. It is aany indig.nitieýs. Afuer remaining men ountc neol otpuuîu uo e ulaiytiut ortiis a'te wrks o ielion TteHou Kugcoreson- uilding yuld cost 815,000. Ifthetatrue that tt 'oers were no more suLa-.for tome days a comiplote list of al'Sad encitftme wonldEprepove an effectiveopr- l a nt bauthe ?cople of foreiguers axas dismanded by te Gev-er'unhirc s. ueSad the gmouoîd that sucit action vaould bec u t ieBalixpested *tection it would ce"tainly ha cbeap t Uie trsae ujceo rf ie itn rdre uo al o poienut tisca ravonenu ase prejudicial to public interest. Thte 1report titat the "Britisit torpedo boat- h Uie Stts resbeL0 cro.H te rde hmaMtiÉcpulchf ii agvensai,8 water rate iu Jeitanueîbfurg s15 1destroyer Ilano> steJIed two thon- eogta u eo60o lo00~ Great Urlin but mÈthare is a race ticcouae to lus yamn'n, assurîng thîm jto suppose lhat a solution of the mat- I w~~~~~~~,ould cest. anad et l gratifvieg to knowv that they would hae protected and 1auytrl ih' ect i oaam vbi*infgs a thfousand gallons. sand rebels wito avre advanceng ou ieyte swtiarah e oiim TUeelctmmisslofu aiso heard testi- I Saucitun, killing 40- and wonnding u sie f1lzaanouti ngfesecorted to the coast. '1Teordar easthic view ta at La practi -ally gepieraI muneýy rr.agardiug the Liquor conces- hudreds.i The mule of a seund mind lu a sound !and aod Eliand are stili to bis oun coanpliasd with. sud the antira party ofti here Chat te poa ,oaa sion. Thte concedsienfatire deueed uhat HAVE RECAPTURED HUICUOW. 1bcd>' is deuostratad by experiments good te 'me mad i a ac t mi>' l ne t3 origners avas admitted b-îvaeeu c f <ha pailla>'officiais was d>a e-ed bis bad givean maaney to Mr. Halrove, Adpactfoa asigonay1 witich werecarricd oen last yeîar lunlac brour-ht evBn cLaser togatiter ity files et soldiers titroiigit the oi.",r neyoaanuua. feilhut *iCicago scitooLa b>' theitcliisündy de- tean-a,ý4 ftelasal aet h or.Oc ae neotorlOuspro-Boaï,r Englishuas cou- Secnetary of Stata Hay has neceved j tet.T bai ttstù iiha neau o s ruva g a ott or.Oc aaY l intis a pianary ausoi lup3raulo condil ton nected with the South African News, a deepatcit froua Consul McWade at!pruet o barwtt tc atctaals of tita yaen, the ranks of th' io saai'stacuo 'y progmase towannis a tite~ ~~~~ of Arkne od atnta iacouli be nsed as a itasis for couapare- 'Threas.,hou, the Bo3r avar, the ac- soldirs v me openýed anid aout 40 settlenaent je the restorationoftt e ongn hesain Ipei1 sou 7,000 pupils were ex'ain"d by tite tieyn of tha Ont ige Free SÉate ti- Boxers adinitted. The>' fel upon iEnaperor's oudhorit>', anadibhei 1>' tropehae eoptredHuciîs, uddepanmoacut. Taking chiren of tite ed for sevene co aiemrat. :on. -They tt nmadu'soare ili aod utucle argumenat thatt au ite nsed titat the rebats have diseirsed to titis auce agi tite n suit sh3w edthît itai no quarrel aiuh Brl.ain ana yet tan a haîible touchery ensuf d Thisl. o -ai su pon bis prodluction ln Be-, CAPTURE 0F Tb-1CHOWo east'ward. Isallail dren ou an average are not thepy tonir uhe agressive. When i tat todies of tit, ano nt o nd k eaoacrantis f.in Pleiptetiris' ot t te o brigitu as the average 'îenong chili- neputle e tise Orange River w aen avare i"ck"d to pieces sud I vheit ibm toinn3 otftUe Iti-sys welibe Powers. ~~~nations wit hldt U'ecnlsos sosie 1>'aveu eriylu"' u5ati il s3ved vere sospe ded oaer the, Ouerî'ates isaaiapessad. Once thae Emperom xx s3 Adespatch fmom London, says:-T Th rreo Officers and EligittMon Killed vae in uschooLi wheethero aastheni riebu. 1lNa-f afatr it'n rproof of of tlecity. bath cases as titis do- restored uha piinisitmea ' -1 o. b" ;u 1 Pekin corresgpondent of thte Times 28 Wouuded. tit largest propci Laoîsof pnpis de- the iitterness of Prosident Stayu roand a raooit" 'aarchi;ng investigation -%voul it be e-asy, for Kwen u aouli de.scnites the toue of the pieniptn A deepatot fmonLonedon, saye 1scenied froua Arnrican-bomu parants, toward Eugl'ud is given in filr nud tulpunishiennt ty t3Chines-_ bava ce h"oLe naLion la"heei hii. tiaries' notisto the Meisters as char- Lord Robenes reports troua Pracrua, lte average" heigbt of pupils 12 yeare Kruger's statemnti, that after the govarument itefaore tite Povaers sitould f Titelangleit îcor e,ýpon a e AS ts it 5 rerst'alyaroan, ndasiftienudar date of Oct. 15, as toilons;_ old, wito are lu tia" seconîd grade, le cap,"ure of 1M.Ich Ldoiorp, b" desired io consent to let go thitr gnip oa Chia.Petarsaaug e larG tit> t a. porsin seadtotiEuChina avas feing I Frenachistarued froua aIcitadodorp fufeeatis four and titrea-tenths en- geve ap, sceing butt tuggea-aves titere ce 'oecomn ,ircrea i-,ypi p tensisedo urp eitn oaxards Heidelberg to cl"ar a posni 0f u hes, whil'he ataeve-gear-o lit pupel- hopi s3, Lui vaseoveroleditby S. eyla'e The Citinese iuatian ce arc>'scuasti' aegtcm iigî h ýprotbi -ý,ol Tecr-epietsyttieuhe oor utytv î" t urwt oto the isegittitgrade average Iartete ary bhihvior. Inria statement haeaîd c show 51is of h couaeag ai' early sattlemaent ofthto China1 corritpýp--Mide-ursao nthe n±on-g'- -i--- - 1i""'Jm4al'ata~ a~~soî n t of --e-a-.ss cP21 Iac.-poatu--as b -,,.--toubles. EARLY IN OVEMBE, General, Foberts Will Sal for Eng- .landI. A despatit troua Cape Tc'am,ays; -Gen. Bullter avili sal heuce for Eug- lawnd on Oct, 24. Gem. Rýoberts, aili pro- habl>'leavu tn ao., inerl _L1ŽGVûm- ber. THE FRIGID ZONE YIELDS COAL. 1 R ae iiltee n. lIn the Euncp"'su Arctt, atept are uoav mak'ug ro turu tiis coal fouud there uo commercial acconsamt., The finst axpenîmeit hue mot been enounraging, so the seene of acti- vit>' tas beutransferred t10 anothuýr f ield. About hait avay itatweecn Nomway sud Spatzbargen le an ie'iud (on whicit sema polar basts avare ea ahntan taas discovered, and tue ltttle epeck of land avas accoerdingl>'naa Bear Island. l bas beauntdche- ly for the he'aps ouf driftw'ood frona Siberia that have looged not only on is esteru coat, but have also e cannidiuland by btg waves t1uat sometimes overxhelm uhe loavest part or titeisiaud. Oa'ar tvo yeams ago the Scauidinavian tapir rer Amtrup made a caiatu. sue'vey ani cindy et tiis a- land sud among the iuteresting things ta' found wavareods et cýoal. Mn. The~odore Lainer and the German Sa Fieneries Union concaiveid the idea that it avould ha profitable to ex- ploit thte'se mines, snd a coùmpany axas omganized ton this purposa.' Not a ir-r-at eal f mne~ as ilutinto

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