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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1900, p. 1

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ua~L~~-ç.ou Au NNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUXTY PIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWÂRDS.M.AJAEdtoanPrrit. BOWMANVILLIE, ONTARIO, -WEDNElSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1900. VOLUME XLVI No. 46, f END 0F THE CENTURY. 1 1 umuu vy U'o. Ia dep osit of $200 was require Bye election, 1874, Il. W. Burk, section not defining the kind of Liberal, electexl hv 262 rnainritv. .. 9 , the UUýiU busoiness.1 stand as tbeyv are, there will be- in th-- noney Thýe Returning Officer asked the House 45 French liberals and four HIRNIIIIHI endý-of--centurv you will ever sese e b50 198 majority. c Ymsidere utand a .hpted propereoursef'or hi-m to pursue was f lugh John.Haveto [al back on mae ousef oth o te riiege In 1896 obert BihLbrawsmone a special return to the Clerk of i John A's bust again. and make vour credit right with your elteted ay 52 majority over D.FWalsbh, The there returning officer took h the Crown in Chancery of all the cir- Leusb botr.Awv ihal It is a long Room Furnitui bejieve you wil our town. We in le Oe Springs, %Matt: fact everything Don't furnishy wanIt 'Yonr trad 11 t is an Ackn ow- ledged*' Fact in West Durham il f time since we have made any apecial o! aur Bcd ire. Just call and scîe the stock we have and w.e iiil say it is the largeat and bost value ever shown in e have everything in Bed Boom Furniture-finished 'ak, Mahogany, WalInut and Elm. Brass Bed, xasses, Pillows, Dressing Tables and Wardrobes, in ýg you may require. Our pricea range from $12 up. your room nutil you: 500 what we have to offer. We de andl will freat you well. M. D. WILLIAMS & SON§ tlndertaking recelven prompt and persenal attention.4 muanure. Mr. J. H1. Jiyullof the 1D. 0. & P. Co. has used il with success on both lawn and fl-owers during the past year. If is better than stable manure because there is positively no smell there are no seeds in it to grow up lu the lawn. it will not wash away as it is very heavv and it leaves, no litter or dirt to be raked off in the spring. The fali la the best time f0 use it as il takes some fime for the chemicals in the soil to dissolve it and yon will get more benefit from it next year if uaed now $han in the sprinz. Price, $8 p)er sack o!1225 lbs. delivered to any part of the town. For sale by 443 w J. C. VANSrOioE, Bowmanville. white IDishes Ait coste We wil selialil our White Dishes at cost for one month only. Calil and see them. Cash for Butter and -Eggs. Iteal Bros., stomnach is I out of ordr-et" and tbat "'1one t.hing» is Dr. Pierce's tolden lMedica Discovery. The suppÇpit onaIta you W ta prompt cure and a lasting cure. That is why the CDiscevery', is recommnded as thse one thing for your condition. It c u r e s promiptly, perfectlyrand per- inaneniyl, diseases of thse stomacis airt organs of digestion and nutrition. ltes sure to help. It's almost sure t0 cure. If' lascompletely cured ,ninety-eight per cent. of ail those who h a v e riven if a fair and « About ten years ago 1 begau to bave trouble with mny stomacb," writes Mr. Win. Con- nolly, of 535 Walnu St., I.orais, bhio. «It goso bad that I had tlay off quite often two and tbreesdays ii a week, "'y tomaCh *would bloat, and I would beicb up eas, and was in awful distresg at sncb timecs. Ilhave been treated by the best doctors in tdus city but got no beip whatever. Somue said I hkad cahcer of the stomacb, others dyspepsia. I bave boju-ht aud txied everytbiug I saw advertispd foýr d7ys pepsia and stomacli trouble, but cuandta get woV-se ail the time. About twtlve anitba ago 1I-WSS lunsucb a condition that imy ïfricii4 bad some fear about imy recovesy. it wns tiseu I wrote to you for advice. Yeu tole me tbat by n'y syln ~tomnsyrou tboueht I had ivier comnpaint and adl"ged tbe use of your 'Goldeu Medical Dscovery 'anqd Pleasant Pellets' la connection These miedicines I bave taken as dire&tcd, an' uni ver y happy to state tbat 1 commitenced toget better troithe sart and bave not 1o4 ady tbis simemc on account of My stomlacb I fleel tip-top, and better than I have for tea years."ý Dr. Pierce's Pleaeanf Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the liver. New subscribers eau get TuaSTE E MAN ta end of 1900 for 25 cns This is t'he ibest fime ,tao (rder theI WEERLY GLOBE or Mail Pand lEmpire, F'armer's A.çIvaceate ai any other papers which give balan"e o!ft s ear frce ta subseribers for l1) rnoneT and as he had not received correct in [fleir view, if Mr. Thornton mnybut only the promissory notes were returned and a protest entered moneywhich would have certainly followed of a bank, the nomination paper wagsusch an act, he would he unseated on invalid and should not have been acted this point alone and condemned ta pay upon, and returned the Conser%,ative the costs in the usual way. Even if the candidate, Baird , as duly elected council are mistaken, and we cannot as laymen see how this can 'bc, the conts and Baird in pursuance of samne took incurred and wasted would be enormous. his seat in thae Bouse and sat as the If a protest were ta be entered, a trial membor. The whole Conservative follow wWith probably an appeal to the party in the House led by Sir John A. Court of Appeal and thence to the Sup reine Court, the cost of the unsuccessful Macdonald and championed by his able party would amount to probably $5,00)J, and illustrions Minister of Justice, Sir and possibly mnore, and much delay John Thompson , afterwards Premier would occur and bad feeling be engend- of Canada, uphold the action of the ered. returning officer and refused to declare. We will next week publish the aoin- Baird disqualified f0 îsold the seat and ions of Mr. Aylesworth and Mr. Ridid -11, lack of space and time prei'enting Our seat the Liberal candidate King who doing so this week.* hiait a naajority o! the votes. That the result is unfortunate f or Mr. To remedy this, as we have said, the Thornton there can be no doubt, but ho present Act was passed in 1900 strictly bas only himself f0 blame or which is defining what kind o! money the $200 the samne thin.-. so far as he is cancern- deposit should consi3t Of, SO that no ed, only bis appoînted agents to blame possible mistake could bc made; and a for the glaring and egregious blunders wayfarrng man thou.-h a foot should which were made. flot be îoble ta err terein. It directed that this $1200,deposit should be made (a) in legal tender that is notes of the Dom- inion of Canada or (b)gold of the roaim or (c) bills of any chartered bank doing business in Canada. This made it per- fectly cloar chat the depasit cauld onl « consist o! one of these diff erent kinds o! money. In addition ta ibis it is ta be noted the statute requires in a manda tory farmn that thiý $2 0 deposit shaîl bo ma7de "a! the time the nomination*pap- erifld with him," that is, with the returnîng0'afficer. Noiw lot us state the faets which occurred and shew the ter rible ingeuity displayed by the agents af Mr. Thorntan ta do everything as im- properly asit conld possibly ho done. The nomination day was tixed by the proclamation for' Weduesday, Nov- embur 8lst, 1900, between 12 noon and 2. p m. On Tuesd'ay preceding nom ination day,- Mr. I. R. Loscambe who ie a barrîstecr and solicitor and who had been namedbyv Mr. Thornton as his financial agent, went ta the Returning Officer, Mr. Bingham, taking with hlmi lhe marked cheque of Mr. Thornoon,j drawnon the agency of the Standard Wo wouid suggest that bath parties settle down and agree ,to ithe matter being Aisposed o! by consent. No doubt at the first somo hard thaughts will be entertained but we hope that they wil not ho expressed. Irricating words mav lead ta fnrtber complications and place the parties at arrns length. Conciliation is now necossary. Reflection we sub- mit will inake clear that il is ynuch betier V~at the trouble should end 1ibis way as it will save much worry 'ar d mucb expense. Lu the interest of the principal av'irs, Mr.' Beith and Mr. Thornton, neiti. e o! whom we believe would care ta ru-, h chance of paying the enorrrous cas's it. tendant upon a serious liti,-ation in Élie election courts, and in the intorest of good feeliun uttic idi1g. we hope that same waUy ont o! tho di flclty wlId be arranged. We think there is among the leaders on bath slies sufficient dip- lomatic abilito ta work ont a solution a! the snari While legaily Mvr Beith may be entîtled ta the seat. we feel certain that he would nover atccept it gotten in this Ilugu LJhn M.adonald wuen asked what about the prohibition vote said:- "I arn sorry to say that, judg-ing from this election, what is commonly called the prohibition vote is a myth. I amn afraid that the mi'en who talk prohibi- tion are first Lilerals and Conservat- ives, and after that prohibitionists. The resuit has proved that there is, no such thinz as a purely prohibition vote." The executive of the Dominion Alli. ane sent ont a circular to the Prohibi- tionists of Canada urging them to take more active part than over in political affairs and secure candidates for parlia- mentary honors who can be relied upon to be true to the prohibition cause regardie-,sof niere partisan cousidera- tions As a sentiment this is ail right, but when we corne down to practical politics, what has the Conserv&tive party in Canada ever done to promote the temperance cause? Bakinq Po.wder Makes the bread more healthf ut. Safeguiarcts the food against alum. AIum baking powdfers are the greatest mienacers to health of the present day. ROYAL 13AKING POWOER CO., NEW YORK. That an ;Article purchased at RICKARD'8 'Jewellery Store is of the FUrlOuiIyiu onM hf For this'Money. This Fal he is in a better position than ever to give yo,ýu the verY best values. For instance, A lady's ','Solid Gold" Waltharn Watchusual ly sold in country towns for $40, we sali for $15 a GtAýrd and Case thrown in. An Eight Day XVa mut Clock usuallv sold at $7.00, our price $2: 25. A Lady s Long Chain usually sol ( at »$6,we soit far $2 75. This is just a samplhýofprices, everything in the store aili be sod at equally interesting values. And from ,now ta January we will give you speciàl bargains in Sewing Machines and the beat 'Mnakes in the world to choose from,. 1.%N. Riekard BoawuiMANVILLE. Watchmaker and Jeweiler. _____________________________________________ I mi i

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