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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1900, p. 5

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Lt's getting time you did. We commenced away 'back last tprig ad lhave been thinking about it ever since. If YouT value mloney it will pay y' 1 to eail and see the resuItÎ' ' ail our planning and thinkingz. Ouir store will be the centre of attraction again this year. Don,'t watt unil your neigh- bors have the best but coine in early and we wiil set aside your selections until you waut them. Weare expecting our stock Perfurnes froni Paris, France, to arrive daily. You should buy them niow and then you wlll know what kind to select for presents. STOTT & JURY The Rellable Druggists. Cream of Vi olets It is doubtful if any remedy ever -jýumped înto popular favor so quick- ly as this elegaut toilet requisite. We spent a lot of time in making it as perfect as possible before offer- ing it to the pub)lic and three years of increasing popuiarity prove that our efforts were successful. ,,DIt will cure rough hands in a night. ,f@It wiil make the face soft and velvety. "I-ft wiil prevent chappin g and crack - iung of the hands. Itis guaranteed and vou get your money back if you are not pleased witb it. ,15C-It is not sticky like glycerine,-etc., and is much cheaper. LARGE BOTTLE 25c. If you shave do not fail to try it; it makes shaving a pleasure. STOTT & JURY, The Reliabie Drugggists. PERSONAL. Mr. C. M. Tait visited friends ia Millbrook lately. Miss Eva Trewin ii home from Toro- nto for a few davs. MrIs. M. Waller, Markham, i5 guest of Mrs. S. Washington. Mrs. Harvey, Oshawa, bas been guest of Mrs. Joilitte &t the Parsonage. Mr. Robt. Beith, jr. of the Bank of Commerce, Cornwall, is home. Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., Toronto, was in M ontroal last week., Msrs. John Hellyar is visiting b er son, Mr. W. H. lellyar, Cobourg. Mr, and Mrs. Noble, Orono, were guests of Mrs. R. Gouid Suuday. Mr. Blake Crawford 'and family are movitig from Toronto to Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clubb, Clifford have been guests of Mr. Wm. Hambly- Miss Mary Wilkins, Bethesda, was guest of her cousin, Mrs. T. F. James. Mr. Andrew McSorley has returned to PortArthur after a week's visit home. Mr. Robt. Beitb, ex-M.P., is la Chi- cago, Ill., as judge at the Live Stock Show. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, Solina, were guests of Mr. M. A. James, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon, Haydon, were guests of Mr. Wm. Trewin Sun- day. Mr. G. H. Hogarth, Whitby, is pres- ident of the Canadian Club in that town. Rev, Dr. Workman, Toronto, was gust of Mr. M. A. James during bhis. ,See the fancy chiaI 4ichoils'. Christmrasi Sant its! Nicholis'. Santa Claus' he ters at Nich- olls'. Bibles andjHivn i heap at Nich. olls'. Whitby Scotchmen fheld thdriunual banquet on St. Andrewv's night. Ladies, you are invited to eaul at Miss Medland's Millinery parior and sce the latest noveities in head weear. M. Mayer has a fulli une of ail kinds of furs, bats, caps and, gents' furnish- ingSs, caîl and see for yourself. Great Bargains this we-ek in Sofa Cushion Tops suitable for Christmas presents at Miss Marfin's fancy store. Sait rheum, with its bUirning stinging sensation, is due to poor blood and is cured by Hood 'sSarsaparilla. thegreat blood purifier. The big sale of sample suits and over- coats now ini full swing at The Mason Co's is proving a money saver to a great num ber. Leave your order for a suit or an overcoat at Couch, JoInston & Cryder- man's now so that you may be suire of having them made before Christmas, The D. & L. Emuision of Cod Liver Oul will build you up, wviil make you fat and healthy. Especiali y beueficial, to those who are "ail run dowrn." Manu- factured by the Davis aud L awrence Co., Ltd. < Great sale of Ready-to Wear elothîng at S. W~. Mason & Son's now on. Prie3 are a great temptation to buy. Reader. you neyer saw bigger bargains in Bow- manville. Take a look, at them. See prices in large advt. Croup, Coughs and Coids are ail IOystdret potrs! Oystheornst bran -_______ fie___d easalay ou- _____ If__ are_______y a- us- :3 M- M- 12- vve adiE I Il IllndMofllyserIlifine li etsIll wayMIlsl Ii Safeguarcis the food against alum. Atuni baking powders are, the greatest menacers to health of the present day. LROYAL BAKING POWOER CO., NEW yOR< Capt.> Braund wîth the Schooner Jamieson arrived from Oswego with a cargo of coal for McClellan & Co. on Dec 4-late navigation., Special features lui our Christmas stock are our Watches, Rings, Chains and Pearl goodIs. Although ail the stock is equaliy interesting we have in Rings- those suïtable for the bab "y, the miss, the lady, the boy, the gent and for engagement and wedding rings set with Rubies. Pearîs, Turquois, Emeralds, Sappbires~, Olivines, Opais, Bloodstones, Sardonyx, Garnets, Âme- thysts and Diamonds besides other settings, d' I moe-v' ~<. ---- --- The Mason Co. take any amount of Lovely' carving sets at Nichoils'., chicken young or old. See their adv. Oh yeai! Picture books at Nicholis'. -Wd have a large stock of Quartered Meetmie at Nichoils'. Santa Ciaus. Oak Furnîture in Antique and Golden We seil BisýseIl Carpet Sweepers-L. finisiies. L. Morris. MorrisTo cure a oold in a night-use Vapo-creso- A fecw 40 cen ts jet Beits at 20 cents at lene. It bas been used extensively during more Rlckard'&than twenty-four years. AU Druggits. Friday 's Globe contained a bright littie poem on "St Andrew's Nicht" by our forner respected townsman, Mr. Thos. Yellowlees,,Toronto. Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., Oshawa, will preach la the Methodist church next Sunday morning and Rev.,Wm. Jolliffe in the evening. The Globe says: At the musicale ctsapped bands, 'etc. 'The imanufactur.1% ers, Stott & Jurv, will ive a smail sampie free to any castomer wising to test it. _ Every lady la the land will want the r- Christmas number of Good llousekeep ing. Its pages are filed with wise 0 practical suggestions to the Cook, the mother, la fact every part of the home- life is aided by the good things which Men's Suits, ail sizes, worth $5.oo'for $3.95. &6 16 6 6oo '6 4.75. 7.oo 5.75 no duv rink dapails. Leave the rest to Dr.ovr daintv pala tes Salada, Mon- 1 soon and Biue Ribbon packets await you.-Colonist. eu nt ee tes- ue an gei iv d-o ,Toront-o, i O5 knment1 âORA n'Canadianabs Blue BUTT-ERý, bs al,.~ iC ~EGGP doz..... IHÂY, e ton...... "'ALE 0F MAGAZINES, PAPERS, ETC. ITOUOE MD .WANTED.-ADply iRB . -CttedressEd a t ÏME.DB.Sssu'soN, Bowmanville. Emy slaughter bouse for 6cens E. L. 45 tf' COLE, H-amptoil. The annnuai sale of magazines, j ATTLE SRAEDFrm ot2 Mi( and r Willbe hbld at the Publ i ORSEHIDES-No. 1 extra HORSE- %_;con. 5, Es htyo ra-rtNvlt Ibearl4ug Room on Friday Dec. 7, at 8 fitIIEe22eclnJ.L dCLH eý en lie;,d'; - toj l ,yc~r n w hie~il W B ~OUCH T T. .SvvIDES-lighlest price in cash oi lihwleclr.dbre.Rwr o n President. , H~Iides and Skjnis. J. E. L. CaE omtof wcebus YÂ IFln Precretary Hampton. 1O(Saw. 4-3 P da ) o7u t] luent Lis a ~IilllI1llllullîuiuluiîiî III 1111111 I Il I I III I I I il I I I Il I I I I I I I I *muuuuuu~iI,,IIutumIiuh**,** ~

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