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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1900, p. 3

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g <I 'i IID ~~~~4 '11 ItoZ li at3 c e I t s o t Let7sj j rtes u je tt W h h n e Constiîuency. ldington............ gema (te ho miS) sthwell ~ant, S............ mckvilie............. muce, E............ inca. N............. nues, W îrdwoll trlet.p n............ ~~1l anS Stormont.. aniiam, E............ pnham, W......... [gin, I~.............. igîn, W............ ssev, N............. asex, S............ nontentie............. [engarry ~rni'i1r, S..........Cironer 1,~rey, E... ............n . ~rev N...............E ~rey S.. ... .... ... Land rki altonz4 Md iau. .. Roiu %V, E......IPýly ~atil~ N.......Ei- -lest . Tvori ..............[......... ~J~ren S..........VVcMi.. . .......... ........N. l>s)to ,E.. . ... ....... Va'el , W.....c.....,.JOHNSTON iee n0.alle . ran.PATRSON. .. ........Len.r ... Miartini ... Dymeet .. GORDON.. Derbvshire Ceuie,,.. CAMP BELL TOLMIE .... MoKeliar \Ielherii .. Johnson .... Powers.. Rý i-hD... 'MoCugýan and TF 11FR LA-N COWAN ..... NOVA SCOTIA Twenty Megabers, upOi'.............. AD.............. Çoleieser.............cC.u. ~luuiir1aS . . LOGN............... lSigy.............QOPP............. Cuy .,bor........ .....E ............ Hc............... 11laifa...........{ Talîc~............ lians.............R ....L............ jin'eees..........MnLaeE N.A...... .. ..........BRDE........... L~~~~~~ . ........ea........... { -),cUNT ........... lt 1 McGmgo............. I î,noi...........ATIESO........ a 'ts e ns'IQnoe'm . . .LD.N...... ... - -,.un PN. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 164 Mîlis 450 Sir C. Toiý 400 Cahan .. 40 Jones ... 250 Grgor .. IKENNY.. KAOLDAC SIFR H. TU BELL.. 76 (ilies .. . 500 Ritchie.. 250 (Srin;. 140,McCnsp Mrw iideed ae ,.efmûycceSfeinte Letuere hes fot been tak Some mmbrab Sze resot of netg!eé,- dcougbis and colds. u pruoent ctiPer l0 constanty on guadMle ier litia unes DUi preyP. ciroup, brenchLtim, or cods. Snh knowst Cot if a adsare promptly cur- ed th !ýe ri s ceran, protection 11againmicnuttonprumonia and other Luing tro ublEs. IoAts of wotbc'rsfha'je Learnred te trust impl .t1y to Dr. Ghage's Syrup of :edad upete te proirptly loosen tise tglt chent coughs, te aila tIn lnflaamaion 1. clear the air pagssag,,es airaS t.hsoeugh.. cure the eo.d. T1ei coidnc in thM grand prerriptien of £r. Ohane Wa neyer bean shakecnbcao.se Lt has neer faied tlaprove bae-fcia. It ihof such u.eueua.l mnritas te baveatti u to y f ar tie largear sale of any A HCKIQ OUGH. RNHTS sIVW.. WAylIO, A m~aboa'Stret, ;-Mr. W,,. ~vdeS.kdss Mmmuono tsw ;-"my ittde grand- Qulstaýtes ;-Dr. Chaie'as yrup n ky Vowyih f r bou egli tweeiks wxv etbouhiisJbawi ucil- wun PPUes eda tie "f)r. 'aes £ostea muyreehsfr 1thepasin WuOa of Lionsisuad lurpentane. a aie1no ot wirer wIeAn îhad IAVoi ide %t tdose she calld itA emr.aroand mas Mnobestw ~Iaoey'a~d as agnî fo medcin ~ ~ ~ abotîtie of Dr. tisete c U ounc.IEuinapl- Ch m s y rupet a i.sedaaad 1 u -pen4 ~tnt irt vt(if.n o ttin M cre i e S and rnaz ppyQ tr tat tat the Mnthir'sfav re reucedy ferCroup, Bte'nl2lisAîtirnaCmgs and ceda 5 xnti a bO'tfzLe'; faiyan otligaot ibrea trn w2 muci 0ctsA ' l- *cor janso, t,a o& O~Trmo Argenteuil....... Ba, t OlNTARIO NXlnety-Tto liembers, Maj. Con Mai. led Formner momber. Ma]. ......... BELL ................. 30............. Beli, Col........... 87 S... Joyce .................. ..............bDyieent, L12h... 182ý7 lOClancy .................................Clailcy> Coli. .........,3 .2..ler......1ry: .............. ............ eydLib..........38j, ....... . CULsIERT............. 23............ --Conastock, Lib... 268 ....... 114CARGUlLL........ .....21.............. Caîgili, Con..... . . .167 S1~cel.. ......... .............. MoNeili, Con........ 31 .. 63..eorg....... ................ ... .Toirnie, ed .... .....488 ....... J!5I"SON .. ...........1 0 .stlibbs .. .. Stubbs, md ..... 3e4 ........... ................1 O MoL. Stewart.. Hoadgns, Coli. 209 .....................1 .............. . g4eger,Lb . 9 ...O.................. ... ....... Broder, Cen ..........62 ....A..D........ ........1 .. ........ Craig, Con. ,.........1c6 ~' RR' O...........40.....TON........ ýBeith, Lb..........512 L.PM........1........... Jegams, Con....... 178 C.... ............ ÎROBINSON 41Cateyll Liii.........726 .................... ý2 Whîte.................A. La force .. ... iCrgel, Lib.. 43 ..uitl..... ge .............. ..............CoWen, Lib........ 182 ......LVIN .............334 1>1). RoeV. togr. d ........ Acc. ........................ .... ........... e Olceenan, Con ... 734 ,.. s...... EFIU...... ............50......,....«'..;. 1 d, Con ...........107 ......S....L ....... ... . ... ......... iilrerîle, Con ........521 ...... 36 (lerdoo.l................. ............ patronlb . ........ ICHARDSON ..........38............Landecrkin, Lii 66 .........-..-.............71 onagnclt dague, Con,.713 .... IJYN ERSON ......1moi............ilneseCn 84 IAK2...........61 f apeen, Lb..b r4 ....... l U;, i ,. ..... 1.......77.......Vu1 i.....1 .....................00............ . rî ,Li b.... ..23 C.~RCALI~.......... 0............usnin e. 4 CR Y..............110............. ih o.........24 D ... ....... ........Lb ...... ceen 1coa1, 1 h 159 .................. McLWEN .20f, It;i: llan, ILb.. '2.fL~e................ ............iiacLib'........140 .......................0S'ia......... 1.... . . ........ Ub ...... I.r7 .......................13 olrre ............ ....... »....... rtt ,Lib........1.l eICOS .......... .............ir~.,Li.....0 S500'aona................................oh ..tn,.L... 9 ROS~1.OND..........6)............Reeod Se .7 iC-A T............ .. rPesten . 4gatC ....379) LAX E 1.......... . ....... t, îb ....... .. 1, AYLO ..............44 ............Ta'cCn ILO .............J!0. ...........W i , (Sn....41 ..............07........G-ee,1........42 S90(1se~i................. .R hue ese e. .......4 fLMU................ .....Sln Co....... 441, iR L1TT..... ..4 ........Lb ..... 0 1J Ud.......... ......... ......... Lîb . .n ...b U 1 110mo................. ......... .I Gonve .Ll ...... .8 e v Aoce IKock ..... ..........iin ......4.1T ýiiIet.. ...... ........5............ idlC'in. ...... l.711ý ... ........... .. i î1ia G, ee.. . . .7 ....... IIRANE .........0.......ochae e . 9 'aEGUD.......... ...300...........rha,1.....7 ........ 1 n th ......................... urnet4,TLb . .......14,1 ...lîo~i....... ....... ......I.... ......... oauld, Lib ......... Ac. .. ..... 1KET...........4001fBleiirt LUb.....191 aho.gile.......Hutchigen. 11h. .476 200.. .... . .. . . . ... ..." a arc. S th ran ,Liii. . 1801 ST .......... MýT. uchnanCa.rwrigàt, ib. .. 750 [T. ..... e ................ 4 oIÀb 6 BLIN...........5.............Fe't1sren, oL.... 466 ......... .R .............16.............MEr n, e... ........218 ...... Prdan......... ............EL , Lii...........615 ......« ......... .......354i... .......... ~il1rclin. .......819 S718b ri........... ' ..... ... C -loran ..Prouixý, ib. ....... . 31 AnCRN..........73........Pst d ......... 221 ..7.W..t1-7i.... ........... ............. Mnti.Li......... 69 ... .. 22r. o............... .............Fegsn e . 2 600 Fî~iy............... .. .£wna ii 10 .......................13. l ...e......t.t..C.......1.. ......................50 Cme~........ ..............Mcrh, d,.1. .... ......... ........ 0....... yw tt(s')Co 46 PT,;4iC............ . .14 Dr. 1agae.Brrm ffedLi 5 ....................... l î.MEParn etteLd 11 CLAR...............26î Seesn 7ak , Cea......... 3 ................. ......156 Glr e......... 63 11CtS....... ..2....... ........,.ee ......AN.... ........2251......MHgLi . 6 S. SEGRAM..........oc.............egrmCon.3 CL A R ....... ........ . .............Li L#tn ib.. .................400 àMcCieaî3y ............................ McGleary, OCen. 6. MWA .... ........200j... ..........enee b.....2 TOLTON.............4.......MlenLi. .12 11 1ee........ ...............1i~fr o 3 SSOOjorin.............................~lpev~e ii 12 .. .... TH ........ .......20Ç!ý.............. nLi.. .......187 ........ MACLEAN ............ 711..........Melan, Cen).........Si S500 Cuirry...... ........................... uo , I......... 0j ...... ALLACE ....... ....600........... ateCn 40î 13-navonture C hoinbly andVecre Chateauguay . .. Cicoutini.Saguenay Compton-. Dorchester...... iDrumrn.ond &Arthabasca1 Joc ue Cartier femmeraak.. ..... Lamble Levis casne..... l4I~oi Mnttn in.... ..... P, arS(te beI) ieid) .4J1xî .. .. . . . . . . .a rdon .......... ........ i tiieser . ..MURISONDcwîîc.................MOil .... ......... ~'~0~ ~le. ...... ...... S [T Viraooi { ~Y ;:: :: BABÉ..... ........ ................ VaS & ariua teiienld. -alahe.............. eoNil........ ..........F.... .în.........LI85. ..... ........... la.. .......... ... Caleen.........Crvli- ...... .. LE.......... .....2o!,.. i- iat i ON(........ ...... ..... Glccsea.......IC, .0O............0..a..r....... Kan.............LEBAN...........56 ifelerny-. .... ..... Klsg'............lieîvli.................P WLR ... ..........100.. wuvluu iî lFsl.,.Mo ciay .... 1.............JHO BIN 80N............49151.. Resiginha........ 'ï.. .............75!MeAlister ............. jt Jonr ......BAR .............. 1037 Fostr.......... St. obsCt~ an Coait TU KER.... ......671Stocktee .......... W stue1e......F1IBRO.. .......80 W IL... ...... ...... 9 ... Vin ~ris...................... ...A... R ...... M I Ln -àds .. . . P JINCE Lt) Al D ISLAND-IFi-îe Mîîeo Sjaxel.Lib .......298 LIU... M'jrisâon, Lib... 298 I.... . , M ......L:b197 { ab............1 ........ . .. .......... 9 ....... . wsto Ik............345à .....Hale, Con .......... 40 ............................................................................................................ao4,Co.....7 ............................................................................................................8a0arCo . 0 .......................................................................................................507 ~v o... 2 ........................................................................................................15ii, i . 1 .........................................................................................................507o, o . 0 .........................................................................................................M-44 oCn .. 4 ..............................................................................................................Pw24Cn .....iowel, nýL. ________________________________________- I Nng' HL HÉ.............100 ',)Macdoniald....... .............. IcdnadCon,_.. D5 ....,Co..........10 ricE....... ..........el9..................... LEFURGY .......... ..... ......... Belil, Liii.......... 45 ....ac e . 17 Pice ,... MB LN.... ........15 aost.....171 ,,J-.............acet ..... ........ MeLel1, 1i b .. 10 aper~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O f upr o.......... 7 OINO...........50 ewrt...........................Mvris, Con..... ....... ......co.. 17j~ " W . . . D VE........15 twr Davis i.........3 .........200 .............Mo-le Li.. ý L.........L. ............16ýz'-1ý'.. .. 5 NORTHW T TEIIRITOIRIES -Four Memibers. .....r.. .......... n Lii ......7 lu s...... .ILV R(ad)....20 e t..............1... ..... O.1liver, ib ......... 784 40...r.n..........88 .A................o.la...............BAKRE.................70............Douglas..at1054 85.........tusei, ii.......81AsruboaW ... ..13OT............2 Dein......................Da.,.....Y~. SIlaiy. ib.......51Saeuitoiowin . DA IS.. ......... . Ti v00 ..S ..e...... . n. .. Lvii., Bnb..........18 iL ordan, Liii.........&7')_.____________ __ ..__-________ CH........... .10.............anshbacb Co......a oe..........i N...........snO M edo d............ .. ............Siff o, Lii....... c.14 ........... 14{ Tepern, Con........29 jLi' MATiniar......................... ...IHRSu .20Pradoli.Bb 5 94..... Cn.... auoad......Rt .ft. .....BO .......2............. ..lterod Li i..... cc .... 0 ........ i>ý.hCn.. . . . 2 lJi 'ar n.........~Ih m'e . . .. . . . R C E ...........io. . . . Rch, C . . . . .6 S.. 1.::.. ....Fildiig Bb . Ae., P rstohe.........Berînd.............L RVERE..... . ................LRvenCn 61 ...............t. Bce... .1 ...n. . .. . . . rîR-R......... tIIaslain.......... ...... .......... .Mco i LiI 1 Y z::..Eebn.Cn12i in~a.............. T E.........10....... tunCn...... -JE1,.........Martin, (led.) ... pu5tOld.....' CANAI MANS HAVE SiEI.Tiî__ al eo eao s et ot haro quittera. Ho states thet Geais.isens BRH~ LNG fLD a-re -ieg dieebottcneuntrY Botha 15 in eccnrmand ef tie Boots, Capt. Wesks Remnans in AIrica en 'oving t-o t;àlic eviensetGnerals and bas iiti binia the 'Behiel, Cane- Krnger's Trip to Europe to Secure .Accouftt of Lever. au ~is TerocS tii lies, Brlue, anS Middîeburg-cona- luferventon. A depacb reaOttwaOnt saanRustenhurg l ietcleýar ut Boots. mandoas. The scout' says ho xrecog- Xdsac fonBdnny A li fe-iiîving s ta wannOnnte maySoTho prisoerm, of wer, and mon, wie nizeS a numboîr et British prisonors Bort1 eattceites tic Wn, a fic- by tho Militia ~are noîv captureS ý ii-i viciaiity are in tie leager. Thoy ware captureS hte-rsuerStYl f[oOag "it avejairt epetaiontto-day h ein2- lodg' Sin 10 tc "irdcage," wiici ýduring Geni. Irenei's tiret,tadyaxico.Frctae smkgspch eti 1 1hv utreceived acablegram thtise uos freLsed as a rlace u i ofl h eeaa nSti Fiidhrers tanS eis ng bspeutesmoten IfrmCol. Otter, dateS Cape Town, Setc n-onfor captared Buitisi uttissutost .wet 7ti Neirenaer, statiaig fiat bis corn- B-ecausof e1et nlii isconort causeS by wi passes as se n as theo of ficiai wio'co'urage then. .11" ns nisleadin, thona Imand s le lavieg, to-day by tie Hawar- tic revaut r ina, to Bor captivas issues passes arrives trou Middlebutg. bY etatin2- thaf Gon De Wet basseize-S ' dan Castle for £.,utiampJ,oceai conîpiaizi rihat tie place is nly fit for Tie scou.t also Crutes that the Boots tic bridgeoer thc Orange rivetrait sisting ot, besides binsoîf, Majors Bu- eattie r h;to speadaeliingNorvai e pont, that 5,0Wi0 Iltelmen choan and Biset, Captains Burstal andS70- u, SW rd, thee icImponlal iacsor hsplis n relvn aya beau ýsenLtbokto (CeaColony te jMacdtaell,aed Liants. Lawvless, Masonai i Bgit BHerse, aSnua' second] in con- ou moches and meal, anS are nsipbg renoe fie tg tintere, aed tiat ex- Swiftt Batertylonmple anS Carpan-ijmenS e tcf raavsPoic, bas baen munt mealias te nako cottea. The PresLdent Krugcr,,,, of tic Transvaal, fer, anS 30 mnnall told, Major Weeks 1 gii'55 0charge et fie we Vstern dýistrict, supply et meal, îoweyor, i abonedant. ti on aiin wi tioirnteaveni- bas f evor anS romains ,bobindaS cfj uichii n1 lodesJoihmn cbujr, Pro- TeBootrs were veyionhisa- al t fie hiiaas T iuSr. wi 1 Rtoonsfad,'but -bis conSiione me nef 1terne, Krag sstîo;'paoSdRuitenurg' danger0es. Cap+. Ogilvie aise ruemains 'TicBom omadd yGairlPot.tdhcuet aaambet I)hîuaiS fr staff Suty. jfotahase au, eede lu cptin a ;ptura nay Get ConadFn o' on- "Col. Otter alls tiat tic fielS mnar- nomibre- atcfe wrcn viliua lcojo e ui o- SENSTILL AT IJ. j -sist~~ïj'ued et eve bunrodwa on-~~W~~GrayWoWh n is roinut prticulenly for it,' Ber. o me u-rý h o ti emn ioWI n SSgnS ".M. AYLMER, ~i Rt1.SCNO iari~ seilytemrîgeftterteru. Cooefor Major-General cern.-Gon. -cilo-f Rehd,. COn fliat oce- A deepaL thru tm Peolsays;-.. ïmandiug CaînadiieýnMilitia," Slo1indedWggn Blouh erBs.wio thuougif U eh i '~~ Tiîowgb lu Safety. rit isb baSgoe, appr,,-aciud close te utedrdbrhr setta r Y.am tnei ,a r whiicb hoecarbnerswereStyatnacruUetw it postaSi p , aSL itf iffy li killSeSCnBabaSGn.Daryade- I3OTHA CAPTURS CATTLE. A oepatch f ro Prof erre sys weuanded uf eta fore.et f, wo inn- etebugeswtgrtpaio manly EBow r aýagers Bein9 Driven ws apurS ear HicbkanS î îTinBescpesdth itre eSt,;in oLe sýgu:ingu tidn AI aaafci fei Potns aa - Beers, wutheafu- S e soot b1,1inu"is.. i xtliodfeffsnayhd dlvre ntimatum l-,ite Drutingi1t)(he asffeW (daym enly a tow ss tewrl rlssd o ao1!aesbSdn entigSsrigGetBrtiSmnigferte algi si Laivn e ile epcehwtb Laùni eî'~na' ed-priien.-csli tte eule a DR. A. W. CHASE'8 ~ATARRR CURE,,S la ront direct te tii. diîeîsnod parts by ho lmpruved Bbower. lIraIs Ibm cintra, elsars us ahi passages, alopa dreppinga in ibe hbroat ond pormanannly curas Çatarnh anS H ay Fevar. aiiower Inca. Ail Sealera, or Dr. A. W, (buse Medirine Go.., Ternie anS liedai. BRITISII COLUMBIA Six Members. QUEBEC-Sixty-1ive lMembers. J bM. Con maj 1111. i lorner rmember. Mn]ý C-ITE............175 Sim,. son .. ............................. Chri-tie, Lib ... 7 OACL......... ......35Teilon.........................7 cile, Lib .........4 CODRUT.........1200 oHu.......... ...................edotLb .2 1LOY ... ..........22 liergeron ........ ......................ege Con..a .. ýTALO... ........4(tî xfley ................................T -)t, L11h.........37 A.CAM.. T 2,50 Loîarche............... ............. J. E. Archanibault, L A-o A CI..............157 Inger ...... .......................(SGuitLe, Li b ........7 JI E ..................e.... ...... ...... .............. lýisher, 11h... IS-OFFIO ..........5 Przee...........................C ecfrion, Liii.. Ac ROUSSEAU......... . 272\roe..........................aroC,(on....... ANGES.............20C o..............................Anes ii....1 I O N............. 45&0 Cdg .... .... .......................Br.owe, Liii.........7 0u'ad............IRR............... .......... Savard, Liii........ iC Clvean............. POPE .......... .......30............ . ?ope, Con...... ......INM................n. Dnelet..............jI Roul,,eau (led. Con.) .........Ml,o...... .A.RGN .......... ACP lc. arit 'ai.Žrg.. ..... .1. i euiu.~............Beadn......................... Leripiux, Lib . MADOR............70 h~'Y1i.. .... ..................anr ,h.... 8JACARE'1.........20 ~ eh...... .........................Srsr i.....n 15 t.................MOSK11......... ........4... 1.......... o L o .. ....1 BAIE.......8RniN K.. . .... 49 ..........Be3à,e, Lio DARL...............T ;MaO ...............aroi in..... SOUASS.........lO. Pue...........................orsaLb 4 MIE...............1l9Ciupoa..............................Mene, Lib ........2 POtI. .............7Leni.............. ...............'otLi...... DF R ..... ..... mnte..........................DPeionrt, 1b .......Art2; (51011-N ... ... ... £o0 Ira.. .... ....... .. . ......... . D cee Li .. l'luI.'N.. .........1,0...ed.orir..b 1 PREIIONTAIiE.......00riet... ...... ......................Prnan,, i CEG 11 S............20 Cane..... .... ..............LgisLb....2 Ir R O... . . . . . 1 Fe.............. . . . . ............ TreL . ..... .. l~1EI-S..............00.Cmea...i...Li....2 VU AS.............5 ;ugs. ...... .......................Dea, Con...... .2 IIRTNE U. .........2 lact e................. ..............MrinsLii..,J!-5>r Serivan............ASCRA.........9.......C's, ai, .......5 ?ALLEY...........20lcee.............................Qunn Cn......1 DFS>tAJ.......,O6Pgnul............................Da.u...,.b.36 BlOK~fl1itE.......0>Ulknra............................ enLib ........7 rART...........1,22 Car~et.......... .................... DuprLi....10 Ledc.................JABLa..............4..........Y, a due, Lb.....F IIRA ............55a4ao.......... ...................PC-p-ere, Clon.......6bu 0l1LL...........3soi re.............................Joly de LeCon r....L. 5 ~~~~~4~~6; .................... uMaoun,[ti . o 0AU. .... ..........2 Ca1au.......... ....... .....Lurir, onii...... ., SQ3L............. .......... .......1.J.Kr . oelLi.......1,231 ~18'iARIC.......60Iliauben.........................it.at'y, Li..... 3R.iA. ...... nase.........................BrE'i u, Liii.......13ýC 85...............l0ah ........ ...............o51L......c M C;RAYEIR...... ...I1. v.......................roerLii....7 8E NE ...........1,1; Èkitrier..... ......................Berer Lii...... Arc Il 500i ......mdeau... .... ......... .............. Lare, Li. .... c .... .........E....0P.J. arw... Par l, Li . (3ar,(n......... .... ...... ............ 1" lnpteh. onLi 5OBBO N IS.... 06j1Jlsn,ýett.............................Bouýronai,iii ..... 93 IA 1Lf............. Mer...... ...... ...... ........ ..... .Mor, LCen.........435c JAVEU ..........6 ...dioi... .. .... ....................Garoeu,Liii.A...97 ....NT IN........ 2,rChnev-rie......1.1.......... .............ChBenie, LCon...... 1211 ... ..... . .. .. ...... ....4..1 .. ..Caro, ('on......... 269e P1T11LEE..............780 ro'à rd............................ . thie, Li.........17 .AW........20Lp.................................. Marwood, Lii.... 498 lLe .N........ 7 ....g .b...a.. Lii. . 77 !R GN UL.......... .0 Mend............................. EIigee.l, ib ...... 1 The Manner in which Powley's Liquified Ozonie kIlts the Germ of Dlseasei Q. What la disease? A. Disease is an unnatural ootldition of thE body or organs of the body. Q. What causes disease t A. Gernu cause disease. Q. 110w are germa formed? A. Germa are lormed frem daecaying vegc, table or animal matter. Q. In what way do germa cause disease? A. The germis enter the'body suid lorm a chemical combination with ihe animial celis, A. chemicai. combinetion la poculiar te each d is, case. Thus e certain germ ferma choiera, ani. other consumption, another typhoid lever, another kiSney disease, another intdigestioni and se on.' Q. Slow eeu wa cure disease? A, What la reqoired la an antisegtic : sa- thing that wili kili the germa anS restera tlic discased portion of the body te heaith. Q. What will do that? A. Powicy'5 tiquified Ozone la.-.tbe 0111V pre. paration which will accompilia thiia. Q. What la Powiey's LiqfiLed Oyzone? A. It la liquified oxygen; nature's cure for disesse. Ittreats Sisease under a niew sya3tem. Itla isimply [ni allibie ln its treatmnt. It ha. boe Semonstrated that ne germn can live la oxygen or ozone, Powiey'a Iquifled Ozone 1.511e microbes instantiy, and je thia war curas sucb terrible diseases as consumptù1,ln, impure blo,eczema, typhoid lever, tuAmors, Bih' dýiscase of the kidneys, liver troubles, femnale weakuesses, etc. Stop old-fashioned medicine mthod. Pw- ley'a niquifieS Ozone la liquitied cOxyen. Il kills germa of every description. Testimoniais prove this. lSend for pamphlet ou generai, troubles and female diseases. LoiyaIiq- ulfied ozone la soiS in twe îzs.larg-!ýe i 00' amali ize, 50C. et ail druggists, or ýy nmail frein the Ozone Co.. of TorOtatO, 1lmitcd, 48 Coiboruo st, Toronto. DRU.îSLOGùI'S PUZCESS91 Numbers ocPepieIn Canada Who are Bfi Cured off Consukmpti Is Positive Eiec 0f' the MarvelosaSucceFo e oflt Slocum Sy stem ?for al Lucg NO MORE BIG DOCTýORS FE S NO MORE bFElNt Dr. Bioruma sue ne i , Bcoeea efmon and nawnîn~e [.~.,t coniditiu oees . eoon b0re iii througtheOltm1,2'f oan the ti res rrpart ~'a gti.i.'u treamtr et togahen ue' p tl' -i't If yen Suf -ta .tenneýhi t ý.ner, you 91l à u ss es i e a trial of the S', ieu>îstn' te .ai Yon are sut arIeS ops ea. i . au hod do 0wrn'etha TA.SLClM tinîrs, 1, LIMIEDa, 1 11119bngSt. NWest. Trei, alIns sm flu fulil. wltiîpost office and exprd5E office LeStims. andi FREE TREATMENT ahIl bc sent yen prompty on rere1pi of croir. quati. This ls the met seserous offr-avr mat Isy aay madc al mac lu this reuehry. Dr -. tSlý,eco la sau positive oif wlcat hia treatinent will uthth naltes ibis uiipreodented offer, f elly cndîha what th" resua swilll Sa luail t1iosa wo1wya Lti w cat eal. Whan srrlting for hhem always meantIon 1h15 par, Parfflns In Caniada, .aeetng Sioeum's freae oCar ta Amerîran pars wifil please santi for sam pias te l.Tororie raauratorleaa MET A HqE RO'S ~AH Captain Chalmers of teCnda Mounted Infartr"Y A Sospatcb trorn Londen, sy [orS'Roborts, in a deupatcî Sat Johannesburg, i'lev. 5, rprst h War Office 4s olow "Smith-Deorrein bta1StesthtMao Suenders -anS Captain Cam'a fti Lanadisan 3Mounted lRifles, beao suitit great ga1Lsa-Try [n tue acto Novomber2. Sa'adr od u ne a heavy tire o rig n nhrsd o- comnissinedofficer. lat whmer was, Igiv te ay qkzi 1Pi qn 1CI1le1 S." ' 1 i

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