Mr. A. Gully, contractor, is workîng Do Not inOshawa. THE STATES-MAN !S printed a day earl- jer this week. NeglectShade trees are pretty weli denuded el foliage now. You r Ey s D iix goods inerchaiits are wanting Wood for sale-see adIvt. See Nichols' window Saturday. Bargains that are bargains at A. L. Nicholls' Ladies, you are inv~ited to call at Miss Medand's Millinery parlor and see the latest novelties in heu~d wear. Balance of 1900 free to new subscib- -PEjRSONAL, Mr. Robert McDoug-aII w1vs inCo- bourg last week. Mr. W. S. McKowan of The Canadian Fergus., spent Sunday in town. Mr. Walter Hlli lef t Saturdày morn- ingý for Chicago, 111 , to attend Business Every KeUd of Backache VIelde to Dr. Chaso's Kldnev-Llver Plilla. High Class,