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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1900, p. 6

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-subjlettoali a. he ills the humnan flesh is heir to ihan farîn- ers. Their c allng causes them to be outinl 'J all kiuds of weather, conseqîsentlv when siek-. riess oveutakes them they becrnic gatsufferers-.-Rferna --ris- the, disease most prevalent am,,ong the farming classes. Mr. C. W. LOCAL A-N ifTIl IWSE. This is the Lhestt ime ,tooreth %EEKLY GLOBE lor Mail an Emir Farmer's .AoîIvocateý and an-% ot' pa pers which give ba ,qlanee of ths yea0ý free to subscribers for 1901. Rudiard Kîpling's new novel, Kr vvill Luïe in in the December issueofi MIClur' s MNa.gazine .iThie te a tale (il ife lu Inala, and in il the literavo, -enifs .elves a pro'ound study of Oriental 11e. la the Thanksgiving ŽNuinser ot tht- '-uaurdax Evenoing l'est the openin.- Article le The Leaders ii Amxercýi DiploînacY; 'The rîward arch of luican Trade; Thse Defamen he Modern Civ.' Unquestionahlv The Breeders Gaz zette, aweekly journaL devcîted te tht, ictercsts of stuock firmers and breeders i cm-oLA1- Lest-if ,11 the ver v besi puWîicati,,u cf tise k:rcd ils Asueica. We elub) il withis HnSTATESMSAN Rai -52 10 Tise Gazette i $2 a;oïîc. Tise Novenýher nulmber of the Ledger Vontilv has ,tlrtýeldy w Ma lc 'ud ilu the enLaýrged and Iimpi ovcdformn Lle which ib inow appea,,rs, we prediot for Hiall Caine's new story, "Jan, The leelander," begins in ibis number. $1 per year, 10 cents percpy Robert ýouner's Sons, Publisheýrs, Ledger Building, New York. Methodist magazine and Rteview for \Noveinber contaiîis articles on "ICuba -Her Need anid Condition," "'Oxford Uîsder Twq Queens,' "T e Passion OPtay," "TPhe Paris Exp)ositiln. "Jolhn iXelv"New Ontario, with its Re- - ources and Prospects, - Liîfe lu a Coli- vent"aild two ,trongl-.written Caîta. dian stories, Nove-mber and December numbers free te new stibscribers. W. Bri,,gs, Toronto, $2 a year. Tise Presbyterian Sabhaih Scoîol, publications cf whiclh Rev R. Dauclas Fraser, Al. A , Toronto, is tise Editor, c4imprite Tise Teechers' Menthly, fHome Stud.v Oisatrv. l'imarv (lia.to..lo auth or Las m3-rade îIle aatro Tommy a ery hum no' ,with more- ami when w-,e fliureleslighl m at alti(eepanaooeial)for the sake Of dear G-Urizel 10 owhom ýhe wes ail.The ook i- a echai-miug one, interesting fo L -v irjsi page "ýi"lled b)Y Copp- Clark, Company, 64 ar-c î3)6 Front S't, , Torouto.. The Critna umbîer cf ,Suceess,, is asuperb example o!-A'what may Le accomplishesi lu mîaazine înaking aiîîng tise lillse f inedaýand help fui literature. it coînes very near Leing a masturpiece Tisencver le certaiE worth a place îlu vr art gallery. Edwin Mari -sm oens wltlî is great- est poem c-le 'I lieman with the H-oe,"ý entiied -F"T iMightly Hundced Years, " A maeteryý suismacy cf the aclsiemelis o f the couturv, illustrateîi Lv fortv ydrawincgs-, l îLt tiseleast Lili liant iliithe brie-li ,:.ue-4. U nluizîoo ien lu1C, town estimates For 1899. Bir.t6 ulenosa not lnform thse rate. ayer tisai while Le was Troasurer -rlg tie yer 1898 ho allowed the l-lhoel to accunsniate tise enm of $9ý77 77 and carry as a balance iu the Sýtandard Ban~k. If Mf Barden wilî îe tissa balance ut $977 77 ouïed ir, l Le owf e8timate fi r 1899, ii tise $i1170 Lo speatîs abrt, -hoaifl i 6ud î a 1k~ o'ai cff $213777 whicls was expendedhby he H'igh SioLA as tise eown shae f His School experditure For the intorinsloa of the fatepz yer,3 I siis te say tisai ail thse cemünc %wlk d î dncing tise year 1900 ,ill not, sdd U, d 1er te the gsnew~ rate cf taxa- 1liof tfhe town, but is pim0ily a ques- rion of finance. The [aveîocus wnrk s al dene under tise ICal iiprîtu - n~pi' i3y lew aud freutage tax Rysîem eCx lended ,er a pri l ci2,1 year,,ep,,yabi hy debeninres as previded for luni ho , evised îsiainýes et Otarlo 1897,j 'hrienL en8cugis Favec outrit tisa r IrUc.akeus, un i 'Ctistmasr, Ocatie, :1001ir home andOttU. ltiLtey ilng te tise ljei_ oîne tri f-s attentionu1 i-cat Emnrîre, whose shipS are onsevucy [L [ecernbes-issue'. of lise Wman', sea and thie -hm ea fsoea-ms H1 i' l (ii IufrO I , C ir-o i s he ard th e w hole %v orld ro und . & m Nîmier, ascolrîitains ite Chrîstuice 'Reine froin tise \ar" is tise titie o stîlaeînd nieartlcies, giving various a, erîisome picinre cepresenis'ng a sarstIiLnS , riî te tise Christ Canaîltan seldier clasi irk Klialci ursiîcrmn lisas seau- îî. Pcuîhliied Lt Tise Crcwel penirîs tise door tif a roomn where Lis & K;cl5iaitcik Co., Springfield, Ohioe. su iî-thec te silling drea-miîîg ani $1 a. ;elir; 10 censts a copi ; ,,emple cop; ruadiîî- over agate aand again the let- fiee Ici-scfîhem sou wloic.se blijeves tô Tise Detroit Twice a-Weeit Free have Lîcîikiiled in tise SourisAfrican Press occupies a field of its cwni-in wac. From tise expression depiete,.I or, AruIclive. niew .y aîsd entes talîino' A tier face tise arii-ol as sksilfuîly ext'ciit- p' iîsumî s Fi! reue Aîi-uisîs Y ear l lits wcrk, One Las Lut tb stuivth ie 13il ilEnc c cý a tr r lef--- - ictre foc a ssortilîne tbread the _)eleLik o îv 7)p-< e ha -at4 fCtic dcv cf tise tlritliirsgandi cruel î( ýS voie n lai sou waiit to kiow. T i( e3eof scar. "Chisinlutise Tem-ple"' SiEsm;N, Fe resadu mullfo Dîcu Faciar's Lîfe toiChrist te i r 18').Ii-o a v ery Leautiful picture The-,e twc chromes. are offereci with Tise "Tire Cessadian Boe-c" te a biLciht Fsii lierali and Weekly Star iel reonl ',paper iKs'vued Ins Lehaif (nItise iTHE -iTATF8MIAN foc 19)1 foc $1.9u fh .,il o'B - f Canlada. Ih c lidîcîlîsEveci home wili waîsi ihese pictures l)r-it lîntrtui a-lclrabount Cina Souc inl vour order et conce. diau hoî s, blute coi suijf ielp antI Sierie Wehave ju-trI received from tise pub of those wisîî ,uce,-di, Sic per er "i CWlsrm tl o ePtîîll-- Re le A Sts ý,iho,'BX il, B~l laîiBu)ok, irînîsîher six- I 10,Co iiri, lu. x r h v u ara î tire Fig-gle FarissLihcacy. 'TLis de shonitdrici il. booiîîklwrittîen insu elri, conicisee stule ' ieIiinoî,ratî r" fcîr December te a andi conlalsîs ti.pt shidi will luterest special lsotidav rîurnhr cotaiiîinz n ot atîd instructinluLhs ushatlers te a cul; tise u-ru'cIcominncti, ciitise Sîstdas vîîelu lge Smts1 l he Sîh ool ltîiiîio s-or the Dionth istntauc-r-J, dn 'efore lte doctor cornes, and specia eleti'CosnLo(f I ioohs peciall it iittl'book wilfil[ tIseplace.['hoe ailapteis foc u-re ias gifle foc al who ce 1-- siot a it cf quacker; lin it: neitîser 1e!,1e tIbis mag-aziiiu. Spe ciel quolaîlon tisew ork, thse publîisers, nec unviee Ito ecsocle or pariles ordern n isquen- crse Lave an', tiiu,- lut tceusedical tine j tticeý. FLEMiNUIl . IIEVELL COCsPANY. it lwo-pagatcor ccli ; us-c bhavesno !54 Ycnge St , Toronto. laudes, i ds, nom hlubies. IHome, Thei0 flan \n-zîeis îetruh~ e , i jo-ýt ahat imcd faî'uili'oes eud ; a hïg clý3sliu,ýlcatli 'nillspculcrm. 1 c etmmiori-sensee lecitnr and Ligîs datto pg-oo licattîtsewhiste tOaLuitg- iý wisu 'uni îtîrrersn -ndcipublicisîs ,., lerta ind ice i tis, te eisiîig-s Citi- It.Il 15 di-tiiîctl% naiona - eiaî, nnlse, u'e9ra tii-; ciiîitie.naln-cd, \Vlileth ie Bigg,,le 1-leitis Book 1 ' fCaad. lcNeetshr umue ot ilume good îealthis 10tise partnof Ca aa he, oo r iclic. i - 'sîs'Jywill gseatlc aid eacls usember luit oato î oi'î' îteaws tif heailis are. Cx iii uies sii "~~ Ici; f t~ ii~' 're181 ptitJtî a gnodc index anîd C-e'-ra1I lccîicss," b% AMirrtf.. ne illustirations. ['Le price cf tise Ccîc1ritîue Tise A-tisîim iuck 5)cents, Lv mail. 60 Xci,,-e Si.,'1citirnto. î lie Y,-uuîis eCumpraion Calender for l'h Ecffrlo -ope sosaes ~ nl'e19 )1_ i- i)n xqui.site prisel picture of tIse pelhoui ,ssiuîiuîcpe,îs i-t es artiei -M&î, frein airoriginal surit-tcrtew'h l wir erd 14 thb z. Paul Seliîsger. iTh e icîl ci 56i p r aeïs, --bte $3 f ice s set lu a golden ovel, C, 1),eRlpLusi th eun'ed b', e cisrriîng Lordier 111w icti is- ee lut ecesr ;v'îie. of roess Pise aienfer le desigired,. rLt- eî'lciosiii tishetlnprie ii fwcu)pv igisîeland imnbuilied exclu-ri0elv via'iciens suc i-ducîicu in etellîsve bLthîe eu'sCîîm îaiion. Price fM't' cil. queiitv ls rewEt service wsll eCOu conte, Liâiwill Le gis. en te a l' ns-w cuL- tilLittt'10 e fleies iliitise woilci coins c-ieafor 19 )1il ud t ral[ old subser-ib: anîs s it lode,, L fu'l Aqssciatedse ' iornnfo 91 Pue,ý aneu New York Suis reportsý, with er - eewfr1A c' -ici"umarket, port-145.7 isiehrîlll B-îrsie's latest bock "Tommy and ;i iti l' cal pages -Biifi' reat Gci'cel" is a g-eai pîcce of cisaracter îie'sppr- ' r61Liconse isîrù. wîdel' iud-Y Barrie isea daciiig autisor.IlIe IputeWr anîd mrecgenecafi rmcd tilasil as taken liherties witis aisoldsiu-tom, r-ver,'s people pmîfer e paper ;clîicis iii -î î'niisiii isc ig isgest ciandhard - ____________ aý a n, -îcspcpec f, r " r'î yicernhes-fcftise - iesiinis i lC-lld. Tise drsisltsue of Uhis î tvvo-'neipaper ai oesecent fniiv- - sustains iL excelIent copulation. A VERI 00(H) TIIN(4. Tise woîsdeî fut sales msadle y the i z-ne Co. cf 10'oncuo, nieinufactucos and proprieîors cf Powtev's 1 iquiticil Usiý-ne are, dîuatiug couetrierabie, cons; meut. Tise preparaion e is e ,see r x , ,en treetinnont andi uiills (ïasue germs Recý Dr Win Faweett1, Hec. tDm Parlker andc Rec. Di.- Chovowxî 4tise Meihin-dist churcis in Canada voub for is efficacv frou pi-rsorsat experiences, A Christmsas Gilft New ,ïl tise Year Itounsi, Iu cisoosiug a Christmas gif t chat enunifil( more pi-sent or lasting- pieature thaur a subscîiption te TisE, CsvssAro ? Tise deliglît witb which it is welccmed ors C'fristma-î nicmninz isi renewesi e'.ry wook ta tis e aur. Tisoe cho wîsh to preseut a y car's subscriptieus 10 a frieusi may cisc Lave TuaF, COMPANseŽî's Leautiful n-c 'Puritass Girl'"-Caeeutar foc 1901, sen t cuthi i. This caleîsdar reprocluces in 12 color printinge an ideel portrait of a Purira insiden cf 1hl;noutb In addttionîî thie, aIl tise se of TrîP CoMPANsOis for thse remeiîîiug ceeks cf 19UO are seul fi-ce frein tise lime euh j cripton le receicesi foî- tise ue jvnolume. Thoeo ciig te make a present cf ITRE, COMPANJON andsi.nentoffn-iug chen subhscsîing wil cueceive,lu ad- dition te thegifts offet-es aboce, a b eautiful prinleci cestitlcate of subscrip- tiou lue place aîîîoug tise preseuts on Christmas morutng. Iilustratenl Aunouncemeut o! tise value for 1901 sent witis samnpie copies cf the- Pap fr ee 10 assy asidrese THiE Younijss CosîcAiîON, Boston, Mass. - lIf-a-dollar Wetl Spent. If 1 t e net your habit to buy an ilus- trated hbok forcynur famlly's Christmas reading, irc tLe experiment. "ToRorîrr SATURDAY Nsosrr'S CîReuSTIsAS," siXt pages, full of steries ansi piclures, 'ci latecest evervone andi wideu tise vision of ail as Conadians Four picinres suitable for framtug, oua of chicis- "Raphaei's Moîber ansi Chisl-is aun exact reproduction of tise costliest ansi Lest pictures in tLe corîsi, No wviere aise eau you zel tisamne value! Pive' dollars' wortis of tiseLest art sud liter- ature for 50 cesnts Gel it fcem r'ou -newsdeaier, or from Tise iieppard' Publisising Company, LtmitedToronto M.A. James le Govaernaientis of Marriage Licenses. EMULSION O11? There are SCOTT'S? of Cod Liver others ; why The good one is SCOTT'S. It's nearly 3o years oid; it is used by intelligent people ail rv the worid; and approved by physicians ail over the world. When anyone says "Emul- s10f of Cod Liver Oil," he means SCOTT'S. No other is farnous. SCOTT'S EMULS ION is made in a certain way; of certain things; it keeps; it is always alike ; it does what it does. The others-nobody knows what they are or do. There wouldn't be any others but for the goodness of SCOTT'S- there wouidn't be any counter- feit money but for the true. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other.' If Yeu have not tried it, seisd for free sample, its, agceeable teste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheniisis, Toronto. 5oe. and $i .00; ail druggists. nie reprment, ' raclical1-oulîcv -, in the Canadien ouîm Rview. Other departmenin lu ie papes- are, 'I'uîke;'s Duclie asd Coese,' -Bintam, Poui'ry Ailmonts," icbeosasîd Breeriers," andi "Wîthis îcie Sýain " Tise Editor saýi hwiliL e b; Liggemani Ltes-tisais ever. Tlîie uril e i luils 22c)d s-ecs', tiwell Llitrlcfuilicf praettcal kuccledg-e -lîeiv exîîî'Lîs. Yearli, suriblors 5 c ,iiî%e ears fisc$1.00. A iample will LemoisIfri-Le Ly erdres îîsg Canadian PuîyReview, Tocosito, Ont. , ise LI!TingÂg for 1901. Duîiuglthe1 ififix - seven vue cýz"f is existenîce ile sterling weekly ie -zie lcesti'clcilv Imsistairned ils h tlisandird. Il isal thorougisly stsatc cmpilationeof the o t cdvaluehle ite Urature cf îLe dec, ansd as suds is uiailed.As period- ie-als cf aIl sorts cîtiseto iulîsplv, this magazine conthiinuest ere'c ase lun value; and it hueccîne a ueýcesstc 10 tise Amurican seadeir B; ils aid aiîîîe Le eau, vittisan c o f lime, lahor andi money chrîeimcpîacticeble, lzeýýL beut-t w0iithtie IJtererv ains scpen(i rocss tý if tiage, and wîtls1 tise wcck rtise ebleet living îrs- Il ltis e most co!imiheie. iire cf iaga zines, and itis prospectuGs foc 1901,w'iics appears luisn is coiuînîî, is wecli Worîitiste attenlilio f ail sv'ho aie. selcîig t'i ceriîsginctai- foc îLe 1 nem,' estm. 'lie L-ing Âge Ccîonpan., iBcetou. are tise pu'îllers. lise offert' to new publisisce i, inviting. OHAIRMAN -TiH LREPLIES To the Eli'tor of Useîftaeas K îsdiy Peraîtmet, t cc-y te a roîssblitig sîaeeueuî çf Townus acconais river tLe signature cf Mr f. Bond-n. Tise latter as publîsised 1intise Stans- mn uthia week is avrybs-imixture cf figures aud faîte statemseutai5 rtra btegîiiuig t e nd. Tise firitt item é sliîth tise astI- mae rs sRi-ad-, iîsrpt8rLeis for-tise yca' 1899 M.. ' îuaysthaitisae diaroî o U3- 1 îsi taxpea. tec-iy t-h un sud Ir Bîsden's oscu publiebrul hicau1eci -"'tti aânt for the veaf 1899 sali prve iss. If Mr, Bar- den ciii tura, tuspae.- 12 u n tise abova s etemaut holiattllfi u char tise total orditiary expeuditure on RondIs sud Streeas fur tLa year 1899 wa,, $3463 61 ansd ni $5,325, Mcr. Bardea Beys $1129 00 of tise sheve 'uas carcried te local sesprovernenn qccourtt 0 page 12ioftise Treasumer's fineoicial u'sîemiar-Ar. Borden wîll fisc $732-52 cas te L-ncal Impu-evemeut Acet. Tise $1129 00 'Ir. Burdea bas got niixrd ln, f for Cernent Wuiks laid Jasi year aud camna iuoder the- Local Iunprovement By.law tb pave- ment accouai aud payobýle by debeus tarsunder tise frunagetax aystéem aud Las nrig s-haever te dc witistise ordiroary Rriads îsud Strusetseastimqne for 1899. Mr. Burden Lays tisat $732 was for thse "gutari pipeý" a taraha, applisa te tise ter iBysten. Tise amount expended tise extensi 'on of tise watar systeni wap $761 02 ansd la part ofth isF're sud MWaîer oesnmtee's expouditure sud bast noîisiung te do with ihx R' radsand Streets estimaIs. Mm. Barden will find ibis Item lu. bis owu Publlabed stateuseut lasi year on page 5 under the isesu cf tire sud watar. Mr, Brîrdleatissa stalas tisat tisera la aiili $3463,31 te be accoutsted for sud scaustu k'ow whs libas beau dons wh tisa meaey. NwMr. Editor, 1l issu lardiy oradit Vir. flardan wiis belng serioun u aàkuug tise above qustion. 1 wuid not lilte to say tisi Mr, Bardais bas lest bs reason. Lui thera isauîmethlusz r&adcally wrousg wiseu hae ak8 suais an abar'rd question, as vise a boya amounn la tise tutal ordinary expauditure on Rosdsaurd Streets forj 1899 sud avery Item uo! ad expendi. tala ha publishise u4r. Bnrdr-n'i ewn fleianclaýl statemeni on pages 9, 10, Il a d 12 sud have îbasa s udited audj certfied ulte ao correct by tise lewi audioîrs. Mr. Biarden Inciser weâa tisai tisera wss no lumber bogisi, 'ne steue paîd for, noe bridgea buili. For Mi-. Burden'e osa hinformastion, I scoulfi refer biai agahîs te Lis Cow publlsh(-d alatemeul rie cacas 9, 10, Il sud 12 for tise ynar 1899. Hg wîlî fi,-d accoisuts pald dO-lan & Clo. forj lumber for sidewahkesioe, of $1432ý 40 Oui page 10 oet ad Biaisaient ho scill ied su acceui paid Bear & Ci. ff r a bridge ou King St. oasi of $193.24. Tise balance of axpeusdlîare on Roada aud S"-seie forr 1899 haoscîll fin'i on pages 9, 10, Il an 12 cf tie Treabur- er'B atatemnent and inalades atone crushiag. gravel for roads, aIl sidewalk Ishor and aIl ordiusary rosd work for bise aboya year, M,. Burden éava tisai thlis 11gb Scisinl esitýas Ffer 1899 ws $2137. Expended $1160 Now Mr. Burden surely dousc iriik iseean muake sus inîtlgent uL labelseve that -Lare scas ousiy $1160 esipeuded in tise Rigis Scoeol duruu ise ýfcyear 1899. I sit siunply refar Mr. Burden - or any ratepayer te the Towna Andîioris ce sort cf tise Hïitsiieo, cere us -v wil finul tisa total expeuditare for 1899 was $463] 71, 0f hi amount tise town nishare wss $2137 7'1\nd waB provdud 'OrF4 U jTn 0 01 UC Urttiig thae Eeo' tcï'- I cili enscer tis a lan ceocf Mr Burdan'a latter at tise propar lIme aUd pi-ce. Mr. Btirden cannot hood- cink au intelligent public hy eny sncb cl-,ýp irap as contaii-sd la Lis lattear te i-ha Siate2man, Tise tatter la tise ont- c mes cf Mr. Burden loBing tisa pc-'îiln cf TowiTri-saurer scuiis çaa comiînesi cAtis the Cleikaslp, iu tise Intereet cf Lhe tau. I sciis te state that aitisae rý-üS est nf,-lazes Bomber cf rotep>ly I ro .1 wil inletishe ,ls fe. tise cifiCi- ofMayor for 1901 snd eau, assure tisa atepayeme tisat thea cite of tax-,tioui, not ha, ary highec duing tILycarf 901 tis-su fla fcr tise year 19001, nealy 19 nlm, auj reapec'frsliy ,nltoit tisa s ,p rort nf!Pii tni -siv.rc &zzi5s who hava tisa are nf tise Tiwns et heartý Raapec'fuliy yonrs, JOHN B. IITCEIEL, FOR OVLR PtrizVElais, tatrs.W inýowI SGoiluiestyrup lbas blent useesi O mnilios of Mo, '-h i citdruiiwhite teoibji g. a iS id t-1-t.nd broken et Ycniroi ttbOya n.nili-aing andl ciyiiigi w 'il "h' Pli Oc -i - ci AtOnce etîl gtat eh t-le of 'r.win -10jw-r' Sotlii g SyrLp1 t )r C-rIidreei Tetitr-g It %scil iive ris' p rj Lt- eel-r lt kupii con itmlersO requlatestise Irs ndîsrobu ' , c- 'nGici Colle, -rfteI]î tuc g umredoc--,1 1lciinmains an-d eivns t-iea t-id o lergy ttiowý'sle system. Sirg. isioaiî' Sot-insug Syrtnp toc chilifie teebuig l eleexi t tie l taaid l tise pie- se-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u biiief oeo ueoîet c at lemis Ssu-a' So-tilng SYrnîn SOPTI H ONTARIl1O. ln 186' T. N, Cibbýs, Conservative, elected hV 69 majority., and in 1872 by 93 'uaj 'civ. lui 187-IFloun. M. Cameron, Libel-al. eleeted 'oy 151 majoritv, Bye eijecLion, Mr Gibbs, "'ouservaLive, eiccted by Si in s ja.rit v. inl 1878 F. W. GI on, Liberal, eleýcteil bY 2A6 rnajc'ity and 1882 bv 50 mai ýrity. In 1887 W. Smith, Conservative, eleted b, t87 ruajr ity. In 1891. J 1. Daeidson, Lilserai, elect- ed hv 33 1m4jority. Ile was uuv.eatedl and lu 1892 %Vm Smith, Conservativc. wa.s elected by 161 mii sOiet. ln 1896 Leonard t3urneot, Libetill, was elected be' 144 majority ovoýr W, Smith, Couaervative. ln 1900 Wm. Roi's, Liberal, was elec!e 1 by 98 majerity oý'er ýWilliam ,Smith, Conservative. Tie Twentieth century number of The Canadian Leather Journal is very artistieally gotten up-weil printed and very suggestive te ail interested ln the boot and shoe trade. Tisat last lhundry 1 patronized in the worst I've triecl yet, remarked Hlampson to bis pext-door neighbor. 1 sent 'erm six collera, and ail I got biak was the biittoisholes. Smith-After trying for teD long years 1 have at lest succeeded in con- vincing niy wife that 1 arn per- Jobsin-Are yon sure of it? Smith-.Of course I ams. It was only this inooning that she saild I was a perf ect idiot. P IfU L à Fatal One of thse mosi commc 1 syrnptemrs o! kidney disease is thse smarting, scald- Ing sensation when passing water, which ia likely te corne very frequentiy and at Incorivenient times. Tis-ru ihere ls thse duli, heavy aching in the smai of thse back and down the limbs. When these pains are accompanied by deposits ln thse urine after It ha% stood for iweniy-four boucs, yen may be surre that you are a victim of kidntY dis- esse, and slseuld net loge a single îlay ln securing the n osld's greatesr kidney cure-Dr. Chase's Kidney-Llver Pills. Don't imagine thet Yuu are experi- menting when you use Dr. Chase's Kild-' ney-IAver Pills. They 'are almoat as well known as bis greai l2ecipe Book, have made soine of the most surprising cures of kidney disease on record, and have corne to e ho onsldered thse ooly absolute cure for kldney diseese. Ask youc neighbocs, about ihem. Neacly evecybody can tell ef seme remarkable eure by thair use. Oue pill a dose; 25 cents a box, at ail dealers', oc Eciman- son, Bates & Ce., Toronto, Cook'u Cotton PRoct Compound. Iasuuocessfuliy used monthtlyover -,10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask ourduggsl~r CokaCalce edGo. ced. Takenootheras ail Mxturteso, pille and Mitaions are dangecous. Pr!e, No. 1, $1 per box * No. 2, 10 degrees s tronger, $3 per box. No. , or 2, maited en recelpi nf pries and two -cent staa The Cook Compay Windsor, Ont. elNeo5. i aud 2 soid ana reeommended by all responsible Druggists in CJanada. Nos. 1 and 2sold in Bowmnanviile b r Itrqi Jr- BOLIAR &- SO, , ru-c & JuRv; Oronseby J. li FILLAN; Newcastle by DR. KÂRNooee<B,. heaIthy anid nattîrai aleep.uCastoria le theculdren's Panacca-Tîse Mother's Fricnd. Caistoria. Castoria. Custoula le ei' excelent mns citise * "custoria 5e se ceit adaptedl to cildren chilclren o. tisers buaveirpeaicdiy tt-id ie that 1 recnmmend il as superier tbauy pre- of lis gn-id eSedct pen tiseti ciiidri" scription ktîown toe mer DR. -G. C. Osuor_, oM. 1 Ms A. Aacuaa, M. 'D. B-oklsz N THE FC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0OF APPEAR ON EVERY WRAPPE-R-I, j %ÂCjC,¶,N 7MRfAoacTÀ-WTPa0f We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-ýfIrst-c1ass goods at very small nrices, Ouy carry a good assorîmnn of Ladies' Oxford,coiored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan 'î3ms, sewed and rivitted, frorn $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 io 93.50. Children's Button and ilms 25c, 50c, 75ýe, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We wiIl tell you what, the stock is ia each and'every pi. Tht3 reasonwe do tbat is because we know, Latest Spring il ow i a stock in -every flue. The publie is invited to inspect no ak;f trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Tri-,~~ g,~Yees Shawl Strap, fancý and Plain; Dres:5ing, th,- î~ Oa bought. Che,-p îrash dressing is dear, it will mu; t x ed to. 1 Repairing donc in ail its branches in first-clas., Y F~ ,r made to order, sure lit or no sale. Thanking mu.' ~r~ ls favors and hoping for a con tinuance of the Lame, Beaver Block, Bowmanvilie. e 1. Hampton GeneraI Store, We "H1old a vaster otock than has been," mnd are as usuaI prepared to give bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Grocerles and Hardwaàre. Gents' Clothin.g, Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00i. Good Serge Suits to order $.0 We have a very large and well assorted stocI te, select fromn, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, 1)oth Foreign and Domestie mianufacture We are bound to SUIT ý ou. Uroceries and Hardware. In our Grocer «v and Hardware Departiments you will flnd our stocýk weiI assort2d, bougltitn; the best markets at the closest prices, a]d will be soid at the riglit price. Some people want quantity others q-uality, we cani please both. Highest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a cai. HIAMPTON. The pain, nausea and dis-! tress that Dyspeptics sufferý after every meal can ail bc permanently removed by Bur- dock Blood Bittei-s. It tones Up atd restores the stomach to normai condition so that it digests food without causing discomfort. Here's proof positive: Miss Maggle Splude, Paîhousie, N.B., wrote tise foliowiug: 1 have basa a sufferer !com Liver Comptaint sud Dys-1 pepsia for the pest two yeac sud fait very misarable. I coulsi not takea mueS food as it hurt aie toeaet. My'frîidb saisi, ' WLy don't you try B,B.B.' I did se, nsiag two bottles, whilibmad ui complota cure that I can now eut any j tbiîîg I1k. sitheut it causing me diseoni- fort." up and Inioatdb Mr. P. W. Maera, Kîng F;St.E, lcis Ont., sayat - Isîsffcerd frfv ~~ suis palpitation, shocinees ofbr L leeplassnesa ss ad parinlu Leheai- e tusse box o! MilLnciis's ecici iNa Pilla eomptetily cmveiaiiss ds tressia1GY sympiome'. I hla-v-e n fea sines tkhg thstm, ns n c iep el ansi feel stronig ani 'rioou MilLuma )s lHeuai sudNsnii-Pilla ur vIh diseases arisiu)g ron mwsk hut wont out nerve tiasue's, ( e yblool, three mocnths at a stretch lie w as comnpeiied to remain idie. 13eing induced to give Dr. Hall's Rheu- ïmiati Cure a trial, lie is now very *#ankfuI he did so, I3,efore the contents of one bottie bad lcntaken tha pains disappeara;e, îd was abie s" resune Lbi i crk. !cÏ to 1koni ne tottie cf îLthenia clure aud "one )OX ofpi',but exealhat srnall1, quwntity comapletul y c ured E. ile lias noût been troubled M, ie ~i sicand le now as strong and Ji. rltY as ver. Dr. Eall's Rheuinatic Cure is mit uip in ,ent botties, containhîiz ten 6 î,b' îun se ale by al ang &a'ô"1qt'- il merlicine. ThefDr. HE Mediciie L., li. bitOU. Ont. é,l A UIýCK CURE FO R w COUG'ýHS AND COLDS'% Very valuable Rernedy in aU l 9! affections of the -'THR2A or LUNS w LreBottles, 25c. DAI AREYEC.,Liýtd The old rlai eyfr S'M"h,ligu, wihout a ble.1î because it doe rot bikîer. Not l'atý- lgeu, Ou., Feb. 10, '9s. - Dr. B.J. Kad.1 C. I huecerd Cub t furyen' l-dir -mpp!y!og Kuile iee.mby. tlug iLonyocdl ou u,1 i l b ~oe Saru ur. uCou.. -o oseB vli- i Le frceCf4', regs ' 'addvr~ J. UNDT, he ENetaor thU TLL Dire -oest mauifrest DY ftise id of is D. & L. Emnision, 1 baveu i- e for o,,er a year, and have gained uoslder- ably In welght. T. H. WINGHAM, C.E., Monrea. e0c. and *1 per 8ottie DAW3 e& LAWRENCE CO., llmted,. LOIREL inhe ltî Doni't neglci tisai persi-tent hackiîsg ceags Cily)-u Iid yoorseif ius tie cluicis o! Cosoption. ia u n easy malter t0 stop et aoýw by laking DR. OODS NRWRY PNESYRUP. Tiis piesau t cemedy ieêseansd soothes tise longs ansi Sconchiai tubes, snd cames lingering- sud cisonie congisa scieiste remedies l. Mr. W. P. Causn, writing froni Mopeth, Ont., says t:Ilhenesty believe 1 woald bave died of Consmton ny for Dr. Wood's Nocway Pine yrup. 1 have used i for yeams ansi cousider i isueoseequal for severe colds and tlsoat troubles." M MenwhesgiVeS is Clilidrienhabits of lnudsty poidsfor iheai LtterJ tissu by giving thsul a fortune.-j Whtali. Castoria le for Infante and Clildren. Castoria Ls a harîtîless a cbsttute for Castor 0!.,, Paregorie,Drp and Soothingsg- rupe. 14 contume neither Opiu, Morphine nor other Nroi substance, It je Pleasant. 14e guaraite is thirty years' iuse by Millions of

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