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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1900, p. 1

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r TERMS :-81.50 PERi ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST;'111E WORLD Âi'TERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor n:rpitr ,%;w- 'IlF4 tffWMANV1LLE, OUNTAIU, IDNEïSDAY, DECE.UBER 5) 1900 - ---VOL--E --V--No--4-- Goach, Johoston *CrrydetTman Say they have too big a stock of y TT 4 rv-Y r il Fn e n n ri r n t' ENFIELD. ý Visitors:-Mr. Geo. Ilezaiïewoodl, Miss Kniver and Mr F Huirlb-itrt, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Virtue, Wo( dstock,; Mr. T. Dewel, Mariposa; 21il N eli e.c Culloch home from M4anc(ihester .... The school trustees have enga.<,.ed Mr. Nor- man Heatle for 1901.. . 1. S. Craik- shanks is conductig spehial serviceB here . ... A fair crowd attendýed thýe Sons of Englands concert and dn-ijoyed an excellent program. Notice to P"-at oils. A meetinz oj the Patrons of th, Hampitoni Cheese Factory will be held lu t'-e Town Hall, Hampton, on MONDAY, DEC. 17, 190,,, at 2 o'clock, p ma for the purpose of iecei lte report and closing Up the past, season's 'busin ess. F. L. ELL; t, Seeretar y. Hamn'pton, Dep lst, 1900.49w NEWTONVILLE. The district meeting of tbe S. 0. E. was held here Monday No'r. 26th. Mr. J W.Carter, Supreme Grand Secretary gave a very interesting address ln the Orange Hlall at night. At the Temper- ance House amost elaborate supper was done ample justice to ...Miss Pethick, Bowmanville, visiting at Mr. Jno. Pethick's.... Mr. W. G. Joues at- tended the Couservative meeting at Orono Saturday. . .. Mr. C. and Miss G. MNoase were home on a short visit, ... Open meeting of R. T. of T. Fridlay evening was largely atteuded and a good program was given .. . .Prof.- Kent lectures in the Temperance Hall this Wednesdav evening. Hie is al- ways interesting. FARMERS' INSTITUT E. A splendid meeting of West Durham Farmers' Institute was lield in Royal Templars Hall Monday and most profit- able discussion took place. Miss Mad MYR. BURDEN'S LET TER. No. 3. r.EDITOR- We, are pleased to see our Concil are full of energy aud doter- mined torusQhahead We would advise that they do somethiug to induce busi- ness mon and others to corne and settie among us. This would filBorne of our ompty bouses wbich uow may hoc fouad on almost overy street in towu, give emplovment to our workîng people, assist us to pay our hoavy tax, which is g-etting phoavier each year, raise the value of our property which ln thu last fewi yoars have gono down ovor one haîf. and improve, the town gQnerally. If the council couid aecomplisli this the people would appreciate their servi- Referring to local improvement sy8- tem, we holieve that bofora a great radical change is made iuvolviug a large amount of monoy the will of the people sbould bo obtaiued. We had the pleas- ure the other, ovoning to listen to -Mr. A W. Campbell, Goverumeut Commis- POINTERS FOR CITIZENS, In the matter- of an electrie railway to the station and Port Bowrnville, should action be taken to socure one P Oshawa lias one, Whitby is petitioniug for one. If Bowi nville wisbes to be an up -to - date towu ber cîtizens must show liber- ality ln matters of local improvemout. Can wo livenear to a go-a-head town like Oshiawa and not get some business inspirution? Wbv lias our sister town advauced so much in 15 years whilo our town bas retrograded? Seriously, why? Our wrtter works: Wby were they built ? For whom ? Who is gettiug the benefit ? Who is paying for the maintenance ? Should they be extend- ed ? Who t was the original cost ? What is the revenue this year ? What is the cost of operating ? Citizens shouid know these thinzs. :A Business IEducation iu * ieans, an education the wt *a man or wornan for the ýrac ±affairs of business. 1Mrs H. l Il LIZ. rown(P1esdent V - lu .-rrp that sisterInt'u and in a very Sneat acauress oxplaînod the difficulties to bo met with, acccomplisbments and benefits derived from sncbh an organiza *tion gi.ing very euccuraging impetus ollege to us to go on and reach botter thinýýs. Vill fitt Miss B. M. Maddock of the Ontario etical* Agricuitural Collego, Guelph, gave a practical addross on I)iemteScience, 4illustrating by Chart the quantitios of suiv andalins as nSy UJIJ. . 108 je(,npr We want r Jrtoao -.i.~~ meisely mer the Juest o ewant tbte best and i ~ i laid dowu, Brig-hton Canrnîn1g* Co. are c,' but tliey mast be put wbere required. ing for the growing of tomatoos, L, We strougly disapprove of pulling UP peas, beans and pumpkins and sma. walks tuat are good, for muany years to f ruits, f or delivery at thé f actory f or the corne and putting down cernent walks, season 1901. The reason for this is se and thoreby causîng unncefflary ex- far to onable growers to kuow bow pense. muucli land to cultivate seilvfor Mr. Mitchell seems to have abilions ~oi~sc id slecurcsfr 1' - ~J A~ A..& ~ ~ '~ A~A. '~ ~ <J A..~ E VOLUME XLVI No. 49,

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