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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1900, p. 2

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3MiI EWA LUTTRELL ~RTJS. Ineructingveîîi lu PA INTING hut Waie, Colot ani ina. Skeîchinlg Ral 4alîIj,g ibm nture. ItILN on p enlîse., tir i nIp(r - - s L, im . DR. d. C. M*,ITJCHELL, T~IEMIERO COl~EEOFIPHYSICIANS mLPÂr;d Stg on Ontrîo,Coroner, ete, Reiec.Euusil 74 .A. i,. -MIcLA 1, ,3 ILIN, Bartaer Slfcior ndCove mnir.Offce:- LClickIey BlcKiîîg ietreLt otnui ____ Monaýy te oan at~tuberaites. 48Ulr, Rev DrTamag Spas oftheErt Maln in the Palace. A despatch fmrm Wasbîngton says: Rev. Dr. Talmage, preached from the f ollowing text :-"A.ad' when be eaw the wagcgons wbich Josephi had sent te carry bim, the spirit of Jacob, their lathar, revived,"-Genemis xlv. 27. The Egyptan capital was the focas 1 remark, again, that, like thase that came from the Egyptian palace, 'Hie, Kiug's waggons bring ua goitd newrs. Jarob had not heard from bis boy for a great many years. Re never thought of him but with n hieart-acbe. There trac in Jacob's WHA.,T COUa AMERICAN COUS-INSTrNC( The HGHLADS 0!f' OiT ARIOta0. la jrg-,e lý uue ou itLt [rom theU1rili ted Stu tes ti-at maec way up into tiiet beau loical egt reached by the Grand Trurik RLw ~nui./tetor pi î vr and cure -,tud knoWn as 4fbe HIhL îd biliousness, sick beadaclie, Jaundice, (),tario" bias brought a cO)fl'4aiîtsreA nausea, indg lton, etc. Tbey are in- of letters ho the general ofcsi valuable topren a ccold or break up a Moi.treal, ciace hi e tüurJiot seas,; fever. MiId, gentie, certaini, tliey are wortliy clîîsed, ail of whieb speak in words, Yonircofdne Pureýly 'regetable, they praise of the magnificetît countrý thit0 can lie tdnlycalde rgelicate women. Canada possesses, arnd wWche is becom- Prc, gca il mriciwne denlrs or bymal i ifg No well known to the trax'e'linîî Of C. 1. IFOOD & C,),, Lowe, Mass. puib'il tbrougli the, efforts of tint GralIII 1 Iuf in adverti'oiiig the5e northcî'î ~ dVtricts bv mnealas ot a generoîlts di-' twelv o'clockto sc ifthey weretribu-ting of literahure, ard the del twovu i) f tey0fer l rg htrahcerouio O ' r,,, f le as 'e""~WS0-nau~O-' nr Neo medic4l ,dlscGVery for yers bas zpr-ed n ncsfla r Goîher's alet tettcd t'a ine.it l theouficomieof yer iexperitîuebit italize (Ie hystOlil.equaliU icua rrguedas n hpuody ccd prenncure for Vreul stricticre, witlîouh use cf knife or lusof tume; it abso)rbs --e wormy coudiilon, alec te atrictnre, stops the smart-lugeotîsïiatIon, unuatnral dîfo"lîarge, thereby sireugthoning the parts as weli as, 1the liack, and sestorcs lest pov, crs. Biood Poison readily yieI-s to its influence; it thoroughly eradicates the poison frori t i f yte;aI3on Lave acre Ibroat. patches on Longue or mu ii sollen glands, huir falling ont blotches on body, itching rf ,or olîer aigus of ths awful dis - c-,.sn, u will fltîd Che Lîadtrost71ethod Treatment wPi. cure y'ou W witliout Morcury or Potassium. Facts Fo-raIn-s LDr. Godbrha 1Diplomas, Cert f,,fltaadIicnebc ýore' -a sfnc na- *ae>. a e is sav-noao id a'-me"io j", ' C-. ".-.' ...." ' . . a.....a Ildu ve' a t a îaNail1axftp foi iiteeat ht1v[htewaggons that brou.gbe thW-tut- mo etter, aifeILedJto Mr. VW' i ahW21WOWR V AT UK~laiewsiuhi- iibr cook, and LuIlrouIlg)h the lane, an'd' U uP eîniral passlger agent, she Bal-, Ram md Ci f Otal tBonal aîîtile. 34- cou'ld 'est p~nnthe eye, and charta ings. Our jo&ep-jesus-sens US lu the front of t ho old farhibosa; "We followed the dillections îo ae9DTOT I the ear, and gratify the taste. There a maessagel of pa.r,-on, of life, of hua- ind honw 5udsa nlaig'u îî'î h uietp u tk- '~/I"RRIAE LIENSES-M. wer tempes aama itb rd aad- 'ien; ern or or hanar, aim.nt th enos trde opn wibout, wer gisen hnor, nd te moit cort _______trip.__Our______________ JAs, iier ui Mrtiage Liceuseas. stone, entered by gatnawaye that were ! 5r . te coswh na cous attention was shown to us ailît_ - ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~I for 1u' .,enir.n ,&eah-Jesu.s...s '5' "' 'e'a. te ',' a'-'~ir" . r" "--" o " . y, ' t Sa e- 'I n an ~ .tP-'~ -~ e 'a bee. Bekntok on the firstl ~~~o-.--e"s eýive îsot nm-a h~e.~all th res oJ diys. 'sagn-thd ng n -in lf thoutsije '} go and the c-ls w'i eept.wthiyi. n the wmnds rigtîed for the dread. lu i y bcyhood, for sn" mte liard Iit;î' miles trâm oturca, -ad on- sto;rmi,y days the ohidreun stayed et tambu' tathe3r aiid ràother' aiway'u to clinnrcli. 'fat was a habit d. On th,-senstrn'miy Sabathis ,iuayed caftt hm, the abscence s seem e-t very munitpro- roads were very lied, -,et get on vnry fast, '-o' the win'dow atI nu- lie tctw;: -à plsaga. 0of the Jreda, "ihr1 ni slepin etns"WE'LL TAK' A' CLIPO' KINDNESS." trili &âd bii,7g 1.hBn. was reading a diay ti' l ao ~Tiîatî '1omets's Minds, Iïke Xiter U-a fN iý rinaliea o. M a sshift an(] tam an' a' that, 1 'lun Tflov, tif Scandai1. 'Ten, and hiends- b" wrcl. BeA îhraY'Mr I cLfntMill. [tan a' that rhser yod, tho.se '1'nre t tod. 3 il t'î wa' wi' Fîreign Tisas, LI ours Lu sdiî- on ti i 'n urund'-d by loved unea, " CattheY,' with ne, Dion tri'Japs4n an xa' hta tyiay heur die gltit. Cwn'Ct. Jub:lanti Cen bfu tGreen 1'oa thelv ]oc' the beet, a.-Lnut,oment; heI Kng' sag- And wba' a Crime daur ca' that? groas are cumning. liirk!I heur Foy it'S th"' te&, ahimon the, lave, tbam n.atm Are tGeY c.omi-ng for me Thes dearlv bee' an' a' that- or yoaBDue illI)hona d Salada, too, Anti hraw Monsooa. att'a' that- Pa~-&îlerogr aI srtsor uta Bet.ueNou Mt,'twiis yo aia), me, braises, burns &jad strains. Taken in- -latnat. t'îe Liais thesv dra' at, tel-lally it ceti.s îarrboea andi dy- Forst ne the fi' '4 are Ilritia'h cas, sentery. Atoîid atýitiUes, tnere je 'Vhmv loe* theïn weeI, an'&a that1 tutonePai-i~llei5esy avi'. 6LThyough sotne m*tt prate o' ither teas, and 50c. Aui' flatunt JapA'n, an',a' that- The Laesues say t Il i lIae' tnoir way, WFDI~llB IoaS.Ait' tririk Ce% Inn f r a' that Fon a' thât. an' a'tihat- BERY.- ~A wa' J Apan aul' a'tha t- 0X, ~The lonitui teris thev lo(-'tbe hest nAra' EimPire G riown, an' a' that e'tty honie fdis'wsqity in ar)e.tri~si,,[o air -I aItih"-reldnc c;tr -J Il('anadiaik cîrrîc"pîînaieî', "tîit ap ,be- 'tar! lion3. Ian Wtednec.V gici to îr f,'nbs lian grahe-fulla )-0 ,yeu bis îiîce-tauiiier coivad amdiimeodiately atloptpd by- '[f4 L. 0he bride-_ ___ a Pirnmiabrown kîn lo a ho i ucts spîeîtt a - ,rx eprettiand lunie- 'avishes foillcw the' app> married hf e Orown hi' Cuticura. ,..AUGHIN. 'Musera. F. NsWsttis8z t aancestral bomîn of cut front ber ownubond and u, T'\ one. ta as the luruîicng it pruvcionato z nm1otIoU on X'îed- alit uci ul lsandwa 'ioan (if Iiieldest dyIm af 1irIaaf nties wfidn,-came ontti n nefuis, le uities wediiîg'sncban, extrait ltai ahe fear- 'four bei't younig ed smie wooîd sTan ljose it. 'ýrY.Sprinufbrook rdite attribut ai ber tangnifi- . 3p m. tbe marri- qnenîit aapooe cftb CUI. ,v the pastor, 1-ev. CURA Sea',f, o cd by ,nehed by bis chie itghtdceaaingsoufCUTuii'ttAn Chapmian. The gul utit haao MiaannEM 'ýfzc,V relt appu-arailce LIld tThnaied with apporter wlts Mr. Oshawa, brother ',a'd sornie rinety ~I RELIASLE fi elous dinier Ï111 VMW A 'IN . .. IE ail. A PleRsaitt I ndAlie hap- 1LInevery locai5v hrougit Canada ho iutrodtice î' vîigttaP uir gonds, taelîIî g nia eh wcecarde one tracs, dcl viirot wre nfenees, albtg ruafis aad %att ctiooos laa'es, alec aitetnibaiseg snatl adIs'rtisiaig nut5ter. noticabe mour ,nîntssfoOr salary ',ù0) per muîath andi ~et f fus ~ expenses tocIt oexi Ted el.5t ipor day. Steady of frs ad teaipiunmunît to giicd, liçnuoet, rellabiei eaiN ints in money. experierioe efîiful. Write lot' fuliliarttcuIars. the bride ta', ai Empire Medicine Co., London, Ont. .rny ~'dland reoomeuded hy ail 4ats lu Canada. OnIyreý', 'dicitie discoeeredî .ess, ail ee'lects ofie buse rv, ]Excessi'vetuse cf To- 'liante. Mailed iiou-,,'"iPt i ,six, $5.One wiffleeie, 3 frecta o7eyadare " MPRUy, MWluescr,, a Id lu Bowaa-afle y a t Sua; OIîleby s petualets to al My aelictoil tellow tuen." CURELS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDE'- PL. 'Tim, vices of emrly boyhocdl laid the focndation of rncy rnn I.tqr"'o n ay 111e" a, d expoqûre tCc lobad di- Syphilis, rm tssi, cI lied aIl the s>mjto 1 hoit &Il the aymLtoms of, Naavo~ )eeîot-wunken eyes, emisetons, drain latne, Mlon, oepains, u1roeain moutli andi on cIe, ure b'c.,hro n uraetc. t,'iuk Go i tried Dra. Reuredy &U]ergan. 'ihey restored nie teuhelth, vigor aud lhappies." CHAS. POWEItO. [V. tréiat and civre VaricoceL, Emissions, Ne, rou.e Debility, -eminai Weakness, G/cet, Sirikti4re, Sy h/r naua JssreSlf Abu.e, Kidney and b'%adder Discases._____ 17 VEARS IN DETIROITr. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. A.yn a virtim? Hlave yen lost hope? Are yen cont;mplatlng'!Mar. RE.ADER riage Hla your Bloodhblendieaed? TIare yoo u weans Our New Hlc T7t0etcu ueyu,. "but.it a% cloue for otlîers iItc11do for cu, CONSULTATION MSE. NO mxtter 'Who hîe treeit(d you, wrrte for anhonestcuriDicntFreo,, of Clî:îrge. (lvîrgt'a revssînlb1. BOCKS FREE - "The Golden Moiàtor" cilsrtdon P Diseess o! M n closo'postage, Iceats q eEaied. sayN0 NAM S -9unEýD' wiTHô:ýUT -sA RITTEN CONSENTr. PRI- V No rnfdi [nra s nt C. 0. Li N a pietoare Ix ci r-, ýýi es. Fvir.Quasi ony esan c ora f rý t ic t, RtE th c fcin fia nn. bx iîTla a ti nnthduo e I fthe lino. elltof1rCto th oxnDr ci fra 1ynîIî Contera,1 D a I chargos paid. 28evl, 1-t sysx26 orno L pinslain10acents -on a d I sndte i.. ýI hý, .t- ntmnî&a,, WnlyCn.Sa Y..r nadieatorales.arges pelp.eenDl Ye a rlTnoWsbbaabnt hen lPao. 'ltnn, u -t' tîntmn cý ~~~~J COGSpAN.COLmitationle ~~~~~ý Ler'-vli,_eRered ina affections of the ýLHROAT or LUNGS Large Bottles, 25c. <$DAVIS & TA WRENCa (E CO., im, Von 'lie SOLI dtc n e ein lPnait.2' Mt. Th'-rcPuts'alae fini tedia ,îald î neeiprattiîy nro 1d d nt eîy eacted, tirc e a set 'bey are s "lpeiiiind en 0 Send ust h!lo ad eme tnta iw %vi! torarni t Pan.,1 i, te, retun e io tney. adiblo beayuts' -' fulSolinitd.flTi^ n _u Ito ity relier,aian'l. ai, oîtteiy f-,e. EposinoloNo tveîty Ile Don.. ,26, Toro'oi, <tata,'. ' 771-1JIl. /otni (,F- b-'ýi' aiou trgh DichË&dtr M,-u are ' and ie 'uloet, sie abiy l celit Tl, M.-î-îNGHA1V, CB., Menîr ! IL ma $1or ott Frons PVrom Stae. ottI. Il' Lifax fNuiian ................Nv. 28 ......1Direct C i 7rtîiacn ..........Dcc. 1 .... Direct Totfn.................... ec. 3 6 .Dec. i7 N oilct.. ......... ... 13 t 2 ..... Diect 1 Culant5alan .. ........ n.... J n Il RATES OF PiASSAGË1 IFir-st cahie. 10aîtd upward 'l -n $10 Prd tivards.ScîtCabin*;, ti. ei$0 iThird Class S5 m 2.0 For tickets and W. A.nor,;tt 'Al..n m..eAgetît. Bewm'î,tî. 4

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