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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1900, p. 8

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And-a f S An fietd Sreasonia K Iý mizWaer 1ôe Fountain Syr4nQe.. MI l ne of BUBBER GOODS. AtoIzcr is needed b)y every person whio"sisiaf- ith Catarrhal TIroubles or simple Coid In the We are seliing ail kinds of Atomizers at -very hie prices. ASKNo.%301 ;tanle article in neariv everv home for Coughs, ý Coids, Bronchitis, etc. - -Nothing better. Only 25e per bottie. YT Y T -YA -w 1 -l.. l D-I -MAV LLE, NOV. 1-1, DARLINGTON. Pubic schooI report for October - Ulass Y, Irene LnmiElsie Grills, (ia Jennings ; IV, lBoyVanap Sr, John Clarkýe, M2,ay Giy, Noble Mlet caif, Gordon V'anCamp iD iI Jr, Ethiel Rundie, Samnuel Clarkew; Il Sr-, Ella Brittoni, Nellie Tons ; 11 Jr, Clar-Ke iNcols : Pt Ir, Bruce Meteailf, George Hoît, Eldna Brirton, Kennecth l 2arke ; let SrEub)v Rundile, Evalene Bloit Her'bert Nichiols : Ist Jr, N clleGuly Bath biot, Roy Metealf, George Curtis. SL.JEWLL, 'Teachier. OROXO. Miss Mina Hooey visited friends at Perrv'townl.. . . âMr.George Janiieson. Toronto, was home Wcdnesday we, -Mr.Ae, Smith, cheese maker, visit- cd at bis home in Trenton... . Mrs, Thomias Thornton lias returned from visiting Whitby friends .... Milton, young son of Dr. Tucker, was knocked down by a passing rig on the stret o Saturday evening and nar-rowý"lyes- caped bcing ru over .. .. Mr. Geo. Il. ~J~es Y~ IT Vant. .you io ~ < ~~ asquan.- der wy- tedyc He his .a PriceteSS p6ssesséon. i>OU car, Secupe it and keep L't by iaLng Ood'sSaraaf 'ruhicf purif tes fie btood, cures disease, and in'igra!es t4,e vhole systein. Bo i s--"-Tvas g ea tty troubted 'rvtll boils and bad 'blo d v as aé5d,')ised Io &rY Hoors ,S'rsap tua, I fot(ov-wed tlhi advtfce andJ the bene fit i recelied ' was 5o gr eat fiaI 1iook a second boille and 'ruas rd' MYi.L. Petit, Lyon-s, Ont. WOOD SALE. FRIDAY, Nov. 6h-r Colin Colviile wi;l sI by îUbiic auction on lot 35, con 7, Clarke, ten acres of standing timber-Beecli and Maple. Sale at 1 ,0rchlor da, , T- 17 W BQWMANVILLE LiNNisKi Mrs. AShIcy, B]ackstock. ws'nëe't or Mr. amsPye onSabh....rMotmey Ohwcalled, on friends; here Saitlnrdy ... Messm .A. 0cau nOsawa; E. Stephens, 0*ilon OL ByerWn, Iwere oe last week .. .Electîon dlay psedofvery quitl athlO both sides wredbrd he 1aget iberaIlqmjority ecver g -iven here ýwais poi led for Mr. Beithi, SOLINA Mrli. J. T. Zuoiile pand bis sister Miss Edith are viqiting,ý frienids et Lindsay .. . .Mr. T. Baker, C. C., wa(s called to Cobourg last week by tbe Warden o>n speeial business ..Miss Addie Pas- enet is ,v-lsitingai (Jourtie..Dr. Mason, Toron- to, wiIll ýrceî at the' Advent ehureh Sunday iet Il arn., and in the eveniing»... The sistersA Will entertain the brothers et the Division, this week; rare trne is expected.,.Mrs. L. Van- Camp, Courtice, Is visiling et J.T. Ruodle's. The well known sti cngthening prop-1 erties of Iron combined with other tonies and a most perfect nervine, are found la Carter's Iroin Pis which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. Gcolder WeatbE No whiere can the nieceýssaries te meet the demand eaused b1,yc weather bec better supplied thilan with us. Sucli immnise shipmentý Overcoats, Ulsters, d oublebreasted Suits and singlebreastüed Suits I just corne to hand as to almost frigliten even us, wvho are uscd to reci ing large quantities. Large cases of Underwear, Flanneis, Shirtings, aiso Carpets, cloths, Laec Crtainis-GREAT VALUTE AND LARGE 011010E. are decidediy anxious to make these3 big piles simalier. W,ýe knlow vaiues are right and the desýgns up-to-date. Kindcly see uis before btty either Ladies' or Men's Fali and Winter Apparel. 1 « -ENA-iWJNA1~T1TW ît~> »~-ii~

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